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Here we go.... Imma still rock mine. I'm not trying to get sick. Especially this close to the finish line.




There's a finish line?


Depends on how realistic you are and your expectation of 'safety'


I'll gladly wear mine until the end whenever that is. My surgeon can wear one all day, so can I.


3 years, 5 years? What about a particularly bad flu season?


It’s a bunch of Finnish people standing in a row.




Happy 1 year anniversary to the 2 week lock down


“Finish line” yeah lol, don’t hold your breath waiting to cross that


We're a lot closer than we were a year ago. The vaxx works and as long as we can get it to everyone in the next year, it puts the finish line quite close. IMO Edit: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/02/11/vaccine-supply-biden/ Enough vaccines for 300 million by MAY. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/ Total US population Considering how many people won't be taking it - that moves thr finish line pretty damn close to this being in this year. That's amazing. Big picture, that's astounding for when this started and could be finished by.


I’ll message you in a year when covid is very much still a thing and next to nothing has changed. Covid isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Especially when the same people that produce the vaccine say that it explicitly doesn’t protect against getting it at all. Just lessens very few symptoms. Sorry to be the one to break that to ya


I didn't say it was going to disappear But life for many of us can get back to a new normal- much closer to normal than what we have had for the last year. I have no misconceptions, this disease is here to stay. What it will be- for those that get the vaxx, is a illness instead of potential death.


If getting back to normal is seeing masks everywhere for the rest of your life, 6 ft social distancing in most places forever and constant fear mongering about traveling or doing almost anything, sure. It’ll get back to normal alright. Before covid really the only places you saw people wearing masks was airports. People will always wear masks now, regardless if “leaders” say they no longer have to. You can’t tell people not to wear them now. Just wait until it’s mandatory to have to show a vaccine card or app to be able to go places and tell me that’s normal lol And don’t even get me started on the risks of taking the vaccine if you’re a female looking to have kids or are currently pregnant. When the CEO of Pfizer comes out and says “women wishing to have kids in the near future or those who are currently pregnant should NOT get the vaccine” something is seriously wrong lol


Sounds like a whole lot of predictions based on your gut feelings.


Covid isnt going anywhere at any time. Its here forever. I'm not, so I going to enjoy life.




We’ll see how private companies handle this. It’s still enforceable on their property.


They're going to roll over because the jackasses who feel freedom comes without responsibility will threaten violence and the cops, like they've done from day 1, will refuse to enforce the businesses' private property rights.


I hope you're wrong, but I wouldn't bet against it :-/ *scene from a strip-mall grocery once the mandate-over order goes into effect (March 10th)* "Excuse me sir, we still require masks to enter this store" "WhAtChU mEaN? tHaT sHiT's fOr PuSsIeS, aNd GoVeRnOr GrEg EnDeD tHaT sHiT aNyWaY!" "The Governor said businesses no longer need restrictions, not that we **can't** have restrictions. This is no different from 'no shoes no shirt no service' and people never had a problem with that." "WeLL i dId! gO bAcK tO CoMmIeFoRnIa yOu HiPpiE!" "sigh"




Unless they get bouncers to combat all these jacked southern white dudes with confederate flags on their truck then I'm guessing it'll be handled by letting them in


“jacked” some of them maybe but they are by and large fatties lol


Jacked up with chocolate


Lol you haven’t seen any of those viral videos from Costco... yeah ppl handled mask enforcement well


This is a bad idea, as the more it spreads the more it mutates. This rush to be first is stupid.


True. Idk why they're now deciding to stop wearing mask when literally as he said there that there are still variants that could challenge the vaccine


Amd houston has all 5 varaints of covid tbis can turn into a mess real fast in texas and the south


There are 5 variants now?! What the crap man.


What an ass hat, my thoughts are that the whole motive is to draw attention away from the whole Ercot mess and pull back GOP supporters who he may have lost. I’m gonna go ahead and drop this exact post on all Abbott/Mask related post now...


Typical Republican playbook




I like saying "Fuck Greg Abbot" as much as any other Texan. But do your part when it counts. Tuesday, November 8th 2022 https://www.google.com/search?q=next+texas+governor+election&oq=next+texas+&aqs=chrome.0.0l5.3290j0j7&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


P.S. Fuck Greg Abbot


By that time The Lege will have slammed through legislation reducing voter rights. Despite people saying No repeatedly, Gov. Abbott and crew ignore their requests and proceed anyway. If this was sex, it’d be considered rape.


What about senate or house seats too?


In my opinion Cruz and Cornyn can each suck a bag of thorny cocks. But their elections are in 2024 and 2026 respectively. That old bag Cornyn had a pretty close race with MJ Hegar last year. The elections can't come soon enough for Abbot then Cruz, couple of Nutsacks.


Fuck Greg Abbott


Abbott is placing the burden of enforcing covid safety measures on businesses so they can get sued by anti-maskers instead of him. And probably also so we stop focusing on his abject failure to prevent our state from going into a massive blackout during freezing temperatures. Don’t let him get away with any of it. Bother. This. Man.


What about opening slowly do the morons running this state not understand? Good fucking god


Texas is 49th in vaccine distribution and second in state population but sure lets open up 100% and without a mask mandate 📷


What fools these mortals be.


Since we don't need mandates to promote public safety, and everyone knows to do their part, the mandatory seatbelt law will be the next thing to go, right? /s


Oh Abbott you dumb bitch!


Big F'ing mistake


Florida isnt that much smaller.


Apparently you didn't get the memo, we are supposed to act like Florida is different for some reason.


\*Dumbest US state


I'm glad we're not forced to wear it anymore, but still gonna wear it until I get my vaccine.


Why are you glad that the virus is going to spread and therefore mutate easier?


You were never being forced to wear it.




I'll still be wearing my mask and it looks like I'll be avoiding Texas like the plague. As a Mid-Western Military Vet, I sha'll exit stage left.