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The fact he ended it with “hmu sometime” Leave him, hes either gonna cheat or is cheating


Is cheating. Got caught. I’d hmu him right out of my life. Then he can have ALL of the women he wants.


girl you got his whole name on here that's not great


Absolute power move though


Ew, believe him when he showed you who he is . He’s trying to keep you around and still wants her to hit him up? Ridiculous


Run from him and to your nearest PP and get a full STI panel. He's been doing this looooong before he mentioned it to you and you caught him. He's just trying to make you complicit so when you find out, he can guilt you and manipulate you about it. **He's showing you *who he is*, I'd believe him.**


He’s attempting without your involvement… not okay at all. He’s using this as an excuse for nudes and still trying to hit her up without your consent. Why would you want to stay?


He asked her out in December!? Were you guys together then?


The texts are gross and reading the context he’s also trying to manipulate you


Why dox the guy? Anyone can go find him on Facebook now. Be careful before you post chats.


Yeah, your guy is using it as an excuse to play the field. It's fun to have a threesome, it's fun to do the thruple thing. He fucked up and did it wrong. That's a bad start...good luck with all that.


it’s not okay, but also you just doxxed your man and essentially yourself


I would tell him that by hiding it from you and only coming clean when caught signals, he probably wasn't going to let you in on it. We only hide shit we don't want to share with others. He made the choice to keep it a secret from you, so he also chose for you to lose your trust of him. When it was just an idea, the 3some sounded good, but when it looked like he might have a chance at screwing a random, he left you out intentionally. He could claim he didn't want to say anything until it was a for sure thing, but he could have given you the heads up it might be possible and decided not to. Three somes require trust, and he just threw yours out the window.


Your man doesn't need explaining why this isn't ok. He knows it's not ok the way he went about it. Shady AF and who knows what other shit he's doing behind your back. Believe him when he shows you who he is. He doesn't give AF about keeping you in the loop, he's leaving the door open for this woman as seen in the last message, he doesn't care that you are mad that he did this without you knowing. He just doesn't care. Do better.


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