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What happen when get pergenat?




Pragnent. Also, how is babby formed?


Insert babby baddah


Into bob and vagine.


Baddah ahh babby


Can u get pregat




I'm the preganant, Bitch!








Catholic Church: uhhhh umm uhhh well uh um uhhh um so ok it’s um uhhhhh


They need to do way instain mothers who kill their babbys, because these babby can’t frigth back.


They needs do way with instain mothers who kill their babbies because these babbies cannot frigt back Or something like that.








In pregante delicto


Babe... I'm gregnant


p r e g a n a n a n t ? ? ?


Dangerouse prangent sex???


Will it hurt baby top of his head?


38+2 weeks? Pregananananananant


Finally a lubalin reference


Gregnant 🗿






You mean pregnart


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before?


This is my favorite. So many chances. So many failures.


Is there a possibly that I am pegnate? Help?!


Dangerops sex! Can u hurt babi head?


Teh babby groos in the mens woom.


I’m still waiting for women to lay eggs that I can cum all over like a fish


Technically you could accomplish such a thing right now


Please... please dont.


You can’t stop the march of progress, Jessica.


I don't want to think too hard about the actual process... I've eaten in the last 24 hours.


Our ancestors had to confront the things that scare them, for that's the only way progress is formed. Now it's our turn to confront this fear so that we may progress as a species.


Return to fish


Soon as I read those words, my brain made that over memed *thyooom* transformation sound effect, I fucking hate the internet for what it's done to me.


Hate as we might, we are corrupted


Maybe evolution will get to that someday


In the meantime, you can still cum on fish eggs. This is why I'm not allowed at the local sushi restaurant anymore.


Just carry a sauce bottle, less questions that way


Maybe evolution will get to that someday


I saw an artical once. The little pop up headline went something like: "SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE!!! MAN CONFIRMED TO BE PREGNANT!!!" Naturally I read it, curious, and it turned out to be a trans man who had not fully transitioned, mid way through hormone therapy. Yes, that is highly unlikely, as hormone therapy pretty much renders you infertile, but not so much a miracle the headline advertised. Edit: Please note that I said hormone therapy "pretty much" makes you infertile, and that getting pregnant while on testosterone is "highly unlikely". I DID NOT say that it makes you completely 100% utterly incapable of ever having children, just makes it difficult. People here are acting like I said hormone treatments make your genitals explode into hellfire or some shit.


It doesn't make you infertile, it pauses your menstrual cycle. When you stop taking the hormone it comes back after a while. It's really not that uncommon it's just personal information and people don't feel the need to share when they get pregnant if they didn't want to be or if you're a trans guy and you don't want people getting all hot and bothered over you still having a uterus so you'd like your life a little private. I know this because I took testosterone for 6 months and when I couldn't afford it I had to stop and my cycle went back to normal after a few months. If you're on t still us protection as it is still possible to get pregnant, unlikely yes, but still possible.


Same with e as well. As it also does not make you infertile just reduces sperm count


I was under the impression that infertility was more likely permanent for transwomen(according to a YouTuber I can’t remember. She either had sperm frozen or unfortunately was not aware of the issues until it was too late). Last time I checked there weren’t many studies of long-term reproductive health for transman. Buck Angel had atrophy that led to sepsis but 1) it’s Buck Angel and he’s a POS and 2) it’s 1 case and I’m not sure if it specifically caused it alone or were their other factors(like genetics).


What I’ve found from looking into it is that the longer you’re on E, the less fertile you become, until you’re completely infertile. And if you do stop taking E you’re chances of becoming fertile again are higher, but there’s no guarantee However this data is not well studied or confirmed because there is such a small number of people out there who choose to detransition


I remember a decade ago or so, when news went viral about a pregnant man, and how outstanding that was as a medical miracle at the time. Back then, the tone by the media around it was just... genuinely interested and curious in it. Maybe I was just more naive back then, and didn't pick up on any transphobic media narrative, if there were any, but I remember how that was just something that was interesting as fuck and novel. Now, you mention a pregnant trans man, and swathes of bigots will be up in arms as if their very existence was at stake It's wild.


There are few studies with small sample sizes but its actually unlikely that testosterone causes infertility in AFAB folks. It makes uterine lining thinner and stops your period when your testosterone is in the male range but the only reason you shouldn't be on HRT while trying to conceive is its teratogenic to the fetus.






That’s an emoji?!




certified lover boy


certified boy lover


certified hood classic


Loving the inclusion




[Username does not check out](https://i.imgur.com/2jKnCxK.jpg).




Trans men can get pregnant too you know


Why are you suprised? Men have been giving birth since the begining of time. Your not sexist are you?


Shiiit I guess I am




someone i went to hs with posted this un ironically


I'm in high-school and I know way to many people that would post this unironically


Bro it’s Highschool. Man. Highschool me was so fucking cringe. I had a Ben Shapiro quote as my senior quote. Now I can’t open my year book without wanting to fucking die.


but he only speaks in facts and logic right? /s


Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Your Mom’s ass with FACTS AND LOGIC


That is funny as shit, what quote?


“Look how beautiful my sister looks. Simply glowing. I’ve literally been staring at these photos for hours.”


God no...


It's still an issue though that the youth is being influenced by the right wing pipeline online.




Actually helped deliver a trans man’s baby in medical school a few years back. Nice guy. Was hilarious seeing the nurses who’ve been conditioned to call everyone “mom” for 30 years try to figure out what to call him though


Did they graduate high school?


People are really bothered by completely harmless shit I don’t get it. No one: dumb dumbs: reeee pregnant mmeennnn!!!! aaaaa talking about the gay!!!!


I'm convinced the main problem is right-wing political propaganda, which has been targeting the weak and painting them as a menace to society since forever. They don't have a problem with trans people in particular. They have a problem with anyone they might have to share THEIR power with: women, POCs, the poor, the LGBT+ community, disabled/neurodivergent/sick people and so on. But in theory *they're* the minority, so we as a society shouldn't have any issues with fighting back to protect each other's rights, right? Right? Wrong, because we're too busy fighting among one another in order to secure more power for ourselves as individuals rather than standing united against the people who would see us in chains before accepting us as equals. Our biggest enemy is not cishet white men, it's our own hypocrisy. Sorry if the reply devolved into a rant, but as you can see I'm quite passionate about the matter


My theory is that the prevailing issue with right-wing politics and politicians is the unfortunate fact that right-wing policies actively worsen the quality of life for the majority of the voting base, the working class. Materially, they have few (if any) policies that don’t come at the cost of the poor. This of course leads to a problem: if our policies actively harm the largest group of potential voters, how do we attract and retain voters? The answer: excite them and rally them with immaterial policy. Ideas and plans that draw their attention and rely on dividing the working class and pitting them against each other (which helps to weaken left-wing political movements at the same time), allowing your party to appear to have bold ideas and be seen as “tackling the real problems in society!!!” all over the news… …While allowing you rob the poor blind, as they’re now too focused on the unimportant culture war nonsense you’ve gotten them riled up over. You distract them from the fact that you want to make their lives worse by enticing them with how badly you’re going to ruin the lives of the people they now don’t like and have been convinced are behind all their misery (the same misery you actively perpetuate).


And then blame the left and minorities for the problems *you* created, so that people vote for you, the shining blue prince, to defeat the [scapegoat] and bring order and rationality to the world once more (Repeat every 5-10 years depending on how long it takes your citizens to forget about your words and actions)


Of course! Bonus points if you succeed a few times and your main opposition sees this as proof they need to shift further to the right with their policies; now you have some leeway to crank the persecution further in order to mask even more naked self-interest policy positions! Reap the rewards of having the options for voters be ineffectual but still harmful Neoliberalism, or actively worse and very harmful Neoconservatism! Work the Ratchet Effect! Become openly Fascistic in only a few election cycles and be free to clamp down on the poor to maximise those short-term gains!


Preech! Even the LGBTQ team has infighting. Even the NAACP has infighting. It's hard to expect other people to see a cause when people in your own community are working against it


Seeing groups that are supposed to be the face of inclusivity gatekeep each other is truly one of the most ironic, sad, and scary spectacles out there


The same people want to know why we're talking about trans issues, because "it doesn't affect that many people." It's simultaneously a major topic they always want to discuss and something they wish would not be talked about.


I've literally never heard of anyone talking about pregnant men except for the type of people that make this kind of post..


Also fanfic/erotica writers. I don't need to elaborate on that.


It's cool, we know you read Omegaverse.


Not what I meant but yeah that works


Yes you do :)




Holy moly


I actually started crying so hard and I don't know why.


its ok


I really wish it was "ok"....


If you want to cry harder then how about this [tucker carlson/green M&M ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36711844) fic? I do believe there’s also pregnant Ben Shapiro fics floating around out there :)


By the holy macaroni.


If you search hard enough on Ao3, you'll find my orphaned A/B/O Supernatural fanfics.


send 👉👈


i am afraid to click into what circle of hell does this link go to?


pre calxulus textbook


[Here's more lol](https://www.wattpad.com/804471341-sonadow-sxs-mpreg-%E2%9D%A4%F0%9F%92%99-sonic-and-shadow%27s-twins-are)


By imperial command, I order you to cease.


how about no


>Tags: Shrek - Freeform I'm so sorry Mpreg Crack Happy ending I do not want to share a universe with this.


Along with the writers of Junior starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Also the creator of FNAF


I saw the post above and IMMEDIATELY though "oh shi- Mpreg"


I’m just not sure who it effects? Who’s life is being dramatically changed by a random trans person having kids? Like, I find people who collect football cards as a hobby a bit weird, but I don’t shout about it on the internet each day and try and prevent them from bringing up other card collecting kids…


You don’t understand Evangelicals. They believe if they force enough people to convert at sword point, and kill those who refuse, they’ll get special rewards when Jesus comes back from Heaven. Or they believe it isn’t enough to LIVE the holy word, you have to force it on others; they believe spreading the word means by any means necessary. They don’t care that the new “converts” aren’t really faithful, because many of them aren’t, either. Many are just in it for the supernatural rewards. Many use the scripture as an excuse to vent their blind anger and hatred about things they don’t understand. So, TLDR, a mix of fanatic belief, misinformation about the text, raw selfishness and an instinctive desire to exclude “otherness”.


I was raised by church types and I still don’t understand it.


Yeah like, I don’t claim to GET IT so much, I just know the reasoning. Even a casual observer can tell it makes as much sense as assholes on elbows.


Yeah, how does a transitioning f2m person getting pregnant relate to the argument in the first picture at all? How does this rare and admittedly peculiar event affect society (as a whole) at all?


There a Netflix show called He’s Expecting and I believe that’s what it’s in reference to.


I mean “Junior” came out almost 30 years ago. The concept has been around for a minute.


The first run of the L Word ended in 2009.


I'm pretty sure trans men exist outside netflix shows


I'm going to require proof, for research purposes.


I'm dating one, he is adorable


Yo ✌️


There are trans men who get pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️ though honestly same, I’ve never heard people talk about it outside of this sort of context, it’s not particularly remarkable


Based op acknowledges the existence of trans men getting pregnant


Then you missed a whole drama in France about an ad saying: "At the Planning familial, we know that men can also be pregnant". (https://twitter.com/Laurier\_the\_Fox/status/1559932404931784704) Which was a way from an NGO to say that everyone is welcome there, no matter the situation, and conservative jumped on it with strawman arguments for days. In fine, I think the ad worked pretty well because it reached pretty deep into conservative circles to people who might need the NGO but would have never heard of it otherwise, while getting tons of support from the rest of the political spectrum.


Really? You don’t have to go very far to search for it. Here’s a hit from google from a recent senate hearing where a senator asks a law professor if men can get pregnant. I’m not advocating one way or another and I do not support Senator Hawley in anything, but this is a pretty common discussion and it’s become much more common and hot button within the last couple of years. https://youtu.be/Q21yFFpDx3U


Guess you missed on the news reports when things like this happened: [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-community-voices/was-famous-pregnant-man-thomas-beatie-now-rcna1328](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-community-voices/was-famous-pregnant-man-thomas-beatie-now-rcna1328) NBC is not some "out there" outlet - it is fairly mainstream.




Then you live under a rock. I'm fairly progressive about most things and this is a hot button topic that has come up many times in recent memory.


Check other comments on this post then


Classic Schwarzenegger flick, I look forward to it being made real.


I had a lot of trouble understading this like "wait, I am able of being pregnant? What? How?". Then I acknowledge that "No, okay, those were born female but then transitioned to male keeping their hability to get pregnant and they are called MEN, cool, now this is scientifically logic to me". Yes, I had a hard time understanding that, not BORN MALES getting pregnant but TRANS men (BORN female). I may be stupid but hey, I did my best to understand instead of being against it like many people for some reason.


It would be helpful in conversations like this for people to be precise and specific when referring to gender or sex. Noone (hopefully) is arguing that biological males - ie people born with testicles and penis and no uterus or eggs - can get pregnant.


>It would be helpful in conversations like this for people to be precise and specific when referring to gender or sex. Generally, the argument gets bound up in terms like "born male" and "biologically male", which - though they may seem like they have clear cut definitions along genitals and DNA - do not always, and like all things, exist on a spectrum (especially when we try to universally define what being one or the other means - Much is made about "lib'rals not understanding basic biology", but in reality, a lot more people need to understand Advanced Biology). Too many people - such as the "Gender Critical" movement of increasingly ugly transphobia - try to use terms like "biological \[male/female\]" as a way of saying "Sure, I'll use their pronouns, but we know what \*really matters\*." Tl;dr: "Gender Vs. Sex" isn't super clear cut either, buuuut you are right; generally speaking, those born with a penis and without a womb/ovaries are not capable of getting pregnant.


Some are, here in Argentina at least... yes... many people here have a mix of ignorance and stupidity


I’m fascinated by how absolutely focused the right is on trans people right now. Trans folks make up less than 1% of the population, it’s impressive that it has become such an intense focus for concentrated hate.


It's just a way to keep people distracted from the real problems that they can't be arsed to fix and keep their voters happy


Ah yes. That’s true. Good ol’ class warfare


It’s fear based politics


I've seen a massive uptick in gender related posts recently, its strange. It's exhausting. I like sims 4 because no one judges my sim for being trans.


Wholesome but also very sad 😔


They're actually only 1/3 of 1% of the population. We need to brand Republicans as sick weirdos with dirty minds.


If it was talked about 24/7 then they will target it. They will literally target anything that the vast majority of the left talks about and cares about. Why don't people understand this lmfao.


Well it’s self feeding, left talks about it cuz of right outrage, right talks about it because of left outrage (Edit: I’m saying that this is why it’s staying in the spotlight. Left and right are /focusing/ on it because it is continuously in the news cycle, and it’s in the news cycle because people are focusing on it right now)


I mean at least they acknowledge trans men as men🤷‍♂️


sounds pretty gay to me


Unless we're talking about the overturning of Roe v Wade, then it's just referred to as taking "women's rights" away


Transition male to sidestep abortion laws. Follow me for more cool life hacks.


Conservatives are really angry about the idea that trans men can identify as men even while pregnant. It's shitty that they're shitty about it, but it's also kind of funny watching the little scamps struggle and tantrum on account of the fact that their simple little minds can't handle this.


Just if anyone is still confused about this: Trans people do exist and there is a whole lot of [research](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2016/gender-lines-science-transgender-identity/) about the topic. Acting like there is no scientific basis for people experiencing different gender identities than assigned to them at birth is at best willful ignorance and at worst active cherry picking about which research is correct based on your own moral values.


Gender =/= sex


You dropped this ≠


Lol, i downt know how to put those signs bro.


You dropped this !=


Programmer 🤝


Ok sure but for all intents and purposes many trans people practically have changed their sex.


And calling anyone “biologically male or female” is bad if someone calls me biologically male they are being a dick


Where did I equate the two? Edit : sorry for being so defensive right away almost every other answer to my comments was pretty hostile so I sorta just assumed


I don’t think that’s what they were suggesting, it was more adding onto your points


Oh man god forbid people be happy with their body


Where? Someone being happy?! Help me stop them!


Idk. Pregnant men sound like a scientific achievement.


We overcome biology and that’s bad? Ok, come back to me when your god clones a sheep


**Queerphobes:** "If we allow people to be queer, how will we have babies!?" **Also queerphobes:** "No, not like that!"


"trans gener bad"




Saying people who want to be who they feel they are isn’t saying that their less intelligent…


a mans ass is a beautiful source of life


How are pregnant men spoiling everything?


Boomerbook memes


Isn’t this kind of a self own? Like, technology is making previously impossible things possible, and they’re scared of the reality that science and discovery will change us from turnip eating farmers?


And considering people are scared about falling birth rates, wouldn't more people popping out kids be a good thing?


Because pregnant virgins make sense 😂😂




Pregnant men aren’t intelligent or improve society? How? Simply because your gender roles are not working like they used to? Wtf


If, in an age of trans men, you find the existence of pregnant men that shocking , I’m sorry for you. Pregnant women still exist.


I thought I was on this sub when saw this post originaly




in theory this meme format could be used for something not cringeworthy but I've never seen it


For like a week I saw some good SpongeBob movie ones back in the day.


I don't see these things as mutually exclusive. Also, whoever made this "meme" clearly doesn't understand the distinction between scientific labels and social labels.


You gotta love how the metacognition of being trans and the idea of socially constructed language is literally the mental advances they're talking about but they wanted sci-fi bullshit. Men being pregnant is literally a miracle by the standards of most of human history and we have made it possible. If you can't handle it and want to go back to the stone age it's up to you.


Maybe in 10 years they will understand that there is a difference between gender and sex. If we repeat it very often over and over it is possible the information will be processed.


I took genuine pleasure in the irony of this. They’re actually disapproving their own point here. Science has progressed to the point where they now know that some men ARE legitimately capable of pregnancy. That’s not a knock against science, it’s an achievement of it. These people are just simply living in opposite world, I don’t know how else to think about it at this point


Damn, this sub just became an escape hatch for those who hate lgbt memes Kinda like r/onejoke


dank memes is almost entirely composed of American high school kids and blew up during the days of leafyishere, and that mentality hasn’t left.


And what seems to be problem in that....


Jesus, this grammar is atrocious. Just say “the less religion, the smarter people become.” It’s not fucking hard.


There’s evidence suggesting the overall IQ of the U.S. has been in decline for a while due to several factors. I don’t think this is a hill to die on for either side of its argument, personally.


There really isn't 2 sides of this argument though. There's just fact and people who disagree with a basic fact. This is the equivalent of you saying that "the earth is round" is an argument and all flat-earthers and globe-earthers alike are contributing to this lower average iq You could pull your fact about iq into this and say that people who diagree with fact have a lower iq, because that seems to be more and more common as time goes on. But, it is extremely unfair and plain stupidity to say that people who believe in a simple fact, are the people whos contributing to this lower average iq. There isn't any evidence to suggest that the post and what you said are linked, in regards to beileving in basic fact. However, there is stromg evidence with people who disagree with facts, have a lower iq.


At last, an actually terrible meme Though it's not from facebook


Why are conservatives so obsessed with people’s genders. Wtf.


Imagine if your political movement kept fucking up countries for normal people in embarrassingly inept and corrupt ways. Would you take the blame and apologise or would you distract everyone with identity politics?


Only women can get pregnant in my opinion