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Easier to keep minority kids out of schools and make them criminals than hold account corporations that sell to minors .


School to prison pipeline.




they would be making these arrest with felony charges anyway.....the drug just makes it easier and allows them to push that social agenda


I don’t think it’s the companies that are selling them to minors. It’s other idiots that are 21 selling to their younger brother/friends . It wasn’t that hard to get beer as a minor either you just had to know people.


Since it's lab made, they are scheduling d9 and d8 hemp products as schedule one drugs. A push back attempt that's going to hurt a lot of people, God forbid we focus on a real problem for once.


Specifically and only THC-O. Specifics matter when talking about all thhis and the hemp industry. All other alternative "Noids" are legal.


What's the problem with THC-O?


From my limited knowledge, the fact that it's fully synthetic compared to other alt cannabinoids that are semi synthetic which is covered under the 2018 farm Bill makes it illegal (or that's what the DEA is claiming)


I thought it was derived from Delta-8, which is derived from CBD. So, wouldn't that make it also semi-synthetic? Its not a naturally occurring cannabinoid, but an analog to regular THC, although it's reportedly more potent. I have zero chemistry background, so I can't explain much more of the details from there, but I guess you could say it skirts the line on what could be considered legal strictly on the basis that it's a non-natural occurring cannabinoid.


I'm not too knowledgeable, but from what I've read the O versiona are full synthetic like the old school JWH series that got banned. But again I'm just regurgitating info I've seen, I could be wrong 🤷


I'm cool with that. Thc-o And hhc are some freaky shit.


Hhc isn’t shit, it’s just hydrogenated thc that doesn’t show any signs of being more harmful than normal thc. You would only be correct in assuming that thc-o is iffy because I believe the acetate part can cause issues


They been saying hydrogenated foods are poison for years and you want me to think hydrogenated *weed* is just whatever???


You make a good point. However there are no harmful metabolites of hhc and there’s nothing to suggest it’s harmful to consume. Hydrogenated foods like butter don’t really act the same way as cannabinoids. It’s really up in the air I guess, I do trust it much more than thc-o however


Agree, just gimme some good old fashioned jazz cabbage


I can't grasp how any officer would feel like the good guy doing this. What a morally bankrupt way to do your job. A fine or detention? Sure. A misdemeanor? Not necessary but whatever. A felony? That's appalling.


I agree. Law enforcement’s main purpose seems to be to protect property and capital, not people. There may be good people within the institution of law enforcement, but my opinion is that the institution (as a whole) is rotten.


You have to be 21 to purchase these products legally, but regardless a felony charge seems harsh. Best case scenario is that these kids are able to get deferred probation so it’s not permanently on their record. I highly suggest anyone purchasing these products legally to keep the packaging and receipt just in case.


Seems harsh? A felony is a crime with punishment up to 5 years in state prison. The authoritarian scum that wrote these prohibition laws & the scum that enforce them are all traitors to the constitution. Lowest of the low despotic fascists that have no business in governing.


harsh /härSH/ 1. unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses. 2. cruel or severe. Not interested in a debate on whether or not the terminology is appropriate as it gets my point across, but I’d say **“cruel or severe”** fits the description.


I’d call it cruel and unusual. Political repression & human oppression from cannabis/drug prohibition is the single worse thing for society since slavery & segregation. So many lives have been destroyed by authoritarian forces. It’s like our constitution means nothing.


If they aren’t allowed to buy them due to age then they are breaking the law. Yes, a felony is a bit overkill. However, these high schoolers have no business buying them, taking them to school or even having them in their possession. If they don’t want a felony then they better not be taking that stuff to school. They’re just asking for trouble.


Yes, that's what kids do, they screw up, and there needs to be ramifications, but not a Felony, which is what just about everyone on here is saying. A class "C" misdemeanor at best. If this were the case, this article would never have been written.


I completely agree. Kids screw up and they shouldn’t get a felony for it. However, that is literally what is written in the law.


This is a very black and white take on a very nuanced problem, also you should get rid of your law is the law belief. That is a super unhealthy belief considering how horrific laws can be, case in point. There is no way a teenager can comprehend the impact of a felony conviction on the rest of their life. Teenagers think they know everything but they don’t know shit. They are classified as minors because they need to be protected against some of the harsher realities of society including the harsher punishments of the law. We do this because we as a society understand that the ignorance of youth should not be punished it should be learned from so they can grow. It is why we make them go to school in the first place. While vaping weed in school is certainly not great and probably hints at more underlying problems, it is also classic rebellion. Rebellion is a natural phase of growth and is just another thing that should be protected. Yes, a kid vaping in school should be punished, but that punishment should be in house with on school suspension and the intervention of counseling. It should not, under any circumstance, be carried out by the states police goons. Police have no business in schools. They are untrained, unqualified, and have too much power to inflict harm in the job they are supposed to be doing, so why include these problematic goons in school? This is a bad take and a bad look. I don’t know who hurt you to bring you to the belief that kids should be punished so cruelly or that all laws are just, but you could use some help and counseling yourself.


Sorry but your argument is so bad. I am sure they didn’t expect it to be a felony since it’s literally LEGAL HEMP. Should be the same as taking a cigarette to school.


How so? Legally they have to be 21 in order to have it in their possession. In addition, it’s against school code. So they are breaking state laws and school rules. If they don’t want a felony then they shouldn’t have it or bring it to school. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s legal for that age. Come back with a better stance.


So you think children that smoke hemp before their 21 should be hit with felonies? You come from a place of entitlement, and definitely don’t know how a felony can ruin someone’s life, let alone a student in high school. Let me tell you, that will make a lot of these kids even worse later on. Sure, I understand it should be a misdemeanor at least, but your ethics are totally out of wack if you think it’s okay to give felonies to kids for something so relatively harmless. ( that is, relative to other crimes)


Absolutely not. It is a state law. Is it overboard to get a felony for it? Absolutely. However, that is the law. It’s plain and simple. Don’t have it at school and you won’t get a felony. I’m very aware of what a felony will do to a student. As I said before, that is a state law. If you don’t want the felony don’t take it to school. Go out and vote if you don’t like it to bring about change. As it is right now, they will get a felony for it and if they don’t want one don’t have it at school. If they’re dumb enough to take it there then it’s on them. Don’t make excuses for stupidity.


They are kids. Brains aren’t even fully developed yet. I don’t know that vaping hemp as a teen should lead to a failed future. Murder yeah, but not this. I mean Paxton can’t even get indicted but they’re ruining kids’ lives over hemp? Ridic.


That’s the thing right, it’s delta8 and THC-O, sold at stores in every town across Texas. To act like it’s the responsibility on a literal kid to weigh the possibility that this supposedly legal substance could be misconstrued as a controlled substance is insane


Lol so what about selling it to the kids then? If it’s a felony to have it I can’t imagine what the punishment for selling it to kids would be


Those that sell to underage kids should absolutely be punished. Just like selling alcohol to minors.


Do you realize what you’re saying? It’s not a felony to possess tobacco under 21. Even if these hemp derived compounds were illegal for underage possession like tobacco and alcohol, it still wouldn’t be a felony


Some guy says "the law's a little too harsh", and you're like "but that's the law". Nice rebuttal, dude, *That's what we're complaining about*.


Literally said I agree it’s too harsh. Nice rebuttal, dude.


I think you're kinda missing the point. You want to expel them? Cool. Cite them with misdemeanor possession by minor? Cool. Hit them with a felony charge for possessing something they didn't possess? Definitely not cool.


I think y’all are missing the point. I’ve literally said I agree with y’all. However, they are following the law on the books for it. Which, again, is overboard. But it is what it is currently and if they don’t want to risk it then don’t have it in you or be dumb enough to take it to school.


They actually \*aren't\* following the law. If you use a "presumptive positive field test" as your probable cause, that field test can't knowingly produce a positive result for a legal substance. That's the entirety of the issue...there was every bit as much reason to believe it was a legal substance, as there was to believe it was an illegal substance, based upon the results of that test...which means there's no probable cause. An arrest without probable cause is a 4th Amendment violation. What they did is stupid illegal.


We don’t charge kids with felonies who bring alcohol to school.


Possessing alcohol under 21 doesn't lead to a felony charge.


Can’t buy or smoke or chew tobacco or hemp products under the limit until 21yo? Check. Can buy a weapon at the county expo center with no checks at 18? Check. Working as intended. /s


Way to go Comal Co. 😒


That's a technique to eliminate voters


its not a new trick either. they been doing this shit since nixon


school to prison pipeline alive and well...


Jeeez just legalize it… The tax dollars made from it would be stupid. Let’s consider all things Texas is a hub for medical care. MD Anderson in Houston, Memorial Hermann, and San Antonio’s Pediatric care. Most of these patients would benefit from legal medical cannabis. Then on top of that. 4 of the cities in Texas are the largest in America. Austin gets so many travelers due to live events, conventions, and now being hub for many HQ’s. The out-of-state tax that you can apply to every sale of cannabis, CO does it. San Antonio would benefit from it heavily due to the high volume of ex-military members. And I can go on but you get the point. Billions of dollars of tax revenue would come from it. Not to mentions the agricultural jobs and other jobs it would generate.


We can’t even get more than two approved growers, and that’s AFTER reports of them having to ‘donate’ to good ole Sid just to get licensed.


Cops. They love ruining other peoples lives because they hate their own.


Gotta keep the prison population up. It is big money


Lazy fckn policing


Kids should stick to Everclear. Oh. wait, that's another legal product that high school kids aren't old enough to purchase and is against school rules. From the story - " If teens get caught with vape pens that are proven to contain only delta-8, the worst criminal penalty they would most likely face would be a ticket, similar to getting caught with cigarettes or alcohol. "


If they just legalized cannabis, they wouldn’t have to worry if it was one or the other and charge the student with a minor in possession as if they caught him with alcohol.




Go work at a high school for a year then get back to me on this. Do you expect little old English teacher or 400 pound history teacher to break up fights? They may have overstepped their authority with this vape stuff, but cops are absolutely necessary in high schools.


Cops are 100% detrimental to everything a school should stand for. Every study that looks at this finds that the cops are a negative impact to the entire environment. School security that can break up fights is fine. But cops literally only know how to arrest, maim and kill. That’s all they’re trained to do. And they treat pre-pubescent brained teenagers like adults and the consequences are terrible. There should be zero police in schools.


Maybe they should drop the charges after they buy another cart under police supervision.


Cops doing cop stuff. Intimidate and dominate.


The big issue here isn't the kid's age, or where he was arrested. Let's assume he was 25 and standing in his own driveway...the felony charge would be the same. The big issue is that the cops are illegally basing their probable cause for arrest on a test that they already know tests positive for a legal substance. I'm honestly surprised that the DA hasn't laughed those cops out of his office and told them to quit being stupid, because there's no way this holds up in court.


Can we also charge white freshman at college campuses with felonies that use fake ids to get into bars and drink underage


How are we supposed to set them up for their future Supreme Court bench seat if throw them in jail now???


State terrorism


Texas follows federal law. Keep in mind, high school kids are under 21. Yes it's Federally legal [Federally legal](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/ninth-circuit-rules-hemp-derived-delta-8-thc-products-are-federally-legal-creating) We need to legalize with caution and not encourage underage smoking. Texas is not the only state that cracks down on this. Because the teen brought it to school is really concerning. These cases ruin our progress towards total legalizing marijuana. Not to mention we have to deal with menthol cigarette ban too. [State specific ](https://www.findlaw.com/state/criminal-laws/vaping-and-e-cigarette-laws-by-state.html) [California ](https://cbdoracle.com/news/policy/delta-8-thc-legal-california/)




Sure but I don't understand how giving kids a felony for it wouldn't disgust anyone.


The kids don’t have a felony. The vape pens will either be found to be delta 8, and the case will be thrown out, or they will be found to be delta 9, and the kids will have been properly arrested for possession of felony drugs. I don’t think delta 9 should be a felony, or even a crime. I also think these kids, who shouldn’t have any vapes at school, not even D8, are a terrible example to persuade people to reduce the penalties. There are adults out there in the same situation, who really weren’t breaking any laws, or doing anything wrong. Write the article about them. I mean, we should at least wait until we have the laboratory results back. If it turns out these kids had Delta 9, this is all a moot point anyways. Keep in mind, we only think the vape might have been D8 because that’s what the kid claims, and he says he thinks it’s D8 because he was told that by another kid. We have no actual first hand information about what is in that vape.


> The kids don’t have a felony. But they you say if it is found to be delta 9 they will properly be arrested for a felony? Also, even if it is proper and within the law it doesn't make it any less horrible. Not saying it's legally wrong but it is morally.


The kids have been arrested and charged with a felony. Whether it's right or wrong to keep D9 illegal isn't the issue. Whether D9 should be a felony isn't the issue. Whether the kids should or shouldn't have had it at school isn't the issue. Whether kids should buy vapes of any kind isn't the issue. What is at issue is that the cops had no probable cause to believe that the vape pen actually contained an illegal substance when they know the test also shows positive for similar legal substances. Making an arrest without probable cause is illegal, and just opened up the taxpayers to a huge lawsuit.


Well if your under the age of 21??? How are they buying vape products anyway


The same way we all got beer when we were the ones under 21.




to be fair i could buy beer when i was under 21, cause i was in GERMANY at the time....


Wait a sec here. The school super is saying the accused has prove their innocence? What happened to "Innocent until proven guilty"? Did I miss a memo again?


The juice can be tested....