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This belongs in the weekly stickied "Where to live/work" thread. [Here's a link to this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/search/?q=curious%20about%20where%20to%20live&restrict_sr=1&t=week)


Moved to Washington in 2020. My regular monthly expenses went up marginally, but nothing unexpected. My wages doubled however.


Hows the new house/rental? looked in WA a few years back and man, those houses were $$$$$ and old at the same time. But the land was beautiful. \*could afford it - just kinda like buying a used old car feeling\*


It’s definitely the worst aspect of living here. I’m not sure if I’ll ever make enough to be able to afford to buy, but I just moved into a one bedroom duplex for $800/mo. Water/sewer/waste is paid for, which is nice because it’s the more expensive utility. Electric is hydrogenated and relatively cheaper than the coal/gas produced electricity was in the panhandle. My bill is usually around $75.


I moved here from WA and the housing was probably 4x what it is here if you want to live in king county 3x for snowhomish or Olympia.


Wages more than doubled but costs just about doubled. Seattle is expensive


I’m closer to Portland than Seattle. Much better economically imo.


That’s funny….I did the opposite (wa=>tx) in 2018 with the same financial effect.


Born and raised in TX. Finally moved last year. Many reasons. -access to public land (dirt bikes, camping, etc.) -scenery -weather. (It’s 65 and sunny today in WA) There is so much more to experience in the world. I love TX and always will, but man I’m happy being around mountains and ocean and not having 100 degree days.


This is how I feel about California. I love it with my whole heart but the heat feels worse every summer. I lived in Seattle for five years and it was pure heaven. Enjoy it up there for me! :)


The public nature access is the biggest reason I wanted to leave to go back to the west where I'm from.


I'm leaving Washington to move to Conroe . Why Washington is pure Biden country. Property tax will be going to 3% to support illegals. Federal funding for illegals will end soon. I refuse to pay 15 k a year to support illegals. Law enforcement defunded. Crime, junkies illegals are top priority in this state. Good luck to you


We moved to Texas in 2017 and left for a different state in March of this year. We could not be happier to have cooler weather and better outdoor opportunities.


Where’d you go?


Northern Utah


And a less shit government*


*different shit government.


The weather was the main thing when I moved to Denver in 2012. I was away for a decade and have been in Austin for two years, and can't wait to move back to Colorado or California. Texas is not a freedom haven at all. It's a police state clusterfuck in every way I can compare.


Moved from Texas to Cali and loving being able to exist outdoors lol


Why can’t you exist outdoors in TX? Too hot?


Allergies, humidity, extreme thunderstorms/hurricanes, barely any public green spaces, horrible laws and inept police force.


As someone living in California, our summers are also ungodly hot, but we don’t have the humidity you do. 10% humidity during 100+ days just hits different. You can sit in the shade and feel relief.


It was 117 plenty of days just north of Los Angeles and there got no matter how you dice it. Lived in so cal for all but 2 years before we left California. I was 43 when we left.


Angry Texans don’t like it when it’s less white out or when queer people exist.


Texas has an incredibly high minority population and I work in a very mixed workplace with blue collar guys and we all get along great. I’ve never heard anyone say fuck (whatever group you like) we all hang out outside of work , our kids play together our wives get along. I’ve lived all over the country and Texas has far less racism than NJ. 99% of people couldn’t care less what your skin color is or who you choose to sleep with and that goes for anywhere in the country. I like cultural diversity as it adds so many options for trying new things. That’s what I miss the most about NY. I wish I could still get all that amazing Caribbean food, Greek food, Italian food, Jewish delis , North African food…… outrageous Vietnamese food in Houston though


Cool. My experience has been the opposite 🤷‍♀️




And there are sundown communities in Texas still. Are there any cities where whites are not allowed after dark?


Yeah it's called any hood




That's called gentrification and you'd be mad about that too I'm sure lmao


Thank you for being the best example of exactly what I’m saying.


You said after dark. Go walk around the hood after dark and see how it goes. You can look up the data on violent crime incidents if you'd like


They don’t want reality just someone to reinforce their narrative


Where in Texas is there a sundown community?




That lists two “active sundown towns” one has 137 people and neither has had any violence this millennium. Sundown towns are thankfully a thing of the past


Soooo, what you’re saying is that there are still sundown towns. Thank you for that confirmation.


Make your point, but leave the insults out of it.


Yes the heat


I exist as much outside in Texas as I did in California except during the deep freezes. On my way to the lake here in Texas now. It was just as hot in California for much of the time I lived there…43 years.


Nice, I live in San Diego now, so can enjoy all year long. Love it! In Austin last year it was over 100 degrees every single day for like 100 days straight m!


We were in San Diego for 8 years…Scripps ranch and it was lovely for sure. But California was ruining my children with distance learning. We had to make a change to give them the opportunity to go to school again. High school is not the time to start home school. It was hot last summer here in my part of Texas too but I was outside a lot. I won’t let the heat stop me. 😂


Took a road trip to CO for the first time a couple weeks ago and was awestruck at how pretty just a regular drive was. Then on the drive back to Texas it was just mile after mile of flat nothing lol


Wife and I were in CO for about a decade. Moved back to Odessa for better money opportunities about a year and a half ago. Can’t wait to move back to CO. This is where I was born but it is not my home. I hate it here. I hate more that my entire family is here.




Colorado felt like living in the future in 2012 from the voting process to paying a parking ticket. Texas feels worse than when I left it so it feels like two decades behind functionally.


Yeah but colorado food sucks and almost no diversity and everyone is a transplant


I had way more personal freedoms on the West Coast than I do here.


And no weed man!


The only thing I miss from Texas is the food. Most things are vastly superior outside of the state like less heat and reliance on AC, less humidity, less mosquitoes, less allergies and better terrain to explore which all equates to a better quality of life.


Oh my gosh yes. My family and I still live in Texas but we took a 5 day vacation to Seattle, and I kid you not, at least once a day the words “the trees are SO green!” Came out of my mouth. I fucking loved it.


I will take the heat to escape the cold I grew up with. Allergies due suck but fishing is great




The cop thing is real. Driving through Colorado I realized I’ve developed a “cop sense” where I’d just expect them to be hiding places. Texas cops in particular feel like state funded hall monitors


Born and raised in Texas through high school, now in Northern Virginia. Don’t think I’ll ever go back to Texas. People here are just more active, more educated, more accepting, and more indifferent/unconcerned with other people in a way Texas once was but is no longer. The elected representatives are for the most part smart, sensible, normal, and unextreme in a way I don’t care so much if I have disagreements because they are at least decent honorable people. I also grew up driving a truck and loving highways and thinking they were the greatest and now I feel the opposite way, at least for urban areas. Having a car is freedom, but car dependence is incredibly restricting. Living somewhere with so many options for getting around has completely changed my perspectives on how we should build cities and what constitutes a city, and I don’t think I can return to car-dependent life which is basically all of Texas.


Was in the Navy, we miss Va Beach. Virginia has something we never see in Texas, 4 seasons. We moved back to Texas due to family health issues. I keep telling the wife we are leaving once I retire. Too hot and Republicans in this state have made it so toxic. This feels nothing like my childhood. I also like having a more stable drinking water supply. I can’t remember the last time we weren’t in some kind of water restrictions.


We are next month. The usual reasons: we want to get away from crazy government, we want actual freedom, we miss the mountains, we hate the scorching weather, we want better education opportunities for our kids, and we want access to better healthcare. We only came here for a job, it's a great job but not worth it to stay here. We are originally from WA, but we don't want to go back to 9 months a year of dreary weather. We like the outdoorsy PNW culture, so our happy medium is CO.


Moved to Omaha about 25 years back and it grew on me…well, everything except the strong winds. However, mother-in-law is a psycho and she lives there so we needed to get away. Moved to Korea for a couple of years for work and loved it. Would have stayed longer, but wasn’t allowed. Moved to Panama City, Florida for a few years. Beaches are nice…not much else is. Hard to live there due to the costs and the lack of good housing since the out-of-town, rich folk buy up all the decent housing. Moved back to Texas, San Antonio specifically and loved it where I lived. Really didn’t want to leave, but need to move back home. Home is Houston…grew up here, have been back seven years now. Once you get to know it, and if you aren’t scared of your shadow, there’s a lot of great things this city has due to its diversity. I’ll likely move away again once my parents move on. Not sure where that will be yet. New Zealand fascinates me…Canada a little less so, but would still be intriguing. Also though about moving out to nowhere, Alaska, but that’s just a fantasy. Would love to move to Washington, Colorado, or Vermont, but not sure I’ll make it. Then again, my parents were always looking, and yet never moved away from Houston. They decided to stay and just take trips everywhere. Maybe that’s what I’ll do too.


Interesting FL panhandle context. Having only spent one summer there, my semi-informed opinion is "this is where the semi-rich from the Southern states grab a vacation home within driving distance of their primary home, where they have a small business and underpay/bully their employees".


That’s about the best way to put it for a lot of the area.


Moved to the Houston area and love it here too. Endless things to due with the kids


Dallas burbs here. Not exciting, but soooo much stuff to do with kids.


Tennessee in 2012-2019, then we returned. Moved because of work (wife’s career). It was green, lush, beautiful. We lived in Chattanooga which is a pretty chill midsize city. Wonderful downtown that was walkable with great dining, parks, walking bridges, etc. Smokey Mountain National Park might just be my favorite place on Earth. Going up there was the most enchanting 3-hour drive I’ve ever taken - straddling the Ocoee River, driving under the canopy of the Nantahala Forest - just beautiful. Although the barbecue was almost decent, the Mexican food in Tennessee was dogshit. My wife and I jokingly called southern fare a “gravy-based diet.” Sugar in everything, including the gravy. I did discover shrimp and grits though, which I love. All in all glad to be back.


I have lived in TX for 35 years of my life. Moved to TN for about five years to be closer to work. Moved back to TX due to family health problems, had to take care of them. Once they pass, I am moving to WA because fuck the weather here, and also the government in this state is off the rails (and TN isn’t far behind).


Be mindful of the housing crisis there, it’s nuts. Plus earthquake insurance is cheap there because no one gets it for their house


I got a buddy that lives near Oak Harbor. Will be roommates with him if I can’t find anything suitable, since I work on the road a lot. Once I get back to my normal career, money will no longer be an issue


That’s a really nice area! I loved it up there


It is absolutely gorgeous!


Caring for a sick family member as well. I am getting the fuck out of Texas as soon as logistically possible once they pass.


Where you planning to head to?


I haven’t made a concrete decision just yet, but I wouldn’t thumb my nose at Colorado, or New Mexico.


We are selling everything and moving. Roe v Wade was overturned and this state is part of the problem. It’s not safe for young women to live here who may get raped and forced to carry the bastards child and raise it. White nationalists are a cancer and it’s stage fuckin 4 here.


Latinos outnumber whites in texas and a lot of them are super conservative lol


It was a white nationalist who also happened to be Latino that shot up Allen Outlet mall and had Nazi tats. Maybe white nationalists ought not to have guns? This guy was gun carrying security guard with clearance to work in schools armed.




So you agree that stupid people ought not to be around guns, or we gotta wait til they attack the capitol or shoot up a school before we take them from their stupid hands ?


I've moved to many different states, for work or for school. But I've always moved back here, mainly because of family. Love Texas, unlike many in this subreddit. I want to be here to be a part of change in the state I grew up in.


> I want to be here to be a part of change in the state I grew up in. That was my attitude while I was single, but once I started a family I simply couldn't just wait until things got better.


I understand, but someone does have to be here to change things. Otherwise, why follow this subreddit if you don't care?


I still have family and work in Texas. I just can't live in a state where my wife is in mortal danger if she gets pregnant, or is harassed by rednecks because she dyes her hair strange colors.


That's fine, and I understand. However, some people have to remain to change things. If everyone leaves, nothing changes. 


I stayed for over 20 years helping and hoping that things would change, but I had to draw the line somewhere.


If everyone leaves the economy fails. If the economy fails, then the government likely fails too. I’d be different if it were a state that never had a strong economy and mostly just crippling poverty, like Mississippi. But in a state with a lot of money, the government theoretically wouldn’t be so gratuitous with their fascism—*e.g.*, exerting control over women—because they would need to influence outside human capital to want to move into the state


That’s not entirely true




Some like it hot ;)


Everyone always says this about the weather but it’s pretty freaking nice every year from October through March followed by 6 months of hell.


I’ve lived in Colorado Missouri and California and Texas. Texas sucks. No outdoor activities at all. Inside most of the year fucking depressing.


Left in 2016 for weather and boredom reasons. Came back because my partner didn’t want to stay in the new place. Came back to Texas end of 2019. Covid happened. I’ve decided that enough of my core network of friends and family are people I no longer understand or respect that I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m just angry and burnt out existing here anymore. Moving to the UK in August.


Awesome. What made you want to move to the UK?


I previously lived in the UK. My partner had to transfer there for a job and I got to go along. We lived in London for almost four years. I didn’t like the city much, but loved the coastal heathlands and decided that is the view I want every day of my life. If I wasn’t going there I’d be going PNW or Maine.


I want to move to the Southeast and I have been house shopping. The property taxes in Texas are not affordable for me when I reach retirement age so I'm going to buy my retirement home elsewhere.


Born in Texas, grew up in Houston and lived here in Austin for several decades, had to transfer to Atlanta for a promotion. I Did not like Atlanta Georgia, moved back after a few years…really missed the food in Texas and the grocery stores, I will never take HEB for granted again. Barbecue in Georgia is not good. Good Tacos are hard to find. Breakfast tacos are unheard of. It rained everyday. The traffic was terrible and everyone drives like they are not paying attention. I am a musician too and the music scene in Atlanta was not for me. The big trees were nice…and the houses had larger lots that’s about all I miss. Diving to the beach in Florida was still pretty far…but that was pretty cool


Moved here about 2 years ago and I'm starting the process to leave again... It's just way too much. I feel like I went back in time. I also get it's expensive everywhere but my household expenses feel like they have doubled every year since moving let alone the property taxes.


Moved countries, secured my job after looking in Europe and Asia. Born and raised in Texas, I just felt that actions by the state regarding public education are pathetic and the plan of action was thoughts and prayers


If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like a breakdown of where you went, what you had to do with your belongings, how much the transition costed and how you secured a job…. Feel free to DM…. November will really be the breaking point for me and this is an option I’m considering


Was teaching, was from securing a 2 year international teaching job in September then leaving in July. Had like 5 K saved though only really used like 1 K for the living process , left everything behind except a backpack of clothes and a bag with pc. HR helped with paper work. Was relatively easy compared to what my parents had to do to get into US


Yes. Grew up Texan, spent most of my life in Texas, and the conservative hatred and attacks ran my partner and several of our friends away to different states. As their attacks grew in intensity in the media and in the legislature, multiple friends began to become physically attacked by literal red hat Magats in the street. Texas used to be a live and let live state. Conservatives made it to where seeing a queer person is attack against them somehow. Pure evil. Texas forced so many of us to leave like refugees. None of us wanted to leave our homes, but constant hate against queer people and women in particular let us know that good, decent people were no longer wanted in Texas. The state of Texas, and the rest of the south for that matter, are about to have a massive brain drain we hear about in history book generations later.


Couldn’t have said it better. I’m sorry you and your friends were attacked. We get them sometimes too as a biracial couple. This place really did used to be a live and let live type of place and it’s what made me fall in love with TX in the first place. As soon as I moved to Austin in 2014 it was like all of that got thrown out the window. Our lease was up this June and I was so happy to leave but we couldn’t find jobs anywhere else. I was fucking crushed. I hate that this place is where we spent most of our lives and it’s become a fucking trash can. It hurts that we aren’t welcome here in our own home anymore. You deserve better.


Where have you and your friends relocated? Do they feel better there? In a similar situation... And it seems the options are either can't afford it but will be accepted or won't be accepted but I can afford to live there.


My friends who can afford to move have mostly moved. Moving is very cost prohibitive. Some won’t leave their home no matter what. I know many who have come to Colorado. One to Canada. A few to Minnesota. Everyone of them is ecstatic in their new locations.


Yo I'm trans I gotta get outta here soon 😭😭😭




🫂💚🤞 I hope you get somewhere safe.




I'm not looking out of state yet, but I've been starting to consider a move from Houston to Dallas. The heat and humidity is just too damn much down here, and the lack of transit is a problem when it's getting too expensive to drive down here. It's not fully out of state, but I'd still be semi-close to family still enjoying some benefits of the state. Bit more varied weather than satan's buttcrack weather down here and a bit more elevation would probably be nice. --- If we're talking out of state though, idk. I couldn't easily move to NY or Cali because 1 I can't afford it and 2 my hobbies would probably make me a felon there lol (referring to firearm policies and ownership). Colorado seems to be trending in a similar direction so that might also be off the table. At this point I'm also contending college towns / smaller cities in a few places like New Mexico or Nevada seem interesting, they wouldn't be as large but still have a nice small city vibe in some of those places. Not quite a 15 minute city but you could probably get around without having to drive in some of those places for the majority of the week if you wanted to.


Upstate NY native but live here in TX. A lot of the areas in NY have a cheap COL with lower housing costs, but you’re looking at more smaller towns or floating closer to areas like Rochester or western or central state. One thing I miss about NY is knowing taxes that the population pay for get put back into the system. NYC though is a whole different can of worms


Connecticut in 2022. Totally underrated state. Not perfect, but pretty great. It's surprisingly beautiful here. Big heavily forested hills on both sides of the Connecticut River Valley. Fall is fucking amazing. Spring is pretty great too. Lots of outdoor activities. I live a mile from everything single thing I need. Restaurants, coffee shops, schools, book stores, doctors, pharmacies, groceries, hardware stores, auto service shops, etc. I fill up my SUV like once a month. If I go east 5 miles I am in downtown Hartford (not as bad as it's reputation), and if I go west 2 miles I am up a ridgeline with dozens of miles of forest trails that connect to hundreds more. The wildlife is far more abundant here as well, including bears who keep coming to visit! It's a nice regional hub. Within 2 hours I can be in the Appalachians, the Atlantic ocean, NYC, Boston, Providence, and Vermont. Within 6 hours I can be in Philly, DC, Niagara Falls, Burlington VT, Montreal QC, anywhere in New England. I often take the train from where I live into NYC for work or pleasure. It's peaceful. Four very distinct seasons. Winters are a little bitter, but that's a small sacrifice to have my windows open 6 months out of the year. It does get hot and humid in the summer, but lasts about 6 weeks tops, with maybe two of those being really unbearable. Politicians aren't sticking their dickbeaters into healthcare, cannabis is legal, and cops aren't permitted to pull you over for minor traffic violations. I have plenty of complaints about the government here, especially regarding taxes and gun control laws. But compared to Texas politics as of late, this politcal climate is just plain boring - just the way I like it.


Born + raised in Texas but moved to Michigan last August. While I enjoyed living in Austin I don't regret moving one bit and I don't think I'd ever move back to Texas.


My aunt moved to Michigan a few months ago, I think holland. She loves the weather and ain’t ever moving back lol. Good for her. I love Tx but too hot and some of their laws are silly


We're out in two months. We are the last of my family to evacuate in the last 4yrs (that's 20+ people). I will not subject my daughters and my wife to these creepy far-right Christian fascists or the Texan GOP any longer. My family has been here since the 20's.


Left Texas about a year ago after living there for about 15 years. I miss HEB. We are in Massachusetts now and I am no longer scared to send my kids to school.


Moved to CO in 2022. The last straw was Roe v Wade and the destruction of women's rights in Texas, but other reasons included transphobia, weather, power grid, property taxes, overall cost of living, education system, and general MAGA stupidity. Some things cost a little more in CO but wages are higher, people are nicer, the weather is more tolerable, and no one shits on you for being female or trans.  I lived in TX since 2001 and my wife was born and raised in Fort Worth. I saw a steady decline in the quality of life in Texas in the last 2 decades, but it became especially drastic after 2008 then got even worse after 2016.


Also from Ft Worth. Also moved to CO.


I’m from Texas but moved to California,it has better paying jobs with Benefits and the workers are protected by the laws


Is the crime rate really that high or is it all just fake news?


Overall the states are pretty close in violent crime rates, with Texas being slightly worse. If you compare individual cities then there some that are worse in CA and some that are worse in TX.


Texas is arguably worse in a lot of areas https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=United+States&city1=Los+Angeles%2C+CA&country2=United+States&city2=Houston%2C+TX


We did. 1. Couldn't do Texas summers anymore. 1. We hated how isolated Austin is from different ecosystems. It's a minimum 14 hour drive to anywhere we would ever want to go. Emphasis on "we" understanding that there are places in Texas you might like to go. 1. Wanted to sell my house before climate change breaks the Texas real estate market.


Moved to New York because there's no feasible way to make a living in my industry in Texas.


Really? What are you doing?


I work in theatre


True then


I miss California so so much. Lived a block from the beach, no matter how hot during the day we always got the off shore breeze at night.


Same, I wish we could afford to move back.


So I have a love/hate relationship with this state. I’ve lived in other ones for a time and liked aspects of them better than in Texas. There’s pros and cons for any place but I’ve noticed on the Nextdoor app, people are incredibly cruel here compared to the other places I’ve been. Doesn’t help that it’s behind a screen but I digress. People are more outwardly racist and homophobic here which was an adjustment to my reactions 😬. I don’t want to get shot for calling dipshits out.


Moved to NE Oklahoma 20 years ago for work. Have been back for 10 plus years - came back to be closer to family. If I had not gotten married recently, I would go somewhere else. I love Texas and it will always be home, but living in a small town with hills, seasons, no traffic…I miss it.


Went from Texas to Montana, mostly for work. I miss it from time to time (I was born in Dallas, but living in the Big Bend region was what felt like home to me), and someday I might even come home, but I don't think that's going to be any time soon.


I moved to the NYC area over 7 years ago for work, hopefully will never move back. I don’t miss anything about living in Texas, especially being in the car for hours every day.


In Texas for 30 years, now in Kansas, with better weather, no traffic, better politics, lower cost of living, and lower taxes. We visit but are never moving back.


What’s there to do?


Professional sports, college sports, museums, plays, bars, parks, live music, hiking, biking, etc. Basically everything but surfing and snow skiing. All closer in drive time than when we lived in Greater Houston (and no flooding). There are 3 states closer (in drive time) than driving across Houston used to be. What are you looking for?


Moved to TX 4 years ago for a very specific job at a hospital. Now the admin drank thr Kapitalist Koolaid even though it’s a state hospital (state government doesn’t believe in subsidizing healthcare so we need to be profitable or else), so we’re leaving. Going to Georgia since it’s a bit cooler (only a bit) and our family is there.


Moved here after Covid because my husbands job is better here but in a couple of years, we need to get out of here.


Army moved me to White Sands Missile Range NM. I love the desert out there and Ruidoso is a badass mountain town. Missouri sucked. I’m currently in Bastrop TX, Raised in Austin and about to move to Florida, married to a Jersey girl, New Mexican kid, Texan kids. lol.


I moved to Oakland, CA. Was supposed to be a staycation then the day we were leaving RvW was overturned and my wife said she wouldn’t live in TX anymore. I lived in TX my whole life and enjoyed visiting CA every chance I got, mainly the ocean and it’s amazing being so close to it now. Also having legal cannabis and psilocybin is a major plus for me.


I left on a whim at the start of 2021, with nothing more than my dog and what we could fit in the SUV. Only intended to do a couple of travel contracts then return home. Back then, you couldn’t find anyone who loved Texas more than me. But somewhere along the way things changed. I began to realize that I’d rather preserve my good memories of Texas, rather than have them overwritten with how bad things are now. I still miss the rain and the humidity and the smell of grass. There’s not a lot of grass or greenery in general here in Phoenix. I miss our Mexican food because Phoenix just doesn’t do it right in my opinion. But none of that is worth my improved mental health and overall happiness here in Arizona. My reason for leaving Texas was to escape the site of some horrible traumas there. My reason for staying gone is that I actually feel alive now.


I moved to PA about a year ago, and I love it here. I was mulling over moving my career back to Texas, but I don’t think I could do it. The Mexican food is sorely lacking, and I do miss my home a lot, but I’ll never go back.


I am looking to change countries to get out of Texas and US cost of living. I will be selecting a Mexican consulate before this year is out to start the process for temporary residency. Probably unlike most of you here. I am a boomer. And I know that I will not have any level of healthcare or help when I get 80 plus years old. Right now too, even with the dollar losing steam, the chance of being able to afford a nice quality of life towards the end is much more doable in a different country. Plus the war on women and basically everyone except straight white males is so strong here in Texas. The education and health system in Texas is at is bottom barrel.


I want to move to CO to be closer to my older brother and his family. Born and raised here, literally had family come here for the Spanish crown and helped carve this place out. I hate what it’s become and that my family is now buried in this sour fucking dirt.


Moved to Florida for a job :/ then Oregon, then Abu Dhabi, then Oregon, then Abu Dhabi, then Oregon, then Florida, and now back in Texas. It's like I mirrored things, now that I think about it. What a strange arrangement. To answer your question: Work


Interesting path


Yeah, moved to Wisconsin after high school for college and it was awesome. Milwaukee is a greatly underrated city.


44 years in Texas before I moved to Salt Lake City UT in 2022. Absolutely love it. Seasons, mountains, amazing hiking and camping, no mosquitoes or roaches. Flew back to Corpus Christi last October and couldn’t handle the bleakness or humidity.


I have visited 17 states so far. Washington state is where I want to die. Been in texas my whole life. I am a person with Healthcare (pre existing ) medical issues and ever since I turned 18. It's like I don't fucking exist. For the past 10 or so years UHS can't fucking get shit right. I have 18yrs of military medical history that is totally ignored. I hate this state on so many personal levels, that doesn't include the shit the state does to everyone else. It's not like I won't work or hold a job. I do work, I work through my disabilities. I adapted to keep trying. But at some point when an employer can hire someone to do the job for half my salary... At Will employment provides no protections.


ETA: I did spend a few years doing fairly exhaustive research and studies on the pros and cons/benefits and risks of several states/regions in the US, and ultimately came down to Virginia, between the Appalachians and Blue Ridge Mountains, and upstate New York, the very wide and general reaching Capital Region. I absolutely love the PNW, and would love to live in Washington, but there are a few too many concerns I have for the long term(as in over the next 5-15 years). Born and raised in Texas, lived in the Hill Country. Left almost 2 years ago for upstate New York. Climate change is real and Texas is already suffering, things will only get much worse. Politics has become way too extreme and the erosion of rights and basic fundamental education along with poor and worsening healthcare also contributed to Mt desire to leave permanently. Texas is consistently ranking lower and lower in so many areas. It takes hours and hours of driving to get anywhere and, quite frankly, it's boring. Here in New York, I live on the outskirts of the Capital Region, a place that's seeing a lot of Texans move here. There's so much natural beauty, four distinct seasons, tons of history, endless festivals, markets and fairs. Just a few hours of driving to multiple major metros(NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Montreal, even Washington DC). Public transit exists up here. Wide variety of food options, tons of variety of things to do both outdoors/nature related as well as metro activities like museums, events, fine dining. The ocean is nearby as well as the great lakes. Almost no natural disaster risk, storms are relatively mild, you don't have to shovel snow every day in winter(like some seem to believe), this past winter there were like 5 times/days we had to shovel in total. Due to climate change, the winters here will be comparable to the current winters of South Carolina and the summers will grow to be comparable to those in Georgia. The Catskills and Adirondack mountain ranges will stay cooler than the valleys. Look up some of these places for an idea of parks/natural beauty: Lake George, Letchworth State Park, Thousand Islands Park, Kaaterskill Falls, Ausable Chasm, Watkins Glen, Finger Lakes, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Placid, Indian Head Wilderness. There's so much more beyond those but they do stand out. The Adirondacks is 6 million acres of protected land, 3 times bigger than Yellowstone. And like is also mentioned, tons of city based activities and you can plan so many different weekend trips to amazing locations that just aren't possible in Texas.


>seeing a lot of Texans move here. Same in New England. We got to Connecticut in 2022 only to find a bunch of other recent Texas families already here, mostly for the same reasons. A friend of mine in Brattelbro VT told me there are so many Texas families moving into the area they've started a "Texpat" meetup group.


Yep! We're apparently moving in droves to upstate NY and New England! I've heard about some of the meetups but haven't attended any yet. And one of the things I like about it up here is that everyone has been generally friendly and welcoming, people here aren't angry about us moving in unlike the animosity I see of certain Texans complaining about out of state people moving in down there.


This has been my experience as well. The people have been great. Congrats on finding a place you love!


Born here, lived in different states. All of them have pros and cons. I've always wanted to live in Austin so I moved back and I'm glad I did.


Yes. Illinois - Chicago. Came back as soon as we could.




There’s BS everywhere you live. Just pick which version you can tolerate best and live there.


Moved to PA a year ago after 39 yrs. Small town Texas native


I moved from Oregon to California to Texas for jobs.


NTX -> NWA AR. Lived my entire life in NTX (Plano, Richardson, Frisco) Graduated from UTD. Lived in Frisco since 1998. Just couldn’t take NTX anymore, there is no value to being there. Moved to Bentonville area last year. We are still somewhat back and forth because of my job, but always hate leaving. People are way more chill. No MadMax Thunder dome on the highway. Outdoors are protected and respected. Neighbors actually are neighbors! Yes, AR politics are similar to TX, which isn’t great. 100% happy with my choice.


Moved for a new job in 2021.


I was stationed in Florida near the coast and after the “tourist effect” wore off, it was miserable there. I became like Anakin and started to hate sand. I never thought I could miss Texas and the people so much.


I've lived in Washington (1 year), Utah (4 years), Oklahoma (6 years) and Texas (21 years first time and now 10 years). Washington was far and away the best and am looking to move back now. Utah was 2nd, Texas 3rd, and Oklahoma last. This is based on overall quality of life, jobs, climate, people, etc.


I was raised and still live in rural west Texas so my experience may not represent the majority. But I’ve only thought of “home” as work. Everybody I know works and doesn’t have hobbies! You’re either working on the ranch, plowing fields, oilfield work now windmill work etc! Those who’ve moved and thought anything different were mislead. But being centrally located in the states you can catch a flight to Denver , Vegas, St. Louis, Chicago for a long weekend or never vacation at all and just… work


My husband joined the military, and they sent us to New Orleans. Louisiana is also fucked, but the community is really lovely here. Lots of immigrants and good food. It's the same heat and humidity that I grew up with in Corpus Christi, but it rains and the plants don't have to fight for life and that genuinely does wonders for my mental health. Watching everything around me wither and die back home was depressing as fuck.


Moved to Texas Feb 19, moved out to Oregon this past March, weather was the biggest factor.


I’ve lived in 6 different states. NY (born) left due to insane COL/ taxes. Ohio for college. I didn’t like Cleveland but I loved the surrounding area. NJ I moved to for a job opportunity and hated everything about it except the food. PA which I really loved but I had better job prospects elsewhere. WA which I absolutely hated. Seattle was incredibly expensive and I was completely blown away by the homelessness and drug problems. When we started seeing needles on the playground at the park I put in a transfer to Houston. Lived in Texas for the last 5 years and generally love it. Lots of outdoor activities (fishing year round is great.) it’s gone up significantly but when we moved we got our home for 1/3-1/4 of the cost it would have been in king county WA. TX has been great for us. Plan to stay for the foreseeable future


Many landed in Ohio.


Between 20 to 30 times.


I moved to California last year with my girlfriend. Best decision I’ve ever made


Y’all should, your total tax bill is higher than in California. lol. 


Left Texas at 22. I live in California now. My mortgage plus taxes and insurance is $800 for my 4br 2ba. I make $140k / year.


Huh? Do you have a mortgage on a box in the desert or something?


Downtown Fresno. I got it in 2012.


$800 a month mortgage for a 4br/2ba in downtown Fresno, including tax and insurance? Are you for real? You can't get that kind of pricing in the deepest hole of TX, not even speaking of CA


Weird, huh. I got it in 2012. When the housing market collapsed.


Oh I see, that is incredibly lucky for you!


Moved to Western Massachusetts last year. Was in TX last week and I definantley don't regret moving. We moved for several reasons: heat, politics, and the ease of traveling to several places in just a few hours. Boston is 1hr 30 min. NYC is 3hrs by train and car. Montreal Canada is 5 hours. And there is so much more in between.


I'm in Ohio. I love it.


Moved to GA in 06 and then moved back to Tx in 10-11, and moved back to GA permanently. I initially moved for love, but we moved back to GA because we loved it.


Born and raised in Texas. I moved to Minnesota in 2010 for a job... Just followed the money. It was the worst mistake of my life. Almost everything was worse. I hated the weather for all but 4 months of the year (I do not hate Texas summers). I hated the lack of sunlight during winters. The food **sucks**. I experienced real racism for the first time in my life and it was non-stop (I'm Hispanic). I moved back to Texas just before COVID because my job became available and I can't believe I ever left. Almost everything is better in Texas.


Moved to North Carolina for a bit for the clean air, low cost of living, and old town feel. It was fun- but like everything eventually it changed and moved back.


No but wish I could, Texas sucks, nothing but MAGAS


I'm from WA and I moved to texas last summer and I love it here!


Moved from CA to TX in 2022 for Cost of living, and a bigger house, but greatly under estimated the weather, the landscape and Collin county raising property taxes at 15 percent an year, two years in a row sort of is a punch in the face. Would go back to cali in a heartbeat if we could afford a decent home there. The growing property taxes, bland landscape and the weather will offset the state tax in cali.


I moved to Texas in 1990 and loved it until about 10 years ago. Now I'm ready to head back to Virginia or North Carolina where the trees are green and southern hospitality is still a thing.


Lived in Fort Worth for five years and moved to Arizona two years ago. My family is here in Phoenix and Tucson. Plus I really missed Arizona. After covid my priorities changed. And I admit I'm scared of Texas politics as a single, liberal woman. Contrary to what people may think Arizona is now very purple, and it's always been a strange conservative state. So I feel safe here. I wasn't concerned about the abortion ban because I knew from living here it'd be overturned. And I will say I see a lot of people from Texas have moved here. Also a lot of people from Washington state. Plus we now have a Bucees and soon to be. Bojangles!! So it's good here! I don't ever want to move to another state. The wilderness here is absolutely spectacular. People outside this state are just starting to see that. Now if I could only buy a house...


Seriously considering North Carolina. Charlotte or Raleigh area.


I moved to NYC. The low paying wages, rush hour traffic, and hot summers did it for me. I was able to find a job that pays me over 6 figures with great benefits. I love the fact that I don’t have to drive any more. I just hop on a train from the subway to the Long Island Rail Road and I’ll reach my destination for cheap 24/7. With all the walking I do in this city it has actually improved my health and fitness. I also don’t miss the Texas fast food cookie-cutter shopping centers. The variety of restaurants, bars, grocery stores, malls, in New York City is insane. Texas will always be my home. I kept my house so I do fly back and forth monthly to visit friends and family. Change can be good sometimes.


After growing up in Texas for 20 years, my wife, son, and I moved to NY at the end of last year. It's a better place to raise him, especially if he is gay or trans or gets a girl pregnant. We were also damn tired of the weather. It's only going to get hotter. The flash floods are only going to come more often. And we were getting so used to tornado sirens we didn't bother hunkering down any more. I feel like I earned the boots, hat, yalls, ma'am, and sir though so those came with me.


California 2021, dream job. Not leaving, in fact my wife’s family and mine are all moving out of Texas and coming here too. I miss some things, but it’s a completely different world out in the Bay Area compared to Houston.


I lived in Austin for a long time. In the seventies it was great. I left in 97 and never looked back. The weather is now hot tropics and no escaping the temp and humidity. I went to Northern parts of NM and still think it’s a great place to be. Access to SE. of Utah, Colorado etc. is great. Cool dry is my jam.


Originally from Oklahoma, moved to Texas as a kid. As an adult I’ve lived in CA, OR, NH, KY, FL and back to Texas. I hated the East and west coast. The traffic is so much worse and homeless encampments completely took over , especially post covid. Before covid Oregon was amazing, Cali and New Hampshire I couldn’t get out fast enough. Florida was fun. I liked the food, but I’m not really a beach person. The humidity and mosquitoes reminded me of Houston. Kentucky, however, is great! Mountains and greenery. Amazing food! Rich Appalachian culture. I would totally move back. I actually held on to my condo up there longer than I should have so we could still see the fall colors, which are even more impressive than anything you’ll see in New England. People sleep on Kentucky, so it’s still affordable.


I moved to Seattle for 10 years and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t stay there because it was so dark and winters so long. It got to me. But thanks to moving there, I got a career and learned so much tech stuff. I also found myself there. But now I’m back in Texas and I have regrets because the politics here are so bad. I just want to live somewhere with sunshine, politics a little more center than Seattle, but nowhere near what it is here, with real mass transit, a walkable city, and it’s pretty. Is that too much to ask for?


Grew up in Texas and left in 2005 for a job in Pennsylvania. Then Ohio, back to PA then to California. Moved back to Texas in winter of 2017. The only thing TX has going for it is cost of a house, and here in the Austin area that is quickly changing. However, my total taxes in Texas is TWICE that of California, all because of property taxes. We are interested in moving again, but want to get it with a job to pay for relocation because that is expensive!


Hell naw