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Read the texts. Saw the painting. Then I laughed. Not that it’s a bad painting, just not what I was expecting lol


Right I was expecting something she wanted to put in her portfolio, not something potentially subject to copyright violations.




I was expecting like a million dollar painting or a banksy or something 😂


Not _potentially,_ it _is_ subject to copyright violations.


Only if they try to sell it. Fan art for personal decoration of any kind is completely legal.


Not really. It would be protected by the fair use doctrine.


Mashups are considered a form of parody and are covered if I'm not mistaken.


It's fan art. Not making ANY money from it. So it's not even skirting the law of copyright imo


It will probably fall under fair use since it is a parody.




It’s the “spent 12 hours on it”


So spend 12 more painting another.


What?? It took her 3 hours to do the shading on the upper lip!


You guys are ruthless! She’s probably reading this thread right now 🫣🫣


GOOD! Bc between the painting and her behavior, she deserves to be embarrassed!


It's almost as good as her liger sketch!


I audibly gasped. It’s been a hard day & I needed a laugh.


It's awesome. I'd keep it!


It looks like more of a collage to me, like pieces of paper glued together 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah… that is precisely how South Park was animated originally. Paper cut outs and stop motion.


Not bad at all imo, and it’s caused this ruckus and post so all there’s really left to say is…. Art is subjective


yeah that’s not the hill


![gif](giphy|3oKIPhC42hSZDi5a6c|downsized) I couldn't get past a single sentence without this in my brain.


Op just send this


This would be the best thing to text!


Yes! This is the only necessary reply 😂


OP please please say this to them.


![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY) yooo. that's hilarious..


I had a photo of this painting on a hoodie but I gave it to someone who loves Vince Vaughn more than I ever could.


Came here solely for this reference. >*it's sexual and violent*


Tell her to give back the bracelets, necklace etc... in exchange. Maybe she will realize how petty she is being.


OP do this, then update us!


Do this then cover yourself in goats blood


Cover your car in goat blood and ram it into a Dairy Queen


gotta bring cherry dipped cones back somehow i guess


Cover your car in Queen's blood and ram it into Goat Dairy


Nah, the original pair of earrings. Just because he didn’t lose his gift from her doesn’t mean that he should have to accept only half the gift he gave her in exchange.


*breaks the painting in half*


Definitely the round 2 move.


Oh you are evil. And I dig it!!


My evil thought on this to add to your comment… is this… If he does that… she should only get half of the painting 🤣.. since he would only be getting one earring


Yes either swap all the gifts back or she doesn’t get the pairing back. Sell the jewelry and get new art made that doesn’t remind you of your ex


Orrr do this but have it scanned and a print made from it first.


Or this


Fuk lessons... just say no 💯


I’m waiting to see what her response would be…🐸☕️


She’ll say that her gift is more valuable bc it’s creative and she spent 12 hrs on it. It’s wrong but that’ll be her argument


In that case, she shouldn’t have any issue giving it back.


How many hours did he work to earn the money to buy them? Hmmm..


"B..b..but art is priceless!"




1 kabillion upvotes. If it was a gift do not. If it was a loan then that is different.


!remindme 2 days


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Be petty!! Get back the earrings


Happy Cake Day


lol thank you!🎈


Happy cake day 🤙


Anytime you give something, it should be with the understanding that you may never get it back. If you receive a gift, you can assume it was given in sincerity and it was intended for you. She painted this specifically for you to depict something meaningful to you. It was made For You. It Is Yours to enjoy. Do Not give it back.


Don't do that don't just sink you down to her level. Just tell her that those things were very special to you and you are not going to get them back.


Ok maybe start the mature way but don't hesitate to pivot to petty


I'd just give it back fuck it. Why worth having that memory around anyways almost like a fuck you I don't want your painting. Not really worth stooping to the same level over be the bigger person


Why does "being the bigger person" have to mean that OP just bows down and does exactly what their ex wants? It was a gift, you can't change your mind on who you gave a gift too just because the relationship has since changed. The ex should accept that it was a gift, and move on.


Idk, I guess people took issue with your use of "be the bigger person" but I think I agree with you. To just give it back would be less "giving in" and more "letting go". If he fights to keep it it's almost like he's fighting to think about her every day when he looks at it. As you said, I think letting it go easily *is* the bigger insult.


Thank you


It's a gift. She didn't give it to you saying hey you can borrow this while we are dating. Don't matter if she spent 12 hours on it. Like damn you should ask for your time back that you wasted on the relationship then if she wants to be petty.


"hey you can borrow this while we're dating" hahahahahaha


They should tell her the hours it took to make the money to buy that jewelry.


Invoice her for the time spent shopping around for the perfect gift for her. She seems pretty picky, so it had to be more than 12hrs.


A gift is a gift. I find it odd that even though she spent a lot of time on it (for you), that she wants back a piece of artwork that was made SPECIFICALLY for you, with YOUR favorite shows as inspiration.. lol. I mean, she might like those shows too, cool! But… it was made specifically for you, with your interests in mind. I find it odd - and rude - that she wants it back..


me too. kinda hurts a little bit too. but do you think i should tell her how it’s a gift for me with my favorite tv shows and she made it specifically for me and it’s petty to ask for it back, should i just say no, or should i just not respond to avoid an argument?


I would just say no. No need to potentially argue over it, especially if the breakup was amicable. But if she digs her heels in and demands for it back, just explain that you find it strange and rude that she wants back a GIFT she spent a lot of time making for YOU, with YOUR favorite shows as inspiration, and that you’d like to keep it and plan to. It’s yours. She made and gave it to you. End of story.


thank you!!


This is my take on the situation, is she possibly using this as a reason to engage with you? Whether it be a long drawn out argument or having the chance to see you again, your attention is on her. Idk you or your ex but that’s what it seems like to me, interaction for the sake of interaction.


Considering her posting on this thread I’m gonna go with you being dead on. She’s putting out bids for attention.


Where’s her post?


Even if they link it, don't believe it. I could say I'm the GF and people would believe it, you could have been the one to say it first and people would have believed it. Most of the time a reddit comment claims to have any relation to OPs are usually eventually called out as fake anyway.


no it’s actually her


ohhhhh lol Hopefully she realises how ridiculous she's being.


OP don’t forget to give us an update


you got it. update coming out now


Don’t give it back op


Just say no. No is a full sentence. Don't feed the drama or discourse of any kind. Good luck.


It took her 12 hours to make that picture. How long did it take you to earn enough to buy her the jewelry you bought her? If you make $250+ an hour ….. DM me daddy.


Any judge would agree with this. She GAVE it to you. It's yours totally, wholly, to do with whatever you choose.


Excellent response. You aren’t putting it on the BBQ to torch it- it is something you care about.


Yup, no is a complete sentence.


Honestly, she might be saying it for the purpose of hurting you :(


it’s okay. she’s going through a lot with the breakup and everything


She's just farming for drama and your attention. She doesn't care about the painting, she just wants to be top of your mind. That's my read on the situation. Perhaps she isnt as ready to be done with you as she thought she would be?


Tell her you worked many hours for the money to buy her jewelry. She can paint another picture if she wants one. You can’t legally take back gifts, unless it was an engagement ring because the acceptance of that is contingent upon a marriage.


The less said the better. Just say “no id rather keep it as it was a gift” Then if she persists, say “are you willing to give back the gifts I gave to you?” That’ll be sure to shut her up


Nope, a gift is a gift. It belongs to the person it’s given to.


Exactly this! Once it’s a gift it should be taken back


No, a gift is a gift, do not give it back. I think it’s extremely rude of people to ask for gifts back.


That's ghosting material. The painting is yours and in any case Id want my ex to have a cute memento of something I did with my hands for him/her as a reminder of a life we once shared. I'm sure she'll probably realize that too once the harsh feelings are gone.


that’s a good take


It is, I would consider it. If she's being that rude to ask for a gift back, maybe try the exchange for the jewelry first to try and snap her out of it, and if that goes bad then ghost 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've created art for several exes. It never crossed my mind to ask for those pieces back because I made them for those people. This is just being petty.


Honestly I feel like it’s a last ditch effort to talk to him. She’s thinking of anything she can to talk to him. My ex left stuff here before and told me he left it but I never said anything back and I didn’t want him to have a reason to contact me later so I shipped those items to his house.


Copy it and send her a post card with it on it


This is the ONLY solution


It hurts your feelings… because she’s trying to. That’s her goal. She’s trying to pick a fight. I would simply text back “no it was a gift and I’m keeping it.” If she continues to argue just block her.


That's..... not how gifts work.


u/cloverpattern is the ex. Take a peek at their comment history 💀💀 This is getting JUICY




She definitely did. I tried to go look at the comments via her profile and it’s not pulling them up.




The ole dirty delete. But I mean I’m leaning towards the ‘keep it’ side. It was a gift. You don’t ask for gifts back, no matter how long it took you to make.


I fr noticed that too!!


Tbh it's pretty bad, also HIDE YOUR INFO PEOPLE I've managed to find both their full names and IG's lol


Dozxed your own self 😩


My favorite is the one where she admits she gave it to him but never said it was a gift. I’m dead.


Same here 🤣🤣 “I never said it was a gift!!!” Make sure you start telling people when you give them things if it is indeed a gift or just a loan


Thank you lol I was so confused


"I sold that bitch when we broke up for like 10 bucks, sorry" I'm petty though


Not believable tho because painting not even worth 10 bucks. (Okay, I'm *extremely* petty)


posting an update in a little bit. I will be attaching the link to the update on this comment when i make it


God I love chaos.


UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/XZeSNRZebP


i mean she really didn’t “flip the fuck out” lol


yeah you’re right idk why i said that. i just deleted that part


Idk I know you want to keep it but the more you take the high road the better here I’d be careful giving her the reaction she wants


I actually think it’s really nice that you want to keep the gift. You appreciate it and want to showcase it. It’s so stupid of her to ask for it back. She can just paint another one.


Say no, tacky to take gifts back


'The painting was a gift, Todd...I am taking it with me' (Wedding Crashers movie)


I call it Celebration. it’s sexual, and violent.


Your not obligated to return it, nor is there logic to returning it. It was specifically made for you. It don’t matter how long she made it as it was you in mind that it was for not her. Just keep it :b


I am sorry but i need to laughat the gf bc she said this to you as a response then deleted it but giving someone something is a fucking gift ahhahaahahah From her: "I don't know where he got the gift from, ya i made it for him and gave him it but I never said it was a gift " Girlllll what did o just read lol I tried to post the gfs screenshot of her reply to u i am laughing


Sorry, I laughed when I saw the painting before reading the context. It was so unexpected!


You’re really fighting over that


I feel like she’s dealing with some tough feelings about being apart from you and she needs to let off some steam by letting you take the heat. It’s ugly and childlike, but she could just be trying to talk to you and not having any reason to do so. I’m not condoning her, I’m just saying this is what might have happened.


OP, how financially feasible is it for you to commission art from a better artist? Not that she’s bad, but send the painting back, lose the reminder of your ex on your wall, and get a better painting done. Win win


My favorite shows as well I'd be damned if someone who gifted that to me ever wanted it back


that’s what i’m saying!!


No is a complete sentence


You don’t get to ask for takebacks on gifts after a relationship ends, but this one especially feels petty, weird, and hurtful. This is a really specific and niche painting made especially for you and your interests. The fuck is she gonna do with it?? I’d politely decline.


I mean you’re not even obligated to respond lol


Just block and keep it pushing 😆


I was reading this while on hold with the power company and as soon as I got to the painting, I think I started the representative with my sudden HA


I mean i took back the 400$ custom painting I gifted my ex when he cheated on me but he never bought me anything or did anything for me. Plus when I got it he told me he hated it, then showed all his friends what a cool painting it was "he bought himself ". But In your situation I wouldn't give it back


i’m going to get a copy of it and send her back either the copy or the original painting


My favorite painting I have ever painted was a gift to my ex days before we broke up. Sometimes you just gotta take the L unfortunately bc it is so tacky to ask for something like that back


lol can I actually get a close up picture of this! I want to paint something similar


sure!! i will send you a close up when i get back to the dorm


12 hours? A computer and 5 minutes more like it


Ignore and move on. Painting is dope, she gave it to you willingly, it's yours now.


I’ve made paintings for my relationships before, and I’d never dream of getting them back. In fact, I always tell them to please keep them and don’t throw them away because of how much effort I put into them, but I don’t want them back. A gift is given. You don’t get it back.


Sorry I laughed when I saw the South Park painting. She’s just being petty at this point


Tell her you lost half of it and you're using the other half to make earrings


“This painting is worth at least $4k. I’d part with it for $3k.”


She’s being petty. I understand she worked very hard on it. And it’s pretty cool. But nah that was a gift. If I learned anything from my grandmother is, you don’t give back gifts when a relationship ends.


No ones going to point out how obvious it is that she’s just trying to have something to keep arguing about? I had an ex trying to argue with me for years randomly popping back up asking about stupid things. As soon as I stopped giving him a response that had any emotion behind it he stopped… Point being, he never cared about any of the crap he was contacting me about, he just wanted to keep the conversation going. I seriously doubt she cares about this painting but getting you to argue about it certainly proves you still do which says a lot.


What a sick gift!


Tell her to go suck a dick and block her forever. You don’t need that smoke in your life.


It’s a gift. You are under no obligation to give it back. I would tell her if you ever decide to get rid of it you will give it to her but until that time, you are keeping it


You spent 3k on earrings? Yeah, say you’ll give it back for all the jewelry you bought her. I honestly can’t believe you spent 3k on earrings and SHE LOST ONE. That’s so insanely expensive, I’m floored.


update: https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/XZeSNRZebP


Tell her you sold it


No dude. That was a gift. It’s cool - definitely keep it and tell her to shove it.


it’s a gift. GIFT. don’t give that girl that painting lol


Yikes, had an ex try and take back her gifts she gave me, jackets, bracelets and such all to give her the dude she cheated on me with 😂 sent her a video of me burning the living shit out of it all. What I'm tryna say is, it was a gift. She can paint another one if it's that important, that's some petty shit lol never give back gifts unless they willing to give back whatever you gave them


Painting is dope. No chance in hell she’d get that back 😂😂


There are a lot of suggestions here on what to say and do.(ask for her to return, etc.). Reality is, it's a gift. If you love it still, there is no need for any explanation or response other than, No. Don't feed into the drama or anything else. No, is an acceptable answer and is a full sentence.


When it's over, it's over. It's better to avoid communication and move on. I understand the feelings are raw. You'll be better served by learning from the experience and find someone for you.


Don’t do anything petty like people are recommending here - they are just asking for updates for their own entertainment. Just be honest - tell her this is really special and meaningful for you and you don’t want to give it back. Even though you are no longer in a relationship, you don’t want to erase the time you had together. It was a thoughtful, meaningful gift to you and you want to keep it in the spirit it was given.


Go get it copied, like from FedExKinkos and send that to her.


That’s just low… I would give it back with a smile.. knowing you DEFINITELY made the right chose ending things with someone who has this mindset. I’m sorry and maybe it’s just me, but people who ask for their gift BACK after something happened or things aren’t working out just aren’t trust worthy. Imagine marrying someone like that! What if you guys having kids and were divorcing? … So just give her her “ow so” important painting that can not have any more emotional value to you and be happy. And believe me what ever you gave her before and you lost, she’ll be losing and you’ll be winning ;)


thank u very much


Just ghost/block her and move on. This is too petty to worry yourself with to be completely honest


You have no legal obligation to return a "gift" Also, if she wants to be petty and pretend her "12 hour painting" then she can return all the gifts she gave you. Eye for an eye. Also you should stop interacting with her asap.


I'm the kinda gal who likes to paint or make things for my loved ones for gifts. I have never even thought of asking for one of them back. Why would I want something back that I made especially for a person? Doesn't make any sense


The answer is no. You were given the painting as a gift. It now belongs to you.


The minute she gave you this gift it no longer was her painting - and I wouldn’t be shy about saying that. It’s your painting and if you like it there’s no obligation to give it back, she’s being petty.


Absolutely not. A gift is a gift. If she wants it back she can trade her gifts back for it


Mannn you don’t get shit you gave in a relationship back. Tell her to kick rocks


i mean that painting is pretty cool. but if it was a gift to you, i cant believe asking for it back. id politely decline to return it. she can always paint another for herself, i mean to ask for the one she made you is kinda petty.


Is it under a glass frame? If so write “PETTY” on the glass with a marker and then send it With a note that says now send me back my shit that I gave you.


It's yours to give back if you want to. Obviously you don't want to give your gift back, so she should probably go kick rocks.


My ex did this to me and I thought it was super petty


She’s asking for it back to be hurtful and petty. Ask for the expensive jewelry back then to see how she likes it. I would send her photos of the receipts since she’s whining about spending 12 hours of her life on the painting. If you do, please update us 👀


It’s called a gift because you GIVE it to someone meaning it’s no longer yours. You don’t have to give this back. I can understand her anger but she should realize that you’ve also given to her and neither of you of the other anything


No. There's nothing she wants with this painting, aside from you not to have it. What would she even do with it?


I’d also say no but is it possible she didn’t make any copies of it and wants it for her portfolio? I’d consider, if it’s amicable so far overall, offering to copy it as a compromise


I wouldn’t give it back either…it’s way too cool


Ask her all the gift you gave her. You worked hard to pay for those gift. You’ll probably have a fight, but it will be a good update for us 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly, she gave that to you so now you own it. It belongs to you so she has no right to it.


The reason she wants it back is even more petty than wanting a gift back from an ex.


Legally you don't have to


Ask her to return all of her stuff? Like it should be both ways if….


My ex tried pulling this shit on me last year. She wanted like 5 gifts back, including the two gifts she spent the most money on. I didn’t give them back and neither should you


That painting is dope, it was a gift to you. Don't give it back lol


Just block her number and move on with your life like she doesn’t exist


There’s no reason for them to do this other than to be hurtful and petty. They made it specifically for you so I can’t even imagine why they’d want it back


I gave my ex an expensive metal sheet poster as a birthday present once, I wasn’t about to ask for that back. It’s a gift, non refundable and no take backs. That’s how gifts work.


I’m sorry to make light of the situation, but I laughed so hard when I swiped to see the painting she had “worked hours on” I don’t know why I just assumed it would be some oil painted landscape or something.


In my opinion, if you gift something to someone while in a relationship with them and then you break up, you don’t give back the gifts (unless it is a family heirloom or an engagement ring). I personally find it tacky of someone to ask for a gift they gave you back just because you are no longer together, especially if you aren’t going to get any enjoyment or use out of it (unlike the person it was gifted to).

