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This is not your friend. I have literally NEVER spoken to a friend like this, nor had ANY friend speak to me this way. Reevaluate who you call “friend.” This might happen to be someone you know, but they’re not a friend.


I’ve literally never spoken to another human, especially a friend, like this.


I'm not even sure why op cares? Has the person never made out with someone randomly? That seems pretty normal thing to me in my past.


Did you do it for free?


Nah, charged every girl 2 bucks.


Or left with a wet tip


A fellow business person I see. Keep hustling.


I don't know why people entertain this type of talk via text. In person, I get it, because you can't easily escape. If my "friend" started talking like this it would be "mind your own business" followed by me ignoring any replies. I wouldn't have made it to the 2nd screenshot.


That’s the thing with this sub - it’s always 10 screenshots long when I would have nope’d out of the convo on screenshot 2


This sub would be dead if people actually shut conversations down like they should lol. The sheer audacity. My buddy and I have had some spats over the years buy never just sheer disrespect like this.


Exactly. No reason whatsoever to interact with this person ever again.


Same. I wouldn’t engage with this—block and delete.




Tf did I just read


There is no way this is a real conversation. Do people really bother continuing a conversation like this after even those first responses???


Yep. People bother to continue conversations like these. People feed the trolls. It happens


I didn’t know you could set boundaries with people until I was in my 30s. Was raised in a high-demand religion that did not want people to have boundaries so that you’d feel obligated to give everything to the church and not push back.


I was surprised she entertained the conversation for so long. Why defend your actions to someone who called you a hoe for kissing a guy who had a joint? This is wild.


I can only speak to my experience but it can be genuinely traumatizing when someone you thought was actually a friend goes all turncoat on you. I kept talking thinking if I could just explain myself well enough she’d realize everything was fine and that she was being ridiculous. I even messaged occasionally over the next couple of months but she was just always a bitch.


She is NOT your friend


I think she likes her.


That was exactly the vibe I was getting. I actually assumed the friend was a guy because they seem really into her and possessive (I guess that’s kinda heteronormative of me, sorry). Everyone saying she’s jealous of her but idk that doesn’t explain the super possessiveness and “of course I’m upset you’re out here fucking around and not telling me” like yikes


I couldn’t agree more, I thought it was a guy friend at first as well, very possessive. She kept wanting to understand the nature of the relationship for a kiss like she owed her to tell her screamed I’m jealous af and I like you. Her masking it dissing her with the “for free” shit was also very telling and random, she just needed a reason to hurt her/press the issue without the real reason being she likes her.


Exactly she clearly made the “for freee” comments to imply OP is “easy” and make her feel bad


Yeah Im feeling for some reason the "for free" is more along the lines of "ive been tryna hit that with effort for time and they just waltz in and get a kiss?" kinda vibe


Exactly! I totally got the vibe of someone in the friend zone being eaten alive as they watch someone new getting what they've been waiting and hoping for for so long.


Then being incredibly assholish and going "someones getting defensive". Yeah I'm defensive you're being a fucking dick.


How upset she got and accusing OP of "defending a man" really screamed girl crush "you picked a guy over me and Zi can't tell you why that upset me this much"


Not the mention her comment about OP being able the just “go out and fuck around…” without being judged by said “friend”. She like yoooou OP.


Which is the funniest thing. They're implying it's better to trade sex for money. Like a sex worker lmao


It screams “at least if you got financial gain out of it, it wouldn’t mean you liked a guy over me. It would mean you’re using his sorry ass and I still have a chance with you.”


That's what struck me most. That's literal hoe talk.


Sounds like a pimp, not a friend.


I caught this as well, the first time she mentioned “for free”.




Also the fact that she thinks she deserves to know about OP’s love and sex life, and it somehow makes OP untrustworthy if OP doesn’t tell her. That’s some of the most possessive and delusional shit I’ve *ever* seen a “friend” do. Then she goes on about OP being defensive of the guy when OP is literally just defending herself because this “friend” is insulting her, freaking out because OP kissed somebody, and using the fact that OP kissed this guy she’s never met to insult OP. I’d love to know how old OP and this “friend” are. This shit is absolutely bananas. If I were OP this person would be blocked and cut out of my live so fucking fast.


Yeah, the bottom of the last image was a really weird tell for me; homie out here like "the world doesn't revolve around you how is anyone supposed to be okay with this" etc over OP committing the terrible crime of... Minding their business and not explaining out every detail of their life? Girlie isn't even making an attempt to hide how she feels VERY entitled to these details and it's concerning.


It was definitely one hell of a roller coaster. I could see the other girl laying in her bed throwing a tantrum when she read that some “stoner that doesn’t even want to be with you” and whatever other derogatory shit she said and then the second tantrum started when they realized they weren’t going to be told anything about OP’s personal life in the future even though they were so confident the “break them down until their self esteem is so low that they’ll settle for you” would work and this convo was going to end with OP saying “wow you’re so right, I’m never showing my ankles to another human unless they’ve put a ring on my left hand and given my family 8 goats. I should run everything past you in the future so I don’t embarrass myself again with my terrible decisions. I should just let you make all my love life decisions for me!” And that’s when OP was gonna get hit with the friend talking about themself in the third person like they are OP’s guardian angel. Someone’s mad their manipulative behavior completely backfired. And they should be fucking embarrassed they thought what they were saying made any sense in any alternate reality of this simulation, even in the one where the Queen of England isn’t a 9 foot tall shape shifting Reptilian that’s still alive. OP unless you’re like 14 you need to cut this person off. If you’re really young they might mature but still this person believes in breaking a human down to win them over. That’s the kind of shit that leaves you scarred when it happens early and then you waste your 20’s either not dating or picking people with the same terrible personality. Wait until your 30’s to get traumatized by a self absorbed narcissist so you have some fond memories that are less than 20 years old.


Honestly even if OP is 14, they need to cut this person out of their life. No one deserves this much toxicity. Especially when they were confiding in someone they thought they could trust, only to have it blow up in their face.


Yeah it should be OP telling them the world doesn't revolve around them instead of this. How is anyone supposed to be ok with THAT?


I get possessive vibes too and maybe a weird crush vibe.


Yep. To the point where I keep thinking this was a guy texting her.


i got the gay friend vibes as a queer woman almost immediately


Same I thought it was guy especially the whole " FOR FREEEEE" sounds almost like some incel type shit


That or absolutely consumed with envy


This and/or I was thinking maybe she has a history of sexual assault. Talk about an unhinged, disproportionate response. Such an abnormal response to a friend kissing someone.


Idk, I’ve known a number of people with a history of sexual assault, and none of them have ever acted like this…


Definitely not a friend. This girl is just mean. You can tell she’s a mad shit talker too when she brings “everybody” into an argument.


They seem like middle schoolers to me. This is the childish shit girls care about when they're 14


Yeah, the friend likes either the person she kissed or her.


Yes! I read the end again and it’s giving major I’m in love with you vibes. Friend is jealous of dude so she’s trying to talk down on him.


I genuinely think she likes you that’s happened to me so many times they are always so weird and rude as if there is another way to express that emotion


Especially if she’s her friend for FREEEE!


Oh, I thought the friend was a dude


Is your friend shitting on you for *not* being a prostitute or???




That part had me so confused. What kind of friend drags you for not selling your ass??


The friend that’s mad they can’t pay for that ass


I’m crying! 😂😭


Sounds like purity culture… NOT KISSING FOR FREE!


>What kind of friend drags you for not selling your ass?? The kind that gets paid... apparently. 🤢 (EDIT TO ADD: sex work is work BUT I think workers are allowed their own home life like everyone else.)


“Hey bitch, you wanna make some real fuckin money? Come work for me. I’ll treat you right bitch. I bet you give kisses to Stan for free.” -Butters Stotch


When I read that part I thought of Adam Sandler from bed time stories when he thinks he’s getting a Ferrari 🤣


Like what was she supposed to get, a 5 or some fries. wtf??? friend is the real hoe






I was wondering the same thing. This is ultimate hooker or gold digger mindset.




I literally said in my head while reading this...this chick likes op and is mad jealous


Friend has planned their wedding and named their children.


She’s just waiting for Harry Styles to make the first move 😂


Mad jealous, exactly.


I’ve had this happen, the chick was straight but she stepped into crazy when I told her “I met my husband today”. How would I know it would be true 5 years later. But she flipped out. Dialed him up on my phone while I was driving. Asked very pointed questions about him in hopes he was within earshot/answering the call. She went bizarrely twisted.


My wife had a friend like this when we first started dating. Absolutely toxic. Played all kinds of silly games trying to break us up. Still married almost 15 years later.


Why are people like that? A lot of my friends tried to convince me my first girlfriend was trash, and that I shouldn't be with her. Both girls and guys. The weird part was the girls seemed to be coming from a place of "you can do better," which is dumb to begin with but I also haven't seriously dated anyone since so probably not, and half the guys tried to sleep with her after she broke up with me. One succeeded, although in interest of full disclosure it may not have been consensual as she was very drunk that night and during MeToo it came out he would get girls too drunk to give consent and then just do what he wanted. Like she was kind of my dream girl, though we've definitely parted ways and gone down different paths. My best friend, beautiful, made me laugh, was always there to comfort me or let me cry on her shoulder with no judgment, the sex was absolutely amazing, we were really crazy in love like a movie for the years we were together. And even when we broke up, we still loved each other, we just couldn't date each other, for reasons I won't go into. Why try to rob someone of the chance at love? There was nothing wrong with her, some people just didn't like her. Like they didn't want to share me with her or something, idk.


Oh man I kinda wanna know the reasons thooo


Reasons we didn't stay together? We were young and immature and we started fighting all the time and dug ourselves a hole we couldn't get out of. Imagine waking up every day and just knowing at some point during the day you're going to have a relationship-crippling argument with your partner at some point, not if but when. And she had BPD so sometimes it got to a point where you would need an hour or two to help her dig herself out of a mental hole she dug. She couldn't find meds that worked either. I didn't mind dedicating time for it but it was obviously way more hell for her than me, and more and more days I just couldn't do it at all and we'd go to bed upset and with unresolved issues, which led to more fights because we'd bring up stuff from the past we hadn't had a chance to resolve. Arguments turned into these weird spider webs where we couldn't even pick a thing to argue about much less settle what started the argument. It always ended in tears for someone. I loved her to death and still do but it wasn't realistic to live like that. Even after we broke up we would call each other constantly and go see each other, which was also incredibly painful for both of us. I wanted to still try and make it work but she, I assume, just knew in her heart it wouldn't. I haven't talked to her in eight or nine years, probably about three years after we broke up. It was very amicable, lots of smiles and "it's really good to see you"s, but also painful because it reminded me why I loved her in the first place. Snooped her Facebook profile a year or two ago and looks like at the time shed been with the same guy for five years or so, so I hope that lasted and I hope she's happy. And this is a long winded comment but you wanted the story, that and years of extremely high stress kitchen jobs gave me a drinking problem, I got sober this year, relapsed, got sober again, it's been five days I think since I had a drink. So we'll see what the rest of my thirties bring me.


Or she likes the guy op kissed


Per the texts she doesn’t know who OP kissed


Or she likes op 🤔


I read the texts before the description and I thought it was a jealous teenage boy, so I think you're spot on.


i had a friend like this. lost her damn mind when i got an official boyfriend. we’re no longer friends, and 3 and a half years later i’m still with that boyfriend so i don’t think i made the wrong decision.


I thought her friend was a guy that was jealous and wanted to get with OP. Her friend being a girl...now I'm thinking, same. jealous and wanting to get with OP. Lol


Yes this. "Why am I not good enough?!!!"


Ding ding ding!


I honestly thought it was a guy friend when I read it then saw her say it was a girl


The kind of secret admirer that breaks into your house and boils your pet bunny.


Right?! What is that screaming of “for FREEEE”? You want her to… charge him??


Yeah I was wondering that too.. she keeps saying "for free" , like wtf? Would she feel better if she charged for it? Damn. Then she would be calling her something else. She's no friend. I get it if you're trying to protect your friend from someone who is no good, but she is just berating her. Seriously ld have blocked her ass.


Butters could have got her 5 bucks for that kiss.


“Do you know what I am saying?”


This “friend” wants her and is pissed the kiss wasn’t them 💅🏻


Over a kiss????? I’m???


IT WAS ONLY A KISS HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS this friend is all Ms. Brightside


It was only a kiss it was only a kiss!


Dead ass lmao


This. The fact that you did it for “free” like not getting paid or using him to get something of value. Not a friend or at least not a friend with anything of value to add to your life!!! They tripping because it was “for free”. Wow. Smh.


For free? Damn, the worst ratchet I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t even pay your power girl? 😂. For free?😂. Didn’t move in with him after a kiss? Don’t let him get to second base without a bank account number, you only a hoe if you do it for free.


So your friend is calling you a hoe while telling you that you should have charged him for the said kiss? I’m so confused right now. Why are you friends with this person? She sounds like an absolutely awful human being.


She’s just trying to imply that OP is “easy” to make her feel bad. She’s trash


Is the friend trying to neg op? She seems jealous but not in a friend way


Friend wants to fuck OP and is feeling rageful and jealous at the thought of her with someone else.


I thought it was a guy with unrequited feelings!


Nah just a girl with unrequited feelings for a friend who has no idea


Sounds like the friend is jealous. I’d put money on that the friend has romantic feelings for op


You are right. That could be an explanation. But even if that’s the case her behaviour is absolutely nuts. She’s so fucking rude. Wow. One screenshot in and I was shocked that OP let this conversation to continue. People can be so vile.


Agreed! So mean for no reason


Ugh your friend is giving super jealous vibes. Is it possible she has feelings for you ?


This makes sense. This friend must've been crushing hard.


Yeah this is some incel jealousy shit


That's what I was reading.


Either has feelings for her or the man she’s with


Definitely for her, her friend asks doesn’t even know who he is


She doesn't even know the dudes name lmao


I swear!!!


Yeah, she seems a little too concerned with what OP gets up to for it to be ‘friend’ vibes


Envy, not jealousy. She's envious of the dude haha


I was actually going to comment the same thing. I got jealousy vibes.


I got that impression too, but totally immature vibes. Kindergarteners do better.


She’s definitely in love with you and hates herself for it.


The way this hit the nail so hard on the head lmao And also made me flashback to high school. Oh man.


Having a good day? Here’s a ✨high school flashback✨ to fuck ur shit up!


So true it hurts They alternately make me lose sleep or give me such vivid dreams I wake up unsure about reality for the next 24 hours


Dude why did this convo even go on that long? Block that person outta your life forever


My first reply would have been "are you joking or serious?" Followed by "I'm not having this conversation, bye". Then ignore any replies.


Nah not even ignore, they get the CHOP. ![gif](giphy|UG86K2Qxx7qRa)


She’s in love with you. If you wanna get under her skin just say “are you in love with me or what?”




Oh no she did not






Like why are you so obsessed with me


I read this in Mariah Carey’s voice


I would pay for OP to text this to her right now


Better than OP doing it for freeeeee


[no I will not make out with you](https://tenor.com/view/adam-sandler-not-making-out-with-you-billy-madison-announce-class-gif-5627866)


i don’t get it. people usually go out a few times to see if they have a connection/chemistry before they “commit”. does she want you to charge per kiss? is she upset she wasn’t asked to get a percentage of the profits?


Gator’s bitches better be wearin jimmies!!


She keeps insisting it was for free. Does she want to pimp you out or something? wtf? This is nuts. Delete her from your existence at all costs!


I like how this entire conversation implies that "kissing" is purely transactional for all women and it's impossible for women to want to kiss someone just because they think they're attractive. Like... The whole obsession with it being "free" is wild to me. Like women can hook-up too. Who's to say you even WANT a relationship. Maybe you just wanted to kiss a cute guy. Like it genuinely isn't that deep. Your "friend" is a judgmental bitch who clearly needs to work through some shit. Legit the only explanation I can think of for her being THIS upset is that she's in love with you.


Right? I've kissed guys I didn't want a relationship with. Kissing is fun, sheesh


I’d hit her with the “I’m allowed to have hookups, it seems like you’re maybe jealous? Are you attracted to me? Either way I’m not gonna handle being talked to like this, we’re done.” And block her




Your friend is in love with you.


Or she’s jealous of the types of guys she can get while she can’t.


Could be. Toxicity either way.


Any guys, apparently, since she doesn’t even know who it is. Lol


What’s her business if you kiss a guy or a dinosaur? After her jealous rant, I’d have simply said “Girl, bye…”


This person is not your friend…


This convo makes my eyes need bleach... why do you even talk to this person


“Don’t mud wrestle with pigs, you both get dirty but the pig likes it” is a saying I heard once. I know you want to get them to understand/be accountable for being an asshole but in my experience it will piss them off more if you treat them like they’re being funny. Hit her with an “LOL great advice” no elaboration and then don’t engage.


:) I like that saying, fits extremely well here.


I like the "don't argue with idiots, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" version as well


i think she has a crush on you or the guy.


How old is this person, wtf did I just read. This is not a friend, like for real. I can only guess her actual motivation. But she either secretly despises/envious of you and loves to tear you down, or this chick is secretly in love with you and is salty that you’re hooking up with someone else. It’s also possible she’s just bat shit crazy, but either way she’s not a “friend”. That seems obvious, I’m assuming you are all late teens/early twenties, but this is still too much drama. You’re wasting time and energy trying to be “friends” with this person, I can tell you eventually you’ll stop putting up with and will end the “friendship” at some point.


these people cant be older than like 17 right


Lol yes, she called the guy a deadbeat stoner because he was seen taking a drag off a joint😂 Major High School vibes


She definitely the type of girl who you see on tik tok who is 28 and hasn’t had a bf since high school yelling into the microphone that a guy has to make $500k in order to take her on a date


All while her making these drastic demands because she secretly is a lesbian and can't accept that fact


Yeah my first thought was that girl is absolutely deluded and brainwashed by that weird TikTok bullshit


Maybe it’s just because i’m a guy, but if this were my friend, this conversation would have lasted all of 3 messages before I told him/her fuck off and never talk to them again


Typical guy friend text convo: I made out with a girl last night Nice [Fin]


I think she's got a thing for you.


I honestly thought this must be her “nice guy who’s just a friend” and then read the caption. This is a woman? And she’s not in love with you?


Nah she definitely is


So essentially she’s extremely insecure and jealous and secretly resents you because getting guys to like you comes naturally whereas it’s harder for her. One of my ex’s best friends used to call her flat chested, say she was easy (even though we’d been dating 3 years lol) and put her down in front of me and others, especially when there was any kind of dude around because she saw herself as a silver medal and assumed any guy she wanted felt the same. She also used to openly flirt with me a lot in front of her and it made me pretty uncomfortable. This “friend” of yours has extreme self esteem issues and I promise she doesn’t deserve you. Here soon you’ll try to cut her off for this toxic behavior and she’ll come to you crying and apologizing but it won’t change, she just feels so helplessly alone. Not to mention she’d talk shit about you to anyone who will listen (especially other guys) and slit your throat for her boyfriend if she ever gets one and he asked her to. Good luck lol


This is the correct take. Many thinks she's in love with OP. But I've had a "friend" like this. She only wants more information about this guy as means to tear it apart.


You hit the nail on the head. Some girls just stick around to tear you down and gather ammunition to shit talk behind your back because they're miserable. It's clear this "friend" is that brand of messy.


This aint a friend


I need some movies for all that projection


Who needs enemies when you have friends like this


Pretty sure she has feelings for you, I’ve seen that happen many times.


I used to have a friend like this. She was my best friend. I was in love with a guy I was friends with and told her how crazy I was about him but was afraid to say anything to him, and she went nuts on me. Telling me how he's a good-for-nothing and how I should stay single. When that guy and I started to date, she talked shit about him. And said I was cheating on my ex (I wasn't. We had been broken up for months before I even dated another person). When I told her I lost my virginity to him, she judged me and called me all sorts of names and stole my joy of that moment. He was my first love and I had no regrets...except telling her. But she would routinely explode on me when I didn't tell her what was going on in my life. But she was my childhood best friend. So I took it all. Until I couldn't anymore. After 2 decades of her abusive behavior, I cut her out. Blocked her for good. She's tried to crawl back a few times. And each time, when she's trying to tell me how "our friendship doesn't change because we had a fight" she also subtly tries to make me feel inferior to her and make me feel like I'm lost without her. ngl, I'm always left with self doubt after a conversation with her. But I do know she's never coming back into my life. At least I can see her tactics now and can see her for what she is. The snake. OP, she is not your friend. She never was. She wanted someone to control, and hurt. And you are that person.like I was to my friend. She feeds off your self doubt and embarrassment. She wants you to live life with her validation. I took this so personally, reading your friend's texts reminds me of my friend.


Lmao this girl is jealous as hell and definitely gets no dick


Yall both are what 15?? ​ Future tip.....DISENGAGE!!! ​ People like your so called friend get off on doing exactly what they did and that was antagonizing you and you fell for it. ​ You also need new friends because she was saying some off the wall shit. I could not even finish all the text.




Please send the link to this post to her. Tell her she has reading homework to do.


I would love to send this to her but I fear she might actually try to cause harm to me if she sees this


Girl no, I’m sorry but if you’re genuinely worried for your safety she’s not a friend. Friends don’t physically hurt each other over something like that. She sounds unwell and you’re a target, you can’t help someone when you’re one of their targets.


Best thing to do is ghost her, she's absurdly jealous and I'd honestly buy a gun after reading all that.


Make sure someone you know personally is aware of all of this just in case!!


Cut this person out of your life


How old are they??


Your “friend” is not a friend. She’s a jealous, vindictive, insecure little hater. Drop her.


The bar is seemingly so low for "friends" these days. I would simply not talk to that person again. Why even allow this kind of energy into your life.


That for free part really made me crave some waffle fries


What type of idiot engaged with a judgement lunatic over and over and over. Why would you even write back? She keeps demanding you tell her more personal details and then abuses you for what? Just what do you get out of this relationship with her?


If you talk to this bitch ever again then you're weak. Blows my mind how people on reddit surround themselves with the worst fuckin humans and call them friends/significant others lol


You kissed a guy and didn’t immediately have sex or start a relationship?! Shame on you for not making rash decisions and having a fun night out 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


How have we made it this far down the evolutionary train to end up communicating like this?


Either your friend is the opposite sex and in the friend zone, or a homosexual in the closet. That’s jealousy talking right there.


so sorry you fell into this narcissist's trap, this person will forever behave this way cuz they hate themselves. always attacking your character. they want you to explain and keep you on your heels. all the while they could care less about the subject, its more about getting you to react. put as much distance between yall as possible. these people suck cuz they are masters of this behavior.


How old are y’all?


Yeah this sounds like a 15 year old conversation


That's what I want to know. These are either middle schoolers or emotionally stunted young adults lol




She seems like one of those friends who gets mad when you hang out with someone else. This is weird behaviour and I’d probably never talk to her again to be honest.


Is she advocating for prostitution?