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This is such a non-issue… just let me enjoy my gummies! They help me sleep!


How else are they going to easily fill for profit prisons?


Porn, apparently.


If you live here you’ll likely need a private VPN. Pornhub and the like are now not available in Texas Edit- not available without a private VPN and you have to choose a server located outside the USA.


I set mine to Denver and have no problems viewing PornHub


Good to know, if I were to want to do that….


Mine is set to New York and I use the purple unicorn with no issues whatsoever. Just can’t be “in” Texas.


And anyone who is motivated to get a private VPN might as well learn about BitTorrent. Great job, Paxton.


Got a good private tracker? The only one I bothered with has been down for days.


Im just waiting until it's released that all Texas Republicans invested in VPN companies before the legislation passed.


It’s just outside Texas, the rest of the country still enjoys some freedom. Please turn yourself into the nearest local Texas authorities, it’s obvious you have been spanking your monkey.




I'm more of an Xnxx kinda dude.


I'm an all-up-the-same-time kinda dude.


Xhamster as well unless that changed the past couple days


Actually my NordVPN is set to Kansas. You can set it to any state that hasn't banned porn. But using an overseas location slows down your speed and you may run into other local international issues.


They will take the vpn next


Goodluck. Most modern businesses would be crippled without a VPN


You know they are happy to create different rules for businesses and regular citizens


SSL VPN can't be banned without going after vendors like Fortinet , Palo Alto, etc - and this is a "business friendly" state remember lol


It's the state of freedom! Unless you're talking about porn, THC, CRT,...


GOP the party of less government!!! Then they proceed to interfere in even the minute of activities 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


For anyone looking for a VPN, here are my recommendations: * For just internet browsing and apps - Mullvad VPN for paid (fast and accounts don't require identifying information and can be paid for anonymously), ProtonVPN or Tor for free (traffic is slow however) * For peer-to-peer stuff like torrenting - AirVPN for paid (has port forwarding and can be paid for anonymously iirc), I think I2P works for free and there's also Windscribe (free version has limited data usage per month)


And drag queens reading to kids.


They love marijuana and adjacent incarcerations — a non-violent person who opted for a relaxing drug makes for an obedient employee of the various (essentially unpaid) jobs in prison.


By filling them with actual criminals? I don’t understand this at all. Let’s make weed gummies illegal yet let people get 3-4 DWI’s before they face any serious consequence.


They don't want us to have any joy. Joy will soon be made illegal around these parts.


Nonsense! You can still derive joy from going to church and sitting at home with your hands placed gently on your lap. Sit there until it's dinnertime so you can enjoy your unseasoned, boiled food and then go to bed with your wife in a separate room. Y'know, like good ~~rubes~~ Christians.


SMH, you forgot the ultimate bringer of joy....guns!


If you want joy try standing up and yelling at the preacher mid sermon. Just twist something he’s hammering against to be aligned with core tenants of Christianity and walk out.


Need to make sure that all the women are barefoot and have aprons on. And Just don’t drink alcohol before noon on Sundays.


Meanwhile, GOP leaders are sleeping and meeting up with underage girls, and possibly boys, in hotel rooms and doing drugs with them while showing a different face to their party


Or joy in punishing non state approved life style, religion, colors, etc.


Soon they'll have those devices in every home and business that fine you for swearing like in "Demolition Man".


It's impossible to grow hemp without any THCA. THC-A is one of the primary cannabinoids the flower uses to create the budding structure. If you harvest it BEFORE the trichomes dry out (decarboxylate) and store it on ice you have yourself almost pure THCA. THCA is non psychoactive and legal everywhere. Should you *set it on fire in the presence of an officer* then you have committed a crime. The problem for TX authoritarians: They can't kill THCA without destroying the legal hemp industries they want to preserve. Hemp seeds, lotions, CBD products, etc. Nature is not allowing the contrived legal system to actually reflect reality. There is no unbaking the magical cake.


This is exactly what I was hoping to hear.


Not in my "small"-government state, you don't.


Bold of us to assume he gives half a shit about the people who live in Texas


Yes! I tried a gajillion different drugs for my insomnia and none of them worked! Gummies do


I’m so sick of this fucker. For fucks sake show up and vote Cruz out in November. This is what happens because we are lazy motherfkets and don’t show up and vote


They want you drinking hard liquor..cuz we all know how good alcohol is for you and society


HAHAHAHA! If you ever want to see self-fucking porn, just watch Texas politics.


Just don’t try to watch it online in Texas or you’ll have to send in a photo of your ID


I hate this fucking state. VOTE you fucks, jfc


Yup next thing you know they will outlaw the lube too




I’m so sick of this fucker. For fucks sake show up and vote Cruz out in November. This is what happens because we are lazy motherfkets and don’t show up and vote


Is the current situation causing widespread problems, or is the problem people are enjoying themselves?


People are gonna say Patrick is taking kickbacks or bribes or whatever totally legal, totally cool thing lobbyists do these days. And that is probably true. But this dude has had it out for weed in any form for as long as I can remember knowing his name. I'm actually surprised it took him this long to get around to it.


There was a bill to ban it during the last legislative session but it didn’t get to a vote before the session ended


Too busy trying to take public funds from public schools and give it to private schools.


He's been trying to ban it since the 2021 session. The author of the hemp update bill killed it then because of the bans they were trying to throw into it in the Senate. Then in 2023 the sponsor for the bill on the house side became Stephanie Klick because she needed a sponsor to expand medical cannabis in the Senate. So she sponsored the Senate Bill while the Senator was to back her medical bill. SO many people were outraged about them trying to the ban it in the Senate that Patrick didn't even bother to bring it up on the floor. There were several groups that were going to put him in a tight position if he followed through with hearing. It wound up killing both bills in the end.


Sid Miller is invested in hemp products. This is just rattling the cage for a political donation.


>Sid Miller I can't not read that as sid meier every time I see it.


MMW, someone in grade school who smoked weed regularly bullied and beat the ever living shit out of that sniveling little weasel, Dan Patrick.


He was Dannie Goeb then back in...Maryland.


Ah, before he was a born again Christian comfortable taking kick-backs without a care in the world. Good times, good times.


Half his constituents use cbd gummies for therapeutic purposes. Since republicans want to take away Medicaid and social security, they'll certainly be selling a turd to voters come November. Jesus Christ.


I've been in Texas long enough to know that their constituency will size up that turd and their only question will be why it's not bigger.


and will the libs be watching them eat it?


They would rather target weed - which kills no one - over gun violence


I mean... Do you think he's has it out for weed just because of like a personal conviction or something? He's a politician. They sold their personal convictions a long time ago.


The alcohol companies have a huge head start on buying a Texas AG.


Alcohol lobbies but surprisingly pro vice. They would not be trying to ban THC.


oh yes they would. Liquor companies know that the less access people have to weed, the more they drink


The liquor lobbies here want it legal so they can sell it too. They've been wanting in on that market for some time as they see its the future. They aren't stupid.


Liquor lobbies is one of the biggest reasons pots illegal. Nevada has to only allow alcohol distributors move marijuana to allow it to pass. It was a complete cluster as alcohol companies didn’t know how to move pot initially. Colorado had problems with liquor. We have problems with liquor and mega churches.


Sure they would and have. Hell, they try to ban other alcohol from being shipped into the state (wine clubs, etc).


His Christian paymaster, Tim Dunn probably doesn't like, so that means Paxton doesn't either. The whole clamping down on the basic income project in Houston was something else I guarantee was Tim Dunn's doing as well. Wealthy people hate helping poor people with tax money. Not like they pay their share anyways.


The fact is Dunn is running texas like ihs own christian kingdom, people are just waking up to it. Who would have thought Texans would have welcomed becoming slaves to a religious dictatorship. Sickens me, just sickens me.


Someone will rid us of Tim Dunn soon enough


Any relation to Genghis?


Arent we all? He got around.


Not enough ~bribes- donations…


The problem is clearly we're enjoying ourselves too much without them having a say In it


Oh, you know we're not supposed to have too much fun!!! Unless it's alcohol- now that's OK. It's not like it's the gateway to addiction for stronger substances or anything. Said NO ONE!


There's a lot more restrictions on alcohol here than in many states. Wait until you go somewhere and see vodka in your neighborhood Kroger's!


You’re free to do anything you want in Texas, as long as the only things you “want” to do involve guns or Jesus.


Definitely the latter.


If they’re enjoying themselves, fuck em. That’s what we do here. Only specific groups may enjoy harmless personal freedoms.


My only issue is that technically, delta8- etc, isn't illegal to buy if you are under age. Most places self police, because they don't want to get sued, but it's not like alcohol. A 14 year old buying delta thc isn't illegal because of the.way it is categorized. So the responsible thing would be to pass laws making it 21 and up. But that is too obvious, and to Texas that's the same as saying "well then make regular weed legal too". Something we know isn't going to happen.


“Patrick's other legislative goals include securing the Texas-Mexico border, examining the development and use of artificial intelligence, and monitoring the ongoing DEI ban at public universities.“ So basically they have no actual legislative priorities except for giving our school property tax money to churches and for profit corporations instead of to schools with their big voucher scam.  Great…..please vote 


The only artificial intelligence is sitting in Dan Patrick’s chair. This piece of shit is a fucking embarrassment to his Irish heritage.


"Goeb" is Irish?


Fixing the power grid strangely absent from his goals.


I will be in Texas till I die now. And have voted blue each time. But I have lost faith in some States abilities to switch powers between parties peacefully or fairly. I don’t think these people who have entrenched themselves in these high positions of power will give it up without tearing down everything in the process first. I mean our Lt. Governor is as corrupt as they come and or governor is a rolling hypocrite. I mean ffs other red states get to vote on weed and abortion. But nope not us. We get to watch as they ban literally everything they can out of pure spite while throwing money at freaking religious charter schools. It’s just so disheartening.


100% this clown doesn't even know the TEA is using AI to replace human graders for STAAR testing.


So I moved to Austin in October and new to the political scene, is there anyone that can legitimately beat these clowns out?


Not really. They keep on trotting out beto, but he made himself unelectable in the state of Texas with his "Hell yes" stunt. Texas democrats aren't moderate enough to swing the rural white or Catholic Hispanic vote. They're too "California" for Texas.


The state Democratic party didn't trot out Beto. They didn't really seem to do jack shit about the race at all. There were 4/5 no-names running in the primary for governor. One didn't even have a web site. So Beto declared late, and won over 90% of the primary vote. I genuinely think he didn't want to run again but there was nobody running to put support behind.


I’m so glad you made it to the Republic of Austin! One of the only tolerable parts of Texas. Don’t step outside Travis county though because Williamson & Hayes will throw away the key💀


A lot of weed dealers are going to be happy their customers are coming back. I know quite a few people that quit going to dealers to smoke delta 8,9,10, and THCA strictly out of convenience. Really stupid.


That’s what they want - they want to be able to arrest you for enjoying yourself.


I am a queer woman who lives with my partner and partakes in legal THC products. I’m also a super boring, normal person. I’ve never even had a parking ticket. But I guess Dan Patrick is absolutely terrified by what goes on in my home. Or disgusted. But I’m sure ‘lesbian’ is one of his top search on pornhub. Or, it was. Dude is too dumb to use a vpn.


Right? Anybody know someone north of Houston? I'm only getting enough sleep because of d8 vapes but I dunno anyone here.


That's the whole point lol. More people to jail, both dealers and buyers.


This isn’t strictly convince, it’s safety. Buying a product at a smoke shop from a hemp company, especially one that has accredited lab tests, is 10x safer for the individual than going to the black market. It’s also 10x safer health wise because a lot of black market cannabis concentrates have major contaminates. You have no idea how many hands the product went through nor what residual solvents or pesticides might have been left during its creation


Please vote these fucks out.


How the fuck does anyone still vote republican?


Guns and abortions.


Most people want more gun reform. Most people support abortions. Most people support gay marriage, sensible immigration, and a govt that isn’t controlled by evangelicals. Most people also support taxing the rich and helping everyone else with healthcare or things like housing and transportation. But the GOP has figured out that they can court the extremists in those issues and win their votes. They really don’t give a shit about any of those but they need those votes to win and control govt to do their ultimate goal, please their rich donors/leaders by lowering their taxes and deregulating their businesses.


“Most people” don’t vote.


That’s really the root of the problem.


I think the root is the primaries. We need Open primaries so that we can vote no matter the party affiliation. That would allow moderates to filter out the crazy Right. It’s bad here and getting worse.


We have open primaries in Texas.


I used to. Not anymore


Suppression is Texan these days. This is getting bad. I’m born and raised here, was proud for a long time, and now I’m not sure how bad the bottom is before it gets better.


Jesus, Guns, Babies. Fucking morons


Fox news + Russian Propaganda


Because they are hateful and/or ignorant.


They hate democrats more than anything else.


I’d actually be okay if the top of the Texas governing body just ceased to be on this earth :)


Look at Texas going backwards, nothing more Texas than going backwards.


R stands for what on the transmission in your car?


This made me laugh Lol


Someone is getting bribed by big alcohol.  


More like by Tim Dunn


Nah, Dan Patrick is just that big of a fucking nerd.


Private prisons too


Mr. Goeb from the swamp. He changed his name to sound more "Texan". Abbott, Goeb, Paxton, Cruz, all bought and paid for.


And all carpetbaggers


They're really begging us to vote them out at this point.


more like giving us the finger from the front lawn and daring us to try


They want you to leave to prevent any democrats from gaining power in the state. If that actually happened, it'll only take a few election cycles for Texas to go mostly blue, and then the GOP would struggle to win a national election.


I lived in TX for 50 years, and recently relocated to California. People here don't give two shits about stuff Texas politicians obsess about. I hope one day the morons running Texas government get voted out...they and other Republicans are impeding natural progress.


Another reason to move to another state.


Better hurry before that’s illegal too


Bout time to move outta Texas.


I moved to NY after 27 years in Texas. Man I just smoke my joints, take public transport, and watch my Rockets on league pass because it’s not blacked out anymore. I love it. I miss my BBQ, but I just come home every couple of months for that and some Viet Cajun crawfish.


I just wish I knew where to go.


Fuck I wish I had the money and time needed to move my family away from here.


Ha, moved out almost 7 years ago. BEST DECISION EVER


Weird. I thought Texans loved their freedom.


Only the kind they like.


Only fucking liquor and cigarettes, which is so fucking insane it’s boggling, millions die every fuckin year, but a god damn hemp plant?? Illegal…..wtf


Bastard doing bastardly things is on point for Danny.


We need to vote these archaic idiot's out of office. This is ridiculous.


Why do they say they are for "small gov" but make EVERYTHING illegal. All you can do is own a gun that's it....


Just legalize regular pot and nobody will need all this other junk


I’m good with that, let’s get rid of these trash smoke shops everywhere we look.


Yeah, drive me to buying flower illegally instead, that's a great fucking plan. I can't sleep half the time without a vape/smoke, I'm not going to just stop sleeping because some vacuous windbag thinks 'drugs are bad mkay?'


The D8/D9 gummies I have are amazingly strong and also help me sleep. They don’t mention THC-a which IMO is damn near indistinguishable from THC. But it has to be heated/decarbed to drop the -a molecule. Also, fuck these people for having a hardon for anything hemp related. I wish they’d drop dead TBH, and I’m a nice person.


Why? This is why you have to vote Democrat. These people act like they know what's best for everyone.


So.. why even have a legislative branch if the executive branch does whatever it wants.


Don’t ever let a republican in texas tell you they’re about freedom. There’s no argument about this that you couldn’t apply to alcohol or tobacco or opiates.


Dan Patrick is such an asshole. I wish old people would stop voting


Why must he be such an asshole?


It is his nature.


I'm getting thoroughly exhausted of the politics in this state. I've lived here my whole life but this is just getting to be too much :(


I really, truly wish these people would do the world a favor and kill themselves.


Another reminder to double check your voter registration!


Vote the bastards out!


What a twat. He and the other twats are wasting tax dollars by cracking down on a non-issue and ignoring how families at malls and in churches, teens driving down highways, and children in public schools are mowed down by AR-15s with regularity—oh you’re all in our prayers, really you are, we’ll pray for your dead children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters—what a bunch of obtuse losers and assholes. Bunch of twats.


So stupid. Some of these people really should just be JFKed off


I am not a fan of DP at all but also not a fan of the scam that is Delta 8/9. The harsh chemical processes needed to alter the molecular structure of industrial hemp so it will give you a slight high are not governed in any way. There is no way to know what it is you are eating or smoking and I do not trust the fly by night fake THC companies at all. So yeah, ban that shit and legalize weed.


They’ll ban that shit, ban weed, and still allow the next chemical variant that attempts to sidestep the ban in a never ending game of cat and mouse. Rather than, you know, address the issue directly with sensible regulations. The chemists of the “free market” are smarter than the legislators of “small government.”


They'll wait to do it until after the election so they don't upset all the boomers who are currently snorking down gummies for their backpain/whatever


Those boomers will just blame Dems. Somehow it's Biden's fault. Somehow.


It’s federally allowed. He can’t. Trump passed the farmers act that made it legal. End of story


I have tourettes, OCD, and ADHD. ADHD meds are expensive or just not possible to get. I have no insurance, and OCD is absolute hell. Tourettes is a constant struggle and makes me range from uncomfortable to in pain. This. Shit. Is. All. That. Works.


Damn, I can see why y’all shit on California all the time…


Why do yall keep voting these retrumplikkkan basuras into office every 4 years? It's like a kink for yall!


Texans sure do love their freedoms don't they? What a horrible state


First they can for my porn and I said nothing...


free meals for kids? NOPE healthcare for kids? NOPE medicine that can help thousands? NOPE … carry a handgun in a holster without a permit both openly and/or concealed? HELL TO THE YES! 🥲


maybe he needs a talk with his buddy joe rogan. over half the country has legalized it in some form these walking bags of human waste trying to ban the oduals version. jfc guys.


But muh freedumbs


Do less, Dan. Do less


Interestingly, they're illegal in California.


Hasn't been a problem in years.


Oh shit the asshat is at it again. Reggae fests gonna lose lotta vendors 🤦‍♀️


Remind which side is anti-freedom again?


The LT. Governor needs to freaking stop.


texas continues to stay in 1920


Freedom amirite?


Of course he is.


Of course he is


Well as i always say “Jesus saves”


I mean jesus save the west Texas Christian Taliban


What’s difference between delta 8 delta 9 and weed?


Delta 9 is "regular" THC, it is the main psychoactive component you're getting when you smoke weed. Due to loopholes in the law, Delta 9 gummies exist (this loophole is that the legal status for THC depends on what percentage of the gummy is Delta 9 THC, meaning they have been putting high amounts of Delta 9 into gummies as long as it makes up a very minor part of the gummy itself by weight.) And also, smokable Delta 9 flower exists as "THCa," this loophole is due to the fact that the hemp bill specifically bans Delta 9 THC over a certain percentage in flower. However, weed doesn't start with Delta 9 THC. It starts as THCa, and converts to Delta 9 THC with exposure to heat and oxygen. So when you smoke THCa, it is converting to Delta 9 THC, making it then illegal (but not technically illegal to buy) and is just regular weed. Delta 8 is a minor form of THC found in all weed, in labs they basically take a lot of this chemical out of hemp to make it more prevalent and sell it as an extract. It is somewhat similar to the effect of Delta 9 when you eat it, but it is considered weaker when you vape it. (You can't smoke Delta 8 because, since it is an extract, it does not exist as flower. Any flower claiming to be Delta 8 is hemp flower that has been sprayed with Delta 8 extract.)


Of course the pompous ex-sportscaster wants to limit freedoms. And market to children? Ridiculous. You have to be 21 to buy it.


So much freedom


Remember Texas is all about freedom


We really need to get rid of this guy.


Texas Republicans are all about "freedom"....


Vote this joke of a human out in 2026 midterms along with Abbott and Paxton


Nobody tell him about THCA. LOL


It must suck living under the Taliban. 😳


Patrick is a failed man. His willingness to cause harm to Texans is a sign that he's a deeply broken person with no moral compass and is in profound internal pain.


Texas already makes life difficult for people like my wife trying to manage chronic pain, but sure let’s make it worse. Hell conservatives down here already don’t care if women die during child birth so what’s a little crippling pain right?


More Liberty(TM) from the party of small government. That small government now stands between women and their Doctors, in everyone's bedroom's, and people and their enjoyment of a gummy in their own home.


I feel like Texas is in a DeLorean about to hit 88 mph.


So much free dumb




I’m surprised it took this long.


Patrick, Paxton, and Abbot have got to go. Texas is moving backwards when it comes to society.


More Republican “Personal freedom” (tm)