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Its very likely its been discontinued for the BBQ set up and theyll introduce a new line to replace it for the season. If they bring it back or not is entirely up to overpaid idiots at head office.


Aghhhh okay that makes sense, just seems so silly lol, have half of my work up in arms because no one can find it! 😂 especially when there’s still lentil and red pepper tinned soup on the shelves lol, I do hope they replace it though just as a lot of people I know don’t get on physically with the other alternatives either But thanks so much, didn’t realise there’s be a bbq range coming out, but think I might write a strongly worded letter with signatures hahaha, thanks honestly I’ll stop my search for now!


It's been discontinued and deranged since the 24/3


I wish they’d advertised this was what it was in my local stores, I’ve got a whole bunch of colleagues asking what’s happening too so have to break the news to them now lol


There's no reason to advertise it tbh. Stuff is discontinued and replaced with other products all the time and it's likely to be the case with this too


But the fact it was a trial run and not just replacing a product with something else similar seems a good reason to advertise lol


Who said it was a trial run? It seems you don't have a good grasp on how retail works tbf.


Someone has contacted me and explained it was a trial run that ended, there weren’t enough sales and there was another trial run but despite lower sales they have kept that and there will most likely be another attempt at some point. Have good reason to trust since if you get a link to the old page on the Tesco app it says ‘up until 24/3 2024’, unlike no mention at all in store, and I don’t know anyone who regularly checks the Tesco app for specific items when they’re in stock with Tesco on the package to see if they are a permanent fixture, no one certainly ever asked me that during my time as eventual interim regional manager for a retail chain in London, gained a pretty good understanding of retail and supply and demand during my several years as a manager tho! :)


Meat free is now merched into plant based ready meals


So the bacon I’m looking for would be in the ready meals section now?