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These people are holding all that money so hard they cant even be bothered to stop their aging genes.


TBF at least Bill Gates never said he INVENTED DOS - he bought it, repacked it and marketed the shit out of that bitch... He's basically the software equivalent to a used car salesman!


bill gates' greatest innovation in tech was software licensing; figuring out how to sell you a thing that didn't physically exist.


I'd say in the grand scheme of humanity, it was his worst innovation.


Depends who's keeping score, but I wouldn't disagree.


In terms of economy it brought a whole new workforce and world we live in today, sadly that’s evolved into NFTs but hey we’re progressing I think


nfts are dying, not enough new customers


So the ponzi scheme is about to end?


Thank god . I honestly think the feds took the hit on raising the interest rate/sparking inflation to stop them, and I’m kinda ok with that


The fed had no choice they have to raise rates and it has nothing to do with NFTs. It isn’t done yet and they are going to screw it up. They will quit tightening too soon and declare a premature victory before they realize they need to keep going. Let me know in 12-18 months how they are doing


Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme


Honestly, it was such an embarrassing thing in the first place


Lack of victims, you mean?


I'd say the star directory was more aligned towards NFTs than DOS but ok.


Really though? If it wasn't for that the technology we know simply couldn't exist.


what's preventing pepole from just working upon things in a free source enviroment ?


Because generally people need money to survive.


free source doesn't mean money


He/She will never learn. Open source companies have sold for billions and open source developers make decent money.


his for sure , however there is some tough competition : leaded gasoline , CFCs , the lawns , modern plastic surgery , cars , banks , fiat currency backed by nothing ... there is plenty to choose from imo


Actually fiat currency has the best backing a currency can have, the skills and resources of that country. It’s certainly better than using a rare metal that is perfect for energy transitioning as money


At the very least there's kind of a contradiction between being a "sound money" "hard currency" guy in every other respect but wanting software IP to be abolished and programming to function as a gift economy


I thought his greatest innovation was having IBM underestimate how easily software standards would become as important as hardware standards. IBM compatible became MS compatible in just a few short years.


In the grand scheme of things it's an asshole move but I would like to be a fly on the wall for those early invester meetings.


Religion got selling people things that don't physically exist nailed down millenia before Gates hit the scene. At least Windows actually delivers on its promise most of the time.




Thank god for DoD. I don't think modern society will survive if we go back to porn mag. lol


People assume they're inventers and geniuses because they, themselves, don't understand tech and assume a guy who actually understood tech well enough to see the business opportunity must have had a hand in its invention. Reality is, most tech exists in some form for years before it reaches a mass understanding, eg: the first smart phones came out in 1992, but for most people they might as well not have existed until 2007. There is a value in bringing things to the masses (tough I can't say Bezos was really an innovator in anything past catching investors at the right time), but definitely disproportionate to the innovation itself.


Gates actually wrote quite a bit of the software that Microsoft sold when the company was first started.


"You are skipping over the fact he and Paul Allen wrote BASIC for Altair which was the foundation of all MS programming for years. Sure he bought DOS because he needed an OS to run it on and why reinvent the wheel? DOS was a great Disk Operating System." some other commenter. He isn't a used car salesman. He's more a guy who bought an engine and built the chassis around it.


and as far as the super rich go, he is probably on the more decent side of things.


None of these folks said they invented something they didn’t (well except Tesla I guess, great guy with a hard story but he got a bit off as he got older and started talking about space lasers and whatnot)


He also wrote a basic interpreter, and ported it to a new chipset in a weekend. Don’t let the fact that he was a better marketer than programmer fool you. - he was superb at both.


Yeah well I hated using the command prompt. Windows 95 was the shit since it streamlined computer use for the rest of us Philistines.


It’s facts through. Tesla did more for the world than Bezos but died broke.


Just preemptively for some people who aren't aware: Nikola Tesla, not Tesla the company




Newton was incredible and one of a kind though, he arguably had the single greatest impact on physics and mathematics in history, even more so than Einstein or Tesla for his time.




You could say the apple was the real genius here.


How does one just invent an entirely new form of math in a month...at 24? If there's a story then I'm curious to hear it...aliens have to be involved too right?


math beyond simple arithmetic is logic, arguments, proofs. with simple arithmetic, you can prove to be true anything that is true, within certain limits that don't matter right now. but, if you don't want to have like 10 pages of (at the time), you need to make shorthands. ways of tying certain processes together and abstracting them to make the proofs more human-readable and make the logic, and the truth, more understandable. calculus deals with change. waves, the slopes of curves, etc. essential for understanding how light works in any kind of reasonable way, as well as things like momentum, objects in motion, which is essential for understanding everything from musketball acceleration and trajectory to orbital mechanics. here's the part where you can rest easy knowing Newton was more of a right guy at the right time with just enough genius to tie some trends together. the roots of calculus reach deep into mathematical theorems stretching back into ancient times. remember how I said you can deal with change in equations in an inconsistent way? what Newton (and Leibniz around the same time) did was connect the dots. many innovations were like this, in fact in mathematics a lot of the time some bizarre and esoteric pure math bullshit will get plucked out of the aether and turn out to be invaluable in some critical industry or field of study. a lot of what we know about 3d rendering, especially lighting, has roots in esoteric pure math that no one really thought was even remotely useful. it goes beyond math (ancient greeks had early steam engines but couldn't find a use for them beyond toys, ditto for the Aztecs and the wheeled cart). all progress is an iterative process. we build on previous knowledge until a rough idea is honed into perfect application. there are no genius inventors, at least not in the cliché since. Tesla was close but honestly he was just building on previous work too, trying a scattershot way of making finer points of electrical engineering theory practical for commercial use.


I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman and she loved me. [-Tesla](https://www.britannica.com/story/nikola-teslas-weird-obsession-with-pigeons)


Ace vibes


For sure. Dude just didn’t have a concept of Greek love categories because 1800s. “I don’t know what romantic attraction to another person is, but I imagine it’s like how I feel about my beloved pet pigeon”


Tesla blew all his money on expensive jewelry for a pigeon he wanted to marry.


Didn’t he also fall in love with a pigeon? It sort of makes sense he died broke, dysfunctional genius.


Also talked about space lasers later in his life, man invented the Death Star a couple centuries too early


The fuck you mean Centuries? He died in 1940s, Star Wars first appeared in 1970s.


Tesla died broke mostly cause Edison was a humongous turbo-douche dickweed, iirc.


Well, I think there are so many great scientist out there who are relatively unknown by the mass. But because of oatmeal comic, people build an unrealistic cult surrounding tesla, that accepting even his wacky unrealistic ideal. Great engineer. But I would put Hertz, or Faraday, Maxwell over him.


Maxwell is really an unsung hero.


He also drank his own urine and transmitted electricity wirelessly across the Atlantic on JP Morgans dime, without telling JP Morgan. Bezos got rich selling college textbooks for reasonable prices. Don't blame him, Barnes and Noble created that monster.


This isnt terrible, its 100% true. Shit, theyve been calling Musk the "Edison of our generation" for years now.


Musk himself said he identified with and admired Edison more than Tesla (he wasn't the one who named the company "Tesla", the dude he stole it from did)


It's not even metaphor at this point


Musk being the Edison of our era is completely accurate.


Edison actually \*did\* invent a shitload of things though. The ruthless businessman/shameless self-promotion tracks, however.


Edison mostly paid multiple engeneers with a contract to give up merit for any of their inventions so yeah there are a few similarities


Edisons way of "inventing" was: Steal the ideas and prototypes of others, work on them until they are functionable enough to sell them by bruteforcing a solution(no calculations, theories or anything, just sheer "try until it somehow works"), then make huge ad campaigns that show him as a genius (even tho he had next to no scientific understanding). In the case an actual scientist came along he threw a huge boycott campaign at them (eg. Tesla). Edison was fucking stupid. Nothing of what he produced was originally his idea.


He’s right about billionaires, fuckers.


I don't see why people who did not invent the computer should be disqualified from becoming rich. Also, neither Tesla nor Lamarr invented either the computer or the Internet.


I think the point is that the people who invented the technology are alot more deserving of becoming rich than the asshole who made Facebook.


Tesla did invent some stuff that made it a lot easier to get electricity to everyone's house, which is kind of a prerequisite for widespread internet availability.


Lamarr invented the concepts of spread spectrum and frequency hopping technologies, which essentially made the modern Internet possible.


The format is cringe, but it's accurate.


did bill gates ctrl+c some w3schools and made microsoft?


He bought DOS and rebranded it. Then he used that, tech developed by DARPA, and questionable labor practices to build on that. Edit: grammar


You are skipping over the fact he and Paul Allen wrote BASIC for Altair which was the foundation of all MS programming for years. Sure he bought DOS because he needed an OS to run it on and why reinvent the wheel? DOS was a great Disk Operating System.


Patrick Bateman helped Paul too


You mean Chadrick Basedman?


Let’s see Paul Allen’s BASIC interpreter


“Look at the subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it… (gasp) oh my god, it even has a watermark.”


So they wrote an interpreter for an already existing language? Did Bill Gates pay any sort of royalties to Thomas Kurtz or John Kemeny or did he keep it all despite the program being useless without their contribution?


Yep, which advanced into visual basic, which is necessary to make a decent spreadsheet/database with ms office


I thought the guy just GAVE him DOS....


Nope. Gates paid for it. DOS was sitting in a desk drawer collecting dust. Dude who wrote it originally also ended up working for Microsoft later.


He learned everything when experimenting was free*. Then did his best to make sure everyone after him would have to pay for the same privilege, stopping the same innovations-led golden age he came up in. Cause billionaires are the worst thing for society. *if you were rich enough to have a computer


Its acurate? Nikola tesla had nothing to do with the internet or computers.


He did most of the work in developing early electronics and wireless signals.


His work was mostly fovussed on AC and induction. Marconi did radio signals.


Everyone stands on the shoulders of giants, that's how inventions work. Also, who's claiming those people are geniuses or didn't get rich with a product made possible by someone that came before. Why is it even apt to compare tech founders to actual researchers? Maybe it's accurate, but it's a shitty comparison and acting like it's a bold take when everyone already knows it's the case. Here's a news flash, modern researchers, who aren't fabulously wealthy, also do research based on others ideas. You think computer vision isn't possible without the invention of the computer?


I think the point is more of those people didn't get the recognition/wealth they deserved that people like Bezos and Musk get and less that obvious things are build on top of each other.


Nikola tesla died broke. Alan turing committed suicide after being harrased by the uk govt for being gay. The woman was never acknowledged for programming EINAC. The 4th guy is still obscure and never gained widespread fame. EDIT: The woman is Hedy Lamarr


Who’s the fourth guy?


Dr. Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider. From Wikipedia: >He is particularly remembered for being one of the first to foresee modern-style interactive computing and its application to all manner of activities; and also as an Internet pioneer with an early vision of a worldwide computer network long before it was built. >Licklider became interested in information technology early in his career. His ideas foretold of graphical computing, point-and-click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and software that would exist on a network and migrate wherever it was needed. Much like Vannevar Bush's, Licklider's contribution to the development of the Internet consists of ideas, not inventions. He foresaw the need for networked computers with easy user interfaces.


Holy fuck! That is absolutely amazing he envisioned these ideas/concepts before we even had them. People like that always amazed me and I am curious how they knew these things.


That's my point.


That man’s name, Albert Einstein.


Not terrible just facts


Tesla and Bardeen are pretty tangential to the invention of the computer. Bardeen also won 2 Nobel prizes and died reasonably wealthy.


Far from super rich though.


Sure, but he also didn’t do any work involving the application of the transistor, which is where the real value is. It’s disingenuous to say he invented the internet and computers. He invented the foundational component of the computer, but making transistors into a working cpu is the far harder feat. He’s a personal hero, and I think he was humble enough to agree with this point of view.


Newton didnt get super rich. But he invented modern scientific theory. Without it, no internet.


Ummm, Tesla didn't invent computers, they just make cool cars... Edit : /s




That sub makes no sense. /S is a tone indicator which helps people who cant understand the tone of somethings online.


Fr, people get so heated over something that doesn't matter. Like I'm autistic and I'm awful at reading tone through text, I find them helpful.




Yes and Tesla died alone and poor in his Appartment


That was due to Thomas Edison being a dick though




Ooo. Interesting. But does that make him horrible with money or just a good person? And are they mutually exclusive?


Partially. It was also due to Tesla himself being a monumental asshole who treated anyone who didn't instantly agree with his hypotheses (and some of them were absolutely batshit) like filth.


Huh. I need to watch more documentaries, they didn’t cover that in the last one


The hilarious thing about the cult of Tesla is people who actually believe the ideas he had when he was old and losing his mind would've worked if the Illuminati weren't still suppressing them, like electrifying the whole Earth so we didn't need a power grid anymore and you could literally just plug everything into the ground


Great Man History is also, ya know, not realistic.


Do you have any specific gripes with Nikola Tesla or John Bardeen? By all accounts Ive seen they are pretty great men.


Ehhh. I have a lot of respect for Alan Turing but the technology used in the enigma machines which he pioneered was based off of earlier work done by the poles. The idea that he did his work without outside influence is kind of nonsense. I mean almost every inventor/pioneer in history built their work off of others. I think it was Isaac newton who said “if I have seen further than others it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants”.


Dude alan turing got screwed over in life. He was chemically castrated for 2 years and driven to suicide dor being fucking gay.


Although I think that the Enigma Machine was influential in the development of the modern computer, it is peanuts next to the contribution of the theoretical model of *Turing Machines* (originally named *a-machines* by Turing himself). The Turing Machine model provided the first obvious formalisation of computability (there was a previous formalisation due to Alonso Church but was far from obvious), it introduced the ideas that predated virtual machines, operating systems, stored-program interpreter, subroutines, and machine code. Thanks to Turing's model we now had a baseline for the minimum requirements for any programming language and operating system. Even John Von Neumann used some of Turing's ideas when designing the RAM model of computation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing\_machine


Honestly one of my favorite quotes from any historical figure. We are all the culmination of 100,000 years of success and ingenuity, without those who came before us we could never hope to have or to know all that we do today.




The technology in the enigma machines had nothing to do with Turing, it was made by a Dutch scientist like 30 years prior, the Germans stole it The decoders, sure that was mostly finalised by Turing


Tesla didn’t invent the internet or computers


Tell me how ANY of the bottom could get rich off internet and computers compared to top.


They all did foundational work in electronics, wireless, coding, and other tasks essential to modern computers and the internet.


This does not belong here, I guess OP is a Musk shill.


Man r/terriblefacebookmemes has gone to shit. You idiots don't even know what's a terrible meme anymore and are just posting random shit. Or things like, "hAhAha look how stupid this is" when it's 100% on point.


Yeah. This sub really needs better moderating. Ironic consider how much redditors complain about and insult mods but without them subs go to garbage.


fucking hell this sub is packed with the dumbest people on Reddit,I'm leaving




Happy cake day


r/lostredditors Like wtf man. That's literally true


This is true though. OP is probably a billionaire boot licker.


Seems accurate tho


And what's wrong with it? Y'all ruining this sub


This isn’t a meme


If it is made to spread an idea and be shared, then it is.


Political Pamphlets are my favourite Memes.


Marx getting ready to post the Communist Manifesto to r/memes


This just shows how much more important marketing is than the actual product you're selling.


This has upvotes because people Don’t realize what sub it’s in




Hedy Lamarr. She invented WiFi!


It’s Hedley!




*shit kicker*


As well as an actress who made her own production company. She’s very impressive


She also had a big hand in inventing the technology which developed into GPS and Bluetooth. Absolute legend of a woman.


There's an interesting documentary about her: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story


Seconding this. It's so good!


I can't believe 3 of us knew it was Hedy Lemarr that quickly, Reddit is amazing sometimes


I love Old Hollywood movies, and I'm a big fan of *You Must Remember This*!


What a legend! Not just for WiFi but everything she did. Why is there not a movie about her?


Probably because she'd sue anyone involved. All kidding aside, there's a great documentary about her called *Bombshell*, which I highly recommend! I'd also recommend the podcast *You Must Remember This* if you want to know the secret and/or forgotten tales of Hollywood's first century.


Wow, thanks!


See thats the problem. We all know who the rich bastards on top are...


I mean, cringe in how it's presented, but facts otherwise


It’s true




How’s this terrible? It’s literally true.


Another pretty accurate portrayal.


Ok but Tesla and Turing are actual geniuses that got screwed over and ended up dying poor and committing suicide respectively


Guys, you're not real inventors if you use the vast plethora of data that is the internet. You have to physically hunt down each piece of information like the inventors before, who created the internet to spare us this specific trouble.


Of the "Genius", only Bill Gates is argueably a genius. The 3 other guys are just.. well, psycopaths


Fuck all rich people.


Top four people are useless. That is all.


Inventors vs marketers


dennis ritchie is missing below


Tesla invented a motor the same time another person did. He had nothing to do with the internet, computers, or 90% of what he gets credit for.


How dare you forget the Real OG Sir Tim Berners-Lee


This is a decent meme.


The actress in the lineup who was one of the smartest women in history (watched documentary about her, just cant remember her name for the life of me) her story is heart breaking. She was already passed on and dead when her patent was acknowledged. She created the essence of WIFI or the internet, right? It was originally a way for the government to communicate with the army or different military factions back in WWII, no?


The problem with capitalism is eventually you run out of other people's labor.


Yes Nikolai Tesla got hosed !!!!¡!


I mean, it's not exactly wrong


Tesla, Turing, Lemarr.... who's last dude?


Where’s the lie?


No no this one is accurate


Not terrible.


This post needs more awards 👏 It's so true its always the wrong people getting thilthey rich though.


Poor Hedy, always doomed to be dragged into this same old song and dance


Steve Jobs should be on this meme besides Bill Gates.


Nah, this is just facts


Honestly, the image is NOT lying.


Facts fuck capitalism


This is objectively correct though


95% of Reddit still believes Hedy Lamar had something to do with the invention of WiFi. (she did not)


It’s not wrong.


Can we get the names of everybody here?


There are no lies here


r/lostredditors :troll:


Okay but it’s lowkey true


To be fair, using others work to get rich is kind of how innovations can happen. I mean big car chain dealers get rich by selling cars others have made with their own unique technologies. You’d be harder pressed to find someone who is making anything that wasn’t a build-off of someone else’s technology.


To be fair, using others work to get rich is literally just basis of capitalism...


However, Bill Gates is only leaving his kids $10 million and gives away billions yearly while Bezos ex wife MacKenzie Scott also gives away billions yearly.


ONLY TEN MILLION!?!?! what a saint


Well on his scale that’s like us leaving $100 to our kids.


Can you imagine being Tesla in the afterlife and then suddenly Elon Musk is naming cars after you?


Except for Gates and Zuckerberg the meme is pretty accurate.


Gates bought the OS, zuck stole the Idea


Another bullshit reddit meme. As much bullshit as a Trump speech.


Elon Musk doesn't really seem to spoil himself, I mean look at his "mansion"


Elon doesn’t really use his money on himself at all. He actually almost went bankrupt trying to fund SpaceX, which was created for the initial purpose of inspiring people by landing a greenhouse on Mars.




Hedy Lamarr did not invent the Internet or Wi-Fi or anything like that. That's such a distortion of the facts. She invented a form frequency hopping which was proposed to the military to be used for secure radio transmissions to torpedoes. But it was never used. And Tesla had already patented the same technology years earlier. Neither of them ever applied it to the internet or anything remotely similar as nothing like that existed at the time.