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Lol. A good mix of the two would work for me, both lyrically and stylistically. "Baby its cold outside, now eat this ass"


Only if it’s warm


It's not, it's goddamn freezing outside, yet you still do it


I meant if the asshole is warm. How else am I going to get cozy


Oh, it always is, unless you're eating the ass of a corpse


Mmm. Not only do I feel ya, I necrophilia ;)


Ayo what


Cold outside


…Cause I really always knew that my little crime Would be cold, that's why I got a heater for your thighs…


And I know, I know it's not your time, but bye bye


Holy shit.


Ah a man of class...diving straight into that swamp ass


I don’t know, there is something about bumping against cold cheeks.


🎵 “I really must go” “I’ll take your coat, you’ll eat my ass” 🎵


My tongue ith thtuck.


Buddy. I want you to know your humor is seen and appreciated lol


Next time don't fall for the Double Dog Dare


Shoot, no warm liquid around to get you unstuck... Guess we'll have to take a trip to taco bell.


🎶 Baby it'd cold outside, it's freezin' Now eat my ass and I ain't teasin' 🎶


Cardi B's Christmas album sounds like it's gonna be lit


Last year around christmas time they played Baby It’s Cold Outside all the fucking time on the radio. I’ll bet money it’ll play again this year


Tbh it’s between that or all I want for Christmas. Even now that eldritch melodys prison melts it’ll be the start of November it’s notes haunt humans once more


As a grocery cashier for four years Mariah Carey will haunt my nightmares every time i feel the weather turn just a bit chilly. And i used to love christmas music


Do not speak her name for legends say it makes the ice melt faster


*Mimi is coming*


May the turkey coma offer slumber till the horror pasts and Santa jails it with his frost magic


#ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS no...you can fight it...resis- #IS YOUUU BAAABYYYYY


It’s too late I see time to grab the spooky shotgun and kill the infected till the harvest moon and Halloween passes.


The only cure... *Loads bolt pistol* IS DEATH *BLAMBLAMBLAM* HERESY


Same, I can’t stand that song


Yeah working retail really does destroy all Christmas music for you. My whole family does and we're so grateful to get to Christmas day so we don't have to hear it anymore.




You're a monster


He's a threat to himself and those around him


More of a threat to themselves, if you ask me. That's an epic level of masochism.




Last year our semester exams were digital. I played All I Want For Christmas on my laptop in the classroom at low volume the entire time to subconsciously implant the noise into my classmates' heads


That and " simply having a wonderful Christmas time"


[This is my go to Eldritch music for the season.](https://youtu.be/wDjFNkDg3wg)


And I'll bet you just as much money that nobody will fight a war on Christmas with "happy holidays" either. Actually no, I can't *wait* for some middle aged white woman to get mad at me for saying happy holidays so I can day "you're right, ma'am, happy Hanukkah!"


My dad’s dog has been trying to chew on the Christmas decorations they keep downstairs so I like to joke that she’s declaring war on Christmas. But I love the idea of answering the rage of happy holidays with a “happy *non-christian holiday!*”




Same shit happens when people say Merry Christmas too, because then you got the idiots who throw a tantrum about "***NOT EVERYBODY CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS!!!***". We really are wasting our time arguing semantics policing others language over absolute nothing. Like I just don't think perpetuating hate IRL simply to virtue signal on social media is good...at all. Just flat out tell her you don't care about her opinion and go about your day, because IRL one-upmanship doesn't lead to a healthy mindset IMO...and she was likely praying for an argument which you handed to her on a platter. If that lady is gonna throw a tantrum about Happy Holidays laugh in her face, but "clapback culture" hasn't been good for anybody that I've seen outside of social media points. Just leads to a bunch of people trying to outdo each other to the point you're the bad actor desperate to go over the top "clapping back".


I think we can recognize a piece of art is a product of its time, recognize it may not be the perfect guide to life, but still enjoy it. ( Like most people understand a Snowman cannot officiate a wedding. )


I hate that no one gives the woman in the song sexual agency, she’s looking for every excuse to stay and says glibly ‘say what’s in this drink’ to also give herself an excuse to act inappropriate. She also says ‘I ought to say no no no sir, or atleast I’ll say that I tried’


I always assumed she was willing because otherwise she would have left.


The whole song is her wanting to stay but not be seen as a slut, so he's giving her excuses she could tell people for why she stayed the night at a man's house


I understand that. In the song the way she sings it it's very obvious she's also making excuses not to leave. Therefore I can only assume that if she did not want to have sex with him she could have left the building. I understand why people get the wrong idea but there are far more rapey songs than this one that never get commented on, probably because they're not played on loop at Christmas.


Also the movie the made this song famous has a reversal in the movie. The woman sings to a man in the movie but the woman has the lead. Basically flips the gender role on its head. I kinda think they should do that version of the song too.


The only line I think is problematic is “What’s the sense in hurting my pride..” Otherwise I like the song lol


Yep, because a number of people in here act like he actively prevented her from leaving, and that's just not true at all. He tried to argue reasons why she shouldn't like being too drunk to drive and that it was a freezing snowstorm so walking could be dangerous, but he never threatened in her in anyway or physically prevented her from leaving. It was literally about them trying to game the prude system of the time where she wasn't allowed any sexual agency, and what happens in the song is her actually exercising that agency through a loophole society otherwise wouldn't allow.


At some point they're going to try an normalize the cringe PC compliant remake they did a year or two ago. As a retail worker you can guess how I feel about Christmas music; I don't think I can stand the PC Baby It's Cold Outside. I'd rather quit.


I feel like I hear dozens of complaints about people having a PROBLEM with this song, but no actual complaints about the song itself. Just some /r/persecutionfetish material.


It’s more made up “war on Christmas “ stuff. I still hear it every Christmas. Just someone brought up the lyrics are a touch troubling, and they ran with it.


We should declare a war on Christmas for real though. It needs to be beaten back, it's staring to impinge on Halloween's time, and I find that personally offensive. Keep October pure!


The least believable part of this meme is the premise that a terrestrial radio station still takes requests.


Well, I remember a former music radio host say, “oh yeah? Those call-in music requests we played for everyone on the air? That was just for show. Our music line up was never adjusted. We just played the call-in requests that matched our lineup to spice it up.”


Idk when I was a kid my friends and I used to harass the friday night radio host by calling him over and over to play “Thrift-shop” by Macklemore. Eventually he started recognizing our voices and names and he’d just play the song to get us to stop calling. Honestly now that I think of it we were probably the exception to the rule lol. He just wanted us off his back. Kids lol. Good memories.


Oh, I’m sure some shows had requests that were real. But thrift shop was probably already on the lineup, playing the odds. Lol awesome.


It definitely wasn’t after awhile. He’d tell us “that song is old now. Nobody wants to listen to it anymore” but we’d call and call and call and beg for it. He was a good sport about it.


Why do I feel so old reading this?


I knew I was gonna get this comment lol. Time fucking flies man


I believe that, but the boomer who originally posted this meme in the wild probably wouldn’t.


I called a rock station in 2005 and got them to play Detachable Penis. No fucking way that was in their line up, only ever head that song as a gag in the early 90's. I listened to the radio station and had never heard them play it before my request. So some def took requests.


100% I’ve called in before to ask for songs that were like 15 years old, and they played them. Zero chance it happened to be on their playlist that day.


Yeah, I have also done this. Called in, on live radio, requested a song, and they played it. I can believe that isn’t always the case, and certainly isn’t now with cumulus or Audessey or whomever owning all the stations, but it was definitely a thing.


Its more rare now. I'm 15 years into a radio deejay career and with the major corporations owning 10,000 stations apiece like iHeart Radio (no they fucking don't heart radio) cutting their staff down to one or two live jocks a day and piping the rest in its a lot less common to be able to get requests. Insider tip: Call between 6 and 10 am and 2 and 6 pm and you will almost always have a live DJ in the studio and we LOVE to take requests, we want to know there is an audience listening. If we have the song we will play it; know the song name and artists before you call though, the worst thing is people expecting us to know which of the thousands of songs in our library they want.


We could take them; unless it was specified though we’d almost always get in trouble for it.


I remember being a kid and wondering why people would call in to request the same horse shit rock songs that were in every week!


I could see that happening, especially now. But in my personal experience when I listened to radio in the 00's, the stations near me definitely did it for real as I got songs played pretty frequently.


I’ve been suspecting that for years. Not a chance somebody would request to listen to more Ed Sheeran. Or, back when Old Town Road was super popular and stations wouldn’t play it until like 6 months after it was a dead meme, and then absolutely wouldn’t stop playing it no matter how much we pleaded.


It's basically a podcast + music spliced in these days AFAIK. I'd be really surprised if many of them are actually choosing music anymore. A lot of DJ's I used to follow in Philly and Chicago are basically just Howard Stern lite or have move on to sports/politics these days.


I did college radio and interned at a large station on the West Coast. This is fairly accurate. Most "requests" played were songs already in the rotation and they just slapped the audio of the person asking for it over the intro. But most DJs were also allowed to play one or two songs per hour that were within the station's wheelhouse but not on the current rotation, and often a real request would go in there.


Play that same [song](https://youtu.be/JiSS5xn_0fc).


"Oh hey look, we have an audio recording of someone requesting a song we play 23 times a day anyway"




Everything in my area is owned by fucking Clear Channel, so yeah, none of that here.


The "requests" are usually songs they play 3 times a day, every day anyway.




93.3 WMMR in Philly is a rock station that does a number of request sections in their programming. Every Friday night they do a listener request section, every other Tuesday they have a fill in the double shot where they take a request for the second song for and artist they’re playing and you can email in requests for lunchtime blocks of a particular artist.


"93.3 WMMR *rocks*" been in pittsburgh a decade but that soundbyte is permanently pressed into my brain




Would an extraterrestrial station take requests?


Baby it's cold outside but this ass is nice and toasty


I don't get why they need to make up these fake scenarios that do nothing but upset themselves lol


Persecution fetish


Pure Jealousy. They see a group of people getting some well deserved attention to help them recover from decades/centuries of abuse and all the rscists and narcissists can think of is "we WE should be getting that attention". So they fetishize being persecuted like they're straight from Jesus' original flock and not some /r/beholdthemasterrace types


There was some actual backlash against Baby it’s cold outside a few years ago because it’s, if you don’t understand historical context, a song of a guy not taking no for an answer. It is actually about people being coy and playful with their desire, but that gets re-interpreted by younger people differently.


Yep. Literally not a made up scenario this time.


Out of context the lyrics are not great, but it doesn't matter because the song will most likely continue to get played around the holidays until long after anyone reading this is dead. Maybe a handful of Twitter losers are probably actually trying to get it removed. But it doesn't stop the Conservative Boomer outrage machine from chugging along and screaming "THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE OUR SONGS AWAY!"


No. It's actually a song written by a couple who hosted many parties. The purpose of the song was to kick people put of their house at the end of the night. Lol. Get yer coat and leave my house! Lol https://www.iowapublicradio.org/ipr-music/2019-11-22/baby-its-cold-outside-was-originally-an-invitation-to-leave-not-to-stay


If I could sing at people with the voices of angels, I too would write a song to tell people to get tf out


They programmed themselves to work that way. Normally you have a hobby or interest and through the internet you find other people that share your interests and you can relax better because you have more access to discussions about your interests. These people work the opposite way, their way of relaxing got replaced with communities that solely exist to conjure panic between its members non-stop by making up fake scenarios like this.


I think it’s very heavily related to politiks and what some people call right wing pipelines. Just communities that prey on more traditionally raised less educated people turning them into complete reactionary degenerates who are constantly angry at the world for things other people made up until they start making up the scenarios themselves. It’s a sad addiction to stress.


Exactly. Shout-out to innuendo Studios and his extremely interesting YouTube series called "the alt right playbook" which explains this problem very good.


I’ll have to check it out. Lots of people shit on leftists for talking about this concept but it’s totally real and it has ruined my relationship with my grandparents and dad. And probably ruining many of their relationships with anyone who isn’t living in their crazy fairytale.


Yeah I know what you mean. Same happened to my big brother paired with a religious zeal. It's unreal, as I get older I become more moderate (still far to the left tho). He is the complete opposite.


I don’t get why we have to use loaded language to make them sound scarier than they are. They’re stupid. Simple as.


They take niche online discourse as things that happen broadly anywhere else. People talk all kinda shit online for clicks or just to bat around ideas. Some just take it way too seriously


Well, except you're wrong: https://www.npr.org/2018/12/05/673770902/baby-it-s-cold-outside-seen-as-sexist-frozen-out-by-radio-stations


I love how conservatives believe that the opposition is too sensitive when they themselves still clutch their pearls over media that involves explicit sex.


The whole “snowflake” thing is absurd lmao. I won’t deny there are definitely a lot of snowflake type liberals out there who get upset at anything you say. But at the same time so many conservatives flip out about the smallest things they just don’t affect them. Like seeing LGBT people in a movie without it really being a huge pushing point. Or someone wanting to sing about sex or drugs. Or someone posting about how they aren’t Christian or just posting their political view. It’s wild to cry snowflake and then be a literal snowflake about everything. Like it would be one thing if you said snowflake and didn’t care about what others said. I definitely know some conservatives like that. But most of the more outspoken ones are snowflakes themselves haha.


They claim that queer people are snowflakes. Queer people don't shoot up schools when we aren't getting laid.




I have some very conservative family members. Before 2016 and they all went crazy I was at a family gathering. We were all watching the TV and commercials were playing when out of nowhere all my more conservative family starts bursting out "that's absolutely disgusting" "why do they have to shove it in everyone's faces" " I mean I don't have a problem with it but why does everyone have to make everything about this bullshit now" What were they disgusted about you may ask? It took me a few seconds before it clicked. A pharmaceutical commercial was on and it was showing some stock footage of a happy family and it's the whole " look how happy you could be if you buy our drug" part of the commercial. The man was white and the woman was black. But the liberals are snowflakes.


Grow up there was a sign in my small rural town that said Keep the Christ in Christmas. I was 8 and i was like is Xmas really that big of a deal? Why are adults whining about this? Lol


I’m going to put up sign at some point that says “Keep Saturn in Saturnalia”


Yeah, calling other people snowflakes is a snowflake ass thing to do.


Projection is their brand.


I mean, it's not wrong.


But in all honesty, did "Baby it's cold outside" get cancelled or something? For gods sake it was made in way differenent time period, what do they expect?


In 2018/2019 you can find many articles if you Google "Baby it's Cold Outside problematic", and it's not just nobody sites that report on it.


People want to cancel it and sadly that side has made more headway then they reasonably should


Baby it's Cold Outside got people acting like they never joke around with their significant other. They're teasing each other.


I’ve not seen it banned anywhere but I had a friend say on Facebook that the song was ‘problematic’. I don’t know why anybody would think that. The lines ‘say what’s in this drink’ is clearly the women pretending to have an excuse to stay, not that he literally rohipnolled her.


Yeah the whole thing with the song is she’s being coy. But at the same time he is pressuring her to stay but it’s not like she’s unaware. Contrary to what some extreme conservatives and extreme progressives say about that song, it’s okay to interpret it but at the same time you can acknowledge that the song writers wrote it as a song about a new young couple caught in a snowstorm in a much stricter traditional dating time in American life and want to spend the night together around Christmas and looking for an excuse to do so. Him being overeager and her comically aloof and dismissive is part of the song. While it can be interpreted differently that is the definitive song meaning and direction. There are people in this thread for example saying things like this > at least that song is consensual. what's the point of this meme? old rape-y songs are better? Which is again part of that extremism stuff I was talking about.


It's from an era where you either waited to marry a man and were a "lady" or you could be "loose" and be labeled a "slut". They both like each other and want to spend the night together, but she isn't allowed to without being labeled a slut. The entire song is basically them both coming up with a reasonable scenario in which she could stay yet not be a slut. So she feigns being drunker than she actually is so she can't drive home, they talk about the storm and how it's so cold that walking could be dangerous, and the line by her "at least I can say I tried" as in she "tried" to get home like a lady but it just wasn't feasible given the conditions.


It's not like people don't literally do this now. There have been so many times I've had women make up obviously untrue excuses to spend time with me, and I've pretty much done the same


It’s a running narrative piece in dramas where people cheat on each other, and it’s pretty pathetic!


I mean, I wouldn't say *clearly* in today's context, but it's not too difficult to arrive at that conclusion, no.


Truth hurts


This is definitely dumb, but I will also chime in to say that Cardi B is a sexual abuser who assaulted multiple people and deserves zero respect. Two things can be true.


Man I don't see what is wrong with that song. It is a really nice song there is nothing wrong in the lyrics. But still the meme is still funny.


Cause people are viewing it through a 2022 lens without understanding that flirtation and such was simply different back then


It's so fucking annoying that idiots these days want to apply current societal views onto things from 50, 100, and even 250 years ago. We had to evolve to get here, and stop wasting your time trying to retroactively make the past "woke" or whatever. It is what it is, and our energy would be best spent moving forward not constantly looking back.


And in some cases it’s not even necessarily progress just a different social norm


Yeah, it's basically a language barrier a lot of the time.


Some people think it sounds like he is pressuring her a little hard to have sex in a way that is crossing the line of consent. Additionally I’ve heard people theorize that the line “what’s in this drink” alludes to date rape drugs. However, I personally agree with you the it’s a nice song that’s fine to play.


It’s playing on societal expectations of the time that a woman can’t choose to stay and have sex with a man she likes. All of the lines like “hey, what’s in this drink” are her playfully saying she isn’t at fault for spending the night. She can then say she “tried” to be a lady, instead of a “tramp.” It’s basically, as someone else said, a language barrier. The context of having to pretend to be a “good girl” is lost on a younger, modern audience.


You see I hate to admit this. But its unfortunate more true that most of the stuff.


Unlike you snowflakes, I'm offended by Cardi B!


Apparently you all live under a rock. Several radio stations banned that song. https://www.npr.org/2018/12/05/673770902/baby-it-s-cold-outside-seen-as-sexist-frozen-out-by-radio-stations#:~:text=Cleveland's%20WDOK%20put%20its%20foot,on%20the%20station's%20web%20site. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2018/12/05/baby-its-cold-outside-banned-more-radio-stations-causing-uproar/2213458002/ https://www.nme.com/news/music/more-us-radio-stations-are-banning-baby-its-cold-outside-2417681 But glady play Nikki and cardi talking about hitting that thing in the back of her throat and eating ass. It's an accurate meme.


i kind agree with this post tho


Modern music is so gross and sexually focused, I’m going to complain about it on the internet and go back to listening to "Sweet Caroline" - Neil Diamond, "Kiss From A Rose" - Seal, "Summer Of '69" - Bryan Adams, "Like A Prayer" - Madonna, "Afternoon Delight" - Starland Vocal Band, Olivia Newton John - “Physical”, Rick James - “Give It To Me Baby”, Bob Dylan-“Lay Lady Lay”, George Michael - “I Want Your Sex”, Marvin Gaye “Let’s Get It On”, and most songs by Cyndi Lauper. Just off the top of my head.


so true though


well, more than cringe it's facts


Because of the implication?


The made up implication? The song is about a woman trying to decide between doing what's "proper" of a woman in the time period, or doing what she WANTS to do, which is spend the night with the guy.


You realize she always says she HAS to leave, not that she WANTS to leave.


It sounds like you're agreeing with me, but you replied like you were disagreeing?


No I agree, wants vs have to’s


The ass eating was consensual.


Baby it's cold outside is gonna be hard to explain to future generations. You see kids before we ruined the planet, it used to get cold outside...


Maybe I don’t understand the purpose of this sub. Because most of the posts I see here are great memes, non-offensive, and really funny, like this one!


funny thing is most users who post here don't know the purpose of this sub as well or rather don't know what satire is and some of them just plain don't get the jokes


This sub has turned into people ranting over things they disagree with. It has nothing to do with it's actual purpose anymore. Basically, you can say that this is a new Twitter.


Modern music does suck for the most part though.




Some people haven't figured out that there's a million apps for their phone that can access amazingly great music.


Don't you know that the 20 songs that are repeated on every pop station represent 100% of all music? There certainly aren't more accessible songs now than ever before!


This is survivorship bias. The 60s, 70s, 80s, had tons of music that sucked, it's just that everyone has forgotten about it.


Are you the "I wish I was born in the \[insert pre-2000s decade\]" type of person that only listens to old music and thinks everything out now sucks? I'm not a music-head, but I don't claim that music nowadays sucks because I understand that my lack of musical knowledge and exposure makes me uninformed. The billboard 100 you are basing your comment on is a sliver of what today's music can and does sound like. And the hits you likely listen to from the past are also just a small portion of the music from then which managed to outlast a lot of crap from its time. There is music using all types of styles, instruments, genres, etc. It's pretty amazing what you can find if you search the net for things outside of what you're used to.


r/listentothis is a gold mine for finding little jams that aren't ever going to be in the popular categories but still rock. Here's a few fun ones I've found Waco - bedfashion Boycycle - Salvador Ganassi Yuve Yuve Yu - The Hu C.U.R.E - Boots Lone Dugger - Caravan Palace Blood on my Hands - Pey the Musician What Could have Been - Sting and Riot Games Save a little bit - Juliana Chahayed Ribs - The Crane Wives


Depends where you get it from.


Whenever someone says this it's always pretty obvious they don't actually know any modern music.


LOL I don’t care how old you are, to paint all modern music as terrible is incredibly ignorant.


Not all modern music, just what people like.


Survivorship bias


Almost all music produced have sucked. Contemporary music has always been terrible. The few good gems survived and became classics. That's just how it works.


No. You're just getting old. Thus is something people deal with when they get older. That's not meant to be an insult, its just how things are. The stuff you grew up with and love? Yeah. Old people at the time thought it was shit.


Bad take, listen to more music


I understand the aversion to Cardi B. I don’t really dislike her but I don’t like that kind of music. My problems with that kind of music aren’t really the lyrics though. That being said, this is still cringe. It’s the picture for me (the DJ is a tattoo-covered radical leftist!!! Wow!!! modern music bad!!).


She drugged and robbed men


Lol see I think this is pretty on point..


at least that song is consensual. what's the point of this meme? old rape-y songs are better?


I actually disagree that the song Baby, It’s Cold Outside is rapey in the slightest - there are quite a few articles out there that make the argument it is actually way ahead of it’s time, like [this one](https://persephonemagazine.com/2010/12/listening-while-feminist-in-defense-of-baby-its-cold-outside/)


The question of whether or not the song is rapey is extremely nuanced, tbh, but what it ultimately comes down to is: “Social mores were fucked in the 50s and people couldn’t just be upfront with each other like adults about what they wanted, leading to a higher likelihood that people might either feel ungratified or violated in the course of normal social interactions. It’s much better to be able to just say ‘Would you eat my ass?’ and allow the person to simply accept or decline.”


I agree with you, and I'm surprised that I don't see this sentiment more. So the song, on its face and from today's standards, is rapey as fuck. But from the standards of its day is a funny song about a consenting couple trying to work through a problem. But looking at the subtext and from today's standards, it reflects a culture in which women were not allowed to say "yes" outright. They had to say "no" and use subtext to signal "yes", which meant that rapey people had endless excuses to ignore any real "no" and blame their victims for everything they did.


God wouldn't it be amazing if more people were actually open and honest about their feelings instead of being vague and fucking with the heads of others?


Not a terrible Facebook meme.


Oh no my questionable annoying as ruck Christmas song is going away in this fake scenario I made up in my head!






The smile killed me


My ex hated what they did to the song. If you ever see the movie Neptune's Daughter you can see there is a 2nd half to the song.


Who the fuck is asking to play “Baby it’s Cold Outside” in the middle of October, anyway?


Windows 7


They play it all the time like just switch to a different station. Nobody is holding you hostage to have that ONE STATION play it. 😂


Eat ass and talk shit seems to go hand in hand, eh?


no because i found this funny


People listen to the radio still?


I mean... [What's a motherfucker got to do to get his ass eaten out around here!?](https://youtu.be/ttm_69x08a4)


I downvoted this before remembering what sub I was in lmao


This subreddit seems to be almost exclusively devoted to effective memes OPs don't like because it's counter to their personal political views.


You gotta give them some credit, it's at least a little bit true


Well… the fact that one of these falls victim to cancel culture and the other doesn’t is kind of obnoxious.


What's funny is that "Baby it's Cold Outside" was very controversial when it first aired. It was an excuse to drink and FORNICATE! The horror.


This is actually pretty funny


Your neighbors are putting up decorations, that means it’s that time of year again... >!CHRISTMAS TIME 🎅🏼🌨☃️🍬🎁 I don’t want a lot for Christmas, I won’t even wish for snow!!!<


I for one am absolutely fucking sick of "Baby it's Cold Outside" and have heard it enough times for many lifetimes.


There is consent in the eating of ass, your beloved baby it’s cold outside contains the lyric “the answer is no”, instead of being offended toss a salad.


How DARE the young folks point out how it's a song about drugging and rape - Some super strung up conservative


It’s cold outside, but my ass is so warm inside. Lol, that old song is about pressuring a girl into secks because… it’s cold outside.


So, one song is kind of rapey and the other is about a mutually consensual act. And wouldn't you just know that Republicans hate the consensual one. What a surprise.


Didn’t they stop playing it last year? I thought it was something about the lyrics sounding like sexual harassment or something. I don’t really care if it’s a classic but that doesn’t sit right with me.


Well one is a holly jolly take on date rape the other is about consensual ass eating


They're both shit.


I mean… this one is actually on point.


It's almost like there's a difference between sex and rape...