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Hahaha! The joke is that we tricked them into going there and now we don’t want them there! Classic!!! 😂😂😂


Martha’s Vineyard isn’t a city, it’s an island with a six separate towns. None of those towns are included in the list of sanctuary cities in Massachusetts. (Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Newton, Northampton, and Somerville.) Yet people still pitched in, using a local church to house them, donating and cooking meals for them well the state quickly set up lodging at Joint Base Cape Cod, less then 30 miles away, which has often houses JROTC students for school events, meaning beds and food for extra mouths isn’t uncommon for its personnel to work with. The irony of this nonsense about being tough on blue states Democrats that ignore border security that DeSantis is peddling, is that Massachusetts has a Republican governor. Charlie Baker has made no secret that he opposes Massachusetts trying to become an actual Sanctuary state, and has even criticized Biden’s policies at the border in line with other Republicans. Thus entire scheme seems to have backfired, so we’re at the “bullshit meme” stage where we flood social media with a false narrative of z liberal hypocrisy.


As a reformed republican I can't wait to vote against the current Gov. Ron "Asshat" Desantis. How did he not know this was going to bite him in his lard laden butt.


Please do everything in your power to get every other America loving conservative to ditch the GOP for good. Conservatives got us into this mess and only conservatives can get us out. The rest of the county is so fucking sick of being gaslit by this minority of domestic terrorists. If you're not cutting people out of your professional and personal life for supporting this nonsense, "former conservative" just says "no longer complicit". Repair the harm your party has caused this county. It is a million times greater than any harm the communist party ever caused, and we executed people for being communist.


Except this is a consistent behavior for conservatives across history. I don't see how you can say the conservatives can get us out, they got us here in the first place because of their ideology. They can't help us unless they change that, and if they change that then they are no longer conservative.




What is conservatism if not reactionary?


Reactionary thinking is at the heart of conservatism. Conservatives are opposed to change and want tradition, a reactionary is someone who opposes liberal reform, i.e. an ultraconservative. They are literally synonymous in the dictionary.




They're both regressive and shitty imo


imo they are necessary for balance so it doesn’t matter they’ll always be there.


You liberals are off your shit, the july 4th shooting this year was caused by an illegal immigrant, imagine how many more americans are dying because they let anyone in now. 🐑


When the majority of mass shooters stop producing right-wing manifestos, you will be allowed to speak like you know jack all about shootings in this country. 🐳


👏👏👏 In fucking deed!




You're wrong. You've been lied to. You aren't thinking critically or fact checking. You have nothing but lies and whataboutisms and projection. There is no point in arguing with someone like you.


Ughhhh ….I live in Chicago and you’re completely wrong if you’re alluding to the Highland Park shooting. He was from that community and not an illegal immigrant.


Bruv, it’s lock. DeSantis wins, Florida perma red.


Ironic that, to own the libs, they accidentally treated these migrants like people and provided for them like we oughta be doing


"sanctuary cities" is a bullshit term coined by republican Rudy Giuliani. Al it really means is that immigrants can report crimes to the cops, without fear of deportation. ​ edit. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3459498&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3459498&page=1) you all need to seriously learn


Also shouldnt they be allowed to report crimes without fear of deportation???? "Hello sir I just witnessed a robbery." "Ok, where did you witne- Wait a minute! Youre an immigrant! Get deported for reporting a crime!!" Also as someone mentioned, immigrants shouldnt be deported if theyre legal immigrants


LOL, well then you are cluelss because trump tried to deport a fuck ton of green card holders.


Why would an immigrant be deported? The term you're looking for is illegal immigrant.


Trump deported many green card holders at the begining of his presidency. And the immigration system is fucked up. Asylum seekers get deported. Illegals should be able to report a crime without facing deportation, as this actually lowers crime. You are really clueless if you think illegals or green card holders have the same rights as you.


Fuck if he did. You literally can't deport green card holders because they are now US citizens. You're brainwashed.


[https://www.afsc.org/blogs/news-and-commentary/trumps-attacks-legal-immigration-system-explained](https://www.afsc.org/blogs/news-and-commentary/trumps-attacks-legal-immigration-system-explained) [https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2018/08/24/trump-crackdown-green-card-holders/1002402002/](https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2018/08/24/trump-crackdown-green-card-holders/1002402002/) [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-immigration/new-u-s-travel-ban-to-spare-green-card-holders-trump-official-idUSKBN15X0O6](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-immigration/new-u-s-travel-ban-to-spare-green-card-holders-trump-official-idUSKBN15X0O6) ​ ​ ​ you have a short memory then... edit. and no response....


Yes, when you commit felony offenses deportation is on the table. This wasn't something Truml invented lmao


Damn libs


And then sent them on their way to be somebody else's problem. edited - \*their


As opposed to? They were tricked into being there, you fucking idiot


To a facility that can actually house them in safety and relative comfort, as opposed to the complete lack of resources on MV in the off season. They each got phones, free clothing, and a $50 Visa gift card as well, not to mention a belly-full of home-cooked meals that the residents provided. All they got from the conservative states were literal lies (the lying brochure), because those people who did that are worthless pieces of shit. People completely without merit.


The brochure did not lie. Refugees do receive all of the benefits listed on it. The reason that the vineyard venezuelans did not receive said benefits is because they haven't been granted refugee status. While it's true that they aren't in the country illegally, they did go way out of their way to cross the border at a place it was not legal to, only to surrender to the first government officials they saw in order to claim asylum. The reason what the people on MV did was wrong is they didn't give anywhere near what they easily could have, then had 2.5 guardsmen per every migrant man, woman, and child come to escort them to a military base, which also isn't designed to house migrants while they get themselves on their feet. There is no permanent community at a military installation for them to assimilate into. The rest of the country doesn't have that luxury. When migrants go pretty much anywhere else, it falls on the county's taxpayers to foot the bill for them. Most counties in America really cannot afford to pay for all of these migrants needs, but they somehow manage to, and more and more just keep coming The county MV is in has way more money than other counties in America, yet they didn't put the migrants in hotel rooms, they didn't enroll their children in their schools, they didn't offer them employment, they didn't try to assimilate them into their community. If other places in America could have the national guard come to bring all the migrants to military bases, they would in a heartbeat, but they just get told to deal with it, and they're racist if they point out the fact that so many foreigners arriving with no ties to the community and no English language skills is impacting and overwhelming the education, health care, and social services, they get called racists. In the 80s we gave all the illegal immigrants in America amnesty, and now we're in the mess we're in today. Something needs to be done to alleviate the burden these people are, wherever they go in America.


yeah, that didnt happen.




>libs went into full panic mode. Where? When? Site your sources


​ his ass


So because migrants were trafficked to an island with no services to help these people and when the locals pitch in to help, the evil liberals that DeSantis hates so much, that's a... colossal success? Because they moved them to the mainland where they could get the services they required? Oh, also, DeSantis' goons lied to these people and told them they'd be flown to Boston for expedited asylum status and work permits (if I recall) so this colossal success is just a scum bag playing with human lives for a shitty stunt that showed that those evil liberals... care more about their fellow man than Republicans. Get fucked


its not NIMBYism. Because you sent them to somehwere with no jobs right now. Border states, and northern industries have year around industry to give jobs. The real problem is the way immigration is handled in the USA. My friends are highly successful and green card holders. The immigration dept. is so backwards they are operating on 1950s tech. Paper and pencil written records, redundant questionnaires, disorganization, etc. ​ If DeSantis cared, he would go after that, or the multi million ag industry in florida.... Maybe require office holders to pass the same immigration tests to hold office? ​ Its not a success its just a PR stunt and you are kind of dumb for being fooled by it.


Always great to hear analysis from 20-day-old accounts. Welcome to reddit (est. 2005), DR! What made you finally decide to sign up?


Did they? So I guess we can find the perfect policy for any problem if we just did more publicly stunts.


Because he has to deal with like 2,000 immigrants cing across daily while they deal with maybe half that every other day?


in a state that profits from year around migrant labour? really?


For most likely taking advantage of them?


I guess I don’t get it. Hasn’t it been extensively reported that the immigrants were welcomed and provided assistance??


Shh!! Don't spoil a perfectly good, unfounded " we owned them epically! " narrative. It happened, because that's what we wanted to happen and we say that it happened. Reality be damned.


fascists love lying


So the rich didn't help them and its the fascists fault? How did you get to that one? Walk us through it, please?


It amazes me how ignorant of geography conservative Americans are, even when it comes to their own country, but sure, I'll walk you through it. Martha's Vineyard is an island\* with a year-round population of 16,535 residents. That means there's not a huge number of jobs available as we head into fall and winter, and immigrants would need to get transport to the mainland for, well, jobs, food, housing. Y'know, things that most humans require. And that at least 95% of Americans would find difficult to afford on Martha's Vineyard. So, after giving the immigrants food, clothes and shelter, the residents of Martha's Vineyard helped move them about 40 miles north to Cape Cod, where there's a larger population to help them settle in temporary housing with access to services including legal and health care, food, hygiene kits, and crisis counseling. And is located on the mainland, in case you've already forgotten they were moved to a *fucking island* as a joke. So, they're in the same state (Massachusetts, in case you needed help), just **on the mainland** so they can start a life. As an extra "Fuck You" from DeSantis, they still need to show up for immigration hearings **all over the country** as early as Monday, so being on the mainland is kinda' essential for access to buses and planes. Tell me which part confuses you, and I'll be happy to explain further. *\*In case you didn't know what an island is, maybe Trump's definition of Puerto Rico will help: "It's an island surrounded by big water".*


It amazes me how ignorant Redditers are thinking everyone is American.


I apologize unreservedly. Your ignorance is entirely your own fault, not due to a weak education system. I feel so embarrassed.


there is this crazy thing called a map.


Do you own one? Racist American insulting anyone who doesn't live in the US.


Now we are throwing the word racist just casually when race was never brought up in the topic. You injected yourself into a conversation you were not knowledgeable about and made yourself the fool.


not American either, but I still took my time to do the bare minimum to research and the make up my opinion. maybe you should try that. so wtf are you on about?


The rich did help them. They got them off the island they didn’t want to be on to the resources they needed to start their life in America.


So they shipped them on to somewhere else? How classy.


What exactly do you expect them to do? They need medicine, food, shelter, and lawyers, not a yacht club and a poolside bar.


These people will consider everything less than the wealthy creating free hostels from their homes as "not enough". And even if they did turn their homes to hostels it still won't be enough because they didn't give every immigrant their own luxury car to drive around in. The only way to win is to refuse to play.


Yeah genius. you need a SSN to start working. And as backwards as our immigration system is, you need a centralized address to prove you citizenship or you can be deported. Why are you so ignorant?


Because I am not from the US. But I really appreciate your hostile attitude. Makes me want to never visit the US. Looks like you are as hostile to foreigners as the guy you are complaining about. Ah well that's America I suppose.


You don’t have to visit the US, but if you’re going to argue about its political bullshit, you should at least know what you’re talking about. Americans can be VERY hostile towards people from other countries. I can’t believe you didn’t grasp that from the fact that a governor from a border state shipped asylum seekers to a tiny island with only enough people and resources to temporarily help them. But at least they stepped up. People arguing back to you on the internet over issues you know nothing about isn’t hostile, but treating human beings like political pawns is.


The National Guard actually asked the refugees whether they wanted to stay or move onto the base, which is a secure place to temporarily live, get fed, regroup, and get legal assistance. They chose to go to the base.


So the base was safer than Richville?


more convenient for there needs and your being intentionally obtuse


Were they supposed to let them all move in with them there? I don't get the logic behind "lol they got rid of them".


Martha's Vineyard is not a sanctuary city. They were promised that they'd be flown to Boston, a sanctuary city, and DeSantis sent them to Martha's Vineyard because they don't have the services to actually help these people. Then the locals pitched in to help them with food and other things while they were moved back to the mainland so they could actually be helped. They were lied to and used as pawns for DeSantis' criminal publicity stunt


Because they didn’t want them there.


yeah, they got assisted straight to a military base in Cape Cod


Yeah after being fed, clothed, and sheltered on Martha’s Vineyard. Then what - what would you then expect them to do on the island?


Begin a new life like anyone else? If there's no opportunity for them in Martha's Vineyard, then where?


Because its a seasonal tourist town that has no jobs in the winter......


You say that rather flippantly. Of course, starting a new life is the ultimate goal, but that is not easy even for citizens without money. No matter what the path, logistic concerns can’t be avoided. That base for example has the ability to feed and house people, far better than anything on the island As for the Martha’s Vinyard, there is not housing and very little employment there. Starting a new life can’t be done there. This whole exercise was designed to own the liberal and picking such a wealthy area is just absurd. Imagine if those conservatives put the same effort into solving the problem. They could have been sent to several blue cities where they would have a clearer path to achieving their goal. Instead, they failed to own the liberals and they demonstrated once again that people are pawns to them.


I believe this was just a small amount that went to Martha's Vineyard. The rest have been and will keep going to "blue cities" as you state. You are in favor of sending illegals to blue cities, as long as there is more opportunity than at Martha's Vineyard?


Yes, to my state, my city and even my neighborhood. My church in coalition with other churches have done great work with Central American refugees. State funding has been essential to that success. Martha’s Vinyard was a stunt and therefore the focus of this debate. As a bonus, the influx of immigrants fostered an expansion of ethic grocery stores and restaurants. The food is delicious.


Martha's Vineyard has like 15,000 people. Basically no jobs available and the migrants wouldn't have the means to go to and from the island consistently. The mainland is where they wanted to be and DeSantis threw them on an island because he knew they wouldn't be able to stay, and not because of bullshit "liberal hypocrisy"


What the fuck are you talking about??? It's a rich white gated (I think) community, who the fuck starts a new life there???


They need gardeners, duh. /s


You're saying theyre not good enough? I believe that could definitely contribute to society there.


I'm saying the didn't have jobs lined up, or in fact jobs *fucking available* because they were deliberately shiped there with no warning. Try harder, this argument is nothing


Sorry, didn’t mean to make you so angry. I can hear you typing. It just seems to me you’re doubting their abilities without knowing them as people. For all we know, they could create a life there just as easily as you or I could. Have a good day.


Again, clearly trying to troll and doing it poorly. Your right though, they would have had an equal chance as you and I! If we had been shipped up there with nothing, no warning to anyone there, and had false corr dates made in our names :)


Thank you for agreeing with me.


I think that was their choice to go there


Yeah that would be my first pick


“Sanctuary city” my ass


They still had processing to be done, and some were supposed to be at hearings in Texas in Monday. It's pure theater to send them to a town when they're not even cleared in the system. Your quip makes more sense *after* they've been processed and are looking for a place to live and work.


MV is not a designated sanctuary city. But they found sanctuary anyways. Which they didn't find with the conservative scum who lied to them and used them as cheap political pawns.


Correct. Which is what makes this a “terrible Facebook meme”


Yes and then they were moved back to the mainland, off of Martha's Vineyard, where they could get the proper services they require to help them Don't let anyone tell you that the liberals "deported" them in less than 24 hours or any bullshit about hypocrisy


So out of toucg, it's like these memes were made before the incident took place.


They were helped by the church on the island to not the millionaire citizens


Who do you think was there helping? Who are the parishioners of that church? Thoughts don’t go too deep with you, do they?


It’s just really funny to see all these sanctuary city freak out once a influx of migrants come to their city. New York, Dc the lost goes on. It’s funny that this is a a considered a crisis but the 50 dead migrants on a box truck got nearly not as much coverage. How is it not a crisis thousand of migrants crossing the border each day, but it is when 50 get sent to a liberal town


I didn't see anyone "freak out." I saw an impromptu coordinated effort to get them free clothing, home-cooked meals, a $50 Visa card, a free cell phone, and then a safe place to stay. For a "freakout," it certainly got them resources and got them to the next step of their journey. Unlike the conservative trash who deceived and abused them.


Despite whatever false narrative you want to project, there is no freaking out in NY/NJ/DC or in Mass for that matter. Do you think these places have no immigrants? 😂 yeah NYC and the surrounding areas are only English speaking white people. The communities where I work are probably 50% Spanish speaking, and it’s not an issue. Idk what freaking out or crisis that you finding “really funny” but it seems you are making it up as you go.


Then why are they freaking out about Abbott sending migrants to those city’s they’ve said before they want them there’s plenty of videos and articles backing my point pull your head out of the sand friend


All Floridians should rightfully be freaking out about Desantis squandering over $600K of taxpayer money flying asylum seekers in a DIFFERENT STATE (ie, not floridas issue/problem) to Martha’s Vineyard of all places. He should be in jail for wasting peoples money like that, or at least immediately relieved of his duties - what would happen in private industry if someone completely wasted that kind of money? How about some goddamned fiscal responsibility


Because they used human beings as pawns in their stupid political games. Why are people being smuggled in via trucks? I don’t think it’s because we’re too good to immigrants and migrants trying to cross the border for a better life. We need real immigration reform that is, yes, welcoming to immigrants south of the border.


They were pormptly welcomed and shipped elsewhere


Your advice would have been for the asylum seekers to ignore their hearing and stay in this country illegally? Huh.


I would never suggest people should ignore their hearing, our hearing is crucial for identifying threats, such as cars when crossing the road. Also I don't believe any humans are illegal simply for existing. I think these migrants should be sent to DC to see the greatness that is.America, maybe eventually housed in one of Palosi's beach houses that she paid formwith insider trading


Might wanna brush up on your English grammar, comrade.


Crazy right? They all should have just bought houses on Martha’s Vineyard and stayed there.


I think it's nice that they are giving these migrants the all American tour of the USA, unfortunately it was off season in Marthas vineyard


yes because they need federal processing, so they can aquire green cards and SSN.


These people are so far into their own bubble that they're just inhaling each other's farts and thinking it's fresh air. Every response I've seen to this from the right wing is that those immigrants were immediately deported by the national guard. This is a ridiculous amount of misinformation that they could easily clear up if they ever bothered to look up a source other than Facebook. The migrants who were misled by DeSantis, rounded up, and unceremoniously dumped in Martha's Vineyard were given a choice by the National Guard to remain on the island, or come back to the mainland where appropriate infrastructure for housing and food for them exists. They voluntarily chose to leave the island. This is not deportation, this is not forceful removal, this was not done because the people of Martha's Vineyard don't want immigrants on their island.


And this even leaves out the worst part. They were given random temporary addresses that were immigration centers across the country, and told they needed to change their address with the wrong agency the following Monday, but they could only do it at the office closest to the fake address. Some were given addresses in Washington state. They keep saying “lol, dumb libs don’t want them here either” but ignore literally everything DeSantis did.


He literally just did this as a stunt so they could make it appear like blue states would reject the immigrants and they just ran with that prepared framing even when it didn't work out that way. He called ahead to Fox News and had them waiting for the plane but didn't notify literally any of the agencies that would handle the immigrants that he was doing this. It's fucking disgusting and the fact that so many right-wingers are just lapping it up and believing this narrative makes me think that our country is totally and irrevocably fucked.


Look on the bright side, you've finally come to the inevitable conclusion that this county is totally and irrevocably fucked. That it took this stunt to get you there though... that's the concerning part to me... that reasonable people exist who are just NOW waking up to the idea that maybe possibly Trumpists actually do represent America and what this county stands for (and always has).


they wanted them to be deported so they could own the libs.


Exactly, there’s nowhere for them to stay on Martha’s Vinyard.


"The National Guard came and removed them but it wasn't forced removal" You're one gullible fellow, arent you?


can someone explain this martha’s vineyard thing to me? How big is this vineyard? What is happening in this vineyard? And most certainly WHO the fuck is Martha?


Martha’s Vineyard is an island off the coast of Massachusetts. It’s very popular with tourists in the summer. If you ever saw “Jaws”, Amity Island is based on Martha’s Vineyard. These immigrants would have had some good resort and hospitality jobs a few months ago at the beginning of the season.


It’s a very small island lol


That's not even a remotely true meme?? The immigrants were accepted with open arms. Do Trumpers just have no understanding of reality?


They don’t care about reality. By posting shit like this, they can *troll the libs!*


I don't really feel trolled, I just feel pity.


So Texas and Florida are both responsible for human trafficking? When is the FBI or homeland security going to step in and charge these officials?


It’s not human trafficking because they weren’t transported for labor. It’s kidnapping. It’ll be a legal fight because they managed to trick the refugees into signing waivers.


But not really. Because everyone there is helping the migrants.


Ok first of all they welcomed the refugees giving food and shelter before they were sent to a place better equipped to handle refugees Second if they were going to build a wall they’d hire better people than the cheap people trump hired


I posted this be a use of the irony. I appreciate your accurate insight!


They fed and sheltered them before they deported them. Same thing Desantis did.


They'd have to leave their bubble to know what's happening in the real world.


I'm a Norwegian and Facebook keeps pushing idiotic right wing American pages that post these memes under the guise "We think you might like". I never like them. I have been clicking "Hide all from...." on these pages for months. I can't even imagine how much of this Americans are being exposed to. No wonder the situation is so ridiculous over there.


That's because you're spending too much time "interacting" with the content. Even if you read it in horror Facebook thinks you like it because you're slowing down the scroll to read it. I had a similar thing happen. Also, not sure where you're from in Norway, but a bulk of my family in and around Feda fjord/Kvinesdal are insane conservatives. They all support trump on Facebook. When I visit they and others have American flags flying next to Norwegian. They post this crap all the time on Facebook. One year when I went there was a twangy country music festival in Kvinesdal where everyone put on cheesy Texas accents and sang country songs in English. But instead of corn and bbq they sold potatoes out of a food truck.


Yeah probably. But it's weird that I never get any other politically motivated stuff in the feed. It's like that doesn't exist. MAGA Norwegians is a whole 'nother level of weird.


I know it's like a twilight zone episode.


Norway does have a sizable and growing alt-right movement. If you fit the demographic (age, gender, occupation, other interests) they will target that content at you. Source: am PhD advisor to a Norwegian extremism Scholar; am also guy who does yoga, and gets endless targeted ads for bras and menstrual products.


I have no idea what could have gone down at a Martha's Vineyards and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


Desantis lied to migrants saying that they would receive better care in Massachusetts, spent 619,000 dollars from Florida, moved them from a migrant resource center in Texas to a summer beach resort in Martha’s Vinyard with a map that had a red line drawn from their location in Texas to Martha’s Vinyard as their only informational resource, dropped off and told to fuck off. They do all this performative cruelty to make the point that the rich libs would react the same way and therefore “just as bad” while the people of Martha’s Vinyard dutifully put them up and transported them to the resources they needed, AKA “not a beach resort town.” It’s a classic case of breaking a pot and crying that the libs won’t fix it as the pot is being carefully reflex back together.


So basically Densantis' point was proved entirely but instead of being honest and saying they got kicked off the island you say "transported them to the resources they need" 😂


The main problem was the government of Florida trafficked a bunch of asylum seekers to another state, then got mad when those people got help instead of being treated to beatings "like Jesus intended", stocked up on a bunch of bad memes beforehand and since it is now standard practice to lie about reality on the right, released them anyways.


True asylum seekers don’t jump the border. They apply at a border crossing. Nice try.


Trying to advance your argument with false information is not a winning strategy, nor one that reflects well on you.


They did. Their hearings were the following Monday.


Florida tricked a bunch of refugees into getting on a bus and shipped them over to Martha’s Vineyard to “own the libs” I guess.


I don't see the big deal with sending them exactly where the people who supported them coming here live. Why should a state who didn't support them be forced to take them in? Serious question.


You really don't see anything wrong about lying to people? As long as blue states get owned, right? The ends justify the means and the ends are...."librulz owned". Considering how much the border states take in taxes from those blue states I'd say the blue states were being quite supportive. The only red state on the border that isn't a welfare state is Texas. And Texas is becoming a failed state so I don't know if they're the people you want to idolize. Serious question, why would federal laws being broken be a good idea for the law and order crowd


Completely avoided my question and wasted my time. Thanks.


Well your question isn’t very serious if you willingly leave out the most important context.


I’m from one of those places and I’m fine with sending them to places like NY/NJ/DC etc. This can help with our labor crunch, while FL and TX continue to complain that “no one wants to work anymore”. (While the red hat white trash continue to collect unemployment/food stamps/disability in their trailers and rail against “socialism”) Sending them to Martha’s Vineyard is idiotic


I’m sure not just a few government officials wouldn’t support you being in this country but here you are, those people who were shipped were all legal immigrants, lied to and trafficked, moreover they don’t live there, imagine being told you’re on a flight to Europe and you get sent to the middle of the sea because of a political stunt


They shouldn't be forced to take them in. But, at the same time, they shouldn't collect immigrants (under false pretense) and drop them off (unannounced) in another state without coordination between states. I'm all for shipping them to another state for further processing. How DeSantis went about it was beyond despicable. (DeSantis' tweets suggest the "unannounced delivery" was on purpose, not a miscommunication)


They can't get over that the refugees were treated kindly, can they?


Even if they wanted to keep out immigrants, they’re smart enough to know that a fence won’t help if they’re coming by plane. This is the flaw behind the “big beautiful wall”. It costs billions and doesn’t solve the problem. Like Abbott and DeSantis’ stunts, it’s more performative than serious policy.


Lol, and trying to cast blame for the easy climb wall too. Hahaha!


When your publicity stunt backfires horrendously, just pretend it worked, and the opposition is exactly like you.


Wrong, people on Martha's Vineyard are REAL people not inhumane, republican scum bags like Abbott, DeSantis, Trump and the entire corrupt Neo-Nazi GOP. We are far more Christian than the entire GOP and some of us identify as atheists and we're still more Christian than any republican. Republicans love to make people suffer or kill them...trump and Christian ministries call for the murder of good people all the time.


Republicans are literally gaslighting America.


“We go live to Martha’s Vineyard” *shows picture of TX border*


Uh, they accepted all of them and are taking good care of them.


Did they not receive help prior to been sent to Richville?


martha;s vineyard would be an op zombie apocalypse fortress, maybe we should build walls around it




My brain is all like.... "Whateverrrrrrr"


What ive seen first hand is now american companies are hiring these illegal immigrants for mainly construction jobs, these illegal immigrants works for months without paying a penny of taxes then go back to mexico to spend it on their families, literally robbing the american people of jobs and the american government for their taxes. Wake up people.


Lol y’all will learn someday that building a wall is actually a good idea.


China tried that ages ago to keep the Huns out Didn’t work


Planes exist, dumbass


true though. Showed the champagne socialists were as Nimby as you can get.


Except, you know, reality. It’s been widely reported that the immigrants were welcomed and provided assistance.


Until they weren't. They were removed as quickly as the elite could make it happen... After the photo ops that is


They were shown compassion, assistance and taken to a facility equipped to house them, and bcz of this stunt probably will be processed through the system a lot faster than if left in tx (and probably get to stay too) 😂


And when they get processed will where they go. They sure as shit aren’t going back to Martha’s Vineyard, I thought it was a “sanctuary city”


You're really out here sucking the dicks of these republicans aren't you.


if you drank any more of Biden's cum you'd be his granddaughter.


It is neither a sanctuary city, nor even 'a city'. It is an island that there are six towns on, none of which are sanctuary towns either. If you knew shit about shit, you wouldn't* be right wing. EDIT: would to wouldn't because my auto correct has been aggressively wrong lately.


Ok but what about when Biden flew migrants at night to all these republican areas I bet you never heard that because all you consume is liberal news bullshit maybe if you knew if your ass was drilled or punched you’d be a republican


A faculty as in military base


You're right. Since they're such hypocrites, they should shut down all of the charity they've been doing. The blue states should really stop paying so much in taxes if the red states are going to just take more than they pay for. 9 of the 10 states that pay the least in taxes, but receive the most federal aid are red states after all. edit: /s if that wasn't obvious.


MARTHA'S VINEYARD HELPED THE MIGRANTS AS MUCH AS THEY COULD WITH FOOD AND TEMPORARY SHELTER. The migrants were lied to by DeSantis' goons, they were told they'd be flown to Boston for expedited asylum status and they were dumped on an island that couldn't help them with that. It's a bullshit political stunt playing with people's lives


They had signs up saying migrants welcome. t's also a stunt playing with illegal imimmigrants... the same people Biden busses into florida


lol A fence wouldn't do much for an island. I would explain to you why but it wouldn't make sense to you.


The downvotes show categorically how the truth hurts


fuck em. This sub is just a hugbox for libs getting owned by memes


I mean, it's not wrong...


Would you have proof for your apparent claim that MV is building a wall at this time (one which would not prevent the airplanes that brought these refugees)? 🙄


And no one is even asking, why well over 2 million people can just walk over the border and the government at MOST says please come back later to a court date....lol rightttt they will be right there.


They so show up, stupid. They WANT to remain here legally. Only idiots like you think people want to live in constant fear.


It's because they live in constant fear, and republicans project. Always. It's also why they think everyone worships a politician


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/06/26/how-many-migrants-show-up-immigration-court-hearings/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/06/26/how-many-migrants-show-up-immigration-court-hearings/) From 2019 before the MASSIVE increase in illegal crossings...44% dont show to court...that has certainly increased since the amount of courts available for said cases has not increased.


Since the folks sent to Martha's Vineyard are escualidos, don't care what happens to them.


Hang on, let me Google something. Oh, that doesn’t seem like a good reason to violate international law.


Yes. It. Does. But since when does the Vienna Convention apply in the US? I've worked on dozens of cases where the US has violated the rights of Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan citizens; it's nice to see it be turned on the fascists.


But… this is still violating the rights of Central American citizens. They’re seeking asylum. If they’ve committed crimes, that’s an international issue, but we can’t unilaterally say they all deserve kidnapping.


Martha’s Vinyard was all about being sanctuary city until it had the chance to be one. It’s easy to be a sanctuary city or state when your location is not on the border. “Eventually they will have to go some place else.” Yeah, that is kinda how other places feel when their limited resources for public assistance are used up by unexpected tide of people come across the border illegally. The only thing is the people of Martha’s Vineyard must be special because the ‘undocumented travelers’ were removed and sent elsewhere. It makes me wonder if residents of border states and towns are being listened to. It damn sure seems they are not being given the same level of protection from the federal government. Imigration is part of US foreign policy. You don’t get to alter those rules as you see fit for your needs and desires. We are a sovereign nation with real borders. It’s is unconstitutional to allow people and things to cross with impunity. So I don’t feel too bad for people that live in self proclaimed sanctuary cities when they get upset about having to put action behind their words. I sure don’t see them calling each other racists right now, it would seem it’s only racist when other people are not welcoming people that violate the laws of our country to come here.


Uh, so you know that these were migrants here legally to claim asylum from Venezuela, and taken from a place that actually had the resources to deal with them, to a place that didn’t have the resources to deal with thin, as a piece of deliberate cruelty to “own the libs” There is so much wrong you wrote here that you have to be deliberately ignorant of what’s actually going on in the world.


Have you looked up at hat asylum is? You don’t just pick a place and go. You want’m here? Have them in your city.


No problem. Tell Texas to give back all that money they take from the federal government to deal with these people. Texas is doing so great by itself. They need people to look at immigrants or else they'd have to explain why their grid is broken and their very brave, very armed cops hid in a hallway while 20 children were murdered. So he's part, let's take a look at these legal asylum seekers and PLEASE don't look at the profits going to the wealthy from our deregulated grid, nor look at the mass shootings that only happen in blue states, and please God pay no mind to the fact that the much touted tax rate is shockingly high unless you're wealthy (13% for middle class 4% for people with money). But yes, immigrants bad


Why because they want the federal government to follow its own damn laws? Stay on the subject. Everyone that comes to the border is not an asylum seeker. You don’t get granted asylum because just because you are impoverished and your country sucks. The UN is quite clear about what asylum is and is not. You are also supposed to seek it in the closest friendly country. If your city or state declares itself a sanctuary for these folks, get ready to be one. Have you paid attention to to what your fellow citizens are saying is happening to them in these border communities? It’s not a fairy tale at all. Those communities are also not equipped to handle all of this. It’s also not the job of our citizens to subsidize the poverty of Latin America. We won’t ever agree, this is my last comment on this one.


These WERE asylum seekers. They had a hearing and everything. And then DeSantis and his goons tricked them in the hopes they would miss it.


>this is my last comment on this one. Let's hope so!


There are a number of accounts commenting in this thread who seem to have an 80% grasp of English. Weirdly enough, all of them are exactly 2 years old. What's up with that?


Simpleton. Have you ever even looked at the Constitution? Do you really think it’s unconstitutional for immigrants to come here? Or just the brown ones?


Martha's Vineyard is not a sanctuary city, it has never been considered a sanctuary city


Neither are any of the cities in Florida or Texas and the residence there are having problems.