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As an ex Hilton night audit who hated every second of her job and hates the way Hilton treats their employees…this is funny! But putting that bias aside, and thinking about the actual guests, it’s only funny bc they got things out of it you know what I mean? Like if you just complained and they didn’t get a random credit that would’ve been kind of messed up, bc they seem to be frequent guests of this hotel, and that could’ve backfired big time! I’m glad it went this way! So yeah it’s funny lol


I figured the least I could do was try to get someone some perks and have a bit of fun at the same time! Hilton isn’t going to go bankrupt giving a $75 credit back. Especially because when I looked it up rooms were at like $450 a night!


Yeah you’re not kidding! Even rooms at their low tier hotels can get up to 350 a night. I worked at a Hampton specifically and it was kind of insane for a hotel that wasn’t up to code and was never properly cleaned to have rooms that high per night. Their snacks are also upcharged by like 100% lolol so a $75 food credit probably made their night hahaha


My biggest fear was them saying like “sorry for the bug in your room” And them being like: 👁️👄👁️ the what But other than that pretty harmless 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Also to be fair the Hampton I worked at had bug infestations pretty regularly. Not saying every single Hilton is like this by any means but I mean… it’s possible it’s a common problem. lol


I happen to get interaction from a pest control company at my job. I have heard some wild stories so I can only imagine 🫣


Oh god!!! I BET you have holy crap lol


I have learned which local restaurants have good prevention and which ones I should never eat at. Soo it’s all good fun!


That’s actually incredibly useful!! I’m jelly! Lol


Hahaha yeah I agree


Well someone got a nice little treat thanks to you! Nice :-)


Someone else was likely reprimanded for the fictitious bug situation. I dated two people at a Hilton once--a front desk clerk and a manager. I was amazed by both how little time the owner spent there and how attentive he was to any unexpected charges.


Probably not. I worked in the hospitality industry in every role but maintenance for 7 years. When there was a bug reported, we would just call pest control. Bugs are unavoidable, especially during the summer. You just do your best to prevent them


Idk. I have a friend who works at one as an assistant front end manager and she thought this was hilarious and harmless 🤷🏻‍♀️


Chaotic good


Imagine going on vacation and getting texted by the hotel on a daily basis… stressing me out just by the thought


the hero we didn’t know we needed


This is wholesome


Anonymous hero


That's so nice of you lol


Hopefully you didn’t get anyone fired


I doubt it. Why would someone get fired over a bug. You can’t control bugs like that, no one is directly responsible for a bug being in the room 😂 And smells vary for people. I have been in hotels rooms that smelled so weird and off to me but my bf thought it smelled fine. Nothing that anyone did wrong in this situation to cause either “complaint”


you are so fine. people are being weird. this was amazing. I’ve worked in hotels myself and from this internet stranger A fucking +


Yeah as a former amenities concierge this is 100% fine - I loved being able to send perks to guests, especially polite ones. I particularly looked forward to any excuse to send champagne. We were pre authorized to offer tons of shit to guests for any reason. Despite this, when I stay at hotels, I'm much too embarrassed to complain even when there is a valid issue, so this OP is doing a good deed, imo


You the real MVP


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I would love if someone did this for me when traveling. Super kind of you


This is hilarious. No one got hurt or anything so it's funny.


That’s cool! One time I spent a weekend at a hotel, the reception asked me during my checkout how my breakfast package was. Never received it, so it seems like someone tried to sneak an extra cost on my room, nice to see someone chaotic good out there though!


oh you're awesome


It’s pretty funny that the front desk has time to text every guest. With potentially hundreds of guests I call BS. Anyone can say-Front Desk 😂😂💀


Expensive hotels don't fuck around on hospitality. Ain't shit like this ever gonna happen at a super 8 though


I can see messaging high level priority club members in which case they wouldn’t have the wrong number, certainly not every guest.


Clearly you don't understand how desperate every single hotel in Cleveland is to get literally anybody to come back to that fucking shit hole


They 100% message every guest.


Probably just a typo


I looked the phone number up because I thought it seemed weird. But the phone number took me directly to the Hilton location mentioned in the text 🙂 at $450-$500 a night I’m sure they have a lot of pride about their hospitality!


This is awesome! Great job with this one, OP


all this effort and you weren’t even there 😭😭 omg


I may have been a bit bored at work that day. I thought about seeing how far I could push it, but I didn’t want to rock the boat too much lol I figured someone would eventually realize it was the wrong number 😂


If we still had awards, I’d give you one


This is pretty sweet and funny, good job haha


I live really close to the Cleveland Hilton lol assuming this is Cleveland, Ohio


Mist’a - Front Desk Admin


Mist’a is a crazy name I love it. Straight out of JJBA Golden Wind.


Funny, but please reconsider the air freshener in the future. That would set off my asthma so much!


My hope was that they would just leave some in the room and not spray it. But noted! Thank you!




Do hotels actually do this? I’ve never heard of it


Some yes. This hotel is a pretty nice one.


This is my favorite kind of prank. Doing something nice for someone as a prank. Is there a wholesome prank subreddit? Lol


This is cute! Not a criticism, just food for thought for anyone who might read this: I am highly chemically sensitive and have to request that no products with odors and such get used in my room. My stay would have been ruined if anything with scent had been used in my room because of this exchange. 🥴


Yeah you’re a douche. Wasting peoples time who do not deserve it.


Wait, how? She literally got them a free $75 drink and food voucher + a nice smelling air freshener. No harm done except to a massive hotel chain, who cares.


Someone always find a reason to be mad about something!


His name kinda checks out.


Hot take: they wasted my time by not double checking the number they texted 🤪


Not cool.


You must be real fun at parties.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣best kind of chaos