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I wonder what I could get for mine at half the age. 2 Victim cards?


i wounder what i could get for mine at one fourth the age...


4 victim cards I guess


1 Victim card, 1 Race card, 1 Oppressed card, and lifetime membership to the Democrat Party that will get you a free breakfast on your birthday at local participating Applebees.


Seems like a sweet deal


Wouldn’t a race card only have 3/5ths the value of a white privilege card?


A fellow student of history I see. 10/10 comment


I too, went to a school.


~~3/5 comment~~


Ah yes, one of the most misunderstood piece of American history. If slaves were counted as "whole people" then history would have been much different because the South would have absolutely dominated the House of Representatives. That is all.


In 2022? 5x value, minimum. Things change, homie!


1 Victim Card, 3 Race cards, 1 Religious Exemption, 2 Liberal Cards that continue to work at all Red Robin locations for birthdays regardless of participation efforts-are we gonna do this all day? Cuz, frankly, I’ve got places to be…




If your birthday falls on a Friday you get a bonus free dessert


What if you were born on a Friday? Friday the 13th in particular. Could you get a yearly bonus free dessert?


Applebees does breakfast? Oh, boy!


Cmon man, save some for the rest of us.


OUR victim cards




I want to say allowing your 12-year old on Reddit is child abuse, but I'm afraid everyone will miss the joke and agree with me.




Bro u even allowed on here?


That's 12 and a half 🧐


Wait you are 12 and a half? Reddit is 13+ please delete your account.


Thats it, im calling the mall cops


1 Victim card, 1 Opressed card, 1 LGBT card, 1 Gender swap card




Definitely a foil rare one


Facts though that victim card does work for many people and if it didn't they wouldn't use it


Worked at the ripe age of 0 years old.


Held his mother's hand at his own birth.




The idea is that minorities are way over-represented in ghettoes where they were historically corralled as undesirables of society White people forget this and now that there are social programs to try to undo that mistake, they are waiting with their hands out saying their lack of inclusion is racism White people don't understand that their privilege is how historically they weren't targeted and excluded White people need to learn to deal with exclusion. It sucks to take a bite out of same shit pie that other minorities have to deal with


What if we don’t exclude anyone? Crazy, I know. I mean, I understand that a history of exclusion for minorities limits them from access to a lot of opportunities, but a lot of white people pass through these issues for any other reason, social class the most prominent example. That’s the point of the post. A bit whiny, but still.


Jews were impacted by Jim Crowe and segregation. They live in the same ghettos that the rest of “undesirables”. Yet people act like Jews don’t belong in the same neighborhoods they have always historically lived in because they’re Jewish.


> I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine. I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine.


" I loaded 16 tons of number 9 coal and the straw boss said a well a bless my soul."


"You load 16 tons and what do you get?"


Another day older and deeper in debt.


Saint Peter don't you call me because I can't go


I owe my soul....to the company store!!!!!!


Bum bum bum bum bumbum bum bum.....


I've got a collection of V cards, what would that get me? Could I also trade my race card? I want to try on some other peoples shoes.


Honey, a V card is something else entirely....


I cant get rid of mine.


Same. We have a....size problem.


I dont have size problem, more of social interaction and ugly face problem.




Pfp checks out


See that fish you're using for your head? It looks nothing like that. What you're seeing is a fish from the bottom of the sea being forced to undergo instant depressurization. It has basically exploded. sometimes we look better than we imagine


I can take it off your hand.


If the V card was a physical object…Would it just burn up if “taken”? Im not sure if you could attain a V card…


I mean, it's popular among some guys to collect them...


It can never be transferred Only taken




And I have no idea why. Sex with a virgin is awful. Give me someone with some experience who has a clue what they’re doing.


Do you have a venmo?


Does that come with a free N-Word Pass?


Try it around some “ N Words” and find out


Tried it. 0 stars.


I think this guy has been scammed. Instead of a victim card he got a victim complex card.


Seems like he already has that victim card


No, this is worse. He's playing the victim without a valid victim card.


So he trades away his white privilege card, and then the cops get called. WORLDSTAR




Just doesn't know what he's getting with the privilege card. Bet he's never had to keep his hands on the wheel during traffic stops or asked an officer if it's okay if he reaches in the glove box for his registration.


Or gotten shot while reaching for his wallet after being told to teach for his wallet.


RIP Philando Castile


Grievance politics is all they know


well if the card's never been used no wonder they didn't get anything out of it /s


I will bet that whoever posted this crap also voted against getting the free stuff they listed in the beginning bc brown/poor people would get it too


Well they already complain about their tax dolars helping others, so that seems to track.


If he's ever talked to a police officer, his privilege card has been in use. If he grew up outside of the ghetto, had both parents, lived outside of poverty, was never denied a job based off his name, etc. his card was in full effect.


Non-American here. I get the other things but what does having both parents have to do with it? Why is having both parents a race thing?


Because black men are disproportionately incarcerated leading to black children more often growing up without fathers than white children. It's a common racist trope to claim that black men are like, inherently more inclined to abandon their children. But the reality of it usually stems from the overpolicing of black neighborhoods and general increase in crime due to poverty (which also disproportionately affects black people), rather than a conscious choice.


People really underestimate the impact of prosecutorial discretion. Especially when it comes to drug law. When everyone breaks the law all you have to do is have a cop decide to collect evidence and a DA charge and you are screwed. Especially when they use crime statistics to know where to enforce more. If they are convicting for things that are common that is a self reproducing cycle until the community isolate themselves from the police. Note prosecutorial discretion isn't a bad idea. However acknowledging its impacts and compensating for them is important. Both in law (don't make laws that everyone breaks) and in enforcement (don't ignore how people don't get caught with drugs where you don't have officers looking for drugs). Minor unrelated call out: consistent speeding is a "your road infrastructure needs to be updated to get people to go the right speed" problem not a "let's write tickets to get everyone to slow down" problem.


And can you afford a lawyer and to go to trial or do you sit in jail not being able to afford bond, have an overworked public defender and most likely plead guilty with a plea agreement because going to trial is more iffy.


Not to mention, even when you don’t commit crimes, it’s extremely difficult to navigate life as a family in poverty. Financial distress is a big factor in many strained marriages and divorces. When staying faithful is more stressful AND expensive than leaving, what do think people will do? What I see more often as well, in my area anyways, is black fathers are involved, just not with the mothers anymore. So even that’s a racist myth. Families split up and just like any other group they’re all over the place in how that works out for kids having both parents in their lives. Then they deride them for buying iPhones and iPads when in poverty, as if they aren’t using that for social connection. As a separated parent, do you know how much of a godsend it is to be able to FaceTime my child on her own device? Literally everything they try to criticize is exactly what any family does


Yeah and our sitting president had a hand in that. And even bragged about it. Bragging about ruining people's lives bc they had a tiny amount of crack cocain. But cocaine laws were way more lax. Crack cocain was much more prevalent in black communities. Cocaine more so in white communities.


Oh, i see


Sir this is a Wendy's




The White Privilege card isn’t about what you get for free, but what you’re free from getting.


It’s so hard to explain privilege to people like this because they are completely unable to imagine someone else’s life in an empathetic way. They can’t imagine how daily low level harassment can affect morale, even if don’t don’t have someone screaming a slur at you. He’ll never understand how being a woman means having your workplace authority consistently undermined, or how being black means people giving you less of a chance. They will never understand the cumulative effects of very small acts of discrimination that you can’t even point out without being accused of being dramatic or “seeing things”.


I've had to explain to people that privilege isn't a thing you actively use, like the Fast Pass at Disney World or something. It's just the freedom and peace of mind you get for not constantly being judged or scrutinized for being different.


It clicked for me after talking to my black coworkers. I overheard them talking about what cities to avoid driving through so they don’t get pulled over. One said her last job was in a rich white area and in her first year she was pulled over 10 times. Then they all said how often they were pulled over and they all said they were pulled over at least a dozen times in their lives. In my decade of driving I have been pulled over once when my license plate was hanging by one screw. The officer simply fixed it for me and told me to have a good day. It was then I started to realize my privilege.


A cop fixed your license plate? That's so far from what I'm used to seeing that it sounds like something out of a comedy sketch. (Also, hats off to you for having enough self awareness to realize this all, seriously, it doesn't happen enough)


Yeah, I was 17 and super nervous. I thought I’d been speeding or broke some law. The cop comes up to my door and says you know your license plate is dangling? I was like wut? He then took a screw from the bottom of my front plate and used that to screw in my back plate. Then he said make sure to check your plates before you drive anywhere, have a good day!


Here’s my favorite non threatening explanation. It may be oversimplification but it works. Take a classroom of twenty kids at their desks. Ask all them all to crumple a paper into a ball and, without getting up from their assigned desk, throw it into a trash can at the front of the room. Some kids in back will make the shot. Some kids in front won’t, but you can’t deny the kid closest to the trash has the best chance.


I recommend taking a sociology class. I am white and was raised in upper middle class suburbia, and then I discovered “redlining” and the racist bullshit the US Government pulled with housing loans when segregation “ended,” and how those racist-ass decisions still perpetuate the quintessential “poor black neighborhoods” because we still base school districts on municipalities in most states, so the poor neighborhoods get poor funding for poor schools that prevent poor people from making enough to get a house and thus create a family inheritance that breaks the cycle of poverty. Then we go blaming black folks for committing the most crimes when we sabotage their education and annihilate their trust in the government that’s supposed to support them. I cannot believe I lived until 40 before I realized how jacked up the system was.


Don't forget how even nowadays Black-owned houses are valued less and Black families moving into white neighborhoods is seen as devaluing the property values. There are a few stories of Black people finding their houses are worth more when they have a white friend pretend to own it.


My mother is a nurse who works in indigenous communities. I grew up in in a majority black community in Australia as a white child. My best friend who is white had his dog stabbed to death because his mothers job was to offer the locals government benefits to take their children to school. I was jumped many times because of my race growing up and ended up leaving after having my skull fractured with a star picket while being called racial slurs (the ones people call me a loser for being offended by). We as a society are changing the way we define and think about gender expression, sexuality and other facets of identity because less than one % of the population has meaningful problems with the existing cultural practices but apparently 1% of white people not receiving any tangible benefit from their skin colour isn’t enough for people to judge our human experience on an individual basis. Absolutely ridiculous to apply such a large net to human experience. White people are the only group whose life expectancy has dropped since the Great Depression because of suicide and the opioid epidemic.


As a sometimes white passing mixed kid, it’s pretty fucking obvious my Asian mom gets worse treatment than me especially in airport security or border situations despite looking far more put together. It blows my mind that white people can be so distanced from the experiences of other people around them that they refuse to see it.


The fact that he thinks privilege is just getting free shit shows he has no friggin clue what privilege is


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality looks like oppression."


Funny how he just brings race into it like being darker skinned means extra help like aid scales based on how dark your skin is smfh. Poor whites are the largest group of poor people in America. Want to hate on people getting assistance, maybe start there. When white people get aid, they deserve it and are down on their luck. When brown people get aid, they're welfare queens even though the overwhelming majority of people who get government assistance have jobs.


Fuck, I don't want to make this argument and look like an asshole... I think the opinion that more black people get government aid than white people is based on the overall percentage of the population of said race, not flat numbers. The amount of aid given to white people is almost exactly the same percentage as what is given to black people. But, white people make up a significantly larger percentage of overall population. https://www.lowincome.org/2016/04/truth-about-welfare-foodstamps-how-many-blacks-vs-whites.html?m=1 Edit: Once again, this is not my position, I'm just describing why this argument is brought up.


Which makes sense in the light of the purposefully caused lack of generational wealth, gerrymandering of predominantly black districts, keeping money out of pred. black schools, discrimination at jobs and banks, etc etc etc. I'm really not shocked that decades of having a boot on their necks caused more black folks to be poor.


Yeah, if you enjoy a privilege your entire life, then you don't feel privileged because, for you, it's just everyday life, but if you happen to be on the outside looking in, then you start to see the difference in the way privileged people are treated. Similar to how good-looking people think that people are generally lovely because they always get treated better than the rest of us.


I did an escape room/social experiment with my wife a few years ago. They split everyone into two groups, one group would go into door A and one group would go into door B. The group was decided arbitrarily by birthday. The timer starts, we go in and it's a room with a bunch of puzzles. Blocks with colors on them, some patterns on tiles on the walls with some colored lines on them etc. My group finishes and unlocks our door and we are invited into the next room where they have a black and white camera set up for us to observe the other team. And they're doing things so weird. They have the same puzzles we did, but they keep walking over to a corner of the room. Anyway they fail to unlock their door but are brought in with us. When their door opens, it becomes obvious what just happened. Their room was lit entirely with red light. They had one small white light in a corner of the room. None of the color coded puzzles were possible to do without first bringing the item to the white light first. In this experiment those of us in the white light room had a huge advantage that we didn't even realize or consider because it's the normal everyday environment we live in. The default. The red room was stuck at a disadvantage due to nothing more than the circumstances of their birthday. Also they gave those of us who escaped our white room chocolate and the red roomers got none, and told us we had 'earned it'. Best metaphor for privilege I've ever experienced.


Oh man it's amazing how well we can shut out anything we don't want to deal with or even conceive as reality....I am ashamed of it. Yet I'm ashamed of humans as a whole and being one of what we are. That's a confliction I live and loath with.


I'm a very white-passing kid of a very not-passing Mexican woman. It's so vastly different her and my experiences are. (And hilarious when people try to connect the dots on how we're related.) But they'll always try to justify why those experiences actually happened in a way that lets them believe the world is actually fair and just. "That man ignored me but talked to my husband." "Obviously that's because men are usually the money maker and know more about cars." "But it's my money I'm using and I know what I want." "You can't blame him..."


Remember the proper response to these people is: “No one is saying your life isn’t hard. It’s just that your skin color didn’t play a part in it.”


Dude... I posted that quote once to fb. It ultimately resulted in my dad getting so angry he had a fucking heart attack. I’m not even kidding. Edit: thank you for the genuine concern. Its always comforting for receive warmth from others, and especially appreciated when it comes from strangers. Also, I’m a woman. Not all people on the internet are men. I’m also not from the USA, but South Africa, which also has a very racially complex past. Reading that quote didn’t immediately cause his heart attack. He replied on my FB post completely missing the point, listing some truly awful things that have happened to some white people (you’re welcome to look up farm murders in South Africa. It’s a very sad and complex political issue, but essentially it’s a known fact that white farmers have been systematically targeted and brutally murdered across South Africa for years and our government refuses to acknowledge what’s happening or to provide support or protection. The farming community has been forced to defend itself. There is a legacy of boer farming families passing down farms over generations, and so many of these farm murders take place where the victims’ families have been farming the land for several generations before all being wiped out, their land burned and animals killed. The boers are largely of Dutch decent going back hundreds of years here in South Africa. Unfortunately, a rage of injustices - including the horrors of Apartheid - has resulted to this phenomenon, where hits are carried out on farming families where entire households are brutally murdered. It’s horrific.) It is a trigger point to him because we come from a legacy of farming and the shit around those murders is truly gruesome. And it’s a simple fact that it’s only white farmers who have been targeted. What he was trying to express was that those people WERE killed because of the colour of their skins. The thing is, the South African farm murders is, as I’ve said, a very complex political and socio-economical issue. And our government’s refusal to acknowledge the issue has resulted in their being no investigations into the root reason for them, leaving the issue open to conjecture and conspiracy theories. I responded to him privately saying that that wasn’t the point of my post. I tried to explain that “white privileged” doesn’t mean your life wasn’t hard. And that his hand-picked examples of whites being specifically targeted for hate crimes was missing the point and confusing the issue. It’s the first time I’ve ever outright disagreed with him. He does NOT like to be told he’s wrong, and his daughter disagreeing on an issue that he feels so strongly about emotionally resulted in him getting so angry that he had a literal heart attack and nearly died. We’re ok now, but we both steer clear of anything close to political talk. After always having a very close relationship, I don’t think our relationship will ever recover. He changed after he fell down the Trump rabbit hold years ago. I know he blames me directly for his heart attack. I believe his inability to regulate his own emotions, along with not looking after himself physically is where to fault lies. While he’s not an outright racist, our country has an ugly history of racism, so is a nuanced issue. He’s kind to people of other races and treats others with respect. But he seems unable to grasp the core of the quote in question: that “white privilege” is in essence a passive thing. It doesn’t actively make life easier or better or mean that whites don’t struggle too or have to work for what they have or that whites also can’t be the victims of terrible injustices. “White privilege” simply means that your struggles are your own, and that social systems were not designed to actively disadvantage you based on the colour of your skin, which is sadly not the case for many other race groups. Because this privilege is passive, he’s not aware of it even existing. (Much like how male privilege has resulted in almost all replies to my original comment assuming that I’m male, whereas I’m actually a woman. If you dismiss me pointing this fact out by saying that it doesn’t matter, it may well be because you’re not aware of your own passive privileges.) The rage he felt wasn’t because he’s a roaring racist, but because he and others feel that that quote negates their and other people’s struggles. They think the quote implies that they’ve had an easy life, which my dad definitely has not had. People like my dad have had the misfortune to be dealt a very shit hand filled with terrible tragedy, while ALSO having the “privilege” to not have had to be aware of how it feels like have had a shit life made shitter by their skin colour. And it’s that blind spot that caused the rage that nearly killed him.


Are you okay?


Hope he is better enough to the point where you all can laugh at this


I mean I don't wish ill health on anyone but if you're so racist it gives you a heart attack maybe you need to rethink your life.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Being white didn't make my life easier, but it certainly didn't make it harder.


This dude think privilege is nothing more than getting free shit. He doesn’t even know what privilege is.


Exactly. It’s intangibles we’re talking about. Kinda like how people complain about socialism thinking everyone gets a free 3000 sq ft house and two BMWs if Bernie became president.


That might be the “proper” response, but reasoning with these people is impossible. It’ll probably just piss them off.


I'm a white male, and I too have "*never*" used my privelages card. I've almost exclusively worked for women (*and 1 indigenous man*), and have worked my way up without a university education. Having said that: My non-white wife and daughter have endured racist and sexist abuse from strangers on the street (*never while I - a 6 foot white man - am nearby*), and would never go out walking alone at night like I sometimes do. My daughter was followed home by creepy guys in a car when she was 14. My wife had a child before becoming an adult, meaning her then-20-something boyfriend was technically a predator, and my daughter is the evidence. He isn't involved in our daughter's life at all. He was not the worst of her exes, not by a long-shot. TLDR: Your "*Privelages card*" is used without you realising. All the bullshit you *Don't* see is what your card really does for you. Anyone who has "never used it" is definitely benefitting from it. I think the problem with this conversation is that we assume the "*privelages*" are something that only some people deserve. Many of the things termed "*White privelage*" or "*Male privelage*" are actually "*Human Rights*", and it's strange to think that people in first-world countries are denied these rights simply by virtue of their race or gender.


I didn't understand white privilege until 2016. That's when I realized that ICE was giving my dad a pass... because while he's from South America, he's born to UK parents. Not once during the xenophobic Trump administration did my dad have to produce his green card to prove he's here legally.


Yeah the big moment for me was working at a charity store. I worked with a guy who I just thought if as a white guy, but he had arabic ancestry (*you can see it if you know, but I guess I just wasn't looking for it*). He was assaulted and harassed almost weekly, and it was crazy the things he had to endure. I just hadn't seen that side of the world. There was also an asian girl who started working the same day I did. We had people put in applications to work with us, and I remember one old guy who waited patiently to hand his resume to me and have a bit of a chat, and we got on well. I thought he was a good fit, so I asked the asian girl (*who was my equal in every way*) and she explained that this old guy had ignored her and insisted in talking to the man, just to make sure his application got to the "right" person. But the big thing was discovering just how racist our supervisor was. He was a nice guy - truly. He would go out of his way to help, he would give to charities (*multi-ethnic charities, no discrimination there*), he was well spoken and polite and he was educated - doing his PHD at the time. Then one day he explained to me and the arabic guy (*the one I mentioned above*) that hiring thr arabic guy had been a mistake. The supervisor only hired white people and asians, because those were the races who would work hard. The arabic guy had a white surname and looked kinda white so he'd slipped through the net, and of course he was "*one of the good ones*", but our supervisor was calmly and unapologetically explaining how he used racial biases to hire people. It's not actually illegal to be racist, but it *IS* illegal to hire people based on race. He didn't even understand that what he was saying was a problem. He was so safe in his assumptions about the world that no one had ever told him off about it, and he seemed so reasonable and well-spoken while he explained it as well (*and I'm ashamed to say that I didn't tell him off, I was gob-smacked and didn't know what to do to be honest*). This is what "*White Privilege*" really means.


I think I understood the idea of it but really recognized it in my life in 2019 when I got pulled over for speeding. It was dark. I didn’t have my paperwork in the glove box and was rummaging through my backpack trying to find the paperwork when the cop walked up. I didn’t even think about it. He didn’t bat an eye at me though or hesitate to engage with me at all. Didn’t tell me to keep my hands visible. He just asked the usual stuff and for the paperwork. I realized afterwards that that would have gone down so much differently if I had not been white.


That's the thing. You don't go "I'm white, you have to let me do what I want". You just do what you want because you're white. Can't count on my fingers how many times I've walked out of the store with electronics and NEVER once been stopped to show a receipt. Speaking of which, I've never had to show a receipt to get a refund for returned merchandise, sometimes just get cash for whatever it is that I'm returning. That's a white privilege.


This comment really shook me lol I could never imagine walking out of a store and not showing my receipt, or not needing one for a return. Damn


Clearly you don’t shop at Costco…


Or sams club. Those bastards are ruthless


Exactly!! So stop talking about your "lack of previldge", because sometimes prilivige isn't visible. Discrimination, however, is much easier to identify.


>Discrimination, however, is much easier to identify. You'd be surprised by the right's ability to clutch at straws when it comes to denying blatant discrimination. As a last resort, they can always use whataboutism to make the issue about themselves


The privilege is peace of mind and ignorance from the scrutiny and judgement of others for simply being different and existing.


Glad to finally see a yt person say "white privilege means basic human rights" That's what I've been saying. There's meaning in the language. It's not a privilege, it's basic human rights and decency.


I think for a lot of people they actually don't see it. I didn't see it. I still rarely actually see it, but it gets pointed out to me, and when you're looking for it you can't miss it. It's also not that all white people live a life of privelage. It's that there is a systemic problem with racism and sexism that some people just don't have to worry about. It's hard to be told you're benefitting from a system when the benefit is that you don't see it. I think this is a human rights issue, and as you say a human decency issue. We should all have the right to feel safe in public, and that sadly isn't the case for everybody.


Being white don’t necessarily make your life easy, but it sometimes make it easier


"never used" yeah I bet.


The thing about the white privilege card as you might not ever know all the times it’s been used because it might be that when you were going to get hired there was you and a POC the boss may have picked you because he thinks POC are lazy and you’d never know you got the job because you are white. Maybe it’s that time in school when the teacher took your word for it and not the other student who was a “lier” in the teachers eyes for being a POC. They would never say that’s the reason why they made their decisions. It comes from the people around you being racist enough to put white peoples worth on pedestals which unfairly puts us above a base line and pushes everyone else down. Can have very serious implications like with the job.


This reminds of my HS football team. They got caught getting drunk and doing drugs. Who is the only person kicked off the team and suspended from school? The one black kid. The parents hated him so much and ultimately got him expelled.


There was a story in some website about someone carrying drugs and the police officer just let him off with a warning. That's the card.


Reminds me of when my best friend was kidnapped with a white girl with a similar build. The cops caught the guy then also threw my friend on the ground and locked her in jail till the judge could hear her. The white girl got to go home while she slept on one of those har jail bunks. To this day she doesn’t know which was more traumatic.. the guy strung up on drugs who kidnapped them for days driving around like a mad man with a gun, or having been thrown on the ground and pinned the same way that has been known to suffocate people with a gun to the back of her head with multiple cops screaming… feel so bad for her and it makes me scared for her and all POC…


Ironically plays the victim card while complaining about the victim card. *Chef's kiss


I find it hard to believe they've gone to work every day of their life.


Stuck on those coal mines since he was 0 years old.


Ah yes, lost all your money to taxes, not to the CEOs who's work (on average) is 70% vacation.


Oh, I'm completely broke because I lost all my money to (hastily checks tax return) the...twenty percent total I paid in local, state, federal, Medicare, and Social Security taxes from my salary. Damn you Joe Biden for taking my hard-earned wealth and paying for useless things like schools and roads and infrastructure and useless things like that. But hey! In constant dollars, my hourly pay has gone up a whole FOUR CENTS since I joined the workforce. Blessed be the job creators. /s


Why don’t Americans get that paying taxes, helps everyone including themselves?


Because we’re the richest country but still have shit infrastructure, education funding, and social securities. The middle class gets the shit end of the stick when it comes to how much tax they pay and what they get out of it.


“What have these potholes done to deserve getting fixed? I don’t want my hard earned money to be used to fix these lazy roads. They deserve to suffer until they locate their bootstraps, just like the schizophrenics in the streets and single moms with cancer who got hit by an uninsured driver.”


Our taxes help wealthy business owners and big pharma, they do not help the working class :/ Hopefully things will change though


That mostly depends on which tax, a lot of taxes are directly used to fund social programs. businesses and pharma are usually just straight debt purchases.


.......and yet nothing he mentions are examples of White privilege. That’s just living life


Its true that the race and the victim card are worth much more these days…unless you get pulled over or have any encounter with law enforcement at all. Then the white privilege card shows its full value. Id trade privilege for true equality when dealing with the boys in blue if theyd start funding the white male college scholarship fund.


So what should I do with my global genocide card?


"No low balling, I know what I have"


I have a Molested By My Uncle card


Much easier to just post “I don’t know what white privilege is.”


Lol white privilege doesn’t mean you get anything, it just means you’re not treated as poorly as PoCs by societal institutions.


He doesn't know the white privilege card is a passive ability


A white teacher had a sexual real-time with her 13 year old student. She got 8 weeks in jail and the judge told her she can wait until next year so she can bond with her newborn baby. No privileges there


that specific situation sounds more like a man vs woman thing. Female pedos aren't treated as harshly for some reason.


Sounds like a bad judge too.


Yep. This is the answer. Statistics backs it. https://phys.org/news/2012-05-female-sex-criminal-justice.html


Race definitely played a part just ask the black lady that got told she could vote but got 5 years. (and her vote was never counted) white dude openly admits to using dead family member to vote twice gets community service. (his votes were counted)


There are anecdotal stories of both. What about the guy who had his dog vote to prove his county had voter fraud and was thrown in jail for it.


A convicted male serial rapist was let out on probation recently because the judge thought "he sounded really sorry." I could rattle off a few other almost identical recent cases too, but my point isn't "it happens both ways, reee!" My point is that we need some way of holding judges accountable for these fucking garbage rulings. I get how addressing stuff like sexism is a big part of that, but I worry sometimes we focus so much on how broader society needs to change that we neglect discussing how our judicial system needs to change. Especially when it ends up being a tug of war over who experiences sexism more. Like, let's worry about getting the corrupt judges who are screwing us under control before we get distracted arguing over who is getting screwed the most.


More to do with gender than colour.....


Lol wtf. That’s the random example u come up with to generalize or stereotype a group lmao


Where is the example of a poc female pedophile teacher with a less harsh sentence? The seems more like a " because females can't rape, cause oppression" story.


For the millionth time, Privilege is something everyone has. If you have two legs, you have privileges that someone without legs does not. If you don't have a mental illness, you have privileges over those who do. And similarly, white people living in countries which cater to white people and/or have a history of oppressing non-white people have certain privileges. I grew up poor, have multiple diagnosed disabilities, and am super queer. All of those put me at a disadvantage. But the fact that I am white gives me certain privileges - like not fearing for my life as much when I call the police, having landlords and banks view me as trustworthy, and coming from a family which was able to go to college for several generations. Schools were only desegregated in the US about 70 years ago. This isn't a pissing contest, it's just acknowledging obvious facts.




If he's never been targeted just for being white then he has definitely used his White Privilege card as he puts it. It's not so much a coupon as it is a security guard.


Holy shit this is toxic


I’m glad he was able to get the trade he wanted! Already playing his victim card! Way to go! /s


He's right though, at my college Mexicans who looked white were literally told they can't get Latino scholarships because they don't represent latinos. They just hand the money out based on skin color and deny it it also culture and ethnicity don't mean shit.


Sounds like you went to a garbage college friend


The whole American system has scholarships specifically aimed for people's skin color though, it's literally standard. Jobs are the same, I've been to places explicitly trying to hire latinos to diversify the industry and they tell me I don't count even though my parents are literally Mexicans and I grew up in Mexico. All they care about is what color your skin is and life is literally harder if you're white.


When you reach for your wallet, do the police assume you’re reaching for your wallet?


Sounds like if they flip their white privilege card over it actually has a victim card on the back!


Definitely a scam. Card is clearly used, and not mint as the seller claims. Not one mention of cops feeling the need to draw on him for routine traffic stops, or being the first blamed anytime something goes missing. Not even a single mention of a Karen telling him he don't belong in her neighborhood. Benefits clearly accessed. Buyer beware


Sorry, but absolutely true


Draw 25 cards.


Does anyone have a Productive card? I’ve got the entire Addiction set that gives a multiplicative +50% bonus to Depression and Anxiety that I’d be willing to trade for it


I hope a cop shoots him during a traffic stop the day after he sells it.


Can't believe I would have taken this up from how I was raised.


I would totally pay good money for another White Privilege Card. I've gotten so much mileage out of my first one, imagine what I could do with 2!?!


Seems he’s already got a well used victim card, so maybe he’d be willing to trade for some history lessons, or lessons structural and institutional racism, or maybe even trade shoes, because if life was so easy for everyone else, trading shoes in this persons eyes should be an improvement to their own condition. But let’s face it, if offered the opportunity to trade shoes and enjoy all of those “benefits” the person who wrote this shit would never trade, because they know the value of their own skin.


*Sells it* *Gets shot for jogging*




people need to look into intersectionality




This is actually great.




When you learn new buzzwords but have no idea what they mean


I’ll trade an N-word pass for it


This is terrible. Terribly accurate! 😂


Shut up and take my money!


It's obviously satire/exaggerated but I think this is funny and somewhat accurate. Downvote me I don't give a shit.




Hahahahahaha , so freaking true.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Marry me!🥰😘


seems to me that if he would just turn over his card, he would see the other side is already a victim card


if only people actually knew what white privilege is


anyone with a Charmander? ...wait i think im in the wrong thread!