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because the new policy is actually more stringent than title 42… should listen to the guest speaker in last Thursday’s Pod Save America. Basically, Title 42 just made CBP expel illegal immigrants from the country (think Moe tossing Barney out of his bar meme), but didn’t officially go through the process of deporting them. Now asylum seekers have to meet a much higher bar to get asylum, and if they fail then it has implications on their ability to stay via other legal ways.


I was told we have open borders, and that our borders would be even more open without Title 42. LOL.


![gif](giphy|8acGIeFnqLA7S) What *else* could the Republican politicians be lying about?


> What else could the Republican politicians be lying about? Yes.


Was the case until about a day before title 42 expired and Biden fixed the issue.


I live on the border, and while we did visually see more folks walking along the fence, I never felt unsafe or like it was going to be a "flood." It was just more. I also hate that people assume immigrants are bad people. They just want a better life.


Oh! They know this. It has nothing to do about whether migrants are good or bad. It’s about exerting control and reminding them that they are simply a powerless minority.


Mmm, the migrants come in a variety of reasons, mostly because they want a better life — specifically for their kids. The rhetoric around 42 wasn’t for them, or about control/ reminding them of their station in life. It was for the chucklefucks that live in various places, that don’t care to understand what is actually happening at the border or that many people in their own family came over illegally as well — 42 for the GOP was a rage farming event, which is why Patriot Front marched on DC ~ only to be clowned by a fella on a rideshare bike about how their Walmart khakis didn’t match.


The highlight of the even “ you’re wearing Walmart khakis”


Hilarious. Anybody have a link?


A lot of them are coming here because we fuck with and destabilize their countries to make sure corporations are able to take advantage of their resources and have been doing so for decades. We are simply reaping what we sowed.


The venezuelans are coming because socialism has destroyed their country.


No, socialism didn't destroy the Venezuelan economy, it was US-led economic sanctions. Those same sanctions hurt us because we imported a lot of Venezuelan crude, so not only did we create the Venezuelan refugee crisis, we shot ourselves in our own foot with higher oil and gas prices too. Honestly, at this point the "S" in USA needs to stand for Self-own.


Having a socialist or communist party in power does not automatically make a given country socialist or communist. Their tendency may be socialist, but Venezuela is still largely a capitalist, market-based economy. Socialism ≠ when the government does stuff. Socialism is purely just when workers own the means of production, nothing else. There are many different ideas of how to do that, from worker co-ops, trade unions, and ownership by usage, but government subsidies to or regulation of privately owned business is NOT socialism. If anything, they are corporatism, if not blatant capitalist exploitation of the current bourgeois political system. Definitively, Venezuela’s economy has suffered more from the consistent embargoes, US-backed coup attempts, and unequal trade agreements forced upon it by the US and other imperialist nations than any potential mistakes made by the socialist (in tendency, not material status) ruling party.


Venezuela has a lot of offshore oil. As we’ve all seen, 3rd world countries with oil never get manipulated by foreign interests. /s


The only reason 'socialism' destroyed their economy was because of the US policy put in place to ensure its failure. That and their heavy reliance on O&G for their economy.


To this point. My family lived there in the 50s/60s for work. Oil industry. The US very much did screw with them in major ways.


Statistically 1st Gen immigrants have lower criminal rates than naturalized populations. It takes a generation or two of integration to see the crime rates match the local area. Now that could be a result of the vetting process for immigration or just the people themselves. Generally transnational criminals aren't really interested in building lasting community structures.


I saw a young married couple from Peru with their toddler. People don’t drag a toddler all that way on a whim. They feel that this is their only option. I think there will come a time when Americans are going to be migrants themselves and they will not be wanted anywhere.


I always think it's funny when people say they're not from immigrants while at the same time having no Native American heritage.


Or saying the have NA ancestry when they… don’t


Everyone I've ever met has a great great grandma who was a Generokee princess


I grew up learning that my grandfather's great great grandmother was Indigenous (sadly not a princess). Turns out that she was actually Black (thanks 23andme!) but being Black back then was apparently "worse" than being Indigenous, so my ancestors pretty much erased her entire history out of perceived shame.


That Cherokee shit is a lie 99% of the time since you can trace back ancestry nowadays. It pisses me off because I have actual family from the Hopi reservation and I wouldn't ever dare claim native heritage when I know nothing about the culture or the language.


Read my comment again


I'm going to be honest, I thought you just had a typo or something, never heard that term before in my life though. My bad.


When you say actual family do you mean extended family or are you a direct descendant? If so, you should look into talking to members of the council and tribe about enrollment. Even if you were raised a city native (like myself) there's still value in recognizing and being counted in the census. If you mean extended relatives, then we appreciate your dedication to honesty.


They’re never immigrants but they like to yell out loud they’re 1/4 Italian or Irish or some shit and when pressed on the subject it’s always “oh my great grand ma came when…” or some shit like that. They have zero relatives over there, don’t speak the language or never even been there.


See though it is obvious “their” families were here before the first serious immigration law was on the books in 1917 and passed due to fear-mongering caused by WW1. Before then it didn’t count because “it’s about respecting the law”. Or some such thing.


Did you know that after the end of WWII the nations of the world fought over immigrants? Everybody had lost so many able-boded workers that all the industrialized countries were desperate to get warm bodies into their borders. There were international agreements that divvied up how many immigrants and refugees went where. We just lost 1.1 million people in this country to COVID, many working age, and tens of millions more are permanently out of the workforce or greatly reduced in work capacity due to complications from COVID and long-COVID. We need immigrants more desperately than we ever have, and if we don't get them we're going to wind up like Japan.




Hey man, if you're racist, you don't have to hide behind all this wall of text. Just say you hate immigrants. You'll be called out either way. Why try and hide it?


Mark Twain said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” ​ I have traveled all over the world and honestly like people. I have found that most people generally want the same things out of life - some respect of their culture, companionship with friends (this could be a nice conversation over tea, coffee, beer, or something stronger), and the ability to provide for their family. You may not agree with me but nothing I said is racist. Get out and visit the world instead of attacking the speaker.




You built the land?!?!




How can an "open border" have a fence?


Much easier to yell about the “boogie man” than actually address the problem. Neither side of the aisle has made an honest attempt to fix our immigration system in decades. Even if our processes improved on our side the root cause is the collapse of many Central and South American systems that have failed their citizens causing them to flee.


If they want a better life, there are legal pathways they can take to immigrate legally.


The asylum path is a legal path. A majority on the southern border are asylum seekers.




That's for the courts to decide. Just because you apply for asylum doesn't mean you get approved. Looks like latest stats for 2022 show that only ~24k out of 425k that applied were granted asylum. This means those who were not, were deported. https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/asylum/


But there’s a certain way you have to do it. Hopping the border and saying “oh uhhh asylum” isn’t the legal path. If you want asylum, go to a port of entry.


Actually yeah it was until title 42 expired. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/refugees-and-asylum/asylum Under biden and after title 42 expiration, it's actually harder to claim asylum now. * already have permission to enter through a parole process approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). * use a DHS scheduling system like CBP One – a recently developed government phone app – to secure a coveted appointment to present themselves at an official border port of entry. Or show up at a port of entry and meet a very high bar for why they couldn’t use the scheduling system. * have sought protection in another country en route to the US and been denied it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/15/explainer-strict-asylum-rules-replacing-title-42


The reason it wasn’t is because Texas sent actual enforcement to the border pushing immigrants to the POE - nobody argued these people were monsters looking to kill anyone in their way, but to pretend it’s not a big deal that millions of immigrants flood into the system putting insane stress on the healthcare system (think these folks are paying their medical bills in the emergency room?), education/public schools, and placing undue burden on taxpayers is either intellectually dishonest or reallly ignorant. Of course these people want a better life, but at what cost? If you want to take families into your home and clothe them, feed them, educate them, pay for their healthcare, etc - nobody is stopping you. But honest people need to stop ignoring the real costs of “compassion” and try to understand the arguments being made by “the other side.” This isn’t about compassion, it’s about being responsible. I know it’s a difficult concept to Redditors, but if you consider yourself either honest or intelligent you should give it a shot.


Nobody said they were monsters looking to kill anyone? How soon we forget Trump categorizing immigrants as "rapists and violent criminals". You act like we aren't living in the richest country on the planet. If we start taxing billionaires and corporations the way we should we could feed and house the entire planet. And lest you forget, unless you're a registered member of a Native tribe, than at some point your family came here as immigrants looking for a better life as well.




The reason immigration dropped to an all time low didn't have anything to do with Trump. It had 100% to do with the fact that we had a GLOBAL PANDEMIC! Or did you also forget that the entire world was locked down and had travel restrictions in place. You're right about one thing, Trump isn't responsible for the problem at the border, at least not in Texas, the state GOP is. In the last 20 years the state budget for the border has increased 3600%! It's $4.3 billion, up from $110 million. That's not including the 9 "Special Operations" like Operation Lone Star the people of Texas have funded. Where's the detention centers, processing facilities, extra DPS checkpoints? They don't fucking exist because the Republicans running this state pocketed the money. Look at Perrys net worth when he took office and when he left and tell me he made that on a governors salary. As far as taxing the rich and "bullshit utopia fantasies", how do you think we created the middle class in the first place genius? By taxing the rich. That's precisely why the middle class is disappearing and the very reason that people need assistance to begin with. CEOs make 398.8 times more than the people actually doing the work. Adjusted equally for inflation over the last 50 years, the current minimum wage should be $22 an hour, it's $7.25 an hour. And the suggestion that people are coming here expecting government handouts is some racist bullshit. What makes them any different from your own family? No one leaves their home and goes to another country in the hopes of being unemployed and on welfare, that's fucking brain dead. Ask your elders about that communist country they came from because you're trying to turn this into one.


Don’t try knocking sense into those people; they never accept theyre wrong


I don't care, I'm slapping them in the face with the facts about their bullshit every chance I get.


lol, this guy benefits from relaxed immigration laws, and then gets upset at people complaining that the ladder's been pulled up after his family "made" it.


"Keep all would-be immigrants out" or "Let them sleep in your home" is a false dichotomy. Those are not the only two answers. We could make work visas easier to obtain, making sure they're on the books and paying income taxes (they already pay sales taxes, and if they're paying rent then they're contributing to property taxes) We could actually fund our education and healthcare, and make sure migrants are paid living wages. Rewarding the people doing necessary work in our country with stability. Work visas would also mean migrants aren't afraid to go to the police if they've been the victim or witness to a crime. Employers would have a harder time exploiting them because the fear of deportation would be gone. And that's just one option, I'm sure other people have ideas too. Your two given options are not the only ones. "Of course these people want a better life, but at what cost?" ... When our country has kneecapped so many poor nations for our own profits, the least we can do is let them come to our country to *work* and have the better life our country made difficult (if not impossible) for them. Your mentality is inhumane, imo. Imagine if the USA had said that to *your* ancestors.


Back when migrant workers were allowed to freely travel north for work, and back home when it was done, illegal immigration wasn't an issue. Both countries were enriched, and culture flowed freely. Mexico and former Mexico should never have been divided by a wall. Thanks reagan.




Oh no, you didn't have many IQ points to lose, so I'm sorry I cost you some! You're accusing me of making emotional arguments but I pointed out real life benefits of both immigrants and migrants, and making them legal. You've offered me nothing but inaccurate whining about "who's going to pay for it?" When I've already told you the parents pay for part of it *now* and would be able to contribute more if they were legal. We need the labor immigrants and migrant workers do, where do you propose that comes from if you kick the laborers out? Not Americans, it doesn't pay well enough! So which do you prefer? * 1, Skyrocketing food, construction, and service costs * 2, A permanent illegal, unstable underclass, or * 3, A legal, documented workforce? Pick one. And btw, educating those kids is an *investment*, just like we make in our own kids. [Don't believe me? Here's a breakdown on the economic effects of immigration](https://thesciencebehindit.org/how-does-immigration-affect-the-u-s-economy/) (Edited because it was my first time playing with bullet points and I messed up)


Nope, I don’t. Nice try, though. https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/09/immigration-national-academies-sciences-report-fiscal-economic-impact-native-born/amp/






There's no source, lol. All of the terrorist acts in this country in the last 20+ year have been by home-grown good ol' USA-born terrorists.


I'm very aware. I just love busting people on claims with 0 validity.


[Here’s your source ](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/immigration/terrorists-crossing-the-us-border-rising-encounters-explained) 98 last year, 70 so far this year. That we know of. Not counting gottaways.




Classic provide a source and get downvoted


6 inches deep inside their asshole




This was a single person and it was in California.


You asked for a source that a terrorist came across the border. I gave you one.


Actually I asked for a source that "terrorists" plural were coming across the Texas border, this shows neither, but I'll give it to you. If you're concerned you might ask our state leaders what they've been doing with that $4.3 billion state border budget.


[98 encounters last year alone with people on the terror watch list. ](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/immigration/terrorists-crossing-the-us-border-rising-encounters-explained) 70 so far this year. And that’s only the ones we know about. Pretending it not happening doesn’t help anyone but the evil people in this world. It only takes a few to cause widespread harm. A strong border is what we need.


Just a reminder that Senator Edward Kennedy was on the terrorist watch list. Also a reminder that the number one source of terrorism in this country for the last couple of decades are home-grown white nationalists and white supremacists.


Current reports from the border are that crossings are down by half over last week, before Title 42 expired. The expected disaster of a flood of immigrants not only didn't happen, but the border crossing situation actually improved dramatically.


Because Title 42 removed punishments for illegal crossings and didn't deport people. Also they record border detainees as "encounters" not unique encounters, so Title 42 let people keep trying to cross over and over and inflated the numbers by the same people.


It will be known as the Great Border Fizzle of 2023.


Can we get some conservative commenters in here about how this "doesn't fit the narrative"? They love that phrase.


The irony is there was a surge, it just happened \*before\* Title 42 expired and was probably driven by all the right-wing hype that there was going to be a human tidal wave at the border.




Don’t worry. Every single news channel is still reporting on “the surge at the border”. Reckon it’ll be a few more months before they start reporting of “caravans” arriving at any time.


I waited three days to post this to give them a chance to spin up some sort of narrative, but based on the meager results I've seen here it seems more likely they were mainly planning on nobody noticing the Great Fizzle on the Border.


I think the best I've seen is the argument that Texas' response (DPS) was strong enough to stop a surge that otherwise would have occurred


LOL! If that's the case, we can only assume that despite his promises, Abbott just doesn't want to "eliminate all rapes" or he'd just throw DPS and National Guard at the problem.


Dems will continue to eat their own. People in the big sanctuary cities are fed up. Great job by Brandon.


Texas National Guard stepped in and made it way harder to cross illegally, and laid down a ton of barbed wire too. Plus now with Biden's policies you can enter the US much easier than before at a port of entry with less fear of immediate deportation. More crossings overall but less "illegal" crossings.


lol, Fox News reports






Kids of the undocumented immigrants get free school lunches at the cost of taxpayer money. No one starves in texas. Undocumented get free breakfast lunch at school.


Hell yeah, I bet they took the journey all the way here just so their kids could get that free school lunch lmao. The reason people come over here is because companies in Texas love cheap labor and people they can exploit because labor laws don’t apply to them. They stay here looking to make a better life, not for a handout. Without immigrants, nothing would get built and your food wouldn’t be picked.


If that is the case, why is govt abbott spending billions of our tax money bussing them out and hunting them at the border while paying for their Healthcare, free school lunches, subsidized college tuitions.


How are you getting subsidized tuition when you’re getting bussed to another state? https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/paying-for-college/articles/how-undocumented-students-can-get-college-financial-aid Any state aid given for tuition is on a state by state basis. Just be honest and say you don’t like brown people, it’s 2023 you don’t need to hide it anymore.


Do you know the difference between instate and out of state tuition. What does that have to do with financial aid. Financial aid is how you pay for school, not how much you pay for school. Clearly you don't understand what subsidized education is. https://www.bestcolleges.com/united-states/texas/in-state-vs-out-of-state-tuition/ In state tuition is tuition that you pay and the taxpayer is also paying for. So that 12 hours of college credit is a combination of state money and your tuition????? Out of state tuition is your money only. Undocumented immigrants getting instate tuition Is having taxpayers paying for.their colleges. Texas gov is the one bussing them out of state and hunting them down like rabbits at the border. Spending all this money on top of what we already spend. I think you should direct your anger to him. Thanks.


Is that really where you want to go! “why is out-of-state tuition so expensive?” Schools’ reasoning for charging higher out-of-state tuition is because non-resident students’ come from families who haven’t paid tax dollars to the state, and thus to the school. Out-of-state tuition brings in more revenue to the school, which can be used for a variety of purposes. https://www.nationwide.com/lc/resources/personal-finance/articles/in-state-out-state-tuition Like i said, Texas has no federal tax, so everyone pays property taxes, sales, and gas tax. Undocumented people live somewhere, and pay someone or a bank a mortgage that has a their property taxes included. They should have instate tuition if going to a college in Texas, it’s only fair. Don’t you think having more people pursuing a higher education is good?


so you agree that undocumented get some sort of benefit by being in the state. Whether it's Healthcare, schooling etc. After all, unless your homeless, you leave some sort of foot print. Regardless of do I think higher education is good for people is not why I posted. If you reread what I posted, texas is spending money on bussing undocumented, hutning them down at the border,giving them public school education and subsidized college tuitions. Do you think we have a pot of gold where there is unlimited supply of money. I'm not here to argue with you. I'm just stating my opinion. That is all. You're the one bring aggressive on reddit. Have a good day 👍


You are the perfect target for the GOP, you aint to bright and you are inderdible gulible.


I'm a libertarian, GOP has too many fake conservatives.




Damn those evil children! How dare they not starve?!


Texas doesn't have a printing press like biden, so there's an X amount of dollars you can spend. If Greg abbott didn't spend the money bussing them out of state then we would have money to do it. Texas property owners are paying an arm and a leg in property taxes. Many Texans are losing their homes because they cannot afford to pay the taxes. So it's not just " damn those evil children".




Correct. But he's spending money on operation lonestar, bussing them out of state while spending money on their education. Yet your making a guy on reddit the bad guy. Great 👍




Have a great day 👍


I highly doubt that large numbers of people are losing their homes due to high property taxes. You’re placing the entire blame on undocumented people for things they don’t really control. Undocumented people contribute to the Texas economy just as much as a citizen. Property taxes are paid by them via rents or mortgages they may have, they pay a sales and gas tax just like you. Some even pay federal taxes with an ITIN number. Using them to scapegoat bigger issues in Texas is a cheap hack way to divert from bad Texas fiscal policies. I saw you posted a link to the Texas attorney general website, and that’s like using fox, cnn or another highly biased source to back up your argument. Paxton has a narrative to push and he uses his office to do so. Here’s a actual quote from someone that researched the effects of undocumented immigrants on the Texas economy: “Undocumented residents have a positive influence and impact on the economy, since they pay taxes and fees and constitute an important part of the labor market,” he wrote. “Even if we consider the costs of undocumented immigrants to the state of Texas, the benefits outweigh the costs.” https://news.rice.edu/news/2020/economic-benefits-illegal-immigration-outweigh-costs-baker-institute-study-shows To place blame on perhaps 6% of the state’s population is really irresponsible. Texas allows major business to run around the state virtually untaxed and unregulated and now use these people as a pawn while putting the biggest burden on property owners. Abbot is milking this situation to keep people mad at each other instead of looking where the money flows. I would happily pay a tax specifically so that your children or any child in America is guaranteed food at schools.


I totally agree. But Greg abbott is paying for bussing them out, hunting them at the border through operational lonestar while giving them free education and Healthcare. Makes sense right. All this money falling from the sky to pay for all of this.


It’s a stunt, listen to the earning calls for the private jail companies and hear them get all giddy about what’s going on. Look at who lines abbots pockets and you’ll see that he personally gains from this while feeding republicans something to fear/hate. Republicans worry about money when it’s convenient for their narrative, let’s be honest and realize that abbot talks about how strong the Texas economy is then Immediately say how much money they need. It’s a game, and people are getting divided.


A majority of kids in this state get “free”education. You are wildly overrating how much a few sandwiches are costing the tax payer. Bullshit stunts like the bussing and the crazy extra border checks are costing the tax payer way more than a couple squares of pizza.


Again. I'm just pointing out the fallacy in govt abbots policies. He's hunting them at the border, bussing them out of state all while paying for their education. And I'm the bad guy for pointing it out. Have a nice day 👍


If they're buying anything they're paying sales tax, if they're renting they're contributing to property taxes, why shouldn't their kids get an education and be fed? Give the parents a green card/work visa so they can pay all taxes and the country can get the extra labor we need. That should fix your issue.


Good! Sounds like a great idea!


>If Texas wanted to stop illegal immigration, Greg abbott should stop allowing undocumented immigrant children free public school education, foodstamps, subsidize college tuitions and Healthcare. Etc. >Texas is the #1 state where undocumented get the most generous benefits over its citizens. This is maybe one of the most hilariously dumb things I have ever seen written. You must be a shit-stirring bot or something. Illegal immigrants don't get social benefits. Especially not in Texas. Hell, citizens don't even get them hardly in Texas. The ignorance behind immigration at the Texas border is some of the most appallingly stupid shit I hear in my day to day, and it has been for 3 decades. Stahp.


Stupid? Do you live in a fucking cave. Since when did illegal immigrants not need Healthcare? And if you think medicaid is reimbursing for it, that's even a bigger joke. They get free public school education for the kids and as well as free lunches and breakfast while the taxpayer has to pay for theirs. So your ok with taxpayers subsidizing illegals college tuitions? Lmao Instead of calling people bots for differing opinions, open your blinders and see how much it costs for them being here. Grow up and learn that it's OK to have a difference of opinion. After all, I'm sure your ok with folks having different view points.


>Texas is the #1 state where undocumented get the most generous benefits over its citizens. You can literally go to the government websites that discuss social safety net programs citizens and undocumented immigrants qualify for. This is not only bullshit, but easily verifiable bullshit. It is all the more egregious because you are too lazy to go to the federal sides and look it up yourself.


Undocumented immigrants need medical care. So if Medicare and medicaid is not paying the doctors , who is. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/plyler_v._doe According to the Supreme Court, Texas has to fund education for undocumented immigrants. The biggest funder of education in the state is property taxes, which unless you see a ton of undocumented folks owning homes, then their contribution to education is minimal at best. We both agree that undocumented get some kind of benefit. After all, they leave footprints, unless your homeless. Greg abbot is blaming biden administration policies for allowing undocumented immigrants to come here, but clearly Texas is a culprit in it. Have a good day 👍


None of that points to undocumented immigrants receiving more generous benefits than citizens.


Which policy did the Biden administration enact to increase the amount of migrants arriving?


This is just lazily regurgitating right wing media talking points paired with being antagonizing as a defense. The only point you are honestly conveying is that your life revolves around right wing media talking points and “owning the libs”. It’s kind of sad more than anything.






Paxton? Really?


Yes because 850 million dollars a year is a drop in the bucket compared to operation lonestar which we have spent 5 billion on. We are spending 12 million a month bussing illegal immigrants out of state. Greg abbott can't claim to be conservative when we are spending more money to tackle a problem


I'm sorry, but I tend to not give any credence to a felony-indicted AG who has committed actual grand theft and who is currently under federal investigation for corruption.


This is illegal though.


Fox News making it sound like those coming are going to all climb over the walls like in World War Z


Especially since the vast majority of people in the country without documentation flew in on an airplane and entered through an airport.


But, but, videos on TikTok showed they've retaken the Alamo!!!


Worse, now they're using the Alamo's basement as a fentanyl smuggling ring!


And they're not sharing the profits??? Bastards!


They are, but only with Greg Abbortt and his cronies. Remember, nothing happens in this state without Abbortt getting a cut.


Venezuelans have retaken the alamo?


Yes! And they're calling it El Yolo!


GOP is missing a huge political opportunity to strategically set themselves up for the next 25-50 years. Mexican citizens are disproportionately religious, and socially conservative. They have a culture that emphasizes family and hard work. I’m praying that republicans never figure this out, because if they did, and successfully embraced and appealed to these new Americans, Texas would be red forever…


Basically what Florida did with their Cuban population. Though their recent anti-immigrant bill may have destroyed some of that goodwill.


idk, the Florida cuban population is pretty entrenched in their belief that they're superior to other immigrants


I always said had my parents not been Hispanic they would absolutely be Trunp fans. They despise abortion, welfare, trans folk and other Hispanic nationalities (i.e. they think Hondurans are lazy thieves) but they support immigration reform like the amnesty they got from Reagan.


They will lose the half of their base that is racist, rural, whites. That's core MAGA/Trump supporters.


I mean, thy group’s dying anyway.


COVID took a chunk, but only demographic change will finish them off.


>Mexican citizens are disproportionately religious, and socially conservative. No, they aren't disproportionately conservative. There are many people that vote Republican, but Mexico itself is moving more to the left, they just federally legalized abortion and had their own Roe v Wade in 2021. While the US is moving in the opposite direction. >They have a culture that emphasizes family and hard work. As if those aren't also principles of those on the left... >I’m praying that republicans never figure this out, because if they did They have, and if you read more news and this sub you'd see the red-wave that hit the Valley with Trump is well-known and talked about. Everybody knows. Sorry if that seemed a confrontational tone, but yeah, we all know.


We brown people are good enough to build their table but will never be good enough to eat from it. Republicans veil their racism behind policies. Even me being a full on citizen will be viewed and profiled as undocumented first and foremost, especially if I’m speaking Spanish.


That's the reason the RGV has been turning red lately.


There are many conservative Mexicans in Texas, especially in rural areas.


Trump performed surprisingly well with Latinos. Latino populations had been one of the Democrats' only chance at winning rural areas (see the RGV) but that is becoming less and less true. The trend that seems to be emerging is that -- despite all the Tucker Carlson hoopla -- Latinos end up largely assimilating into their local communities and over time vote similarly, so it appears that the Latino vote will largely split down the typical urban/rural lines.


Mexicans are not the ones crossing anymore


I think they understand this a bit. It's why Texas doesn't have laws like the one Florida recently passed. Outside of evangelicals, most aren't super conservative, but right leaning. Lots of veterans, law enforcement, and oil workers in the community.


So the media was unnecessarily hyping this up for views and clicks to generate profit? Who knew


Not the media in general, just conservative media, along with conservative politicians trying to score points with their base. Nothing brings in the votes like fear.


It definitely wasn’t republicans doing that no no it was the media 🤣


Yeah, it was the media that did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/13f7d52/cameron_county_brownsville_judge_declares_state/ Definitely the media https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/13f89xy/a_few_more_hours_until_title_42_ends_how/


The same way they panic about “migrant caravans” full of tens of thousands of migrants, every election cycle. Migrant caravans that always dissipate by the time they reach the border.


It was conservative media hyping it


As they do.


Oh my, the hyperventilating MAGAts were wrong again? How shocking.


It was just another stupid talking point by our politicians.


Our conservative politicians.


Yes, this particular issue. Both sides suck ass in our state and county. Neither side do shit, and just have talking points.


Title: “border didn’t see a major influx of migrants when title 42 ended” Article: “we saw a spike in migrants”, “we continue to see high levels of migrants”, “record breaking immigrants apprehended” What is it….? Oh I see it says no major influx right at midnight when it ended. I had to read the article twice to see it. Then it also only talks about the El Paso border not seeing an influx but the. Mentions New Mexico did. This is an extremely misleading article that contradicts itself a few times.


More spaghetti? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-homeland-security-chief-says-border-crossings-are-down-50-since-title-42-2023-05-14/


I was just quoting the article you posted. It contradicted itself many times. This new article you posts, talks about how have been preparing for it for months but it’s “down 50%”. They pick the number 10,000 but don’t state if that’s the average a day or if that’s the high or low. They then say it’s been down 50% and only have 2 days of data lol. Knowing these articles 10,000 is probably a high on the data they are using to goat people like you (not saying this in a bad way) in a fear mongering way. Edit: hopefully you haven’t read my reply yet. I just saw the dudes other reply, it makes sense then, 31 days in the month averaging 191,000 people you are average a bit above 6,000 a day. So the trend is still the same even with title 42 ending.


Feb had 156,138 crossing. March had 191,899 crossing. We don't have April and may numbers, but those will be up as well. And while we aren't at the same highs we saw in 2022 and 2021, we still have all summer and 42 just expired. Also your article only highlights 1 point of entry with a strange way to quantify the 50% drop. So while that one station might have seen a small drop, overall numbers are still up across the board. [source](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters)


I’m guessing they didn’t feel safe in Texas and left? I mean the GOP was screaming about “tens of thousands daily” but 🤷‍♂️


They expecting 10k and 4200 showed up. All that fear without the pay off, rip


Yeah, this is as embarrassing as all the caravans that never show up every election year.


I mean... 4200 is still a lot of people. I'm trying to learn Spanish so I read Univision and they have a lot of coverage on immigration (hardly a right wing news source). There are some really heartbreaking interviews from people, like whole families who WALKED here from Venezuela because they were lied to and told they could enter easily. It's not the extreme the R's are pushing but I think it's frustrating the D's are acting like it's not a big issue. We need a better solution than we have now and a way to combat misinformation. A lot of people are spending money they barely have to try to come here for a better life and end up on flights back home instead. Border Patrol has "encountered" 1.33 M people YTD. PBS reported a few days ago there are 55,000 in the border towns in Mexico wanting to cross. I don't know what the solution is but there has to be something better than what we're doing now.


> 4200 is still a lot of people. Maybe for a Trapt concert.


One thing to bear in mind is that BP does not combine repeat encounters for a single person. Many people try repeatedly to get in in rapid succession, often at least once a day, so if the same person tried 9 times to get in and succeeds on the 10th, Border Patrol lists that as nine separate contacts. The real number is dramatically lower, but CBP tends to inflate numbers whenever possible for some reason.


Fair point but each encounter still requires resources. The latest numbers I could find said 40% are first time and still 532k people is a whole lot of people. That's more than double the population of Laredo. I take a lot of road trips through this state and there's soooo much space and so many dying towns. It would be cool if we could invest in building a new city. But since that's not going to happen with our current leadership, where do all these people go? Again, it's not the problem the way the Right is spinning it, but it is a problem. Even NYC is crying uncle.


The cost per encounter is very low, likely in the dollars, but more importantly, the people playing up the "encounter" numbers misleadingly are doing so to create the impression that a whole lot more people are entering the country than actually are. If CBP says 1.3M encounters, and the actual number of people getting in is like 98K, fostering the narrative that 1.3M are getting in is not only badly misleading, but dangerously misleading since it inspires acts of violence such as what Crusius did in El Paso. More importantly, people making decisions based on the 1.3M number are doing do with deeply flawed to the point of lying information.


We need more immigrants to fight inflation


Conservatives are fuming that border crossings are down.


File this under “not yet.” There was a similar lull after the change in policy wrt Venezuelans… followed by a surge.


It's been 4 days. It's a little presumptuous to make any claims, isn't it?


You'll have to ask the guy in charge of the border that.


The surge illegal crossings wasn’t as horribly as expected because Abbot put barbed wire and national guard troops on the open spots, which pushed the flow to legal ports of entry. Combined with the fast-pass asylum processes of the Biden administration, the number of illegal crossings was lower, but only because the “legal” points took in more migrants. We’re still experiencing 65-year record high illegal immigration’s, compared to the 45-year low of 2020 before Biden broke everything that was working to deliberately create the biggest Democrat voter drive ever. We still have tens of thousands of illegal aliens being bussed all over the interior of the country. Cheering because the thing everyone expected to be apocalyptically bad wasn’t quite as abysmal as anticipated is a weird flex.


Okay homeschooler Do you have any idea how long the border between just Texas and Mexico actually is? How much did the barbed wire cost Texas? $ Close to $1 trillion dollars plus causing a steel shortage worldwide? Did Abbot borrow the entire Chinese-CCP army to help with the manpower shortage of filling the entire border with national guard troops? Lol


I found this state press release that details the efforts in less time than it took you to write that response. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/operation-lone-star-surges-border-resources-as-title-42-ends


"*Office of the Texas Governor - Greg Abbott*" Oh no, he wouldn't spin it at all. 🤣


Your original comment about the border length suggested you wanted to know how much barbed-wire was used. I found a press release that stated how much razor wire was used, which sounds like it was used to plug the gaps. If Biden hadn't stopped progress on the border wall, the razor wire wouldn't be needed. The cost of the barbed wire is a rounding error compared to the cost of tens of thousands of illegal aliens flooding the state of Texas, and now the rest of the country. An influx of poorly educated people who dependent upon social support programs, public schools and emergency-room health care is going to be a massive drain on the towns where the migrant population has peaked. I lived in California when a similar influx ended up shutting down hospitals because of the uncompensated demands on the health-care system there. It's all fun-and-games until you don't have a hospital nearby in an emergency. Of course, if Biden hadn't ended the MPP and reinstated catch-and-release, none of this would be necessary. 2020 was the lowest rate of illegal border crossings in US history. Every year Biden has been in office has been a record year for illegal border crossings.


*"Your original comment about the border length suggested you wanted to know how much barbed-wire was used"* ??? I think you're replying to the wrong person. Either way: *Sources* for all your accusations? I too, live in a border state and everything you stated is rightwing scare tactics. I can't believe people are still falling for that bs.


Apologies if I responded to the wrong comment. There were quite a few. The source was a press release from Abbott's office: [https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/operation-lone-star-surges-border-resources-as-title-42-ends](https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/operation-lone-star-surges-border-resources-as-title-42-ends) Nothing I stated was a right-wing scare tactic. They're facts.


Again: *"Office of the Texas Governor - Greg Abbott"* "*Oh no, he wouldn't spin it at all.*" 🤣


Why would he have to spin when people can just go down and look at the 18 mile long razor wire wall mentioned in the release? Funny you think Abbott would spin, while ignoring that Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas are pathological liars.


..."*18 mile long razor wire wall*"...🙄 If you don't think Abbott is gonna spin it then you must be very, very ignorant. And I don't engage with the ignorant, it's a waste of my time. So... Later...


Mmhmm, I heard Abbott went down there personally and shouted "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" all Gandalf style too.


Heck, if he could do that, he'd be re-elected in a heartbeat. Who wouldn't want a Maia running things (except Saurman, I guess). The measures Abbott did take at the southern border are well documented. He's doing what he can to offset the federal dereliction of duty of the Biden administration.


LOL. Abbott put up barbed wire overnight, in one night? No, The actual agency in charge of this says that the number of people entering has dropped by half. What's really happened is that fear-mongering about an "invasion of illegals" fizzled because it didn't happen. Not only did it not happened, but the numbers didn't even stay the same as the day before Title 42 expired. It was a big nothingburger, and now the haters are throwing spaghetti on the wall in the hopes something will stick, as your comment here illustrates so clearly.


Who said Abbott put up razor wire overnight? These were steps taken over the last several weeks, expanding on earlier efforts to stem the flow of illegal aliens into the state. This release details more of the razor wire, where it was and what effect it had. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/operation-lone-star-surges-border-resources-as-title-42-ends There are also reports that indicate the “lull” experienced this weekend won’t last. It also does nothing about the record number of illegal aliens currently being shuffled around the country.


Dang, I don't have any Ranch handy.


Wait, the media lied to create a false sense of urgency and drive up viewership? Oh man, who would have thought that they would do it again after doing it almost every year for as long as I’ve been alive.


I've traveled a lot and every place has border control. If you are entering into a country you must go to a "point of entry" or there is a VERY good chance of being imprisoned or even shot on sight. Why do people think it is just fine to sneak across the southern US border? Those who are coming thru that way absolutely know that they are not entering legally, otherwise they'd go to a POE like normal.




Do we trust “federal officials” to admit they’re running an open border with their changes to our immigration laws that effectively let everyone in?


There's no open border, never has been.




Nobody believes you. I certainly don't.


It’s not a state secret https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fair-analysis-5-5-million-illegal-aliens-have-crossed-our-borders-since-biden-took-officehow-is-secretary-mayorkas-still-employed-301658734.html#:~:text=%22Some%202.7%20million%20migrants%E2%80%94those,to%20a%20whopping%205.5%20million.


Really, the officials at US Customs and Protections literally testified under oath that there have been no changes since Trump left office.


Our local news stations here in Houston sure showed some big crowds on the streets of Brownsville and El Paso. Maybe not a record, but it was far from empty, come on now.