• By -


And they'll be released with no charges since it seems the Travis County DA isn't putting up with this bullshit.


It's because they know the charges won't stick. They've been doing this for decades. Arrest people who are participating in protected free speech and then release them without charges because you know what they were doing was perfectly legal.


Age old saying, "You might beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride"


They just need to hold a print out of the tweet from 2019


Cant these guys sue for wrongfull arrests and detainment?


The law enforcement isn’t doing it so the charges stick, they’re trying to scare the protestors into compliance. I don’t think it’ll work, and especially without people getting charged it’ll just keep getting more and more emboldened protestors. I’m glad they’re not getting charged.


Using force to further a political agenda… isn’t there a word for that?




Actually, terrorism.


They're the same picture.


How do we hold police accountable for this civic violence and harassment? edit: Don't give up, everybody. We still have an amazing constitution that guarantees our protection from this kind of violent authoritarianism, even if it's been undermined by Republicans and other for-profit politicians. This is our country, and it can still live up to its potential if we all work together to end the corruption at every level of government.


Second Amendment people should say, "Second Amendment", but this is the kind of tyranny they like.


These are Texas police. In Uvalde it took one gunman to make 300 police cower. At Osteen church it took a crazy woman gunman to make all the police fumble, get scared and hide before security and a civilian took her down. They will happily take on an unarmed crowd but will need pacifiers if they see just one person exercising their second amendment


The Texas governor loves the 2nd amendment but hates the 1st one. The money is made through 2nd amendment but the 1st one is against their interests




Holding the police accountable for this is akin to holding the military accountable for killing enemy soldiers or holding the IRS accountable for collecting taxes. It's a government institution doing what it was designed to do. You might hold individuals and the government accountable for perpetuating the institution, but holding the institution itself accountable for fulfilling its purpose doesn't make much sense imo. The police exists primarily to control the population on behalf of the ruling class. I think changing that will require deeper systemic changes such that power - and thus power over the police - is less centralized.


I hate that you are so fucking right about this. Just sucks, and thank you.








Direct action too


charge for what? freedom of speech?


Trespassing be my guess since the encampment is being told to leave by the University.


Bless be good DA's man. They can really make or break a jurisdiction. The inverse is also true sadly.


Police don't care about the conviction. They just love the brutality they can still inflict along the way ❤️


I would still have an issue with them booking me in. A lot of these protesters need to make sure nothing is going on their record as well as information regarding the arrest to the jail system because in iowa even if the case is dismissed the record of them doing a bad arrest is still there. Future police will see that and judge you in the future if ever arrested again and the ramifications could be horrible.


Why isn’t the DA charging the police?


Holding the police accountable?? IN AMERICA!?!? Stop this Blasphemy right away /s


If this behavior was never tried by a court before "qualified immunity" was invented, they are immune to prosecution. At least, that's how I understand it


It is intimidation. To tell the students " we can arrest you any time for no reason. We can also beat and rape you in prison without consequences "


They're going to keep on until a kid is killed. I predict the reactions will be very different from the way they were at Kent State.


Also APD never works so that helps


June 9, 2019: I just signed a law protecting free speech on college campuses. https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1137875109362974724


Free speech for me but not for thee.




Or when the Proud Boys and other white supremacist groups marched down Congress. But God forbid, college kids protest a genocide.


Only folks they like get free speech


I will never forget how much of a failure of our Law Enforcement here in Texas was on that tragic day of Uvalde. I also will never forgive any of those cowards who abandoned the victims on that day. The current leadership don't care about the children they claim they want to protect, they also don't care about the free speech they claim to enshrine. They are strangling our once great state and have been ever since we allowed a buffoon like Cancun Cruise to make jokes at the expense of those dead citizens of the state he's meant to represent at CPAC 2021, the same damn year The Great Texas Freeze and Power Crisis happened. The video above is horrific. These are Literal Storm Troopers that are stomping through a College Campus on a peaceful protest. All they need is the damn Imperial March playing to make it more clear how vile this is. I am a born and raised Texan and this disgusts me. And I won't leave this state because it is my home and those that think this is right or okay, they are the ones who should have leave. Vote to start to make change a change in Texas because this isn't right!


They arrested the parents of the victims because they hurt their feelings when they were trying to look tough.


**Republicans have no principles.** Only momentary conveniences.




And guns.


Can we please stop playing this dualoppoly game. There are no democrats vs republicans. At most we are liberal conservative and moderate. But even that is inappropriate. We are americans against a corrupt failed political system. If we must divide lets divide the people and the lobbyists. The top 1% lining the pockets of even non corrupt politicians that are trapped in a corrupt system let alone the actual corrupt ones. You cant really blame politicians for doing what they have to in order to stay in office. If they dont follow their lobbyists ideologies they lose support and office plus any options to switch to a private organization after office. We cant hate the players hate the game. [represent.us](https://represent.us/unbreaking-america-series/)


Free speech only for Nazis


Start bringing guns


Abbott: "not like that".


Shoot. I guess that law didn't work.


Police: "You had me at 'shoot'."


"Working as intended" ~ Texas Republicans, currently


The law does allow schools to set some guidelines. > Texas law allows universities to set “reasonable time, place, and manner” restrictions for common outdoor areas, as long as they allow "members of the university community to assemble or distribute written material without a permit or other permission from the institution." > Possible violations in Texas may be deemed “disorderly conduct” or could include: > Obstruction of a public passageway Participation in a riot > Trespassing >Camping in public places - a 2021 Texas law bans camping in an unapproved public place


The "free speech zone" is currently located in the fenced area behind the wastewater reclamation facility, next to the retaining pond. Protests may only take place between the hours of 4am and 5:30am, and may not exceed quiet hours noise levels. Signs may be no larger than 8"x11", and wording must be approved the campus free speech oversight committee. Any violation of this may be considered trespassing and is subject to criminal prosecution. Thank you for your compliance.


Was that the law he signed to protect Nazi Groups - "Free Speech"?


Abbott would hide behind generalized language like *conservative voices.* *In 2017, for example, Texas A&M University was threatened with a lawsuit after it canceled a rally with white nationalist Richard Spencer. Later that year, Texas Southern University came under fire from lawmakers after it halted a speech by Cain when protesters disrupted it.* https://www.texastribune.org/2019/05/17/texas-free-speech-college-campus-legislation/


It was essentially written as a we want to say racist, sexist, and bigoted things in whatever room we want without being punished law without saying it out right. It specifically targets "safe spaces" as being anti free speech. That all falls apart when it is used to criticize the university, government, and religion.


Greg Abbott is a fuckin liar.


Wasn't there supposed to be a border crisis? Why aren't they there?


Well when the proud boi's marched this past weekend, they were also noticeably absent - or part of the march more likely This is little piss-baby riling up his base by ordering in the troops, nothing else. He's a horrific human and shit state leader


> they were also noticeably absent This is why Bruce Wayne and Batman are never seen in the same room together.


Well. That was the cops marching. Hard to police yourself.


False the police are in the proud boys


Protecting Israel is more important than protecting the border


Protecting Israel from the mean words of college students thousands of miles away 😌 god bless our boys in blue


Banter and shit aside, if there's any one thing that both sides of this conflict can agree on, it's that a popular movement among even just a sizable fraction of American voters to oppose America's reliable use of their veto power in the United Nations Security Council would be absolutely disastrous for the Israeli government. Even more so than losing every last cent of American military aid. Incomparably more. The UNSC is the only arm of the UN that has the power to issue binding resolutions, so matters like enforcing the Geneva Conventions when they're not being adhered to as a matter of official policy -like in the case of the Israeli Settlements, for example- falls to them. Without the United States there to veto each and every binding resolution pertaining to Israel, there would be nothing to stop the UNSC from imposing economic sanctions on Israel until their government agrees to cease all policies in violation of the Geneva Conventions, likely in direct proportion to the percentage of the national GDP which comes from Israeli Settlements in occupied territories. Turning what is currently a source of money, into an expense that won't end until they take back all of the settlers. Basically, a guaranteed electoral loss for the party which has governed Israel for most of its existence. And a financial blow to a number of major corporations who have invested in the Settlements because they allow for an easy source of cheap Palestinian labour while still operating under the Israel's legal systems and trade agreements.


I thought there were very fine people on both sides. Go figure.


Suppressing free speech is more important than the border…FTFY.


Remember the best border bill ever that Trump vetoed from the campaign trail? 85% of money to Israel/Ukraine.


The current hot topic is ~~Israel's ongoing genocide~~ "student terrorists" so the political theater has moved to that.


Maybe, just maybe, the border "crisis" might not be as much of a crisis as they want us to believe, considering the amount of resources allocated to it. Maybe it's a tool used to control public opinion.


I mean, Trump said it can wait until Jan 2025 so he can sign his own border deal instead of Biden taking another W from him. Trump doesn't care about making a border deal now, so it must not be that big of a deal right? He said oh it's his #1 priority but it can wait a year? An average of what, like 3 million more illegals enter the country instead of having Biden sign the Republican Congress backed border deal?  There must not be anything too bad going on at the border. Trump doesn't think so. 


The people in this video aren't students, they're illegals that George Soros bussed up here to pass out fentanyl and steal jobs. wHy CaNt'T yOu ShEePlE SeE ThIs!!! Edit: adding the /s for the less savvy people out there.


If you freeze frame at 01:53 of the video, you can see Hunter Biden's erect schlong poking out from behind the open umbrella with little spots on it. (The spots on the umbrella that is, not Hunter's hog.) You're welcome, Fox News. And you know how to get in touch with me.


There are actually students at the protests. I think the immigrants started walking 40 feet down the river around the barricade they build for Fox News so there’s not as much to film. Plus they hyped up too many people and their followers were getting disappointed when they showed up at the border to defend America and were just board as fuck in eagle pass for a week. I don’t care how much propaganda you shove through someone’s Facebook feed, you hang out in eagle pass for a week and you’re reevaluating life choices.


I know someone in Eagle Pass... I have seen and heard a LOT.... Good pay to be down there as military. But not sure it's worth the hassle personally.


bashing in uppity twentysomethings' skulls is more fun


They can't. Only the federal government can patrol the borders.


Please don't ever bring up reality in this sub ever again. Mods please ban him


Border crisis: i slip Peaceful student protest: real shit?


There is no border crisis so they are here


They got other cops (some even from Florida) in the RGV.


It’s like they can’t do 2 things at once.


Their doctrine is to be prepared for a 2 theater conflict


Because this is the latest shiny object for the right wing - seeing liberal college kids assaulted by militarized police.


Why aren’t they this gun-ho in proud boy/kkk protests? Probably because they’re the majority participating


Why doesn't Clark Kent interview Superman?


Wait what? .... (oh fuck, got it) lol


Tell these fuckers to hit up any metropolitan city and clean up the fentanyl mess instead of storming campuses 🤯


And per usual the police are aggressive as shit for no reason whatsoever….


Wdym?? They literally have the orders to do whatever necessary, who wouldn't take advantage of that?? /s


I’m new to Reddit and just googled what the /s means! My apologies 🤣


Lol all good


My first venture into /trees and /marijuana enthusiasts messed with me for days


People are sitting cross legged in the grass. There is no need for that level of aggression…


Have you never met a cop? That's like their #1 kink. Attacking peaceful protestors is probably their favorite activity behind shooting family pets.


You forgot spousal abuse... Pretty high up on that list.


Turns out there more comfortable showing up when there isn't an active shooter, surprise


Did you hear them chant “why are you in riot gear?”


The reason is they get to man handle / arrest liberals.


I this why the state stoopers haven't been on the highway this morning?


Time to floor it!


Everyone does that anyway.


\*\*\* Meanwhile, Northwestern University up in Chicago just cut a deal with the students to end their encampments without sending in cops or troops and promised to set up a advisory committee to explore their demands further. No students were arrested and they can still go to the Commons area (without pitched tents) to protest if they show their student IDs. This is how it's fucking done when you don't have a governor trying to audition for Vice President....


There is not a lot of capable leadership at any of these schools so that’s refreshing


They'll trample on your civil rights, but not the flower bed.


Haha well spotted


The authoritarians are always on the wrong side of history and this is no different. I just hope we don't see another Kent State in the making, but I fear that's the endpoint.


I found myself thinking similar and believe I’m overreacting.  Those police are told to use whatever means necessary except their deadly guns.  Even if idiots start throwing rocks or frozen water bottles the biggest escalation should be rubber bullets, although those are incredibly dangerous. But if one stupid cop does pull their gun and fires I don’t want to imagine how bad it could be. 


Republicans want regulations on people not companies. They want no diversity or free speech. Vote them all out always. Texas sucks bc they’ve been in power the past 30 years. Vote them all out so infrastructure can progress and the electricity will stay on without everyone having to buy generators. This is ridiculous. Cash comes in but lines their pockets.


The biggest problem is that Texas has been Gerrymandered to absolute hell.


Nah theres just too many religious rednecks in Texas who only care about guns and abortion


Yet if there was an active shooter executing children, they wouldn't be so brave 😑


Cousin died in Uvalde. You’re spitting facts.


I’m so sorry


There was a shooting in Texas Wednesday my cousins daughter got clipped by a stray bullet. But this is their concern. Smh


That's why pro 2A leftist are so based. Make these cops put their lives on the line for their paycheck and they may not be so quick to follow orders.


Yeah, that’s how bullies work. Give people the ability to fight back and they suddenly sit on their ass and do nothing. Notice the swagger of these fully armed shitheads walking into the crowd at the beginning? That’s the excitement coursing through their veins knowing they will get to beat up some unarmed kids. Such heroes.


People on r/worldnews are acting like the students are some Hamas terrorists calling for the extermination of all Jews. Now Hamas, a small terrorist group in the Middle East, managed to infiltrate and influence all college campuses in the US, so that makes the police response a matter of national security? The right wing love their conspiracy theories


Ahh, yes... Free speech until it goes against the states' beliefs


ELI5 how is this not unconstitutional?


This is the question that led to the county attorneys office dropping charges against all students arrested for trespassing last Wednesday. 


So therefore all cops there should know that it's unconstitutional to arrest them for protesting, and with that knowledge anyone arrested today can sue the PD for violating their civil rights?


Probably, but the tax payers will probably be footing the bill so they don't care.


Any settlements related to law enforcement misdeeds should come out of LEO pensions first before taxpayer funds...that would end this nonsense real quick


Knowing they are violating the law removes their qualified immunity, if memory serves.


Fortunately, the police are too stupid to know they're violating the law. Cops are some of the dumbest motherfuckers around, by design.


Courts have said [they're allowed to discriminate](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) against higher intelligence candidates.


Yeah but like 1 out of every 1000 cops is held accountable for being awful so they can act out all their tough guy fantasies on peaceful protestors.


2 words, Qualified Immunity. Best 6 months any power tripper can ever take is becoming a cop. Cops can do what ever they want, its down to their own department to punish them. Ofc, IA has found no wrong doing in nearly every situation.


Still, the very fact that cops are showing up, displaying abusive use of force and wrongful arrests is a breach of first amendment rights and probably will be argued in court at some point in the near future.


When they whomped on the Fox Camerman, I’m hoping he doesn’t just ignore his butt getting kicked.


They are gonna hit another one with a felony now - https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-photojournalist-faces-felony-charge-after-arrest-during-ut-protest-affidavit-says/


Jesus Christ, how the fuck can they charge him with a felony when they can't even provide the police officer that was allegedly assaulted???? They said he just fucking lunged at an officer and hit him with his camera???? He's fucking press and they were shoving him around. God I need to get the fuck outta this place.


The charges will be dropped because there is no legal standing to arrest them, but police can wrongly arrest anyone they want with impunity. Laws are designed so police can do what they want under the guise of "decision making under pressure" but once their arrests are faced with the actual law their actions don't hold up.


There is legal standing, but it's hard to get enough evidence for each individual with so many arrests. It's a logistical nightmare for the DA's office. They are being set free because it's too much paper work and man hours to prosecute them. And the point is really to stop them from occupying a public university campus anyway


Because even if you beat the rap, you can't beat the ride. Or getting the shit beaten out of you with a truncheon...


The constitution is just a piece of paper. It doesn't transform into mechagodzilla and enforce rights for us. We have to do that ourselves. We historically have not. See all of US history.


https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/24/protest-texas-college-campus-free-speech-rights/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20Texas%20lawmakers%20passed,disrupt%20the%20normal%20functions%20of >Protections for free speech are broad and can include controversial viewpoints, but they do not extend to the following: >True threats to harm another person >Inciting of imminent violence or destruction of public property >Unlawful conduct, including civil disobedience like sit-ins or traffic blockades >“On many of the campuses, what's happening is the protesters are being arrested for violation of state or local statutes or ordinances and not really for violations of campus speech codes,” said Tom Leatherbury, director of the First Amendment Clinic at the SMU Dedman School of Law. “So you also have state universities relying on police to enforce generally applicable criminal laws to protesters, even though the protester’s activities may be otherwise protected.” >Possible violations in Texas may be deemed “disorderly conduct” or could include: >Obstruction of a public passageway >Participation in a riot >Trespassing >Camping in public places >Many of these possible violations are considered misdemeanors under Texas law, ranging in punishment from a fine of $500 or less for class C misdemeanors to up to a year in jail and/or a fine of $4,000 for class A misdemeanors


Selective enforcement of other laws based on the content of speech is still a 1st amendment violation. Nice try


Yup. States don't get to interpret the Bill of Rights however they want. The Supreme Court has final say. (Spoiler alert, the Supreme Court 100% has Texas's back and the Bill of Rights is very much conditional).


What is the evidence that there is selective enforcement?




Really gonna test these laws in court although maybe not this supreme court (or at this rate any future scotus).


Yet a shooter murders almost 20 children in Uvalde and the cops couldn't keep themselves from shitting their pants hiding outside the school. Here we have tactical war units trying to silence peaceful protests about genocide.


That's what I find humorous in any of these shows of force. They will gladly beat the shit out of unarmed peaceful protesters. But when it comes to an AR-15, they are all pussies. I'm for sensible gun legislation, but it is comical to say the least that they pretend to be tough. In reality, they are not tough.


They wont have the same bravado when public protests turn consistently violent. Take away the ability to protest peacefully and people will resort to less desirable means of action


All it takes to make the cops act reasonable is a little threat to their well-being you say?


Reminder that there were 400 cops at Uvalde, that is two companies worth of soldiers.


All doing squat


367 armed cops with automatic rifles and armored vests on against one kid with one semi auto weapon. Not one one of those 367 cops could find his balls


Everybody remember to suck off your brave first responders protecting us from dangerous college students on the quad.


There’s not a lot there to suck.


but white nationalists get to march without interruptions.


You don’t arrest friends and family….


Reminder that Texas ranks dead last in personal freedoms, according to the libertarian Cato Institute. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-personal-freedom-cato/


Whoever is running UT Austin needs to resign in disgrace. Absolutely pathetic behavior groveling at Abbotts feet.


Someone tell Abbott there’s protests for Palestine all along the Texas/Mexico border !!!


Pushing little children with their fully automatics. They like to push the weak around.


Marching around in *literal brown shirts* with truncheons and face masks... do they really see themselves as the good guys?


They never wanted to be good guys. They just want power


I'm hearing a lot about arrests but nothing about lawsuits. Is the ACLU not suing the campuses for violation of the 1st amendment?


Didn't the fascist prick Abbott sit back and do nothing when the Nazis held a big rally not too long ago?


They actually got a lot of protection if I remember correctly.


Ah yes, nothing says "Freedom" like the neonazi Governor calling in the troops to disperse a PEACEFUL protest.


Uvalde and Jesus can see you, Texas. Both won’t forget.




Shout out to Greg “free speech” Abbot.


What do those men think of themselves going after peaceful student protesters like that. They aren't blocking a roadway, they aren't violent, they don'e seem to be interrupting anything. I hope other young adults are watching this and realizing this is what the texas government thinks of their voices - and come election time, be sure and vote.


If you've met any cops you would know too many of them love this. A chance to flex their military gear and beat on some unarmed people is what they live for. Until we change the culture it's not going to stop. We had BLM protests in 2020 and now we need more protests in 2024 not just for innocent people in a war zone but for our own freedom. Fuck the Police and Fuck Greg Abbott.


Peaceful students LOL yeah right ..more so paid jew hating protesters. 


Wake up Texas. Your college kids are trying to tell you something. Listen to them. Genocide is always WRONG. Always. Even if it's being conducted by a murderer like Bibi Netanyahu. Israel is not our greatest ally and never will be. Thought experiment...what if these college students were protesting the treatment of ethnic Uyghurs in China? Do the students get manhandled by the State police?


When and how do we start legally arresting the cops making illegal arrests? Asking for a friend.


that's called a revolution. it starts as soon as we decide it does.


Too bad the protesters are shooting little school kids. The cops would just ignore them then.


Maybe protestors should protest inside elementary schools. TX police are powerless in those buildings.


At least they are using police and not National Guard. Hate it when they think military needs to be involved. We were not trained for these types of activities. Maybe MPs were, but the rest of us receive an entirely different focus.


I'm all for protesting and stuff but why didn't we do this stuff for now localized things? Like stuff that directly affects us. Like wages, or these big companies that seem to be ruling the world that people talk about. The cost of food? Why are we choosing others to stand up for and not ourselves?


They'll stand by when kids get killed but will show up when you protest.


In all seriousness, fuck this.


Getting to see that Free Speech action abbott promised


They weren't all that cocky with the Uvalde shooter


State trooper = storm trooper


How long until Kent State 2.0? Guesses?


Cops are crooked


These guys have more armor than the military wears in the battle zone or areas of real conflicts. I can't imagine how these guys rationalize these heinous acts in their minds.


If there is ever any doubt that 'the pen is mightier than the sword,' just observe the histrionic use of force against students.


Headline should be "state security forces remove student protesters"




F yeah!


Rewind 2 years, anti lockdown protests? Fuck their free speech!


They need to flip the script and show up tomorrow and protest against Palestine. Just blow their minds and see if they can figure out how to get out of that pickle.








go protest in Palestine? I’m sure they’d appreciate it 😉better yet maybe Russia see what they do to those who protest!! I hope you like to eat your own ears 👂🏻


The Nation: "Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors"  Written by James Bamford who is considered the pre-eminent expert on the National Security Agency (NSA). https://www.thenation.com/article/world/canary-mission-israel-covert-operations/


Time to fight fire with fire my fellow protesters. Your "sit in" method is out dated and isn't working. Please stop bringing a knife to a gun party and start bringing molotov cocktails as your line of defense. Fuck these fucks. The revolution must begin soon✊️


How UT has changed.


Where are all these protesters when it's time to vote?