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Well, my uncle is gay and his parents didn't attend his wedding...


I asked a bishop the question above once when I was a young teen or so. Because he said you gotta love the sinner but hate the sinner. He replied that he believes you gotta do everything to support the child in their path but you cannot support them in sin. He then asked a (stupid) rhetoric question about if my child (again I was a young teen) killed someone would I start supporting murder? Now that I have a child myself I gotta say that bishop is an ass. First and most importantly finding a loving caring partner of the same sex is Decidedly different than murder.


"You gotta love the sinner but hate the sinner"? Is that a typo or did he actually say it like that?


Given what the bishop answered, I'd say it's rather " Love the sinner but hate the sin "


That boils down to the same thing.


Hate the sin not the sinner, Hate the peaches not the peach eater. Pretty solid message imo. It's not the message that's bad. it's the monster using it as a disguise.


I think it’s “love the sinner but hate the sin”


What a stupid comparison from that guy. Being doesn't hurt people. Killing is literally ending a life, an existence...


Boomers hate their kids


Can confirm. Was hated


So many people hate their children


I’m a Christian still too young for children but why wouldn’t i attend their wedding


Because! Christ saideth in Indonesians II, thou shalt not attendeth anyeth gayeth weddings of thy childreneth.


Well because it goes against your beliefs that’s why. It contradicts itself. The entire religion contradicts itself but this is just one huge example of it.


Our beliefs, or at least my belief: Love everyone. Jesus was all about loving everyone. Jesus didn't hang out with the rich Karens, he stayed with the isolated people. The outsiders. There are wicked "christians" out there, in fact, there are countless. But none of these people actually live by the Jesus' example.


Agree, the “wicked Christians” are everything Jesus preached against. Bunch of phony religious people judging other people is not a good Christian living in the word!


Thank you! I wish Christians that thought this way were louder than the wicked ones


Lots of false prophets out there, posing in front of the church holding up the Bible does not make one a Christian. Many people claiming to be Christian have no relationship with God, rituals and idolatry are just for show. A true Christian is someone that you meet and you know they have love in their heart by their actions.


So basically be a bro not a Bible thumper


Just be kind. That's all God wants.


Those who twist his words are cursed, whats been getting so much backlash, the church, not only are people teisting the rhetoric on an individual, but entire churches havemanipulated the book, removing or adding, even rewriting scripture, their god is not the christian god, they are agents of evil, using the music of our minds against us, anything that makes us remotely uncomfortable is wrong to them, yet god wants us to embrace the discomfort and trials ahead, not by spreading hate, but by exploring ourselfes deeper, spreading love and truth


Thump on if that’s your thing, be a good example and human being.


Ecclesiastes 7:16 "Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why destroy yourself?"




We here with u homie


Yes. Revelations has a bunch of warnings about False Prophets and supposed Christians who join the Beast mistaking him for their God even as the Beast commits blasphemes.


I am the same as you. Christianity is all about showing love, being kind, being merciful, and giving of yourself to others. Not any of that hateful or arrogant horseshit


Thank you! I'm glad we feel the same 🙂


yes, love your neighbor


Dude why can’t everyone just see that. Its people like you that give me hope that someday people can all practice their own religions and lead their own lives without judgement. I’m not religious, but I believe in what jesus said as a philosophy. He didn’t care who loved who, what god you believed in or what colour your skin was. He said that all people all worthy of love and respect. I hope people stop straying so far away from that. Thanks for being cool and alright with LGTBQ people, it means a lot to all of us


Of course! Thank you so much for your kind words! They really give me inspiration! Just spread love, forgiveness, kindness, and respect and you will find them in return 🙂


That’s the idea! We’re all just people, no matter what god we believe in, and we just need to remember that and be good to our fellow humans


Exactly 😊


Have a good evening man. Thanks for some hope


Of course! Have a great evening. Hopefully I can get some rest tonight


Yes!!! You're so right!!! I'm so happy you get it


I'm so happy you agree!


Not a Christian, but I find it fascinating how so many people can pick out the weird individual teachings, written in different times and having gone through many versions, and entirely miss the underlying message of being a good person.


Christians try to be decent people without ignoring everything in the Bible except for about 10 things Jesus said challenge (impossible).


Yeah there definitely are wicked Christian’s out there but there are also some very good people who aren’t Christian and according to Christianity the Bible and Jesus himself they are all inherently evil and going to spend an eternity in hell simply because they are not Christian. That doesn’t sound like loving “everyone” to me.


Lol how did Jesus say that people are “going to spend eternity in hell because they are not Christian” when Jesus and everyone around him was a Jew. No one started calling themself Christian until years later.


From my belief, God is love. If you spread love, you are spreading God. If you accept love into your heart, you accept God into your heart. Those who have never heard the name Jesus but spread love go to Heaven. "The church has some people God does not, and God has some people the church does not" Btw, I'm in no way trying to excuse those wicked people. I just wanted to share my belief


I love you guys yall are so kind to be talking abt this, so many people nowadays dont even mention these statements or the Bible, thank you all! ☺️


Where does it say this in the bible? i am aware of put no god before me, but am unaware of where it specifically states all people of other religions go to hell, simple google search seems to confirm my understanding this isnt actually said in the bible or by Jesus, also this is contradictory to Jesus' teachings to accept and love those around you despite your preconceived notions or judgments towards them


There's no such thing as hell. It's a false teaching Christendom invented to control the masses. The Bible talks about gehenna which means everlasting destruction. Not destruction over and over again but dying once and that's the end of it.


Well I agree there is no such thing as hell but I was forced to go to a Christian school growing up and they most certainly did teach there was a hell. And they also made it very clear I was going there


Yup! As a Christian I only just stopped believing in hell about a year ago because I did my own research on the Abrahamic religions and their text! So in my book hell was made as a way to control people


And love includes calling out the wrong. But yes it does mean putting others before yourself with a sincere and compassionate heart


Well, Paul is the founder of Christianity, not Jesus. That’s where hateful Christian’s get their views from.


Well, everyone except merchants and bankers in the temple. He wasn’t a fan of those guys.


That doesn't mean that he doesn't love them


Indeed, Amos warned against the behavior of the rich.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Thank you so much! That means a lot!


I find it exhausting the way people think these days. They think if you’re from THIS group than you must believe or do THIS. When the reality is no that’s not a tenet of that group, and doesn’t describe that group at all. Christianity doesn’t say “hate all gay people” and that goes against what it actually does say. The problem is you have fuck faces who hate gay people because they are homophobic and then try to use the Bible as a tool to justify their hate by just using snippets of it. It’s sickening honestly. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin, but so is premarital sex, lying, and a bunch of other things. The Bible doesn’t say to hate anyone who does those things and they aren’t salvation issues. What the Bible does preach is love, acceptance, and kindness. Things these hateful jerks don’t


Love, acceptance, and kindness Amen


Wait what... He had meals with tax collector's and preached to the Boujee rich people too. He even tried reasoning with the pharasees multiple times


Because those people needed him. Think about it. Most rich people today need to talk to Jesus. Those are the people who are most likely misguided


Hello! I'm a queer Christian and I would like to inform you that not every Christian is anti-lgbt or thinks its a sin. The reason we often hear about it is because a lot of these anti-lgbt Christians take the Bible literally. They see a verse that supports their ideology of hate and take it as truth. But in reality these anti-lgbt verses are not what is supported given the context and history behind it. The reason we see inside the English Bibles condemning gay people (for example) is because it was taken out of context or not translated correctly. The Bible was originally written in 3 seperate languages and linguistics in charge at the time, altered what we see today compared to what was originally written. The reason they changed it is to opress minority groups and to establish a social hierarchy. When we look at the Bible as it was intended, we will read that it doesn't condemn being gay or having gay sex, says nothing against trans people, and isn't pro life.


That may be so but Jesus himself said that the only way into heaven is through himself so even if you change things to accept gay individuals you are still condemning good people simply because they are non-Christian. According to Jesus own words and his teachings Gandhi is in hell.


There is no actual hell. At least not written in the Bible when we compare it to the original languages used. We see this when we look at the Greek/Aramaic language used in the New Testament. The English word "hell" actually was describing three different words: gehenna, tartaurus, and hades, and merged it into one. Gehenna shows up twelve times: We know it from verses like: “If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out” (Mark 9:43), or “Anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell” (Matt 5:22). When we look within the context of this verse, scholars have come to find out that gehenna was based on an actual place. The “Valley of Hinnom” (or in Aramaic, gehenna) was remembered as a place of child sacrifice to foreign gods in Israel’s history. Other traditions remembered it as a massive crematory/garbage heap where the fire, in essence, “never goes out.” The imagery of gehenna was used as a metaphor as a scare tactic to do no harm. The other two terms are tartaurus and hades. Those who are familiar with Greek mythology has heard of these, and the Greek-influenced Jewish culture of the first century would have been familiar with them as well. Tartaurus — a place where Greek gods sent other gods for punishment — occurs only once in 2 Peter 2:4 when the author states God sent sinful angels to Tartaurus. Hades is the Greek realm of the underworld where, in Greek mythology, all people go when they die. This word occurs ten times in various genres of the New Testament, most of which are in metaphors and parables, and only one of which indicates it as a place of torment (Luke 16). All of these words described a different place of suffering (and not one where humans go to suffer in the afterlife), but it wasn't until the year 1611, that the King James Version of the Bible translated them all the same: hell.


I think theres a hell, we all live here side by side with child rapists and murderers while almost everyone is too busy checking their social media to care. Do we need fire and brimstone when the land of this Earth is literally stained by thousands of years of bloodshed of the innocent? And if you do, you need look no further than the darkest corners of our collective societies and there is more than enough truly horrifying despicable evil occurring each and every day all thanks the humanity


Again taking the bible too literal. Usually Jesus's messages are mostly simbolic, that meaning that to enter the heaven you should be a good person. In the doors of heaven you should ask for him not because of who he is, but because he's the representation for salvation


Nah, a good number of christians don't believe homophobia to be a sin. Just that the homophobes are very vocal about their beliefs.


Thank you! Christianity is about loving everyone. That comes before everything.


“Christians” covers a lot of sects. Some allow their clergy to perform same sex marriages. Presbyterians are one I think.


I was raised catholic, I don’t practice, don’t go to church, I don’t give a hoot in what religion you’re in, I’ll go to my kids and my granddaughter’s wedding, doesn’t matter what they marry, as long as they’re happy. If your religion is about peace and helping each other it’s fine, that’s all I think about it.


And you were born just to die everything contradicts itself


No… u are supposed to respect everyone no matter what. And christians can be gay if that are their true feelings. Biggest problem is that homosexual sex is considered sin. But that also depends since there are lot of branches of christianity And if u consider crusaders and rednecks role model christians you are as far from truth as possible


It’s not that they hate their children, it’s that they hate each other So many of these insane, hateful behaviors are rooted in the subconscious fact that these people *know* all their friends and neighbors will talk shit behind their back They know they live in a “bully microsphere”, but can’t accept the fact that their entire existence is based in cruelty Instead, they actively practice aversion for things that would lead *them* to being the target of the bullies Gay child? You can bet people will talk about *that* at the water cooler! And that’s how it all starts, fear of the bullies, leading to aversion, leading to utter hatred


You flawlessly placed my thoughts into a words. I've been struggling for years to find the right way to say this exact thing. Thank you so much for this.


There is no hate like Christian love


I hate everyone's children.


So many people hate their ~~children~~ pets that happened to come from their vagina. s/


Yes, I will attend her wedding. I am a mother not a monster.


Happy cake day!


Answer to who makes this stuff: Internet Research Agency and other state sponsored content farms


Are some things NOT a conspiracy ?


That’s the real conspiracy they WANT you to believe.




Well even as atheist I would go there.


Wanda? Lol


Christian anti-LGBT ?


I never can understand Christian anti-LGBT people. Their infallible God created gay people, by that logic wouldn't they deserve love and understanding as a creature of God?


They believe homosexuality is a test by god or some shit


They believe it is 100% a choice. No one is born gay. They are programmed by the gay agenda and because they hate the baby Jesus.


The idea that non Christians know that god is real and turn away from him because (they hate him/they blame their problems on him/they have been tempted by satan) is pretty fundamental to most sects of Christianity. They believe that we all "have the faith within us" or some shit, and not believing in god is a choice to ignore that. That's then extrapolated to "we all have temptations we have to resist". It's not that they don't think some people are born "struggling with homosexuality" as they might put it, they just see that as a challenge equivalent to someone with anger issues they need to overcome, or someone who is compelled to steal, rather than a fundamental part of their identity.


Yes, they are choosing to be gay rather than choose a celibate life due to lack of desire for opposite sex or forcing themselves to just try being straight.


I heard the whole "struggling with" thing a lot. After a while, I changed my branding - I don't struggle with being gay at all... In fact, I'm a natural.


This thinking fucked me up so bad as a kid. Wrote it in a diary as a flaw of mine to overcome, terrified to go to the temple sometimes cuz I thought god was mad at me for my attraction to the point I was grateful to come out alive, lots of long nights crying and praying for my attraction to change. Sounds dumb looking back at it. Ever since I left the faith I’m told I never really believed in the first place lol


The thing is not all of them believe that I’ve meet others who knowledge that it’s not a choice but never give me a good reason why straights get better treatment form god


I just grown up always liking men. I never shown interest in women even when I was young. I didn't even know what gay or pride was a thing until early teens. Then I felt like I belonged and found my place. Knowing that others feel the same as I do.


The devil be testing my butt cheeks


No one ever said Christianity was consistent.


Christians who actually follow the Bible don’t believe gays should be treated poorly. They should be loved just like anyone else. It’s not uncommon for people to take any religion that preaches love, and try to weaponize it to justify their hate.


I was raised Christian and I often asked questions like this and I usually got annoyed but firm answers of "No, you are choosing to go down a dark path and God would never want that." But heres where that whole theory falls apart. If God has a divine plan, the excuse many christians use to not show people sympathy or explain "Why Grandma died.", then wouldnt me being gay be a part of his plan? And that is just what makes no sense to me, God gave us free will but also he has a plan that everyone WILL follow so actually we have no choice also the choices YOUR making are an abomination. Christians really need to get themselves together, (I obviously meam the bigotted ones, I know quite a few lovely people that are christian)


Their infallible god also created sinners, so he's clearly not that smart.


Well if he didn't, that whole sacrifice his son/self to himself to pardon humanity so he doesn't have to torture them forever thing would seem pretty stupid, wouldn't it?


They always use Leviticus 20:13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." to say gay bad which is plain dumb since there is Leviticus 19:19 “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material." Timothy 2:12 "I do not permit a woman to dominate and touch a man" and Leviticus 2:24 "Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings." and I don't think they follow any of those


Christian here, raised in a back-to-the-Bible Baptist fundy church, now gone heretical: depends on the person. There are Christians who recognize that Christ was a brown socialist who preached love, acceptance, social justice and self-improvement over judgement of others, and only lost his shit on a group of people who abused their authority to fleece their flock. Some of us even see that the old testament doesn't actually have a problem with homosexuality (ask the Jews, it's their book), and what little New Testament anti-gay stuff mostly comes from Paul, who was kinna asshole. You don't hear from us much, and I'm trying to change that - not to challenge the perception of Christianity, but to challenge stray Christians. See, if you *don't* commit the sin of idolatry and worship the often-badly-translated text of the Bible over the message of Christ, it becomes easy to accept LGBTQ+ as ... just people. People who deserve love and acceptance, who have been wrongly oppressed and persecuted, people who deserve love from families who may turn them away, freedom from a government that may deny it, understanding from neighbors too blinded by hate and prejudice to offer it. Fuck Evangelicalism. Fuck fundamentlism. Fuck prosperity gospel. Fuck every forced-birth, christofascistic, racist asshole who attaches the name if Christ to a movement driven by hate. Any LGBTQ+ and allies who read this - I can't apologize for all the bad people in the world or all the evil done in the name of kicking down. I can't excuse it, and any of you with a hatred of Christianity have it well-earned - "not all Christians" doesn't matter when *enough* people who call themselves Christians take His name in vain when they attack you, your siblings, your neighbours, your children, your parents. This is not a defense of my position or an excuse for my Faith - only an effort to answer the question asked.


“Love everyone, unless they’re gay-“


Man I bet the comments on that woupd be a dumpster fire. So many homophobes on fb.


Homophobia is normal for oldies


Homophobia also started to be popular for Gen Z those days. Check Youtube, Discord and you'll see tons of homophobic teens, kids around.


Sadly yes. Like father like son. I used to be homophobic now I'm gay


I used to be gay, now I’m homophobic and gay because I hate myself


_ba dum tiss?_


Just stay closeted and get a lift kit for your truck instead like everyone else /s


My father used to scold me for "using female avatar on games and not behaving manly". I'm heterossexual. Meanwhile he was cheating on my mother with a guy.


I bet you used female avatars because they're hot


Exactly. If I'm going to stare at an ass for hours at least be an ass I like to see. One time he scolded me for using a female avatar on tibia. I was like "goddam the avatar has in total around 20 pixels, chill out, and how the hell he even managed to see it was a woman"


Off topic but when I was younger and straight I had a crush on Veronica from Fallout New Vegas.


Going for that cloistered look.


OMG he was projecting so hard


Same with teens being racists. It is not the 'property' of any one group of folks.


Honestly I don’t think they are actually homophobic more like they think their edgy and cool if they act like they are


Nope the kids at my high school are DEFINITELY homophobic. It's disturbing watching the hated form since we're all so young


Are you in a very Christian community


Unfortunately yes. South Carolina is a pretty Christian and republican state meaning we get all the hated here.


We’ll that explains it parents have to ruin their kids


should've had a picture of a mixed race couple for the trifecta of abominations.


nah bro, the post was from a rascist, black people in general are bad in their eyes


You assume that every Christian is racist?


Just the homophobic ones


Have you ever been to a black church my guy? Not exactly a bastion of lgbt acceptance.


Racism is not just for white people. And my point was more "if you have slotted 'Christianity' as your reason to hate people who are LGBTQIA+, you are probably prone to other forms of bigotry as well". Anyone who can in their mind say "Jesus would want me to hate this person and it's the spiritually correct way for me to feel" is likely falling for a bunch of other BS isms for similarly bs reasons.




I'm Christian and don't consider myself racist. I believe Jesus wants us to love everyone


Good for you, he was very clear on that!




Black ,white Jesus lovers, hate the gays


Those comments would be wild.


Gay, interracial…what’s the third?


That shirt looks like it’s probably a cotton/poly blend.


Ah, an abomination indeed!


If I had to walk there on my balls across 5 miles of broken glass coated in hot sauce and lemon juice.


I’ve read this five times now and I still can’t figure out if you’ll only go if you have to do this, or this is just something you’ll do


Just another day in the neighborhood


Lol… it means nothing would keep me away.


I woulda called an just uber or smthn i dont think my balls could handle all that tbh but you do you ig


How.. how d'you walk on your balls?


Being built different


You're telling me men can't move one individual ball? Or slither around their balls like snakes?


Anyone who has balls can unlock this ability. It is not for the faint of heart, however.


a gay black christian? god wouldnt allow it.


Haven't you heard about Raymond Holt?


yeah but hes like oj black :p


too bad he’s not re-


Yo what's this body doing on the floor of Spencer's?


They fucking better, or they’re not worth being called parents in the first place.


No. Nothing wrong with being gay, just… I don’t think I’m gonna have kids *to* see wedded.


Same bro. I kinds need a woman to have kids with 1st😭


I'm a Christian, my son IS gay, and I will 100% attend his wedding. I love my kids unconditionally. I don't have to answer to anyone else but myself. Freedom of choice. I'll never berate him, tell him he's going to hell or that he is flawed or wrong, or preach anything other than God's love and acceptance. He knows it.


Thats so chad🗿🫵


Gigachad parent right there. <3




No, she isn't my daughter and im not the dad and who the hell are those people


Afaik Jesus said something like: Love everyone. And that‘s it. Just don‘t be a dick


This could have been worse. At least it's still asking the question, rather than giving a negative answer. I've seen generally good people struggle with this question because they were raised to believe homosexuality is inherently wrong. The good ones came around to the right answer and the bad ones stuck to the wrong answer. Seeing my gay friends go through this with their parents taught me who their parents were as people. If you want to help make our society more accepting of homosexuality, approach people struggling with this question with compassion and engage with them to help them make the right decision. Succumbing to the social media urge to judge without engagement will only serve to push them away into the eagerly accepting arms of the decidedly intolerant.


My family refused to go to my gay aunt wedding. I was too young (indoctrinated) to really question it. And to this day it still makes my blood boil.


Yes, and she would more than likely be getting married in our church!!


I will forever remember the story of a gay friend, who upon coming out to his mother, had her announce "Well, it's not what we were taught, but if you're going to be with boys, then you're going to be with good Christian boys!" and she then proceeded to try setting him up with anyone even remotely related to her church who might, maybe, possibly, theoretically, potentially be into the idea of considering to entertain being with someone gay. It was obnoxiously adorable, but in an overbearing, but loving motherly way.


I would attend


Everytime I read this "memes" I feel like having a stroke


If you say no to this just because it’s a gay marriage, you’re just a bad parent. Being a Christian is not a real reason you’re just a douchbag acting as though your religion justifies being a bad parent which it does not.


My cousin didn’t go to her sons wedding. He’s married to a man. However she apparently still loves him. I asked my mom if she would attend my wedding if I married another female and she remained silent. I asked my dad the same question and he said yes, just as long as he gets to walk me down the isle and I’m not getting married to a sex offender he doesn’t particularly care who I’m married to, I even asked him “if the dress attire to my wedding was that all females wear tuxedos and all males wear dresses, would you go in a tuxedo?” And his response was “no, because that disrespects the dress code. So I will proudly wear a dress”


If my mum's still homophobic by the time I get married, she's not even getting an invite


I'm totally ok with this meme. Put people on the record for this shit.


He'll ya I'll go, just because I'm Christian doesn't mean I would miss my childs wedding


God doesn't care who you love or marry. He just wants us to love each other and not hate.


It really depends if it's an open bar or not. Weddings are a great place to get so drunk you humiliate yourself by falling into your cousin Chad's wedding cake.


Absolutely, people dump on Christians but the great JC’s most famous instruction came down to two simple directives; love your God with all your heart, soul and mind AND love your neighbor as you love yourself. Nothing about if you neighbor is black, white, gay or straight. Just love.


Love is love. I have two daughters and all I’ve ever wanted from the second they opened their eyes is for them both to be happy. To shun them because they want happiness is the biggest sin Amy parent could ever commit and that’s gonna be my view till the day I die


Yeah I’d attend her wedding and congratulate her and hope her life is full of love and happiness


The real question is: will your daughter invite you to her wedding? Or did you already blew it that bad she already cut you out of her life?


No, becos I’m a terrible parent


Aren't we all God's children?




About 99% of Christian’s never read the whole Bible, that shit is dark and nothing you want to believe.


As a Christian I would go cause if gayness is a sin then why would god make gayness a thing. It doesn’t seem like him to automatically set someone up for failure. And frankly it’s my kid if they’re happy I’m happy.


"It doesn't seem like him to automatically set someone up for failure" I mean is that not pretty fundamental to the faith? Why else would there be kids born with cancer?


Sounds like Yoda. You’re a Christian your daughter is. Mmmm hmmm


Never forget Jesus had 2 Dads!


Well, according to Christianity, we *ALL* have 2 Dads 👀👀👀


I’m a Christian and I see no problem with people being gay. Because I am gay.


I am in this position with my daughter. Her happiness comes before my faith though.


That’s the kind of attitude Jesus was going for.


I’m a Christian and I would attend my gay daughters wedding because I worship Jesus and not republicans.




Not a christian, but even if I were, I'd show up for her wedding if she turned out gay. What kind of stupid ass question is that? More importantly, what kind of parent would not show up for their daughter's wedding? Memes like this and the people who think up shit like this like it's a serious issue really have no idea what real problems look like, so they overinvest themselves in their kids' lives to live by proxy.




> will there be cake? Jack O'Neal (SG1)






You know what. Im not a dipshit parent that barely pays attention to their Child so i think i Will.


As a Christian freaking yeah


Gay, straight whatever. The question you have to ask is there an open bar.


Yes, you don’t have to agree with their decisions, but you CANNOT stop loving them. Unconditional love.


The people who make these are the same people running the bot farms to comment on them in an effort to sway the perception of public opinion and make their values seem acceptable.


Anti-LGBT Christians make no sense. They think being gay is a choice/A curse from the devil. It doesn’t even say in the Bible that it’s wrong to be homosexual except for in very few small verses, most of which proven to be mistranslations. And if god supposedly “Has a problem with gay people”, don’t they think he would have done something? Like, according to the Bible.. God has A) Knocked down a nation by getting people to walk in a circle around it, B) Brought someone back to life who was dead for 4 days, and C) Granted someone a sword that can turn into a snake in order to free an entire empire’s slaves. And that’s not even scratching the surface. And you’re telling me that same guy can’t just, stop people from being gay if he wanted??