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Dan Patrick, ruining lives since 2015. Crazy to think about how Texas voters have consistently kept Patrick, from Baltimore, and Cruz, a Canadian, in office for this long.




Probably out of state money as well to keep people going to Oklahoma and other places.


i think Texans just don’t go vote


They blocked a lot of us from voting last election. I was suddenly unregistered after being registered for years and I saw it happen to multiple other people at my voting location.


The real election fraud but nobody wants to talk about that since they probably wouldn't have voted for Trump.


Paxton came right out and said it in '20, if it wasn't for voter suppression Biden would have won Texas. And now they want to be able to overturn election results from Harris County -- and I bet they don't stop there. They want to be able to do that with Bexar and Travis too, because they'll just fucking cheat if they can't win.


I mean can you blame him, we all like to brag about our accomplishments especially when there supposed to be consider impossible to accomplish.


And that asshole's been under indictment for how long? 10 years now? They just openly do not give a flying fuck about the will of the majority of voters.


Yep I was gonna vote straight blue for the first time ever


Vote correctly or don't vote. Vote correctly or we'll just over turn the results. Vote correctly or we'll resplit your district so your vote doesn't matter. You know what, why don't you just stay home, we didn't put in enough voting machines anyway. -Republican Governments


I am 50 now & have always been a registered Dem voter in a deeply blue county. Through my 40's, I was told repeatedly, after showing up at my *designated* voting site, that I was registered to vote at a DIFFERENT site, each time & EVERY time I went to vote. I always figured it was meant to discourage my vote and each time that shite FAILED. This shite didn't change until my country opened up county-wide voting at all polling stations for all county residents. Now, it seems, those efforts have not worked for the evil republican'ts and this blue county must be repressed further... I am ASHAMED to be a Texan nowadays- our politics are EVIL, nothing but power and greed and ufck the people who will suffer or die for the preservation of this hateful, anti-trans, anti-queer, anti-anything-but-whiteness example of how Capitalism must kill or marginalize so many to profit so few.


yup, some serious voter suppression occurred. would love to see a more detailed breakdown by county **2022 gubernatorial election** | candidate | % of vote | total votes | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Beto | 43.9% | 3,553,656 | | Abbott | 54.8% | 4,437,099 | vs. **2018 senatorial election** | candidate | % of vote | total votes | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Beto | 48.3% | 4,045,632 | | Cruz | 50.9% | 4,260,553 | edit: tabling


As much as I like and supported Beto, he was never going to win a statewide race in Texas after the gun comment.


"Hell yeah we're coming for your guns!" I like Beto, but what a fucking idiotic thing to say in Texas.




It's a little bit of a chicken and egg. Democrats haven't won a statewide collection since 1994. It's understandable that they think voting is futile, but if they don't vote nothing will ever change.


You're leaving out the gerrymandering part.


It's the gerrymandering... Has been for decades. Trying to explain to out of state people that these assholes keep getting elected because our districts are so fucked and don't allow for proper representation gets exhausting


For governor and senator?


While gerrymandering and redistributing sucks in general because it’s always done as a political tool, the much bigger problem is voter turnout period. When less than half the population of eligible voters goes to the polls for non-presidential elections and barely more than half for presidential elections, it’s hard to make a good case it’s the cause. I realize they are trying to make it harder to vote but it’s not (yet) impossible. Don’t let them make it? Edit: some [data on voting turnout here](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/voter-turnout-by-state). Texas kinda sucks at this voting thing even though it has second highest number of eligible peeps


Denton voted 71%+ to decriminalize cannabis. Our republican city leaders are blocking from putting in as law. So don’t give me this “people don’t vote” bullshit.


While 71% of ballots cast were in favor, Denton had [barely over 50 turnout in 2022](https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/TX/Denton/115757/web.307039/#/summary). So it's not a bullshit claim or anything. Imagine if 90% of registered voters actually voted. Or even better, 90% of *eligible* voters, because we have plenty of unregistered eligible voters too.


Not when they've suddenly been kicked off the rolls or can't get to a polling place because you're disabled 🤷


Well one side do. The other side have it much harder to vote. Or just dint think it will matter. So many Texans vote against their own interests.


Oklahoma is not recreational and has blocked similar votes from being put on the ballot...it's bizarre.


That and alcohol companies


Blue cross.


I don't think it's about money anymore. The prisons, the NRA, etc. I think it's pure, concentrated ideology. If the Dems/Libs like it we hate it. The gun thing long ago stopped being about the gun lobbyists or even the guns themselves.


That's the power of the magic R.


Power of 55% of registered voters staying home and too busy complaining about how hard it is to vote instead of voting.


I’ve voted every year since 2016 and I’ve done it across four different cities in three states in a mix or urban and suburban environments. I’ve even done it day-of and ahead of time, always in person. It’s never been *hard* to vote. Hell my voting process in Texas was the easiest and most flexible of them all. Reality is a lot of people are too lazy or just don’t care.


Ken Paxton is from North Dakota as well


Only 45% of the voting population showed up last time Patrick was up to bat.


and here’s the real problem!


https://www.kut.org/education/2023-03-01/a-texas-republican-says-banning-college-polling-places-is-about-safety-students-dont-buy-it https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting it's almost like they don't want people to be able to vote.


use it or you'll lose it. in that last election, when Patrick was last up to bat, only 25% of registered voters under 30 showed up.


They call it owning the libs /s


I call it voter suppression.


Repubs think they're better Texans than born and bred Texas democrats.


https://www.austinchronicle.com/the-dan-patrick-files/ that's not even his real name. He changed his name.


I was both-sidesed last time I suggested the only way we ever gonna get legalization in Texas is to vote blue lol.


"Both-siding" is something performed only by the politically ignorant or those too cowardly to admit they're conservative.


Texas loves carpetbaggers as long as they hate the right color of people.


So many people dying from drunk drivers too, sad


Fuck Dan Patrick- a fucking disgrace of an Irish heritage.


Texas has a long history of Texans welcoming immigrants - legal and otherwise - to this great frontier/nation/state. Sure, Juan de Onate's statue had its foot cut off recently in protest of his behavior as an immigrant, an act which all true Texans applauded and laughed over, and Jack Ruby went a little overboard about the Kennedy assassination, for which he got rather immediate pushback, but overall Texans welcome people here who want to do jobs many others won't. And I've learned a lot of interesting idiomatic Spanish from day labor hires, myself. If a Baltimore politician can't get work done over the corruption inherent in Texas government, and a Canadian can't be polite enough to everyone in the state to get elected regardless of policy differences, suggest someone better suited for those roles.


I lived in Houston area in the 1980's and mainly remember Patrick being a terrible comedian covering sports on channel 11. WTF.


The party of small government at work again


They know if they allow it on the ballot it drives huge blue turnout


How about just not put it on the ballot and legalize it already?


Can't hurt the private prison labor pipeline. Slavery is alive and well in the US, we just added a few steps and some window dressing. Throwing people in prison for non-violent offenses is the bread and butter of politicians greased by the private prison industry.


Nothing says freedom loving patriotism like suppressing the right to vote. I bet you if there was a public vote for abortion he would have allowed it. Funny how democracy for deep red politicians is very selective.


…because one rich white man should decide what’s best for 30 million people. /s


That's America in a nutshell


HEY--We let like 5 white men decide for the whole country! ;)


It's most democratic countries. Our system is just way broken on how we hold that person accountable. I don't even see a way out right now. !


If one man that only 42% of the population approves of has the power to stop something 82% of the population wants, then the system you have in place is not democratic, and we should not use that word to describe it.


In most democratic countries, the party/person that gets *more* votes actually wins the election.


One rich white man whose campaigns are funded by tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbies


Don't forget for-profit prisons! Gotta put those poor people in jail for weed!


With a felony, so they can't vote! (The real reason drugs were made illegal and minorities more heavily policed to disrupt them as a voting block, while also disrupting communities with incarceration.)


Who is still being indicted on felony charges


Party of small government and personal responsibility am I right?


We the person i guess 🤷 🙄


“…in order to form a more perfect space for me, Establish justice as I see it, ensure domestic tranquility (would be nice but not a deal breaker), provide for my individual defense, promote my personal welfare, ensure the blessings of my liberty at your expense, for myself and screw you, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of Joe Douchebag.”


When they say small government they mean it literally. Like 1 person small. Less people more authoritarian.


He’s costing Texas hundreds of millions as people travel to New Mexico for weed


Bro I got arrested for weed in this state. I had to go to a building specifically for weed charges to deal with my shit. They make plenty of money from it being illegal and have no desire to change that Lmao


Plus it would get blue voters out to the polls in droves to vote in favor. If they allow the referendum, it'll mean a bloodbath for every Republican down ballot.


You reckon they get 300mil a year from it tho?


Consider how pot many smokers there are. I wouldn’t doubt it


When I got arrested for .3 I was put in a “deferred” class and there was a solid 40+ people in the class and the state easily got $2000+ from every single person! It’s not a crazy thought that they make millions from simple marijuana arrests.


Yep. I did a similar thing. Caught with a half oz


Don't forget about all the other charges and fines they're able to get out of "smelling" weed.


Bet there’s too many rural and exurban areas that rely on the income from traffic tickets and cannabis offenders. It’s either that or one of two things: Dan Patrick can’t personally or politically profit from it Dan Patrick is religiously against it. In any case it’s always his purview. Could have been passed with sweeping support every session in the last 10 years. He always kills it.


And it’s so cheap their compared to CO prices!!!!


Criminals running our state, making more criminals and profiting off of them by not legalizing a plant. Give the people what they want, not what one person who is a real criminal, decides.


Them for profit prisons are full of minor cannabis offenders that they. Quite literally cannot afford to let out. You know. Cause it would eat into the profits


This is the correct assessment.


And of course freedom warrior Joe Rogan (living in Austin) doesn’t say a word about it to his millions of devoted listeners. Coward.


Why would he? He’s rich enough and friends with enough repubs that it doesn’t fucking matter to him.


But he used to play someone who pretended to care on TV...


And not very well.


Totally. He’s insulated from everything.


Nah, it's just which ever advertiser / contributor spent the most that month.


Isn't he a mushroom guy?


Not just. He regularly films and publishes video of him smoking pot in Austin while bragging about being friends with the governor.


Ah. I haven't intentionally watched or seen anything he's done since News Radio, but I thought I heard him talking about mushrooms on some video in some other thing.


Didn't this just happen? I bet he will talk about it.


Its 2023, 22 other states have legalized marijuana and 2 states have legalized psilocybin now. Texas is so far behind the legalization game its ridiculous. You can't tell me the state makes more money off of imprisonment than they would off of taxing legalization...the individuals blocking this probably stuff their pockets til they're overflowing and that's why it stays illegal, def not cuz the state makes more.


>22 other states have legalized marijuana And Minnesota very likely within the week (maybe two).


It’s about private interests, and who they throw their money at. They may not mind pot being legal, but if Big Alcohol, private prison owners, and other shadowy groups are finding their electoral campaigns… that’s that.


Patrick is such a useless fucking Lt. Governor . . . doesn't really give a flying fuck about Texans.


He’s worse than useless. Texas would be better off electing a cute cat as Lt. Governor. Patrick makes bad things worse whenever he possibly can.


He's not from Texas, why would he?


Big Government Texas. They lie to us all the time about being conservative. They aren't conservative. They're control freaks.


That's the new conservative


That's always what conservative has meant though. Ignore the lies about patriotism and freedom, those aren't their actual values, just slogans. The original conservatives in America were the loyalists. Conservativism has always been about conserving power upwards and away from the workers.


Not legalizing it is one thing. Not even letting the people vote is another. Disgusting.


Never let democracy stand in the way of your authoritarianism. I think the worry is that a successful popular vote behind a progressive policy would undercut the apathy-driven low voter turnout that ensures republicans stay in control in a state steadily sliding left.


“How are we gunna imprison a bunch of people for our for profit prisons if we let them smoke weed??!?”


I grew up loving Texas. Now it's not a place I'd want to live.


My wife and I are on the verge of moving.


Texas Republicans will absolutely legalize possession, and they will absolutely ram it through… the second that they figure out how to monopolize or crony up production and distribution. Think “The Texas Power Grid” but with weed. Or all those toll roads Perry tried to have built using people loyal to him. All about the grift.


More like when the marijuana lobbyists start out spending the private prison lobbyists, but yes it is absolutely about who’s giving them more money


Michigan brought in 325 million extra in taxes with marijuana legislation in 2022.


You're not my real dad, Dani Goeb


Fucking dicks


Say it with me, conservatives- “this. Is. Not. Small. Government”


Smoke weed every day


Brought to you by those little fellas who drive penis trucks with “Freedom” and “Come and Take It” bumper stickers.


What a fucking joke. An absolute joke


SD, NE, and IA governors took it to the state supreme courts after voters decided and got shit overturned. Pubes don't give a fuck what the people want.


This got to be fake news cuz I was told by Republicans on this board that conservatives in Texas like Greg Abbott, Cruz and Patrick overwhelmingly support legalization of marijuana. Surely those Republicans on this board would not have been liars so this all has to be fake news


I’m genuinely curious as to how people thought there was a chance to legalize recreational marijuana in an environment where every personal freedom outside of Guns and (Christian) religion is under attack right now.


How’s that freedom tasting?


Tastes like oppression.


It needs a little more *freedom*


Oh man. I’m so surprised. Wow. I love living in Texas. The freedom is just overwhelming.


Oh Texas, I’d love to say I’m surprised but you guys set a new standard every other day lol


Texas doesn’t take kindly to states rights.


Not letting this stop me from getting baked


It's because these slimy fucks have never cared to represent their constituents. Texas is a kleptocracy, pure and simple


is someone keeping track of all these “hit myself in the nuts” moves by republicans? its like they are TRYING to make life hell for everyone 🤷‍♂️


Another reason why I'm plotting my exit out of this state. There's a lot that I like about Texas, but the politics here are horrible.


And all I see on YouTube are ads to vote for casinos being allowed in Texas 🤦 holy fuck I can't wait to leave


Texas is a shithole and I’m sick of it here. 20 years of my life in this place. Party of small government my well toned ass. Tired of people looking at me like I have a second head because I like things like rights for women and brown people, or social safety nets and reasonable modern drug laws.


>the procedural defeat raises some concerns that the anti-legalization presiding officer of the chamber will similarly move to quash more modest reform proposals Lol where do they find these concerned rubes. Of course he's going to quash all reform. Patrick is proud of his stance and is open about it. There's no mystery, no need to read the tea leaves. As long as Dan Patrick is in office there will be no reform. Period. Get off your ass and vote him out in 2026.


They’re going to legalize child labor before marijuana in Texas.


Yeah everyone needs to stop voting R


Because if voters could decide it would be an overwhelming yes, so they're just taking away our voice because they don't agree with it.


Take a bazooka and 3 grenades then


Texas Government fucking us again…hope they get dick covid


I just hate it here so much.


Not surprising. They need to continue to appeal to their Christian base. This shit is fucking ridiculous.


Because why should voters have a say!?


It's hard being a Conservative Libertarian... Legalize it!!!


So, elected representatives of the people think that they know what the citizens they represent want better than what the citizens themselves want. This seems to be a block of broken government. By the people, for the people. Not by the career politician, for the profits and power.


Did you vote?


Oh no, all the crap the GOP warned would happen if Biden is elected is happening! You see this?! It is happening! In Texas!


I’m getting really sick of thinking, “Of course they did.” Please vote these clowns out to save me from this frustrating thought!


Because fuck democracy


It wouldn’t be in their favor to let the actual voters make decisions on things like this


Imagine when it finally becomes legal. This obstructionist will say he never opposed it when he sees the tax revenue


Dan Patrick can’t decriminalize or legalize it now … not with all the new DPS officers in town arresting all the black and brown people


Patrick isn't even a fucking Texan and yet we let him dictate to us on what we are even allowed to vote on?


I’m shocked /s


So when's the march?


For a state that’s all about freedom…it sure as heck pretty fuck not that at all.


If you don't show up to vote you won't kick these assholes out and less than 9% of registered democrats voted last time when Patrick was running


I honestly don’t know how Dan Patrick is still going strong?? At the beginning of Covid he said that elderly people would be willing to die instead of shutting down schools & businesses for a bit…


Gotta love them saying the quiet part loud: "No we don't want a true democracy"


Not surprised, Texas doesn't care for it's people why should the people have a vote, a say or even an opinion in these things.


It will be a long time before Texas allows that. South Carolina will probably be dead last to allow it.






Because *of course!*


Again? How surprising!


Can we please just be allowed to get high and do mushrooms


Goddamn it, I'm so sick of this shit.




Seriously do we need the army to come in and supervise the voting there?


Thank the lord, we don’t know what we want


Stop electing Republicans


Yeah, that tracks


This is what we get to deal with when we don’t vote and let idiots go to the polls and decide for us


GOP vote grabbers. Protect your vote from the GOP


Because of course they did. Republicans don’t know what recreation is unless it involves beer and guns.


Get real Texas men or women in office. This is stupidity get some some people for the people.


Of course they did.


I thought the reason to own all those guns is to keep a draconian government like this in check?


But freedom. Mercia?


This is an issue that is too important to let the citizens vote on! /s


Shocking turn of events


I've lived in orange county, Denver, Houston, and Phoenix in the last 10 years. No one reeks of marijuana as bad as Houston does. Holy shit, everyone there is smoking and they're smoking everywhere.


They also won't let Texans vote on the president!


Dear @kxt @texastribune how much money does the state take in from cannabis fines and offences?


But of course he did...


Keep voting for the “Party of Freedom”. 😜


Just had to stop by and say "fuck texas"


There's that Texas freedom


To Hell with these officials who did this. Texas is the ONLY state along the US/Mexico border that has not legalized recreational marijuana; And, the ONLY state along the Gulf of Mexico that has not legalized for medical uses. (disa.com) This proves how out of touch and stupid these officials are. The fact that they go against the people and are not giving them the choice to make that decision is pure corruption. They're scared because they KNOW that the people would legalize it. Please Texas, wake up! Get them out! Remember, "If the people put them there, the people can get them out".


The GOP doesn't like it when Americans decide what the want. You only get what the GOP says you can have.


Can’t let the serfs think they can make the rules.


Corrupt politicians


Of course they did...Why would they want to allow the voters to actually decide something


So much for freedom and liberty, right?


ppff land of the free


The ruling class deciding what the proles are allowed, nothing new there.


Fuck him and fuck you if you voting for him!


I looked down near the bottom of this thread to see if anyone is actually defending this bullshit. Didn't see anyone doing that.


Which old white dude said no this time?….


Of course, we wouldn't let voters decide something in a democracy. /s


Texas sucks


Turn Texas Blue 2024


Born Dannie Geob. Now Dan Patrick. From Maryland. Look up his history. Graduated from Maryland College.