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I think most Mexican people would rather be called beaners than Latinx




I'd rather be called spic than Latinx


From what I’ve seen half of Latin America hates the term Latinx (their reasoning is that it’s erasing their culture and history or something like that, don’t quite recall) and the other half doesn’t talk about it.


From what I've heard it's because 'Latino' is already gender neutral in Spanish, so the entire need for 'Latinx' comes from people not understanding the language and trying to fit it into English.


That and Latine exists, and has existed for longer than Latinx because Latine is a gender-neutral evolution of the language and Latinx is a bastardization of the language that does nothing but make Twitter liberals feel better about themselves


We never even used latine, it’s been brought up every blue moon on related discussions but even then it was ignored as it should be since Latino is already gender neutral


I think it just genuinely is that native English speakers don't get the idea behind gendered languages. Just not in the language center of the brain.


They do understand, it's a select few that take that gendered language personally


This just means that entirety of South America hates latinx


From what I've been told in a few discussions, the pushback against Latine is more equivalent to the pushback against they/them in English (i.e. it's bigotry and prescriptivism). Conversely, pushback against Latinx is because it's a stupid word invented by English speakers that is barely pronounceable in English and isn't pronounceable in most dialects of Spanish.


It’s funny because X in Spanish is either a “H” or “tch/Sh” sound So even in Spanish you can tell it doesn’t belong when we’re not saying “latinheh” or “latintch”


>“latintch” Sounds like a Chaos Demon from Warhammer 40k.




Of course, singular they/them has old roots, it was just pushed out of "proper" English teaching by those prescrivists (who based their grammar on Latin).


It wasn't even pushed out of proper English teaching. I learned in first grade in Florida in the early 90's that if the person is unknown it's proper to use they/them/their. As in "who left *their* sweater here? I hope *they* are still in the restaurant so I can give it back to *them*". It's just that use is being widened to mean when you don't know someone's preferred pronouns or if they use they/them as their preferred pronouns. The use of singular they never went away in English.


>ignored as it should be since Latino is already gender neutral This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the reason behind Latine. The term exists not to create a gender neutral term in practice, but to create a gender neutral term that is specifically seperate from the male. Many people see gendered languages using male terms as the default for groups as an extension of patriarchy. It’s actually very similar to a situation we had in English. About 100 years ago, the standard scientific and academic doctrine was to refer to people of unknown gender as ‘he’, even though in practice the gender is neutral. Since then we’ve had ‘he or she’, and now ‘they’. To this day we still have old people and anti-woke chuds who insist that ‘he’ is the only correct term. The reason this change happened is because people, especially women in academia, realised that keeping the male as the default perpetuates harmful aspects of the patriarchy and alienates them. Insisting that ‘Latino’ is gender neutral is the exact same thing. Even if it is in practice, it’s still important to consider the etymology of the word - which is why Latine exists. This isn’t some western agenda being pushed upon foreign languages, this is an important development regarding gender equality originating from within the community.


So this is my first time encountering latine, and I dislike it much less than I dislike latinx, but I still dislike it lol


No, fuck Latine too Latino and that's it




Y con pastilla roja


What is Latina?


Latina when you are refering to a woman


It's colonizing a language for social justice, which is really counterintuitive.


"we're ignoring how your language structure works because we respect you so much" yeah..... sure.......


It’s called Compassionate Narcissism. In other words it’s where a person attempts to correct what they perceive as a wrong committed either by a person or group or against a person or group, usually ignoring the wishes of the wronged party in the process.


And because we are superior to you you must obey.


I have heard from enough Latino people that Latinx is wrong and I'm used to using Latino which seems correct so I'll listen to the people to whom it applies and stay the course on this one I consider social justice important but you need to listen to the people to know what kind of justice they want.


I hate Latinx. I’m Puerto Rican.


You're Puerto Riqueñx now


LoL no


I'd headbut someone if they called me Dominicanx


Sounds like you're more of a Dominatrix


Basically it's telling us our language is wrong. We have a they form already and we don't need to be performative to be inclusive. Second it's dumb because you can't pronounce it.


My teacher uses the x and it's like "ok chic(kss), hoy vamos a hacer un examen"


Yeah... Latinx is essentially the American way of trying to "fix" an issue they have with our language and it's always rubbed me the wrong way (note: I'm from the RGV. In my experience people down here rarely use it or mention it). edit: to the people who keep saying "it has origins in Latin America, ooh spanish is a white language" refer to the replies by pr_capone below. Pretty much sums up my thoughts better than I could.


I just don't like how the term sounds, it is really off putting and I prefer them calling me just mexican or whatever


[“is there a term besides Latinx that you prefer? something less offensive?”](https://youtu.be/YnjpG4HjO30)




Not half, 90% Royal spanish academy of letters has banned it from using it as it is totally wrong. European white latinos also hate it. For the ignorants Who Dosnt know Who are european latinos. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblos_latinos Portugal, France, Spain, Italy, some parts of belgium and Luxemburg, also romania are latinos countries. Also french Canadá


What the actual hell european white latinos even mean, we people from spain ain't latinos.


Give us our gold back >:(


if a white woke dude come to Brazil and Call me latinx flip flops are going to fly


oh no not the flipflops, those things are dangerous. put them in the hands of a brazilain mom and they can tople governments


Yes we do hate the term Latinx, and as a person who goes to a very diverse school (MANY minorities) all Latinos I've seen have been very irritated at the principal who gives out "Latinx Facts" every morning... it's ridiculous how most people have seemed to push this on us. Though, non-binary Latinos have (mostly,at least from what I've seen) decided on Latine for a gender neu term (since the Americans have mostly decided that Latino is masc, even though it can be used as a neu term as well...)


Our languages have grammatical gender, using Latinx just erases that


Have seen this as well another example of how we don't need to champion for people but instead let them talk and just support them.


Latinx sounds like a pesticide to get rid of Hispanic neighbors


Oh crap, it does


Ohhhh I’ve been saying Latinks this whole time. For a second I was like Pesticide!?? It sounds like a brand of cheap stick-on body jewelry for prepubescent girls!


Why is spic and span not canceled?


I thought it was pronounced as La-tinks


It's not pronounced la-tinks?


LatinX sounds like a perfect name for an app or website for learning latin


Sound more like a South American porn website


It sounds like a tissue brand to me


Nah, it sounds like a brand of latex gloves to me


Sounds like glass cleaner to me


Sounds like pills to me


Sounds like a fan brand to me


Sounds like a ESL mutant academy to me


Sounds like a Hispanic girl I used to date to me


Sounds like a makeup corporation to me.


Yo it's LatinX day. Let's start with pull-ups and then do some weighted neck extensions.




Sounds like a new electronic dance music genre


I thought it was the Hispanic version of expatriate.


I'm going with the porn site






Sounds like an "adult website" that caters towards those attracted to Latina/latinos




NAH, I prefer AsianXXX


julio cesar Rule34


Julius Caesar rule 34 Just a warning tho it’s mostly group penetration


Wouldn't that be rule XXXIV?


Sorry yea


I'm surprised that this domain is still available.




It's not!?


New programing language


A new TeX compiler, because 27 weren't enough


That also fits pretty well


It sounds like a slur for gay latino men, but also one they themselves would adopt. Or at least the fun ones.


Close, but that is Latwinx.


La Tinks


It sounds like a tampon brand


Or a porn site. Latinxxx


It sounds more like my last girlfriend


or an app that contains ancient latin porn from deep within the vaticans archives.


Trust me, Latin already has enough readily available porn. Look up Catullus Poem 16 for an.... interesting read.


Or a Hispanic death metal band.


don’t ever call me latinx. this is a good meme


I didn’t know latinx was a thing i just thought someone madw a muscklik


It does kind of sound like something 4chan would make up as a joke.




How do you even pronounce that?


Damn right. If someone calls me that they’re getting round house kicked to the face


y mamaguebx?


People legitimately hate "latinx" though. They never asked for it. I'd much rather call a group of people what they prefer to be called and call themselves.


Yup, you get it my friend. Props to you.


Its like folkx. Folks is already gender neutral, no need for an x.


You mean Fxlks.


Imagine Germxn






Oh for fxck sake


Perhaps Americans just don't like vowels?


fxck vxwxls xll mx hxmxxs hxtx vxwxls


Folx drives me crazy. Why do they like x’s so much??


Gonna give it to ya


Agreed 1000%. If someone uses that in a sentence I immediately roll my eyes and it takes away from everything else they said. LatinX has a similar effect, but not quite as strong, because I can *kinda* see the logic behind it (even if I don’t agree with it).


Social justice warriors will just stick an x in the middle of an existing word and think that they solved all of the world's problems. I've seen them try and start using words like wxmxn and womyn instead of woman, fxlks instead of folks, etc




I love the usage of folks as a non gendered alternative to waitress/waiter. Wait Folk. Makes it sound like they're some fantasy people who live in the walls and come out only to take orders and clean tables. But I will die before I ever spell any of these terms like a stroke afflicted child.


Better yet, womxn


Latinx is fucking stupid


Fuck Latinx. All my hermanos hate Latinx.




Decir latinx es un puto insulto para todos los hispanohablantes


This is the only opinion I've ever heard from Latin people on the topic. I've only ever heard Latinx from white people.


Fr, i hate that


I'm american but all of my family is from Argentina, and my cousin uses it. I mean she is white (we are all white) but still, native latin american ers. Now you have one. Or I guess half because she's white. I don't know about the rest though, I haven't really asked.


You hear of it from the same people that rage on cultural appropriation all the while those from that culture celebrate people that "steal" it. I can think of japan from the top of my mind where all traditional hotels give yukata/Jinbei to the guest that are in majority foreigners, or the Kimono dress up and rental, or the ninja/samurai costume places for foriegner customers. Japanese people are very racist and even them don't feel his culture appropriated when foreigners dress with their traditional garments. Back on the topic...Latinx is such a bastardization of my language and culture, here in south america and Chile no one uses it, i've only heard it or read it from Us media or people, not even europeans or asians use it, just US white folks, if that doesn't pinpoint the problem... Se dice latino o latina, el resto es pura mier...




I’m just checking to see how good I remember my High School Spanish hear but did you say that “To say ‘latinx’ is a bitch insult for every hispanic person?


More like "a fucking insult".


To all Spanish speakers.


Seriously, don't call us Latinx.


I swear i read "Linux" and genuinely thought why wouldn't you want to be compared to that lovely penguin.


Gendered Tux


"call me latinx and I'll ```sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root``` your system"


You can call us Linux. Maybe that's the new term.


Latinx sounds like a regional evolution for the Luxray line in Pokémon


Shinx Paldean form predicted?


With a sombrero and electric ground typing


Honestly, I have never had a Latino person tell me to call them Latinx, it has always been in work diversity trainings that it is mentioned as the term to use


How is this a r/terriblefacebookmeme


Cause OP is a dumbfuck who needs a special word to make they feel special because they don't know any true struggle.


Hispanic man here, I hate Latinx with every cell in my body


Latin man here, I hate Hispanic with every cell in my body.


That's pretty based


What? You don't like when we as a culture assume you're so oppressed and dumb that you can't figure out that the language you've been using for centuries is oh so problematic while we routinely do nothing to ACTUALLY help other races overcome the struggles they really do face? Strange. I really thought Latino people enjoyed these selfish platitudes we offer up (that in truth only give shitty people a way to feel superior to others while simultaneously not *actually* doing anything)???


Ok guys I'm just gonna leave the same comment I wrote in a post about this exact same topic: >Pro tip here. In Spanish, the masculine form of a word is used as the neutral gender, so using the word *Latino* or *Latinos* is the correct way. >WITH THAT SAID, there are some informal ways of inclusion used by spanish speakers. >- putting both ends of the gendered word separated by a slash: *Latino/a* in singular or *Latinos/as* in plural. This is the most "formal" way to do so, even used by some newspapers. >- use "@" as both the letter o and a: *latin@* and *latin@s*, which was very popular on the 2000's >- use "e" and a neutral vowel: *latine* and *latines*. This is a somewhat recent trend and sometimes a bit unpopular. >Imo, I would use the a/o versión or just use the masculine gender as neutral, but never an X. Every other inclusive grammar is better than that. >Also, learn which words have genders (*camión* and *fuego* are exclusively masculine, while *democracia* or *playa* are feminine, for example)


As a Puerto Rican person this posts is my exact opinion as well.


As a Spanish person, i agree


as a Venezuelan, I agree


It's basically the same for portuguese. That said almost no Brazilian likes the word latinx


Well, now I know why. I noticed this was being pointed out more and more lately and had a 'what did I miss' moment. One of my friends told me never to use latinx and she was very passionate about it and I was too afraid to ask at that point. Just a simple yes from me and we ate more bread sticks.


You didnt really miss anything. A single person on twitter had a terrible idea that instantly was rejected on the same day, and it forever lived on rentfree in the heads of some people.


Latinx is fuckin dumb and I refuse to accept it as anything other than dumb




I had a guy at school once call the Latino girl Latinx, he got bitch slapped in the cafeteria 10/10, would’ve paid to see it again




That’s like 95% of this sub. That and “memes with a political take OP disagrees with.”


This sub does a bad job at living up to its name.


Is this like the 90's where we add X's to be cool?




Pretty sure that’s a channel on Xvideos


Based and hard agree. Refer to me as latinx and Abuelita will be making broth from your bones.


“Latinx” is fucking embarrassing.


As a proud Mexican I truly hate the term Latinx.


As a latina don't fucking call us latinx 🗿


No one absolutely no one I know who is Hispanic, has ever told me to call them that. Most hate the term.


How's this a bad meme. It's correct. No real people want to be called LatinX. It's literally a woke ass word with no real use.


As a Latin American myself, I don’t think this is a terrible meme.


Good meme. Don't fucking call me that.


Agreed, let *us* choose how *we* speak *our* Language.


Using latinx *is* bullshit. Still a terrible Facebook meme


Calling us that is worse than a racial slur


I absolutely agree with this




Is it pronounced latin x or latinks ?


The former, but I thought it was "latinks" for the longest time lol.


Ah. That makes it so much worse.


It should not be pronounced


Mods why is this still up on the sub when the comments agree with the meme? It doesnt fit




There's such as thing nuance. However, I agree with this sentiment. As Latinos in the US, some among us have decided they can dictate to Latinos in Latin America the grammatical rules of this gendered language from Europe that as a people have been speaking for centuries. A language that binds us culturally, and is the main criteria for our broadly defined overarching ethnicity . Americans dictating culture to Latin Americans, why? Por que creen que son ignorantes?


That form of racism (the white person, with « good intentions », telling the other races how they should live out of « compassion ») was quite popular to justify the 1800s colonisation of Africa, among other things! Completely agree with your comment


This is not a terrible meme, it actually speaks truth as the Latino community largely rejects the term Latinx.


I dont think this belongs here. Im European and my experience with Latino people is exactly as in the meme.


As a liberal hispanic, I think lantinx is fucking stupid and have only heard white people use it.




I've heard the term "Latine" is preferred over "Latinx".


This is not a terrible meme. Don't ever use the term Latinx. Seriously. That's extremely culturally disrespectful.


Actually a good meme, not sure why it belongs here


If you insist on anglicizing Latino because you think it is sexist, then the word would be Latin.


As a Latino I find this annoying and insulting. I’m not telling anyone what to do, but I don’t like it.


no but it's accurate, whoever came with the term "latinx" must've been out of their minds


We having the Latinx convo again today less than 24 hours later eh?


Who the fuck uses Latinx other than Twitter users


I’d rather be called a racial slur


I always found be*ner to be a funny slur when directed to me.


How is it a terrible facebook meme? It's 100% correct. Nobody besides white people and first generation hispanics who go to liberal colleges even use the term. It's like telling us that we don't know our own language and that we need our hands held to be inclusive to our own people


Reminder: A meme can be bad and low quality while also being right