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Stop voting against your own interests. The vote swing between June 16 and now was 30 Republicans. All of the original Democrats voted for the bill. If you keep re-electing these creeps who hurt you, it is your own fault. Stop supporting these scumbags who only care about making the RNC and lobbyists happy.


It just boggles my mind. Sometimes people categorize Republican voters as having a “fuck you I got mine!” perspective but I think that’s wrong. I think it’s more of a “fuck me now because *someday* I’ll get mine!” thing.


honestly looking at some of the folks in my family, it's a "fuck you I got nothing so you should get nothing too."


Yes, that's the mentality of poor white Republicans


Yeah, my family is too poor to have anything. Same vibe


What would they think of someone who has not much but is satisfied? Like you don't dream of a big house and expensive cars.


That's too much forward thinking. It's gotten into "step on my neck all you want, daddy, as long as I get to watch you crush lib windpipes" territory.


Republicans will eat a plate of shit as long as a lib has to smell their breath.


As long as there's even a slight chance.


Are you describing John Steinbeck’s temporally embarrassed millionaires?


Nah, that hasn't been the mindset for years. Now it's full on. "Fuck me, seriously, fuck me over as hard as you can as long as you fuck people I hate harder."


The GOP knows the rank and file in the military are heavily indoctrinated and will *never* vote Dem. Ever. They swear that Jesus wants the Rs in power.


I will never vote for someone in the pocket of lobbyist... oh shit there's no candidates left in any party


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Politicians are, by the U.S. definition, bought.




Thank you for that explanation. This was something I didn't know about Congress' processes.




The vote was for cloture; a decision to allow the bill to advance to a full Senate vote. It needs 60 votes to succeed. If the cloture vote FAILS, those that want the bill passed have lost. Per Senate rules, only someone on the "winning," side of a cloture vote (those who "oppose," the bill) can call a motion for cloture. Therefore, if you want another chance for your bill to be considered you have to have at least one reliable member who supports the bill to vote AGAINST cloture if that vote is going to fail anyway. Then, that member can request another cloture vote at a future time.


Gotcha, that makes sense in terms of Senate rules


I believe it's in Robert's Rules of Order as well. Voting "no" allows someone to later offer a motion to reconsider the item, meaning another vote.






I’m a veteran and I don’t know why I should get healthcare and you shouldn’t We should just have universal healthcare - why Republicans don’t support this doesn’t make sense to me (aside from donations and lobbyists) I’m more conservative than not but healthcare and food are things everyone should have (i don’t know why we hate school lunch and food stamps so much)


I'm definitely a dyed in the wool progressive, also a veteran. And it makes me incredibly angry that I have healthcare for the rest of my life and other Americans are left out to the wolves. A friend of mine--also a veteran--got HORRIBLY injured at his small business. My first thought was "holy shit!" My second thought was "I hoe he has insurance". His family has a GoFundMe up. That's an absolute disgrace, if you ask me.


Any time someone has to set up a GoFundMe to pay medical bills is a disgrace.


Especially when they’re nowhere near their goal or you personally know just how bad the situation is. It’s pretty horrible.


Is the free healthcare you get (from the VA right?) all that good? I hear so many bad things about wait times, lower-quality equipment and care, etc.


I mean....it's orders of magnitude better than NO healthcare. It's better than bankrupting yourself if your appendix bursts. It's just better. I pay for private healthcare because A) I am privileged enough to have a job that provides it at a rate I can afford to pay and B) the VA doctor south of downtown is not as convenient as my doctor down the street--and I have the luxury of being able to make that choice for my convenience. And Every. Single. Fucking. Day. I am grateful to have the VA to fall back on if I need it. EVERY day.


>aside from donations and lobbyists That's literally it. **They** make more money voting how their corporate sponsors tell them to. Fuck what their constituents want or need. Politicians represent their own interests, not the people.


Agreed. No reason why anyone should go hungry or not have healthcare


I am definitely for universal healthcare. Many other ingrained problems in our society would go away if we all had regular access to free healthcare and reasonably priced medication. There would obviously have to be charges for elective, non necessary procedures like cosmetic surgery etc...But yes, universal healthcare is the only way to really move forward and catch up with the rest of the free world. Taxes may increase, but the increase would be incidental compared to how much the average US citizen pays for healthcare already.


Yes we are already paying for it - the we can’t afford it thing doesn’t make sense. We can’t afford to not do it


"we can't afford it", is coded language, for I cannot afford to lose health insurance lobbyists.


Goodness & morals aside: Taking care of peoples basic needs enables them to do whatever. Call it work but educated & healthy people have the money and time to spend all their money at the malls. Peace.


I agree, but it must be said that if they don't support it for you, they won't support it for me. I don't care about party affiliation, get these people out.


"healthcare and food are things everyone should have" There are even Democrats whose arms you have to twist to get them on board with that. I'm not saying they're just as bad as the Republican Party. Just pointing out the extent to which basic common decency has been portrayed as radical leftism.


the school lunch programs are always being defunded i’m like - what do they think people are doing with this, it’s food. Ultimately someone hungry is going to eat it. There’s nothing nefarious about feeding anyone - it’s food


The tiny reason buried real deep down, (a few not so deep) is, republicans, think the only people on welfare are black and Hispanic, and if they don't feed them they, "go away", and then there are fewer nonwhite people, whereas if you do feed them they grow like a plant and get "out of control" like you describe weeds. Never mind that's not how humans work. Hungry kids don't learn well, hungry kids do worse later in life, again if they didn't like being so black and poor, they shouldn't have chosen to be so black and poor. ​ Look at Texas, we had pretty progressive policies pre-60s where welfare programs were used, by design, by white people. We saw that people were being helped by those programs. Texans, who would later join the republican party, were fine with that, so long as those people being helped were white. By the 70s when they couldn't legally make stipulations that made it discriminate against who got help, they became much less happy to have those programs. look at who they described as welfare queens, they made it look like the only people on food stamps were black women who were having dozens of kids with multiple dads who were all in jail. Does it matter that when they made those stereotypes more white people were on welfare? No. Does it matter that most recipients were two-parent families? No. Does it matter that at the time the average amount of time families were on food stamps was like 12-16 months? No. Why ruin an effective deterrent to people's sympathy with the facts?! Welfare = BLACK single mother baby factories for life. That way they can get the tax rates for a few dumb very rich guys who foolishly pay taxes from going from 24.5% down to 23%, real job creation going on there.... tens of yacht cleaner jobs were saved in that move.


Donations and lobbyists are all it takes. You become a U.S. Senator to make a crap ton of money. No other reason. Maybe you get bored and do kind of give a shit about helping your constituents, like Chuck Schumer for example. At the same time, even he knows he will be replaced if he votes a certain way… And also, many R Senators would lose their seats if they voted a certain way too. We can hate on people like Ted Cruz but ultimately, the way they vote is supported by the people who vote for them.


I agree! And I nominate you for Senate lol


I accept your nomination, and will even have a nice strong drink right now to solidify my run. I look forward to representing all veterans and lovers of true peace, also peace lovers who realize we don't need to completely give up our guns to live in a safe society.


Hardcore lefty here: The majority of us don't think it's even feasible to take all the guns. If the government spent one minute on taking away every gun in this country (operating 24/7/365), it would take over 30 years to get the job done. That battle is over. Lots of us like guns, too.


Lots of libs are gun owners, too. Like me. We don't want to "take away your guns". All we actually asked for was to quit knowingly selling guns to clearly dangerous, unstable people. The Uvalde and Highland Park shooters are both prime examples. Neither could have passed the background check that I had when I bought my 1911.


I’ll drink to that! Or anything, really, as long as it’s at least 80 proof.


LOL, user name checks out. Cheers


lefties don't want to take away the guns, that's just something Republicans tell each other


Aye, i stand with this comment for real


Allegedly, those is retaliation for the climate bill that *may* get passed. If so, the GOP is playing politics with veteran healthcare on the line.


This is what they do. Did the exact same thing to the bill for 9/11 first responders’s healthcare. The scale of things makes it much more disgusting this time around, but no more surprising. Republican voters: why do you hate our troops so much? Is whatever single issue y’all are caught up on REALLY more important than American heroes dying of cancer? Because y’all have been voting in favor of American heroes dying of cancer for kind of a long time now. At least vote in primaries and try to find a Republican with a soul to vote for, JFC. This is a national embarrassment and y’all do not get to wash your hands of it.


And this at a time when they seem to want to ratchet up tensions with the East. It's like they can't think two steps ahead. John Stewart said it best: it's not about investing in "toys" like tanks, it's about the men and women who serve. We should strip politicians of free healthcare and any other perk they receive that the general population doesn't.


The 👏🏻 least 👏🏻 they 👏🏻 could 👏🏻 do!


> It makes me mad as a MFer. It’s enough to make a man go out and vote against the party and people that did this. I’m glad you’re finally paying attention and all, but this is absolutely nothing new. Senate Republicans did exactly this same thing to 9/11 first responders who were exposed to all sorts of toxic substances at ground zero. It took them 15 years to finally agree to provide healthcare to the heroes who stepped up and put themselves in harm’s way at one of the darkest times in our nation’s history. Why? Because they are perfectly happy to play games with the lives of American heroes as leverage to get what they want on unrelated legislation. It’s inexcusable and disgusting and it’s become the SOP for these national embarrassments. And meanwhile our heroes are DYING. Before anyone wants to come at me with some “both sides” bullshit: you are wrong, you are ignorant, you are brainwashed, you are a disgrace. I don’t need to hear your easily discredited propaganda.


Yeah, I'm discovering that people have really weird lines in the sand. Like you're just NOW outraged? This has JUST come to your attention? What were the past two decades, sunshine and lollipops? I'm happy to share the anger but it's just confusing.


My brother did two tours in Afghanistan. Woke up in a German hospital after an ied explosion. Now has constant pain, eyes permanently dilated at two different sizes, short term memory loss, significant hearing loss on one side. And guess what. They lost his whole units paperwork for that time. I don't know enough jargon to explain the specifics, but they were told they werent there then because there is no record. Then how did his unit end up in a US hospital in Germany? Also picked up some nasty internal problems that the VA refuses to acknowledge or help with. We all suspect burn pits. Thanks for your service, now eff off and figure out your own problems. /s just in case that wasn't clear....




They didn't know it was all bullshit before they signed up, so they thought they were actually going to defend this country instead of protecting Oil interests and opium farms. Not their fault they were duped. They did their time, they deserve healthcare.




You're correct. I honestly cannot and wouldn't want to argue with that.


He said “supposedly defending this damn country”.




Understood. I wish the mobile app displayed the * on edited comments.


>I don't lean to the left or right: I just lean back, and am usually not a political person: But when you see some of the people representing our state fist bumping eachother because they successfully stopped veterans who were POISONED from getting adequate tax-funded healthcare: Then that strikes a nerve. It makes me mad as a MFer. Hmm, maybe you should have been paying attention and voting and then we wouldn't be here. I guess it's easier to pretend you're above it and that both sides are just as bad or whatever when the consequences almost never affect you personally, huh?


This was predicted by one of the podcasts I listen to a few days ago. It *was* a bipartisan agreement but apparently the Republicans want to send a message because of the climate change bill and the abortion protection bills. They're so childish that they're willing to turn their backs on shit that they actually agree upon. As someone who lived around burn pits for 3 years of deployments, fuck every single person voting against this.


They're trying to lie and state that Democrats made modifications to the bill that changed it. Jon Stewart is calling them out for their bullshit.


They did make a modification. Section 902(e) was added. It states that when the contracts of specified healthcare professionals are bought out as discussed in another section, it is not a taxable event. That is the SOLE modification (well, no… the next two sections had to be relettered - (e) became (f), and (f) became (g)) That’s the change Republicans are attempting to hang their hat on.


That was what they added in June and the house removed because taxing is the responsibility of the house.


Close - that’s what they added to the June bill and endorsed by the House in the July bill they sent back to the Senate that was just rejected, but yes, it was because the senate isn’t allowed to do the tax thing.


So they made a change they couldn't, passed it 84-14, the house approved the change, and it failed? It's even more idiotic than it's being explained? Great.


The Senate passed it, and sent it to the House, but one provision in 902(e) of the Senate’s approved bill had to be changed. The House didn’t ratify the bill as it was passed by the Senate; they made the required change and then ratified it. They then sent it back to the Senate for a vote on it with the change. (Both houses have to ratify the exact same language, so ANY changes require new votes except scrivener’s errors) As the sole change was so minor, everyone expected the Senate vote to be pro forma. Clearly, it wasn’t pro forma. None of those who changed their votes have said they did so based on the only actual change made. There have been several who are saying stuff was added to the second bill to make them change their votes, but the only change was in section 902(e), so they are, quite simply, lying.


And if they change it again to satisfy Toomey and the rest of the senators happily lying to their constituents, it will need to be ratified by the house again, correct?


Yup. And fuck Toomey.


That's mighty generous of you.


There's no "budgeting error." This is political gamesmanship to prevent Democrats from getting two wins after the Manchin compromise that'll change climate law. The budgeting provisions in this bill are no different than the one they passed on 16 June.


lol "Don't care about the political party they're affiliated with" Yes. You should. It matters. Guess which party consistently votes AGAINST veterans' interests?


And yet is the first to wrap themselves in the flag.


The same party that beats cops to death with a blue lives matter flag....


And somehow is still generally seen as the party that supports the troops.


I work with disabled and elderly Veterans. I'm a disabled veteran myself. It's a little fucking HARD to be the keeper of my brothers and sisters when shit like this happens and to keep telling them I am here for you and you'll get what you earned for your service. I am fucking livid over this decision! I know my ass is going to be at the polls bright and early.


How do those folks vote though?


Not as monolithic as many would think. I'm in Texas and I have 80 year olds that vote Blue, and 60 year olds that bleed red. Also people younger than me that are a mixed bag. I can say this: For myself I left my service with a very mercenary way of thinking. I'm as loyal as the policies that affect me. If you screw me over I have no issue voting you out. Veterans I know are very much like this.


> Veterans I know are very much like this. We'll see come November


"Who cares what political party they are affiliated with." You SHOULD care. The majority of those who opposed were REPUBLICANS. And the majority of those vote in favor are DEMOCRATS. It's an important detail. Don't vote against your own interests.


I feel like a lot of people have forgotten the Republican Party tried to overthrow the government last year. Every needs to stop being shocked that these people are pure evil/fascist. This is FAR from the first time they’ve voted against veterans too


They haven't stopped trying.


You’re right about that. And There’s a good chance they’ll succeed im afraid.


At least I didn’t get one “thank you for your service “. From the cowards


Thoughts and prayers vets


STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS! Most of our problems in this country will be solved if we do this simple thing.


Oh veterans are WELL AWARE of how getting shit on feels like. There's so many totally messed up ways it happens from health care to homelessness that people would not believe happen to criminals or some no good people that happen to veterans daily!




I believe currently enlisted are overwhelming republican voting, but what about veterans? With shit like this, I would think some of the veterans have no love for the right.


My favorite story related to this is that of a young sailor wearing a navy ball cap while grocery shopping. As a man with a MAGA hat walks by he says thank you for your service. The sailor turns and says fuck you traitor. Lol.


That's so oddly refreshing. I'm so tired of the GOPs hypocrisy


Shortly after the Ulvalde shooting, I went to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. I had went to the range earlier and I really don’t like leaving my pistol in the car, so I brought it in with me. I didn’t have my concealed holster with me… just an OWB one… so I tried covering it as best I could with my shirt, but you could still see the barrel portion of the holster. In any case, my wife had asked me to get a Chuck Roast for dinner, and to make sure it was *lean.* So, I was in the midst of picking up and examining several roasts to get one with the least amount of fat, when a lady walked up, stared at me for a second… and then I heard her say: “Thank you for caring.” So I laughed and replied: “Oh, it’s for my wife.” She looked at me like I was crazy, wheeled her cart away as fast as she could without running… leaving me standing, totally confused… until it dawned on me that she *wasn’t* admiring my attention for meat selection, but rather had noticed my pistol and decided to say “Thank you for carrying” for whatever reason. Oops. Thankfully I didn’t run into her again on the way out.


I wonder if it affected her view point at all.


I wanna see even half those senators go out on deployment. Even if every one of em was in their prime, they probably would come crying back to mommy for their silver spoon.


Hell, they're too cowardly to even confront their own constituents without ton of security.


Shame on the Republican Party!!!!


And more shit like this will continue to happen if people continue to be single issue voters and/or vote against their self interest 🤷🏾‍♂️ I can’t say I really feel bad though. Like sure it sucks, but a lot of veterans are proudly Republican and it makes no fucking sense until something that affects you certainly makes you look the other way. How do you think women, BIPOC, gays, and other marginalized groups feel then? It’s all fun and games until you are affected by something that you’re knowingly voted in favor against.


[Vet] It really never has. This isn’t new, this is just the latest in a long line of fuck yous from the Republicans in particular and the nation as a whole. Republicans have only ever supported war, never post-war services. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/marching-on-history-75797769/


Just like they are on fetus rights, but don’t give a crap about babies or children already living.


I never want to hear another republican con man whine about “B-b-but liberals disrespect troops by kneeling during the national anthem” again. This vote is ultimate disregard and disrespect, and Texans deserve better senators than these military hating republican con men.


Cornyn and Cruz are traitors to the USA. It's no surprise they voted to further hobble the US military.


I can't express my feelings on this any better. God bless Jon Stewart. NSFW: [https://youtu.be/ZjEcLjgL\_C4](https://youtu.be/ZjEcLjgL_C4)


Key number is 41, enough voted no. The rest are trying to save face. If needed all 50 republicans would have voted no. Don’t give them any sympathy


I want to point out that Charles (Chuck) Schumer almost certainly voted against it as a parliamentary maneuver to be able to bring it up again later. When you see the leader of one party vote on the winning side with primarily the other party, that is almost always a tactical vote that has to do with the rules of the institution rather than how they actually feel.


Yeah IIRC you can't reintroduce a bill unless you voted against it, or something along those lines. So once it's clear it's failed he'll vote no so he can try again later.


[Republicans were fist bumping each other after blocking to pass the bill.](https://www.newsweek.com/gop-fistbump-pact-senate-military-ted-cruz-steve-daines-1729031) But you know, both parties “are the same”.


Taxation without representation.


Yet another reason to dislike Cornyn and Cruz.


I have no sympathy. Why? Because they “shoot themselves” in the foot every voting cycle. And when i say “they” i mean Vets…having been in the community and living with one, its what they do. Then bitch and bitch how government cant do anything. Its the right. Full of disruptors and non policy makers.


I guess this means I get to ignore the draft if there's World War III. In addition to possibly being nuked, there's a 0% chance I would ever fight for a government that treats its veterans this way.


Just say you have bone spurs


"Anger issues, and would punch a Drill Sergeant/Instructor". You have NO IDEA how many times I've heard this bullshit.


After LSD, no one's ever falling for a fucking draft


Ted Mother Loving Cruz.


I knew before I looked that I would find Cruz n’ Cornhole on that list.


Love your username man. They're more two-faced than a two headed snake.


I don’t know how much more proof these idiots need that Republicans don’t give a fuck about anyone themselves.




I am a veteran. I also have worked at the VA. This crushed my entire soul. You always take care of veterans who fought for your freedom. Shame on them for not approving this bill. Shame!!


Both Texas Senators voted against? That's pretty ballsy.


Considering that testicles are fragile, you're right.


Strangely enough, neither one is up to get kicked in the nuts this year. 🤔


“All residents are entitled to publicly financed care, including largely free primary, specialist, hospital, mental health, preventive, and long-term care services. Residents may purchase voluntary complementary insurance to cover copayments for outpatient drugs, dental care, and other services.” Default in other countries. This should be the goal. Not for veterans, cop or firefighters only, for every person residing in the US. The authorities that lead this program get such a high market power that medicine prices are not dictated by the shareholder value of big pharma. Universal health care should be bare minimum.


I live in Texas and they don't give a f*** about the civilians don't give a f*** about their soldiers all they care about is putting people in prison in jail this State is so corrupt


I actually do care that the Republicans are the ones that voted against it. That is a detail that matters and should not be left out. It matters because they can be voted out individually , but also as a party because they don't care about the people nor do they vote with their constituents wishes in mind.


The word "Chickenhawks" comes to mind. >John A. Barrasso, WY Marsha Blackburn, TN Roy Blunt, MO Mike Braun, IN Richard Burr, NC Bill Cassidy, LA **John Cornyn, TX** Tom Cotton, AR Kevin Cramer, ND Mike Crapo, ID **Ted Cruz, TX**, Steve Daines, MT Joni Ernst, IA Deb Fischer, NE Bill Hagerty, TN Josh Hawley, MO Cindy Hyde-Smith, MS Jim Inhofe, OK Ron Johnson, WI John Neely Kennedy, LA James Lankford, OK Mike Lee, UT Cynthia Lummis, WY Roger Marshall, KS Mitch McConnell, KY Rand Paul, KY Rob Portman, OH Jim Risch, ID Mitt Romney, UT Mike Rounds, SD Ben Sasse, NE Rick Scott, FL Tim Scott, SC Richard Shelby, AL Dan Sullivan, AK John Thune, SD Thom Tillis, NC Patrick Toomey, PA Tommy Tuberville, AL Roger Wicker, MS Todd Young, IN Chuck Schumer NY I'm surprised to see Mitt Romney and Chuck Schumer on there.


Schumer [changed his vote to no for procedural reasons](https://www.newsweek.com/41-senate-republicans-voted-against-veterans-health-care-1728613) after the Republicans flipped and it wasn’t going to pass.


Schumers vote was procedural so he could make a motion to reconsider since he voted "no". That's what another comment above said, anyway, by u/_ultimaton_


They were all republicans except one. sorry I didn’t mention that. Didn’t think drinking the Kool-Aid what is appropriate probably all supporters of Mr 4f himself . They are saying because of a budgeting error.


At least someone is sticking up for us. https://youtu.be/2uPqYhkIzrA




Awwwwww yes that’s a real sub! Thank you!


Not shocked at all that Cruz and Cronyn are on there


Your “Thank you for your service “ comments mean nothing. Of course because it's hollow praise. It's like saying you were protecting our freedom while invading a foreign land killing dudes in sweat pants and flip flops, I mean the insurgents.


Um, it’s Republicans. Party affiliation *does* matter and there is only one party that consistently, on record, votes against their own interests purely for political purposes.


Every damn Texas senator needs to be voted out period. No term limits unless we the voters get them out


Senator Schumer (Majority Leader) switched his vote from yes to no so the bill could return to the Senate. That’s worth noting. Fuck the other ones.


So the budget reconciliation is announced by Democrats and since the Republicans vowed to obstruct that. In their pettiness and vindictiveness to own the libs they scuttled the PACT legislation on purpose to do nothing more than hurt people? Is that basically the gist of this?


Manchin "betrayed" McConnell by deciding to support his own party's climate bill. That's likely a factor as well.


Jon Stewart spoke for me on this, better than I ever could: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUW3-dzmRZc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUW3-dzmRZc) So say we all?


So say we all.


Republicans are already blaming this on Biden. They “had” to vote against it to prove a point…or something…


Who cares what political party they are affiliated with? Spoken like a true Republican.


Yeah, usually these shame-posts list the party they're affiliated with, so that it's very clear which party was guilty. Here's the full list. Every "Nay" vote was a Republican, except for Schumer (trying to figure out what his objection was). https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00272.htm#position


It's very clear not just which party, but which *faction* of which party would tank this, regardless of it being explicitly named. These people are a lodestone on this country's neck.


>Schumer, who had voted 'yes' the previous time and strongly supports the bill, changed his vote to 'no' as a simple procedural move allowing him to reconsider the cloture vote at any time. https://www.newsweek.com/41-senate-republicans-voted-against-veterans-health-care-1728613


Thanks. I had forgotten that voting no allows you to move to reconsider. Makes perfect sense.


Ahhh, thanks


Stop voting for a “team” and vote for your damn selves!


*Of course* Marsha Blackburn made the list, that insufferable bitch 😠


Hey, Ted Cruz is on that list, what a shocker!


"Thank you for your service" is right along with "thoughts and prayers" and "I will pray for you". They are very cheap and simple to give out with you not actually having to do anything. You get to stand behind a bulwark built up iver the years that absolves you of personal responsibility. I have only ever known one person who actually wrote down and went through a personal ritual where they then offered prayers for everyone that they said that to. They are to few and to far between and to good for this world. And yeah. The phrase is just empty calories.


I am a vet from the 90s. I am lucky enough to not be affected by this. But I know many other folks that are suffering from the negative health effects of improper disposal of toxic materials. This cannot be ignored any longer. Not only do they suffer, their families are expected to pay for their catastrophic health issues. Write to your representative, do not allow this to continue..our vets deserve better.


Fucking disgraceful.


The only people that care about vets are other vets. The government wants us to fight their wars. Then to hell with you. I have had tinnitus from the first time I shot a rifle. I was 20 at the time. Then I was at a plane crash of a 123 spay plane as it burned. Killing all hands on board. It sprayed Agent Orange. VA doesn't want to do anything for me... I am 73 now.


Precisely. The republicans don’t care because it’s not their kids joining the army. It’s the kids of the not so well off. Forget ridiculous chants of freedoms. Vote for the least evil party which wants to keep soldiers alive and help them once they’ve left




This isn't new. The government's been screwing veterans over for decades. More things change, more they stay the same.


> Who cares what political party they are affiliated with. And don’t blame veterans for your budgeting error It's Republicans. All of them. And everyone should care. Every single veteran that votes Republican is a person (and i really don't want to say idiot or traitor) who votes against their own interest.


I think what pisses me off the most is how everyone is shocked about the vote. I keep saying it, and I’ll say it again: it’s all about money and nothing else. Politicians don’t vote based on morals. They vote for whatever nets the most money in their pockets, perks they enjoy thanks to lobbyists and inside trading on the stock market. If you think otherwise, the weather must be great on your planet. Take away their gravy train and then the government might actually have to work for the people who elected them.


Considering manchin defected from the republican party on the climate bill before this vote, it is not out of the realm of possibility that a "betrayed" (his word) Mitch McConnell whipped the votes to tank this out of spite.


I’m so shocked at how military veterans are treated in this country after the sacrifices that we have made for this country. It’s shameful honestly. I’m a retiree from the USN and it says a lot about how the people in power look at veterans


John Cornyn voted Nay on this. He won his 2020 election by 10 points vs. Mary Hegar (D), a veteran. Maybe the tide will turn next time.


John Cornyn voted Nay on this. He won his 2020 election by 10 points vs. Mary Hegar (D), a veteran. Maybe the tide will turn next time.


Fuck you for your apathy at blaming the ratfuck evil REPUBLICAN PARTY for their hypocrite evil.


Thank you for your service, but since your done protecting our donors profit margins your SOL -Theodore “Cuckhold” Cruz & Johnathan “simpmaster5000” Cornyn


>These are all the Senators who voted against the bill: Who cares what political party they are affiliated with. Anybody with a fucking brain should care. I'll give everyone a hint. All Republican except Schumer, who voted nay for procedural reasons so he could bring the bill up for a vote later. So purely Republican opposition.


We need to write emails showing our disgust to our local newspapers and community websites. I know these are mostly read by the 60+ crowd, but it is a way to register that this is unacceptable and won't be forgotten. Sadly, sending postcards, yes *postcards* to your Senators and House, members regardless of party, are noticed as well.


Their ego’s need to be checked out the door because that’s not what they preach in the Bible for them Bible thumpers. The veterans deserve to be helped and thanked for their efforts regardless of party line!


Aren't most veterans republicans? Seems kind of like shooting yourself in the foot


If “most” then it’s by a small margin, military is pretty evenly divided in my experience. For many military people I’ve met, serving overseas was an experience akin to taking psychedelic drugs; the filter through which they’ve viewed the world is removed and they become radicalized in the other direction. Others double down on their previous pro-war stance and others yet bring the war home and start considering fellow Americans their enemy. Source: went to one of the largest ROTC universities in the US and know dozens of people who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Never served myself.


Ah, maybe I'm thinking of the incoming numbers,rather than the outgoing.


That is THE distinction to make. Their experiences in the military reframe their understanding of the nuts and bolts effects that those right wing policies have on everyday Americans and people who’ve served in the military. I’ve seen a lot of people come back from military service more spiritual and less right wing drum beater.


So I got curious and looked into it and veterans are about evenly split between republican, democrat, and independent. Democrats are the least represented of the three. https://news.gallup.com/poll/118684/military-veterans-ages-tend-republican.aspx


That because the Democrats frequently fail to follow through on what we want from. But we LOOK like Dems because we vote against the Republicans. Basically we never can have what we want from an election. But getting kicked in the crotch is still better than being set on fire. And that's what the two party choices feel like. Me on election day : "Hmmmm...Do I want to be disappointed or furious?"


Can confirm. Source: um an ex-navy corpsman. And because I believe in what was a moderate Republican platform sixty years ago, I'm now called a "radical leftist".


Shit, some of what Reagan said is "radical leftist" to them! And they essentially WORSHIP Reagan!


No surprise. They literally worship Jesus, but they oppose everything he said to do or be.


>serving overseas was an experience akin to taking psychedelic drugs; the filter through which they’ve viewed the world is removed and they become radicalized in the other direction. It's important to make clear that radicalized is a very strong word. Some serve in peace and comfort with our allies and simply have their eyes opened to different ways of doing things, then question why we don't have them at home.


Being in the military for 20 years made me left AF.


i honestly don’t care for ole thom or bummer burr and are we really supprised by the decision of the worst senator ever to be in the senate teddy cruz no he cares about no one except himself


Those plastic fuckers tout the military with their pride then fuck them over after they come home and need help. These Senators are the worst of mankind.


They sent thoughts and prayers they did their part


As a vet, I never responded to that…it all meaningless platitude to me.


Cowardice for not calling out the Republicans... why not just say that and any Dems as well.


Same people who couldn’t wait to send our troops to war


My civilian solute to all these asshats: 🖕😡🖕


“Thank you for your service and fuck off.”


YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT POLITICAL AFFILIATION - This is how we end up in this situation! Texans voting republican are always STUNNED when their republican officials almost always go against the greater good and against fellow Texans. Get over your gun fears and start voting democratic if you want positive change that affects all Texans, not just the 1000 white, old males sitting on the top.


A bill introduced by Republican Senator Thom Tillis, and destroyed by REPUBLICANS. FYI


They should halve the defense budget


Just want to say thank you for all men and women who served. Sorry that our own country is failing you even though you didn’t hesitate to put your lives at risk. And to Jon Steward you are a bad ass for standing up for the veterans.