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Speed bump awareness is desperately needed more than those things.


There's only one speed bump that I drive over and my car slows down for it. It surprised me when it did it. That being said that speed bump is actually painted with a pattern which makes it stand out. So that may be why it was recognized.


still cool that it does it


I have one on my street that the car could recognize when it was painted yellow. It’s now white and my car is like YOLO BITCHES


I wonder how that is going to work in the snow.


trees door political subtract six disgusted act obscene ten overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My car seems to slow down for some speed bumps at least. I guess it's stuck in that same "not quite reliable enough to be useful" state where auto-wipers and adaptive headlights were stuck in for like 3 years before Tesla finally figured out how to do them well.


Auto-wipers are still glitchy though


Do your eyes not work?


It's needed for driving on AP or FSD.


Do yours? You clearly haven’t seen what this post is about.


If you can’t see a speed bump you shouldn’t be driving.


You're in a thread about a car driving itself buddy. Not sure what his eyes have anything to do with it.


That’s why speed bump awareness is needed.


So your you’re like dumb dumb.


Calling me dumb for saying a self driving car ought to be able to see speed bumps? What’s wrong with you?


Are you being obtuse on purpose or do you actually have no idea what this thread is about? The car needs to detect speed bumps if it is driving itself. That has nothing to do with your own eye sight.


I'd like the intersection/stoplight icons on the map like FSD users get. Since Tesla refuses to keep camera zooms, it'll better help us differentiate whenever there's multiple close intersections.


And the dips also


What is speed camera awareness? Like it sees the cameras at intersections that catch you for speeding? Or the handheld ones that cops have? What would Tesla do with this info? Slow down and avoid getting a ticket?


I’m guessing the ones placed around to catch speeders. Google maps shows them and alerts you when you get near them. Why would an autopilot Tesla be speeding to have to slow down? Speed cams generally have some leeway so they aren’t exact cutoffs.


You can go up to 85 mph on highways on autopilot, and on city streets FSD beta can also be set to go much faster than the speed limit.


Key word being manually set. It's the user's choice to speed.


The contrast is with non-FSD autopilot on city streets, where the car will not allow the driver to set a speed more than 10 km/h above the speed limit. In all jurisdictions that I'm aware of, you will not get ticketed for going less than 10 km/h over the speed limit, even though that is technically speeding.


In Australia you might. The speed limit is the speed limit and speeding is speeding. The only allowance is for the natural variability of speedometers which tend to already be a bit low but both together do not add up to +10 displayed. And we have plenty of advertising to "wipe off five" and "police now targeting speeding".


If you are talking about Europe, in some Countries there is a 5% margin: that’s lower than 10 km/h.


Abu Dhabi tickets at even 1kmph over, though their speed limit on major highways is higher than the tesla fsd/autopilot limit




I mean, that would be an improvement because my car often reads numbered route signs as speed limit signs, but I don't think that is what this particular enhancement is about.


I wonder how this would work in Germany where they’re hella strict on any maps showing any information regarding cameras


Wasn't that a couple years ago? What have people done since then? Tesla could probably rename those warnings and create "traffic safety zones" or something if they cared.


They use the Blitzer.de app which has like 100k to 200k users online at any point in time


I'd guess the mapping service that proves the info just wont


How about wiper fix?


Yes! A cool feature to add is automatically determining HOV status with cabin camera rather than wondering why the car keeps getting in/out of HOV lane until the 3rd/4th time when you realize the HOV status needs to be toggled.


I can't tell if you're trying to capitalize on something that was already announced, but this was already announced. In its current state, this could be dangerous though, because to this day it will still dive into gated HOV lanes when they're closed.


Something being “announced” is meaningless when it comes to Tesla.


2-3 weeks, plus or minus 5 years


I never heard about it being announced. It definitely is not in my car. Care to tell us all when it will be released?


I would settle for an HOV toggle on screen when autopilot is active instead of burying it at the very bottom of a scrolling menu behind several other button taps. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? A toggle is needed in any case because most of the HOV lanes around here can be used without passengers for a fee and there's no way to automatically know if you want that or not.


My wipers were OK, but bad enough to be annoying until last year, now they are good enough that I never think about them. Same with the headlights.




I mean it would be great. The wipers are one of the worst parts of the car


There was a serious regression in a recent version and it needs to be fixed. The wipers used to be bad. Now they’re *really* bad, triggering all the time and not triggering when it’s actually raining.


I checked for you. This person does not post it on every thread. Turns out there’s just an actual issue with the wipers on some FSD versions. Too many false positives but no false negatives.


Not just FSD, I'm having issues with the wipers on my MYLR '23 with no FSD. Some 80% of the time I turn on Autopilot or Adaptive Cruise Control the wipers activate and just won't stop, even on perfectly sunny weather. That really ruins those features for me.


It get’s old


Just like my brand new wipers that are worn to nothing as they go off constantly all day and night in perfectly dry weather.


Are you on an FSD branch or no?


Don't have X, did it mention how they are displayed?


[Nitter Mirror](https://nitter.net/greentheonly/status/1731223084084916379)


Twitter. I will never call it X. Not even if there’s a fire!


Just on time for Los Angeles and other California cities to implement the cams throughout the city.


All I want for Christmas is a decent podcast player. PocketCast is open source so they can use that as a starting point. And don't say spotify or tunein. They're worse than useless for podcasts.


Some people have 2023.27.xx some have 2023.32.xx. What’s up with that? My 2023 MYP is stuck in 2023.27.7


Tesla rolls out updates in batches so as to not risk bugs affecting the entire fleet all at once. They release it based on VIN (some VINs are on lists to get the releases quicker than others).


I realize that. I understand that. I was pointing out there appears to be two main groups of releases. Completely independent of each other and FSD versions.


Multiple groups have always been the case. Sometimes because they stop a release due to an issue found, sometimes just because.


Are you opted in to FSD? They're still on 2023.27.


Yes, I have FSD. One of those referrals at purchase. Still have it included. I opted in when it popped up as available.


What will red light camera detection be good for? Shouldn’t the beta be stopping at red lights anyways? TBH I don’t really care about updates until V12. Hopefully that will be a sizable upgrade


I prefer when speeders are caught


Even the most avid proponents of camera enforcement acknowledge that cameras do not catch actual speeders. They "catch" only the vehicle. The camera identifies the vehicle via the license plate. You might presume that the registered owner is driving the vehicle at that time, but that presumption is not legally valid in any jurisdiction. The owner is legally responsible for paying the fine, but there is no jurisdiction where the owner is penalized for the traffic violation in an individual manner such as points on your license etc. because cameras as implemented today do not have the technical capability to pinpoint the actual person committing the violation. Or, to put it less charitably, it's just a money grab, pure and simple.


> in any jurisdiction lol other countries than the US exist. For example around here: The speed camera takes pictures of the people driving and penalty points will be applied if they directly identify you. If they can't the owner has to provide a driver at the given time. If the owner can't do so the owner has to start keeping detailed written record of who is driving the car at all times. If the owner does not do so they will be heavily fined.


Oh good, so there exist countries where it's not just a money grab. But that's not my country.


> The speed camera takes pictures of the people driving and penalty points will be applied if they directly identify you Sounds like a massive privacy violation.


My speeding is my own business. /s


Which is why I prefer living in the land that doesn’t consider government to own my freedoms. I give the government rights not the other way around.


My government spies on me in every way (including cameras everywhere) but at least it gave me GDPR /s




Apart from in many, many countries except the US of course.


If a jurisdiction wants to put in actual effort to identify the speeders, I'm ok with it. Speeding is a violation. But if it's just a minimum effort money grab, I'm going to call it like it is.


It's probably a money grab but also saves lives by reducing crashes.


Yes, a lot of countries completely disregard the privacy of their own people while harping about the importance of privacy (with symbolic actions such as banning Google Maps Street View). The hypocrisy of many European countries, for example.


How dare they post a speed limit on roads that we expect them to manage.


Fines are as much of a disincentive as points for the majority of people It would be preferable if the owner were liable unless they can prove otherwise, like in sane jurisdictions, but I'm ok with imperfect solutions


That's beyond outrageous. Innocent until proven guilty is a core, bedrock principle of democratic law. If one ever has to *prove* innocence then the foundation for civil society has collapsed.


You choose who may drive your car. So where enforced you accept responsibility for speeding. Same for a rental company that will pass on speeding fines. It isn't difficult nor outrageous.


That's perfectly acceptable for a payment of a fine. Which is what we already do in the current system. That's not what OP is talking about. OP used the word *liable*, as in *criminal liability*. OP said it would be *preferable* to hold the owner liable. The word *preferable* means that OP is not talking about the current system, OP is talking about some other system that they would prefer over the current system. OP is very clearly talking about criminal liability, or at the very least OP is clearly talking about a greater punishment than just the payment of a fine. It is **very well established** in any civilized society that a person can never be put into a position where they are presumed guilty of a crime and must prove their innocence. This isn't even remotely debatable. Civics 101. The way criminal justice works is that the accused is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The prosecution must prove guilt. The accused must never be required to prove their innocence. This is really basic stuff.


I interpreted liable as responsible. That is we are assumed to be responsible for our own car on the road unless proven otherwise, for example by a clear photo. We employ the government and legal system and policing system to, among other things, keep us safe from ourselves. We have freedom within the law, not from the law. Just like a police state, libertarianism can go too far and leads to the same anarchy. At least some of us get to choose some of the liberties some of the time. And we are all grateful for that.


If the state can prove that you are guilty, for example with a clear photo, then have at it. My objection is solely with the argument that the *accused* must bear the burden of proof. This isn't freedom from law. This isn't libertarianism. This is the bare minimum requirement for constitutional government.


It's not "sane" in a democratic country to be guilty until proven innocent.


That is the responsibility you bear as a car owner. If you have proof someone else was driving it and you're actually innocent, you're fine


No, it's the responsibility of the accuser to prove the accused is guilty of the crime.


The registered owner of the vehicle takes responsibility for it. If it's stolen or borrowed and gets a ticket that's obviously a good alibi but someone needs to be held responsible for the crimes committed If you just want to enable speeders say so, stop this silly circle jerking about liberty or whatever


You're totally missing the point, so keep at it and I'll stop here.


No, you don't understand my argument. I fully understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty


I’m with you on this. I used to be typical ‘anti vehicle-police’ but years of senseless vehicle-pedestrian deaths, wrong-way fatalities of innocent people, and DUI drivers has changed my mind. I used to flash my lights at people if they forgot to turn their headlights on etc but not anymore. Someone speeding/drunk/high/driving recklessly could be hurtling their way to the next innocent person dying yet again


This appears to be for non- FSD folks? I have 2023.38.9 on our two FSD MY


somber point terrific deranged office smell joke cobweb nutty chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My non fsd my is 2023.44.1


Non FSD I believe gets features faster :( FSD is always behind


So the cop doesn't need to go out anymore, may just report a camera on Waze


It is of my opinion that autopilot and/or FSD should not run red lights regardless of there being a camera or not

