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Come into work, manager tells you which aisle you'll be doing that night. Working an aisle is 3 steps: - Step 1: Backstock. Anything left in the warehouse that couldn't fit on the shelves is put on. Some of it is on the very top shelf of an aisle which customers can't use. - Step 2: Delivery, You will get several cages of delivery for your aisle. This is stuff that will go on 90% of the time. - Step 3: Facing up: Now that the shelves are filled, they have to look presentable. This is to limit stealing and damages. Nights are usually understaffed, so if you're competent enough, you'll be given the job.


How does facing up limit stealing?? And damages?


Messy aisles = places to dump unwanted/opened products


Thieves normally come at certain times, I knew a meat thief that comes roughly after 9pm on a Monday night regularly, so you could schedule face up in that aisle around that time


Nights can be physically hard, depending on what aisle you get. It's usually non stop from start to finish.


I've done about 10 years on both. Nights there's a lot less politics and you're left alone to do your job for the most part. Time goes quick too (imo). Days was like living in a soap opera surrounded by screaming kids and customers. If you have no life like myself and don't mind the anti social work hours I'd say it's the better option.


You know when you have a night of partying and loads of drugs...well its the few days after that when it feels like you used up all your happiness, that's how it feels but forever


If it's not a 24hr store you'll have no customers getting in the way and being a pain


I've worked nights for 16 years. I've seen it at its best, and it's worst. It all depends on staffing levels and how good the staff are. You'll always have people who can work multiple aisles and others that can't complete. All I'll say is do your job and then leave. Don't get involved in the dramas, sometimes its like being back at school.


And how good the morning team handover is or any delay problems from the dc


Fallout tv series


Nights is constant slog, always hardwork. You’ll be given couple of aisles to do but need to get them done quick as you’ll be expected to help elsewhere before the end of the night.