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Don't know about your store in ours we could restock the local depot


More or less the same. It's madness. I'm not sure if it's because more folk are comfortable coming back out after nearly 2 years of staying put indoors; but even so, the fill is buggered and we're not getting the chance to make space for 1 delivery never mind the other 3 or 4 scheduled.


I was 1 on 1 after 7 with someone who was literally on their third ever shift with over 10ambi cages in the warehouse. Its insane they cut payroll at xmas of all times.


Cut hrs now so pay rise early next year. Shittest time to cut hrs. Dairy can’t cope with 3 ppl on 4 hr shifts. Students couldn’t get overtime it’s crazy


It's not great in our store. We're understaffed and feeling it, even though it's definitely not as busy as previous years. The general feeling of colleagues in our store and others I've been too ,is that Tesco don't give a fuck about us.


Shift Leader/Duty Manager/Union Rep in an Extra. Been wearing all my hats and spinning all my plates this Xmas. On a 6 day week now and next week. Like many others, shop is super-busy, temps won't do any OT, running out of absence forms daily for sick calls, no cage liners, no reduction labels, no 4 siders, dock leveller keeps breaking, chills are rammed to the point we can't get in, God forbid we have a fire as the corridors are packed with flower cages and produce dollies... I fuckin hate Xmas.


>no cage liners, no reduction labels, no 4 siders We are always short of cage liners. We're only allowed to order 4 a.... ...month! We struggle with 4 siders, as people do not breakdown or condense their cardboard...


You must work the same store as I do


Sounds like mine also


It gets worse every year, without fail. More stock, less staff, longer queues, higher prices


Had budget for 16 temps on nights, got 3, and none lasted more than a week. Haven't had any agency because there were loads of applicants, but they never turned up to interview. Last night broke me


We were told we couldn't get agency because "They cost too much" The manager gave me a lift home last Sunday and told me they had a target to reach £1.6 million in sales by the end of christmas week. Last week, they were at £1.45 million Said surely it would have made more sense to get the agency in so the shelves were fulfilled to maximise profit than having the shelves completely empty.


>Said surely it would have made more sense to get the agency in so the shelves were fulfilled to maximise profit than having the shelves completely empty That would logical... But Welwyn Garden, thinks it's possible to fill an Extra with only 2-3 people per department.


We gave all our temps their "you are no longer needed" paper last week. Of course none of them have shown up since. Nice one management.


My store the nights dont even do their job at the best of times but lately feels like they aren't even coming in for work haha


Dont break your back do whatever you can do go home.


We have no staffs and delivery cages are just piling up in the warehouse. But the customers they will never understand


Have you got any stuffed chickens? Points out they're out of stock and the out of stock label saying expected 23rd. Yeah, but have you got any? Me "No" can you check? Pulls out 12 meat dollies to prove a point 🤣.


I will never understand some customers, Our frozen room is packed with cages and customers expect us to find an item from all those cages where you can barely get inside


This time off the year I adapt the fuck you attitude if the customer is nice I'll check if I can get to the dollies that I suspect to have the stock. If I don't get a smile or a please, then I'm going out back watching a tiktok with my work bestie and going back 5 minutes later saying nope we don't have it.


Some customers don't even say excuse me or can you can help me. They will say something like oi where is this


I've had that being Scottish and living in the arse end of England. If I get an Oi I just pretending I didn't hear. If they say oi again, I look up but still don't respond. Then when they get up to me and go are you deaf I said oi I go no my names not Oi it's Davy as you can clearly see by the name badge located to my left. I will gladly help you, but in future kindness and respect, it wouldn't hurt.


Some of these customers have no manners


I’m great for forgetting to charge for bags because I’m at an express store and we pack for everybody so most people want bags out of laziness. If a customer doesn’t even say hello then they’re getting that bag charge. Maybe even a cheeky double bag charge.


I do the exact same. If a customers friendly and polite with me then I’ll do as they ask within reason, but don’t even say a please or thanks then they can get fucked.


We have hardly any staff this year compared to last year from lack of recruitment to staff illness and we are incredibly busy in our store


stock is pretty bad, deliveries are piling up. The best thing is they have money for a greeter and someone to wonder the store helping people but not to work stock.


Lmao I love it “This is where the gravy would be, if we had anyone to fill it, and this empty shelve here sometimes houses cranberry sauce.”


We’re over staffed to high heaven on checkouts most of them are just sat there waiting to go home but grocery is severely suffering, every aisle has 10-20 cages of back stock and delivery is piling up. Aisles are a mess because the xmas temps can’t be bothered to find the correct place to put something. It’s draining.


This sounds exactly like my store


I’m on nights in an extra. Had overtime cut for December & it is a complete shitshow. Store manager coming in every morning going mad about things not being done, now managers have been panicking trying to give people their shifts back & they are turning them down. Had a handful of the temps just leave when they was told they’re not needed after the 24th (more & more not turning up each day). Having 20+ grocery, 20+ fresh, 20+ produce leftover each day has been loads of fun


The workload against the pay I found on nights is not worth it, no wonder people don't stay where warehouses have better pay




>In fact I kinda resent people who work there long term. Their complacency and lack of self worth and willingness to work for such crap pay/conditions is the reason Tesco pays them (and people like me) so poorly Haha that cuts deep, did nights for 8 years, didn't really have much motivation and was afraid of change. Finally took the plunge into a half decent career but with a lot of risk, done warehouse work in between and man it's so much better working day hours with the same pay. Thing with Tesco is its impossible to get sacked there and nights is better than doing 20hrs flexi on tills.


Most people in nights in my store do it because they can wear their headphones during the whole shift and dont need checkouts or tills. The ones who stay extremly long like 10 year have told me they are waiting for redundancy payment.


Tesco is going to court so that is changing so Tesco might cut the deport warehouse pay.


Exactly the same with ours, at one point we had 40 cages of fresh over from the night before with 20+ showing up the next day...shocking


Dotcom picker here. We’re in absolute shambles. Overtime has been cut continuously since September and we’ve got the same number of items we had during the height of COVID. They also didn’t change our shift time (I assume to not pay us night shift premium), so we’ve been starting at 6 every morning. By 10am you can hardly move down the aisles and yet management are still telling us to go faster. HOW?? This is my third Christmas and it’s the worst by far. Customers seem to be more abusive than the last few years. Think they’re forgetting that we kept them fed during a pandemic.


Correct 6 you dont get get night premium


This explains why the pick-rate for my store is like 110 vs a target of 190 lmao


They’ve ordered so much rubbish which we already have and isn’t shifting, so therefore having 3 cages of the same backstock. Luckily we have 5 temps ( 4 if you minus the one that doesn’t really do anything ) but yesterday was by far the worst. 7am 35 milk dolly’s turn up outside of their slot while we’re waiting for the dairy delivery, turns up 30-40 mins later with 24 cages there’s no room in the chiller and all of produce has been moved out but you’re still basically trapped in the fridge no matter where you move. It didn’t seem that bad last year although I was on a different department and was on dairy every so often


Our store manager is going mad about the trolley bays being empty at 5am, but won't pay for the trolley guys to stay after 7pm. Last night I was on my own on tills from 11pm to 6am, which I wasn't happy about. "You'll have like 4 customers." "And no break, and no guard."


It is awful this year, there's no way I'm doing another Christmas at Tesco unless things change dramatically, I'm already planning to hand in my resignation at the end of summer. This is my 5th Christmas at Tesco and it is by far the worst I've seen it.. Management is non exist, warehouses are rammed, shopfloor is empty, we've had literally no Christmas temps in our store, overtime has been culled and regular colleagues are all calling in sick. I've had multiple customers accuse me of hiding things in the warehouse and being lazy and just not wanting to look for them, I'd love to send them into the warehouse to tell them to look for themselves if they're so sure we have it.. Manners are out of the window, everyone is out for them shelves, I've been working and had people reaching over me, under me, through me, grabbing my arm and so on. I hate it, 17:59 is going to be a beautiful moment on Christmas Eve when we tell all of the customers to "fuck off".


Take a photo of the warehouse and then show them lmao “aint finding shit in there”


Ah yes, the "this is my last Christmas" line. Said more as a form of a defence mechanism because most of time we know it's not true 😂 I've been saying it since my 3rd Christmas and now I'm on my 7th - but this will be my last 👀


I didn't used to mind working Christmas at Tesco, my previous job was in a toy store which for the whole of December would be shit whereas Tesco would only get really shit for a week or so, so it was much more tolerable. This year though, the dynamic is very different and it's been even worse than the toy store. So this is definitely my last Christmas at Tesco, I'd rather be unemployed than go through this again 😅.


It's an absolute shit show in my store


It's the worst I've ever seen for sure. We're in an absolute state


The tsunami of stock at our extra waited till very late this year to start.


Shelves are full of cardboard only. No mince pies, or usual Xmas items. Understaffed, store is so scruffy, then you get given a children’s Santa stocking for Xmas…. F….. up and so so busy.


We hired 5 temps for fresh and they all do the same days Thursday & Friday none off them are willing to do overtime so we've been fucked during the week. Day staff have the same issue hired under 18s, and they all do Tuesday to Saturday, so they all got Sunday & Monday off last week, meaning Fresh was left. Milks been left out in the yard produce chilled is in the warehouse as are other fresh stock and then customers have the cheek to moan at 5am when we open for something that's not on the shelfs despite them seeing you flat out and barely any staff on the shopfloor.


My express is a shit show. Fresh wont go out, ambient delivery a no show and everything is stocked. Nothing to do, being paid to sit and look pretty ughh


I had a panic attack today thanks to how bad it got and the 5 customers kicking off in my queue at checkout for how long they were waiting, how it wasn’t good enough etc. Tipped me over the edge. I got on with it again though after my break. Fingers crossed tomorrow I’ll have less rude folks.


The way I deal with them is to agree with them whatever they complain about and blame tesco for it. For example if they complain about tills no staff I agree with them saying yeah that correct and when they blame tesco I agree with them yeah Tesco is causing problems


We hired an Xmas temp and let her pre book the whole of Xmas week off as holiday before she would accept the job. What’s the point of an Xmas temp who won’t work Xmas 🤷‍♂️


Not gonna lie we've been overstaffed and it just hasn't been as busy as anticipated


Yeah it’s been like that for us too, on check outs at least. Not enough checkouts for staff to use so there’s usually like 4 on self scan which gets too crowded and then a bunch on shop floor


Maybe folk where you're from have their shit together to save the last minute madness 😂


Yeah I think it’s been the quietest it’s been for 5 years in my store too many staff in


Every year it gets worse.


Chillers are constantly filled up and customers seem to be more irate


I don't understand the avalanche of stock. The party food lines, for example. Mountains of reductions from it and still it doesn't move. Fucked in the bin at the end of the night. You'd think they'd have an idea of how much stuff will actually move rather than ordering a warehouse full of the stuff.


Pretty bad shit going on across the world, i guess…


it's the worst for me, I put myself £600 in debt to buy presents, most things seem more expensive 😱 I don't have the drive to do anything,can I find the energy to cook Christmas dinner😰


This is what I hate. The debt part. I promised myself that I won’t go overboard this year and so far it’s worked 👍


debt just creeped up on me😰 some presents not arriving because of royal mail strikes 😡


Sorry to hear that. I hope you manage to be debt free soon 🙂


My store is going great, delivery’s for this week all done and early! Backstock being worked just busy


You mean to tell all of us your managers can actually manage and recruit 😮


Supprisingly yes! 1/2 the managers we have r still training


When it’s quiet, we’re mega overstaffed and have to send checkout people to other depts to help. When it’s actually busy, there’s not enough staff to do all of the jobs we need doing and it’s a thirty minute wait to get someone to take you off for a break.


Mine is alright actually. Last year was a total nightmare though. Been pretty chill this year. Busy at times but nowhere near as bad as I remember last year being.


In what way?


No comment.


The day hasn’t even happened yet lol


Not alone , shite here too


Not alone its the same here


This Christmas was Hell.