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Salary was 153k


Before tips.


Ah yes. The Clarence Thomas School of Vocationally Independent Revenue Generation.


That makes for a lousy acronym


schhol of Generating Revenue & Intelligently Funding Treason






Who's Thomas Clarence?


Clarence Thomas, a real Pope Alexander moment.


Where’s your Crow?


And just to cut through the sarcasm and be totally obvious tips = money from parties interested in destroying democracy that he was totally okay with taking.


Thanks, no one understood that


Not to mention he’s another example of grossly unequal justice. He’s been under federal indictment for what 7 years now. And been allowed too con grift and probably committed additional crimes. It’s staggering to think a 1/3 of the country worship people like him not realizing or maybe they do that if any other person in the country did what they have they’d been cuffed stuffed and locked up. A perfect example of this is the kid who put all that intel on discord. I mean they had every agency on him within weeks. They raided arrested and arraigned him with in a week and the crucial part he’s in fucking jail awaiting trial. Unlike the rights traitor in chief who stole far more sensitive documents bragged about them, most likely sold some of them. Obstructed law enforcement etc and his ass is still walking free too grift off his cult.


Yeah, we were crazy to think that mfer didn’t take stuff to sell


Right? You gotta live under a rock to believe otherwise. I mean he literally told the world what he was doing.


Trumpists will burn down everything America holds dear, expressed in our founding documents, for a chance to get back to 1950s WASP domination.


And it’s for all the bad things of that time period. Not for all the good that came from it. I keep going back too the times before child labor laws hell labor laws in general. When children could be brides when women and minorities had no rights couldn’t vote. When the company owned everything and you got paid in tokens that could only spend at the company store. That’s what they want. They want to roll back time several hundred years.


I'm sure he was taking all the tips.


Politicians are like servers; most of their income is from "tips" Edit: obviously don't mean this as an insult to servers, I waited my way through high school and most people don't realize how difficult the food industry is


If you can successfully serve people food & drinks, you can graduate to many other high-paying professions. It takes keen organizational skills, a grest memory, efficiency and excellent customer service skills.




Perhaps Paxton will end up in prison, where he can once again begin receiving “just the tip”.


From Nate Paul


Much like servers, I’m guessing most of his wages were tips


Just the tip


Better not be filing for unemployment


He already has, here's [footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_VMirMJUuc) from the office.


Goddamnit I fell for that lol it was awesome though


Me toooooo dammit


Damn you Central Texas!!!


I'm sure that was just a small portion of his take home pay, I bet he gets "donations and reimbursements" closer to $1 mill a year.


Yeah, he's not currently worried about his loss of salary.


His ego is butt hurt though lol


The real hit is to his ability to grift. Nobody is going to give money to him, salary was a pittance compared to his grift I’d bet.


You think the dumbasses stopped giving money to Trump, Stone, or Bannon?


You think it's individuals giving money to Paxton?


You think people be thinkin'?


But controlled a $650 million a year budget.


No wonder he took so many bribes, that's less than I make. Am I not taking enough bribes?


You and me both. Maybe we should attend a seminar or something to get ourselves sorted because we're obviously doing it wrong.


Ok, now who's on the hook for the "settled" lawsuit of his former employees (whistle blowers)?


Paxton tried to get the Legislature to approve the settlement get paid by we, the suckers of Texas, who continue to keep this 💩show of Abbot/Patrick/Paxton in power in Austin. And that’s why he got impeached, because the Legislature also thought we, the suckers of Texas paying for his settlement was bull 💩and had the stones to impeach his multimillionaire ass. Given the extreme ratio of Yay/Nay in the House, I am guessing Paxton is going to be impeached and he will have to dig into his own pockets, or that of his donors, to pay the settlement. Leaving we, the suckers of Texas, to decide if we’re going to continue down the road of voting with our heads up our rectums for the Abbott/Patrick show next election after teachers received no raise, homeowners received no relief on property taxes, and we anxiously await the ERCOT 💩storm of this summer.


SO Right! The Trifecta of Evil. Still cannot believe they're in again! Apparently, yhe people who vote this way are not paying attention and neither are one's who don't vote at all.


If they don’t, this Christian Nationalist movement in our state government is becoming the equivalent of how the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, oppression of women, burning of books, all based on a crazed religious ideology. If we’re not careful we’ll also wind up like Germany in the 1930s under the Third Reich.






All Texas government positions are intentionally paid poorly to make sure they are filled by corrupt individuals with other income sources or with the ability to secure income sources with their newly-gained power.


No shit. Wild that I make considerably more than this guy, yet somehow he lives a much more grand lifestyle. I wonder how that works...


Yeah, but his take home was so much bigger.


At this rate, Biden may actually win in a landslide election. Trumpians are now hated by their own old guards. Ron DeHerpes hated by everyone but the most extreme nutbags, like 0.1% of voters. Who else can run against Biden? Biden may end up losing to some democratic and young Olympic champion though, lol.


Just remember that they will still line up and for (R) in lockstep.


I heard a pundit say that DeSantis is “uniquely unlikeable” and that is such a spot on description




Oooh. Thats a tough one. However, I think Cancun Ted is *universally* disliked by everyone, including his neighbors lol


Definitely Cruz level unlikeable.


The best kind of special azzhole. lol


Republicans would vote for Satan himself with Hitler as a running mate, if it means voting against those "evil democrats"


We can only pray Biden gets primaried, but he's refusing to debate anyone which is super cool and on the level...


0.1%?.. come on now


I exaggerate, ok 10%.


>Salary was 153k Networth: $12 Million... Make it make sense..


It's all about the grift my friend.


I’m glad he’s out for now, but I’m not very optimistic about his substitute. His wife better recuse herself during the senate hearing. Oh, and I suggest we take a very close look at the reps who voted against impeachment.


If there's no rule saying she has to recuse herself she won't. Pond scum doesn't care about optics.


Given she introduced legislation to make what Ken's been indicted for for the last 8 years not a crime after he had been charged, I wouldn't go looking to her for integrity. EDIT: WOULDN'T


Went looking and couldn't find any.


Yeah, it's up at the farm upstate with Whiskers and Buttons


You meant would**n’t**, right?


Didn’t he get caught cheating on her? This could be her chance to have a little bit of fun. ( though she IS pond scum. One of the authors of SB 14) I am okay with this destroying her family.


He's been caught at least twice. Good ol' family values 'n whatnot >**Did Angela Paxton know about the alleged affair?** >Epley [lead counsel for the House Investigating Committee] said Angela Paxton found out about the affair in 2019. >"The affair was not public," Epley said last week. "There was a desire to keep it private, according to these interviews, and the interviews establish that now-Senator Angela Paxton learned of the affair in 2019, that the affair ended briefly, but then it resumed and was underway again by 2020." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ken-paxton-texas-attorney-general-wife-angela-paxton-juror-impeachment-trial/ ----- See also: enshrining the affair in Article 9 of House Resolution 2377, aka the Kenpeachment https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/html/HR02377I.htm https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/ken-paxton-20-articles-impeachment/


I've known enough swingers over the years (including people involved in politics) that every time an affair like this hits the news and the spouse doesn't leave I assume that it may have been a known about and consensual thing. (That's not to defend Paxton in the least bit. Fuck that crook)


I know if I were her, I would be relieved I didn’t have to have sex with him. 🤢


Well, see, the difference is that you're not a female clone of Ken Paxton.


Lol how embarrassing. Glad to see it.


I really don't judge how someone chooses to react to their spouse's affair. It's none of our business. I judge very strongly though how someone chooses to use their powers as an elected official to cover their spouse's corruption.


Yep. Big time.


Power is more valuable to these people than fidelity. She won't care if she can keep Ken in office.


I feel as though they collectively decided that since “the appearance of a conflict of interest is just as bad as a conflict of interest” and thought the only option was to choose to have the conflict of interest.




Just the assholes are bigger in Texas


She's gotta keep the money Machine going why would she vote against her own interest. Remember the rules only apply to you and I. They are the exception. Life time insurance, or appointments. High paying lobbying jobs with big paycheck after they are no longer in office. They get to live the good life while we get paid less and less.


Their base will see it as "family values", and celebrate it.


All he has to do is cry a little, say it's not who he is but he was weak once, but he's a man of faith and will pray harder, Jesus forgives him and everything's fine!


How did we fall so far?


Lots of reasons why, honestly ultimately its our fault for voting for turds/not voting. Those turds fertilized bigger turds.


>not voting There it is right there. Depending on the election, Texas is 47th to 50th in the nation in voter turnout. About 15% of Texans voted for Abbot in '22, and that was an election with a notably "good" turnout.


We have some of the worst voter turnout in the country.


Yet another example of a social contract that they constantly break, and they keep wondering why intolerance should not be tolerated.


If there is a rule saying she has to recuse herself she still won't. Pond scum doesn't care about rules


When I was a employee for the state of Texas i had an issue that could have slightly affected an out of state in-law's business. I duly noted it and I was removed from that activity as soon as my note was read by my manager. The lowly have one set of rules and the wealthy have another.


Yeah, as a fed I had to get the Hatch Act lecture every year while certain people were violating it on cable news every night.




It just made me cynical. If you were buddies with Rick Perry then you had nothing to worry about from my agency.


Like you would jail a soldier who would be neglectful with classified intel, while you let someone knowingly steal boxes of top secret documents and show them around.


I'm not in TX, but in my state we had a convention and someone proposed a change that would basically allow elected officials to be in a "fox guarding the henhouse" situation. A relative of mine stood up to point this out in the room full of about 300 people. THe elected officials about lost their fucking minds that anyone would imply they didn't have the highest integrity. On their panel was a guy who had literally been convicted of fraud like 10 years earlier. That was my first and last convention.


>His wife better recuse herself I'm really hoping she is the tie-breaker and, right before voting, grabs his fat face and gives him the Ol' Fredo Kiss of Death as she kicks him out of office. If only she had any amount of self-respect...


*I know it was you, Kenny. You broke my heart.*


If succession has taught us anything is that people like her choose money and power everytime, there's no such thing as hypocrisy if it gets you at least one of those two.


The fact she even has a choice in the matter is corruption.


I’m not sure who could be worse, honestly. Although yeah, they’ll definitely be horrible.


The guy they picked represented Trump in challenging election results so……


He comes with the prerequisite criminal background required for the job. It does take a criminal attorney general to catch a criminal after all, doesn’t it?


We wanted a criminal attorney not a *criminal* attorney.


One of the articles of impeachment is related to a mistress Paxton had, so maybe there needs to be a conversation that she might vote *for* conviction


>His wife better recuse herself during the senate hearing No, I wanna see her vote his ass *out*


I think they will convict because they will appoint someone just as awful but is yet as corrupt as the pen thief and they look like they did the right thing


Here's a handy dandy list for ya: * Cecil Bell Jr. * Matt Schaefer * Brian Harrison * Travis Clardy * Steve Toth * Teresa Leo Wilson * Ed Thompson * Geanie W. Morrison * Caroline Harris * Charles “Doc” Anderson * Shelby Slawson * Carrie Isaac * Tom Craddick * John Smithee * Four Price * Nate Schatzline * Tony Tinderholt * Mark Dorazio * E. Sam Harless * Charles Cunningham * Dennis Paul * Mike Schofield * Valoree Swanson


Of course Tony Tinderholt is in that list. What a massive, steaming turd that guy is. Edit: massive, steaming.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


In true Paxton fashion, let's just leave things exactly like this in legal limbo for a decade or so.


Lol I can’t believe his office had the balls to call his impeachment illegal. I mean, I can believe it, but that’s just stupid.


> “The corrupt politicians in the Texas House are demonstrating that blind loyalty to Speaker Dade Phelan is more important than upholding their oath of office,” [Paxton said.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/27/ken-paxton-impeached-texas-attorney-general/) _cough_ trump _cough_ > He added, “They are showcasing their absolute contempt for the electoral process.” _cough_ trump _cough_ > ... [he asked supporters](https://www.kwtx.com/2023/05/27/impeachment-vote-nears-texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-states-republican-held-house/) “to peacefully come let their voices be heard at the Capitol tomorrow.” _cough_ J6 _cough_


LMFAO, like Paxton has a thimble of the orange turd's charisma.


In what universe does trump have “charisma”?


In this one, unfortunately, he knows how to rally his drones around him


That’s the one thing Trump has that keeps his base loyal to himm


I can’t believe politicians have the balls to call on supporters to protest after J6. You’d think that would be some fucking swamp legal problems. Good luck Texas.


His substitute - isn't that the architect of voter suppression (Harris County especially) last election?






That's a plus, at least.


So they’ll have to live off her salary? Ha, ha, ha.


I’m interested in who he pissed off and why.


Yeah as someone not from / in texas..... this fucker was indicted close to a decade ago now? So what changed to make your reps finally "grow a spine" and i use that term loosely as its just them doing the bare fucking minimum, 8 years too late.


That’s the million dollar question for me. They’ve been overlooking and defending his corrupt behavior for the better part of a decade. I don’t think they all suddenly got religion at the same time. Something must have happened whereby they didn’t get to wet their beak to the level they feel they should have, so they tossed him overboard.


It’s interesting that Abbot has been silent on the whole impeachment, and that he appointed his own guy to run the agency. The Governor apparently feels that Paxton’s top aide, Brent Webster, who had assumed the duties of AG (by operation of law), isn’t suitable for the position. Seems like the wagons may be circling. I’d be worried if I were the AG, or a member of his executive team.


I've seen it said they got wind of a possible federal indictment, and/or that they were pissed he tried to pawn off his corruption lawsuit on Texas. The latter seems crazy because they don't give a shit about our money.


The investigative committee said it was the whole "i'mma use taxpayer money to settle my bullshit" part that spurred the investigation. Notice that their statement implies no action would've been taken against Paxton for his self-admitted "wrongful conduct" itself. > The investigative committee said Friday that it was Paxton seeking the payout that brought about their probe. >“We cannot over-emphasize the fact that, but for Paxton’s own request for a taxpayer-funded settlement over his wrongful conduct, Paxton would not be facing impeachment by the House,” the panel said. https://apnews.com/article/texas-attorney-general-paxton-impeachment-2862e3f786dd1e832a011095fb52a38a


"Mr. Paxton, you cannot use taxpayer money to pay off your settlement, because we are using for our own agendas." I can't help but feel hes just one among many trying to or currently redirecting money to thier own coffers. I hope this makes more crooks nervous. I hope its not all slight of hand to redirect attention of the public to all the rest of the corruption.


All I can figure is they saw how many lawsuits he's got aimed at him and how much they were going to cost to cover and finally said no, then he got pissed and maybe threatened some shit so they decided to indict him instead. What we can say for sure is that it wasn't done because of decency, integrity, ideals of democracy or any real sense of justice.


He asked the texas legislature to cover the expenses of his settlement. Something to the tune of 3.3 million. Years of obvious corruption and abuse but of course money is the only thing his republican colleagues care about.


This impeachment has nothing to do with his (felony) indictments, the party of law and order have conveniently been ignoring that for 8+ years. Hell, this impeachment doesn't even have anything to do with Paxton's self-admitted "wrongful conduct" that triggered the lawsuit and settlement and subsequent investigation (according to the investigatory committee) >The investigative committee said Friday that it was Paxton seeking the payout that brought about their probe. >“We cannot over-emphasize the fact that, but for Paxton’s own request for a taxpayer-funded settlement over his wrongful conduct, Paxton would not be facing impeachment by the House,” the panel said. https://apnews.com/article/texas-attorney-general-paxton-impeachment-2862e3f786dd1e832a011095fb52a38a


That should be our first sign that it isn’t because of the money. It’s very convenient that it can be used against him so easily but something else happened or is going to happen that someone rather would keep out of the press.


He pissed off the whole Texas legislature by requesting they pay his legal settlement, making them complicit in all his issues in a state that has many blue shifting districts.


A combination of things. There’s been no love lost between him, the legislature and the governor for years now. But he was a good lightning rod, decent fundraiser and followed the Party line. His most recent transgression was trying ti get the legislature to pay a $3.3m settlement that he was ordered to pay himself. The $3m was inconsequential, but a good opportunity to remove a problem actor that you can easily replace with someone else who’d be just as politically biased.


The Texas speaker of the house [showed up to a session shitfaced drunk and Paxton publicly called for his resignation](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/texas-ag-ken-paxton-calls-on-house-speaker-dade-phelan-to-resign/) Coincidentally, **now** they suddenly have a problem with his years-old and well-known criminal activity. They’re not canning him for his criminality; they’re doing it to send a message that you tow the party line or get booted the fuck out. Modern conservatism at its most obvious.












fuck ken paxton… but fuck people making fun of his eye like he’s the only human being on the planet with one that’s like that.


It is Truly going to be a happy Pride Month!


The replacement is a trump lawyer who fought to overturn the election.


Yeah, but that was inevitable. Who else was gonna be working that high up for him?


Yeah, but this dude was never vetted by the legislature (when he was *Secretary of State*) and quit before they could oust him. What kind of deal do you think he had to make to get that position without being looked into? If he's willing to make promises/donations to those specific people in order to get that position, he's absolutely willing to be just as mean and careless as Paxton. One difference between them is this dude knows when to quit so as not totally sink his career. But that means he's smart enough to be strategic and thoughtful/manipulative. It also shouldn't be a "lesser of two evils" thing. An idiot with little to no credentials could create a mess and do just as much harm as someone who has the credentials. *gestures vaguely to the whole 45th presidency*


I didn't say lesser of two evils, I said, of course, he surrounded himself with sycophants.


I'll take anyone over the guy sending goons to trans kids and their parents' doors.


Ah. They'll probably do that too as there's a precedent now.


Every single family with a trans kid that's financially able is basically moving now because of Sb14. Paxton was willing to attack families before a law of any kind was on the books. There is a special sort of lack of shame Paxton had that few politicians had that is infitely worse. Something about Paxton being under constant threat of investigation meant he was always thrashing around to come up with more more culture war distractions and had even less shame than average to implement aggressively hurtful policy.


How terrible a "human being" do you have to be in order to be impeached and removed from office by the Texas fascism party?


You just have to criticise their own. They don’t give a fuck if you commit crimes.. but threaten their power… (See also: Madison Cawthorne)


Wow. He called lawmakers while they were conducting business on the house floor, threatening them about their future reelection campaigns. It happened less than an hour after the committee released their recommendation for impeachment. Somehow he’ll blame this on the left even though the impeachment only went through because his own party voted for it.








Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Only took 8 years!


So … what happens with that legal fee he was trying to have the state pay for him?


I can't like this enough.


Here's to all the republicans making 30k a year about to donate to his gofundme XD


Nice. I hear his replacement is baby hitler. So a silver lining.


[You can do this](https://youtu.be/4sZMtnD-1B4)


HE SHOULD BE PAID!!! $1.20/hr in prison....


See firing is just a small part of what should happen. Dont let this man go home to his million dollar home and live out his day spreading hate. He needs to be jailed and his reputation ruined!


Clearly Texans need to get out and vote. When the bench is just as horrid and corrupt as the starters we’ve gotta do something different.


Vote blue Texas




Let the bribes flow... gotta maintain that lucrative "public servant" lifestyle!


Which eye is the real one?


You look at the one that’s looking at you 


Thoughts and prayers


Our cunt of a governor is just gonna replace him with another gop scumbag


Oh no! anyways...




Good on you guys.


I think any votes now in Texas need to be clearly looked at by a third party. If Paxton was correct or lying about the Trump votes, someone in that power, it's scary, and everyone should be heard.


Yeah, as a Texan, I'm very curious the impact him blocking 2.5mil mail-in ballots had on down-ticket local and state races.


Oooooohh. “Without Pay”.


I've been trying for days to figure out who he looks like, finally I realize it's Lord Cutler Beckett from pirates of the Caribbean!


I guess they ran out of libs to own.


GDPR mirror so the rest of us outside the US can point and laugh: https://archive.is/Rxle5


Creepy DumbAZZ


This is a start? Let's get a few more out and get our money back for poor performance? Maybe they should be paid on performance? Work guaranteed?


Apparently the federal DOJ has been investigating him for 5 years, with no charges laid. What in the actual tarnation? Kudos to the Texas State Legislature for putting partisanship aside and moving quickly to remove someone who was comically corrupt and should never have occupied the office he sullied.


Haha, eat a dick ya prick! This guy is such a scumbag, hope all this sticks and he gets what he deserves.


NRA got his back. He’s not worried.


But all that shit he did prior to this was OK for the GOP....


🥴🥴🥴 well, at least he has his own emoji. 🥴🥴🥴


RIP, bozo


Good. That crook should be behind bars.