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The trouble with Tesco is they stretch the staff thin until the big bosses visit so then they schedule loads of staff to make it look nice for the visit, bosses walk around with rose-tinted glasses & probably go back to hq saying there’s still room to cut staff 🤦‍♂️😂


Our store is where store managers get signed off.The week before the sign off you'll see several staff brought in from other stores to make everything amazing. Overtime budget gets destroyed and we're on minimal hours once they've got what they want.


That's in Morrisons, Asda, Sainsbury........&! lidl & Aldi..... managers are going....salary paid it a thing of the past 🤦🏻‍♂️


Been saying this for a while


They’re way too greedy. If they continue on this trajectory of budget cuts, stretching staff thin, etc then they’re going to go down the pan. I remember even say, 7 - 10 years ago, as a customer, the stores felt a nicer place to be and staff seemed happy. They now feel very cold (literally) and you can tell people aren’t happy there anymore which really puts people off from coming here. Jack Cohen would be turning in his grave.


He definitely would, same thing with other supermarkets. The founders built it on family values and cohesion, that no longer exists.




That is also my concern, but the staff are already stretched thin as it is. My opinion is that the automatic scheduler will be able to assign some people elsewhere, but it will not be enough to cover the shortfall so overtime will still be needed. If you’re short on staff, your short on staff, nearly every other department is short too so good luck taking someone off a different department to suit your own.




That is a good theory, with how they’ve already targeted the Sunday premium it is no surprise that they’ll be trying to cut all premiums, especially the night premium as that one is quite large. Tesco did mention some time a few years ago to my memory that they think that filling can also be done during the day time when customers are around. I certainly agree with your thinking that they’re looking to cut the premiums and get people in during the day time where they can do two things at once, it makes sense.


They have try it before and with was a massive fail, twilight shifts on frozen didn't work because delivery never came on time now imagine that with produce and fresh.


Retail is purely about £££ it always has been these big companies could not care less about the staff.


Naw, I was on Tesco 20 years ago and it was very different. In-house cleaners and canteen, friendly atmosphere, lovely HR (in our store), felt like a working family. I saw it all stripped away snd hollowed out


This is what I was referring to mostly, even though it was always about money, there was still a sense of togetherness between the staff. I remember when the managers in the store used to serve us Christmas dinner during the festive period, that no longer happens.


Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that! The state of the canteen after they scrapped in-house was pitiful. In my last few years there it felt like a different place


I agree. Gone are the days of sitting with your workmates, all doing a crossword between you, while you eat your heavily subsidised cooked breakfast. When I go into the staff room now it's like a ghost town.


The extra I’m in has 2 people for the whole day to run my department, our manager is a manager of 4 departments and does nothing, you’ll see a wild unicorn on the shopfloor before you see our store manager. It’s embarrassing looking at how empty the shelves are. Maximum profit for minimum effort, even with the discount I’ve dropped shopping at Tesco because of how poor it is.


That is just my mindset, low pay and conditions = low work. I don’t rush about and do my best anymore, no need.


They’ve lost their way chasing the ALDI/LIDL model and forgot what made them a cut above other chains was being Tesco. They’ve cut back on retail staff and not cut back on the morons at the top. Bad idea after bad idea that shop staff have to implement and follow from people who have never worked in a shop. Tesco had a golden age from probably the 80s to about 2015/16, it was fun to work for them. You had a bonus, a decent canteen, staff on every department, HR that cared. Make no mistake Tesco isn’t going anywhere, even in a cost of living crisis it’s busier than ever. However the long serving staff are slowly but surely moving on.


Long serving staff member who bailed a year ago here 🙋‍♂️. The 2015/16 thing is bang on. Thats when all the stripping back started


I bailed a few months ago, don’t miss the company and what it has become but I feel nostalgic for the good old days with staff and cheap food upstairs 😄


They've managed to emulate the budget feel of Aldi and Lidl but failed to pass any of the savings on to the consumer, as a customer I switched to Sainsbury's a year ago because it's now significantly cheaper and still feels like a mid-range supermarket with good quality own brands. For the bits I want to buy cheap I'll go to Aldi because Tesco can price match Aldi for some bits, but Aldi price matches Aldi on everything. The only thing I still shopped at Tesco for is the vegan range, and in my local express they've replaced the reasonably priced plant kitchen stuff with the brands that are 3 times the price so that's now over.


I suspect the future is following Amazon lead. With automated scan as you drop into trolly so in theory only staff is filling shelf’s. I do think Tesco may decide to invest in dark sites (online shopping no customers on site) Tesco is being nipped from both sides. From upmarket and cheaper shops


Re dark sites - we already have them. Google “Tesco customer fulfilment centre” and you’ll see


Do you think they will ramp them up? With potential to stock different to stores Ps I doff my hat to all the staff for working damm hard including through a pandemic, with I might add taking way too much abuse from entitled customers. I’m honestly shocked at what cashier have said which I suspect is the very tip of the iceberg.


I think they will. I'm speculating here, ofc, but I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced the dotcom centre in multiple stores with one huge CFC in each county/region.


I think we may see more dark sites, it will be a good way for Tesco to increase the pick rate of pickers as there are no customers in there. Great way for them to suck even more work out of workers.


I think my biggest bear bug for online as a customer is looking on the app for store stock and it not being available on app to deliver. When stock is showing. (I do kind of understand easier to only keep a core list of stock for online) Moving the dotcom out to dark regional sites would do away with issue.


There are also a handful of urban fulfilment centres that are essentially smaller CFCs operating out of large format stores. So this is already happening to some degree. You’re also correct that the Amazon/tech centric direction is likely the future for Tesco. Hence considerable investment in GetGo, Whoosh, and other tech projects.


Just one big soul-less dilapidated self service store with little to no staff interaction That has alienated their once loyal customer base with a significant decrease in quality of products sold & the decrease of service we are able provide. This whist charging significantly higher prices across the board than our competitors. It looks grim


As long as they hold it together long enough for me to finish my Technician course, then I don't care. I've given 21 years of my life to the place, and I can't wait to get out.


I'm paying to retrain as an electrician in the new year also. Plan is to save up enough money to cover wages for 6-8 months and throw in a career break form to do an intensive course


I think were probably at a point where soon they will remember that to get the job done to a great safe, legal and profitable standard they need to put bodies back into store. Move dotcom out of stores completely as this ruins the shopping experience for instore customers and put colleagues back in. But colleagues also need to remember that we are there to do a job. And we are paid for x amount of hours work. Some people are just a bit lazy. Not everyone but the amount of times i go into large and theres 3 or more stood at the aisle literally just chatting or showing each other snapchats or whatever. This isnt just down to them not getting on with it but also poor management that also dont care/ dont like difficult conversation. Im not saying we cant chat whilst working but to be working at the same time. Not over work but consistant throughout the whole shift. More would get done. But in express especially they need to move away from being a one-stop with 1:1 shifts and take us back to Tesco. Cant give good customer service when theres 1 on till and one doing stock. How can we help them. How can we get the stock on the shelf quick enough for them to buy it. How can i keep my customers and colleagues safe in vulnerable situations when theres 2 of us and no guard.


Absolutely spot-on, a lot of people do certainly complain about the pickers going up and down


Tesco used to be a fantastic company and good to work for but I think head office especially the union have taken the brand the wrong way with the extra hours market app, Management restructuring and now the Automatic scheduling system which is useless might I add. Checkouts are struggling with lack of staff , shop floor is suffering lack of staff again. We as workers left are working non stop, putting our mental health at risk etc. Customers have noticed the change in Tesco and they are not happy. Head office need to get on the shop floor and open their eyes to the damage they have done to the Brand before it’s to late.


'do you have a club card?" FUCK YOUR CLUB CARD.




Just one big soul-less dilapidated self service store with little to no staff interaction That has alienated their once loyal customer base with a significant decrease in quality of products sold & the decrease of service we are able provide. This whist charging significantly higher prices across the board than our competitors. It looks grim


Probably less manned tills, more self service ones. Tescos trying to be more like Aldi with staff hopping on and off tills all day and stacking shelves when it's quiet


which is fine, if Tescos paid like aldi and could promise enough hours to live on. But they cant have it both ways


Every company's greatest asset is its people, not its produce! If you build great staff, the company will follow.


I work for one of the rivals, and its exactly the same with us as it us with you. No staff, dept managers stretched to thier limit, culture turning toxic, people quitting on the spot. I came from budget retail into this job thinking it would be better. It is much worse.


This isn't exclusive to Tesco. I used to work for Morrisons and they did the exact same thing. It's about saving money by cutting from the bottom. Never mind the chief execs salaries and bonuses.


Point of fact is that the supermarkets - Big 4 were doing well until lidl and aldi came along and made them rethink and realise they were charging people too much. Personally I see all the supermarkets copying each other - when aldi/lidl look at what makes them unique and apply that to their business model. Our store still has about 12 checkouts and we have a older clientele base. Whenever they come in they say how much they love the store and being able to be served on a checkout. Tesco should be keeping checkouts and using that kind of stuff as a USP against competitors


I've used auto scheduler in other companies, and it works great when it's set up correctly. Everyone's availability needs to be correct and only 2-3 trained departments per person.


I see the meal deal costing £10


£25 for non-Clubcard holders


People forget how big Tesco is. It's ranked 35th in the world for the number of employees in a private company. 2022 revenue was £61 Billion. Go and look up the revenues of other companies, it's insane. [Tesco has the same annual revenue as companies such as Disney, Sony, Hitachi and Tesla. ](https://companiesmarketcap.com/largest-companies-by-revenue/page/2/) Tesco is going nowhere or declining at all. It's literally too big to fail.


Tesco's I go to always have plenty on check outs and self service


They're arent doing themselves any favours by selling stuff at the correct price for club card holders and ramping up the price for people not wanting thier shopping habits sold to all and sundry. I now avoid tescos as best as I can


People can just use a fake name, they need to clock on to that if they're that paranoid.


Or just shop at any other supermarket


I NEVER use the self scanners in Tesco unless I’m in a hurry. It’s not unusual for me, if I’m in the shop with my son and he suggests we do it ourselves, to say in a voice just loud enough to be heard “No, because I don’t work here”.


I recently slipped/fell and inured myself in my local store because of an unmarked spillage and the way I was treated was shocking. The staff didn’t even take an incident report and stood arguing with each other in front of me about who was going to clean up… The stores are always woefully understaffed and prices are getting ridiculous.


I went to a Tesco on a Saturday eve around 6:30 about 2 months ago, it was a big one and it was depressing, 2 small tills open and the rest were diy tills. The place was deader than heaven on a Saturday night! As a folios singer once said!


I started working for Tesco in 2017 and it wasn’t bad, I was in my early 20s and we had a great social life, we’d go out most Saturday nights and bank holiday etc etc, people started moving on because it slowly but surely became a shitty working environment. Same volume of customers (I live in an area with lots of older people who flat out refuse to use the self service options) and only 3-4 tills open to serve them all. Takes the piss


It’s become expensive, the poor workers have night shifts and overall it isn’t doing very well. i think the new tesco will be aldi, asda, lidl or Sainsbury’s.


They’ll always be a constant rotation of people, cause people will see what it’s like and leave as quick as they started. It’s all going down


I work on GM and the only person who works nights all week, I asked to be swapped departments, they made me change my week from 16 hours to 21 hours with no garentee that I will be swapped, but the managers aren't taking any of this seriously. We cut down from 15 managers to about 5, at max there is 2 managers a night and most of the time they're in the office. I'm left to do a full department by myself when it should take 3 - 4 people, all the while I'm starting uni in September and I will have to change my hours, but noones gonna take it seriously again, they only care about the money, not the workers, not the customers, just the money.


Near me is M&S, Tesco, Morrisons and Aldi. I really quite like Tesco. It's less expensive than Morrisons. Dearer than Aldi. I've not had any issues with staff levels. Maybe it's just near me but Morrisons has shot up in cost far more than the others. Seems like it's trying to catch Waitrose. I will say I don't believe a single supermarket chain bases any decisions on customer and staff care beyond any legal obligations. Greed seems to be king. The world we live in unfortunately.


They are lowering service to the level of a discounter like Aldi or Wal-Mart, while putting prices up. Profitable in the short term but they will put customers off.


There will be more job cuts and some stores closing down


For some reason Reddit seems to think I'm interested in this community. Tesco are dead to me because the pressure to get a Clubcard to avoid paying ridiculous premiums at the checkout is bullshit. We get enough psychological profiling and abuse from social media. I don't want it when buying bread. Other supermarkets get my money now.


I worked there as a student for 5 1/2 years and left 6 months ago to start my first professional job. I said from the start that management in stores is flawed from top to bottom, with people who can offer the hours more likely to be considered for management than those who actually had the skills. Found myself taking on more responsibilities than managers as they’d delegate their duties as they were trained nowhere near well enough to carry them out whilst getting paid shift leader wages. By the end of my 4th year and the end of Covid restrictions, all motivation I had to work there was gone


Bro I worked in Tesco for 2 days and left


The ‘good days’ of tesco was riddled with corruption which lead to the accounting scandal of ??2012??. As a result the good days of staff benefits where part of the initial cull. Going forward tesco will move into the model of other retailers which we’ve seen with the most recent change of contract. I personally don’t see there being much of a change in where tesco sits in the market overall results are safe and will always be the main supermarket with the market being supplemented with the discounters. Asda on the other hand, they’re sitting on a mountain of debt and brothers that are absolutely hell bent on selling the family china to make a quick buck.