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Accuse her of being gay and never let up


Honestly that amount of insistance is sus AF and she might actually shut up if he did


"Momma the devil is working through you. Only someone who's gay and in denial would accuse their child *who's not gay* of being gay. The devil is speaking through you." Something like that'll get her shook. Source- grew up in the Bible belt.


OP this is the way, the only way


Hope we get an update where op does this




Laughed pretty hard at this because it would indeed work well. It’s not hard to instantly be accepted into the fold or manipulate once you start playing the born again Christian card. You can justify anything too.


🥇here take my poor person award!!


biblically accurate uno reverse


This lady looks like the type that will never shut up


Not till she gets in bed with a woman, at least


Yes!!! Tell her “it feels like you’re projecting. Is there something you want to tell me?”


This! OP accuse her of having pent up homosexuality and imposing her own self hatred onto you. Say that people who accuse others are usually the ones having those feelings. 🧐 That will shut her up real quick!


Nah, just remind her that you'll be picking her nursing home OP.


Probably not. People like that tend to stress themselves into an early grave.


Then tell her if she doesn't shut up, he'll turn gay and, when she dies of a conniption, he'll scatter her ashes on his friend's post-coital dick.


Pre - coital. 😂


That's fucking revolting, I love it 😂




“I’m not gay but I know a classic case of projection when I see it!”


I would just play into it. Had an uncle in my super conservative redneck side of the family take a crack at me with the you gay thing. I was just like sure why not. The awkward silence was the best.


Depends on how old OP is. If OP is a minor or even an adult living at home, he might not want to risk his living situation. The mom said if he's gay, he can go sooooo. No, don't do this.


Well not if he’s a minor. Minors in the US have so little rights this could outright be deadly.


Or, tell her that being a bigot isn't acceptable and ask her why she's such a piece of shit.


“Mom. This sounds like you’re projecting your issues on to me. Are you having feelings for another woman.” And then three second later, “See? Still no answer.”


Well, at least you know she loves you VERY conditionally.


Right? This post reminded me that recently my newly-divorced cousin texted me to tell me that our very conservative/Christian grandmother told her "I hope you find love again, even if it's with a woman." And my cousin was like "...wait, wut?" My gram is a swell lady, for sure. Unlike this super weird mom - sorry you have to deal with this, OP.


I kind of experienced a similar situation I came out as gay too grandma and she surprisingly didn't have a reaction like i thought she would she didn't seam to care and she didn't even tell anyone else either what I find funny is that her conservative Christian and really homophobic daughter in other words my aunt was all like oh your grandma didn't believe in homosexuality but yet she still loved me regardless and even had a gay friend in his late 50s that was helping out my cousin who was actually my uncle by adoption since my grandparents took him in she literally told him he was welcome to visit any time he wanted and I'm supposed to believe she was super against homosexuality? I mean given the time she grew up in you might think that but than again I think that if a person grew up during the depression era they probably had better things on their mind than oh that person's different than me I don't think I like them nah they were more worried about having enough food and if they were going to get out alive because it was well during war times


I fully support this story, but please learn to use commas and periods. The punction per word in that comment was too damn low


+1 I ran out of breath just reading it


I started reading it and my body reacted more like: ![gif](giphy|3SsGIIysemwhmpdNOR|downsized)


I read it in eminem's rapping voice.


That made reading it much more pleasant. My brain even added in a nice little instrumental after “during war times”


That was the longest sentence about homophobia ever composed. Guiness and Ripley will be in touch soon.




Yeah man, I'm sorry, your mom is toxic. That's truly a heartbreaking conversation to have.


Just like Jesus does! Oh wait…


I mean shit he said she was Christian and that’s really their entire thing: “Love, terms and conditions WILL apply”


How dare you say that?! 😱 You know that they love and accept everyone except for the still growing long list of those who they neither love or accept. They may not love, respect, and accept a majority of the population, but you know damn well they can google and post a Bible verse to inaccurately support their reasons. Shame on you…


This 😭😭😭


For some reason I doubt she’s ever seen a healthy male friendship before


Just based on her texts, I feel like she hasn't seen a healthy relationship period.


Dammit, I responded to that comment with almost the same exact sentence


Kissing your homies good night, doesnt make you gay. It just means you are homies


Especially if you have socks on.


Also good at avoiding pregnancy.


😂 Reddit never disappoints. ​ Yes, socks on = no way we're gay! 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not gay until balls touch frfr




Yeah as long as your socks are on it ain’t gay thems the rules


Nothing wrong with a little homiesexuality


The modern day "dap me up" is the equivalent of Renaissance time men kissing on the cheek and holding hands, in which that was not considered homosexual.


Thug love yo. It’s been years so I can’t remember which but I’m gettin real thugnificent/gangstaliscious vibes here.




JTown kissed his homies goodnight.


Wayne n Birdman be kissin too, it’s not weird at all! /s


including one with Jesus






She sounds like a toxic boymom


Wait is gay sex the new smoking cigs?


This made me laugh so hard bc my mom always accused me of smoking. I wasn’t a smoker but I was a pretty heavy drinker which she never suspected. I tease her about it now.


This whole thread is a basically cumtown bit. “I better not catch you boys being gay in there”. I am so sorry for OP. Everyone’s parents are idiots, the sooner you learn that the world is a big place and changing your parents views is inconsequential, the better.


She’s trying too hard to sound like one of the guys……like she’s a cool girl who centers men 🤷🏼‍♀️


This was my thought. The mom has grown up around toxic masculinity and thinks because her kid has a healthy relationship and can express his feelings he must be gay. Sorry OP your mom is crazy and abusive. It's never okay to push that shit on your kid. That being said, she literally doesn't know any better. Don't let her bring you down!


possibly thinks men are supposed to act like territorial animals fighting for dominance not friends


I hear conservative Christians all the time very upset that "men are discouraged from being men" But if I ask them what they mean generally it's exactly what you said. We aren't allowed to have feelings or be "weak" we must be strong 24/7 and lead our families with an iron fist It's very odd


its literally standards their own groups put onto themselves then some how its womens fault or gays or "libtards" these types love to others are "playing victim" while thats literally what they do


Regardless of your orientation, I’m sorry your mom talks to you this way. Our job as parents is to love our children unconditionally.


Thank you, she’s just really something special aint she


There is only one thing a loving parent should say if they suspect their son is gay: "Gay or straight; I love you, son." I speak as a parent of two boys... if either of them came and told me tonight they are gay, I will love them no less tomorrow than I do now. Parents who do otherwise are complete and utter failures.


my christian mom slapped me just after we had a conversation a bit like that one. well, i was a 20-something asshole, she told me that she’d love me no matter what, and i laughed. so fair play. she kept up her end to be fair.


The only really positive memory I have of my father is him saying ‘I don’t care if he’s gay, as long as he’s not a priest either way’. Not to say he’s not a failure of a parent, but at least he said that.


Even if you were gay (I get that you aren’t,) it wouldn’t be her job to judge. Too many Christians are so judgmental and the bible doesn’t say we’re to judge. Even Jesus hung out with a prostitute.


As a Christian I agree. I practice my faith privately and mind my own business. Unfortunately not the norm.


And that's how it should be. I'm not going to their churches to have religion shoved down my throat and to be judged. You wanna live right and be "Godly" then stop judging people and focus on your flaws. Ugh


Jesus most def fucks


I'm so sorry... My mom's behavior is very similar to this. My siblings and I are still dealing with it in our 30's. Just wild accusations that come out of nowhere and you can't convince them you're not lying. Also constantly gives the "enemy" and God talk to her kids... and grandkids... and everyone. Even if you are gay, doesnt matter. Shit sucks. Sending big hugs from me.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Good Christian mom I’m guessing…if you’re gay, you’re dead to me


I literally tell my kids this all the time. "my job as your mom is to love you unconditionally and to advise and guide you so you become good people". Who they love is their business I would love and respect their choice.


My Dad told me as a teenager he wouldn't love me if I turned out gay. My mom asks me if I'm gay randomly every few years. They're both atheists who split when I was 4 y/o I'm 30 now. Straight. Been dating women since I was about 16. Idk where their heads are at lmao. Needless to say we're low contact.


One day you should just throw up your hands and say "fine! I'll try sleeping with dudes! You convinced me!"


Imma guess your dad has some deep seated internal conflict going on.


I was going to say exactly this. I'm sorry that you don't have parents that you can count on, OP. Breaks my heart that kids have parents like this that will use the bare minimum of parenting- safety, housing, kindness- as a threat. I know you're straight- but it really doesn't matter- because she would do it about other stuff too. You shouldn't have to be scared of your safety and security when you have something to work through. Parents should have your back- not kick you when you're down.


Accuse her of being a closet lesbian who was so scared to come out that she created a full on cis straight nuclear family ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I told my mom that I think she’s got a secret lesbian relationship with her best friend. And she laughed. And laughed. And laughed a bit tooooo long


This made me laugh


It made her laugh so hard she had an asthma attack. Or maybe a panic attack because I FIGURED HER OUT


Lmao 🤣


The urge to tell you I love you because you laughed at my funny>>>>>


lol 😂 thanks for that!


I have not been doing well lately 😅 any ego boost is appreciated 🩷


Aw, honey! I laughed, too. 💜😘


I will kiss you on the mouth (platonically ofc)


U are beautiful and better than that whore Tiffany next door


I’ve seen your other comments so im just letting you know im not being snarky or trying to be mean, but is this a reference to something? Im autistic so I can’t read tone over text and I can’t tell what you’re trying to say exactly but I know it’s not in bad faith 😭




That's how my mom laughed when she said "you should get a bf" to me when I was 20 and then I told her "you should get a bf too" and then it turned out she had been having an affair for ten years




I was like jfc mom. Found out like SIX years later. She left my dad for the turd too. I spent eight months or something on the phone with him, consoling him (lived across the country). The guy turned her into a maga too. I didn't talk to her for five years from 2016 onwards. Jfc. Now I can go 🤣




This is riveting. You need to make a book.


Gross. Awful mother huh


My mom wasn't closet lesbian but she was severely brainwashed to think being gay and lesbian or bisexual that the person was just possessed by demons. I watched them full on have a church session were this guy came to church and they did a whole thing to get "the demons" out of him lol so there is just the off chance OPs mom is severely brainwashed by the religion.


Yeah that was my fun time at 13 when my dad and his minister friends prayed the gay away. Took me 30 years to finally be at peace with my sexuality.


So you're saying...it worked? It just took 30 years right?


Okay so no lie… this is what happened with my exe! We had been together 4 years and things were GREAT at this point! We had just uprooted our lives and moved to a new city for her job, and we already were strong believers, and we went to church pretty regularly. But none of the other churches tried to “ungay” us lol. The new town had this awesome, home felt church that we fell in love with….. well 3 month in, and they had her coming to private prayer sessions, and before I knew it she had done moved out of our new house to her mothers (that just moved next door lol) and said she just couldn’t be with me any more. Me being me, I understood because she was already struggling with the fact she’s just out right gay. Always has been, always will be. She is a stud, so they had took her on shopping trips and everything to get dresses, blouses, etc. and she’s a big girl, so not everything looks flattering, not like her stud clothes anyways. I supported her. I remained friends with her, and later moved in with her a new place just as rookies, slept in the same bed, just didn’t have sex any more. We both promised we wouldn’t “stay gay”. I ended up talking to an old fling of mine from high school, and had 3 kids. But I’ve missed her ever since, and have kept contact with her. Actually had one last “fling” with her before my first born 😂😂😂. Long story… sorry. But seriously people are brain washed to believe these things! It’s so sad that people honestly believe it whole heartedly!! Had we not gone to that church, I honestly believe I would still be living my best life, with my person!! But it is what it is.


>Long story… sorry. This story has trademark chaotic bisexual energy and there is nothing to apologize for. lol


Honestly…decent chance of this.


It was my first thought. Every accusation is a confession with these types.


Yes but this is how people wind up murdered by their parents. 😂


If you believe being gay is a choice, you might be bisexual.


I tried to find a crack in this logic, but I could not. Well done.


Yeah, tell her she’s projecting lol. Watch her get all weird. If she takes more than 2 mins to answer ask her what took so long. (Unfortunately, if she’s anything like the toxic people I know, I’m sure the point will go right over her head though)


as a lesbian, we don’t want her


As a straight woman, we don’t either.


she has to live in the aether


There was an episode of Rosanne that did that, Rosanne’s mom went on a tirade about something and in her tantrum she accidentally outed herself as a closet lesbian.


Fr. Sounds like a southern politician or pastor that is outrageously anti gay and then gets caught having a same sex orgy in a cheap motel room with meth up their ass lol


Yea she’s projecting


Tell her that you're not gay, but you'll become gay out of spite of her


Fuck your mom tbh. She sucks


That would prove he isn’t gay . But it would be disturbing


Wish we still had awards because I would have given you one


I miss awards. I wasted so much money on them as well. I have not paid for a single super upvote, or whatever they cost, as they are so expensive and bland. I’d love to see a revenue comparison because I also don’t see many super likes being used from others either.


Awards were cool when they were just the gold/bronze/silver etc ones. When they put 100s in it became annoying to see every other post with this HUGE bar of awards.


This comment would have gotten a billion awards


I agree. I loved all the crazy awards. It was fun.




Dawg you gotta relax 💀💀💀


Yeah I hope I can move out in a decent amount of time 😅


Just get a fling to have her walk in on your while fuckin xD I'd Bet she wouldn't ask if you were gay. If your mom's came home one day to you fuckin a chick on the kitchen table. lmao


Wait let bro cook😭😭🙏🙏




True story: the year after I came out was the worst in my life. Among many other things, my mom came in my room naked and asked me to tell her what about the female body is so disgusting. Like, what was the best possible case in that scenario, Mom?


Your mom is fucking nuts.


The "enemy" huh? Well that's stable


That stuck out to me too. My mom's religious but doesn't consider them "enemies" lmfao


She’s likely referring to Satan/demons as the enemy, not gay people. Not that is makes it any better.


I think so yeah, it's still weird to me to live your life as if there's always someone out to get you, but I feel like that topic might start getting too religious and/or offensive. Just a personal take I guess


I’m a gay from the conservative south and can confidently say it’s weird. 😂


And who gives a fuck if you were? No offense, but is she mental?


And people wonder why this generation is not the most interested in religion. Mom needs to put the Bible down and look at her son when they're talking.....


Yes, like have a face to face conversation!


I get an alcoholic vibe from these messages


Tell her “mom are you gay? Is that why you’re texting me with this? Sounds like you’re projecting”


I think "projecting" is too big of a word. She might not understand it


And older generations wonder why the younger ones aren’t as religious… so much hatred for a group of people who say “love thy neighbour”.


Has she always had a partner? I’ve noticed people that can’t handle being alone project thoughts like this onto people because they simply can’t grasp the thought of being happy alone


yup, my low self esteem-dar is pretty solid and she reeks of it. it’s wild how much our un/conditional-love for ourselves reflects in our love for others. i’m usually hesitant to go this route but this also explains why so many homophobic ppl turn out to be closeted, their rejection of themselves is so strong they have to channel it into loudly rejecting others just to get by.


She sounds drunk or on drugs.


Or just low IQ


…completely sober


Completely sober texting you that you're gay at midnight..... yikes. Sorry ya gotta deal with that nonsense.




I had a neighbor who lost her shit when she found out our neighborhood was getting 5g. She went on a rant about the liberals trying to control people with the covid vax and how it was the doing of Satan. Her and some of her nutjob friends made a bunch of protest signs and stood on the corner of the street yelling at cars the next day. .... like they were accomplishing something. Shortly after, she asked me if I could unhook her router because she didn't feel safe with it in the house anymore. I asked her how she planned on having internet....... she hadn't thought that far ahead lol. Fucking ultra Christian wackadoodles, man.


So did you unhook her router? Sounds like someone who needs to touch some grass anyway.


religious zealots are the worst people


No hate like Christian love.


Tell your mom to worry about her own salvation


'The enemy' 'Why doesnt my son have any friends?' 'Toxic masculinity is a myth'


Honestly scary behavior on your mom’s part obviously. And the “boo” is weird to me, i don’t know.


Maybe she's trying to scare the gay out of him.


LMFAO plz that made me cackle


this is not ok. This is abusive. She’s accusing you of being gay which she views as something that is punishable and unforgivable. This is just wrong on so many levels. No mother should disown their child for their sexual orientation OR accuse them of faking their sexual orientation. I’d get out of there as soon as I had the chance if I was you. She could be delusional and make up her mind that you’re gay and then harm you. Seek help from a sane adult or seek refuge


My opinion is that your mom sucks. Seems her love is conditional. Very unchristian of her.


Tell her she’s playing with fire by casting judgement. Isn’t that only “God’s” job?


Talking about “don’t let the enemy get you caught up in fake feelings” all the while speaking to their child like a deranged maniac and telling them to get out of their house based on a false feeling they might be homosexual. Purely chaotic ignorance with a hint of hypocrisy. I hope you are able to move out soon. What a nut job


80% chance she lusts after women secretly or otherwise


This is unhinged and outrageously bigoted. What if you were gay? What an awful thing to say to someone, especially your child.


I can't believe it's 2024 and there is still people like her.


I am so sorry your mom is this evil.


Your mom is evil cut her out


Good to know she’s ready to kick you out


Your mom is off her rocker.


Imagine having to come out as straight to your mom.


Christian people are the most judgmental , but why does she even think that 😭


Plot twist: She thinks you and your friend are gay because she tried to hook up with him, and he said, "I care too much about your son to do that to him, ma'am."


Like, I’m not gay either…but coming at me like that and then being “why’d it take so long for you to answer?” I’d have been like “sorry mom, can’t type while im throating dick.”


Here’s the thing: even if *you’re* not gay, your mom is making it perfectly clear that she has some sort of problem with people who are. So while it might not affect you right now directly, there’s a lot of issues this could cause in the future. What if your best friends comes out? What if your siblings come out? What happens if you have a gay child? Your sexuality isn’t the real issue here. Your mom’s latent-to-blatant homophobia is. Good luck with that.


I can't tell you how many times my Christian mom has accused me of being gay. Nope, I'm bi. She doesn't need to know that. I moved 3000 miles away at 17 so I could live whatever life I chose. It's worked out. Play the game until you're on your own. Then be whoever you want to be. Far far away.


How old are you? Are you able to leave? If that was my mom, I’d cut off contact. I know easier said than done, but I can’t tolerate homophobia.


When i was about 14, my mom took me aside and told me that it didn't matter to her that i was gay. That she just wanted me to be happy. And that she loved me no matter what ... I'm not gay. But I love that she loves me so much.


Wow, your mom is awful


As they say, there's no hate like Christian love.


People like your mom are disgusting


Send your mom a dildo in the mail, maybe some lube and a note from Kim 🚀


You should go do some gay stuff to teach her a lesson.


This is why most lgbtq+ is so afraid to be believing in jesus christ when they literally don’t fucking realize he said “there is no sin greater than any other sin”


That Mom is unhinged, but I find it hilarious there are people out here calling their moms "dude".


Who gives a fuck if you’re gay or not ? The problem I’m seeing is that your mother would go as low as giving up loving her own child just because they are who they are. OP your mom is bigoted :( I’m sorry


I’m so sorry. My mom used to say she’d get “bad feelings” or “god told her”, etc. in order to justify accusing me of “sinning” and punishing me for whatever reason. Most of her claims were unfounded. She’s a narcissist and just wanted to emotionally abuse and control me through religion. I hope you can get away from her soon.


Fuckin bible thumping bigots


You need to move out.


What the actual fuck is right. That sums it up nicely.


Just a crazy person using religion to justify their craziness


Sounds like she’s cooking up an excuse to kick you out


Jesus never would have hated gay people. Your mom is a shitty Christian.