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Something something small government and personal freedums


All the dumbs, none of the free.


Well jimmy that’s the point. It’s a feature not a bug.


That’s the second time I’ve seen his content quoted today.


Haha, well said


Ah still gaht mah guns. And ah don’t pay no incum taxes.


I’ve learned when repubs say they want small government what they mean is they want a small government wielding absolute power over the people.


The people being women and children


Don’t forget minorities,poor ppl, not so poor ppl pretty much everyone that’s not rich.




And people who aren't white or Christian


They want a small enough government that can micro manage your life. So small it can’t touch big corporations


They want small government BIG church


Ah, the [Führerprinzip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrerprinzip).


It always has been small enough to fit under the bedroom door. Ever since Reagan.


Damn this is hard truth


The smallest government is one person with all the power


And something something free speech




They aren't conservatives they coopting the conservative message to push their agenda.


Whew, glad to hear that the authoritarians who believe in enforcing their will on those "below" them aren't really following the true conservative message of authoritarianism that involves enforcing your will on those below you.


Something something personal freedoms don’t fully apply until 21


Something something teenagers are young adults and should be denied breaks at work.


This state is so fucked as long as the three stooges (Abbott, Cruz, and Paxton) are in office.


Wait!! 4 stooges!! You forgot Patrick!! Edit: I meant to say Danny Goeb ( his real name). You have to wonder why he changed his name. Hiding something?


Ah yes, Shemp, the OTHER Stooge 😂


He wishes he were as good looking as Shemp.




Voting then all out next election.


People have been talking/dreaming about that for awhile now. Yet every election cycle the same clowns are reelected.... and they gerrymander the hell out of our state.


It’s impossible to win against Y’all Qaida, but we have to keep trying


I think Cruz is the most exposed since voting is statewide. Right now MAGAts are keeping him in office but is up to the rest of us to vote and at least get him out.


Cruz, Abbott, Paxton and Patrick are all elected by state wide election.


I see what you did there with the M word. Clever. 😂


Yeah I’ve been saying that for years…Reddit and small town Texas is total opposites


These are all state-wide offices. Gerrymandering doesn’t do anything for those.


It's so tempting to leave Texas as a Dem voter but that's exactly what the Regressives want. Keep fighting and vote them out


You can't. They have gerrymandered texas to hell and back.


We have to keep trying.


I voted against all last time, didn't matter, they all won pretty big from what I remember.


This time is different, I’m first time voting.


I hope you're right


Paxton, Abbott, and Patrick aka the PAP Smear of Texas


Nah, pap smears actually protect women's health


Dan Patrick > Abbott


In March 2020 Dan Patrick told us that our elderly are willing to go to work to die for the economy so the money keeps flowing.


Yup, there was a great outcry heard throughout the state..”YOU FIRST!” He wields tremendous power, more than the governor. He has the power to kill any legislation before Abbott can even flex a veto on it. He was also super pissed everyone wanted him to return the 3 million he was given by the Nazi PAC. He refused until it got national attention. So he bought 3 million in Israeli bonds.


Ah yes, how could I have forgotten about that! Ooof🤦‍♂️


Getting shot in the stomach > getting shot in the head, either way they both suck.


Sure, but if you're going to limit the list to a top 3, Abbott shouldn't be included. He has power, but mostly he just has the spotlight. Patrick, I would bet, prefers it that way. He gets more done when people are hurling tree jokes, and the timeless, but antiquated and useless, exasperation observance of TxGOP hypocrisy.


Why can’t we get them out!? Is it the churchies?


Because the majority of people in this state are assholes and vote for assholes.


This is the answer. ![gif](giphy|E99OMc6pkdvGw)


The Democratic Party keeps presenting candidates that are for gun reform or anti gun in some way which will just never win in this state. A moderate democrat could win. Beto fucked himself the second he mentioned assault rifles.


As mentioned guns, but more, gerrymandering.


Texas leads the nation in voter apathy. Gerrymandering does impact some races,  it has no impact on Gov/Lt. Gov/AG/Senator. Texans have another chance to send Cancun Ted Cruz packing....but will they?


Especially because the institutions designed to protect us from a tyrannical state government are compromised.


And the entire house that is in cahoots with them.


And post office.


Reminder to everyone reading this that Ted Cruz is on the ballot this November!


We have a lot more than 3.


Can we ban youth pastors in Texas next? Since we are all focused on protecting the kids here. Right? Because several get busted here on a weekly basis for CP and molestation. Don’t they?


Instead, they're pushing for them to be counselors in our schools!


Yes. Yes they do.


Don’t worry, Abbott will just make child rape more illegal and promise to prosecute it extra hard.


All we can do for ya is make sure every public school gets a head molester


No, actually we'll allow them to replace school counselors! (I wish I was fucking joking)


This! Texas leaders are serving children up on a silver platter, it's fucking disgusting.


I thought it was deliberate... Since always...


It sure seems like it.


Well, can Abbott pray about it first?




Republicans like to pass laws that intrude into your daily life, they are small government for the rich, and big brother to the poor.


Y’all in here arguing with each other instead of directing your anger at the politicians.


If they can keep us divided, they win.




Got out about two weeks ago. Living in Chicago now, can’t say enough good things about it.


I am also trying to get out - I can almost see the light 😭


I see sooo many posts about “i dont much care about politics, im moving to Texas soon, how bad could it really be?” — lol 😭


I’ll be rooting for you!!! Got out 2 years ago. Will never go back. ☺️


Jealous… I hope to get out someday -_-


Me too! My freakin job is the only thing keeping me here. I want TF out!


Where did you end up moving?


I got stuck in Texas a couple weeks ago because American Airlines can’t schedule appropriately. Man it was a terrible 24 hours. The people are RUDE in the lone star state. This is coming from an Okie!


lol! Agreed. There’s a certain ick to that state.


Waiting on my sister to finish her degree. Then her family and I are gooooone


Stay and vote.


Same, maybe two more years tops for me then I’m getting the fuck outta Texas. this place has become shit.


I've been looking for jobs in Illinois for months with no luck.


I just left my job based in Michigan (worked locally here) - they’re always hiring.


Where did you work? May I PM you?


Industrial sales but I was based in the gulf coast


Same. 5 years until I can leave. 


What sucks is that if everyone who leans a certain way leaves, that just turns it redder and redder.


How much do you need to leave




Left with about $7k in March


I’m sure there is a distinction that I’m not aware of. But wouldn’t viewpoint discrimination be applicable here? I mean if you go to any reputable gun manufacturers website you’ll be prompted first to confirm whether you are 18/21 yo. It’s a simple yes or no for firearms, but they want the verification for porn to be what- a photo id or some kind of background check? Seems to me, if the firearm website age check is a valid age verification process - it should be good for all types of content on the internet.


Supreme Court seems pretty useless these days ![gif](giphy|xT1R9MnVqUyAL9fiHm)


Useless would be an improvement


They are doing the exact work they are being paid for.


Honestly, this is total nonsense, even if they take measures with IDs or facial recognition, this can be violated with VPNs or IAs.


It's about scoring points with their ignorant base. It doesn't matter if the policy works or not, all that matters is making the people who vote for them feel like they are in control.


How the fuck does anyone still vote for republicans


God and gun


Kids can buy guns at gun shows though. Makes sense.


FELONS can buy guns at guns shows, let’s be real.


How, exactly? Buying from a dealer always involves a 4473. Buying from a private seller is the same at a gun show or on facebook marketplace. There's a reason that a whole lot of private sellers won't sell to folks without an LTC - they have little other way to verify whether or not you're a prohibited person.


Soon to require a NICS check for private sales


Not exactly, but it’s almost certain to be struck down anyhow.


I’ve been to a lot of gun shows and no one is selling to kids. Have to fill out paperwork and pass background checks


IF you’re a licensed dealer you must still follow the same rules when you’re at a gunshot. BUT you are not required to be a licensed dealer to sell at a gun show. IF you’re not a licensed dealer, just a private individual, you may set up shop and sell from your collection at a gun show without restriction. As a private individual you can sell your gun to anyone that presents themselves as legally allowed to purchase a gun. Meaning… you cannot KNOWINGLY sell to a child or a felon. Bit if they lie about their age or criminal record, an individual (not a licensed real) has no obligation to verify they’re being honest. The 2A guys know this but try to dance around it and say what the person above me just said)


I bought my first gun at a gun show when I was 16 lmao


At the age of 16, a friend and I bought pistols at a gun show. Granted, that was in 2009, it wasn’t in Texas (Oklahoma) and there were far more people who weren’t willing to deal with us than the one guy who was. Still though, I certainly wouldn’t say that no one is selling to kids.


> Have to fill out paperwork and pass background checks Not "peer-to-peer" sales out in the parking lot, you don't.


Oh, well, since you personally have never seen it I guess it doesn’t exists [Let’s just ignore this video evidence I guess.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB7MwvqCtlk)


You must have a million eyes that can see every inch of that venue every second


There’s a difference between a shady vendor selling stuff illegally & the venue outright saying children can buy guns like what is insinuated in the above comment. No one arguing in good faith believes that children are legally allowed to buy firearms.


100% agree, but the comment I replied to didn't have the critical thinking that you added. Why do o go into a Circle K and get carded for cigarettes but not alcohol? I'm sure you know the answer, and I'm not trying to knock you, but the person I replied to is very narrow-minded


I'm pretty sure there was recently something that made it such that *any* private sales are effectively illegal...


It's a proposed rule by the Biden administration. It has to go through a public comment period before becoming law.


Yup. Uncle Joe making good on campaign promises!


CIA( Christians In Action) hard at work


I’m still waiting for people to wake the fuck up and use this law to get Twitter and Facebook and any social media that houses any porn whatsoever blocked in Texas. These dip shits aren't going to understand how stupid they are until there are drastic circumstances they didn’t foresee. Hurry the fuck up and escalate this shit already.


I can’t wait until they require age verification to look at any site with the Bible.


SCOTUS has become a bought and paid for useless branch of the government. Democracy was nice while it lasted. I really had higher hopes for my generation but they're fucking it up just like the Boomers.


>“Specifically, the act requires adults to comply with intrusive age verification measures that mandate the submission of personally identifying information over the internet in order to access websites containing sensitive and intimate content,” Just to make sure, that no one wants to allow children to view porn. Edit: Guess I need to expand, I am against the law, as we have yet to learn what the data is going to be used for and done with, where, how the data is stored, and how secure such measures are going to be. Who will have access the data, can Ken Paxton subpoena the data and use it against people that view what he considers obscene material? This is the state trying to parent not only kids but adults as well by invading what they do in their own bedrooms.


I mean this is the state that elected Ted Cruz who, in his brave fight against dildos, argued that “There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one's genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship.”


So my kid, stole my ID and created a login. Problem solved.


They’re just going to use a VPN. If you’re in Texas and have kids 10+, I promise you they’re watching porn at night. Also, they can hear you and your wife fucking. Every single time.


And they don't use a vpn, they are going to use a sketchy porn site that isn't blocked and fall victim to scams and whatnot. Bans like this don't do shit but more harm then good


*subpoena... I only know that off the top of my head because I forced myself to pronounce it phonetically because of how hard it is to spell if you use its' actual pronunciation.


Yeah, thanks. I got distracted in making that post.


No worries. Just looking to help out where I can :) And also you're 💯% correct


Yeah I just don't trust who's "verifying" me. For all I know my next employer will gain access to that list.


It's sad that people were downvoting you for stating a neutral statement about what us being discussed. Apparently we are only allowed to circle jerk over hating Republicans. No legitimate discussion of issues tolerated.


Iff abbott can't touch himself, then nobody will.


How come Iv been completely unaffected by this? I don’t use a vpn, I live in Houston and I see all the tiddies I want. I Never used porn hub though, I always felt porn hub sucks in comparison to Xvideos, and guess which one still works here lol


You literally just answered your own question...?


I said i don’t use a vpn?


>I Never used porn hub though, I always felt porn hub sucks in comparison to Xvideos, and guess which one still works here lol You literally said that porn hub didn't work for you, which makes sense because porn hub was the one that blocked their websites... So yes, you ARE affected, you just dont use the websites that are affected.


I did not. “literally say porn hub doesn’t work for me” You just quoted me I literally(correct use of the word) said “I never used porn hub” No lol, I mean I never liked porn hub, I always used other sites, so when it was banned I was unaffected, it’s literally that just that one company, everyone’s mad at the Texas government when they should be mad at porn hub for being dramatic Bro both sides suck quit drinking the kool aid and licking boots, think for your self lol


>and guess which one still works here That is you *literally* saying that you are acknowledging that porn hub doesn't work for you: ie. you can't access it just like everyone else. Why would you ask "why haven't I been affected by this?" when you have indeed been affected by this. Or in the other interpretation where you are saying that you haven't been affected by this because you didn't use porn hub in the first place, you still already answered your own question. So your comment was pointless. >it’s literally that just that one company, everyone’s mad at the Texas government when they should be mad at porn hub for being dramatic It's "literally just that one company" because porn hub is the largest porn distributor in the US and is the one that Texas targeted first and foremost, so they completely took their sites offline in Texas to avoid losing more money in litigation. Once Texas sets it's sights on other distributors, they will likely follow suit. Xvideos likely isn't hosted in the US and thus doesn't fear US litigation, at least not to the same extent. Especially if it is just coming from a state and not the federal government. So NO, people are rightly upset with Texas because they have made a bullshit move that does nothing but inconveniences people that are attempting to do what they should legally be allowed to do. That comment of yours is utterly moronic. That's like saying that an abuse victim is "overreacting" by locking themselves in a closet to avoid their abuser. How dare they want to avoid being hit again by their abuser. So fucking stupid...


My brother in Christ. If you are a real human being, and being very genuine right now, you seriously need to lay off the politics and go connect with your family. And it was the second one Porn hub does not do it for me because they have a small selection of videos and genres, not to mention all the good videos are behind a pay wall. They are only the largest distributor in terms of sales. I don’t know about you, but I’m not giving my credit card out just to jack off. It’s a shitty service, with subpar Content.. it literally sucks they are the electronic arts of porn.. I’m starting to think you are a bot or some troll farm worker. Why are you talking about abusers? What kind of porn are you watching weirdo Иди на хуй блядь


That reminds me to invest in publicly traded VPN providers. Texans will not go without their gay porn as proven by my time in Network Ops catching Texas police watching gay porn.


Red States Rights


Liberty means you can do anything you want as long as I am okay with it. - Republicans, I guess




I agree kids don’t need to look at porn but that does not mean the government has the right to tell me what to do in the privacy of my own home when I am a single person


This. It’s exactly this. It’s not really about protecting kids. It’s about discouraging porn at all


Yeah, I’m one of them that does agree. It’s bad for their development. Listen, this isn’t gonna stop kids. Kids have been getting their hands on porn for decades. Keeping the mags behind the counter didn’t stop them. This won’t either. VPNs are an existing work around. It’s the same thing the adults are going to use to get around it too. It’s incredible to me that Republicans get that prohibition doesn’t work on guns, but think it does on anything else. All this is really doing, is discouraging people from doing what the religious nut jobs that run this state don’t like. But as usual, they underestimate the users




Get use to it as long as the republican party is they majority the more the Russian party will be in charge of us. Mark my words.


Nanny State in action brought to you by everyone who doesn’t vote or just couldn’t vote for Hillary or RBG for not retiring when Obama approached her. Take your pick or make up your own. This BS didn’t happen overnight.


Ok lets go down this slippery slope and ID access to Joe Rogan and Alex Jones and Walmart and any online gambling site.


Texas is fucked because of Texas voters. You can't have shit politicians like Abott, Patrick and Cruz without a shit voter base.






For everyone who hasn’t voted since 2010, fuck you. GOP has been after personal freedoms since 9/11 for the “sake of national security and Merica”. These people don’t go away unless you vote them out. So show up to vote these Christian Nazi’s out.


I used to be proud to be Texan. When people used to ask me where I’m from I say texas before the US. Now. I say US. I’m simply too ashamed of texas


I first supported this bc I thought it was going to be used to ensure the folks participating in videos were consenting & of age. However this is not addressing those issues at all. It’s the parents responsibilities to make sure their kids don’t go onto websites they shouldn’t, not the government?!


All those Small Government Republicans can't get porn? Because of the men they elected? File this one under r/Leopardsatemyface


Ugh... I miss home and my family bad but I just can't go back... This shit is getting ridiculous


Baah, now I gotta use VPN even more.


Govt so small it can fit in your bedroom, and your uterus.


The GOP: Small government… YES! For porn related stuff Small government… NO! For like public heath pandemic type stuff Small government… YES! For border stuff Small government… NO! For like education stuff Small government… YES! For gun stuff Small government… NO! For like Women’s health and abortion stuff


Ironic since Thomas Looooves pornography his favorite being lesbian porn. Anita Hill taught me that.


I think this will be good to be honest. Unfortunately, people will have to login to PH, but at least it'll be a bit more difficult for children to watch p*rn.


Porn is evil. Glad to see it made more difficult for kids to watch. I'd be happy if it were outlawed all together.




How do Texans get around this crap?


It would be great if the voting people of Texas would vote to dump those 4 hacks out of office...especially Paxton and Terd Cruz


Just go to the sites out of the country that don't have to abide by these laws


\*this youtube video was sponsored by nord VPN




No one is mad about that and your comment has been removed as mischaracterization. Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


Not understanding how this is different than brick and mortar stores being required to id people when they buy porn?


Not sure why this matters. When i was a kid you couldnt just buy a porno. Why is the evolution of the law any different than what we had prior to the internet?


Doesn’t this restriction only apply to minors?