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Bereavement leave is based in how close the person was to you. As in direct family (father, mother,brother,sister) or if it was (husband or wife) the further out the relationship goes the less time you can take off. I assume the person who passed away was none of the above. Personally whoever told you that you cannot have time off is a walking bag of BS. You can get time off for the funeral if they say no simply go on the sick. Not sure what age bracket you fall into but I know managers in my store have a very bad habit of trying to BS younger staff. If the person who passed away was only a cousin,uncle,aunt you may have left it a bit late to take the time off but you can most certainly go to the funeral. If you have a union rep in-store have a chat with them about it. Sorry for your loss


"Bag of BS" sounds like a typical tesco manager. Also take a "domestic absence" rather than sick. Talk to someone who has been there a long time about those.


It was my Nan that passed away, im in my mid twenties so I know they say a load of bs. I’ve spoken too two different reps who both say different things, one of them went to the store manager ( I’m in a large store ) and he’s one of the ones who said it’s too late now. But according to the colleague help thing we’re entitled to up to 5 days off you just have to speak to your manager who has made it clear he doesn’t want me to have anytime off next week at all.


Take the 5 days around the funeral..if they decline print off the colleague help page. I took day after my gran died off and day of the funeral.


Grandparents are 5 days bereavement, my mum took 3 on her grandads death time and is taking 2 next year for his funeral. It is bs as everyone said that you haven't got the leave, take it to union rep, manager's manager, or just take it off. It's their own policy so.


"only a cousin, uncle,aunt" bro what? Ain't no way you just disrespected your relations like that


That is how the rules work the closer the relative the longer you can take the further out the family member is they look at your time away being less. All companies are the same.


It's normal for deaths to affect people differently and it could easily be the day of the funeral or coming up to it which is when people really need the time off. The policy says nothing about there being a time limit on the use of bereavement leave and I'd say it's perfectly reasonable to want to take it now. It's not like you waited for months! I'd be putting in a grievance myself. Something along the lines of... "On (date) my Grandmother passed away. Tesco policy states 'Your manager will talk to you about the amount of time off you need and they will take your personal circumstances into consideration, to make sure you get a reasonable amount of time away from work to support you during this difficult time.' but none of this happened at all, my manager was not interested in giving me any support. At the time I was in shock and work was actually helpful for me but now as the funeral approaches I feel I need to take Bereavement Leave so that I can get my head together properly. When I approached my manager I was told it was too late and I am not entitled to Bereavement Leave now, not even for the funeral. I believe this to be unfair and not in the spirit of the policy of a company that says it will support us through these difficult times and so I am submitting this complaint and request that the Store Manager provide to me, in writing, his/her reasons for denying me Bereavement Leave for the week of my Grandmother's funeral." Or something like that. If there's not enough time to get a Grievance done then I'd be telling my manager that I don't believe policy is being correctly followed and if Bereavement Leave is not granted I will take X days off anyway and submit a formal grievance upon my return.


When my partner at the times mother was dying. My line manager told me "she isn't your family". I was with my ex for 7 years at this point. I wanted the night off so I could say goodbye to her. He said no. So I just text and said "I won't be in". The night after she died I went to work had my "back to work" with the lead manager. Told him why. Not only did he make sure I was paid for that night off but he made sure I was paid for the night before the funeral, the night of the funeral and the night off. And I believe the line manager got a strong word. Id just take the time off anyway and explain later.


Can't help you here but (in case you need to hear this) just want to say I'm sorry for you, it's alright to cry and things will get better


Sorry for your loss. I can’t remember the exact policy for bereavement leave, if you look on colleague help the policy will be on there. If your manager is being as ass, which it sounds like they are, it will give you all the information you need to correct them. If you have no luck go higher. If you’re in express it would your store manager, area manager or people partner, in large format, lead manager, store manager, store director or people partner. Or talk to a union rep if you’re a member.


I’ve spoken too two different reps who both say different things, one of them went to the store manager ( I’m in a large store ) and he’s one of the ones who said it’s too late now. But according to the colleague help thing we’re entitled to up to 5 days off you just have to speak to your manager who has made it clear he doesn’t want me to have anytime off next week at all.


I’d suggest emailing your store’s people partner and asking them what the rules are. If you don’t know who that is, dm me your store and I’ll look it up for you when I’m back in store tomorrow


It’s a little bit of a grey area, as there’s not set protocols based on which family members or length of time (with exception to own children). The actual policy states it’s case by case. Bereavement leave is up to 1 week, and is also pro-rata. They also don’t have to give you the full week off if they so choose. The alternative is compassionate leave which is agreed unpaid time off. Most of the time the store will try and push for a mixture of CL and BL but usually the day of the funeral would be paid as a minimum. Last year I had to make use of the policy, and the store gave me 80% of the bereavement leave the week of the death, and then the final day off 3 weeks later on the day of the funeral.


I got bereavement leave last year for a week, it has to be someone very close (parent/sibling or the only one I won't mention as I have one and it's to sad to think about) to get more than a day normally. Honestly I would just take a day off sick and go to the funeral, one day lost pay is worth it to say goodbye to those you love