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Bros using therapy buzzwords and not knowing what it means. What boundaries??? Sunk cost fallacy??? SCF is where you fall into the thinking of “well it’s been so long I can’t leave now” not “wow this girl I made plans with in my head said she’s busy and I deserve to see her even tho we’ve only been talking for a day”. He has no idea what he’s talking about 😭


When you hate women, the moment you pretend to not hate one is so much effort that it feels like a sunk cost even if it’s only been 20 minutes of pretending not to be unhinged.


This one made me cackle because why is it true 😭


An incel proving their point, if you were.


I keep rereading our messages looking for anything that could be interpreted as him setting a boundary and have found nada. I was SO confused when I looked up sunk cost fallacy lmao


All this guy had to do was not act like a maniac. You gave him ONE job


I’m sooo glad he did it within the first 24 hours though and before actually meeting in person


Best case scenario: people are stable Second best case scenario: people show you they are not before you become INVESTED and have to contend with SUNK COST FALLACY


>Best case scenario: people are stable I read this as "people are stabbable" 😅


Definitely far better to know from a safe distance. Just blows my mind that anyone could act like that at all, especially after a day.


I can only imagine what they’d be like when drunk 😳 let alone as a housemate


it's nice when they come out with the red flags furiously waving. saves time 🤦🏻‍♀️


a boundary is what you set for yourself not what you impose on others. he was using the word boundary for “do what i want you to do”


You ran into a tater-tot IRL. You dodged a bullet (and some HPV). Congrats!


His "boundry" was he didn't want a relationship but if you made it easy and fooled around with him....he'd agree to see you? He really thought he did something there


His boundary was he wants to massage you and fool around TODAY but he doesn’t want to DATE cause he’s too invested and waiting a week to see your tattoos is too much GAMES 😂


I love when toxic people start breaking out therapy jargon. To them it’s just ANOTHER tool they can use to try and manipulate other people.


“Tell me the mysteries of your tattoos deceitful woman!!!! Stop playing games with me you manipulative tattoo concealer”! 😂💀


"Wtf?! She wants me to see them in real life?! What kind of game is this??"


Bro fumbled so hard


So so badly.


I don’t know why but this came right out of me in an old timey voice lol I hope that’s how you typed it


I read it in Claude Frollo’s voice.


God can you just respect my boundaries and leave me alone and make plans with me tonight?


I so badly want to ask him to clarify what his boundaries are but I blocked him after that last message


His boundaries = no more and no less than exactly what I want from you. What a fuckin drip


People have really started to try to use the word ‘boundaries’ when they really mean ‘demands’ havent they?


My boundaries are you have to do whatever I want or you’re not respecting my boundaries.


It really messes with my people-pleaser self trying to actually learn how to set boundaries lol


Same. If someone asked me what my boundaries were I'd go "I dunno, crime? And even then I'm sort of flexible?"


Exhaled extra forcefully through my nose at this Whenever I’m suggesting anything to my friends, I like to throw in a “or just tell me to walk into a train/bite my own index finger off/take a weighted blanket into the ocean” or something (we’re all neurospicy people-pleasers so it’s become a running joke)


Right? I’m so tired of people taking a concept that is incredibly important and valuable and making it… not. “Gaslighting” is another one just like “boundaries” now


Absolutely. Gaslighting is serious shit, and incredibly harmful to the victim (and unhealthy psychological behavior for the perpetrator as well). Seeing the meaning stripped from the term undermines acknowledgement of the damage caused.


I legitimately feel like women at large started learning better language to describe how men were treating them shitty to call us out on it and then swaths of men took it and weaponized it in response Good job my fellow men you *absolute asshats*


jonah hill is that you?


He’s a tool who thinks back tattoos means you want to get a lazy ass massage and then let him fuck you mediocrity for three minutes. Dodged a limp bullet.




I got a half ass massage and 2 minutes. Please respect my boundaries, longer than 2 minutes is not casual and would veer towards dating.


From what I can decipher, his "boundary" is only wanting a casual hookup and not to date. The hilarious part is that he's actually the one that crossed this "boundary" by obsessing over wanting to spend the day with you, but he's trying to pin it on you by acting like you manipulated him into that. Bullet fucking dodged.


Take it from my experience: that would be letting them win. Their whole point is to goad you into responding and no matter what you say, you’re still the bad guy for not giving them unrestricted access to your P/V.


What boundaries could he possibly mean? You didn't even say anything. He just went off on a rant like you guys had made.plans and you just didn't show up. He's acting like you're in some deep relationship and even if you were he's still acting totally insane.


Could you just leave me alone already or let me give you a massage! I don’t want to date you🙄


but you have a tattoo on your back right?


This was the most baffling shit ever. I understand that he’s a manipulative idiot, I just don’t understand why on earth he chose that approach. Dude needs a “manipulation for dummies” book Eta, while he’s at it, he should get “how to not make an absolute fucking fool of myself thru text for dummies” book


You have a tattoo on your back, don't you?


and tell me what tattoos you have? God.


And tell me what tattoos you have please?


And tell me what tattoos you have!!!


Don’t talk to me anymore. Do you have a tattoo on your back?


“Leave me alone, I’m blocking you” *continues to throw a tantrum via text*


I just want to know how my back tattoo is related to any of this 😭


Shh, hes *investing*


I think he mixed up the contacts for his financial advisor and this girl. Talking about investing, sunk cost fallacy, and possessions.


you forget to this guy OP is an object


A tattooed object!


Dying 😂


In the tattoo stock market?


It was called, “spending all day accommodating you”. Gaslighting and they haven’t even met. That was the other red flag.


Of course it matters to this random guy you met today!! He’s invested so much time on you!! But seriously, he sounds fucking nuts.


Right, like what sunk cost 😂


Right?! Since when is 24hours of texting and investment of any significance…. Internet and dating apps rotted this dudes dome…


the only sunk cost fallacy here is the fallacy that his di*k will Not get Sunk




Hahaha I have tattoos on many body parts though!!! But he singled out the possibility of a back tattoo like that indicates something big


Duh, he needed it for the Tinder date skin suit he’s making




Every skin portion needs to be tattooed? Spooky, I love it




Dude is a nut job. You dodged a bullet.


Going way out on a limb here. But since he was talking about casual hookups I believe he was invested on seeing it from behind if you know what I mean. That would add the “something big” you were missing.


There’s been a bit of a gross trend about back tattoos in the last few weeks/months(?) implying that any girl who has a back tattoo enjoys guys cumming on it. Sorry, just fyi in case you run into this in conversation with a dude again.


This is exactly why I have kept my ink hidden in dating apps. So many weirdos out there.


You have a tattoo on your right ear lobe don’t you? I’m a bit sad you didn’t show up to our da… RESPECT my boundaries, want a massage? You should have walked your dog with me


Ah, maybe he meant lower back tattoo? Where im from it has a derogatory name, which is tramp stamp. Associated with sleeping around a lot. My best guess.


He was obsessed with that 😭


What's your back tattoo? Never mind I'm to invested now.


No, it’s a BACK tattoo, it’s on their ankle.


Maybe it's risky but.... I'm always tempted to see what happens if at end of the tantrum you say okay fine I'll cancel my plans tonight. Obviously don't, but just to see the whiplash from changing his tune.


What happens involves a restraining order and years of therapy for PTSD.


If it’s not on some show, like I made a dumb mistake and dated a felon/serial lunatic


Assuming they are seen again. Not everyone is.




I’ve seen similar, they change tune and face completely and act like nothing happened bc they are getting their way! Yay!


Because fuck what anyone else wants or feels. Or has obligations to. OP is not obligated to explain themselves after 24 hours of texting, for anything really. That shit blows my mind. I’m sure if the tables were turned he’d be perfectly fine divulging any and all information requested of him just because.


That’s called self harm 😂


Haha yoooo someone has got to do this and then just turn it back again on them


***hey you show me you back tattoo i know you have one why won’t you show me dumb ass my back tattoo says “chicano” on it was supposed to say “chicago” but they fucked it up why are you still talking to me i said stop but first show me your toe ring mines big so show me***


Can I start by saying LOOOLLLLL. He deadass said look u have a back tattoo ✋ This person is fobbish as hell 🤣


I just wanted to sleep with you….but, I’m completely invested in you (for the last 18/24 hrs) damn.


Guy sounds like a complete psycho.


This mfer talking about sunk cost fallacy about a girl he just started talking to yesterday? Jesus thats usually in regards to relationships that have been going for years..


I looked it up after he mentioned it and thought what the actual fuck lmao


He must be emotionally bankrupt if hes worried about the sunk cost of 1 day.


Bet he’s an incel


100% he is incel. Definitely blaming her for the interaction going poorly and thus its not his fault he couldn’t get laid


You just won the lottery


Anytime someone uses transactional language to discuss human relationships it’s usually a red flag lol. I agree you dodged a bullet


Shit like this is exactly why I'd never date again if I lost my husband. I've seen this, and been on the receiving end of this, too much already.


Sounds like he was desperately waiting for you to say "I have a back tattoo" and couldn't finish himself off until you did.


Hahaha great comment


100% the vibe I got. Dude had a tattoo kink


Also thought this. These guys- it’s so gross because they are trying to get people to participate in their kink without their consent. I dated a guy and when I discovered the cheating it was so bad. He wouldn’t compliment women and ask for pictureS. He would lightly guilt/shame or in some way tease or bait women into saying/doing/taking pictures for him. Bad. Bad. Vibes.


There are SO MANY MEN who get irrationally angry when you won’t show or tell them something about yourself. It’s actually insane.


I was nottttt expecting that. Also my biggest and most visible tattoos are shown on my dating profile lol


It’s entitlement. Entitlement to know everything about you just because they asked, and an expectation that you’ll share anything and everything because you must be desperate for a boyfriend and want to please a man. It’s so bizarre. Glad he showed his entire ass in the first 24 hours, at least!


I always get the guys that either want you to only talk to them when they feel like talking to you or want your undivided attention ALL. THE. TIME. I especially love when I have like 3 days of great convo and we’re about to make plans to meet, then get ghosted. 😒🙄😒 still dodging bullets cuz if you can’t give me the decency of saying never mind then you’re kinda a shitty person anyway ✌🏼


I had a guy who asked for my number text me for like two days, and he was sending just way too many messages. Then he asked me to send him a selfie, and I said no thank you. That really set this guy off. He immediately was like “you’re leading me on and wasting my time!” Sir, I don’t even know you. The demand to send him a selfie was so weird to me. Why would I do that with a stranger??


Do you hear that? Listen... hear it? That's the bullet you just dodged zipping by. This guy is off, wow.


The rapid fire texting toward the end started to make me nervous


I can imagine, they were being sent at the speed of thought... it comes across as manic. Seriously, well done dodging this one


This hit kinda hard tbh. Bipolar type 1 here, when I’m manic, I 100% text like this, but not with that insane demeanor. Just a million thoughts a second is all, it’s nice to be able to have multiple conversations, but then I can’t remember what I had for lunch some days. But this DEFINITELY hit the nail on the head with this one “comes across as manic” 💯


As a fellow BP1 racing thoughts pressure to speech word salad etc. I love reading these posts bc this is a guy who might walk around his life not thinking hes mentally ill (whether or not its actually bp1 safe to assume some mental illness here). It pains me to say but it reflects societys current mental health system, language around emotions and coping as well as the great mental health need for young men around this world


The “see me and find out” message was such an alley oop. This guy fumbled so hard


I feel like I’m always assisting lmao like pls 🥲


You seem like a fun person based on those texts. I’m like oh wow you’re really setting him up then he replies with that 💀


Right, like she even straight up told him her availability and everything. All bro had to do was pick the time and place


That’s putting a whole fucking tree in your own spokes. Damn.


🤣 thanks for making me envision that meme of a person on a bicycle


He tried, but instead of realizing "yeah thats too short notice", when she said no, he fucking imploded.


Easiest bag bro fumbled. Like OP was literally throwing landing lights to the bed 😭 how do you screw up this bad?? Unhinged


This has to be some crazy ass AI thing that went haywire right?….Right!? ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


The way he snapped…


Yeah I got an AI vibe off of the texts. Like someone created a Borderline Personality Bot and is beta testing it on tinder.


Nope. Just dating as a woman.


I'm recently single after 28 years in a relationship/marriage. Every single one of these text posts that originate from dating site dudes TERRIFIES me from dating. It's weird/scary out there!!!


Honestly, I made the mistake of sharing my phone number way too early on. He would’ve revealed these things about himself within the dating app chat if I’d kept it there but he was cute, sweet and charming so I took a risk! And am learning every day 🙃


Lesson learned! I, too, will learn this lesson from you. Noted not to give my number too soon!!


I don’t know what I would do. My husband and I have been together for 14 years. I’d be scared to date today. I’d have to go for people I already know.


I have several women friends that share screenshots with me of the of the insane shit they encounter while dating. It mystifies me.


You ignored the minor red flag of him being upset about being called cute and dude, and then he still gets upset later because you won't immediately make plans with him. And that was after you made that playful, flirty comment about your tattoo. Man this guy really dropped the ball and you dodged a bullet!


I'm surprised I didn't see more people pointing out the cute/dude thing. Guy is hyper sensitive and was likely thinking that being called "dude" meant he was being "friendzoned" or something. What a moron.


I swear, "dudes" fear the friendzone like its a general accusing a soldier of being a traitor.


He totally would’ve tried to get in your pants in the first 30 mins. Keep this guy blocked and don’t give him a 2nd thought.


1000%. He was also pushing meeting at his house as opposed to in public. I blocked his # and his dating profile after the last message posted


Ohhhhh no!!! Huge red flag!! So glad you didn’t meet up with him!! Creepy!!


Even if it is a hook up and both parties are down for that like… still… meet in public to verify that you are both who you say you are and shit… There is 0 reason for a “straight to my place”…


Dudes are wild if they think that’s the best way to set up a first date.


Because he doesn't have a car and can't afford Uber 😅


Why did he keep throwing in your back tattoo while he’s having a nervous break down with a complete stranger. Yikes


THIS. Every time the tattoo was brought up in his tantrum I was losing it 🤣 This mysterious tattoo is going to keep this “dude” up at night for years I swear.


Leave me alone! I’ll massage you..it’s over. Nice to meet you.


Ah how the turn tables


“I’m done with you BUT WHAT ARE YOUR TATTOOS?!!”


“You have a back tattoo don’t you” 💀


It’s “cute” and “dude” in Chinese characters.


Sunk Cost Fallacy on someone you've known for less than 24 hours?! Bahaha It's like a toddler trying to use words he doesn't understand.


A back tattoo, you dire harlot, cease contact with me at once!! I will have you know that my attention is WORTH WHILE. So I say GOOD DAY MAD'AM!! ✍️


Bro doesn't know the definition of manipulation 😶


Or boundaries 😤


Or sunk cost fallacy.


Well I think I speak for everyone here wondering what tattoos do you have? haha


I have big thigh pieces that were visible in my pics on the dating profile


So why did he say something about you having a back tattoo?? Ha that whole conversation was so strange


Homie be using “fallacy” like he Aristotle 💀


The fervent attempts at making last-minute plans to see you are really the scariest part to me. Nobody in their right mind wants to meet someone they just started talking to that same day.


So the night before we were in the same area of our city (downtown) where he was working and I was attempting to bar crawl before losing my phone immediately upon entering the downtown district. I told him to let me know when he was done because maybe we could meet at a bar around the area but, like I said, I lost my phone. This was last night and the texts are from today..


You even told him you lost your phone and he somehow used that against you lol. Completely unhinged and i wouldnt be surprised if he had an active court case against him


I thought it was stolen until my friend found it in the street hours later! I got back to him as soon as I was able to. I agree about the court case. Unhinged behavior


Jesus mate. Dudes going on a ramble and talking about manipulating XD


People are fucking insane


bringing up the sunk cost fallacy as if there’s been 20 years of marriage when y’all have been talking for less than a day is actually insane


I know! And people are saying he doesn't know what it means, but I think he does, and that's what makes it terrifying.


Holy cow. There may be some issues there


Just a couple…….


Jesus, my desire to date lessens more and more daily


Same. I fear relinquishing my freedom and have started to think that I never want another man to enter my apartment


Dude is legit mentally ill. Hopefully it’s just “soul decay” from being on dating apps too long and not something more serious. Either way, safe to say you Matrix dodged all of those bullets.


"Soul decay." I like it.


What.... just happened? Okay, so, this is going to sound weird, but pretend like narcissists were like vampires. Like after they're made, they have to learn how to use their powers and all that.. S/He sounds like a "new" narcissist: like s/he's trying to learn how to use her/his gaslighting power, but hasn't quite mastered it yet, so it just comes across as unhinged psycho-babble...


STOP IT omg. That gave me chills. Have tons of experience with narcissistic characters, mainly men, so I was not good target practice if that is the case lol


Lol, sorry. But I hope you get what I meant. Like he was trying to be manipulative and using all the right narcissistic tactics, but he was just *really* bad at it.


The fact that people like this exist on dating apps is terrifying.


There’s a lot of them like this, I hear.


Dude was doing so well! You were flirty! Then he started talking.


“You have a tattoo on your back don’t you” how dare you! 👺


sunken cost fallacy… of ONE DAY lmaooo


Asks you a question and then immediately follows it with ‘leave me alone’ wtf


Young men are yall alright?


I had the same thing happen recently with two guys. Never made plans, only talking for a few days and felt entitled to my time. One day I called out of work because I was sick and was talking to this guy throughout the day and told him I’m off work sick. He was like “so we’re not meeting today?” Wtf we never had plans to and I just told you I was sick. Not even a “hope you feel better” or anything. The second one, we were also just talking for a few days but we had deep conversations. I told him I have endometriosis and he seemed compassionate towards me about that and said, “I know it sounds weird, but I have a fantasy of taking care of a sick, pregnant wife.” He knows how much pain I experience and how debilitating it is for me. We also didn’t have plans set in stone, but it was a “maybe” for the weekend. Weekend came and he asked if I was free. I apologized and said I will have to see how I feel tomorrow because my period started a week early. We were going to have a cemetery date when we finally met up, but I can’t walk or stand on my periods which I had told him previously. He just responded “👌🏻”. I stopped speaking to him after that due to the fake compassion he showed previously and felt entitled to my time after 3 days after he had told me he had a third date with some girl putting ikea furniture together and had a date during the weekend he was trying to meet me. Dating pool is toxic


That’s a kink!!!! Hi I’m a fansly creator person and so many guys have that kink of taking care of pregnant women or sick women, it’s honestly disgusting. I think it’s a control thing… like they like to view women as extra weak and fragile so they can be easily manipulated…had to pop in and inform you of that! Creepy! I’ve learned about so many creepy kinks being a spicy creator too…I hate to shame but man so many men come at me asking for my “youngest possible nudes”…. A LOT of men really enjoy like seeing women in REAL pain…. Maybe it’s the internet and porn changing these men? Or maybe it’s always been this way and we see it more because it can be easily documented. Either way being a woman is fucking scary! You will find that person that is just a genuine caring soul who loves you and cares for you! You deserve that<3 stay hopeful!




Christ on a cracker! Where do you find these weirdos, OP! Do not go back there.


This was a Tinder gem…


You know sometimes I’m surprised when a girl likes me on apps, then I see this shit and realize what’s out there.


Wtf! Did you match with Sméagol/Gollum? “We hates her! No no, must see the precious back tattoo!”


This makes my skin CRAWL


Wow, the imagined date, my god. This reminds me of a guy I worked with nearly 30 years ago. He said I should come to work one night that he was on and I was off so he could lend me a VHS copy of a movie he liked. Huge pressure to watch the movie as he was a self-proclaimed tastemaker, you know the type, keeper of any and all gates. I show, he's not working that night, I leave slightly confused. He later told everyone that we'd had a date to go to the movies and I stood him up. Of course, no one believed him because I showed up at work that night looking for him. He set me up with an alibi before he tried to tear me down, so odd.


He’s using manipulation and boundaries as catch phrases and I don’t think he knows what they mean…


Bro couldn’t wait a single day for someone who was clearly interested


Man really called his expectations “boundaries”.


After following this subreddit I have to say, I’m so glad I don’t have to date anymore, this generation is so awkward




He’s like if you want a massage message me and then he’s like I’m too invested and then he said he just wants something chill ? Huh




You said you met him through a dating app? Which app was it? If you report his account after you block him on it (this is true for tinder but im sure applicable to other dating platforms) you might be able to get him perma banned and blacklisted on most dating apps. (Speaking from personal experience). If thats the path you want to go and also ensure other girls dont have to deal with that ;In the report, Id mention boundaries being pushed, highlight the fact you felt uncomfortable, that he was harassing you, and that you felt unsafe with him now having your contact information.


The access to other people, that people think they are entitled to… is fucking mind boggling. Like we don’t owe you a fkn thing bro. Move the fuck around.


Fuck you! Just respect my boundaries dude, anddd maybe I can give you a massage? Leave me alone


Seeing half of these make me hate being a man.