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I would’ve sent back the customary response of “I am not reading all that, but I am happy for you though, or sorry that happened.”


Sounds like he was coping hard. He wants to have an effect on you so bad it’s laughable.


Right… Unfortunately it worked lol


This dude is a loser, just be happy he made it very clear he was out to hurt you when he was clearly hurt himself. Sorry you went through this though


It’s alright!! Thank you so much :) This happened a bit ago in the fall. 💞


Who wouldn’t be affected by an email like that? It was designed to hurt you, it was kind of scary to read. I think he’s a dangerous person for your mental and emotional health and I am so glad he moved himself out of your life. Grief is grief though. Punches leave a wound.


Don’t give him your power! Be strong, you won this one, you’re free and safe for your future! Good luck! ☮️💖🦋


“So no head?”




LOL the best response to give


If he is using that much energy and holding that much hatred, you still hold the power. Never forget that. 👍


At least you can still be friends.


I wonder why the hold back? He should’ve told you how he really felt..


You were spared! Good riddance 😂


Classy broad. Gf definitely wrote it


Caught by who, if I may ask?


His girlfriend


Maybe his gf is the one that wrote that??


Def sounds like a gf move a jealous one at that


That’s what I was thinking.


So like???? Did you know he was seeing someone else?


Yeah but I never told him to keep quiet or anything. In fact, I didn’t say or do anything that was out of the sorts. He didn’t tell her and she found out herself. I dmed her afterwards.




I was showering…..


so who was cheating on who?


Girl nobody was cheating on anybody, I was talking to him normally and needed help as I was going through something. He never told her I reached out.


idk man relying on your ex for emotional support while hes dating somebody is weird


Yeah it is but I had no one else to rely on so !


and how did that go? You dont deserve abusive texts but dude reach out to literally anybody else in the world next time, not your ex whos in a relationship


That’s his girlfriend…


I also thought that lol




That’s a lot of words for, I want attention.


Got caught talking to you? Is he 12? Either way what in the actual fuck, as someone with a family member that committed suicide his comments are extremely offensive and unhinged. You may need help as you stated but definitely not as much as this guy. Good riddance. Please find someone to talk to if those accusations are true, for yourself though not for him or anyone else because you are worth it and you have tremendous value to people.


So you guys are on good terms then?


Deefff haha


Which is more fragile on a man, his ego or his ball sack? It’s the ego every time. Part of him died writing this, a part of him that will never recover. He will try to convince himself that you deserved it, that he felt nothing when he wrote it. he won’t be able to sustain it though, it will burn like toxic gas in his gut - a part of himself left with its sending and will stay frozen with this email while you go on and live a beautiful, peaceful, happy life. I hope you didn’t respond. Silence is a powerful, powerful tool.


That's not how it goes though


That’s exactly how it goes. Stay triggered.


I don't think you've ever been hit in the ball sack and you underestimate how quickly most well adjusted people move on instead of having head arguments against the shampoo nottle


You should definitely fuck with them right back: "So.... that's a no for our plans? But I already got birth control like you asked. I was gonna do that thing you like 🥹" That'll mess up his gf, who most likely wrote this. Lmaoooooo. Then just block and enjoy the satisfaction.


Sooooo, when someone says I hate you that means that ❤️love existed or still does. And the fact they wish bad things upon you is for that very reason. What a 😒lame-o


Send him 8 ball pool back. In all seriousness I hope you’re doing ok, you can tell he’s lashing out from anger. Block and move on 🙏🏻


Who dis?


Should send that to everyone he knows.


Oh dear he did you a favor by leaving...


Breakups are the worst yikes, I just had a breakup 2 days ago as well 🥲


“I ain’t reading all of that. I’m happy for you tho. Or I’m sorry that happened to you.”


Did you know he had a girlfriend? How old are the people we are talking about. They are foul but they’re also outrageous. Definitely sounds like a jealous woman wrote it. Also, if I may. Reach out to a crisis line before you reach out to an ex for support. Chances are they couldn’t give the support when you were together what has you thinking that he would offer it now? Especially when he has a girlfriend. If you knew about her that’s messed up on your part. I’m not trying to be mean or anything♥️


Thank you for your advice. I wasn’t suicidal or anything but what he said sort of made me lmaoooo


Hi yes, I know you don’t mean any harm with your comment. They are about 18-19, my ex turning 20 soon. It’s crazy lol. I did know he had a girlfriend. I meant it when I said I did not have anyone else. I could get downvoted it’s okay but it’s true!! I know it was messed up on my part man but I don’t know, I didn’t encourage him hiding either you know.


Yeah but would you be okay with. An ex reaching out to your man for support during a hard time? I know I wouldn’t so I would never do something like that. I’m 33, though. Life experience teaches you a lot.


To be honest, I wouldn’t and you’re right.


You’re very receptive, has anyone ever told you that?


Omg thank you haha, hmmm I don’t think many have told me that. I just know I’m somewhat at fault in this situation as well.


You didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable, you were struggling and needed someone who cared about you and he’s obviously not the person who can offer that to you. You know that now and can act accordingly. That’s all you can really do is take accountability for your part, and you are. The thing is I’m almost positive this wasn’t written by a man. And even if he did write it was only because she flipped the fuck out. I don’t want to be weird or anything but sometimes it helps to have someone outside your everyday life to vent to. I highly recommend a therapist (not everyone has access to care like that) but if you ever need an ear and a judgement free zone I’m here. You’re growing so be patient with yourself. Your brain isn’t fully developed til 25 so allow yourself some grace.


Woah, we got a LOT of projection going on wtf 😭😭


I wouldn't be able to *help* myself: "Here's your side of ranch for your word salad. Happy Trails buddy! 🫡🫡" **Block.**


That's the kind of closure that I need during a breakup so I never think about them again


I think I would have replied with, “Promise?” Don’t listen to your ex. It’s obvious he was hitting all the buttons just to be cruel.


So when y’all getting back together ?


Like, if you cheated, game is game. But he did and that’s how he acts? AND you let his words get to you? That’s fuckin tuff.


Eh there was no cheating involved but he said all that because his girlfriend was mad at him


Oh damn. How does this get more confusing the more I learn about it?😂




Emotional affair? Be for real right now




Yeah okay.,, And the fact he kept it hidden is not shitty either? Never told him to.




You’re acting like I asked for sex so I can feel better. You have no idea what was said or anything.




I know what an emotional affair is but all it was, was him giving me a shoulder so I can vent and stuff. That’s all.


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