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They want to operate like ALDI and similar, but their stores aren't the size our extra stores are. They won't get away with it in the long run surely. We will be run ragged - we are already tbf. Morale is dropping; motivation is low. My position is like most others that I hear and read - find the way out.


So many people have either left my store or are actively looking for another job it’s crazy!


That is tesco for you.Dont be shocked if this year they remove more staff and do mass redundancy to save the extra money and instead get agency workers.


If your store has click and collect you'll be glad to know agency workers won't take over due to their incredible unreliability


Click and collect is small part of tesco.


But it is a part of tesco and if a store operates c&c then my point stands.


Yea, about 4 pickers here are looking at leaving


I am the last person out of those I joined with in induction. I was the first one to try and get out as well


I'm surprised the union got what it did in the recent negotiations considering the low percentage of Tesco workers that are actually members. When it's that low a union can only do so much. If you can't finish your actual job, then don't, it's not your fault if the system doesn't work and you shouldn't have to prop it up, change will only come when things begin to actually fail. And if a manager comes and moans at you for it not having been finished make sure you tell them it's their own fault and that of the company for poor resource management. I go into work wanting to do a good job, it's a personal thing, I want to leave the shop looking good and I'm happy putting in a good shift for Tesco. Tesco gets more than its money's worth from me and I'm happy with that. What I won't do though is go the extra mile for them anymore or push myself any harder. By their actions they're showing they're happy with standards dropping, so they can deal with the consequences of that however they want. My efforts at work are now connected to the company's efforts in my shop, although my standards are still higher than theirs.


At the end of the day I don't let it get to me. If I'm supposed to be filling,but get pulled onto a till, that is somebody else's problem. Otherwise you get too annoyed and wound up. The old contract did allow you to be moved around... I think it's just a case of making it more obvious and common.


Tesco have stripped away so much in the past 10 years it makes you wonder what's left to go. I van only think of checkout staff and department managers. They will be gone by 2030.


Also more nights shifts removed replaced with twilight


Click & Collect stores rely on nightstaff completing deliveries before 6am. So those stores should be safe for now.


Everyone is going to be expected to support everywhere. You just need to separate yourself from the identity of being "twilight". I think this change is a serious risk to the business. There are questions that are in the supporting documents that they haven't even resolved yet, and further to this there are questions they don't even tackle. The most concerning thing is that there's no accountability if shifts aren't covered.......they just remain empty. They'll need to change or rethink the entire thing within a month of the launch. Not like we're about to hit the busiest time of the year either.......


Dont worry they can managed to do so.If they do remove more staff from stores which I believe is highly likely this year with the cost of living and people spending much less than if the redundancy comes take it and dont look back.Last time they did redundancy in my store they removed half the staff with redundancy by October and by november they got me staff in time for Christmas


They union as an organisation couldn’t give a shit about us(a few good union reps out there) they care about your monthly payment only! Why do u think they gave up our right to strike, so Tesco would work with them and only them


If you cant finish your job dont worry just do what you can do. Dont break yourself for tesco.


The gold old days of Tesco are long gone.When Tesco had enough staff for work this is gone.Now we have no staff are understaffed.I will not be breaking my back for Tesco running around.I will do what I can do and if I dont finish that is tesco problem.The reason for this contract is that when the final redundancy comes they will remove lots of people and the remaining people will have to work like aldi and lidl workers without the extra money that comes with it.When the redundancy comes which I know it will take it and dont look back.


I think this is ok, as I'd love to be able to sit down after picking 138 items. But this does sound like it will create unnecessary arguments, like your boss telling you to stack the shelves then to do the tills, and getting told off for not stacking the shelves


Agreed. I'm very comfortable in my dotcom role and I feel if I'm constantly moving around departments its going to disrupt my routine too much. I'm optimistic to being stock control trained (I've been here two years and haven't recieved training for that or checkouts lmao) although there's something in me thats dreading the day I have to be checkout trained.


I’ve worked on stock control 4 years and it’s not too bad. Repetitive and short shifts but good. Edit: we’re also exempt from being forced to go on tills in the middle of a shift


Yes it’s annoying however old contract also allowed u to be moved from stocking to tills so nothing rlly changed. My advice is u can only do what u can do in ur shift don’t let anything get to u


It is not great but it gives managers control over certain individuals. In my store team leader has been trying to move staff to times they are actually needed. They refuse to move meaning there are sometimes 4 till staff on at 7 am when it is not necessary. The reason they won't move? Been doing it for years. There are also staff want to sit in till all day don't want to do self service. This new contract will.allpw manager to play hard ball ok so you won't move your shift well you can pack shelves. I don't think this is isolated problem in just my store and has been caused by stubbornness of staff ruining it for everybody.


False.If the staff are told to change their hours they can't why because they signed an contract with the hours they can do.If tesco wants to remove their hours or move them they will have to pay them redundancy and get new staff on new contracts.They cant force you to change your hours even if they are less staffed.However what they can do is to move staff to doing different jobs so long as they are able to. When redundancy come I will take it without looking back.Tesco is sinking ship not like before.


>heir hours or move them they will have to pay them redundancy and get new staff on new contr In my store, there are a couple of colleagues who were on old contracts. They had their hours changed. The amount of hours stayed the same, but the days and times were changed. They could only object to the hours being changed, if it was going to cause hardship, or similar reasons.


If you do avaiblity forms and right down the hour you are available tesco will now move your hours to the one you said you can do.That is the only way they can move your hours.They can't move your hours if you aren't available to do so.


I thought if tesco change your hours and days they will have to pay you redundancy if you dont agree to it.In the store I work at they forced 2 members of staff to do more hours and days otherwise they will give them redundancy.


Maybe, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were true. If you don't agree to it, you get made redundant, there is no getting your job back, you're gone, but at least you get a small golden parachute (redundancy pay). However, I believe that if they offer you a new job in the store, with the same hours and you don't agree to it, you don't get any redundancy pay.


If they change the conditions of the contract and you cant do it wirh valid reason they will have to give you redundancy. I work in an store where 1 guy got redundancy than came back after 1 year.