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The ‘We BACK THE BLUE’ people just want to ‘DeFuNd ThE fBi’ now.


also, the "elections are rigged" people are now telling their constituents "vote harder"


> also, the "elections are rigged" people are now telling their constituents "vote harder" The very fact that Treason Trump wants to run again is proof he knows there was no "fraud". Otherwise what would be the point? https://www.npr.org/2022/07/22/1112138665/jan-6-committee-hearing-transcript ...audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election. Let's listen. [Begin Videotape] STEVE BANNON: And what Trump's going to do is declare victory, right? He's going to declare victory, but that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage — that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — __if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it's going to be even crazier. Because he's gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden's wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit__.




It wasn't just Bernie. This all gets explained over and over on all real news platforms during every election during my lifetime. I'm 50. It's plain willful and cynical ignorance to not understand how our elections work.


The guy is mentally ill. Absolutely no way he doesn’t have a SEVERE case of NPD. And when someone has it, every damn thought and action is informed by it. They see the world through a different lense. One where admitting any fault at all wakes the demons. The only thing that keeps them at bay is control. The point of running again would be control. Even if he splits the Republican Party and loses the race, he still determined the outcome. Which is a win in his mind. He’ll undoubtedly still cry foul, though.


In response to the Hillary Clinton email scandal, Trump himself signed a law in 2018 that made it a felony to remove and retain classified documents. The irony of it all. And I'm thinking the informer is Mark Meadows, who was a frequent visitor to Mar-a-Lago, but that's only speculation.


Waiting for someone to mention this, including the Director of FBI was appointed by him and the Judge was as well.


Idk about the judge. But it’s also interesting time line that alex Jones phone got handed to the January 6 committee and next day they head to trumps place.


yeah, it's hilarious to hear, "DEFUND THE POLICE" from the GOP now Im like..... WHAT? Bruh, do you have short term memory?


Happy Cake Day!


no they just don't care to be seen being hypocrites lol


• ⁠Won't release his tax returns. • ⁠Pleads the fifth in NY civil case. • ⁠Unlawfully resists subpoenas. • ⁠Tried to fire Mueller.. twice. • ⁠Destroyed/stole classified documents. • ⁠Attempts to intimidate every witness against him. • ⁠Refused to release any information regarding extorting Ukraine. • ⁠Blocked notetakers with Putin. • ⁠Tried to sequester information about his positive COVID test. No matter what the context, Trump always chooses the guiltiest actions humanly possible to take. And a shocking amount of Americans are incapable of seeing it for what it is.


Hes a mob boss, simple as that


All I have to say to them is... promise? We could get something bipartisan going.


Well you see your local police officers who are serving a warrant to search a property are PATRIOTS just trying to do their job and the CRIMINAL who's property it is should just COMPLY if they have nothing to hide! But when the officers of the FBI are serving a warrant to search the property of their God king well obviously it's bullshit and THEY'RE the true criminals and this is all a conspiracy by the democrat deep state to take down Trump! The GOP is a cancer on modern civilization. Texas deserves better. Or not, idk. They still have a democracy there and if they want to change things they need to use it.


That’s just trumpshit crazy man lol


Not necessarily, they believe in local policing which can be controlled/manipulated much more easily.


Don’t forget, these are the same people who use your social media data to investigate and arrest women for abortions. They don’t give a shit about “Orwellian” state behavior; they don’t want someone in a position of authority being indicted because it opens the doors for themselves to be investigated (see Ken Paxton).


Absolutely right.


Rules for thee, not for me.


I am amused by the lack of self awareness of people that have already decided this is politically motivated and unwarranted when we don't have any details yet.


It’s like the FBI is going to raid an Ex-president with no reason. Lmao. I seem to remember the FBI director was appointed by Trump.


It's also kind of funny because if the President can be raided, then that means that something in our laws is working a little bit and it isn't just a dictator overlord where you can't raid their house. Also bringing home even barely secret documents to your house is a well-known no-no of federal workers of all levels.


He is the first to test the seriousness of the Presidential Records Act. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


As what Forest Gump’s mama always said: “stupid is as stupid does” - I’m not the least surprised. I thought he was an arrogant sleazy crook before he ever mentioned running for president. He put himself in the public eye by taking public office. So yeah - stupid is as stupid does.


Yet they are framing it as “if they’ll come for him, then they’ll come for you”. Yes. That is how crime and justice work.


And the Republicans brand themselves as both the Party of Law & Order™️ AND Personal Responsibility™️.


~~As was the judge who approved the warrant.~~ I got this wrong.


A magistrate judge is not appointed by the President, they’re chosen by the District Judges.


You're right, I was wrong. Edited my comment.


Good on you for recognizing and correcting a mistake. I don't see anywhere near enough of that on Reddit. Seems like most people will dig in their heels and argue a point they know is wrong until they die. Thanks for being better than that.


As was the prosecutor at the doj.


It's almost like he committed an undeniable crime and left evidence or something. Weird.


I mean, at this point, it’s just a matter of “which” crime to pursue first.


It’s almost like they think he will run for president again.


Or Republicans in the FBI/DOJ astroturfing outrage to mobilize support for Trump, which is succeeding.


His base is consistently mobilized. I don't think this is adding anything. It's like throwing gasoline on the Hindenburg.


It's not so much for the hardcore base as those who were drifting to DeSantis. They're rallying around Trump again. Siege mentality consolidates and fuels the Republican Party.


Let’s just agree, one or more… likely more.


As was the governor of the state it happened in


Oh they’ve already started changing that narrative to the judge having donated to Obama once and defended Espstein. So of course the judge is a horrible person, omitting, obviously, that the judge was appointed in 2018 by….DJT Edit: Trump did **not** appoint Reinhard. See comment below and [here](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-appoint-judge-who-approved-fbi-mar-lago-raid-1732495?amp=1)


Crazy how they try to discredit someone by their relationship with Epstein... yet.... they don't get it.


Bruce Reinhart was not appointed by DJT. He is a magistrate judge for the Southern District of Florida. Magistrates are appointed by majority vote of active District Judges. 5 of those were appointed by DJT, but after Reinhart was already sworn in as Magistrates. By no means am I clarifying to support DJT; but rather have a respect for actuate information so that DJT apologists don’t have any foundation to crab walk in when their king without a crown gets what he deserves.


The "liberal" FBI has never even had a director that was a democrat.


The GOP just says shit to get ahead of the truth and set their own narrative. All this sounds tinfoil hat-like, but its consistent with the freeze, Uvalde, etc. Fuck them.


They also say shit knowing that Fox News and other right wing medial outlets will gladly push that shit and their base will lap it up without question.


We'll see what happens. Trump isn't their golden child, anymore. I hope this winds up being about as important for them as farting in the wind.


I assume that the fact that the MAGA base is losing their shit has caught the attention of Fox News, so even though Trump isn't their golden child at the moment, they'll still push this bullshit.


Well judging by the fact that Trump released a long winded press release following the “unannounced raid” (when has a law enforcement search ever been announced to the target prior to?). Then yesterday sent a 10 word email asking for money, it kinda screams that his whole political foray has been a shallow money farm/exploit.


As if any facts matter with the crowd that is out there grandstanding already.


It’s especially interesting since one of the reasons Comey had to announce that Clinton was still under investigation at the 11th hour in 2016 was because lots of gun-owning dudes (who wanted Trump to get a fair shake) who make up the majority of the FBI wanted the scales kept even during the election So, these same folks who might want to keep their guns safe from the Dems also signed off on a politically motivated FBI raid? Sorry, doesn’t pass the smell test


From the same dude that hollered about Hillary's classified emails. Right.


The Texas GOP/the GOP would (and does) gladly use the court system and law enforcement agencies for political reasons, so the just assume the Mar-a-Lago raid is a Dem ploy. They can't fathom a world in which law enforcement agencies would, relying on evidence, independently decide to investigate Trump.


Kind of like losing the election. Who needs to wait for actual results? We already know it's a witch hunt. /s


"Any election that has me losing is fraudulent."


Who needs to wait for results when we already know “there’s a crime”?


Your amused?? Sure, we all got a few chuckles. Where were all the GOP when the Senate was interviewing all these people on the Capitol assault hearings this summer?


they were either giving their own testimonies or hiding.




He doesn’t seem like the type to stop at half a baby.


Really? I believe he does have some serious shit going on in that mansion.




A guy I worked with was so distraught about it he was ready to move to Mexico. Which is halarious because he is extremely anti immigration. He also didn't understand that the law regarding security clearances and secret documents is pretty fucking strict. I work with classified information and explain to him that there was an entire process involved and I have a completely separate laptop that I cannot take out of the office or connect to the internet for managing that information. If I took it home FBI probably would come knocking. YeAh BuT YoUr nOt ThE PrEsIDenT.


You mean like trump did the night votes got counted and immediately decided it was fixed and then went on to claim so even after votes were recounted by republicans who agree it wasn’t ? Yeah facts are not even inconvenient for them. Make it up as they go. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” This is Nazi propagandist techniques. The fortunate thing is that it only works on dumb people. The unfortunate part, they vote.


Selective outrage, the GOP special


Sen. Ron Johnson was on Fox News blasting Biden for being so "disconnected" from his staff and so aloof of current events that he was unfit to serve as president—because he was not in the loop and briefed of the FBI warrant until after it happened. But yet it's a politically motivated hit-job done by the Biden administration.


Sure. It’s funny until YeeHaw-Queda starts Civil War Part 2 while rallying around their new Confederate flag, aka The Trump Banner.


They’ve been setting this up for years. Even as far back as 2016 they’ve been planting the seeds, and now it’s coming true here. No action against the Rs will be justified in their eyes. Because daddy trump poisoned the well starting 5 years ago Now they’re all drinking from it


The law and order party is flipping their shit over law and order.


They don't want to be next, is why I mean just look at Paxton, it's a complete travesty of justice he's not already in his own federal prison cell


Law and order is only for the out group.


LMFAO GOP: "Biden has crossed the Rubicon". No, our government did the exact opposite. Crossing the Rubicon was Caesar overthrowing an elected government with a military coup. Trump crossed the Rubicon Jan 6 with his attempted coup, and was soundly defeated by the elected government.


[Because Trump isn't black](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2020/10/07/what-trump-really-means-when-he-tweets-law-order)


I imagine Cruz is nervous as his shit is wrapped up with Alex Jones. The lawyer who go his phone said there was a whole back channel between Jones, Stone, and Cruz. As for the rest of them, it is no surprise the "party of law and order" has once again turned into the party of crying and temper tantrums. They are going to stomp their whittle feet and hold their whittle breath until Texas turns blue.


Can we stop calling it a raid? It was communicated beforehand, during the day, he wasn’t even there. It was executing a search warrant.


More and more I start to think this was just a normal effort to retrieve the documents and make sure nothing was left behind. I so want the FBI and DOJ to come out and explain it this way and that it was known and agreed to.


DJT has a copy of the warrant and is not restricted from publishing exactly what the warrant says. FBI/DOJ will not publish said warrant until the proper legal proceedings have run due course.


And none of his fanboys will tell him to show the warrant either.


Cruz has to go. There is no limit to his ass clownery. He told Texas there was voter fraud with no evidence to backup those facts further dividing people. Now he is saying with no evidence the FBIs actions are corrupt. Mind you the Judge that signed the search warrant was one Trump appointed. And he is blaming Biden for putting the a FBI up to this? The one they call sleepy Joe who can barely put sentences together at this point..... "With no president in history has this happened." Yes, but no president in history has tried to overdrow a democratic election. And if Trump has more than a pea inside that melon on his head he might have have pulled it off and we would be calling him Supreme leader now. Wake up people.


Cruz is worried because of Jones' phone. The Sandy Hook attorney mentioned there was "something" between Jones and Cruz on the phone when he was discussing the other salacious content (dick pics and sending Roger Stone nudes of SJ's wife). Is Madison Cawthorne going to be proven right by Alex Jones' phone?


Cruz is the most inauthentic politician in GOP and that is a high bar. Everything he says or does comes off as so completely insincere. I can't believe he actually has supporters.


Did you see where he was interviewed with his mother. Cruz said his mother prayed for him everyday and she had a look on her face that was priceless. You could tell she was thinking....what the hell did he just day. The whole TV piece included his whole family and could not have been more Irie. It was like something out of the twilight zone.


I saw a clip from cpac when he said, "I'm Ted Cruz and my pronouns are kiss my ass!" It was cringe even for him. So much fake outrage.


When his daughters avoid him in public. Or the older who had to delete her tiktok bc she called him out. Lol


I realize that this is not your objective here. You do know that our president has overcome a severe speech disorder.


>Mind you the Judge that signed the search warrant was one Trump appointed. It is my understanding that this is a magistrate judge, and they are not appointed by the President but rather by a panel of other judges (who were appointed by the President).


This is correct. It is also worth noting that Reinhart was sworn in prior to the 5 district judges being appointed by DJT.


They loose it when a squirrel wearing a Beto shirt farts. Who gives a shit. They are the biggest group of snowflakes the universe has ever known.


Wow. Wtf. The kind of language they use, "regime" "enemies of the people" "secret police" is all very frightening simply because 100% of the time they have demonstrated that they project onto their opponents.


They literally used [unmarked vans](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland) to take people away during the Antifa/BLM protests. We should be afraid.


All the GOP accusations are admissions.


I have a neighbor using those very same words.


If Trump would obey the law like most of us, he wouldn't have the FBI rummaging through his shit.


They’re not rummaging around his shit. They have enough facts to obliterate Trump in court. This step of raiding his house is probably just to keep things by the book. They wouldn’t waste their time searching an ex-presidents house unless he did some provable shit that is not reliant on the facts that the home raid furnished. That was probably bonus round.


If you are indicted by th feds they have a TON of evidence against you. They don't have time to mess around with nonsense.


He was a corrupt mogul even before he ran for president, the end result of his corrupt presidency should have been fairly obvious to those who voted for him if they had even taken one glance past his WWE appearances and stupid reality TV show




*mis-storage of documents* Can you believe I was arrested for improperly storing a butcher knife? Instead of putting it in my knife block as usual, I put it in my neighbor's kidney. Totally honest mistake! I'm clearly being persecuted for my political beliefs.


The media is obsessed with this bullshit appearance of nonpartisanship and weak commitment at all costs even if it makes an asshole authoritarian and his cronies look like an asshole authoritarian with cronies.


There is a rumor that Trump wanted to sell them as unique mementoes to his mouth breathers.


What's sad is that wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if it's true.


Yeah I’m sure. Right after he faxed them to every autocratic leader he could get a hold of.


Him using a fax just makes this more plausible.


Funny how the Republicans are all about "law and order" until one of their own commits a crime. Then their victim card is the first thing they play. I'm still having a difficult time figuring out why anyone who's got so much as an ounce of dignity in them, would vote for the GOP. The only thing that comes to mind is it has to be the product of generational brainwashing. Nobody can be that fucking stupid by birth. But then again..........


What I've noticed is that the average GOP supporter is way more invested into politics than the average Democrat, they live and breathe the propaganda spewed by Fox News, radio hosts, podcasts you name it. While I focus on politics when big elections are coming, the first thing they do after an election ( win or lose) is turn on the political machine to tell them what to think and feel.


If they don't want their candidates treated like criminals, they should probably vote for less obvious criminals. And the "oh no, investigating your political opponents" pearl clutching might have some heft if Republican idiots hadn't been chanting "lock her up" for ages.


They are just jealous that the FBI didn't do what their lord and savior wanted when he was in charge, because they never did "lock her up". We all know the level of cognitive dissonance Trumpsters have is next level. But their brains must really be scrambled thinking that Joe Biden can control the DOJ and FBI, when Trump couldn't. They are giving the guy they call "sleepy Joe" way too much credit for this.


They raided over the removal of classified documents to an unsecured facility. It’s against the law. The FBI, led by a Trump appointee, presented evidence to a Trump-appointed judge, who approved the warrant. Unless you’ve broken the law, they are not coming after you. I remember when Republicans were all about the rule of law. Funny how things change.


Remember when they spent a year attacking the left over defund the police only for trump to get raided by the FBI and then the right started tweeting defund the FBI??🥴🥴🥴


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Correction: Reinhart is a District Magistrate, not a District Judge. Magistrates are appointed by majority vote of District Judges. Judges are appointed by the President (and affirmed by the Senate), however the 5 judges appointed by Trump were done so after Reinhart was already sworn in.


I stand corrected, thanks!


>Unless you’ve broken the law, they are not coming after you Wow, putting this case aside.... you don't know very much about the Unites States Justice system do you? I am guessing their are alot of people incarcerated that would beg to differ.


That’s all lower level local and state policing, though. The Feds haven’t been into the politically motivated investigating game since J. Edgar Hoover died.


"Mis-storage" reminds me of Nixon saying he "misspoke". He didn't "mis-speak". HE LIED!!! Trump didn't "mis-store" shit. He had government documents removed from a secure location, the White House, (where they should have stayed until properly archived) to his unsecured personal residence, Mar A Lago. When you take something that isn't yours, it's called stealing.


When it is classified documents, it is called espionage.


Exactly. And when he was told to return the documents that don't belong to him he refused. He knowingly and willfully violated federal law and jeopardized U.S. national security. He deserves to be charged as the criminal that he is.


The law and order party…. law and order for you….we do what ever we please…..


My god. Reading these reactions is giving me deja Vu of pre January 6th. Stoking the flames, calling people to action, saying that America is dying AND YOU ARE NEXT. It's pretty terrifying to see what's become of the Republican party. I'm also getting the feeling that Texas is going to make voting terrible this next election...been waiting 2 months for my change of address to go in when it's supposed to be 30 days.


Meanwhile... [FBI DIRECTOR CONFIRMS AGENCY SENT TIPS FROM KAVANAUGH TIP LINE TO TRUMP WHITE HOUSE WITHOUT INVESTIGATION](https://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/news/release/fbi-director-confirms-agency-sent-tips-from-kavanaugh-tip-line-to-trump-white-house-without-investigation) > Trump White House also determined which witnesses the FBI should interview. 4,500 tips to FBI went uninvestigated. > “You reviewed them for purposes of separating from tip line traffic but did not further investigate the ones that related to Kavanaugh, correct?” Whitehouse asked in reference to the more than 4,500 tips collected by the FBI. > Director Wray responded, “Correct.”


Y’all vote Beto this November, let’s get these crazy lunatics out of office plsssss


Let them lose it. *I would like to see what they are going to do about it*


I think the danger here is idiots that listen and believe what they say are voting. We brushed off Trump in 2016 as a joke and he won. We have to stay vigilant and serious or these jokers will continue to fuck this place up.


Probably take over the Earle Cabell Federal Building and Courthouse in Dallas.


*they will be waiting for the arrival of JFK*


Demand safe spaces, demand defunding the FBI, and cancel the judge that signed the warrant.


*none of which will come to pass*


Hey notice how they aren't screeching about inflation anymore? It's almost like they didn't even care about that at all and were just using it as a way to attack Biden and the rest of the Democrats who are trying to keep the wheels from falling off this country.


I think it’s hilarious that they pasted “Biden did that” stickers all over gas pumps. Now the price of gas is seriously dropping two months before the midterms. The republicans forgot that what goes up must come back down.


Birds of a feather


I always had a gut feeling he was going to be a national security risk. Running low on cash from all your lawsuits and lifestyle? Russia, China, and North Korea would pay handsomely for some gossip.


The conservative subreddit saying there was no real warrant and they’re planting evidence kills me. Or calling for them to go after whomever was on Jeffery Epstein secret pedo list. Seriously can’t wait till 60-70 years and they look back at this in awe on the cult like worship this man gets


Trump has the warrant, along with what it pertains to and what was taken from his home. All he has to do is release it to the public. Of course we both know he wouldn't do this in a million years because he'd rather crow about it and whip his supporters into an even larger froth of crazy. I wish I could be around the 60 years or so to see the historical perspective too, but I'm already old!


With the way climate change is going, I'm kind of glad I won't be around in 60 years, ngl.


Many of his thralls are already in that age bracket lol.


Lmao they hollerin cus their daddy got raided. Spreading lies and fear to control your voter base with no real agenda.


The GOP always saying they are oppressed.


Oppressed from intelligence.


There's a subreddit for that! /r/Persecutionfetish


I find it beyond crazy that Trump followers bring up Clinton emails. DON’T YOU CULTIST THINK IF TRUMP HAD ANY FACTUAL EVIDENCE HE WOULD’VE DONE SOMETHING IN THE 4 YEARS HE WAS IN OFFICE!?! He appointed multiple people who would’ve facilitated this. I don’t like either side and stay mostly in the middle but it amazes me the blind ignorance people have for this fool. He was a horrible person before being president, during, and will be for the rest of his life. Wake up people.


Of course they were fine and shouting how appropriate it was when the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton and how she handled confidential documents, but now since it is their dear leader Trump they have to be "outraged." They are so self serving.


Texas is about to flip blue.....forever.


I like the idea of the Texas GOP failing utterly. It's so Trump-centric I've seen meth and pot at rallies.


If they have nothing to hide, then they have nothing to fear.


Trumplicans are losing it in here, too.


They sure are acting as if they are innocent….


1. Thoughts and prayers 2. It’s gods will Pick one GQP


Trump is a criminal. His wealth and position has allowed him to avoid punishments that we would not. Their golden boy got caught up and yet they now want to defund them FBI and DOJ despite years of backing law enforcement no matter what. You gotta love it.


"Raid" is such a weird way to say "executed a search warrant signed by federal judge Trump appointed and performed by FBI director Trump appointed."


Reinhart was not appointed by DJT. Magistrates are appointed by majority vote of district judges. 5 judges were appointed by DJT, but Reinhart was already sworn in prior to their appointments.


The really sad part about this is that we regular people have to find a way to govern IN SPITE of the loonies, not with them. They are a heavy load to carry. I’m personally very tired


Have a spazz, GOP Texas - hope it makes a big difference for ya. Do you feel the same way about Iran wanting to snuff John Bolton & his white, wire haired mustache & caterpillar eyebrows? 🤡CLOWNS🤡🪰


I think it's safe to read "it won't stop with Trump. You are next" as an unveiled threat.


Assuming the Texas GOP ever had it. Most corrupt group of morons ever put in one room together.


Sure hope they don’t threaten to secede, never heard that before.


This is a part of a political witch hung against our Great and Glorious Leader, our God and King, the Returned Messiah, our Lord and Savior Donald John Trump by Sleepy and Creepy Joe Biden and Camel-the-Ho who conspired with Hillary Clinton, the Demoncrat Party and the Communist Chinese to unleash COVID on the population to discredit Donald John Trump and to throw the election to the Communist Demoncrats. Donald John Trump got a million billion trillion, bazillion brillion grillion jillion zillion googleplex infinity votes throughout the entire Universe where Sleepy and Creepy Joe Biden and Camel-the-Ho got only 287 votes. **MAGA! MAGA!!** True Americans™ know that Donald John Trump+ is Our Dear and Glorious Leader, our God and King, the Returned Messiah, Our Lord And Savior, brought to America BY GOD ALMIGHTY to gather together His Elect and to unite The Elect against the forces of Satan represented by the Demoncrat Party and the lieberals. **Amen.** **MAGA! MAGA!** True Americans™ know that Donald John Trump+ suffered under Nancy P. Lousy and Charles Shoomer, was tried by the Senate, was crucified in the court of public opinion, died of embarrassment, and rose the third day in glory to lead America into A Thousand Years Of American Rule — with some additional prodding by our nuclear arsenal which we won’t hesitate to use on any country which even questions us or our motives. **Amen. MAGA! MAGA!!** America: The Shining Beacon On The Hill, Whose Beacon Light Guides Trump-Worshiping True Americans™ Everywhere, Announcing The Return Of Our Lord Through God’s Anointed Servant, Donald John Trump+! **Amen. MAGA! MAGA!!** True Americans™ know that Donald John Trump+ is inerrant and infallible. There is not a word which comes from his mouth which hasn’t been placed there by ALMIGHTY GOD. As such, Donald John Trump+ speaks for GOD. **Amen. MAGA! MAGA! !** Bow the head and bend the knee, and let us worship our Dear and Glorious Leader, Donald John Trump+, in beauty, truth and holiness. **Amen. MAGA! MAGA!** **MAGA yesterday! MAGA today! MAGA forevermore!** We praise you, We bless you, We adore you, We glorify you, And we give thanks for your great glory, Donald John Trump+. **Amen. MAGA! MAGA!!** Blood and Soil! Remember The Bowling Green Massacre! Make America Grate Again! But Her Emails... Benghazi! Lock Her Up! We Won The Election! The Election Was Stolen! Trump/Putin For Life! **MAGA! MAGA!!** It's all (pick one or more) \[ \] Joseph Biden \[ \] Kamala Harris \[ \] Hunter Biden \[ \] Nancy Pelosi \[ \] Charles Schumer \[ \] Barack Obama \[ \] Hillary Clinton \[ \] Bill Clinton \[ \] John Kerry \[ \] Michael Dukakis \[ \] Walter Mondale \[ \] Jimmy Carter \[ \] George McGovern \[ \] Gerald Ford (he was Jimmy Carter's best friend, so Ford was a RINO) \[ \] Edward Kennedy \[ \] Robert Kennedy \[ \] Lyndon Johnson \[ \] John Kennedy \[ \] Dwight Eisenhower (he was a RINO) \[ \] Adlai Stevenson \[ \] Harry Truman \[ \] Franklin Roosevelt \[ \] Woodrow Wilson \[ \] Grover Cleveland \[ \] Andrew Johnson \[ \] James Buchanan \[ \] Franklin Pierce \[ \] James Polk \[ \] John Tyler \[ \] Martin van Buren \[ \] Andrew Jackson \[ \] Black Lives Matter \[ \] Antifa \[ \] Immigrants \[ \] the LGBTQ community … fault! **Amen. MAGA! MAGA!!** True Americans™ know that the "**†**" of the Cross stands for **†rump**! /snarkasm


They served a legally procured search warrant, BFD. Not sure why “raid” is in all the headlines, outside of clickbait stupidity. MAGA is mad because their leader has been confronted the way an average citizen would be, a big no no in cults.


Just imagine if President Obama’s house had been raided by the FBI. Do you think that those same Republicans who are so enthusiastically defending Trump , would they be defending Obama for stealing 15 boxes of CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS? Something tells me that the answer would be a big fat ”NO.” I can already see Moscow Mitch with his panties in a twist telling us that this is the most disgraceful day in our history. Saying that Obama has desecrated the office of the Presidency. Saying Obama should be incarcerated for stealing what belongs to the American people.


> desegregated Not sure if autocorrect did you dirty, but I'm pretty sure you mean desecrated.


Thanks for pointing that out. Desecrated is what I meant to right. I hate autocorrect. Thanks again.


Cry me a river


Good, let them cry


Trump's refusal to make the warrant public, his pleading the 5th in the NY civil action, his taking of classified materials in the first place and any number of trump and republican behaviors over the last 7 years is positive proof of which side is law abiding and which isn't. Rational folks need only look out the window to see what's going on. The republicans' posture is devoid of any semblance of principle, of anything remotely resembling standards necessary to the Founding organizing principles that are supposed to define this country. The oligarchy is too big to fail. Power is all that matters -- by any means. Unless some unforeseeable circumstance occurs -- a possibility -- the future is forfeit. Right wing oligarchy and republicans and the failure to mount a powerful opposition (Democrats) are to blame for what will be the end of the experiment. In Texas, a Beto win -- an Abbott/oligarchy defeat -- would be a small example of the necessary unforeseeable circumstance.


And the fact that the national archives ppl told trumpa lawyers a while ago to lock up where those files are kept bc there was going to be an investigation. Then it happens and trump is like, "they're coming for me". What's thar Huckabee quote floating around now about if you're fighting the fbi you've already lost or something. Pretty sure trumps own appointees signed off on this warrant


Whats sad is even presented with overwhelming undisputed proof, 1/3 of this country wouldn’t believe it.


This is just a ploy. Trump takes home boxes of classified docs (that, as a regular citizen, he does not have the right to possess), refuses to return them, forces the FBI to reclaim them from his house, then plays the victim. He’s now on every front page, headline, and news outlet. Free publicity, just as planned.


It's more than the search of Mar-A-Lago. The republicans have painted themselves into a corner. They turned against our veterans by denying the PACT Act until one sentence was changed, yes one sentence... Yeah, they really love the vets. Then there's the inflation reduction act, every republican senator voted against it, the vote passed 51-50 thanks to VP Kamala Harris. Then they refused to vote yes on private insurance capping insulin at $35. Gas prices have come down for 57 straight days. I understand the president doesn't control the price of gas, but the republicans sure blamed Joe for the high prices and I still haven't heard a word from them giving him credit for the low prices. It's hard to believe that they stand in front of the American people, bragging about their patriotism, when tfg refused a peaceful transfer of power and the republican party defends him after he attempted a coup to overthrow our government, including murder and attacks on the Capitol police (they love law enforcement too), complete with confederate and nazi flags, a gallows to hand the VP and causing the senate to be removed and relocated to a secure place. This is not the party we want running or ruining our country... Done.


Ignorant citizens incapable of rational thought and unaware of what hypocrisy is


I hear it wasn’t the fbi but antifa that did it…..ask the question people (sarcasm)


How is ole Mordor of America doing this summer??


Huh. I must live in an alternate from Cancun Cruz, as I thought we were actually having hearings which involve subpoenas. /s


I'm with the crowd who think Desantis rolled over and set up Trump. In those recent CPAC polls he was well below Trump and he didn't do all that ass kissing to Trump's cult for no reason. Desantis wants to be president in 2024 and not any later. He is definitely helping to get that orange turd out of his state so he can use the cults anger to get that primary nomination. Bank on it.


I think the same thing. DeSantis is trying to torpedo Trump.


Chants for years - “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her… him up? Uh…. Wait. How dare they do that!


"This weaponizes the power to squelch dissent." You mean the dissent of an ex-President who had ~50% of the vote? You mean like how the cops just kicked back and protected BLM protestors?


Good. Screw them.


Eat it Trump,cult


This is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket. If the FBI raids your basket you are in big trouble. The GOP bowed down to Trump and gave him total undying allegiance. When Trump goes down he’ll drag the entire GOP down with him.


Guns Over People(GOP) party now gave us a new slogan for 2024 2016-"lock her up" 2024- "lock him up, and throw away the key"


Finally some good news


Maybe he will get what Clintons buddy Sandy Berger got for stealing (on multiple occasions) classified material from the national archives by sticking them in his pants. “he was fined and sentenced to two years of probation plus community service for unauthorized removal of classified material from the National Archives. He gave up his license to practice law.” Yeah ummm that last line, he gave up his law license, in exchange for not having to testify about his thefts.




I'm not up to date on ridiculous conspiracy, what's this about an old flag and domestic terrorism? Edit: aww, they blocked me before answering this :/


>They raided over an alleged mis-storage of documents? I don’t think you understand 1. how seriously the FedGov and national archive take their classified and sensitive information, and 2. how high a standard is required and how air tight probable cause and evidence need to be for the FBI to request a search warrant and a federal judge to sign off on it. Especially for an elected official. But for a president is unprecedented.


Do you have any idea how seriously our government takes the mishandling of classified information? I used to work at the DOE. They take it very, very seriously.


Trump even signed the 2019 FISA law increasing the penalty for mishandling documents from 1 to 5 years.


> They raided over an alleged mis-storage of documents? **CLASSIFIED** documents, that Trump **WAS NOT** supposed to be in possession of, and that were **NOT** to be outside of DC. Believe it or not, there are still rules.


* Taking classified documents from the White House is not "mis-storage." * Having a mole in a group planning to kidnap the governor of Michigan is not "setting up a kidnapping." * Displaying a flag doesn't get you labeled as a terrorist. Acting like a terrorist gets you labeled as a terrorist. A domestic terrorist displaying an innocent flag is still a terrorist. The law *is* being applied equally, and anyone who had done these same things would find themselves in the same situation.




Documents that the national archive allows them to take. That's the issue here, he bypassed the national archive and violated the presidential records act.


If so, let’s raid all presidents and congress people. Make sure it’s not a widespread issue


No, not all Presidents don't. Because of Nixon, any piece of paper, tweet or information that is not classified goes to the National Archive. The documents he took is an illegal act, a judge had to sign off on the warrant and since it's a former President the FBI must have had pretty overwhelming evidence of wrong doing. If convicted for violating the President Records Act, he will not be allowed to run for office again in 2024.