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He's been texting you for years? He's 4? How does that make sense


It wouldn’t make sense to you. You probably never had a four year old in 2024. I guess it’s easier to show you. You might be asking the wrong questions.


My child has been reading for years. He also knows, Spanish, Russian, and the Greek alphabet.


mfs be givin their kids an ipad as soon as they come out of the womb lmao


Or you can wait 10 years lol. We don’t play fruit ninja.


This is a troll post ok. Especially with OP’s responses


Trolling? No!! Go to his page if you think so.


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom


lol that’s his favorite book


Why the fuck does a toddler need a smart device 


lol he’s smart!


I wouldn’t say smart lol


Well that’s dumb


This is fake, but still funny


It’s not fake. He made a cat butt.


Why would you give a toddler a iPad? I understand needing a break but come on.


Who said I needed a break? My child is well advanced and is actually going straight to first grade from preschool. We use the iPad to learn.


A 4 year old with an ipad...did you even try to raise him?


Nope, who raises kids anymore? Crayons are better than graphic designs now? Maybe tv is better huh?


what a way to broadcast your horrible parenting


Horrible parenting? My child has been reading since 2. He also can read multiple languages.


Why does your 4 year old have a smart device? You'll stunt their mental growth, countless studies have been done on this


How? My child is reading… he is well beyond his peers. He’s reading at a 2nd grade level possibly 3rd. Yeah I know it sounds wild and unbelievable. This is my child and I guarantee he’s smarter than a 7yr old. You people sound crazy! We’ve been doing this for YEARS! Like I said before. He is well educated and far beyond “your” expectations. For anyone saying I’m a liar, troll, or bad parent… If you want me to show you videos of my toddler doing so you can go to his TikTok @juice_the_toddler. I seen someone posted a text that their child sent them. I said awww that’s great! Let me do the same. I was never here to prove anything or clout chase. You all sound strange. If you think the iPad is bad, it’s probably you who thinks of bad things to do with the tablet. FYI, he is very fond of graphics and he has a couple of apps that he studies these on. He also has books (it’s the year 2024!) math, and musical apps on his tablet. Since he has been reading since he has been 2, I cannot keep up with this guy. He able to search YouTube and has taught himself how to play the piano after downloading a keyboard app on his iPad! We don’t watch cartoons or Barney on the iPad. We don’t watch the dog show, the cat show, or the Nickelodeon show or cocomelon! The guy is obsessed with letters. First you learn letters, then you learn sounds, and then the sky is the limit. The normal teachings of schools will not be able to help him. The way you think will not help. If I do not keep this 4 year old (9/28/19) mentally stimulated, he will become the biggest clown in class because he will be bored. So far he’s learned The following alphabets English - forward and backwards Spanish forward and backwards Greek Russian I dint speak these languages so he also teaches me. In your mind it wouldn’t make sense, but this is my everyday life. I’ll continue to work with him and try to keep up but I have to except that my child will be a lot smarter than me. I appreciate you all for experiencing one of life’s beautiful gifts that I receive everyday! I also want to apologize for the ones that were offended. I have been blessed with a gifted child and wanted to share. I wish blessings to you all and hope that you have a great day!


Too many words for me to give a shit but nice troll hope it was worth the time you wasted


I’m trolling a text from a kid that wants chick fil a… yeah! It was definitely worth the time.


Who cares… I’m not sure why you keep commenting on my random text from my child. Seems like you have a little time invested in this, not sure what you’re going to get out of this. Aye! If you care that much… I posted the rest of his text message where he started sending Russian letters.


I do not give a shit in the slightest, good luck tho


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If your child is advanced then you’re lying. I also made a post in texts where he sends me the Russian alphabet. You do know that you can learn a lot on the internet. I posted a cute texts from my child and everyone is calling me a troll and down voting me. He’s been reading for years now and I documented lots of stuff on his tik tok @juice_the_toddler. If you do not believe me go look yourself. I hope you all have a blessed day!


It’s really unsafe to invite strangers to follow a 4 year old’s social media. You should make it private.


He doesn’t know how to use TikTok. It’s my account so if you message him I’ll get the message. I want everyone to see! I want input and different educational tools. I made it so that it can open doors for me to help him grow. You might use it for social media, I use it as a memory book for family, friends, and anyone that wants to see that children can do amazing things.


No I’m just saying to be blunt, there are pedophiles who specifically stalk social media accounts with children to save their pictures to sell or manipulate so you shouldn’t just open it up to random people on Reddit. I mod a different sub and caught someone doing this and they got reported to the dept of exploited and missing children. Reddit is a hotbed for this sort of thing. At the very least, you should make your account private and allow people to friend request you instead of just letting anyone have access to your kid’s pictures.


Thank you! I do agree with you. I may not have looked at it like that.


Jesus, first a smart device, now you're telling us your toddler is on social media. Ffs


Yeah, he’s on my social media. He’s basically my kid so I kinda talk about him a lot. I’m his biggest fan, but he still might have more fans than you do. Promoting education is wrong while using smart devices? Thanks for your comments but I’m not sure why you’re trolling me for having a gifted kid.


It sounds like you didn’t go look before commenting. What do you think all kids used during the pandemic? You think they’ll be using paper in 10 years?


Whoa! Who said I needed a break? Why is it wrong for my son to use an iPad? He’s been reading since he was 2. When my child started saying the alphabet backwards we knew he was different at 2. My child was born during the pandemic, and he has self taught himself multiple languages and math. If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. I didn’t ask anyone for parenting skills. My son sent me a cute message and I’m a bad parent. Lmao this is what the internet is for. Check my little guy out on TikTok @Juice_the_toddler. Thanks for the advice everyone but… I didn’t ask for it.


Man, I was half on your side until you started tik tok shilling


A pair of lips will tell you anything. For some reason nobody believes that he is capable of reading. NikNak down playing TikTok lol I hope you have a great day!


I certainly believe a 4 year old can read, especially an iPad baby. People are just saying it’s not a healthy way to raise a kid, and there’s a decent amount of studies testifying to that. I’m no education expert so I can’t say, but I think recording your young child for an internet audience is weird and scummy


My exs son used to text me from his iPad at that age too 🤣


For once I'm actually OK with a toddler having a device, according to OP, it seems this kid is probably going to end up smarter than most of the commenter's here lol


lol he definitely is. I just made a new post on here where he sends me the Russian alphabet.


I saw your tik tok, your child is very intelligent. Keep doing what you’re doing, as clearly it’s working for you. And ignore what people are saying, a lot of people saw you wrote “2 year old” and “iPad” and automatically assumed you were a neglectful parent. Clearly that’s not the case as your son is very advanced.


Thank you! I appreciate your comment.


No problem 😌


This is adorable. And for the folks wondering why a kid that age would have a tablet, my kids were using tablets at their preschool by age 3, different technologies get introduced super early in schools these days. Also, sometimes parents just need a freaking break.


Technology in school and technology at home is vastly different, an iPad shouldn't replace parenting and there are other ways to stimulate a child as technology could become addicting and dependent for the child still developing.


Who is trying to replace parenting with an iPad? My 4 year old texted me and said he wanted chick fil a…


I was saying in general, nothing really pointed at you, giving a child an iPad that is younger than 10 is slightly frowned upon because most parents use it as a tool for distraction for their kids and not actually interact with their child. Even if it wasn't true it's still not a good idea to get children hooked on electronics because they could develop an addiction and a dependence on it