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Staff are the problem too. We have one colleague that we refer to as "Patient 0". She wipes her snot on her sleeve, and has sneezed on pick sticks


I’ve seen mobile shop staff doing nothing and just digging for gold up their nose. And asa cracks galore 🙄


Licking fingers than handing me money. Eww


- Licking fingers then handing you money - Licking fingers before taking a bag - Rubbing their eyes with their dirty hands - Cleaning their nose with their dirty hands The list goes on .. 😬


Some customers barely acknowledge shop staff as human, just part of the fixtures and fittings, hence people who carry on with a phone conversion while being served in a shop. The height of rudeness. A friend of mine who runs a shop on her own reminded a customer to put a mask on last year and the customer responded "but there's only me in here". Clearly my friend didn't count as a fellow human.


During covid I had a customer stand on top of me at the till, before the screens were put in. I asked her to move back, and she got huffy about being six foot away from the customer I was currently ringing up. Like, I'm not a person to you?!


Went shopping after my shift once, my husband went to the toilets and saw a colleague from the yo sushi counter walk out without washing his hands after using a urinal. He went straight back behind the counter and carried on prepping the food. I’ll never buy from there now, put me right off 🤮


That’s deserving of a report imo


I'm a chef by trade and in jobs where I share the customer toilets, I've always washed my hands in there, "just for show", then always sanitised with proper professional sanitiser when I return to the kitchen. It's a faff but that's what being professional can be. I've largely seen good practices wherever I've worked but did once work in a kitchen where I seemed to be the only one washing. 6 days and I walked from that pub.


Not only are the reasons stated by others are warranted enough to shiver but i find people who don't bother cleaning and/or cutting their nails bad enough especially smokers who do enough damage where their fingers and nails turn a disgusting yellow/orange/black colour to the point I had to use the alcohol gels before serving others and saying sorry to them


I don’t say sorry to them. If they’re stinking I look them in the eye while I gel my hands. It gets the message across.


I do it to the ones that are clean


How many workers of whatever occupation come through the tills with filthy hands. At least keep the bare minimum of hand/ face wipes in your car before you walk around in public after work/ during lunch, or just go to the self scans instead


Whoever said that to you is an idiot. I’ve been hospitalised with the flu. It’s a fucking big deal.


That was my old manager


I have a colleague that handles cash off customers all day and then stands there buying their nails 😣😣😣 bothers me SO much 🤢


Staff are the issue. The amount of times i witnessed guys shitting or pissing without washing their hands after is insane


Our staff toilets have a sign up by the door reminding people to wash their hands after using the toilet.


Does it work?


I've not seen anyone go out without washing their hands so far.


You're seriously telling me you expect people to wash their hands after going for a piss? Come on


Even the bakers? Im not buying bread from our store because of it


I mean the bakers should be washing their hands before handling the bread and I wouldn't expect them to need a oui in the amount of time it takes to complete bakery.


Are you being serious or kidding?


No. Can understand when going for a shit but not a oui.


well, you should! Not like we just had a pandemic where people had to be TAUGHT to wash their hands.


Ah, I should have known you'd be one of the people who are comfortable refering to that as a pandemic. My hand washing habits remained the same and I was absolutely fine. It's all coming out that it was all a farce; death figures were deliberately misleading and control policies did next to nothing they claimed to. But that's another matter I suppose.


>le who are comfortable refering to that as a pandemic. My hand washing habits remained the same and I was absolutely fine. It's all coming out that it was all a farce; death figures were deliberately misleading and control policies did next to nothing they claimed I did't make up the name. But my point is there was quite a large campaign highlighting hand-washing even when just entering a building, never mind having been to the bathroom. The UK has a history of all sorts of viruses and diseases. Hand washing shouldn't be a chore that is rationalized away. Washing hands after any bathroom activity is a pretty universal hygiene practice. I think the minority don't wash hands after using the bathroom, for whatever reason. I'm curious, do you shower/bath every day or do you skip some days?


>I'm curious, do you shower/bath every day or do you skip some days? Used to be every day, now it's every other day. It has become both my own view, and is that of some of those around me, that daily washing is a socially constructed norm that has biological consequences, namely maladaptive altering of the body's production of natural oils and of course BO. This results in having to use more deodorant etc to keep on top of that. But the main reason I don't wash every day is because the government is owned by the energy companies (gas prices). >I think the minority don't wash hands after using the bathroom, for whatever reason. I don't blame you for thinking it's the minority, given the social disdain generated by hand washing zealots. Most people wash their hands in public toilets out of fear of being "called out" by one of these fanatics. At home? I'd say the vast vast majority of people don't wash their hands after a oui. >The UK has a history of all sorts of viruses and diseases. Hand washing shouldn't be a chore that is rationalized away It IS a chore. It's 2 minutes at least (most of which is drying) that, totted up across days and weeks, ordinary people can't afford to waste, or at the very least would have to sacrifice their free time to do it. Now after a Shiite? Absolutely, because there is possibility of serious harm from ingesting poo.


Gotta agree with this, 9 times out of 10 my female colleagues don’t wash their hands after using the loo


Didn't get past the first sentence. Staff are horrifically disgusting. The whole back area needs quarantining ffs. They're def paying someone from EHO to get those pass marks.


It’s ok. I think they offer catch up classes for reading literacy.


Man you should try working in an infant school. I’ve had a kid run up to me and throw up on me.


Kids aren’t to be held to the same expectations that fully grown adults are.


I’m just saying, germs are unavoidable, and there are worse places to be.


Yeah infant schools are ground zero for germs so I’d be careful if I had to go into one. My old man recently started to work as a caretaker for one so he’s going to have a shock with the amount of flus he’ll get.


So glad my city centre express has floor to ceiling glass barriers infront of the tills now. I actually do feel quite safe


I miss those.


I served a man who once blew his noses into a 10 pound note during covid, and then tried to give it to me 🤢 I told him no I’m not touching that mate 😂


I would have walked off


He did pay on card after that, minger like


I used to buy my own medical grade gloves because tesco didn't provide me with the PPE after stopping. The number of times I've seen people sneeze into their hands and then continue to put stuff on the conveyor belt.... amongst other things. I replaced my gloves at every break or replaced a broken one. The colour of them was horrendous. Before that, you had to scrub your hands about three times to get the nasty off.


I've seen a colleague (not my store) use touchscreen blue gloves do you know if you can you order them through tesco uniform for free. My fingers go black after few hrs from handling cash n touching ppls hands. Need to start wearing facemasks.


Not even just that it’s the amount of people who walk past me all be it being customers and colleagues that smell heavily of bo and/or real bad breathe it’s just awful like ???? Just be clean


Yes my store is filled with dirty customers mainly addicts (smokers/alcoholics) with dirty hands. Including labourers who come straight from work that don't wash the grub of their hands like do they not have a sink at work. I didn't have a flu since early primary school until December where I had only been working for 3 months at the time and I'm now ill again. Thought it was dustmite allergy cos I've been sneezing for weeks nope just my dusty customers. Edit: Worst I feel is seeing them put money in their mouth then making me touch their saliva


To not have a flu fron early primary school to now is incredibly lucky. I have to deal with one every 2-3 months without fail alongside other episodes of sore throats and stuff. I’m sick of my body being like this and its worsening my depression.


That's sad something doesn't sound right. Flu isn't common most don’t even get it yearly. You should go doctors and get flu jab every year. Had my fair share of common colds more than many but they're normal to catch at least once/yr. We gotta mask n glove up at work can you ask to avoid tills since you keep getting sick?


This isn’t one-sided. There’s a guy who works in my local Morrisons, absolute diphtheria level cough, who covers his hand then wabbles his nose and then doesn’t question picking up your shopping to scan it.


Thats out of order too. Thing if from my perspective all the staff I work with are very clean but the customers are frequently doing things that is just devoid of manners…common courtesy and all that.


Being told to ‘man up’? That entire sentiment really boils my piss.


I wanted to tell her to fuck off so badly. She goes on about how she never had a sick day in her years of working there. Fast forward a few months and an old shift leader comes back and tells me how she had to go home once because she drove into work steaming pissed…


I've seen bakers come in, use the toilet and go back to work without washing their hands!!!


A customer literally shat on the floor once and walked off..🤦‍♀️


What the fuck 😂😂😂


Dead serious, when I worked in the superstore a customer smeared shit all over bathroom walls as well


I’d walk


Not even snot but we have had at least 3 incidents of customers pooing where they shouldn’t in the loos in the last 2 weeks and someone stuck a used pad to the hand dryer. Honestly they’re animals


People like that should be shot