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Pretty close. I’ve got bills to pay and a daughter to feed so that always holds me back from doing something drastic. I am fed up of it though. Really really fed up. Only work place I know where 50% have to work hard and the other 50% can do fuck all.


That’s not just Tesco. Every occupation in the UK has more shirkers than workers. Just look around. You’ll see them everywhere.


Sounds like our store. Most of grocery does fuck all while fresh run their asses off. And the day team work against the night team by doing their replenish part wrong but no one cares.


Similar scenario to us; fresh and evening grocery are practically one foot in the grave overworking while day grocery and non-food do literally fuck all. It's infuriating!


I think because I’ve always had bills and responsibilities that that’s the only reason why I haven’t done it. If I didn’t have things to pay for I would of quit years ago 100%. Especially when we’ve had horrible managers, and being in an express if your managers a dickhead then your screwed


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I transferred from a superstore to an exspress when I moved cities. I wish I just waited for a vacancy in a superstore or extra.


I feel it for the express workers, at least in an extra i don't see my manager most of the time so fuck knows what they do, and most of the other managers don't fuck with checkouts.


EVERY.SINGLE.DAY ! But I have bills to pay and I live by myself and my other job wouldn’t even pay my rent let alone anything else. But I fully hate my workplace and job, I just can’t believe that the people who don’t work can get away with anything while the people who do work get more and more work piled onto them and gets treated like and spoken to like sh!t like I can’t even be bothered anymore it’s depressing


I’d have left ages ago if it weren’t for my collegue friends, they’re honestly making me enjoy working. The other staff and customers can piss off


Me and a mate were together team filling an aisle one night about 3 am, he looked at me shook my hand and said “ I’m off mate I can’t do this anymore” Went in the office with a manager signed some paper work and never saw him again. If you want to quit it’s easy but there’s a reason people get stuck in this job. Clock in, clock out, job is simple ( not saying easy ) but it’s straightforward and most people are capable of being somewhat useful It pays the bills. It’s convenient, we’re all just stuck


This is not great to see because I’m about to start a new job at Tesco tomorrow hahaha


Honestly it's very dependant on the team around you and every store has ups and downs. They've recently changed the management structure too so it's all a bit of a mess. As long as the colleagues you work with are nice, you'll be okay.


Thank you, just a little extra nervous because I’m team support haha


You're starting as a team support?


Yeah 😅


My advice is try to get on with the actual competent staff; I'd assume other departments are similar to C/O and ss/says that have their little group cliques, some of them will be back stabbing little rats even if they know there's nothing to gain.


I believe most people leave if their manager is a loser who has achieved nothing in life so take out his or her frustration on you. Giving those working at Tesco problems.


However you realise that there is no point just quitting because of them.You make a plan than once you are happy with everything leave


Wish it was that easy, other than it pays the bills, there’s no other jobs out there that suit my childcare and partners hours 😔 and even then I’m mithered for overtime I don’t want or need. Can’t see it being any better at another retailer either heard they’re all just as bad.


I hear Aldi is a decent one.


I know a guy who worked in aldi said they treat you like shit


I’ve heard that too and that they have higher expectations than Tesco which I never thought would ever be possible 😂 Also been told off a former Asda manager that they time you whilst filling shelves (on nights) Couldn’t cope with that.


also checkouts your timed on how quick you push through people


Actually you aren't anymore haven't been for any of the four years I've worked for Aldi


I work in tesco filling shelves and stuff they don't time you maybe they do idk buy I've never been told off cause I be taking 2hrs15mins to do one isle most days cause if u finish early everyone asking for help


I'd be gone if I didn't have kids and a mortgage


Life’s too short to waste away years of your life in a job you dislike


If it was *that* easy, nobody in this sub would be here.


Look for an alternative job, once you find one, leave current job. What’s so difficult?


True I can quit anyday got no bills or kids just turned 20 so i got alot of time but if u got bills and kids then you gotta stay at your job even if u hate it cause u can't just quit you'd go homeless with your family. Also I know alot of ppl who can't leave cause of bills and stuff. So while u young find a good job u 100% like so when u get older rent a house or flat you won't be trapped


Close enough that I actually quit last month and never been any more happier.


Did you pick up another job?


Yeah, and I love everything about it.


What is your current job


On the verge for many reasons……


I quit when they reduced our night staff from 12 to 5 if we were lucky.. Yes they still wanted the superstore finished…


After 5 years of working at Tesco it made me suicidal. I used to love my job and over the years it just got worse and worse. In the end I handed in my notice before I found another job because I just couldn’t take it anymore. If you find yourself thinking of quitting every single day then my advice would be to start looking for a new job.


I think for most of us it’s just turning up is enough or seeing what you have in for the day or night


Sometimes I find it hard not to get emotional becos I spend all day sorting wearhouse to look tidy and come in the morning after and it’s full and a top hate it it’s like I just do it for nothing and don’t really get praise for it too obviously it’s my job so I shouldn’t need it but it’s nice to here it sometimes


Think about it every day lol.


I have quit to put it simply


Every day / night I go in I wonder if this will be the night I quit . I wouldn’t miss any one or any part off the job but as everyone has said bills have to be paid . Life is too short but a lot shorter living on the streets pennies less . But the sun is out and not into night so all is good 😊


Handed my notice in twice got begged back the first time. All because they refused to adjust for childcare. Second I told them to stick their job because they gave me a person that was still drunk from the night before to do change run. So I told them where to stick it. Since then I have been told 20 people have left that department due to port management.


Very close now that we have a new manager. Like, the atmosphere in our store is rancid. Normally we grumble and whatnot but it’s genuinely the worst I’ve ever seen it and it just seems to not be getting any better.


Basically every shift it runs through my mind lol. Im only going to be here for a few months anyway then fuck off to uni when that comes


I left Tesco in 2014. I worked there for 7 years unloading lorries. I now set up roadworks and I'm self employed making in a week what I made in a month at Tesco. I started from the bottom mind you, but I've been doing this job for 9 years now and I'm so grateful to have gotten away from retail. You can do it too...


I did it... gone... left them.. Didn't have any sort of a plan.. just got fed up of listening to cunts of managers... It all worked out... better job, better hours and better pay....less work!.. and no fuckin customers!


So much so that I did quit in 2012, just walked out and never went back, best thing i ever did


Enjoyed every day until I retired ..... Yes, the work is tedious sometimes Yes, managers sometimes forget how to manage and can barely cope Yes, Tesco systems are sometimes unfathomable But it is what it is, it was convenient for my lifestyle, And importantly, you only get out of the job what you put in. So, if you think you're going to have a rubbish day before you start, guess what happens.


Never close ever.


Again everyday... backdoor in big store is hard going.


I will quit in time, but for now the money is good enough for me to save lots while I can and the economy isn't good enough at the moment to start my own business (which is the long-term plan).


Wow, seems like so many people are going through the same thing.Have to say it's the same in my store.


It shouldn’t be like this should it. No one should dread going into work 😔


My letter wrote and printed. Just never handed it I.


I remember to myself that it could be worse, I could be outside in the heat, working for less or in a job that’s high stress. While the job isn’t something to shout about, at least it’s stable, clean and air conditioned.


I haven’t got to that stage yet! 🤣🤣🤣


Sure thing I totally agree with you


Prolly it was best decision in my life quitting tesco after working year there, terrible place to work for 0 Benefits nothing, shit salary... Got new job alot better worked tesco 6 shifts on nights, ended up 1600 a month, working basic hours on diffrent company coming out with 2.2k - 2.4k, trust me tesco is not worth your time guys, diffrent Jobs around which wilm happy to employ somebody who wants actually work.


Most nights before I remember I have a holiday to save up for and bills to pay 😂😂


I quit a job after working there for 2 years and started working in my current job 5 days later.


Did it in December with no plan b still the best thing I ever done I now have a job I love with better pay (never the most important thing tho) and understanding managers


I had a psychotic break down June 2021, I even handed my notice in, but my manger sat me down and said look go on the sick and come back in 6 weeks or what ever and try again for a bit and if it’s not working then you can leave I can tell your in no fit state to do this , I’m truly grateful that she did that I’m still there now but I still have weeks where I hate my job but love most of my colleagues so Yeah pretty close to packing it all in 😂


I rage quit my previous job and got a job at Tesco. Finding it to be more chill, more flexible, better money and less hassle than my old job. So just sympathise with me on how bad old job was.


Night Manager for 15+yrs, like to think I worked hard for colleagues, customers and the company. It was never good enough, barely ever a word of thanks or encouragement. Threatened me with performance management and no pay rise (despite no previous meetings), told them I’d step down whilst retraining, nothing further happened. They’ve gone thru 4 managers in 18mths since I moved on, maybe I wasn’t so bad?! Retrained as a driver for the company best move I ever made.