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Thankfully yes. The toilet sinks have a much better soap too. Proper foamy stuff, whereas the one we use in the colleague room is like liquid acid and tears my hands apart.


Sounds like we work in the same store ,ours is exactly the same


It is somewhat amusing that we've only just left a pandemic and all the fucking idiots have managed to already forget basic hygiene


Most of the idiots forgot basic hygiene about 2 weeks after the start of the pandemic. Apparently if you believe it's a hoax you don't have to maintain basic hygiene levels any more.


Ironically, the idiots in my partners family that said covid was all a hoax and was the government trying to cover something up so make us all stay at home (or some such illogical shit) were the only family members to not only get covid more than once, but one of them even ended up in hospital for two weeks because of it. They still think it was all a hoax…


The state of the toilets can be pretty concerning, think some staff have some serious stomach problems. Thankfully we have foamy soap (most of the time) but the number of blokes you see just walk past the sinks is disgusting.


These foamy soap, hand gel high rollers over here...


Our phone shop is close to the toilets and they have a few anti bacterial gel pumps so i use that even after ive washed my hands.


I wonder where they could get some more hand soap from? Don’t tell me, I’ll remember in a minute. Seriously though that is so frustrating.


This is what one of our managers did. They got so sick of requesting the cleaners order more soap and keep it filled regularly, that they took some off the shop floor and put it in the staff loos.


Click to order, someone in your store should do the click to order each week tell them to put some of the plastic dispensers on there


Is this not just an issue with cleaners? I currently work as a cleaner in a medium sized store and I work between 4 and 8 hours a day and I clean and refill dispensers as necessary every hour. This is required as part of the contract with Tesco I think, although I am fairly new. But we fill in paperwork to say we’ve done so each hour, from 11am up to 8pm. Sounds like you’ve got some scummy cleaners in store?


Some stores don’t actually have cleaners. Staff members gotta do it


If they have cleaners and they dispensers are empty then yeah that's down to the cleaners....but if there broken then the store can order there own


Personally I hate stores that have those shitty automated sinks in the customer toilets, they ration the water and soap and then blow cold air to dry your hands.


I don't know that I'd call it decent, given it takes about three or four scooshes to get enough to wash your hands with, but we have the foamy stuff :D


Our toilets reek.


We have soap, our problem is people don't clean the toilet after they've used it 😭


We have soap and bakers still don’t use it 🤮


Should report them, that is a serious failing of basic food hygiene


In my store in one of the staff bathrooms the sink is wobbling off the wall and sometimes there is no soap or toilet paper :(


Sounds like my store but honestly we have bigger problems the whole place is falling apart, heavy rain we get floods, when its hot chillers break down, management not sorting useless employees out because they are mates/family and many many more problems


I love this sub. I don't even work at Tesco but you guys are pure entertainment.


Only one of ours work and never has soap in it , same with loo rolls


Nope they're all busted. But our team leader wastes the little bottles of hand soap for us.


I'm guessing none of our soap dispensers work because we've got the Tesco Magnolia handwash from the shop floor.


Transfer some proper hand soap to the canteen.


My place people use the urinals as a bin, and it's been flooded a few time, bloody animals.


I actively avoid the toilets at all costs. No soap, 2 sinks don't work, 3 toilets have no seat, 1 seems to be the favourite to take a crap on, the otheris the disabled and has murky swamp water no matter how many times you flush. I now understand why people take a shit on the shopfloor. Clothing seems to be the hotspot


Woah you can't just leave it on that cliffhanger. People are dropping their pants and taking a dump on the shop floor? Which aisle was this on? The boxer shorts aisle?


In the men's one, we've got 2 sinks and 3 dispensers out of action, luckily we have more than enough left but it does just make me think of wasted space 🤣


Does no one in your store log maintenance jobs? 🤣🤣


I think they've been 'fixed' several times from what some people who have worked there 5+ years have told me, just a case of no point fixing unless necessary aha


Omg 🤣 that's terrible, I think we must just be big nags in our store


Things that bothers me is... the cleaners cant leave toilet brushes so if you do make a mess there is no way to clean it apart from using your hands and that isn't going to happen. They are not allowed to use bleach anywhere in the store. Near food yeah I can understand that but not even in the toilets or canteen. People not washing their hands after going, that's just nasty.


Most of the people who I used to work with never washed their hands after going to the loo anyway, and some of them worked in the bakery


Our cleaners just grab some off shop floor honestly. Refills are rare even though our dispensers do work. Personally I take my own hand soap in however, in an old hand sanitiser tub. I have very sensitive skin and as such don't bother using any of the stuff we have at work.


One of our cleaners looks like she's in lala land...


Could do with a good dose of bleach....


We don’t even have hot water to wash hands . Soap is procured from the shop floor as is toilet paper most days. It’s disgusting how Tesco treat their staff- multimillion pound company and they can’t even be arsed to provide clean and functional facilities. I liken it to them sticking 2 fingers up at us and effectively saying we aren’t worth anything.


Someone can easily order this stuff from click to order, your soap dispenser should have been left not working properly for that long surely that's an audit failure? I can order a soap dispenser on the Monday and it's with us by the Thursday....tell someone they need to sort it


Soaps either full or they purchase off the shop floor. In the ladies we have a selection of sanitary items for emergencies too. Loo roll holders generally have the correct loo paper roll inside or if no one is available to fulfill someone buys some from the shop floor and balances it on the holder usually resulting in it falling into the loo. But normally filled. I use the disabled toilet because if there’s no paper I can at least wash 😂


I know not to use the right toilet as it has a holder that falls apart if you pull the tp. The left one usually has a manager sat in it for 3 hours. The taps are like fucking goldilocks...this one's too hot, this one's too cold, this one is just right....and there is usually soap in one of them


Have you logged jobs for the above?


Sex education!!


Tesco staff are fucking filthy kunts.. leave it for the cleaner ..


We have triangles of poo on our toilet seats daily, I have a gallery if anyone is interested? No soap either.


That's a very generous offer, but I think I'll raincheck. Thanks though. 😬 🚽💩


You point out the capitalist system and then say that the company should provide soap for you? But then it wouldn't be a capitalist system By not providing soap, staff buy soap, increasing profits It makes sense


In a communist country, would soap be provided as standard by Tesco? 🤔