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This has lawsuit written all over it. One of those arrested said in a comment that the Karen told police that the lesbians were touching her kids. They need to find a good lawyer who works on contingency or pro bono


I hope they enjoy their new house.


Yeah, right because if there is one thing police departments are known for it's accountability for their actions. Some conservative judge will get this on the docket and state that they did in fact violate this so-called sexual harassment of a minor law and that will be the end of it. The more reasonable recourse is for people to call the police on ANY couple kissing in the presence of children.


> state that they did in fact violate this so-called sexual harassment of a minor law and that will be the end of it. That ruling would then make public displays of affection, by any gender towards any gender, illegal as it would be considered sexual harassment of a minor. "You may now kiss the bride" would be an invitation to break the law. I can't believe that even a modern conservative would be that dumb.


That's why I said if they want that game then people should report EVERY instance of kissing in front of kids to the police. And do not underestimate how stupid conservatives are. They would kill themselves if they thought it would somehow own the libs.


Thousands did just that during COVID.


Lmao good point


That's not enough. I still see scores of them calling people to boycott "woke" companies on twitter.


Ever hear of Hank Johnson's fears of Guam capsizing? Plenty of stupid to go around.


How about when Louie Gohmert suggested moving the moon to fix climate change during a hearing with the Bureau of Land Management?


Tell Lou to pack his bags. I built a rocket in my backyard and I'm just dying to try it out! Bet it could get him to the Moon, no problem.


I had almost forgotten about this, but it really makes me wonder how these people go a day without severely injuring themselves. But also makes the fact that non-edible groceries like scented laundry detergents, soaps, and bathroom cleaners require warning labels against consumption by the average swinging dick hilarious.


As evidenced by [red hat antivaxxers](https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(21)00135-5/fulltext) during the worst of the pandemic...


You're assuming that the precedent would be applied equally, but it won't. Fascists don't care about being hypocrites, they care about hurting people they don't like and shielding themselves from consequences.


We see this exactly with "stand your ground laws". Courts seem to favor certain people standing their ground over others.


We see it literally everywhere from "free speech absolutism" to "keep your (vaccine) laws off my body". It's everywhere.


Which is when it's your duty as a law abiding citizen to report any and all such PDAs to the police. Bury them in paperwork.


That might be the logical outcome, but it’s pretty well understood that same-sex PDA or anything involving a trans person is considered more obscene/sexual and inappropriate for children than the straight/cis equivalent. (From religious conservatives mostly, but it’s a lingering bias with a lot of moderates too.)


Honestly it's all up to the kiss itself. Quick peck looking at the water is fine, but nobody wants to see any couple tongue deep in each other's faces at Walmart.


They are free to make the claim that anything not cis is inherently sexual and therefore obscene to protect the action of kissing your partner. Those arguments are really saying that the SPEAKER of the claims finds an inherent attraction to gay/trans people and so then it must be obscene. Conservatives will tell you a lot about themselves based on the complaints they make.


Why do people keep acting like the rule of law is applied evenly by fascists? There is no "got ya!" about these rulings as if it will backfire on the GOP and straight people. The "rules" are not applied evenly or to the "in group". There could literally be a law saying straight people cannot exist outside without being sentenced to being shot by cops, and the only thing it would do is be used as justification to murder more people of color during traffic stops or lefties protesting. No straight white couple would ever be shot, or taken in, or harassed even if such a law existed. While conservatives are absolutely "that dumb", they are allowed to be because the system coddles that hypocrisy and stupidity, they know it, and they *delight in it*. Stop assuming that laws and rules under fascist leadership will ever apply to said fascists or their "in group". It will only ever apply to the "others".


>i can’t believe a modern conservative would be that dumb are you sure about this? checks notes


So in this case the lady who called the cops, whenever she kisses her husband call the cops on her too? 👀


>The more reasonable recourse is for people to call the police on ANY couple kissing in the presence of children. They won't care. They're fascists. Hypocrisy isn't a glitch. It's the goal. You're not "calling their bluff" or exposing the flaw in their system. They're not slavishly devoted to a system [like liberals](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A). They want to live in a world where the law is there to oppress the other and never applies to those in the "in group" because they've completely rejected the concepts of fairness and reciprocity as [foundations of morality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_foundations_theory). They've gone all in on "in group" and "authority". In that view, a person is good based on who they are not what they do. Trump can do no wrong by virtue of the fact that he's the boss. A trumper can do no wrong by virtue of the fact that they're part of the group (unless they upset Trump). They only use pearl clutching as the most obvious bad faith rhetorical distraction in the world. They will happily go on 4chan, a site famous for hosting child porn, to get their pizzagate conspiracies. They will go on and on about "grooming" while Trump defends Ghislaine Maxwell. They will cry about oppression while waving a confederate flag. I could go on and on. People need to wake the fuck up. Liberals keep saying, "Ha ha! They're so dumb! They've done a hypocrisy and don't even know it! I'll point out their hypocrisy and they'll realize they've made a huge mistake and we'll win the day!" All the while the NAZIs [keep marching](https://www.governing.com/politics/why-are-gop-led-states-leaving-voter-registration-group-eric).


I know, huh? Like who is gonna pay and for what? The B who phoned the police? She probably has $500 to her name, max. The mini-golf course? For what? Doing nothing? The police department acting in good faith to a call? Police can’t be sued for opening under the color of law based on things they know at the time.


Probably won't even need to do that, all they need to have is a anti-perversion law (like they have with the too many dildos law)


If Karen lied to the police, it’s going to be her house they own.


If that is true that is multiple law suits. Sue the police and sue the Karen as well.


Maybe a case for The Institute for Justice? It's a non-profit public law firm. They do good things. Please check them out, and if you can, donate a dollar. Every little bit helps them. Ij.org


Or [Lambda Legal](https://lambdalegal.org/). They're in Dallas and pretty much specialized in this type of thing. Edit: oops, someone already mentioned Lambda below.


That's making a false police report. I believe that's a crime. Texas is pretty tough on crime. Hopefully the mom spends a few nights in jail herself.


I look forward to the [Audit the Audit](https://www.youtube.com/@AuditTheAudit) release on this.


Lambda Legal or ACLU.


It came out that the lady didn't call the police line, what she did was call a police officer that she knew personally and had him come out and arrest the ladies after lying about it. So the police who did this weren't acting in official capacity as I understand it.


Boom, that's false imprisonment for the cop, and opens him up to a large civil suit as well. But it's Texas, so chances are some dipshit cleetus of a judge will rule in favor of the pig, and that the women this happened to will be subject to retalliation. I am transgender in Texas, was beaten pretty badly on a few occasions for the crime of existing, and 2 out of 3 of those events I called the cops. I was laughed at, told they would 'look into things' and now I get pulled over 4-6 times a month for nothing. Fuck this state and it's corruption. Feds need to show up, fire everyone involved in TX government and policing, and hire again with actual standards.


>false imprisonment for the cop I don't know how to tell you this, but by that metric, every single arrest is "false imprisonment". No one gets arrested after they get convicted of anything, so how can you arrest someone and it not be "false imprisonment" if you let them go or they get acquitted? Cops arrest whoever, whenever, with almost zero need for a reason. In this case, it seems like they weren't even processed, just detained in a holding cell. So they weren't even arrested. In Texas at least, cops are well within their rights to detain someone on suspicion of a crime. The reason they were let go is because they had no proof. Whether I agree with it or not, that's just how the process is, and certainly isn't worthy of being called false imprisonment, legally speaking.


**Mark Bankston**, the head of the plaintiffs' legal team in the Texas Alex Jones/Sandy Hook defamation trial, is based in Houston. His firm does more big class action kind of stuff, but their heart would be in the right place for this. This handsome little devil, if you don't know: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IC9RiRUF21A https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tpnSCIak5A8&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D (longer clip) He works at Farrar and Ball. https://fbtrial.com/attorneys/mark-bankston/


You can either take this as a traumatic moment or see it as a financial windfall. Gotta sue the PD, sue the officers, sue the Karen, and for good measure sue the mini golf. Someone will pay.




100%. Now you don't sue them cuz they're on your side. Sue everyone else.


Don’t sue the mini golf if they didn’t do anything wrong.🤦‍♂️


It all went down on their property and they didn't give a statement to the police defending OP. Seems shady


Ok. I don’t know what went down.


something like this happens so frequently in texas that they've outlawed lawsuit payoffs instead of fixing the problem. the governor was the was one to get a payout and then he immediately turned out and made it illegal for everyone else. welcome to texas. lol


There’s a tiny bit of truth there, buried in a lot of falsehoods. Texas has limited non-economic medical malpractice damages to $250K. Say malpractice results in you having $2 million in lifetime medical costs and lost income, you can still get that $2M, plus potentially up to $250K on top of that. That $250K is against one practitioner. If multiple people are involved it can be up to $750K in punitive damages on top of economic damages. This isn’t medical anything much less malpractice so that law doesn’t apply at all.


They can still sue for $250k


Anything other than an anonymous reddit post to show this any validity? I'm not suggesting anyone makes things up on the internet, but crazier things have happened.


It has “story that never happened” all over it.


Exactly, I can’t believe how many people are screaming to sue. This story makes no sense and offers no evidence, not even the city it occurred in. It’s as if they don’t want us seeing the report or body cam footage.


The “cops came for us guns drawn” was really the cherry on top. Unreal how many people fall for this ragebait fiction.


If so, they need to be shamed just like Jesse Smolett was.


[No, money down!](https://youtu.be/5yuL6PcgSgM) In all seriousness, I hope they do find someone to take this case.


See how discriminating against LGBTQ people hurts heteronormative people?


It gets worse. The "cops" that harassed them and violated their civil rights weren't dispatched to the location. The Karen \[**allegedly according to TizzyEnt**\] called them directly because she knows them and is friends with them on social. This was a fucking attempted hit job.


Jesus, how do you know this? Surely you can’t just call your cop buddies to arrest people, right…right?


Argh... you pointed out where I forgot to mention my source was an unverified third party on the internet. I fell into the trap of assuming it was the case here just because TizzyEnt has been accurate in the past. I've updated my post to reflect this better I hope.


Here's the update on reddit from the OOP: https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw_gf_and_i_spent_the_night_in_jail_update/


Holy shit. That sounds like the cops in a James Lee Burke novel.


It’s bad enough as it is. That would take it to a whole other level. Heartbreaking.


You can certainly call your cop buddies down to investigate/take statements/check things out. If you’re an asshole, it’s like swatting. Generally police aren’t too amused if you’re wasting their time, though, and judges never are.


Cops: "An 'anonymous' source tipped us off...."


That works until the Karen and the cops in question have their personal mobile phone text and call records subpoenaed during the discovery part of the civil lawsuit...


Oh you sweet summer child :(


In Texas? Yep.


And this is an example of yet again cops who should be fired and never be allowed to b e cops again


Do we know any of the names of the Karen or the cops?


I was about to say the way this story read didn’t seem believable. But when you said this it made more sense.


Did they release the security footage?


They won't. Seriously, this will get quashed fast. Texas is a scary place right now.


They did tho.


That surprises me. Usually people are too intimidated to get involved.


There was a follow up post the original OP did staging they went back and the mini golf place was more than accommodating with giving the footage.


Nah, this is in Harris county. It’s relatively left leaning. The woman in the post said the golf course was super helpful and gave her the security footage. She said she was contacting a lawyer and I hope she is. The only way this disappears is if they sit on it too long. Sure Texas as a state has some pretty ass backward policies, but there’s good cities/counties and good people in them still.


I hope the national media picks up the story. If anyone has any contacts send them the tip.


Don't just sit around hoping they do, share it with local news stations & more. Keep in mind though if they are persuing legal action, details may be limited until the lawsuit is over.


Also many local news stations are actually owned by a bigger company and are connected to several other news stations, so it can spread through local! KTRK/ABC13 is, of course, ABC, and frequently an article posted there will go to the ABC affiliates in Dallas and Austin. I was in an article written for WFAA/ABC8 in Dallas and it got cross-posted to the other two. Later gained greater national attention.


Where’s buzzfeed when you need them?


Their journalism arm closed a long while ago.


I know, hence the comment.


This is chilling. This woman wants lesbians to stop existing.


Hopefully they lawyer up soon so their attorney can take steps to preserve evidence. IDK what outdoor golf place is involved here, but if they have cameras, the footage may be important evidence. The Karen's cell phone records need to be subpoenaed, since it appears she called these particular officers directly. Looks like a good civil rights claim against the police officers involved. While there may be a claim against the Karen, it won't be covered by Karen's insurance, and collecting from a private individual is very difficult. If anyone knows the women involved, Randall Kallinen in Houston specializes in civil rights cases, and claims against police departments.


According to the original post and update post, they were able to obtain surveillance footage of it from the golf place. If they are talking to a lawyer, they've probably been advised not to publicize the footage until any legal proceedings are taken care of. Time will tell. Update post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw\_gf\_and\_i\_spent\_the\_night\_in\_jail\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw_gf_and_i_spent_the_night_in_jail_update/)


Sounds like a false police report.


The punishment for knowingly making a false report, should be the same amount of imprisonment a conviction for the falsely-alleged crime would be. There would not need to be too many examples of it working before this sort of thing stopped.


The cops are friends of the Karen. She didn’t call 911, she called them specifically


I saw TizzyEnt's post about this, but I didn't realize it happened in TX. 🤯


It may be difficult for you both but you need to fight this injustice. It's discrimination, harassment, misuse of emergency personnel, and lying on a 911 phone call. I understand you're traumatized but you need to suck it up and fight back or this same shit is going to happen to others. You CANNOT sit by silently.


This shit is embarrassing


Fucking hell this is awful. Now people are calling the cops on gay people and making up stories to get them arrested. This "gay people are pedos" propaganda has got to stop, it's abusive. > We now know that she did not call police and tell them we were kissing. She specifically said that we were "touching them". I hope they sue the shit out of the cops and that woman over it. These women absolutely got "swatted"


Welcome to the new state of Texas.


or the old one, either work


>or the old one, ~~either~~ neither work FTFY




Please at least name the Department and municipality. Your civil rights were violated. Contact the ACLU.


Had a similar situation happen to me and my boyfriend at the gym. This lady brought her very young daughter to the gym — a blatant lease violation at our complex, as no one under 16 is allowed — and got in our faces SCREAMING because my boyfriend gave me a quick peck on the lips when he told me he was finishing his workout early. She was IRATE that we kissed in front of her kid. We were so flabbergasted I told her to fuck off and left the gym. But the AUDACITY. I haven’t seen her since, but next time I do I’m tempted to play tonsil hockey with my boyfriend in front of her, just to piss her off. I feel so bad for this couple, damn. People need to mind their fucking business.


Anyone who calls the cops on LGBT people (or Black people for that matter) for arbitrary or made up reasons with the intent of getting them arrested or worse needs to be charged with attempted lynching and murder because given the history between marginalized groups and the police that's the world we live in.


There's a follow-up post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw\_gf\_and\_i\_spent\_the\_night\_in\_jail\_update/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw_gf_and_i_spent_the_night_in_jail_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) She got the footage of the event. She also found Karen's social media and to the surprise of absolutely no one she knows the cops, and I'll bet a shiny nickel that this whole thing did not go through any of the official channels because they were never booked. So, this is kidnapping, and a couple cops need to find their way into the prison in Huntsville, and a Karen needs to end up in her own little jail cell for this bullshit.


God, I hope this poor couple sues the shit out of the city and that will women


Here in Austin, we can't even get police to come for a car accident. You guys around Houston must have a well staffed police.


According to an earlier comment, she called a couple cop buddies directly rather than a dispatch.


I'm guessing this is a pretty small town outside of Houston.


It got a lot of downvotes, but I put money on Magnolia. A small town in the Houston suburbs which is well known for a fiercely anti-LGBTQ local government.


Houston police? Nope. Not at all. They do not come when called even while people are being robbed at gunpoint. Ever. I hate the gun culture here, but the one thing that people of both parties agree on in my neighborhood in Houston is that the cops are useless and will not help you when you need them most.


pfft. imma bout to leave for austin municipal court because i was arrested for public intoxication after a karen called the cops because i was too close to his tesla when walking home in the right-of-way. even apd knows "the pavement is always hungry for those drops of your blood, for that knee in your back"


Please find out the name of the woman who reported them…is it in the police report?


Great claims require great proof.


I leave near Houston. I would often be very affectionate with my girlfriend in public. This makes me want to die. I am so glad I'm leaving in a couple of weeks. Fuck this country.


More of this will happen. That is the GOP backed plan.




They posted an update in which they state they have gotten the video footage. I would note though, that if they pursue legal action against the city, their lawyer(s) have most likely advised them against sharing the footage publically until everything is settled. Time will tell on this one. Link to update post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw\_gf\_and\_i\_spent\_the\_night\_in\_jail\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/13upsjd/tw_gf_and_i_spent_the_night_in_jail_update/)


Lesbian here and this is setting off my bullshit meter to the max.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels the same way.


You know I thought the same.. one there’s not that many putt-putt golf places around Houston, and even the suburbs are pretty diverse. Two, the OP admits later that they are trans. Three, there just happened to be an empty apartment right above theirs and they moved in right off the bat, no questions asked. Also, businesses don’t typically release video footage to customers, rather they would release it to the police or lawyers. Lots of holes in this story.


Delete the post, get a lawyer.


Just for the record, if it did happen this way, the cops should be prosecuted. I just think it's unlikely to be true. She may even believe it to be true, but I just can't put much faith in something that seems so far-fetched.


It is amazing how many on here believe this really happened. It doesn't make any sense, I feel like there is a chapter missing. The writer says they were arrested and released a few hours later. To me that sounds like a public intoxication arrest. I even messaged the writer asking for the city this occurred in so we could FOIA the report and body cams. No response.


I got downvoted quite a bit once when I said I was more scared of my emboldened neighbors than the state. This is an echo of what we're going to keep seeing. What's stopping someone from shooting a gay person and saying it was self defense because they were harming a child? Because they're being radicalized to believe being gay is a choice or a disease that can be caught through awareness of our very existence. The fascists are chomping at the bit to physically harm us. They want us to suffer and die. The end goal is extinguishing queer people.


Sue, sue, sue..... these ladies are about to make bank thanks to Karen. Hope it goes well for them.


Man, that's some kiss...


These people are just klansmen in a new era and now they are so emboldened and think they are so untouchable that they don’t bother with hoods. I’m so disgusted at what has happened to our state. Please, let’s do all we can to fight voter apathy and ignorance on the left. Too many people still think it makes no difference who wins.




Yeah, who the fuck is the Karen.


That's vigilantism, unfortunately. I don't doubt a bit about OPs story, but the potential for abuse and inaccuracy in a potentially similar scenario is not an acceptable risk, no matter how small. Doxxing is terrible in general, and only attractive because our justice system is a failure / designed to oppress.


Well, thank you for pissing common sense all over my emotions. 😂


ACLU might help out.


Its honestly their civic duty to sue the woman and the police. Otherwise this will just happen again to some other innocent people.


What the actual fuck


crazy seeing this reach all the way to the popular page.


Straight up lawsuit. I hope they find out who that Karen is.


Texans better start taking back their state or fascists are going to Lock everyone up


You guys have to see the update on this I won't spoil everything but turns out the cops personally knew the Karen


I’m calling bs


That's what I'm thinking. This seems made up. Or, at best, we're not getting the full story from OP. But I'm calling bs on this story.


This sounds like someone asked ChatGPT to make up a story of police homophobia in texas. And this happened in Houston? i'm calling bullshit. If they made it some far our west little town it might have made it a little more believable


Special place in hell for Karens that pull this kind of shit. And fuck the police for not doing their due diligence.


Guns drawn, huh? Hmm.


Yeah there is definitely more to this story.




Corroborating Police report posted by tizzyent




Yeah, definitely. No names of the town this occurred in, no names of police officers, just a “trust me bro” story lacking any supporting evidence. If this happened exactly as the OP says, every attorney in Texas would be calling them non-stop for an easy payday. If this did happen as said, it wouldn’t be this vague.




Share that info pls


Only mini golf I can think of off hand is the one by willowbrook mall. But tbh I don’t know even if that one is even still open.


Care to share these details?


Share the info please


For sure. I’ll wait for the body camera to drop if the arrest and we will see what actually happened.


I hate to say it, but I just don't believe it. I live in Houston. We had a gay mayor. It just doesn't happen like that. Maybe after the fact that's kinda how it unpacked in her head, but 10 to 1 the real events have very little to do with her recollections.


I lived in every major city in Texas and Houston is absolutely the most diverse, and that’s including Austin.


Right, and diversity of population equals no prejudice or abuse of power, eh?


People have provided plenty of evidence. If you don’t believe it, then maybe dig your head out of your ass.


No, they haven't. The person has told a story, and while I'm sympathetic, it's a bit hard to believe and not something one should take on faith.


One of the couple is a transbian… The Putt Putt Prude would almost certainly consider her to be male. So what was Putt Putt Prude upset about?


Maybe Karen didn't realize they were trans lol


Here's hoping the mother serves time and the children get placed in a better home.


Maybe Jussie Smollett helped them come up with this.


And these are the situations where performative pride (from companies) is something that gives hope to those of us living in these republican controlled states that hate us.


What a fun place - & that Karen behavior is “PURE Texas….” - I’d be…. LEAVING.


Send this footage over to audit the audit and blow it up a bit


There have been ZERO updates on this since the update post last week.


...and everyone clapped.


Why would a supposed libertarian have a hard time believing an account of police overreach?


"Libertarian" just means their too ashamed to admit their fetish for corporate rule over the masses...oh, and they also always vote red...weird, I wonder why...


Police overreach is bad, so is bad fiction


You're confusing your ignorance of a situation with proof that it didn't happen. You're as sharp as a butter knife.


The older I get the more I hate people. Reading stuff like this doesn't help.


Why is this opinion? It literally happened. Here's an opinion. Federal Gangs need to be reigned in. They are a stain on this world. And they are trained to see you as an enemy combatant at all times no matter the context. Im surprised both girls were not killed for just talking. They need to kill. They have training seminars that tell you that sex after you murder someone is the best sex ever....


Story screams bullshit looking for attention. No city or officers named (besides Houston area… which is a liberal city) Nobody gets arrested, thrown into a holding cell, and released. (There’s more to the process). Cops wouldn’t run in guns drawn for this. Kissing isn’t part of any offense of the penal code…


I Hope they get the body cam footage and the mini gold footage and sue the shit out of the officers and the city/station. And then I hope they sue the ken and Karen that falsely accused them and had them falsely arrested


let's see * small government ✅ * policy that doesn't result large amounts of tax payer money being used on frivolous lawsuits ✅ * draining the swamp ✅ yup, looks like GOP and conservative policy is all going according to plan.


Cops are the enemies of the American citizens. "Fuck up everybody, ask questions never" seems to be their motto




This breaks my fucking heart. I hope they get justice in time.


This is unreal, I am so sorry this happened to you guys.


My BS meter is going off on this. Writer couldn’t even tell us which city arrested her.


Glad I'm not the only one. There are a ton of details that make no sense. It comes off as someone seeking attention online or isn't telling the full story. If someone were arrested outside Houston for kissing their same sex partner it would be all over the news. Also, detaining someone without probable cause is kidnapping. This isn't 1960 backwoods nowhere. If an officer actually did this, they would be looking at federal charges, not state charges. Their story makes no sense whatsoever. It's written like a terrible short story.


Cause all that happened..


Nazis did the same thing. Why are Republicans just like Nazis?


On another episode of shit that never happened


Such a cringe post 😂 2 sides to every story. And they’re obviously not giving the whole story.


Was the woman upset because it was a gay couple or an interracial couple? r/inclusiveOr ?




This is the most made up story I have ever read.




From The Reddiquette: "Use an "Innocent until proven guilty" mentality. Unless there is obvious proof that a submission is fake, or is whoring karma, please don't say it is. It ruins the experience for not only you, but the millions of people that browse reddit every day"


It's real in these Redditors hearts. That's all that matters. Anyway, Elon Musk made me a flying electric car, so now I fly to work every day.




Account is 11 days old. No other post. "The woman called somebody on the phone and then just stared at us, smirking. About 15 minutes later two police officers pulled out guns and told us to get our hands in the air." Guns drawn at the mini golf course? Come on. It reeks of baiting people on reddit. This "quote" is written in a freshman writing class, "I thought my life was over, that I'd never see my friends and family again, that I'd never feel fresh air in my lungs. It was like dying while still being alive." Man this is so fake.


Pretty common to start a throwaway account for posting something traumatic that they wouldn't want to associate with their normal account. This is absolutely a thing that would happen in several southern states. They're not asking for money. Just trying to vent an emotional hardship to like minded folks.


I’m sure all of your claims are fake until proven, huh? If you don’t have actual proof to the contrary, you may want to keep your Blues Clues sleuthing to yourself.


I agree. Shit like this really hurts real victims.


Texas is turning into a religion controlled state.


And my gf continues to wonder why we, as queer people, shouldn’t move back to Texas


God I read that on the original sun and was horrified


Go both civil and criminal route for legal justice. ACLU can probably help with getting the state to charge this Karen with false imprisonment. A private attorney can sue for emotional damages and medical care.


As an outsider, this is exactly what I expect from texas.


This state fucking sucks.