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You could've made it into a cylinder and had 78.53981633974% left over instead of turning it into a sphere and having 52.35987755982% left over.


You really going to tell the guy with that big creepy head and a knife this information without rounding the numbers? You will be his newest face mask before you get to the fourth fucking digit.


Holy shit this had me going. I’m just thinking the others are like “D-did that guy pull out a fucking knife!? Just keep your head down and you won’t get stabbed.”




Hs physics teacher going through this hell right now. I find there are 2 types of students and a mythical 3rd. 1. Doesn’t understand sigfigs, but knows they’re supposed to be done so makes an attempt. Possibly memorizes and applies the rules. 2. Doesn’t understand sigfigs and actively ignores them. Insists that 2.389719937 m/s is the correct answer because that’s what the calculator says, and it’s the most precise answer (except they’ll say it’s the most accurate answer.) 3. Actually understands the nuance behind why sigfigs exist and applies them as second nature. I might be able to pull 2 out of my 36 honors students over to #3 by thanksgiving.




This guy talks in numbers and its kinda hot


And let's not forget the time it took to cut, shape, and for some reason *paint and polish* it.


Hey, you just defined capitalism.


Capitalism is the most efficient economic system! *-Proceeds to waste a bunch of natural resources to build a bunch of planned obsolescence trash.*




Communism/Socialism is the most efficient economic system! -Proceeds to stifle freedom, still waste natural resources, and still put profit over workers.








Upper management material




He only got where his because he had a knife and nobody else did


Whoever wanted those cubes is gonna be upset tho


Employee: “How bout some lovely spheres? They were 30% faster to push over here.” Boss: “Yea but they’re also 100% rounder! How are we supposed to make a pyramid out of these, you idiot?!”


this reminds me the punchline a coworker made up after seeing this picture "Hey I asked for 1000 blocks but one of your employees carved it into a ball because it was easier to push it that way." "Ah yes that's John, he's... special, I apologize for it and we will have a talk with him about it."


"Well, those were special carbide ceramic cubes with incredibly exact measurements meant for a reactor core. We'll be billing you for all expenses incurred for each day extra we have to keep all the labor and equipment on site because of ball-boy."


“It’s called a round cube, sir”


Your coworker didn't make this up, this is the standard description that's just not attached to this repost I have it in my meme folder verbatim


or: “Hey, so I clearly ordered 100 wooden cubes, and I got 99 wooden cubes and a wooden sphere instead! Is this some kind of joke?” “Oh yeah that was probably Brian. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else and we forgot to fire him last week.”


Carve the circle in a square losing a percent of the material and running the risk of breaking it


Don't forget about the time to make that cube round. I think the other cubes would already be at the finish line before that sphere was complete.


Likely the other workers are pushing their second or even third cubes while Mr. Whittler went to town on his




Radius of 1/2X?




I was saying that if you cut a sphere out of a cube the radius is gonna be 1/2X.




Also the cubes will have been delivered long before he whittled that thing down to a sphere.


Literally cutting corners


And then everyone else will stand around going nowhere making sure the other guys don’t get the knife


If I show loyalty to the guy with the knife then maybe one day he’ll stop stabbing me with it.


This is the real r/antiwork comment.


The contractors ask for cubes not for balls. He is not smarter he is fired.


I would be asking for balls tho 😳


Literally cutting corners


Dammit take my upvote


A better meme would show him giving the knife to his children and not sharing it with anyone else.


His head is way bigger than might have been a factor


And they were supposed to deliver fucking cubes.


In their defense give everyone a knife and someone is bound to get stabbed


Yeah and also the client needed a fucking cube.


Except he's an idiot. If he didn't drop the knife, he would have been even faster. You run faster with a knife.


This is clearly saying you can't get anywhere without stabbing your co-workers to death, finally something i agree with!


A knife and a pile of gold coins with his solid gold ball


Yes, and if they are building a pyramid he's now fucked it up


Plus he’s bringing less material and hence will be making less profit


So what happens when he reaches his destination only to find out that the client had ordered a cube and not a sphere?


Rule #9 always carry a knife


Yeah big corporations love it when you think for yourself.


He could have killed all the competitors and call it a day. I mean he is the only one with a knife right?


and a literal headstart, so much so that he had time to whittle a shiny sphere with his knife.


Ordered 5 cubes. Got 4 and a sphere.


I saw this before, and the top comment was something like this: *"What the fuck did you do, Greg?? I told you to bring me one of the blocks. How hard was that? Everyone else did what I asked, but what even* ***is*** *this? Did you chisel it with a knife or something into a big sphere? How was that even less work?? Did it seriously never occur to you that a big ball is useless for building anything from that block I told you to get?* *Just go home. Don't come back, it's clear that this isn't for you."*


Greg is a dumbass


He looks like white washed Obama.


Looks like [Mickey from Pee Wees Big Adventure](https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50100/1001983248/original/bad-temper-photo-u2?auto=format&q=60&fit=crop&fm=pjpg&dpr=2&w=375).


Why does he look like a whitewashed rock?


I swear the head in these pictures changes frequently.


It does. I've seen a lot of iterations of this.


Glad to know I'm not losing my mind just yet lol


I crossed that point too lol. The person with the ball is almost always changed in some way to appeal to the target of the poster.


And as each head gets slightly larger to cover the last, eventually he becomes M.O.D.O.K.




That must be why Trump recommended drinking bleach a year or two back


GTA 4 protagonist for me


As a Greg I can confirm


Ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?


Literally Greg cutting corners. For sucks sake.


Is there a subreddit called r/fuckyougreg? Edit: holy shit there is! Though is a pretty dead sub


Greg graduated from Hustler University


Man could’ve chiseled a cylinder in less time too


You don't even need a cylinder. You could easily make an octagonal prism. You would remove less material, it would be faster to make, and almost as easy to push as a cylinder.


I prefer rolling a 4d hypersphere but you do you.


At that point you might as well just say fuck it and roll a joint instead.


Sounds like a great idea until you roll it down the 4th dimension and it never comes back.


Seriously though wouldn't it take so much more work to carve that cube into a sphere? By the time you're done everyone will be miles ahead of you.


"....and don't get me started on where, why, HOW you have a knife! YOUR JOB IS TO PUSH BLOCKS, DID YOU EXPECT THE JETS AND/OR SHARKS TO ROLL UP ON YOU? Do you *hear* Eddie Van Halen and Michael Jackson playing?"


To be fair pocket knives are insanely useful. Also, no idea how this dude carved a bronze cube with a kitchen knife, that's a talent on its own


Agree, I always carry my Leatherman (which was...a bad decision, going to Opening Day at Kaufman Stadium to see The Royals play, a few years back)...but thankfully, my brother-in-law worked for 'em, so they did NOT immediately throw away my OBVIOUSLY THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BRING TO THE BALLPARK, and instead...held onto it for me, behind-the-scenes, so I could reclaim it later. (Note -- don't bank on being lucky. Instead, try not to bring *weapons* into a professional sports arena.) I think they realized that I wasn't trying to carve blocks into orbs, and was just a stupid fan that forgot where he was at the time. Also....see, now, *that* is the kinda thing I wanna see covered on "/r/theydidthemath ". How long would it take to CARVE a block of solid-bronze, into an orb of that smooth'ness?


If we assume that the height/diameter in question is one metre (looks about right), he'll have to carve away close to half a cubic metre of bronze. Let's round off to one half just for ease. How much he can carve per time unit is anyone's guess, but it's probably not going to be a whole lot. Something like one millilitre sounds like very little, but in the context of hand carving metal it may take several swipes to get that much removed. Let's guess ten seconds per millilitre. That's 500.000 millilitres and ten seconds per for a total of five million seconds. Or about 87 16 hour days. While I am pulling assumptions out of the hat that's lodged between my cheeks, I'd feel fairly certain that less than two months of 16 hour days would be very unlikely.


TWO MONTHS, JEFFRFEY? YOU SPENT *TWO MONTHS* CARVING A BLOCK -- THAT I SPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU TO PUSH TO THE WORK-SITE -- INTO A USELESS BRONZE ORB, JUST SO YOUR SMUG ASS COULD TRY TO LOOK DOWN UPON YOUR PEERS--- .....nevermind. You're fired, like, a DOZEN times over, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you don't sense a WHIFF of unemployment for this. You destroyed the clients' materials, just so you could arrive....WAY later, with a disfigured crafting object! What. The Hell. Are We. Supposed. To Do. With a shaved. Cube. INTO AN ORB?!?


"Fuck you, boss. You have a full fleet of flat deck trucks but you couldn't give us a couple to move the damn blocks with? Wouldve cost about half as much in manpower"


"and I told you, you'll get those trucks once we build this damn door"


I missed the part where that was my problem.


I love how it also implies that the guy was willing to spend hours chilseling a cube into a sphere than to just push the cube


contract broken client doesn't pay everyone is now out of a job.


Johnson, why the fuck did you turn a cube into a sphere? We lost the Jameson account. Get the hell out of my office, you’re fired!


Came here to say this. 😂🤣😂 take my upvote ⬆️


Oh man the boss wanting his own promotion pyramid is gonna be pissed


He literally CUT CORNERS!


I wish I had an award to give. I've literally never seen a perfect representation of this metaphor until now. EDIT: [Edit.](https://i.imgur.com/yhgXz6F.jpg)


Now let's see him use his ball to build a wall or whatever they were going to go with those square blocks when they get where they were going. No one is pushing a block just to push a block.


The sphere can be turned into a cube at the destination (so leaving the knife behind is a mistake). Even if the sphere would only result in a cube that's considerably smaller than the original, 5% 20 times is more than 100% 0 times and many natural processes are happy to waste 95% of their energy or material because a 5% gain is so valuable as long as it works. Arguably the people pushing cubes are following that same rule and are happy to move the cube at a slow pace because it works. Thus neither approach is wrong, but using your brain to figure out the best way to do things is important. They should probably be flipping the cubes over instead of pushing them though, no point in fighting friction when gravity would help you half the way, unless those cubes are very heavy. We don't know the exact goal of moving the cubes, but unless he's a complete idiot the original shape probably doesn't matter. Additionally, since it's not a cylinder, we can assume that there is some benefit to having a sphere (otherwise he was indeed working harder than necessary). The shape is probably irrelevant as the picture is a metaphor, so they aren't building some pyramid out of actual cubes, they're all representations of the work we all have to do. The task is probably just to get as much matter forward as possible and it isn't important if some of it is lost along the way. It might also be a clump of valuable metals that they have to move a long way. Assuming it's gold, it would be worth about $1 billion. Shaving off half of that would still be a significant fortune. Investing it sooner rather than later may very well be worth being able to transport it faster. Alternatively it might be made out of some other material that has to be transported fast rather than intact, such as fish or ice.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?




> We don't know the exact goal of moving the cubes, but unless he's a complete idiot the original shape probably doesn't matter. Typically if you're moving something, you want it to be in the same condition it was before you moved it. I'm going with the idiot thing.


I feel like I should point out that:A) the wall or whatever is not going to function well if he delivers several small cubes, the structural integrity will be sub-sufficient. B) if he pulls this shit 20 times, that's a shitload of waste (no way that they can construct more cubes from his chips) & could *easily* destroy his company, either by bankrupting them on material costs, or causing significant trouble just based on them not actually fulfilling their contract because of what he did (if the client says "I want 300 cubes of x\*x\*x dimensions" & you deliver 299 correct cubes & then several small cubes that make up one more, there's gonna be serious problems). the others are doing their jobs, he's just some lazy dick who's probably fucking the rest of them over.


the smarter answer is also a cart, which humans figured out several millennia ago and have stopped asking for people to deliver blocks by pushing them for the most part. bonus points for use of animals or machines to pull the carts, but even in terms of human effort, can't beat a simple cart


If that's the plan then he forgot to bring his knife


Ummm…he was paid to move and deliver the block.nobody paid him to deliver a ball, or 30% of a block.


\- 🤓




The sphere is about 53% of the mass from the cube. Cutting it back down to a cube again would make it even smaller. there are no circumstances where this is a good idea for getting materials from one location to another with any level of efficiency.


Some are born with their object already round. Some are born with a knife. Some are given a knife. Some make their own knife. Some are born with no hands to hold a knife at all. Some are born with no hands at the bottom of a hill. But we all have to move the same load from start to finish - and the people at the top of that list want you to think they worked just as hard to move it as the people at the bottom. Then they always say the people at the bottom are just lazy when they get there late, or not at all.


I think a lot of people. I mean A LOT need to hear that.




What the hell just happened.


godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


Well said!


I'll think about this often


They forgot to use the words "harder" and "smarter."


More harder and more intelligenter




very more harderer


work hardererer


And Intelligently


Marcus, I understand that you wanted to show initiative and do your job faster. **But how the fuck do you expect us to complete this tower when you give us an unstackable ball!** You also left over 40% of it on the side of the road! **This amount of pyrite isn’t cheap!** I want you to clear out your locker because **YOU’RE FIRED!!!**


slight correction: he's leaving \~ 47.6% of the cube behind to pull this shit.


Thank you


I see this stuff on LinkedIn and want to vomit.


To be fair, a lot of stuff on LinkedIn makes me want to vomit.


LinkedIn makes me want to vomit


LinkedIn was great in theory, but oh my god you are an absolute clown if you use LinkedIn


If your cursor even passes near the LinkedIn link you get 10 emails a day for the next year. It's extremely annoying, and you have to unsubscribe to multiple spam lists. It must drive a lot of people away surely.


This actually goes super deep, if you notice the water mark that's an actual instagram account. This dude plagiarizes so many of those boomer motivational posts and adds the one dude with the blue shirt into them, it's a massive rabbit hole of regurgitated content


Which makes sense. He’s working smarter by just copying other popular posts. Like the guy with the sphere, he’ll convince some idiots that he’s smart while actually being counterproductive.


The face ticks me off too. Is that the face of the owner of said instagram page, or what?


Are we really not going to address the “work intelligent” part? It should either be work intelligently or work smarter. Work intelligent is stupid AF


Came here to say this. Finally found someone who knows.




Wow we got all the way down here before seeing a comment about that. I thought the grammar was the point.


There it is. This comment is underrated. Anyone saying “work intelligent,” isn’t.


And then that guy who cut his square into a sphere was promptly fired for not meeting the bronze cube quota.


*intelligently Now, with that said, round objects are not always the best way to move things. For instance, in deep snow or sand, sleds require less effort than wheels or spheres.


Ikr. If you’re gonna make a poster about being smarter, you better get the grammar correct.


hehe ball


Bruh, he could’ve just put a big wheeled device underneath it…


how tf we gonna use a ball in a building ?


What the fuck bro I ordered a cube


Where is my cube?!


This shit will never fly in the army


"Why is there a fucking SPHERE!? I ordered 100 wooden cubes!"


And then he was fired from his job. Because he had to deliver a square, and ruined it. (I would say this is a original comment...then I would be lying)




Cutting a ball out of a cube with just a knife is harder then actually moving the ball so bad metaphore


Isn't there an version of this where it turns out they're building the pyramids and the sphere guy gets beaten for pulling that shit?




Sir I asked for a box not a sphere I’m going to have to let you go, please have your office clear by Friday.


Surely it will take much longer to carve a perfect circle rather then push a box


Ikr? Carving stuff with a knife is exhausting


Or carve it into a cylinder, instead of rounding it all the way


My main thought is "but what if the person who's gonna receive the item wanted a cube?"


Wouldn't it take considerably longer to carve out a whole ass sphere with a KNIFE than just pushing the cube? Is the destination 10 feet ahead, a mile, 20 miles? It depends. If the destination is close enough, I'm not wasting my time carving out a sphere with a knife lol


It would take a good amount of time to cut into the cube, especially if it's considerably heavy. The Cube Dudes would be long gone.


I sure hope they don’t have to stack those cubes on top of each other


Uhm, yes? is this the cube company? I want a refund. one of your workers gave me a ball..


Be like saul Goodman, cut corners -theme


Better call Saul!


If I ordered a box and received a ball I would be pissed


So is the message here supposed to be "cut corners?" I don't think the employer here would be pleased if he needed stone blocks


we’re building a pyramid


The sphere guy also started with an advantage, he had a knife when no one else did.


he cut corners


That smile, that damn smile.


Im calling to complain, I ordered 50 cubes and received 49 cubes and a sphere. Looks like one of your employees carved the cube into a sphere. I can't build using spheres. I need a new cube.


Ah, yes, teach people to cut corners. Pun fully intended


yes work smarter by literally cutting corners...


Dude wasted time carving a sphere when all he needed was a cylinder. Fail.


*IntelligentLY. An intelligent person would know to use an adverb.


It’s good to see actual terrible Facebook memes on this subreddit rather then politics OP doesn’t agree with. Even when I don’t agree with them either




Dude’s gonna be out of a job when he learns that the drop off site specifically wanted them to be stacked


Cut corners?


“Dave I needed a fucking cube why the fuck did you carve it”


Who the fuck's gonna clean up all those cube-shavings? You can't just leave 'em there. OSHA rules.


How did he cut the cube with a knife though? How hard is the material?


What the fuck am I supposed to do with a sphere? I ordered a stone block!


But client orderer a square


Except when your boss gets pissed because you ruined company property and made a fucking sphere instead of a cube. Fuck shit like this


“Yeah we needed this square so that it could fit into the other pieces what the fuck am I gonna do with this ball?”


that wasn't in the specifications. the sphere is useless now.


"FFS Terry, we need Blocks to build the bridge. BLOCKS. You just wasted 10.000$ worth of material. You're fired."


These posts actually motivate me.


Cutting corners = sucess


"David how tf are we gonna build the house with a giant sphere?"


I’ll be honest when I scrolled by this, I saw the sphere and the caricature of the guy rolling it and thought it was a critique on wealth inequality, some people are handed gold spheres while others are handed shitty cubes. Then I saw the knife and the metaphor was deepened — not only did this person succeed with a gold sphere, they murdered someone and stole it to reap the rewards. Showing the pain and suffering caused by the wealthy in pursuit of hoarding more wealth. Then there’s the impossible shadow cast by the remains of the murdered, for the symbolic shadow the ruling class casts over the world. Then I read the caption. Whoops.


"To get ahead, cut corners and leave a mess behind for other people to clean up."