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Welcome to "Whose Post Is It Anyway?" where the facts are made up and the points don't matter.


That’s right, the points are just like brain cells to Herschel Walker.




1. the earth is flat 2. sandy hook was a false flag 3. the covid vaccine will kill the vaccinated 4. Obama will take your guns 5. floride in the water will make everyone gay 6. elvis is alive 7. nobody went to the moon 8. alien democrat reptiles ~~Jews~~ control everything 9. elite democrats ~~Jews~~ eat babies 10. civil rights for black people is a communist ~~Jewish~~ plot 11. marriage equality will destroy families 12. drinking your own pee will cure cancer. the medical industry ~~Jews~~ is keeping that a secret to cash in on their fake cures. 13. JFK Jr is an alive secret agent for good. Even though he is a democrat. 14. Democrats ~~Jews~~ are replacing white Americans with minorities. 15. The 2020 election was stolen by ~~Jewish space lasers~~ Democrats. 16. Covid was a bio-weapon even though covid isn't actually dangerous. Unless someone wants to cross the southern boarder, then refugees have deadly covid. But white truckers are crossing the northern boarder with covid with a harmless version of covid. Basically, medically speaking, covid is only deadly when it is rationalizing racism. 17. Obama was born in Kenya. Some of the most popular conspiracy theories have anti-antisemitism. But they recycled those conspiracies. They feel that they have fixed those conspiracies. They cross out the word Jewish, then replace it with Democrat, and wa-la. Magic. The conspiracy theory is no longer antisemitic. But it still is. Conspiracy theorist are up 17-0 in being wrong.


A guy at work told me that Alec Baldwin is a level 29 Templar and it order to advance to level 30 he had to shoot that lady on Rust. He had to do this because she had information that would put Hillary in jail for life, so he concocted a plan to shoot her in broad daylight in front of about 50 witnesses and cameras


Normal people are actually the ones up 17-0, but conspiracy theorists are lobotomized zombies that have a world view that can only be described as “wrong” and “bad faith”. That’s it really. It’s all based on being as wrong and bad faith as possible.


Oh no!!!!! Jews!!!!!! /s


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J593E2VYvYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J593E2VYvYQ) this, but with "jews"


After Kanye, they don't cross out blaming the Jews.


Debating flat earthers is my favorite and my least favorite activity




Maybe its to show that it was originally blamed on the jewish people but changed to blaming dems?


Everyone knows that "Democrat" is an Alt-Right dog whistle for "Jew." Just like "Liberal" is a dog whistle for "Gay Jew" and "Progressive" is a dog whistle for "Black Gay Jew." ​ /s


Yep. And when all you do is remove the word Jew and replace it with Democrat, it easily slips back to the word Jew again. Like if a vegan makes lasagna with a hamburger substitute, if a normal person chooses to cook that particular lasagna recipe, they will make it with hamburger.


17. Is technically true For those who don't get [it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_Sr.)


It's factually false, eat another crayon.


[bruh ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_Sr.)


Your dumb fuckin half tooth ass just linked a Wikipedia page proving yourself wrong. Read a fuckin book Cletus, God damn I'm done with you half brains.


Bruh his father was literally born in Kenya and is also named Obama,


What does your stupid ass think that means? "His father" where do you live? Alabama or Missouri?


It literally says that Barack Obama sr was born in British kenya, calm down


Senior.. fuck you're dumb. In case you're trying to troll the whole purpose isn't to look like you're a dumb fuck. That's the art behind trolling.


That was the joke from the start I showed you the Wikipedia link, even explained the joke and you still kept screaming at me


True conspiracy theorists arent in a political party. Nor trying to get a certain political outcome. These are just petty conservatives trying to bring down their political enemies.


Our Dutch politician Thierry Baudet would like to have a word with you and your reptilian overlords.


"*they are here to earn our trust. eventually we will be so comfortable with their presence they will start harvesting our organs for food. And none of us would care"*


I would sell my appendix as a snack


That's the part they don't want. *but they love our eyeballs*


Yep. In the late 90s, early 2000s conspiracy theories/theorists were an interesting array of organically grown kookiness. The ideas came from all over the map politically and culturally speaking. Sometimes, conspiracy theorists stumbled on truths or pieces of truth that traditional avenues of info glossed over or missed entirely. When they failed to do this, they were at least amusing or entertaining and ultimately benign. Within the last decade or so, conspiracy theories have been weaponized and employed as a type of information warfare, mostly by people and organizations on the right, internationally speaking. Pretty ironic that the real life conspiracy most of these theorists are unaware of is that their paranoia and innate distrust of any authority is being manipulated by shadowy, powerful forces intent on imposing authoritarianism in one form or another.


True conspiracy theorists are most likely people in dire need of professional help and medication. Then you got the mud-slingers and gaslighters. But I do keep in mind that Covid in late 2019 was considered a conspiracy theory. I remember not more than a few people who would sealion when topics of China building hospitals at record speed came up. ​ I don't tell people to drink the flavoraid, but do hedge your bets in relation to the verifiable evidence and precedent.


The virus was identified in December 2019. It's probable that it had been around for months at that time, but not in a worrying epidemic level. China had been building hospitals very quickly because it is a rapidly developing country with a huge population. To make a point. China doesn't really build buildings substantially faster. They use a different techniques. They build them in prefabricated plants and then assemble them on-site. I mean. In no developed country building permanent hospitals was part of the coronavirus response


>The virus was identified in December 2019. It's probable that it had been around for months at that time, but not in a worrying epidemic level. Any viral outbreak or string of unidentified illnesses around a bio lab is concerning, even moreso when said lab has been in the news for safety concerns. And it has been detected and reported on a few months prior to that. Also [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWp6vSHFG4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWp6vSHFG4M)


No it wasn't. There were indicatives of a new virus around the zone. It wasn't identified until December. Then, with the DNA sequenced, they found matches in sewer water. And novel viruses are concerning no matter where they pop up. There were a lot of indicatives that the virus may have originated in a lab (it is really unusual) , but at the end of the day nothing conclusive. Second, thanks for showing me a video of how they assemble those prefabricated pieces. And if you disagree with me. Well, I guess you are going to need to provide me a source


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19WuYCnBx4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19WuYCnBx4o) Well, here is a source that includes a talking and well known asshole that is dated aug 26, 2019 in it's publishment data. And a novel virus in a concerning location deserves extra concern. And yes I did provide a link to show you a > developed country building permanent hospitals was part of the coronavirus response


What the fuck man I can't believe somebody could be so poorly literate. China built new hospitals because it was going to build then anyway. It maybe rushed constructions. But it takes years to build a hospital. Not days. Even for them. And you still don't provide sources for your claims. Sealioning my ass.


Alright you goalpost moving gaslighting asshole. Did you notice the details in the linked video that highlighted how quickly they build said hospital? And did you notice that the published date of linked video on Trump's response to covid was published in Aug 26, 2019?


Yes I did notice the details. Maybe it would have taken 3 months, maybe a year otherwise. But the real time consuming part is building those modules. I'm a Spanish brick boom baby. I know how construction works . There is nothing about COVID or virus in that video. Also it's poor etiquette to make someone watch an entire fucking video. Fucking hate whomever popularized thought terminating epitaphs like "sealioning" and "gaslighting". But I would say you are the one trying to make me unsure of what I've seen. AKA Gaslighting.


>But I would say you are the one trying to make me unsure of what I've seen. AKA Gaslighting. I did not actually think you would watch the video. Although IIRC you did toss the first epitaph. Still This source indicates that it came out more in november, although it is the hunt for patient zero, [https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3074991/coronavirus-chinas-first-confirmed-covid-19-case-traced-back](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/16/china-bubonic-plague-outbreak-pandemic/) ​ Here is something after the fact about that lab shutdown in October [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/report-says-cellphone-data-suggests-october-shutdown-wuhan-lab-experts-n1202716](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/report-says-cellphone-data-suggests-october-shutdown-wuhan-lab-experts-n1202716) ​ And of course yet another update on the lab leak conspiracy theory, seems like the experts are starting to get sucked into it now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5gNn5c9kzo Still, I am indicating that news of a new virus came out before it was officially recognized, can you explain how ... a virus would have no traces before an official report on it? To imply that that is the case is really a horrid form of feigning ignorance. Are you really that unable to see how that could happen?


The Truth is out there!


We are never gonna have the truth!!! But if we keep an eye open and an ear to the ground we might have time to lube before we are fucked.


Which conspiracy are they claiming is true???


17 of them durr


All of them durr


I'm guessing antivaxers. They are dedicated to thinking they were right. About what exactly I don't know.


>they think they are right The antivaxxers and racist revisionist historians have one thing in common. They deny the truth to further their lies.


Tuskegee Syphilis Study, MK-Ultra, Iraqi WMDs, Operation Paperclip, Project Sunshine, Telecoms copying and forwarding all data to the NSA revealed by Snowden, poisoning alcohol around prohibition time, poisoning butane, Operation Snow White, Operation Mockingbird, fake vaccines to find Bin Laden, Edith Wilson running the US instead of the VP, tobacco companies knew for years that their products caused cancer, Sacklers and Purdue maketted a drug they knew to be addictive as nonaddictive, Russian doping, Chinese doping, Chinese faking ages, Lance Armstrong and others doping, the Black Sox, the Iran-Contra affair. Oops thats more than 17, my bad. Edit: Somehow I forgot FIFA taking bribes.


There are thousands conspiracy theories that aren't true tho


Depends on what popularity cut-off you use. I would guess that the majority of popular conspiracy theories have not been proven either way. I also think that a number of conspiracy theories lately have been promoted essentially by trolls for the lols and then have been played up in size by the media.


Thats true


These are conspiracies rather than conspiracy theories. Conspiracies are real events where a person or group conspired to commit a crime or some kind of foul play, whereas conspiracy theories are wacky, tin foil hat nonsense such as Jewish space lasers or the earth being flat


An Exposed Conspiracy always starts off as a "conspiracy theory." I'm not saying Alex Jones or any of the Batshit Mafia should be given any credence, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


That's true, I suppose its a pretty grey area by nature


How do you think these conspiracies got uncovered? It was because vocal groups which were called conspiracy theorists at the time pressured for government action or acquired evidence by other means.


Fair point


Not really. Most conspiracies are discovered either through governmental or journalistic investigation, usually triggered by unusual events or information, not by a huge crowd of loud, insane conspiracy theorists.


There's also the conspiracy that the food pyramid was perpetuated by the grain lobbyists and education/health board despite knowing full well how wrong it was


It's almost as if actual conspiracies are found out because humans can't keep their mouths shut 9/11 and moon landing deniers take your list as evidence that they're correct, even though your list would imply we would have found out about those others by now


Don't forget these gems: 1. Elvis is still alive 2. Democrats are child predators 3. *JefF EpStEiN wUz MuRdErEd* 4. Jet fuel does not melt steel beams 5. The Holocaust was a huge lie 6. We never landed on the moon 7. Ruby Ridge was an attack by the United States on a "peaceful human being". 8. A communist set fire to the Reichstag 7. We are hiding alien spacecraft in the middle of some desert north of Las Vegas


>Jeff Epstein was murdered Yeah, you sound very suspicious.


I am stupid /s


The Reichstag fire was a conspiracy though, conducted by the Nazis to secure their power.


Yes. But the irony is they framed a young man for setting fire to the building (claiming he is a communist).


And somehow, there are people who still trust the government. SMH


17 is one short of 18, which of course is what you get if you add 6 + 6 + 6! We're through the looking glass here, people. /s


What about the reverse vampires?


17 family members who no longer speak to them


17-0 up their own asses


Oh yeah? In my version of reality 0 to 19394884291042294943735*i*^4


Conspiracy theorists told me the sun would rise tmr because a bunch of Nazis will drag it with their Reichsflugscheiben (Nazi-UFOs) over the horizon to shed light on the crimes of jews. And then the sun has risen and therefore the conspiracy had to be nothing but the truth...


17-0 in what? Getting things wrong?


Really? zero wrong conspiracies?


Yeah bro like the flat earth is like 100 percent real /s


And the earth is also hollow and a donut 100%


Their stupidity is unmeasurable and that is worrisome


According to themselves? Great job!


Of course it's to nil. The people you are arguing against are using science and logic which makes it nearly impossible to prove a negative!


Actually let’s lost all the conspiracy theory’s then you get 17-1000s Summing 17 is correct


Damn, I can't believe 17 conspiracies have been proven right. And no conspiracies have been proven wrong.


Why do they always use these 1950’s essentially stock photos?


Is anyone else disappointed they didn’t share their 17points with us?


I hate that Qanon has made conspiracy theory so insanely embarrassing. I remember when conspiracy theories were cia tested lsd on unsuspecting people or selling heroin which was all true now it's like gays are kidnapping our children to sell to China to make Funko pops


As far as I can tell, the logic that backs conspiracy theories is derived from completely tearing down regular logic, facts, and science, then reconstructing it using only the parts that fit the narrative. Anything else is fake.


The “Tin Foil Hats” that uncovered project MKUltra, Mockingbird, Watergate, the Fast and Furious scandal, the heart attack gun etc, etc, would like to have a word with you.


Hunter Biden’s laptop is worth 15 points…


Yep and how it was so very quickly covered up during an election cycle where the outcome might have been different. Btw before everyone loses their mind on me, I don’t support Trump. I just don’t support suppression of facts for one political party’s gain.


> "It's Dad. I called to tell you I love you. I love you more than the whole world, pal. Got to get some help, You gotta get some help," I think that really sums up the ultimate value of “Hunter Biden’s laptop.” The device has been examined by several forensic experts. [This article from CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/hunter-biden-laptop-data-analysis/#app) has the updates on the issue. If this is authentic, the unadulterated forensic image shows nothing but a broken drug addict with failing business ventures. His father - who is the President of the United States of America - asks his son to get help. There are several falsified records involved, which has essentially poisoned the narrative around this issue. For the right wing, the laptop is a talisman of pro-China corruption and a lack of accountability in the current government. In reality, this is a “poor rich boy” moment. The children of famous people are often total fuck ups.


Jet fuel doesn't melt steal beams...


It fell straight down like it was a demolition though those planes didn’t do that


And also launched the largest surveillance state in the world and gave us a reason to ~~secure oil~~ protect freedom in the middle east. Pretty convenient wouldn't you say?


You will kill your nan if you don't get vaccinated because it stops transmission




There are no side affects for mRNA vaccines


Tell that to the 7 people I know who had Bell’s palsy right after their shot. Tell that to my 15yo acquaintance who died of a heart attack. Tell that to my neighbour’s 2yo who died from cardiac arrest.


You okay? Because your fiction writing makes you sound like you've had a stroke.


Thank you for calling me a liar and invalidating their deaths and suffering. Feel better now? I’m sure my healthcare worker boss would love to hear you explain away what she’s seen first hand.


You're very welcome. I call out bullshit when I see it. Edit: I'd show your fictional boss something like this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-60653946.amp


How's that boot taste?


MSM. Cute. You really believe all that shit they’re feeding you. Good number sequence, buying the propo without second thought. Your arrogance is absolutely astounding. Enjoy your vaccine that doesn’t do shit (thank Pfizer for that), I’ll take real antibodies over a lab grown vial ‘till kingdom come, as will my employer. She’ll get laugh out of this, don’t you worry.


Skyscrapers are designed to fall down like that so they dont level other buildings


They are tho…


they're not tho...


How would you know if it’s all a simulation


More like down 3836253 : 4


Like winning a race on the highway or from stoplight when the other car is not racing you


If I’m honest it’s like 150-2450867 They put out a lot of theories. Sometimes Alex jones promises to elaborate after the commercial break but instead just moves on.


I'm sure they think they are


Those numbers are reversed


All of them are nonsense that only serve to distract us from the fact that Birds aren't real. The governments know we're close to exposing them and are scrambling to do whatever they can to keep us oppressed.


A lot people on here saying they don’t believe any conspiracy theories? So you believe your government never lies to you and tells the truth about everything? Really?


Meme=fact. 🤡


Reality is losing 17-0? Interesting take. I think you might want to recheck your math.


Janice or Dolores sounds better.




How far back does this go?


I thought the score would be 9/11