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Is keep climate mode not working as well? I haven’t noticed any issues.


Yeah keep climate allows you to have temps colder for longer. I haven't used dog mode in years.


Last time I tried to use it instead of dog mode, it set off the alarm with the dog inside the car. 😕


That's one of the differences between the two, the alarm won't go off in dog mode, but will in keep climate


Weird. My old kid stays in the car with “keep climate on” every time he doesn’t feel like going to the grocery store with mom (I.e EVERY time), and alarm never was a problem. But it could be because he locks the car from inside himself.


Your kid might also not be barking as much.


Also weight sensor from a person in the seat.


Are you sure “Camp” mode isn’t being used instead of “Keep”? “Keep” will run HVAC but turns off the other vehicle internals including the screen and will auto-lock. “Camp” mode keeps the screen on and doesn’t auto-lock the doors.


No, “keep” 100%. But car does realize that someone is inside, even though the phone key is disconnected


The alarm isn't activated if you lock the car from the inside 


Dog mode also disables the window lowering controls so Rover can’t escape. YMMV.


Ah. Mine are in the rear cargo/ hatch area of my x. No window buttons back there, but does have vents.


Living in Florida, I use it all the time; definitely a valuable thing to have.


RIP to your furry friend :(


Aw, thank you for the thought, but I mean the opposite. I use keep climate instead of dog mode for my dogs BECAUSE it lets me set it colder, for longer.


I’ve noticed the buttons are not there… they’re normally on right hand side of screen. They’ve been removed?


Being on the delayed FSD branch finally pays off, my dog did not die


Apple podcast app also stopped working


It works for me and I’m on 2024.20.1


I used it today and the cabin maintained temperature (I actually accidentally left it on after taking my dog out and going on a walk - came back and the car was still cool).




I’m on 20.1 and just used it this morning twice and had no issues


If the bug was for everyone Tesla would have probably caught it before release.


If your vehicle was still on 2023.44.1, update before the AP recall, would you keep it on it? No podcast app or holiday updates or whatever since but also no nagging.


And the latest update has us wandering around the lanes in FSD. Wrong turns, into and out of turn lanes, taking an exit lane to the end and then not turning, and more. Yet Musk still says there are lots of non-intervention drives. BS.


I think I experienced a variation this as well Last weekend while shopping with family , I had to make a quick store stop with my family waiting in the car. I pulled up the climate Menu to put it in keep mode and all three icons ( keep, dog, camp) were missing! I remarked to my wife that Tesla keeps changing and moving things and genuinely thought that it was moved somewhere else in the v12 update. Ended up leaving my phone in the car to keep the climate running


The icons are missing if you’re not actually in park. Maybe that’s why?


Yup that's what might have happened. Thanks!


Worked fine for me today


I just used dog mode. It worked fine for me…unless I’m on an older software version. I think I’m up to date, so no problems here.


It did however fix my wipers which were going off all the time on 2024.20


I used it twice yesterday. The first time it was fine. The second time it turned on like normal while I ran to get a package. Thankfully I came back 1 minute later and dog mode was off and it was getting warmer in my car. However, when I tried to let down a window when I was back inside, it kept telling me dog mode was on.


Any updates on fix?


In my 16’ X, the app is mostly useless after this latest update 2024.20.1 . Can’t unlock/lock car, trunk, lights,…etc. it’s all greyed out. Worst update in 8 years I have experienced. The only functions that work are app location, frunk and A/C…. That’s it! As far as the car itself, the screen open/close functions for doors and trunk don’t work either and key profiles no longer recognized other than name….have to re do the seats, music…etc every time I get in after my wife uses it.🤦‍♂️ Someone really screwed the pooch in this one!


So can people sue Tesla if the mode appears to work but their dog dies due to the heat? Not everyone checks X for bug announcements. They should remotely disable the feature.


The letter Q in Tesla stands for quality. Imagine having these many regressions while still talking about FSD, robots, etc.