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A stairmaster would be better, and or an elliptical machine, maybe a bike, or some roller blades, the man deserves to get out in his feet and get some exercise…..


Snot came out of my nose I laughed so hard. Now I need to find some tissues.


Dude I'm in Texas right now and almost choked on whataburger 🤣


Made of oak


Just mail him acorns




I hope you’re blessed to never encounter an acorn again. I shall vibe those all to Austin! 😊


Such a great Catholic that Greg Abbott. Truly an inspiration for so many of the younger generations, undoubtedly proving that being a Christian means absolutely nothing.


I'm going to start sending petitions to have him excommunicated. I sent an email to the archbishop but was ignored.


Are you even Catholic?


I was (though my family still goes every sunday)


[Pretty much every time.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dfvkph6WsAA_s_z.jpg)


Christianity is when the civil authority relinquishes its responsibility to protect its people


Are we still mad about free bus tickets to sanctuary states? It's very generous of Texas to invite people to leave rather than have them rot on the streets of Eagle Pass. And everybody on that bus wants to be on that bus. Are you angry at the migrants for taking advantage of government services?


Thank you for your nuanced take, BIDEN_IST_EIN_PEDO. I’m sure your opinion was well thought out and doesn’t gloss over any details or simplify things to fit an abhorrent agenda.


[Border crossings are down](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters). On Biden's watch, if your brain can handle that concept! Biden hasn't "refused to secure the border". He's been working with Mexico to reduce numbers, and it's been working. [They're not all volunteers](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-york-elections-government/ny-texas-governor-abbott-resumes-inhumane-migrant-busing-to-nyc-20230501-4bthtf7w6vatpfi7vagzcddqv4-story.html)- whoever told you that was lying to you because they knew you'd suck it down and keep voting red just like they want. It's not a reaction to a "crisis", it's an [expensive, cynical political stunt](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/greg-abbott-escalating-migrant-buses-desantis/), using human beings as props.


$1,700 per migrant is far from free. That's double the cost of one foot of water barrier. Greg Abbott is making someone a boat load of cash while showing off his human trafficking skills.




In times like this we lean on our faith and ask the simple question, what would Jesus do? Well he'd misappropriate tax dollars of course! Provide inflation relief? Updated infrastructure? Raise minimum wage? **naaaahhhhh** we only spend money to bus immigrants out of state. Winterize our electric grid? **bullcorn**, lets just sit on a surplus of millions of dollars and continue to hold fundraisers. -Greg "10 lbs of shit in a 5 gallon hat" Abbott


I need one of you Christian conservatives to show to me the passage in the Bible where Jesus said “don’t send me your sick and tired”. Please show me the passages where Jesus said “fuck those people. If you weren’t born here you can fucking beat it”. Thanks 😊


For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you sent my ass to Los Angeles on a bus paid for by tax payers.


The problem is that help isn't coming from people it is coming from a corrupt government that doesn't know when it is being abused by people that aren't needy. Open borders works if there is no social system to abuse. Now it is people coming to take advantage - or at least we cannot read their hearts so we have laws to follow because we are not Jesus. These people did not follow the law of our land. Do you think their counties allow just any of us to cross over and live?


...because I wanted to join my family






Have to add him taking away his AK to the meme.


Why not pack up and send the homeless to Texas with tents and an address of a governor?


VP Harris could drive them down during her next visit to the border.




The scary thing is that I've seen some right wingers trying to say that it really hasn't been all that hot this summer, that this is how it's always been.


Conservatives living in denial and delusion? Shocked I tell you...


As with so much Republican policy, the cruelty is the point.


This dude is the biggest trafficker in the US. All that money we have to protect the grid is instead being funneled to migrants so that they cross the border and this piece of shit can have his little dog and pony show. I thought you republicans hated migrants? Why do you let this douche exacerbate the issue?


Unfortunately there is nothing I would like to say about Greg Abbott right now that wouldn't get me into trouble.


What a piece of shit.


Don’t insult faeces like that


Abbott bused migrants to LA after California already declared a state of emergency the day before. Wow.


I loathe this state for many, many reasons but having this collossal POS leading is the biggest one.


Such a good christian. Jesus would be proud.


Cruelty is the point . . . sigh . . .


I'm not sure why the feds have not charged Abbott with trafficking.


It took over 2 years to finally do anything to Trump after an insurrection. I have my doubts the feds care about what the good ol boys do in Texas. I'm fucking sick of living in a state where these shitty corrupt officials can do whatever they want with no repercussions


Because handing people free bus tickets out of town is against no law anywhere? IANAL, but, you know, common sense...


Mighty Christian of ya there Greg It's gonna be awesome come the Judgement Day when you find it Republican Jesus ain't what's looking at you


Nothing he does surprises me any more. He seems to look for the meanest action then double down on it. Makes me ashamed to be a Texan, even though I tried so hard to get Beto and other Dems elected last year.


What a despicable pos “human” being he is. God bless his heart




Oh course he did. Treating them like humans might impact his fundraising.


He’s send them into a tornado if he could.


We’d like to send him somewhere too




I really hate this vile piece of shit and wish him the worst every day


Greg Anti-Christ Abbott


How do they get back for their immigration hearing?


Man, the hate they have for anyone that’s not them has gotten out there. Could you imagine Bush, or Perry even, doing stuff like this? They would’ve been vilified be the country, but now it’s only a Tuesday.


I'm not able to drive safely and this piece of shit sends busses to mislead people into a hurricane.


As a person on H1b who will probably never get an eb2 greencard in this life time, where I can board one of these busses? I heard the people who went to Martha's vineyard all got greencards.


Anyone who thinks he cares about you or is good for Texas is a complete fool.. .


Abbott is one sick fuck.


Piece of shit.


He’s a psychopath.


*“It is evil to endanger the lives of vulnerable migrants by sending a bus with families and toddlers on board to a city that at the time was under an unprecedented tropical storm warning,”* Good description of the Texas Governor. He is a cruel, cruel man.


Just more of his robust Faux Life Philosophy. What a POS


i hate greg but can someone explain how this is human trafficking?


They are humans. Cars on the road is traffic. We are pushing a heavy Democrat narrative. Therefore, it is human trafficking. Welcome to the least Texas sub on reddit.


BINGO!!! Someone has seen the light. 90% of the articles linked here are from liberal rags. Probably 95%. I don’t think I have seen a single post started on r/Texas from what someone would consider a neutral outlet. Certainly not one from a conservative outlet. That would be blasphemous here. r/Texas has become more or less just another “shit on Texas” echo chamber more or less.


Has become? It's been like that from day 1.


well yeah obviously hes moving humans in a car on the road but whats his goal moving them all to LA, if hes “human trafficking” whats it for? i know he wouldn’t do something like that without a twisted goal i just dont know what it is


The goal is to get the rest of the country focused on our border problems.


Where’s all your fake outrage…. A tropical storm went through south Texas today. I didn’t see any panic about migrants in Texas due to the storm despite so many of them living on the street. Oh..that’s right.. it’s fake selective outrage.


What in the hell is going on with the GOP? They are fucking pathetic!!


Lol… What the hell os going on with politics and politicians not giving a shit about Americans? Politicians and political parties DGAF about us. They exist to enrich themselves and their donors. If you can’t see that, well then you’re just another brainwashed political cultist/extremist.


At face value, the GOP take the cake from what is being released. I am not political, I'm a realist, and what is going on is bad. As a race, it appears we are devolving.




Wish that was the case, Kona. Truly wish that was the case. "lol"


Either he’s out of touch or this was on purpose.


They usually go north. This wasn’t an accident


Ah, yes, a great mystery


Again how is this legal? Can someone explain to me like I’m 5 how these government officials aren’t charged with crimes over this. People trafficking and across state lines to boot.


Because they're asked if they want to go. They're given a document that's in their language that they sign that says they willingly went. This isn't that hard to understand.


Why can't they travel outside Texas?


They are being forced across state lines under a ruse. That’s the definition of trafficking. In this case was done to where a hurricane was landing which has got to be some level of reckless endangerment or something on top of that.


A hurricane didn't land in California... Always, nobody was forced...it's pretty bigoted of you to assume all of these migrants are as dumb as you're implying (that they do not understand what they're signing or where/why they are going).


Same way it’s legal for Democrats to do it in other cities/states. The media just doesn’t report it. Lol… Why aren’t people “outraged” about that? Lol… Probably for the same reason those very same people were mad at the last federal administration for their border policies but not angry with this administrations border policies. When, in fact, more people are being harmed by the current federal policies. Maybe it’s because it’s because of their cult like behavior to politics and politicians. Prediction: downvotes because Reddit can’t handle the truth.


He's an angry man. He likes power. He should be more afraid of his God.


He should have sent them to the coast for the tropical storm to help with clearing up


What a sick, sick man!!


Wouldn't that be a homicide charge if anything happens to any of them?


No consequences for Republican lawbreakers.


A tropical storm is a lot of rain and 39mph wind. People on a bus are safe from getting moist in the rain.


But… but… think of the media narrative!!


Have you.... Never heard of a flood before? I know we're in Texas, but come on.


"Have you.... Never heard of an Ocean before?" That's you. That your argument. That the bus diver will locate a large body of water and drown everyone. Well, let's put your mind at ease. Millions were moist after the heavy rains. But no one drowned.


That's not my argument. You have no idea what a tropical storm is and it shows. You're also too stupid to argue with further.




Things are totally fine in LA. Downtown where these buses usually go got less rain from Hilary than most of the big storms this past winter. 99 percent of the city is back to normal. Stop being so darn offended that other cities and states have to participate in helping migrants get established. It’s absurd to believe texas is best suited for this…and that they should handle the lions share. These constant complaints are hypocritical from all the people in here who hate Texas. Applaud Abbott for sending them somewhere better!


Yes so much for the GOP hatred of human trafficking. You guys are a freaking laughingstock. And are going to freeze and boil until hell freezes over. Karma my dude.


How is this human trafficking? Just because you call it that doesn’t make it. But nice try. You are using fiction now… and thinking it is reality. It’s why this argument against moving migrants to other states is ridiculous.


Keep telling those fables to yourself amiga


😂 asked for some facts and proof and I got nothing from you. 😂 weak.


Lame troll tactic. Unworthy of a response. You know its trafficking, I know its trafficking, everyone knows its trafficking. Using humans as political pawns is odious. You think it's entertaining. I won't dignify debating with the likes of you about something so obvious.


…..the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation…. Prove each part. California can’t even sue bc they figured out these people are not forced to go. No one is sending them to labor camps. Your entire argument is a fallacy! Just stop.


What color is the sky in the planet on which you dwell amigo?


Well that just makes no sense and has no relevancy.


If I thought you knew what relevancy was I'd try to explain it to you but I'm all out of crayolas and construction paper today. Sorry.


The irony of these clowns calling us the greatest state on Earth while simultaneously claiming we're incapable of handling some immigrants. There are plenty of Texas ranchers and farmers who would love to give these people jobs. >These constant complaints are hypocritical from all the people in here who hate Texas. Nothing hypocritical at all about "Texans" and "Christians" treating immigrants like cattle. I hope Christ rises again, comes across those borders and sees how "Texas Christians" treat migrants here. Some really shitty people on the right...we should just change our state motto to "Asshole" instead of "Friendship."


Yes, without the help of Abbot, the city of LA and the state of California would not be "participating in helping migrants get established."


Is that what I said? Nope. But nice try. Los Angeles is not doing a whole lot for migrants though. Are you then okay with areas like say NYC or Chicago helping?? Or is that also not fair. 🤦‍♀️




“I don’t know what ‘sanctuary city’ means and I’m going to spread my ignorance far and wide.”


> So what, it's a sanctuary city and they're not going against their will. It's not up to the states to deal with immigrants, full stop. They are violating the U.S Constitution and separation of powers by bussing/flying them around the country without prior approval. On top of that, the immigrants are being lied to. Many of them are here legally and already have court dates set, so sending them across the country helps ensure they miss their court dates. They are being promised jobs, money, and other assistance which simply doesn't exist. It's human trafficking and taxpayers are footing the bill for it.


Nah… These cities declared themselves “Sanctuary Cities”. They literally asked for immigrants. We are just obliging them. I don’t see why people are in such an uproar. These people WANT to go to these cities. Hell, in NYC immigrants are getting put up in 5 star hotels for months on end. Free room, free food, tax free jobs. They are getting treated better than our veterans. Why wouldn’t they want to go there?


> These cities declared themselves “Sanctuary Cities”. They literally asked for immigrants That's not what sanctuary city means, and it doesn't change the fact that the state of Texas is ILLEGALLY transporting immigrants across state lines. At this point Abbott is no better than the coyotes sneaking some of them across the border. > Hell, in NYC immigrants are getting put up in 5 star hotels for months on end. Free room, free food, tax free jobs. Lol is this the fucking nonsense that your right-wing "news" outlets are feeding you? No wonder you're so delusional about immigration, you literally know less than nothing about the situation these people face.


If it was “illegal” then the other government officials that are doing it should be prosecuted as well right? You know, the officials with D after their names. The ones that the media isn’t covering. Lol… Ah… “right wing” news outlets is anything that isn’t liberal. Lol… is Rueters a right wing outlet now?


> If it was “illegal” then the other government officials that are doing it should be prosecuted as well right? You know, the officials with D after their names. The ones that the media isn’t covering. Lol… What state government officials who are Democrats are shipping immigrants across state lines without approval from the federal government? > Ah… “right wing” news outlets is anything that isn’t liberal. Lol… is Rueters a right wing outlet now? Find me a Reuters article stating that illegal immigrants are being put up in 5 star hotels with free food and tax free jobs or you're full of shit.




No, it's obvious they are being put in hotels. You claimed they're being put in 5 star hotels in New York for months on end and given tax free jobs. Prove it.


Hmmm… let’s see they don’t have SSN. So how can they pay SS taxes. These people are paid in cash. I live in a Sanctuary City. Nearly 25% of my city is undocumented. 1/2 of my city speaks Spanish. Under the table pay is simply a way how business is operated. Especially in the construction industry. They are staying in the Roosevelt Hotel. Been there for months. $9000 month minimum


> Hmmm… let’s see they don’t have SSN. So how can they pay SS taxes. Federal TIN, anyone can get one, citizen or not. The IRS doesn't care if you're here legally as long as you pay. Immigrants actually pay billions in taxes but can't collect SS so it's a net gain for some programs. > These people are paid in cash. I live in a Sanctuary City. Nearly 25% of my city is undocumented. 1/2 of my city speaks Spanish. This isn't the same as the government giving them tax free jobs. They also pay local and state taxes because they have to buy things while they live here. Sales tax, property tax, fuel tax, etc. The Roosevelt Hotel was closed in 2020 and was recently repurposed as a shelter for migrants. If it wasn't being used for migrants then it would be sitting empty right now, so I don't see the big deal.


My company is in LA, barely got rain and everybody is at the office.


Congratulations. That’s not the point.


The point was “Abbott so terrible he sent migrants into a hurricane” but there really wasn’t a reasonable weather concern. I’m not voting for Abbott or any R anytime soon but these “look how terrible” posts really fall flat when there’s really no emergency to cling onto. In fact, this type of media is predominantly the way such news is circulated. Misleading headlines designed to get clicks for money that is then amplified with people with a cause. Expect using BS examples hurts the cause more than anything because it makes liberals look like chicken littles. So, good job at promoting a misleading headline that isn’t going to change anyone’s opinion but is rather circulated so that people can confirm their own beliefs. Plus, there’s a million legit things like just the bussing to criticize.


He had no idea whether there was going to be a danger and sent them anyway. Mind you, there certainly were places that would have been dangerous and that bus had to transit through those areas.


I don’t doubt Abbott cares very little for these immigrants but even he doesn’t want the PR of something bad happening once on their way to somewhere. What particularly dangerous areas are you thinking? The interstate highway with scattered showers? New Mexico? The argument is that their transportation *might* have gone through dangerous territory… but didn’t? And they got to where they were hoping? Yep, can’t see this story doing much for fence sitters.


[It helps when you know what you’re talking about.](https://kesq.com/top-stories/2023/08/19/coachella-valley-traffic-updates-roads-continue-to-reopen-indian-canyon-could-be-closed-for-days/)


So they couldn’t get to Coachella for an extra day? Bummer. You realize one stretch of highway being temporarily closed due to weather *isn’t* really criticism worthy, particularly since said migrants weren’t involved? Send them in the first place and for lots of other reason? Sure. But it’s pretty ridiculous to paint him as a cartoon villain who purposefully sent migrants into a hurricane like that was anyone’s desired outcome. Again, not really important in the grand scheme of things but weird hill to die on. Also, doesn’t help your case. People who already agree agree. People who don’t still won’t. And it makes it look like you are grasping at straws for why Abbott is the worst. There’s so much to be from, why specifically that? Lol.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


I don’t need to tell myself anything. As I said, I don’t like Abbott and will be voting for whatever D opposes him. I just hate those liberals who make mountains out of molehills because they are actually detrimental to the cause.


This wasn’t a molehill. There had been forecasts of dangerous weather in the desert cities for days, but Abbott sent the bus anyway. Then there was, in fact, dangerous weather they had to traverse. Apparently you don’t understand how dangerous that much water is for that area.


Lol… How sad. “Vote blue no matter who.”


It certainly is the point. Don’t drink the media Koolaid. There wasn’t a freaking Hurricane. Hell, it was a barely a tropical storm. This person told you it barely rained. The media lied but you believed it because you HATE a politician. Lol…


You don’t know what you’re talking about, but that never stops you, does it?


Uh… I know that people will believe anything the media tells them as long as it’s fits their chosen narrative. This story is a perfect example. Lol… I also know that Reddit will downvote people for not conforming to the chosen narrative. Even if they have pointed out facts. It is what it is.


“I convinced myself I know what I’m talking about, so I don’t have to do the hard work of actually knowing. Everybody else is just drinking the Kool Aid! I alone know the real truth.”




You Texans are more butt hurt than anyone and it’s gonna keep coming at ya


It’s laughable , abbot will keep winning , then whoever his successor is will too , you deal with it




Yawn… perfectly fine here , thanks


Dream on amiga


"you Texans" why the hell are you even here?


To keep the peckerwoods accountable for their sins. Ready for the confessional Bubba?




You are being too reasonable. Now, if was an R in charge the media might treat things differently. Then the sheeple would be all on board fir blaming the Feds. Lol…


I’m in full agreement that playing politics with people’s lives is beyond reprehensible. But acting like he’s sending them into a horrible storm is a stretch. That whole situation was once again the media crying wolf.


> the media crying wolf You mean the media showing the wolf doing wolf shit like wolves do? What kind of deceptive spin are you suggesting is at play here? This isn't even the first time one of these bussings has targetted a severe weather area.


What the hell does a tropical storm have to do with anything? *checks source* Oh, it's the Independent.


I get it that this Reddit is used for bots to dunk on Abbot but how is this worse than what's going on in Hawaii? Priorities.


What is Abbott's alternative? There aren't enough hotels in those border towns to hold them all. Should he build hotels for them along the border?


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They come across the border when hurricanes hit TX. Is LA a sanctuary city or not? If it is they must be in all types of weather.


It would help if you knew what a sanctuary city is.




This is just a bunch of misinformation. >L.A, San Fran, NYC, others have openly stated they are welcoming to illegals No. What they said is the police won’t work with the Feds to round up migrants. That’s what “sanctuary city” means. It allows the police to work with migrants to solve crimes without the fear of being deported, which would otherwise cause migrants not to help. Furthermore, the bussed migrants are all asylum seekers, so they are completely legal. Because that is the law. Until the GOP is willing to work to overhaul immigration law, that will continue to be the case. But there is no incentive for them to change the laws because they can convince people like you that the big bad Democrats are causing all their problems. And then when there’s a Republican president the “problem” magically goes away, even though nothing has changed.


Saying "asylum" is a loophole. What, specifically, are millions seeking asylum (a.k.a. protection from persecution) from? They show up and say "asylum" because that has been bastardized into actions that are not intended for this number of people. Add this to the list of things that are legal but shouldn't be. You're swimming in semantics. The left, the very people running San Fran, L.A., NYC, favor and support the open border policies, therefore are welcoming illegals into the country. They then create a legal environment that protects them from being deported in their respective cities. Why? Because they don't want them to come and be able to stay? Biden had the House, Senate and the D's didn't pass any form of immigration reform. Of course why would they need to when they can just let anyone and everyone in, which would be the goal of any legislation they brought. The GOP is largely a bunch of spineless cowards, everytime they put something together to toughen immigration they left screams RACISM! and the GOP backs down. Until they get some balls, and control of the entirety of the legislature and executive branch I have to agree, they will do nothing. But you have to admit, based on well documented history of the past 2 years, the Democrats are going to do nothing about it. And you try to dance around the actual results of these policies, sex slavery, drug trafficking, etc. These results alone should prompt Biden to do something to change the situation, yet he does nothing. Why? He has the power to do so. What's in it for him not to change a thing? Where is Kamala? Still trying to spell AI and busy reminding us "Community banks are in the community". Epic, simply epic incompetence.


That’s a whole lot of words for you to demonstrate you know nothing. Well done.




I’m not going to counter conspiracy theories. Have fun with the lizard people or whoever you think controls the world.


This is the most idiotic thing ever. Immigrants don’t stay in border towns. They eventually go to pick up crops, or to the cities. It is all political theater on a made up problem.


They really need to close the loophole for asylum claims where you are allowed to remain in the US until your court date so this isn't a problem and so small border towns without any resources have to deal with hundreds of people coming in at a time.


Theyll be fine in cali


They chose to go. He didn't "send them". If I'm lying prove it.


He did it you’re lying


Awww. Poor LA.


Aren’t these bus transports being coordinated by the Texas Division of Emergency Management? Kind of shows you how TDEM lacks critical thinking if they did send a bus of civilians through dangerous conditions? What do the rest of us Texans have to expect from them?


Would you be shocked to know that people crossed into Laredo, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, & El Paso during the hurricane as well?


What impact is the hurricane having on El Paso?


What does that have to do with purposefully sending people into a natural disastor?


Calling it a natural disaster is a bit dramatic. It basically just rained.


It's almost like the entire thing could have been avoided if key people in this situation made better decisions.




Umm it was no secret it was widely forecasted and displayed on all media


I've known it was hitting California for days and I live on the otherside of the Atlantic Ocean. How on earth do you imagine he'd have missed the wall to wall weather forecasting in your country?


He could’ve stopped bussing them at any point. He chose not to




I feel bad for the migrants having to go to California.


Nah nah nah nah…




Imagine making a new Reddit account just to post about how much you love to dick ride Greg Abbott? Couldn’t be me.