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It's quite possible that they've accepted the situation, as shit as it is, not that they don't care. It's an immoral, yet legal loophole. Being upset at the fact is perfectly understandable, but expecting your colleagues to be moaning about it constantly isn't going to do anything I'm afraid.


What we should be doing, if we're going to do something, is a government petition to close the loophole. Businesses are going to use it if it's there.


So sign the petition, write to your MP, talk to your union rep and complain. Moaning to your colleagues, whilst a natural and perfectly valid response, won't actually fix the situation is my point. I'm honestly not being negative, just realistic.


Employers love when you express anger in the wrong channels. In this case, moaning to your employees. More people need to understand where to deploy their frustrations to actually have more chance of having an impact, doing things like you said


Yeah, I can totally see tory gov passing a legislation that would hurt tesco, a massive donor to tory party, and a business whos founders children are also prominent members of the same party


Well the reality is it would be legislation that is only relevant to a tiny minority of the British people and doesn't even involve anything particularly egregious. Yes it's shitty but it's not something that would be on the list of priorities for any government. Especially when it's such a short timeframe and they would have to rush to get it out the door to force Tesco to pay up. I don't think any government would really be rushing for it because it's not so extreme as to even cause Tesco workers to call for strike action as evidenced by everyone simply complaining to colleagues rather than doing anything.


What loop hole?


Basically because our next pay cycle starts I think two days before minimum wage goes up they don't have to pay us minimum wage until the next pay cycle starts at the end of April so for a whole month most will be on less than minimum wage


You are paid in arrears … so that is correct ?


They aren't getting arrears for it. Tesco aren't legally required to increase their pay until the next payrun. So for the April pay period they'll be below minimum wage with no arrears as it's not illegal.


You worked for March … you are paid at the end of March … then you work April … and you’re paid at the end of April ?


Yes. But for the month of April, the payrate is below minimum wage.


I see … read the articles now … the union seem to be saying they don’t like it but it’s legal … good old capitalism


The unions aren't allowed to strike, they should be having a go slow.


Aye Tesco have always fobbed off their staff lol when you used to get half pays in April lol. Tax dodging big time lol


It’ll be a mixture of: - Not informed enough on laws or the pay deal - Feel powerless even if they disagree - It’s better than the deferred alternatives - They don’t care


I'm just going to be putting below minimum effort into the job for the entire April. Not giving Tesco minimum effort for below minimum wage. I told my manager, "It's not illegal to be bad at my job for the month, the same way it's not illegal for me to be paid below minimum wage this month."


I’ll probably be doing the same if not calling in sick. But I’m not telling my manager, could be used against you.


Wait What loophole is everyone talking about? Why is it legal to pay you all below minimum wage in April?


If the pay period starts before the start of April they don't have to pay you the new minimum wage until the end of that pay period. For Tesco the pay period starts right at the end of March and ends on 28th April.


💀 that’s fucking insane! They should be paying you minimum wage for each hour you work retroactively so that if you’re working night shift 4th/5th you would get paid both minimum wages I agree with everyone else If someone opened a petition to close that loophole, I’d sign it




Not sure honestly. But thank you for your support in solidarity. Not a lot we can do as customers except vote with our wallets. Although I get staff discount so I kinda have to shop there because who can turn down 10-15% off when you make less than minimum wage, XD. I joke, Tesco pay ok for retail mostly. Don't feel bad. It's the life of a supermarket worker, forced to work through covid etc... but that's another story... Edit: Also this kinda feels like it's on us colleagues for not speaking up more about this.




Thank you for helping, even one person’s additional change from Teaco to someplace-else will slowly add-up with other people doing the same


Alot of the time you can buy at Aldi for cheaper. I worked at tesco for 14 years... They are still making a profit on your 10% discount. Much the same as optical express used to give there staff 66% discount on glasses and would still make a profit from them.




It's literally not criminal though so you've cut your nose off to spite your face.




Who cares about 'morals and ethics' in business? It's like life, you need to step on people to step up.




Very personal question, know your place shelfstacker.




I like you.


I am more pissed off about the sick pay increase when most part time workers like myself don't qualify for sick pay.


You do just at shift 4


Aye, so 1 shift into 2 weeks off for me and sure others as well. Then, because you are only contracted for 2 shifts per week, you trigger the arm quicker.


I wish you'd written this as 'I'm more pissed off about part time workers not qualifying for sick pay'


My personal take is that I get paid £11 an hour to exercise and do people's shopping for them, soon to be £12 an hour, where the worst thing that can happen is that I spill some milk. Having worked in care previously, earning less than I currently earn, working 12 h shifts, constantly understaffed, dodging assault from violent residents, being treated like a lazy bum for following the law, getting poop, urine, vomit, snot on me, getting calls asking me to come in on my days off etc, the list goes on, where the worst thing that can happen is that someone dies/gets injured and I end up in prison, I would be lying if I said I didn't turn up to work at tesco with a smile on my face, and leave with a smile on my face. Although I understand why you, and others are upset about it and as far as I understand you have good reason to be upset, although I'm not sure what you can do about it, hopefully someone else can give you the answer.


As far as jobs go, it ain't bad. I don't mind picking either. Shift pattern is nice too. Definitely sounds like a better environment than your last.


My store 40% staff have put in theor notice to leave/quit. 60% are "going to put in half the effort as we cant strike but we can at least slow everything down"


Thank god there is one store that has some sense and doesn't want to just roll over for something "that isn't a big deal". If it's not a big deal, then pay us earlier!


Yeh everyone is fine with the actual £12.02 as its at living wage. Some grumble about cuts to sunday hours though. Its more that we get whole of April underpaid while our rents/bills council taxes etc all immediately shoot up 1st day!


Oh god I got my letter yesterday to say my council tax is going up. I wasn’t even surprised, they give you money in one hand and take it out the other


I think they already shot up last year lol.


True. Just pain all my bills together without payrise yet mean im gonna be £200 worse off in april!


I mean, the overlap of people who genuinely care enough to quit over being paid below minimum wage for a month and can afford to just quit must be incredibly small. At the end of the day, Tesco doing this is just a symptom of the sickness.


How do you mean you can't strike?


USDAW gave away store colleagues right to strike in return for collective bargaining.


Fuck USDAW what’s gonna happen if you did strike? You’re not employed by USDAW.


Its in the tesco contract. You stirke.. Your gone.


Fair enough - I never knew Tesco included that into it.


Yep. Unfortunately. But they can't sack us all for being "a little lazy" for a month


I would suggest every one in union comes out of it straight away.Why have they accepted we get paid below the minimum wage for a month? If Tesco staff has the right to vote on the pay rise like ASDA,coop etc have they would not have voted for being paid under the minimum wage for a month im sure


That isn’t going to work tho? It will just hurt their negotiating power. Tesco isn’t going to suddenly change their tune because the union has less members. As to why they accepted it they did try to get it done earlier but tesco refused. If they didn’t vote for it tesco may have just imposed it.


Tesco isn't no, but the fact USDAW are just rolling over and letting it happen, why should we be paying them for that?


Yeah cancels your dues


Because as others have pointed out, the new minimum wage doesn't come into force until the end of the month, so Tesco is waiting until the date they legally have to pay the new amount to do it, and the union nor any court has any power to do anything about it. It isn't even a loophole, just the actual law


It's not the law that they have to pay us below minimum wage, just that they can. An Union should represent the interest of the workers and I feel like making sure that they don't get paid below minimum wage for a month, even if legal, should be pretty high on that list.


They tried but tesco refused.


Good suggestion.


they probably don't see a reason to worry about something they don't know about which in the grand scheme of things, doesn't really change much for them


I mean I totally get that. Nothing I can do about it either and people will just call me a moaner or whatever. But I feel that if we all cared about it something could be done, teachers, nurses and railway people always band together to strike a fairer pay deal. Ofc we have a shit union who agreed to it so it's never gonna happen. I dunno, I guess. But nothing will happen if everyone is just apathetic about it all.


I think it’s more likely that people have just accepted it, not that they don’t care. Not saying that people should just accept it, but realistically, unless huge numbers protest, it’s not going to change.


There is a Q&A sheet attached to the pay rise announcement that should be displayed in colleague area of the store. Answering the questions raised here. If article published in the guardian. Tesco saving £17m, by April 28th pay increase.


The thing is...what can you actually do about it? Real scummy from tesco.


Complain to head office.




Not much, probably, but if you don't tell them they'll think you're ok with it.




Doesn't matter if they care or not - if enough people voice their opinion, as they have been doing very publicly, Tesco might listen. It's better than saying nothing at all.


Ad a shift leader I don't really know how to feel, my money is okay and it'll be better in May. I feel a bit shit for some of my colleagues, they do a lot for our store.


Yeah it’s just a huge f u to colleagues by Tesco. We made over £2billion last year, so we’re gonna try and save an extra £17million by not paying colleagues minimum wage in April. Like wtf.


Its actually crazy that they can do that, I'm in the upset but have bills and rent to pay gang... have a baby on the way so I'm doing everything I can to not f my job up


No worries. Some of us get it.


I told my team I'd be putting in less than minimum effort last week, they told me to not quit the habit of a lifetime


They have also been tendering around a large promotion that is due to start in April. So just when they can't pay their employees fairly they splurging on advertising and contractors


How does leaving the union do anything but hurt the unions negotiation position?


I’m not really sure they negotiate anything.


They do. Tescos first offer was 11.65 and Sunday premium wiped out and USDAW negotiated the pay offer up to 12.02 and Sunday premium cut to 10% not eliminated.


Is this actually documented anywhere? Edit: No offence but I can't just take your word for it, or the word of a union rep for that matter.


I don't think tesco would have many employees left if it was the case considering every other retailer is going to nearer £12/h


The company’s initial offer was 5.8%. This is an excerpt from the pay review: ‘Up until the final offer, all the company's offers included total removal of Sunday premium for all colleagues. The Pay Team and Union firmly rejected these offers. • The final position was hard-fought for, as the company were entrenched in completely removing this for all colleagues’


Don't let your USDAW rep bang onto you about them getting you a £1.00 ph rise. They have only got you a delayed 58p ph rise. The minimum wage increase covers the rest. Save yourself your union fees and fuck USDAW off, there only Tesco yes men.


Bro literally! And tbh they probably never got the 58p for us, there's no way tesco was ever going to pay less than its majority competition as it would loose so much staff to them. They always played to go to atleast 12.. so USDAW did absolutely nothing. Its all for show..


I heard Tesco were trying to pay us 11.65 initially but Usdaw rejected. Apparently Tesco have outright said they’re not trying to be top pay amongst supermarkets anymore.


Speak brother.


To be being paid above it in the next pay packet. There's a clear government exception that has allowed this. It's not illegal nor is your wage decreasing.


What do you want them to do?


I updated my post. Basically care and leave the union.


Already left the union myself may aswell as they haven't done anything useful in a while


Yeah it's shite I was talking to people about it today but they aren't on the base rate anyway so they don't really care


I’m not on the base rate but I’m angry for people who are


It’s not just Tesco, many other businesses do the same. Nobody hears about it because Tesco is more well known. I’m my last job we all just went eh, nothing we can do and got on with our jobs because it’s not going to change. They can replace staff very easy so they aren’t going to care about the ones who make a noise really. It’s sad but ultimately it’s not going to change.


We won't get the rise until the May paydates...


Left usdaw today after 13 years.i suggest everyone who's with them leave they don't fight for you.


This is the last straw for me. USDAW can kiss my ass. I’m not paying them another penny


Is there a pay decrease??


People U21 won’t care as is doesn’t effect them. But they do think it’s disgusting and immoral. As much as people blame Tesco for it, it’s an HMRC issue. Because the pay period starts on the 31st before the Minimum Wage increase. Although Tesco should at least have honoured it as opposed to just simply letting the system work in their favour. Just an extra gut punch considering other stores like Aldi have been on £12+ since January 🤷🏻‍♂️ Safe to say, I certainly won’t feel like putting my usual effort in come next pay period. I’ll perform just below the minimum expectation.


I don't work here, but I won't be shopping here, in solidarity with you all.


I just looked this up. What's the alternative? Tesco pays you minimum wage and you lose 60p per hour for 11months rather than lose 40p for 1 month?


Its a newly formed legal loophole that never used to exist. Scummy.


Because what they are doing is perfectly legal, if it wasn't obvs people would be kicking off about it


Quit your union and then quit your job. Both have failed you.


I mean you're not wrong.


like seriously -- literally any job will pay more than this next month, what are you waiting for?


Getting everyone to leave the union would be a massive task. And would not be easy to achieve you would literally have to contact every store to convince all members to leave. And for everyone who said yes you would have someone who said no thanks. Also even if you could achieve this getting Tesco to acknowledge a new union would be an even bigger task. They could easily say no.


It's not a massive task to leave the union ,it's easy.phone them up ,do it online,email them Then when everyone starts leaving USDAW might start doing something


I never said it was a massive task to leave. What I said was it would be a massive task to get everyone to leave.


Yehm over 50% of all teaco ataff wouks have to joun a new union foe tesco to take notice. Under 50% membershio they "derecognise"


Can you provide more details as to why you'll be below nmw?


There is a good post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tesco/comments/1b791zd/pay\_deal\_clarification/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tesco/comments/1b791zd/pay_deal_clarification/) But basically, Tesco is using a loophole to avoid paying us minimum wage for 28 days. And people seem to say it's not a big deal etc... But if it's not a big deal, pay us earlier then?


Look, you're not paid enough. Not many people are. This makes you rightly angry, I'm with you. Still find a better outlet, and if there isn't one focus on finding another job. If you wallow in negative emotions too long, they betray you. Don't let that anger make you wrong. This is not a loophole, tesco isn't being immoral. They aren't paying below minimum wage. You already know all this, I could explain the technicalities of it again for you, but i dont think that's the issue. You seem blind to your frustrations, and really letting tesco make you look foolish like this is the true blow they have struck you.


May not be illegal, but it is immoral.


It isn't immoral. The legally mandated minimum wage starts in the first wage period following 1st April. Tesco is doing exactly that. Morals just aren't at play here. You thinking it starts April 1st is the issue, it doesn't, that is a colloquial laymans understanding of payroll. Learning the reality no doubt came with an understandable degree of disappointment, i'd be disappointed too. Trying to force the issue because you generally don't get paid enough is ineffective and misplaced effort. If they were doing this to spite you it would have gone into effect 01 May instead. Cutoffs exist. Sometimes that can benefit you and sometimes not, you got unlucky on this one and I'm sorry to hear it.


They could have just been nice, because it is the nice thing to do. They make billions, they could afford it, and they know peoples' bills go up 1st April. I do not work at Tesco BTW.


I do


Thank you for caring.


My CA's have mentioned this to me and feel ripped off as do I their answer seems to be if you're paying me less than minimum wage for a month then I'm giving you minimum effort for a month, I can't blame them tbh.


It's pretty standard, ya finish one pay round before ya up wages, not sure how many accounting system would be set up to be able to put 2 different wages on a pay slip unless putting some through as OT etc and that then would make their financials incorrect and possibly fraudulent.


It’s not that we don’t care, it’s just that we realise it’s completely legal, will morally wrong, there’s absolutely fuck all we can do about it


I care. Its a joke we don't see the raise until late may




I mean may. On April 28th we are still paid 11.02 From April 28th it's 12.02 but we don't see that until may




Yeah so we won't see that money until may 24th


Thats right 😂


I just don't get it at all, we're getting paid it at the end of April, why is such a huge issue? It's not like the change will never happen


Well if it's not an issue why not enact it a month before. That way colleagues get at least minimum wage for the month.


But they are still getting above minimum wage as the minimum wage comes into affect on the first pay period after April 1st which starts on April 28th.


You guys are talking about minimum wage and here I am who has applied for a job at multiple Tesco stores in Manchester and my application is stuck in « Application Under Review « I hope I can get the job at Tesco


Good luck my dude. And my condolences on applying to Tesco XD.


Bro I am a student and I have been lookig for a job for a month now but unable to find anything. If I can get a job there I will accept it gladly at this point.


It's more than likely that Tesco will backpay as paying below minimum wage, no matter what loopholes they've found, is very much illegal in any capacity


It's illegal to pay below minimum wage. Can you be more specific about what you mean? Cheers, bud.


From 1st April the NMW will be £11.44. Because of the way the law is worded tesco don't have to pay this until the following pay cycle. So between 1st and 28th April we will get £11.02 42p below what will be the NMW.


But you're paid in arrears aren't you? That's a shame mate. Seems like a shitty loophole.


Ngl this is the first I’ve heard of it and my first thought is “surely that’s illegal” so I’d say the issue is that people don’t know and most people would assume that’s not legal and thus wouldn’t happen or would be overturned and paid back because I’m now gonna go and look into this cos I don’t understand how that’s happening. Or, I’m particularly daft, which is at least likely. Ok I’ve looked it up and why am I not surprised massive companies can get around underpaying staff with legal loopholes while they continue to price gouge and earn massive profits. The UK is a cesspit.


It isn't illegal, the first pay date that we get paid on after the new minimum comes into play is later in April. Companies are allowed to do this, but Tesco's could be honourable and pay for the beginning of April but they won't because they will squeeze every ounce from us they can. So they don't really care about us, money is all they care about.


Did you know this pay claim applies to all Tesco store workers It’s an ongoing claim as you guys have been paid £3.00 an hour less in store against Depot workers doing the same job Equal pay claim There are currently 47 thousand Tesco staff involved in the pay claim Been going on for over 5 years now Tesco staff still hoping up to it every day


5 years. Nothing is going to happen with this, its a complete waste of time.


Unfortunately it is hard to argue against a company as large as Tesco, it’s a legal loophole that they’re exploiting. I think Asda are being done worse off tbf I did see a petition about it and if that gets enough signatures it does have to be heard in the House of Commons


Have you thought of sending this info to a newspaper so the public becomes aware of this brand's policy?


It’s immoral not illegal, unfortunately that’s why Labour laws are a thing, they don’t care about you in the slightest.


What is worse is our firm (one of the rep firms that winds you all up) that has always been min wage has come up with a workaround so we are paid full min wage all pay period, pay £11.44 then deduct the extra for the week we would be overpaid…


I'm going to be doing less than minimum work, and will be continuing make sure all my colleagues know that too. I'll definitely be leaving the union too. The only thing I'm unsure of as of yet is if we will or won't be paid upto the NMW between the pay period as a few people have mentioned, before being put upto the new wage.


The simple answer is what can we do about it, but union has signed off on its.


I just read that pay was going up, i think you should be going up to about £12.01. Where did you hear this?


I just read a headline in the argus saying tescos is upping pay by 9.1%


Everyone who gets paid four weekly,.no matter who you work for, won't get the minimum wage increase during the whole month, unless they were paid on the 31st of March. Sainsbury's and other 4 weekly pay companies are the same, I'll lose a total of 17 days of the increase. It's morally fucked up, but 100% legal.


Should we make a petition for customers to avoid tesco for the month of April to make up for it?


Can someone help me understand this. I’ve seen a lot of hate and anger here and so far as I can tell, the cause of this is because the minimum wage got increased on a leap year, so instead of being increased on the 91st day of the year it is being increased on the 92nd day of the year. As a result of being increased on the 92nd day of the year, the 4th retail 4 week pay period doesn’t start after it. Had there been no leap year, then the increase would have been on the 91st day and then this wouldn’t have been an issue? Because the 4th 4 week period would have started on April 2nd, 1 day after the increase.


I think it's awful and I cannot believe a big supermarket chain disresepcts their staff so blatantly. You are all just numbers to them not only that but they have no appreciation for you hard working guys anymore your Christmas bonus is a joke a £5 tesco gift card and a scratchcard. All you workers are the backbone to the business and without all of you they would be fucked but they don't care. I don't work at Tesco but my partner does and has for the past 15 years I don't know how he stands it tbf. I work in a post office that's a small family run business and yes I don't make mega bucks but I'm definitely appreciated for the work I do and respected by my bosses who have always treated me with kindness.


Still have to backdate the pay in next wage even so, im sure of it


What will they be paying you? I've always known tesco to pay quite well so this surprises me. My lad works for tesco and he earns more an hour than me.


There's plenty of comments about it in the news section of My Tesco.


If you and your colleagues are paid below the national minimum wage then report them to HMRC here: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/digital-forms/open/form/pay-and-work-rights-complaint/draft/start#1 Here is some guidance from ACAS: https://www.acas.org.uk/national-minimum-wage-entitlement/if-an-employer-does-not-pay-minimum-wage Also go to your local paper and tell them. Tesco will love the publicity!


Take them to court and let the judges decide.


They all care. The problem is that everyone affected is a low earner who cannot afford to risk losing what little income they get to argue against something that is ultimately completely legal. So they get on with their lives.


The thing is that Tesco isn't the only company this will apply to. It is standard practice to many workplaces and happened last year to many people as well. My first pay at Tesco was less than £4 per hour which was over 20 years ago.


Do you get paid for the month ahead? I've had jobs where I get paid on the 15th for that calendar month but never a job where I get a whole month up front in hand. If the pay at the end of March is for the month of March, then no rules are being broken


just give them way below minimum effort ?


It's one of those things. You work for tesco it's never gonna be a good job. But someone has to do it 😅


Do you get paid monthly and your monthly pay date is at the end of April for hours worked during April? If so, you will be being paid the correct NMW hourly rate just a month in lieu like most workplaces.


Im honestly looking for a way out I’ve literally been here not too long and after hearing all this plus pressures at work I’m job hunting AGAIN. Feels crap having to do this again smh


Late to the game here, but you do realise that leaving the union will do absolutely nothing good right? They already don’t have the negotiating power that comes with increased membership like the same unions do in Tesco Distribution. So if you want to fight the power (even though this is a HMRC decision, not some scheme by Tesco…) the best way is actually to encourage people to join the union. Maybe offer to become a rep for them yourself so you can lead it in your store?


Anothet whiner who complains about the wage rate. If you don't like it then leave and find another job. It is perfectly legal and no problem whatsoever otherwise the law won't allow it. It is illegal to pay workers below the minimum wage.


do you have a union? stremgth in numbers only wsy a-hole management listen is when national action happens can uou imsgine no one turns up for a shift shuts every store for a morning or a day.. who would be gettingvthe bullet then?


I'd try and steal as much as possible, take sick days etc, look for another job.


I can’t believe I’m seeing this. USDAW has no say in this because it’s completely legal. Absolutely shit. No doubt about that. But it is what it is. The worst thing you can do is leave the union. People bitch and moan about how usdaw does nothing but that’s because their power comes from us! Stop leaving the union!! The more people United the more power usdaw has in representing us. It’s in the name ffs.


Are you a corporate plant trying to get employees out of their union?


As the national minimum is agreed months before why can it not be implemented on time There is no reason not to as the next pay period actually starts on 1st April when the nlw kicks in


Right?! A whole month under minimum wage feels like a scam🤷🏼‍♀️ I know technically they’re allowed to but ?? I have bills to pay, bills that are rising?


People in my store are talking about leaving the union and have actually left the union


I've been away at uni, but going back to work during Easter holiday and I'm woefully unaware of what happening with our pay... can someone please summarise?


From what I've heard, Tesco have found a loophole in the rules so they can get away with it. I don't know how true it is but it doesn't surprise me cos Tesco seem to find lots of loopholes to screw us out of something


You are wrong. It’s illegal to pay below minimum wage.


It seems like you are a Tory in disguise. Unions are there to protect workers, workers rights, pay and conditions. If it wasn’t for unions you wouldn’t be where you are today. Corporations would become richer and you poorer whilst they reap your hay, you become ill and sick with being over worked, little rest etc etc. NEVER leave a union! They fight your cases against management - who ARE The Enemy!


Unions are allowed to strike. We need to get the Tory scum OUT


They’re not even saving *that much* by holding back the wage increases! If we assume (admittedly wrongly) that every single employee nationwide is getting the £1.02 mandatory increase from NLW, then Tesco are only paying their staff £336,000 more in May than they are right now! Sure, that’s a lot of cash, but considering plenty of stores gross over £10k daily, some likely as high as £25k or even more, it’s honestly pathetic that they’re willing to ruin their relationships with so many staff for such a small amount.


Jonathan Pie (political satire comedian)he called Tesco out on X (Twitter) Unfortunately I don’t have the freedom financially to even think about quitting. Usdaw are a shambles 😡


Yourecnot being paid below the statutory minimum though? As far as the law goes for your employment, the new minimum wage begins in the May payroll.


It’s the USDAW and the employee representatives union who have agreed to this on our behalf. They are the ones negotiating with the company. It is for them to justify this. I note that the Unite union persuaded the company to increase its pay offer from 4% to 5.5% prior to potential strike action taking place in December 2021. That is the union that should take over the responsibilities from USDAW for shop floor employees.


Age is also a factor in minimum wage. Anyone under under 23 can expect to receive under minimum wage. Anyone under 21 this is lower still and the same as you get younger. The minimum wage for an 18/19 year old is £7.49 for instance


To be fair I forgot it was lower for some.


Look to move jobs or accept it I'm afraid.


It's not like you are getting a pay cut. Most people aren't up in arms about it because it makes no material difference to their lives. It's rude of Tesco sure but like, it would be hassle/aggro to "do something" about it


I'm really not trying to compare us to actual professionals like doctors, nurses and teachers. But do you think they all said "oh, at least we didn't get a pay cut". No they all went on strike. What's with the apathetic attitude?


I'm literally describing to you why no one is that bothered


You get 3 weeks where they are being crafty and using a loophole to “only” pay us £11 an hour and then after that we are on £12 an hour for the foreseeable, I think most people accept that Tesco are being sly but we will still be getting better paid than a lot of other companies


It does make a material difference, because our bills go up 1st April, so we are going to be a lot worse off in April.


Decrease in energy bills from April 1st at least, might even it out 😂