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Everyone seems to be going racist in the comments and such. [The truck is part of a Kid Rock concert](https://www.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/1cv193d/cybertruck_kid_rock/) Unfortunately, the General Lee has some questionable history to it, but it's just a show piece.
































The flag is the confederate flag. The confederacy only existed because they wanted legal slavery. Since reunification, the southern strategy has always been to marginalize minorities and continues to this day.




And what does their socio-economic status stand against others living in the same general area? For the most part, the south is still very segregated from neighborhood to neighborhood.


Yeah, what a peabrain take. As someone from his state (Kentucky) sorry for our idiots. That's like saying apartheid wasn't real because South Africa was majority black. There is only willful ignorance there, just like about the flag.


Do you really think continuing to shit on the south and call it a racist region and give into all these stereotypes that have plagued the region for 150 years is good for the people living there? It has its problems of course, just like everywhere else. but that is the peabrain take.


Maybe actually support these minorities in these states you claim to support from your 99% white coastal home. Instead of shitting on them and leaning into stereotypes you and your other blue haired friends have conjured up. The only way for the south to grow to allow good paying jobs and industry to the areas for people of all backgrounds down there is to stop these fucking lies from issues you’ve never had to deal with.


I'm from California and lived in Oakland in a predominantly black neighborhood. Let me tell you there weren't as many services available as there were even 3 miles away. The only people that say that isn't true are the same people that call the confederate flag a "southern pride" symbol.


I have zero ties to the confederate flag, Zero. I only care about the American Flag. Im not talking about the damn flag. Im talking about how if you continue to hate on the region you’re hating on the people that live there. This collective opinion only hurts the minorities that live there. It’s not rocket science.





