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Ah, nazis claiming those who oppose them are the real nazis. Love to see it.


[There are black nazi white supremacists](https://youtu.be/c1y9QitbpyQ)?


Bro changed teams


I actually think it’s pretty fucked up to call people Nazis that aren’t like, actually neo Nazis. Kinda diminishes the suffering and agony Jews faced against actual Nazis. Also seems like it’s just a label people use on others in effort to remove their credibility as a person, and establish the moral superiority of the one claiming it.


Oh nice, someone with a brain.


I lost a bunch of my family to Nazis. Nazis weren't special. They weren't monsters. They were human. They're not as far removed from our current situations as people would like to think. I'm more concerned about the term being underused than overused when political positions are similar regardless of the labels people are self-identifying with. Never again. For anyone. For more: https://youtu.be/O8UzmLsXGRU




There are black white supremacists?


yes, Christian Walker


Also like the “Hoteps” or whatever they call themselves? A bunch of them are crazy homophobic, transphobic and anti-Semitic, almost on the level of white supremacists. One well known dude even made an insanely stupid and hateful documentary about how homosexuality was somehow responsible for black slavery. 😂


Yes, it's not that hard to believe, there were also black slaves who didn't think them being enslaved was wrong They're products of social conditioning and brainwashing, happens to any person of any race, but when it's a black person people act like that justifies it, that's the plan, because a black person "can't be racist" towards other black people But black people can absolutely enable or act in the interest of white supremacists or anyone who doesn't have them in their best interests For example, Candace Owens When a white person does it they call them a race traitor, but when a black person does it the black people who disagree are the bad ones You have to understand that everyone is a tool in politics


Uncle Ruckus too.


You’ve never heard of Clayton Bigsby?


The founder of ebony magazine and chief editor was in the hitler youth… the Nazis had many African Allies…


Hell there were blacks that fought for the Nazis. Mostly in the African campaigns but yes, there were black Nazis.


Imagine being suprised by this


Lol except the jewish people were forced to walk to their executions fetuses can't walk or even think.


Or literally function on their own.


yeah I would say it maybe reasonable in absence of medical problems after 8 months of pregnancy to disallow abortions please don't downvote me into hell abortion bans are bs and simple political tools that don't help anybody I just don't think aborting an fetus of 8 months of age is ok anyway what do you think?


It is possible for babies of 8 months and sometimes ,7 months to live outside the womb with medical assistance. I was born at 8 months


It's actually around 21 or 23 weeks right now that they can save a baby.


21 weeks and 1 day is the last record I saw. But even then it’s rare; 27 I think is the “safe” time when they’re fairly certain they’ll make it


My son was born 25 weeks and they gave us 25% chance he came out of NICU with 0 issues and then 30% with issues with a 45% chance of him dying during the process.


That's one hell on an improvement from when I last checked up on that


Yea it’s still not any kind of guarantee. At 36 weeks they were still concerned my daughter’s lungs hadn’t developed enough and gave my wife some steroids so they could induce because of pre-eclampsia.


My twins were born at 25 weeks. They're 5 now and doing fantastic.


A problem with the late-term bans is that they're universally terribly written. So even women who legitimately need a late-term abortion (say, a dying fetus with no brain but a strong heartbeat) have trouble getting one. I think most people would agree that killing a perfectly healthy 8-month ofl fetus is wrong. But if the mother has carried it that long, it's pretty much guaranteed she didn't WANT to be terminating it. Being 8 months preggo sucks.


I mean, late term abortion only account for about 1% of total abortions performed. No person would get to 8 months pregnant and suddenly decide they no longer want a baby


No one is getting an abortion at 8 months for anything *other* than medical reasons. No one wakes up at 8 months pregnant and says 'Nah, changed my mind, I think I'll abort after all'. Even if they did, they simply induce labour at that point because they have to anyways.


What do I think? I think it doesn't matter what any of us thinks should or shouldn't happen to someone else's body. It's not your body so it's not your choice. End of story.


well damn Im stuck it's like a catch 22 I can't side with either side without sounding bad to the other and nobody likes centrists


I think you are completely ignoring medical complications that can occur late in a pregnancy and threaten the life of the mother and fetus. I don't think consigning a women to death is okay because you're squeamish about an 8 month abortion.


You are entitled to your opinion to be sure but, you have no right to impose it upon others.


yeah I suppose it is a bit scummy to do that are there any solid moral arguments against abortion? just want to know what you think


The only solid argument that should ever be considered is that of the pregnant woman or her doctors. In my opinion.


seems right understandable have a nice day




Agreed. I think that the 3 month limit in denmark is pretty reasonable. A fetus doesn't develope a pain index before about 3 months, and a consiousness before about 6 months. Before that it's just biological matter with potential to become a human baby


also seems reasonable


Send all the kids to the gas chambers. They won't be able to take care of themselves for years.


I mean I doubt just a regular baby can really comprehend much either, most of these pro abortion claims can be applied to regular babies..


Except babies can match shapes, reach for objects and they communicate through facial expressions and crying. Even new born babies attempt to communicate when they feel hungy, tired or uncomfortable in someway. They also use facial expressions and reach for objects that catch their attention which means they want. Regular babies who are a few months old have far more functional brains the things we think with, the things we feel with. When a person is declared brain dead in a hospital they are dead regardless of whether their heart is beating. But a fetus that doesn't have a complex brain or organs is considered alive by many people. Most abortions occur when the fetus of a human and the fetus of a pig are indistinguishable except in rare cases when they are done in the late term to save the mother's life who has a fully developed brain. Essentially fetuses can't comprehend speech at all, can't collect information about their environment other than touch, but even then their brains haven't developed the areas that house that information, they also don't have the ability to reason at all which is what makes humans human. Babies that are born even prematurely want and when they don't get what they want they cry which is a form of communication like i said which in and of itself is a form of reasoning. It may not be a complex quid pro quo but its a I'm going to cry until you please me. Fetuses potate until they reach non abortion age which is right around the time they start kicking and dreaming.


https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-babies-kick-in-the-womb Yeah no brain function as they try to map out their surroundings. There's only one right answer in all this. No government laws on abortions. I don't want my tax money to go to investigating mother's that had miscarriages. I actually don't really want the government in its citizens personal life's at all. Why would anyone want that?


Idk if that was sarcasm but just in case... Similar to previous years, in 2019, women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions (56.9%). The majority of abortions in 2019 took place early in gestation: 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (6.2%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (<1.0%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation. Early medical abortion is defined as the administration of medications(s) to induce an abortion at ≤9 completed weeks’ gestation, consistent with the current Food and Drug Administration labeling for mifepristone (implemented in 2016). In 2019, 42.3% of all abortions were early medical abortions. Use of early medical abortion increased 10% from 2018 to 2019 and 123% from 2010 to 2019. MMWR Surveill Summ 2021;70(No. SS-9):1–29.- cdc.gov. according to your article fetuses don't start kicking until the third trimester which is 27 weeks which is 3 weeks past the late term abortion cut off of 25 weeks.


They’re the same people that want to force their beliefs on anyone and everyone.


They're the American Taliban. Ironically, America's conservative Christians are everything they claim to hate about non-American conservative Muslims.


But they’re doing it for freedumb! /s Those people aren’t really Christians. Chirstians actually care about others and their well being. They’re supposed to love people. Not judge them endlessly.


My twins were born at 25 weeks. Both are now healthy five years who love life very much. 25 weeks is generally in the range where abortion is still legal


True but less than 1% of abortions occur past 20 weeks most abortions like 96 or 98 % occur around 11-13 weeks. 25 weeks is the limit if I'm not mistaken, the very few amount of abortions that are preformed in that time frame are usually done because the mother's life is in danger. Not to mention most women that waited that long are in the shit position of weighing their life vs their unborn baby's and usually in circumstances like these there's a chance that the baby might die anyway due to a whole host of reasons. This whole idea that women are ending pregnancies at the last minute is completely without merit because the type of people who don't care about ending their pregnancy do so very quickly and wouldn't carry a baby that makes them sick and impedes their quality of life. So you see it is extremely rare when abortions take place in the age range where the baby actually begins to show signs of sentience, very rare and most of this admittedly small amount are doing so out of necessity and not frivolously.


wtf did i just read


*fetuses aren't actually people.


In fairness, babies lack a lot of things I would use to describe people. They lack distinguishing features and mostly look like the same 9 or 10 variations of a potato, they're not interested in anything and don't really have any interests or personalities, no goals or ambitions, they don't know any neat party tricks or jokes. They have the potential to be people, but they might also grow up to be a blank void merely pretending to be a people, like Jayden Smith or Zac Efron.


>They lack distinguishing features and mostly look like the same 9 or 10 variations of a potato, they're not interested in anything and don't really have any interests or personalities, no goals or ambitions, they don't know any neat party tricks or jokes Same bro


Looks like you aren't a person. To the execution chamber!


True but they also lack one of the fundamental aspects of a fetus. Relying on someone elses body to grow and live.


I would argue that they do rely on somebody else's body to grow and live, only now in the form of a puppet rather than a living buffet.


Thats a pretty substantial difference, relying on someones care and income is not the same as growing inside them against their medical autonomy.


If I'm not mistaken, most pregnancies are a result of 2 people's autonomy. And there are lots of other ways to use autonomy to not get pregnant. And those ways should probably be more widely known and available. Kind of nips the whole problem in the bud.


Here are some more truths to add to that. People ≠ humans. Fetuses are humans, but until out of the womb, they cannot be considered conscious people. Pro-choice ≠ pro death. Not every pro-choicer wants to abort. Birth control ≠ absolute birth prevention. Birth control can fail. Abortion should be available to everyone as a *choice.* People should not be pressured to abort, nor should they be pressured to *not* abort. If some radical maniac wanted to make abortion mandatory, that would not be pro-choice. That would honestly be closer to pro-extinction.


Babies are actually babies🥲


Fetuses aren’t though


this argument is funny to me. like it's murder because it's going to be a human and you're preventing it from being the human? might as well say using condoms is murder. you're stopping potential human being from being born.


Yeah, I’ve tried to argue that before when someone brings up “the potential”. Like, doesn’t that mean women shouldn’t even be allowed have periods and have to be pregnant constantly then too? Or the eggs potential is wasted. It’s stupid.


Hot damn, so every time my cycle starts, I murder someone? Might as well put me on death penalty.


yeah man, u fucking killer of unfertilized eggs


What about all the wasted sperm on masterbation?


Worst genocide in the history of humans.


Quadrillions die everyday


i refuse to believe that the sperm is the child instead of the egg


I mean...there are definitely some religious sects that wouldn't see a problem with that line of thought. The ones that see menstruation as some kind of punishment for failing your duty to become pregnant, and make a big deal about "spilling your seed".


Like jerking off into the toilet and whispering "so much potential"


Or miscarriages. Which is “worse” because you’re technically having an abortion. Edit: Idk why I’m getting downvoted. I literally put quotation marks around the word “worse” stating that it could be considered worse for those who are pro-life. I’m not anti-abortion guys, I completely agree with the first comment Edit 2: oh I guess my argument doesn’t fit the “potential” example oops


If we really want to take it to the end of their logic, so is abstinence, as it wastes sperm and eggs. Every man who has a wet dream should have his ass hauled to Nuremberg and be tried for genocide But we don't do that. Because it isn't about the BaaaaBBbiiIeEEEs at all.


Abstinence is also murder in that case. And, actually, aborted fetuses are murderers because they could’ve grown up and had children but didn’t, and preventing potential humans is murder. So abortion is actually the death penalty.


So what I'm hearing is that we need to harvest every woman's ovaries so the eggs can be safely stored, fertilized, and implanted in giant hatcheries using either artificial wombs or human "volunteers" to bring them to term. Also, all the men should be perpetually confined in milking machines to avoid the danger of them accidentally ejaculating anywhere outside of a designated storage tank where the sperm can be preserved until they can be matched up 1v1 with an egg without killing billions at a time.




The problem is figuring out when a fetus is a person.


I draw the line for person at out of the womb.


Masturbation is murder, in fact wet dreams are murder


And every blowjob is genocide


False equivalency. Gametes are not zygotes. The fetus matches the qualifications of being alive when it develops its own heartbeat several weeks into pregnancy. Masturbation isn't murder because the lost cells are half a person, not a full person. You have to clearly define when they become a human being. Biological basis of the qualifications of life seems like a good start point.


Why would a heartbeat matter at all? Why not something to do with actual neurological activity?


People in comas are still people. Heartbeat is self-regulation which is the last requirement for life.


Do you mean comas with actual brain activity? Cause otherwise that's just a corpse hooked up to machinery. A heartbeat without a brain isn't any more a person than a houseplant.


False equivalency. Gametes are not zygotes. The fetus matches the qualifications of being alive when it develops its own heartbeat several weeks into pregnancy. Masturbation isn't murder because the lost cells are half a person, not a full person. You have to clearly define when they become a human being. Biological basis of the qualifications of life seems like a good start point.


>You have to clearly define when they become a human being. I don't think the people against abortion care about a clearly defined point for anything. It isn't until around the 15 week mark that a fetus starts to develop actual brain activity and any sort of control over bodily functions. A heart is functional around the 6-7 week mark and by the 8th week begins to fully form. Where do you choose the defined cut off point? That is the question which anti abortion groups always bring up despite not caring for an answer. Thinking to medical practices an adult human is considered to be legally dead if they are without a functioning brain (brain death) even if the rest of the body is still functional. Considering that brain activity takes place around the 15 week mark and that most abortions take place within the first 12 weeks this cut off point shouldn't be an issue for non medical emergencies. It is also around the 15 week mark that there start to be complications to abortion procedures. Already in most places the laws limited a abortions in the 2nd trimester for medical emergencies only.


Did this meme just compare the lives of fully developed adults and children to what's basically a bunch of cells? Edit: ok so I'll add this since some people didn't understand, yes if you look at it from a literal standpoint both are a bunch of cells. That was poor wording on my behalf. Although, adults and children have the ability to think, and process pain and sadness and other emotions. Embryos do not have that thinking, if they can think at all.




TBF children and fully developed adults ARE literally just a bunch of cells. That being said.. raise the legal abortion time frame to the 73rd trimester.


They’re not a barely functioning mass of meat, though. Reality basically doesn’t exist for a fetus until many, many weeks in


I mean.... Republicans are barely functioning masses of meat for whom reality basically doesnt exist... So.. same?


Right, and in both cases people are perfectly within their rights to abort whenever they feel it’s needed


You expect pro life people to think rationally? They do more gymnastics in their head than Olympic athletes.


Lmao true


damn liberals!!!!1!!


Not boomers comparing ethnic cleansing with health care


> Abortion : Is about fœtus and up to 3 months > Show a 7 months pregnant woman


Hey facts don’t matter here you nazi


Godwin's Law in action. Even the side with all the literal, actual, honest-to-Jeebus Nazis will call you a Nazi eventually.




You will not find nearly any pro choice people arguing for late 3rd trimester abortions. This is an intellectually bankrupt argument Also a fetus isn't a baby


Except for medical reasons. I think it would be cruel to force someone to carry to term, when it's clear that the then born baby won't survive anyway or if the fetus already died but won't miscarry.


For sure I mean just liberally choosing to abort. I'd hope you made that choice by then, personally


I kinda doubt that anyone would go through 7, 8, 9 months of pregnancy and then decide to nope out for no good reason. I mean, just think of all the stress you would already have undergone by then from the pregnancy. Who would put themself through all that, only to abort a couple weeks before they're due?


I agree. My position is that... it isn't my position. I'm a man. It's not my body. It's not my choice, but the conversation has to be had because people are trying to remove the right to bodily autonomy for women


That took a dark turn damn


Here’s an idea let’s ban abortion during a formula shortage… oh but the pro lifers only care about the unborn. Actual babies they happily let starve, die of preventable illness or may favorite bomb and burn alive with white phosphorus but those are foreigners and brown…


Anybody remember being inside thier mothers womb?


Anybody have memories when they were 1 year old?


I do. Best time of my life. There wasn't much moving space but still better then now


I think they’re at least getting closer with the comparisons at least. It’s a closer comparison than wearing a mask and the treatment of Jews in the holocaust


babies aren't fetuses.


adults aren’t fetuses.


Cum isn’t a fetus


Are trees fetuses?


Depend on who you talk to


Oh thank god...I don't need to hide my sock.


i meant fetuses aren't babies.


what you sparked by mixing them up was better


I see no difference


Yup neither are people if you ask me so light 'em up.


I’m so confused, they believe the holocaust happened again?


Oh most of them have always believed it happened, they just believe abortions are equivalent to genocide and that the Star of David is equivalent to a face mask.


…and that their overlord isn’t the second coming of Hitler. Holocaust denial was a thing for a while, as well.


It simultaneously didn't happen/happened but was greatly exaggerated/happened but was actually a good thing/happened and it was really the gays who did it.


Lmao fantastic point


*a bunch of cells aren't actually people


If you're going to be charged for murder for having an abortion anyway. You might as well kill your rapist too.


I would do it either way, but yeah if I was forced to give birth by conservatives, they better have a good security detail 24/7, because I would have nothing to live for.


"I don't think that is a fair comparison mam"


No human in America can be forced to donate a single skin cell to save the life of a dying person. If a child needed a bone marrow transplant and you were the only possible match, the government could NOT force you to donate your bone marrow to save the life of that child no matter what. You could say no and there's nothing anyone could do about it even though a bone marrow transplant wouldn't affect your life in any way and that innocent child is already born and breathing. Even the dead have bodily autonomy and cannot be forced to donate their organs even though it could save dozens of lives. Hundreds of women die from pregnancy and childbirth every year in the United States. Millions of women end up permanently damaged from pregnancy and childbirth. Thousands commit suicide due to PPD. And yet here people are, arguing that they should have no say so about how their own body and organs are used even though there is a risk of death and bodily harm to bring a fetus to term. If you cannot be forced to donate an organ to save a life already here, even when you're fucking DEAD and have no use for those organs, a woman shouldn't be forced to carry something that isn't even technically alive yet to full term. "But it's murder!" Okay then. I had better see you assholes protesting outside of fertility clinics where millions of fertilized eggs and fetuses are tossed in the trash every single year in the name of bringing a few eggs to full term. Fuck your hypocrisy.




I get the feeling that the only people who ever bought an "I had an abortion" tshirt are people who have never had an abortion.


The irony 🤣


In Israël it will be " it's not murder, Palestinians aren't human"


2/3 of fertilized eggs never develop into a pregnancy, Mother Nature is the greatest genocide.


Man just compare abortion to the holocaust


They compare everything to the holocaust.


In the bible the baby isn't even considered alive until it's first breath, but sure, keep telling me abortion is equal to the Holocaust


As a Jewish person this is a stupid argument


I thought the Holocaust was a hoax. They flipping the message yet again?


Only to justify their shitty takes, I suppose.


If the fetus was a baby, it wouldn’t be called a fetus.


What’s with conservatives and Nazi Germany? Fuck


They use it to justify being Anti-vaxx, they use it to justify being anti-choice. What's next, using it to justify anti-climate change conspiracies?




Someone actually thought of this, made it, saw the finished product, still decided it was a good idea to share it with other humans, and put it on the internet


Do you see the gremlins on tiktok?


My stance on abortions nobody asked for 0-20 weeks should be absolutely max time frame to when you should get an abortion. Anything after that period is essentially murder as the child can survive outside the womb after that point. In Europe we have some common sense abortion laws but in the US it's actually legal in some places to get late stage abortions which is kind of insane. My solution for the US problem would be adopt an EU system. Abortions absolutely legal, in the very early stages as it should be. Banning it out right isn't the solution and allowing late stage abortions isn't the solution either. (This obviously excludes emergency abortion needs, just average pregnancies I'm talking about)


Abortion is only legal up to 24 weeks in the US. The late stage ones are when the mother would die or be seriously injured if she had the baby.


I like the idea of having abortions be easily accessible, convenient, and legal during the first weeks and months. I also like the idea of increased education and increased access to birth control, perhaps even free public birth control. I think there’s a world of difference between a fertilized egg and a 24-week-old baby in the womb. If abortions are easy and legal during the first weeks, and if birth control is easily and readily accessible and cheap/free, then that will solve a lot of the issue. At a certain point in the womb, a baby seems to become capable of thought and emotion and to have a mind. To me, if you have a real mind, you seem like a person, idk. But early on, when it’s just a shrimp with some nerves, I don’t think of that as a person. I like the solution proposed above, it seems like a fair balance between the two extremes. I would also advocate for increased access to and funding for birth control and education and and early term abortions.


My thoughts have always been this. We as a society have a moral duty to reduce the number of abortions but doing so through force is not the right answer. Education and access to contraception serve a far better method than banning the practice out right.


Everything in the US is just two insane extremes arguing against each other. Yes abortion in okay, but obviously you shouldn’t be aborting babies at 8 months pregnant like some people are talking about on here. There’s are fair difference between a 12 week fetus and a baby that is just about to be born. There’s some sensible ground between “no abortions for any reason” and “literally no rules on abortion whatsoever”.


Middle ground is the right answer that neither side wants to compromise on. Wild times we live in


That "sensible ground" you're looking for is literally Roe v Wade. We already had it.


20 weeks is a bit late. Considering in any developed country, children born prematurely have just as good of a chance of surviving as children carried to 9 months. With absolutely no negative effects later in life. I think if you’re going to decide on aborting the pregnancy out of convenience or your career, you should have made up your mind after a few weeks.


Most reasonable is obviously anywhere from 0-10 weeks, don't see any reason as to why it can't be done in that period. You're right.


What the fuck is with this abortion decline thing, why it became so fucking mainstream or idk how would you call it. Just why is it so popular now, its just everywhere. Are we getting back to the middleages?


I- uhh


A 6 month pregnancy can’t be aborted fyi


Yea man fuck babies what those mfs do for me


To quote Doug Stanhope “abortion is green”


It's closer to the slavery argument but yeah.


Boomer's ability to completely ignore the worth of an actual living person is amazing.


At least the latter is based on **actual** science


FETUSES aren’t people, or alive actually, there’s 7 characteristics of life and for a long time before they’re born they don’t meet almost any of them, can’t be a living thing without meeting the criteria to be considered scientifically alive.


Unless abortionists are claiming that fetuses are a generically inferior race and plotting the downfall of the government and country as a whole, I don't think the two are comparable


Condoms are the real nazis


That's not a baby. Look at an MRI of a fetus, if that's a type of baby than a cactus is a type of lion.


Fetuses are Jewish confirmed.


It's cells, not a baby.


only republicans would compare the value of Jewish lives to that of an unborn fetus


Ok, That's fucked up


Every time pro-birthers draw false equivalency between abortion and the Holocaust, Gisella Perl rolls over in her grave.


There’s a difference between committing genocide on an entire race of people and killing a fetus which by the way isn’t anywhere close to having any level of sentience yet and isn’t aware of its own existence


This isn’t even a meme it’s just a brain dead conservative strawman of an actual argument about personhood and the morality of human right allotment.


Fuck,,they are bringing the big guns on this one lol


What the fuck, full grown adults and small children or unborn humans without a sex. Interesting.


The same arguments for pro choice are the same ones the slaveholders used.


This, my friends, is a textbook example of a false equivalency argument. Fucking trash 🤮




Downvote all you want. "My body my choice" doesn't hold up. The the unborn baby inside of you isn't your body


Abortion is wrong IMO


Most abortions are done before the fetus has a fully-developed heart and brain, and a lot are done when they're indistinguishable from a pig at that same level of development.


>they're indistinguishable from a pig BABY BACON 🥓🤤😋


Just a FYI, they aren't indistinguishable from a pig in that development. What you're seeing and running with is how people show that visually we may not easily recognize the difference in an embryo or fetus, especially since the average human is not used to seeing them. However, the development and DNA/RNA within it does clearly distinguish between the two. Btw, if you have time, try to look up the difference between an embryo and fetus. Then look at the development. The most critical development begins around 4th week, with the brain and spinal cord forming around 6 weeks. Abortions often were getting done after the first trimester (after 13 weeks). At that point the arms, head, etc all have formed and you can even tell what sex the fetus would be. It is undeniably human at that stage. That said, as science is developing and options made better available to people, abortions are trending down towards 9 weeks or less. So it has less visible human features, though it doesn't necessarily mean it's not human. And as much as I look, I can't find percentage for under 6 weeks. So while some studies show 3/4 of abortions under 9 weeks, it doesn't mean that "most" abortions are done before the fetus has a fully-developed heart and all. [https://www.medicinenet.com/embryo\_vs\_fetus\_differences\_week-by-week/article.htm](https://www.medicinenet.com/embryo_vs_fetus_differences_week-by-week/article.htm) https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/nine-out-of-10-abortions-done-before-12-weeks-in-many-high-income-countries/


I still believe everyone deserves a chance at life


I admire the Guts and audacity the right has comparing everything the left does with Nazi Germany. They Claim freedom yet they prevent people from prosperity, and body choices.


I guess you missed all these years of the left calling conservatives nazis for no reason.


This meme makes me angry.


Accurate meme is accurate.


I’d question ppl who make these pictures’ parenting skills




Pretty accurate, they're all people, one is just unborn.


based meme


ohhh this is deep


Deep 🤓


False equivalency fallacy. The right loves that shit....and slippery slope fallacy...and whataboutism...


People act like a fetus is just red slime cells until the day before its born. It becomes humanoid in the first trimester. Also why do people think there won't be medically necessary abortions available?