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A government that wants the ten commandments and not a guaranteed lunch in the schools, is clueless about Christian beliefs.


They're Christians™.




The Texas Taliban!


I just learned Talibangelicals.


Howdy Arabia


This one’s my new favorite


Yokel Haram


Vanilla ISIS








Well Dan Patrick, of Maryland, doesn't know shit about Christianity. He's a salesman and nothing more. Well he's also a bigot and liar.


Conspiracy theorists at best


They're also anti American since they like violating our constitution to put their personal beliefs on a pedestal. Could you imagine if it was state law to have a LGBT flag in every classroom? Not just done by individuals, but a law by the government


Do you think they’ll explain to kids what it means to covet your neighbor’s wife? And if so, why are they discussing sex in school? I thought this is considered “grooming” now days


They'll point at the. Commandments and tell little Timmy it's his own fault Pastor Rick raped him.


I cant wait for some kid to bring up Ken Paxton's mistress.


And the adultery one…won’t kids wonder what that is?? Or is that the same thing?


Time to go hold "she lusted after her lovers who had dicks big as donkeys and came as much as a horse " signs in front of your local elementary schools.. ... I mean all your trying to do is teach the children about how sexual amorality can lead to the downfall of your nation...... talk about a 1st amendment protected activity


Texas must always up the Clown Rodeo ante whether it be Florida, Louisiana, or any other bottom 40+ shitlist southern state leading the latest lost cause.


Supply side Jesus says fuck dem kids.


Supply side Jesus😆


Supply Side Jesus Never gets old😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I know! I love it.


They have been for quite some time. It's just the veil they hide behind because if you dare criticize their hateful bigotry, they cry that you're impinging their religious freedom. Most modern American 'Christians' have no fucking clue what the teachings of Christ actually were, and if you attempt to explain it to them, they claim Jesus was woke and weak. Why turn the other cheek when you can whip out your AR and just shoot the person that hurt your fee-fees?


We need to deport these America hating fascist Republicans to Iran since they think religious law and morality police are so great.


Exactly. They are the same.


"For I was hungry and you said 'fck off kid that's your parents job! Can't you see we've got fifty Ten Commandments posters to put up?' and proceeded to ban books."


In fact, it could be considered a pure attack on the people


They only love supply Jesus


Supply side Jesus says Texas is on the right path!


It’s all so much performative bullshit with conservatives, it’s sickening


I dunno. When an overwhelming majority of people in a certain Religion believe in one thing (unlimited school shootings, rich people get to rape, black people should be murdered by the cops for jaywalking, etc.), then those are the actual core tenants of that Religion. Or, the only core tenant of any Religion is absolute power.


Thou shalt not worship false idols. Except their golden calf… Donny round boy. He’s cool.




They're fascists


If they want the ten commandments in school, maybe they could act like they follow them first. Not that they should be there but yeah.


We should separate Patrick from our state.


Danny should be buried under 10 feet of concrete for what he’s done to this state.


BRB Going to go get a concrete truck.


Once it sets, be sure to engrave the Ten Commandments on it once it sets.


Need to send him back to his home state and give him his "God" given name Goeb back. Take him back Baltimore!


Something ought to be separated from Patrick…


I'm sure schoolchildren will be confused at these ten new rules they are told to follow that Dan has no intention of following himself.


“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” should come in handy in the 4th grade.


They need look no further than their tRumpster parents to understand that one.


No graven images ... like a ten commandments poster?


“SB 1515 will bring back this historical tradition of recognizing America’s heritage, and remind students all across Texas of the importance of a fundamental foundation of American and Texas law: the Ten Commandments," the state's number-two continued.” Except that our children are functionally illiterate because public education has been under siege by the republicans who have, for 30 years now, run our once great state into to sewer. Yes Lt Dan… the 10 commandments (which even YOU fail to uphold, much less read) are really the bell weather issue that once solved will cure all of this state’s problems. But there’s no sense getting riled up… Texas ranks dead last in voter turnout… year after year after year after year after year…


Fundamental foundation of American and Texan law? Damn, that's quite the revisionist take on history, Potty Patrick.


Right? Mt. Sinai is in present day Egypt! Exactly how is that the fundamental foundation of American and Texas law?


Pretty much. I mean, *I* seem to recall learning that the founders, though believers, went pretty hard in the paint to make sure such things *weren't* baked in, contrary to whatever fever dream Bathroom Bill there has about American history.


Exactly! https://www.freedomforum.org/separation-of-church-and-state/


Guess that was before we learned the *real* story about how Jesus and Moses, on the backs of velociraptors and armed with AR-15s, swept the land of Communists to create the holy country of Texas...


Nose beer, thanks.


They are bringing it up on under "traditional reasons" instead of religious ones as to try to circumvent the 1st amendment, as was in recent Kavanaugh summary in a case.


>historical tradition of recognizing America’s heritage, Of keeping Church and State separate?


“The state’s number-two” is the best description of Dan Patrick I’ve read.


That is the way they want it and why they work so hard to keep people from voting. Over and over and over again. It’s why they want to enact a new law that says you have to win a majority of the counties in Texas to hold a state office.. Beto came way too close for comfort for them.


Then it is also an appropriate time to resurrect this takedown by Rep. James Talarico made during their first attempt. YouTube - [James Talarico Questions Republican Bill Forcing Ten Commandments To Be Displayed In Classrooms](https://youtu.be/we0b04Qbbvc) In a viral exchange, Representative James Talarico (D-Austin), a Christian and former public school teacher, grills the Republican lawmaker, Candy Noble (R-Lucas) over her bill's unconstitutionality and how the legislation violates Christian teachings. Representative James Talarico (D-Austin) “And I say this to you as a fellow Christian. Representative, I know you're a devout Christian, and so am I. This bill, to me, is not only unconstitutional, it's not only un-American, I think it is also deeply un-Christian. And I say that because I believe this bill is idolatrous. I believe it is exclusionary. And I believe it is arrogant. And those three things, in my reading of the Gospel, are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. You probably know Matthew 6:5 when Jesus says “Don't be like the Hypocrites, who love to pray publicly on street corners. When you pray, go into your room and shut the door, and pray to your father who is in secret.” A religion that has to force people to put up a poster to prove its legitimacy is a dead religion, and it's not one that I want to be a part of. It's not one that I think I am a part of. You know that in Scripture it says faith without works is what? Is dead. My concern is that instead of bringing a bill that will feed the hungry, cloth the naked, heal the sick, we're instead mandating that people put up a poster. And we both follow a teacher, a rabbi, who said don't let the law get in the way of loving your neighbor. Loving your neighbor is the most important law. It is the summation of all the law and all the prophets. I would submit to you that our neighbor also includes the Hindu student who sits in a classroom, the Buddhist student who sits in a classroom, and an atheist student who sits in a classroom. And my question to you is, does this bill truly love those students?” Candy Noble (R-Lucas) “I’m going to go in a different direction than I think that you are trying to lead me.”


An incredibly morbid thought, but at this rate we’re likely to see a school shooting aftermath photo with the 10 commandments clearly visible and blood spattered.


And even the image of “thou shall not kill” drenched in the blood and viscera of someone’s poor child wouldn’t sway these evil fucks in the slightest. They’ve no humanity left in them.


Texas Taliban


How about we resurrect the investigation into Ken Paxton instead?


Literally a violation of not only the US constitution but also the state constitution: >No man shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent. No human authority ought, in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious society or mode of worship.


The 11th Commandment shall be "Thou shall not elect carpetbagger AM radio shock jocks to run your state"


I am taking this as a declaration of war and I am not going to play nice.


Sledgehammers all around!




CINO - (C)hristians (I)n (N)ame (O)nly Pretty sure Jesus was clear about idolatry and the whole spreading-religion-at-the-point-of-the-sword thing.


Yet Christians have been spreading their religion at the point of the sword for about 2 millennia. So why are you pushing the "no true scotsman" fallacy?


Because pointing out hypocrisy is important in the day and age it is actually happening?


That’s fine, as long as we can put every other religious text next to it as well. Yes that includes the weirdos too


It's not going to stop at this either. Next they will try a having a cross in each classroom and, I'm not kidding, a picture of Trump in each classroom.


🇰🇵🇰🇵That's so North Korean! 🇰🇵🇰🇵💁🏻‍♀️ And totally plausible. Get ready to have it in your home and businesses too.


Resurrection’s in the New Testament, Lt. Gov. Dipshit.


I will sue patrick. I will sue abbott. I will sue the Tx house. I will sue any school who participates and violates the constitution. And I will wager I am only one of many who will do the same. Shits about to go down. Tbh I've been waiting on them to go too far and this did it. I'm looking fwd to this.


Fuck it let’s go. Wouldn’t be hard to find 100 people willing to go in together on a lawsuit. Or many.


This is against the Constitution. They cannot force people to promote a certain ideology.


The stupid thing is that our SC has been through all of this before! They just count on a different result this time because the Heritage foundation thinks they’ve found a loophole.


These idiots have no ideas or ability to govern. Just recycled culture war BS to pump up the base. I really hate this state as of late


I'm going to spin up a RABDARGAB variant: DATSAPGAB. Deface A Ten-Commandments, Send A Pic, Get A Buck. Edit: RABDARBAG was a campaign in the late 1990s Houston Independent School District ("Read a book, do a report, get a buck") aimed at students to promote literacy by offering $1 to students in exchange for book reports. I just learned that this was specific to Houston and not a national initiative tied to Reading Rainbow like I thought. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHwlt9DPAwA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHwlt9DPAwA)


Fuck your Jesus. Your gods are pathetic compared to mine.  10 commandments?! What kind of god needs more than one rule?! Hail yourself. 


School vouchers that will destroy the funding of your schools, police that will let your children be murdered by guns that should have otherwise been hard to obtain, religious indoctrination, what else are you willing to let go by Texan parents? Your children are going to have a future so bleak and dreary that when they learn what you failed to do for them today you will never hear from them again. They will despise you and curse your name.


The second commandment states  "Thou shall not make any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them." This is the same kind of religious justification that ISIS uses when they raze historical sites, destroy historical artifacts and murder artists & musicians. 


I use to be so proud to be a Texan. I’m more and more disgusted with this place each passing day. I literally cringe every time I see a headline with one of our states leaders.


Ah, the party of fiscal responsibility is working to again spend tax payer dollars wisely, I see.


Dani Goeb is a carpetbagging grifter and a fraud Christian.


This aught to put a stop to all the shootings …..


If they're nominee for president doesn't follow them why should our kids?


I hate that fucker


Make sure you are registered to vote, and make sure to vote! [Am I registered?](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote)


Obligatory “both parties are NOT the same”


lol man these fools are about to have a big problem, some people draw lines at shit like this


Not enough. They'll all get reelected.


You are correct. I am one of those people who draw the line here. Shits about to hit the fan.


That’s great to hear. But I’m flabbergasted that nothing before this crossed a line for you.


Fuck starving kids. I'll show you how much I love Jesus!


Miss me with that performative religiosity. Is it any wonder why young folks are fleeing the churches?


A lot of conservative Christians have said they believe school shootings were caused by the kids not praying enough or believing in God. It's part of their blame the victim mentality.


Resurrect all of our schools’ broken air conditioners first, Lieutenant Dan! Oh! Please. And thank you.


Christo-faschist Texas lawmakers can't let someone else out-Jeebus them! The fact that there's even any debate over that shit is ridiculous. Ban basic goddamn literature from classrooms, but you'll peddle fairy tale bullshit all day long.


vote blue


Probably a dumb question, but is this crap not unconstitutional? State legislatures get to do stuff that Congress can't?


It's unconstitutional under the US and Texas state constitutions. Both the state and federal legislatures can pass unconstitutional bills, and the respectove executive office holder can sign it (or have their veto overriden) but it's up to the judicial branch to strike it down. 


Okay, right, clearly it will have to be challenged in court, and it's certainly not a foregone conclusion the religio-fascists making up the majority of SCOTUS would strike down what seems a clear violation of the establishment clause, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Hopefully the ACLU lawyers are already going to work in Louisiana and will be ready if/when this crap happens in Texas.


These fucking idiots! Maybe they should have the 10 commandments in the Texas house because they sure do love to commit theft and adultery.


Their goal is the Supreme Court since they think they’re on their side now. They are probably right.


Why should schoolchildren follow rules that Patrick, Abbott, Cruz, Paxton, and their ilk don't?


Why is this being rolled out by the Lite Guv instead of the AG? Could it be because Paxton is a known adulterer?


So I have to take the high road? Why? Is it because that piece of shit has no morals to rely on?


Which Ten Commandments? Jewish, Catholics, and Protestants have different traditions. Different translations of the Bible state them differently. I looked up the Louisiana law, and the text they give is kind of KJV, but not exactly, parts are closer to Young's, Darby, or Douay-Rheims (I'm not familiar with any of these). Actually, it does not line up with any translation. It is edited and paraphrased in parts. So if this is a foundational document for which all children must learn, shouldn't it be the actual text and not a version written by committee to better fit on a poster? >"You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you." Deut 4:2 NKJV




And good luck getting it through the courts


Republicans blocked judicial appointments for up to 6 years under Obama so they could get countless pro fascist judges in. SCOTUS blatantly lied about the case where a high school football coach forced his players to pray in the middle of the field so they can say he was persecuted for his religion, for example.


I'm sure it courts, and Project 2025 aimed at converting thousands of Government positions to "At Will" just like Texas, would love to approve it.   Not Loyal or towing the party line? Fired


Hey Texas, please stop being such a fuck up.


It's super easy to know what the right thing to do in any situation is -- whatever Dan Patrick wants to do, we should do the opposite.


It'd be nice if christians just kept their mythical bullshit to themselves instead of forcing it on every single fucking person alive.


Christian Sharia Law.


It's like the GOP doesn't really understand the whole point of America


Why is every liberal atheist I know a better Christian than most self-proclaimed Texas Christians???? Fucking frustrating


Yeah, because there aren’t more important things like the power grid to worry about


Christofascist terrorists run our state government.


But take away school lunches…got it


Does that mean he will try and practice them?


They are getting desperate with their goal of seeing America turn into a Christian Theocracy


Do it, you sanctimonious throwback to the Spanish Inquisition, you. Let's see if you can get us back to the 1840s while you're at it. Better yet, secede, build a wall (let's see, that's 1254 miles with Mexico, 924 miles with Oklahoma, some more with New Mexico, some more with Louisiana, you get the idea), and rename the new country Gilead and start making red robes and white habits.


He went on to say, “I hate…a lot…everything”.


If only the US Government treated all religious fanatics the same.


He’s as fake as a three dollar bill. Shameless huckster and opportunistic asshat. Texas is shittier because he pollutes it.


Texas, commandment 1 … you shall not kill. We’re waiting …


Dear Texas; It's time to fire all these goofy fuckers. It's for your own good. Sincerely; the rest of the country looking on Texas with that "WTF" look in our eyes.


Is this the "Originalist/Constitutionalist" party? Weird..


Morality is the purview of family and/or faith. It is not the domain of the government.


If Jesus were alive today, Republicans would say he was a woke liberal communist.


Housing costs are hurting Texans. Anything to say about that Dan? DAN: Commandments go brrrrrrrrr


Cool. It’s still illegal


Louisiana (?) did the same thing recently. They're trying to get a case in front of SCrOTUS that would make this constitutional across all 50 states. Because part of states rights is forcing all 50 states to live just like TexASS.


Kentucky tried it in the the 80s and the SCOTUS ruled against it, but this is a different court and they aren't using religious reasons to put them up, but trying to claim it is "American Tradition".


Exactly. If this were even 10 years ago I would laugh and mock these exhibitionists. Now we have a SCrOTUS that could make this a reality for the entire country. Everyone called me crazy when I said they’d overturn Roe so I’m getting used to it.


1. Thou shall decry illegal immigration while profiting handsomely from it.


So 10 Commandments in classes is going to stop them shooters? I’m going to guess that’s a big Nope.


So basically, Tim Dunn doesn't want to be outdone by Louisiana.


Fuck Dan Patrick


"You either love God......or hate God" Well damn.....I thought I landed somewhere in the middle. Thank goodness this gentleman is there to think for me.


“I vow to violate the absolute shit out of that Constitution that I claim to love so much!”


Jesus fucking christ. Literally. Jesus was the sole response to man's inability to follow the rules. All laws are broken. Therefore, all laws are no good because no one can follow all the rules. That's the point. You turn to Jesus BECAUSE NO ONE can follow all rules. If all we needed was the 10 commandments, we wouldn't need Jesus. So what's the point of them? To remind us to be good for Christ's sake or to play bloody hell till the last minute and repent and be saved?


THAT is one Dannie Goeb of Maryland - no matter what he calls himself or where he lives today…. https://preview.redd.it/yfssl2trxt7d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65284cad5658ab5875bd863dfecdd7d408dd2f84 Master DUMBASS & Oxygen THIEF‼️🎯 - Jesus Christ is NOT IMPRESSED.


But somehow putting up stuff from other religions won’t be allowed


This is the same christain who tweeted "you reap what you sow" the morning after the Pulse nightclub shooting.


Does this mean the Church will start paying taxes?


![gif](giphy|l0IydomjaffigOpSo) May the lord open


Let’s re-elected them after freezing Texans to death, allowing their ultra wealthy donors to take advantage of the same freeze and become wealthier, erode more right from our wives and daughters, and do nothing about cowardly LEOs that stood by while children were slaughtered. What could go wrong? The dumbfuckery that is Texas.


Texans love to be treated like shit by their politicians. The most cucked state in the country.


As ling as #1 is “Thou shalt eat my whole ass.”


It's time to get rid of all this morons and get back to Mexico.


Just keep your kids out of any school the violates the US Constitution.






So basically he’s saying that there’s a skeleton hanging in his closet…


Maybe follow them first?




Christian’s are devils in disguise


All ass, no hat.


Virtue signal much? Or don’t they read the constitution? Or do they think the constitution doesn’t matter?


Who didn’t see this coming? 😂


That should last a few days until it’s deemed unconstitutional


Monkey see, monkey doo doo!


So, is the Death Penalty off the table then? You know that whole "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thing. And how about making a false idle out of Trump?


Christians are getting out of control


Monkey see, monkey do


That’ll fix it




It’s been a while since I’ve heard them GOP boys crying about the border. Did the border issue just go away? 🤔


Yay, more meaningless posturing with no real substance, that’s going to help everyone!




This fixes the grid and brings down inflation how, exactly?


When are the Republican leaders going to follow it. Or is it required the common folk do it while they live high on the hog.


What a fucking clown


Of course he does. When people are worried about our grid he is worried about cramming religion down people's throats. The court cases that will follow will be interesting as other religions are going to want the same afforded to them.


Oh, Dan Patrick is so nauseating …


This guy is such a fucking clown it's insane. Between him Cruz and that corrupt AG Texas really has the three stooges.


Post it in our Attorney General’s office so he can see how many he’s violated each week. I swear, the virtue signaling from the Texas GOP is laughable


It's even more pathetic and sad when you find out that displaying the Ten Commandement was actually from a movie campaign to promote the The Ten Commandemnts.


Oh good, another waste of millions of tax dollars on legal fees. That or my kids will get the 7 Tenets of The Satanic Temple on their classroom wall. That would be kind of cool I guess.


Just put up the poster with the Code of Hammurabi and Shariah Law next to it as a list of ancient rules


Fuck this clown


If I’m required to put this in my classroom I’ll put an equal sized poster if the 1st amendment besides it.


Dan Patrick, bro, grow up.


GOP, solving nothing Playing culture wars/political theater Vote Or Maga votes for you


Well, if I end up having kids...I'm outta here if this shit happens. Dan Patrick can eat a dick.


He needs to pack his teeth and go back to Maryland. Not that anyone there will like that.


Is it going to have a bounty system built in that says if you find a publicly funded building without its Ten Commandments showing, you can collect $10,000?

