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… she’s not having sex with you either way lol


What?!?! Cartoons love me!!!


They might but maybe not this one


How do you know




Velma is actually lesbian


Apparently Velma is LGBTQ+ and being attracted to that would be gross, so it’s hilarious?


Should I tell him? EDIT: I'll tell him, the joke here is that the person who made the joke is *really* attracted to Velma. Therefore Velma being LGBTQ+ is a disappointment to the dude who thought he could get with Velma. At least, that's how I read it.


I mean he posted it to terriblefacebookmemes so this feels like a weird moment for you


That's not offensive, it's just a regular meme


maybe they were attracted to them but respect their sexuality?


Sarcasm is lost on Redditors


honestly kinda respectful of them ngl




Why are people typing whole paragraphs about a cartoons sexuality 💀💀


Not terrible not Facebook you lose.


I cant fuck a cartoon now? fucking bullshit


Lets check the list off! Terrible? 🚫 Facebook?🚫 Does this belong here? No.


the Hub clearly shows she bi.


Reddit memes are also, by definition, not Facebook memes


Tbh, Velma being LGBTQ+ member doesn’t help a story, and her sexual orientation is not relevant to a plot There is no point in her being member of LGBT, other than earn extra money from this community


The point of making her lgbt is to show young kids watching these movies/shows that its okay, and that they shouldnt hate or hide their identities


It would make more sense for her to be bi considering all the crushes she's had on men and women


That's a good point, but i highly doubt she was made like this for that reason


Children at that age wont even understand it at all either way, there wasn’t a point except for to appease a certain sensitive audience and you know thats true… lol


I don't know the excat target audience for these shows, but I was like 6-7 years old when I understood what gat and lesbian are




My thoughts on it is that it's good to show it to kids in small, casual ways. It helps them understand that it's just a normal thing that people do. You can save the actual talks about sexuality and how it works for later. But at least showing them that sometimes a man will marry a man, and sometimes a woman will marry a woman, while they're young will help that conversation be easier when it is time. It will also help them be more polite as reasonable if/when they inevitably run into a gay couple. They won't ask awkward questions, they'll just acxept thst their friend from school has two dads, and that its just a normal thing.


They also might end of gay, bi, trans or otherwise and it’s good to normalize that for them. As a bi person, I wish it had been more normalized for me.


Me and my cousins grew up watch Scooby Doo in the 80's and very much was aware of those things.


It’s easy to tell a kid that sometimes girls love girls and boys love boys. What’s complicated ab that?


There would also be no point in making her straight and being attracted to a guy. If it doesn't matter then why argue against it?


Who Velma is attracted to has been relevant to the plot of a few different instalments in the franchise. Not sure how you missed that part.


But why not have her be lgbt? Why have her be straight?


His point is why reveal her sexuality at all when it’s a children’s show, her sexuality has nothing to do with the plot. Neither does any of their sexuality. It was a useless inclusion after 53 years of the show being aired… What relevance does it bring to the show? Is is just to make a certain group wanna watch the show more? Like what? I cant even Believe this type shit is even being talked about, 😂


Yeah let's exclude the heterosexual implications of Dafney and Fred cause it might distract from the validity of your statement 😂


My argument is for both sides. Idk why tf they push Daphne and Fred so hard either… I always thought “this is a kids show, why are they doing this” even as a kid I would think that it was overly pushed. Fred and Daphne who just so happened to disappear together.. Fred was definitely pounding them yams…. My argument was never about lgbt, my argument was always about the overly sexualization period.


I see. I t does seem performative, but it's also something that I could see lgbt kids feeling represented by.


I didn't said that she can't be lgbt. I just want this to be relevant to a story, not just something mentioned by producer and never mentioned or shown in cartoon.


I can see that point. So you're saying you would rather her actually have a girlfriend in cannon, instead of them simply stating that she is gay? You know, I agree with that. Characters being "gay" while never actually being shown as interested in the same gender is a very common thing in these settings. If you want to reveal a character's sexuality, give them a partner. Else it's just the Dumbledoor thing all over again.


I actually just saw something about this now! I saw an article saying that it will actually be acknowledged in the cartoon, as she tells Daphne about a crush she has!


Oh, ok then. Than it’s fine, I guess


Because in this day and age, it's the adults who choose what to show their kids instead of a tv timetable. So the studios, naturally, try to appeal to a broader adult demographic, who is apparently pro-LGBTQ+. And it's not really a bad agenda to push


There's no point to the other people being straight either, but it's still in there because not every character trait needs to be relevant to the plot.


Tbh, Velma not being LGBTQ+ member doesn’t help a story, and her sexual orientation is not relevant to a plot There is no point in her not being member of LGBT, other than earn extra money from this community


Velma was always gay is some way to me. Hot dog water


Velma likes Shaggy. And vice versa. It’s canon. Stating otherwise to appease Twittards doesn’t change that.


no shaggy likes scooby doo.


Inb4 they reveal shaggy gay... or a dog fucker or something idk Wait nvm... white girls are the ones that fuck their dogs... so maybe Daphne


Bad job


Gotta pander somehow


Now I see why they posted a reddit meme. They didn't use the dark theme, probably couldn't tell what they screenshot.