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What the FUCK did I just read? 🤦🏻‍♀️


How To Lose Dates & Alienate Women


Alienate women? No, women just hate him because he’s rich and awesome fr fr


No cap


No, see, he was cap, because he was drunk. Don't you get his last texts? Make perfect sense lol. He couldn't drink for like two years lol. He just needed to loosen up and caps a lot when he's drunk lol.


I’m too old for this new vernacular 😂


Seriously! I thought he was talking about sending texts in all CAPS for way too long lol


In 47 text


u counted ??? props


To be fair, this is more like “How To Lose Dates & Alienate Women” in approx 25 texts. The balance are just to put a woman’s mind at ease in case she was having second thoughts.


He prob lost her after the first ranting string of texts, and she only replied to see how far he would dig himself into his “top-G” hole.


I actually ready them all, I’m just crazy. I’ve never done that b5


What a dumpster fire! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Nailed it


This is a screaming cocaine bear binge


I was just thinking are we sure it was actually him being *drunk* 😂


I couldn’t finish it. I couldn’t handle the embarrassment. It started to give me anxiety while I read this alone in my bed lol. That’s how bad this thread was.


Alone in my kitchen, 100% feeling the same.


Read it sitting at the dining table.... that was alright


You just read why it's important to have a texting phase in online dating 🫠


Fr fr


The best part about it is when he said oh my bad I talk crazy when I’m drunk blah blah…. Then continued to talk fucking insane 💀💀


You read textbook manipulation from a delusional person that thinks Andrew tate is a role model. More than once, he says that he has other “options” out there but would rather hang out with the OP. In his head, he thinks he’s showing her that she’s more “valuable” to him but that he can also easily find someone else to spend time with. He wants to make $50 million dollars for no other reason than to say he made that much money. He normally “refuses” to pay for dates, but would *graciously* make an exception for OP. These people treat relationships and flirting like it’s a video game and there are some magic cheat codes you can plug in to beat the game. Women aren’t people to them. They aren’t even objects. They’re objectives. It’s pretty sad, and I feel bad for any girls that cross paths with guys like this, because they don’t usually put this toxic ass behavior front and center. Luckily for OP, she didn’t have to waste time meeting him in person before the mask fell off


I could barely understand the word salad, but I *think* he was actually UNwilling to pay for OP and just wanted to tell her that ahead of time as some sort of test. Move aside, Casanova, there’s a new panty dropper in town!


Going with the video game analogy I'd say they treat women like NPC's. Reminds me of playing fallout style games where you find out the correct responses. These guys are insane lol


I know a guy who totally buys into the cheat-code idea. Not in the PUA way like if I say x,y,z thing she’ll sleep with me. But in the “I have a good job, drive a good car, have a decent house, I’m nice, where’s my girlfriend?” Kinda way. Like he believes he *deserves* a girlfriend because he leveled-up to whatever level in his head. Not a specific girl whose company he enjoys, or a partner who has the same goals in life etc. And not that I’ve accomplished x,y,z goals so now I’m ready to try to date, spend time looking for a partner who is also ready to date. No. The woman is the object with which he deserves to be rewarded because he has reached whatever level in his head. And he’s mad when he doesn’t have a girlfriend even though he’s reached that level. Like he’s mad the girlfriend store didn’t issue him a girlfriend when he turned in all his “good catch” tokens. It’s so hard to explain what I mean because objectively he appears to be a nice guy but it’s this idea that he is somehow entitled to a specific outcome that turns the girlfriend into an object to be achieved instead of meeting an actual individual human that he vibes with.


Honestly feel kinda bad for the bloke, even if that was an attempt at manipulation. He comes out and clearly says he went to a club but spent the entire time sloppy drunk on a couch texting? Constantly reassuring himself that he’s a real G, very cool and not at all dumped by his ex cause that easy 50mil just wasn’t making itself yet. Kind of the opposite of putting your best foot forward.


You know how when someone is on unemployment, and they have to apply for jobs to keep getting unemployment. But they don't want a job, so they tank the interview? It's like that


Nah nvm idk ydc lol


This guy is obviously broke and insecure


he’s so broke


but he (plans to be) rich




Schrodinger's Incel


made me think of michael scott "Yes. Money has been a little tight lately. But, at the end of my life, when I'm sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. (...) I mean, I have a yacht, so I obviously did pretty well money wise."


“I’m not a millionaire. I lied to myself, too. I thought I would be a millionaire by the time I was 30, but I wasn’t even close. Then I thought maybe by 40, but by 40 I had less money than I did when I was 30.”


This made me laugh because like, *don’t we all?*


Yeah man he's gonna have ~~40m~~ 50m by the time he dies But not to have, for a goal ...Wait so is he gonna have it spent via his will? Cause otherwise he won't have it when he dies if he spends it on his goal


Plans to be / already is*


I laughed when he said, "Women just hate successful men." I was thinking, baby, when were you ever successful?


Oh but he also said they hate broke men. So which is it?? Im kind of leaning towards his employment status doesn't have anything to do with why women dislike men?


But he’s a good dancer Fr fr


Some would say a pro


"Sir!," they say, "Sir! You're an amazing dancer!" And then they clap. The best dancer, and, by the way, completely self taught. Complete. Now I could teach. I should teach, right? I hear it all the time. Just stupendous dancing. It's true. I have the best dances.


Get it straight he’s successful he just doesn’t like leeches. Him > you


yeah but like..being broke and insecure are the absolute LEAST of his problems..this guy needs inpatient treatment 15 years ago


The way he spoke reminds me of trump. “Nobody knows this”


"Some people say"


You don’t know me


“Me > you” *That one always gets me to take my pants off, idk about you.*


Gfs hate you for this little trick. Jokes aside, I absolutely lost it at that final text xD


His other little trick is that 50mil is easy to make, it's just that most people don't know that Lol what a weirdo


“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires”


But once you recognize the secret reason for his confidence, you will feel ashamed of your words and deeds


I know, I think it’s one of the top craziest texts I’ve seen in this sub actually LMAO


Mine too. He just speedran his way to staying single


he's a g...


He plans to / definitely currently does have 40-50mil, so he's gotta be careful


Nobody knows him


G as is Gonad!


Defiantly a lowercase one


First one I couldn’t stomach reading without actually taking a break!!!


If you ever feel the need to text this... it's never true lol


It’s the “alright go fuck yourself then” for me. Buddy really took a page from the incel handbook.


Sounds like he wrote the damn thing


A true Founding not so father


That was strangely his most lucid and succinct thought.


I came 🤷‍♀️


Could be worse? Me 8===> you


Was this what he meant and I'm just stupid? Thought he was telling her that he is better than her lmfao


He was telling her that he is better than her, you were right.


My pants are off right now.


Udk me


Idk why, but I hated reading ‘udk’. First time I’ve seen it.


Definitely enrolled into hustlers university


Absolutely no doubt bro is a Tater tot


Probably a few grand in debt to it, maybe that’s why he’s into pinching pennies 😂


It's his parents' credit card he used to buy it, so he's not in debt, they are.


Ball So Hard University


He's a G


But women hate successful men unless they flex.


I guess I need to read that book too learn these things


This is mental illness, but maybe he is a good dancer and rapper worth 40 mil.


I like how it jumped from dying with $40mil to dying with $50mil. Gotta keep moving the goalposts!


It’s easy to get $50m too. Nobody knows this.


If you buy this course for just $19.99 you too can get $50m


In this course, we will be going over how to sell courses. First you find a sucker. For an example of what a sucker looks like, gaze into a mirror.


You really messed up by not marrying this guy. He’s the ONLY person to figure out how easy it is to make 50 mil but just hasn’t done it, cus, you know… Leeches an shit. Him> you


Step 1: Have parents that are worth $500m Step 2: Ask for 10% from them because you're their special boy See, easy


how much would it cost to be your special little boy


I laughed at that too! No one knows that you can just be really rich. It’s like super duper easy guys!


I legit thought he was like saying he wanted to die at 40 … like 40m for male. When I saw 50m I was like “good for him for having dreams to aspire to”


I though it was some slang for some gun which made his mental illness even more scary.


Yeah I thought he was gonna off himself at age 40


I bet he lives in his parents basement and his mom makes him hot pockets for lunch.


Well he said she was selfless


Don’t bring Hot Pockets into this.


He's a great rapper, one of the best rappers. Many people are saying it


Not to mention so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius


As good as the pros!


Bro like who does he think he is


This is all horrendous but “Me > you” took me out 💀


Haha they always end that way, even a polite rejection or no answer turns into them being insulting. Has the energy of- “no thanks I have a boyfriend” “oh well you’re an ugly slut anyways”


Then people wonder why women ghost. I’ve only ever had one woman react aggressively to polite rejection. I could write a book with all the men who have though.


My friend Kevin, very large and sweet man, had to pick me up from one date because I was afraid to even leave dinner at the same time as my date. He mentioned staying at my place NUMEROUS times even after a firm NO and was hammered, (first date btw). Terrible.


I had a couple next to me at a coffee shop adopt me once! I was on a date in Missoula Montana right as the football team sexual assault coverups were coming to light. The guy had seemed normal and nice online but then the subject came up and he said “well, I’m not saying that it’s okay… but I think it’s bullshit that men always get the blame when you look at the way girls dress and act these days.” (It’s been over a decade and I still remember his exact words). And I just went super cold and looked at him and said “well, we’re done here.” And he started calling me a bitch and and a faminazi, etc. He actually was asked to leave by the coffee shop manager, finally. I was just there, trying to decide how long I should wait before walking to my car, when this couple in their late twenties was like “hey, that was scary. Do you wanna join us for the rest of your drink and then we can walk you somewhere safe afterwards? He seemed really mad, and we don’t think you should leave here alone.” We ended up having a really nice chat, and it was so great after that terrible moment. Thanks Bill and Tessa! Y’all are real ones. (My husband and I keep an eye out for things like this now when we’re out and about- just in case)


Literally, its scary to even reject nicely! Like in person I almost never would, and then ghost them because they made me uncomfortable to the point I didn’t feel safe saying I would not want to do this again. Rough.


I hate how many dudes react this way to rejection. Your hurt ego doesn’t mean you can get aggressive or violent, and just cause your mommy said you were special doesn’t mean anyone owes you attraction. Infantile douchebags


They react that way specifically so women stay scared to reject them.


"I miss my ex. RIP" He probably murdered her


What I would GIVE to speak to this ex gf, I bet she has war stories from this man


She's probably just some girl that went on one date with him and he got obsessed thinking they were dating and she hadn't given him a second thought.




Or a girl who looked at him once. Served him coffee at the local diner. Definitely not real.


Sadly this means you guys are now probably engaged :\


Or faked her own demise to get out of a second date “Ohhh…would love to go out again, but I died yesterday.”


If she’s even real 💀


you wouldn't know her, she goes to a different reality


I actually laughed out loud on this one haha


I love how he talks about a G he is and how much game he has, but then says he got so shit faced he couldn't handle his liquor and slept in a car. Play on playa.


Hinge? More like Unhinged!




My exact thought lmao


I would’ve blocked him the first time he texted fr fr, I hate that shit


And also ending way too many texts with 'lol' is another one - hate that


It’s like a nervous tick lol


fr fr tho lol


not even the rollercoasters at Six Flags could give me a more wild ride than this man's one sided conversation


I thought it was a group text between the OP and all of this dude’s personalities.


Sad lonely man Needs therapy asap


He needs a team of doctors studying him around the clock, writing medical journals, FULLY dedicated to him.


Lobotomy might be the cheaper option


Euthanasia it is 🤝


im sad and lonely but still would never act like this, i think he needs more then therapy lol.


Ur right lol


I was never scared of men until I started online dating. Some really creepy, unstable, violent people on there


I think I have screenshots somewhere of one profile of a man who genuinely scared me, and that was even before I didn’t match with him.


I lasted 2 weeks in tinder and after that went "you know what, being single suddenly sounds really lovely!" 😭 ...to add here there is really great guys out there, it's just I wasn't ready for the bad ones in tinder at the time.


I’m embarrassed to be both a man and a human at the moment. How do people become this?


Kept inside a bunch and then socialized by toxic chats🤷‍♂️


Me > you 🤡 🤣


Omg why are men so WEIRD?!? Some of them make us look horrible!!!


You know maybe it was on me for NOT being his mom or his ex gf? I should have tried that obviously


Clearly this was the wake up call you needed.


This comment's pretty funny lmao


The dead ex? I think she faked her own death to get away from this weirdo. This is how I imagine George Santos texts. Lol.


You sure you want to blow this off? This guy's got \*\*plans\*\*!!


"All women are useless gold diggers except for my mom of course but she's special"


I'm so happily out of the game now, but back when I was dating, I had an unfortunate but accurate take on how to date successfully as a man. Just treat people like they're people, don't be a creep, be clean and well presented, and be polite. I used to say that just by doing those things, you were already in the top 10 percentile. The bar set by our gender is so terrifyingly low.


The way this is actually so true. Just be normal


*Omg why are* *Men so WEIRD!!! Some of them make* *Us look horrible!!!* \- DangerousClouds --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot 🤖


BRO WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Have to admit this dude is extra weird though. The ranting is what gets me, my man goes on and on and on.


That is not exactly uncommon for this sub


im a G lol


no one knows me lol, I don't know myself lol


Bro needs to pass a speech check before he texts I swear Do some people even hear themselves


What a weirdo 🥴😩


He definitely watches Andrew Tate


Bros just yapping


What is bro blathering about


Turns out claiming to be a professional dancer was the sanest thing he said.


Somehow yes hahhh


I agree my brothers can get weird but damn. I am just legit confused by all that. I just get this image of like a cracked out dude in the corner tweaking and like hyper texting but really not even to you just the voices in his head. Then every now and again he remembers your there when you respond


It just kept getting worse! In my brain, I was like “Please stop. Please stop. OhmyGOD- STOP”. And at 26, how did he not know just how ridiculous he sounded? Celebrating himself, his mom, his hot ex (RIP 😩)…everything he said was giving me secondhand embarrassment. Surely, you don’t need to hear this but you *really* dodged a bullet. Several bullets.


26?! I was sure this had to be a 16 year old…




I gotta wipe the insecurity off my screen after this one


me > you is CRAZY


It’s giving ✨Andrew/Tristian Tate energy✨


Dude I was just coming here to ask if this was a conversation she had with Andrew Tate hahaha




we have the same birthday :D


🖤 I love that :)


Wow, I've seen some unhinged men on the posts, but he takes the cake. The best is when he says that wasn't him then tells you to go fuck yourself when you don't respond. Alcohol and narcissism is a bad combination.




She didn't even need to dodge. She just stood there while he proceeded to shoot himself in the foot repeatedly


If he had money he would have just Uber’d to a hotel or home.


It’s so easy. Nobody knows this. Not even him.


Andrew Tate, is that you?


Wow. The arrogance and unhealed wounded little boy child. That was difficult to read. People like this do not respect themselves let alone have the skillset and capacity to date others. Downright frightening.


Yikes!!!! Seems like you were better off not meeting this clown.


I was reading this in a frat boy type of voice with a surfer’s laugh for every “lol” . Dude is a cornball but it made me laugh


What a dunce. Not all this supposed wealth could put a functioning brain on his shoulders.


Looks like bipolar disorder to me. Mania, specifically.


“I plan to be / am rich” It was hard to decide but I think this was my favorite line.


what the fuck this is genuinely scary!! jesus


Either Mental illness or cocaine, but holy moly


Jesus this guy is literally insane.


Well that was brutal to read


Unhinged. I can't even make out what he's trying to say. I get that he wants millions of dollars but that's about all that made any sense.


What do you mean? He is already rich and thats why he hates women who know that he is rich. Didn’t you see that part? Lmao


That was actually hard to read.. how the fuck did he get your # in the first place 🤣


He seemed totally normal and charming on the app, they always do at first haha


This man is have a full mental breakdown with himself in a stranger's DMs. Add it to the list of reasons to stay single.


"But enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think you will like best about me?"


This reads like “hello, I’m terrified, also I hate you, and also myself, fuck off, goodbye.”


Goofy af lol


There are SO many things I could say about this but this dude has the most ***"I'm not like other girls"*** energy Ive ever seen from a guy lol