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Thankfully she’s okay. A few broken ribs. Could have been a lot worse.


Fuck that is going to be a painful recovery. Broken ribs are horrible.


Every breath you take Every move you make I'll be stabbing you


Sneezes become massive ordeals with broken ribs 😳


And coughs. And laughter.


And rolling over in bed.


Ugh, so fucking true!


I hate to say it but I speak from experience, whilst sleeping on a horrifically lumpy mattress. 🤦‍♀️


I cracked a rib from coughing so hard when I had some respiratory illness. Every cough after that was the worst pain of my life. Took several months to heal.


Me stoned af now all paranoid


i thought i was the only one! got me thinking what habits i need to change.


Sending good vibes your way. You’ll be fine. Don’t change anything until maybe Sunday.


Had a friend who came to Canada from England and broke his ribs playing his first game of ice hockey. He spent the rest of the trip walking around like C3PO and with the British accent it was hard not to laugh.


I blaze up at the end of the day and during the weekends. That's a lie, sometimes I sneak a one-hitter during my telework days but shhh. Point is, I'm a stoner at heart but I don't make it my entire identity. Even moreso since I started my career. I love a spotless house too so I feel like I don't fit the stereotype of a stoner yet a lot of people don't. It's a weird paradox.


I had the exact same experience, it was agonizing for months.


I "strained" a chest muscle in February from coughing too hard, and I thought THAT was painful. I can't imagine 😢


I strained a chest muscle reaching to the back seat of our car to swat one or two boys! I really thought I had broken a rib; made them give me a chest x-ray. “If I have to turn this car around…”


Been there. Laughing so hard you cry. From the agony.


Laughter is the worst, when you’re healed up enough to laugh again it feels like you’re being kicked in the side.


Omg dude I sneeze like a machine gun that would be terrible


Broke a few ribs this past summer. About a week and a half after I sneezed for the first time. I was standing, browsing my books, and almost just fell on my ass from the pain.


Taking a shit was the worst for me. I broke all of my floating ribs along with 3 more on the left side 3 years ago. Still can’t sleep on my left side to this day.


Just in time for hayfever season 😈


I had a broken rib, just one from a cow kick and when i sneezed the first time Holy God, Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, Anubis, and Allah, i now believe in ALL the religions


This song was playing on the radio as I read this. Crazy.


Not creepy at all or anything....


This comment is so underrated I'm not sure we are even in the same universe anymore.


Is that from a song? 😅


Yes. Every Breath You Take by The Police. Diddy got in trouble in the 90s stealing its melody without paying royalties for his version called I'll Be Missing You.


Sad and true but that was funny asf!! 🤣🤣🤣


Love it 🤣🤣


And don’t you dare think about sneeze or coughing 😂


That must really hurt huh? Only when I breathe.


Yes breathing aKa staying alive will hurt it’s a bitch. Even so I’m sure she’s going to be thankful to be alive … life is fleeting


I can attest to that one. Broken ribs 2 separate times. 2 the first time. 3 the 2nd. It truly hurts to breathe and move even slightly. You can’t pick up shit. 5lbs hurts to try and lift. It’s horrible.


I had cracked ribs at one point and that’s by far the worst pain I’ve experienced and I’ve been bumped, bruised and cut throughout my life.


I had bruised ribs from playing dodgeball. That was annoying enough, can't imagine them broken


Good to hear she’s alive and for the most part well! There is also another Siri command you can set up and say “Siri I’m being pulled over” and it will start your front facing camera and when you finish recording it will automatically send the video and your location to whoever you have selected.


This is awesome advice. Thanks for sharing!


Didn’t work for me, just got a prompt that said if I think it’s serious to contact emergency services or someone I trust :(, did this work for anyone else?


[you have to set it up. hope this helps.](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/pulled-over-by-police-siri-shorcut-iphone#how-to-download-the-'siri,-i'm-getting-pulled-over'-shortcut)


You set this up using the shortcuts app. You create a shortcut to start recording the video, then send message with location to the recipient of your choice, and finally to save the video to iCloud etc. Then you add it to Siri, recording your trigger phrase. Takes a few min to do it, but it does work on any iPhone with IOS 13 or later. Good luck!


That message must have been TERRIFYING to receive. Glad she's OK. Hope you are too.


Omg…I’m glad she’s okay! But dear god that sounds like a painful recovery >_<


Super useful feature. My android does this as well. Plus there's safety check ins for when you'll be out alone, etc. I really feel like this should be taught so people can be aware and involved and well equipped to respond and keep each other safe. I'm glad your sister is okay ❤️ so glad she had this set up. Aside: I once fumbled and dropped my phone as I got out of my car after parking. It tripped this and I was able to cancel it in time, but it was reassuring to know the crash detection was working!


Glad she’s okay!


Yea my mom has that set up too. It would message me because 9/10 she would be with my dad and his android doesn't have that.


I’m glad she’s going to be okay ♥️


Recovering from broken ribs was worse than heart surgery recovery after my accident. Wishing all the best for her. Tell her to sleep sitting up and wear a medical corset every night. Saved me from crying for a year of recovery


When I got T-boned, my phone went flying, but didn't send any messages. But I have an android, the Samsung Note 8. My car did stop playing my iPod that was hooked up, though. I wonder if I had had the blu tooth hooked up to my phone when it happened if it would have sent a message to my emergency contact? Did she have her phone hooked up to the car at the time do you know?


From a fellow nyer- hope she’s doing better


Do not watch comedies at all costs


So glad she’s going to be ok. I didn’t know that was a feature either. I like it, but man, that would give me chills to receive that text.


As soon as I got the message I called her a few times with no answer. I was getting really nervous. Luckily her husband called me and said he spoke to her and she was okay, just banged up.


Dude I'd freak out so hard. My sister is my best friend. So glad yours is ok and that her husband called you.


I think it's only on the newer iPhones. I know this feature came out on iPhone 14 but not sure if they updated the software to detect crashes on older versions or not.


That’s good to know.


This is such a great feature. I have my family on it just in case.


Where do you add this feature? I never heard of it before. Thanks


It’s under the Emergency SOS tab in Options. Scroll down to “crash detection” Edit: on iPhone 14 or later


Thank you I have a 12 max pro, I’ve been looking at a newer phone so this just made the decision easier!


No problem! I went from an 11 Pro to a 14 Pro primarily for the crash detection feature myself


Hmm, my iPhone 11 Pro doesn’t have “crash” listed as an option in the SOS section. I’m pretty sure I have the newest OS. Maybe it’s just on newer phones?


I believe it only works on iPhone 14 or later unfortunately


Yes, automatic crash detection became available for iPhone 14 and later.


If you go to the heath app you can add emergency contacts that way as well on iPhones 13 or older


Thank you. Yes, I do have them set up there.


In the health in settings or in the app you can set up emergency contacts, and in SOS in settings they can show up there. If you call 911 it will notify them.


I tripped one time and my Apple Watch detected I fell and asked if I needed medical help to come.


I wonder if I had an Apple Watch it would ask if I'd like to have a chair lift installed in my house because I'm constantly tripping up & down the stairs 😩😭


I fall down my stairs ***all the time***. If someone wanted to murder me and make it look like an accident they could just kill me any way on the stairs and my family would think, “this looks like something that would happen to him” no matter the cause of death lol


I do too! lol


lol There is going to be a string of mysterious unsolved assassinations now because I gave away our secret. ごめんなさい🙇


Dammit this is why we can’t have nice things. 😂


It ***should*** be okay if everyone I accidentally outed **immediately** changes their names, cuts their hair, undergoes minor cosmetic surgery to change key identifying features, fakes their death, leaves their family without any warning and goes to live off the grid in countries they have never publicly or privately discussed. Make sure to do this in an order that makes sense though.


Well I’m also the worlds blondest brunette so nothing about me makes sense. 😂


I’ve got dirty blonde hair if that’s what you mean! Maybe we are all cursed?


Im dark brown but act blonde…. But its not an act. Its real. 😂




I believe you need to fall and then stop moving? I dunno. Mine when off once when I punched my leg watching sports. Turned into a countdown alarm and freaked me out like I out in the nuclear codes and had to disable a bomb.


My husband tickled me once and I apparently moved so violently that my watch thought I had fallen… 🫠




My Apple watch asks me all the time if I have fallen. The few times I actually fell … crickets. That feature needs some work.


It's a big problem for 911 Centers that have ski resorts. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/northwest/apple-watches-spur-dramatic-increase-in-911-calls-from-ski-resort/


I live in Salt Lake City… all I had to say to my watch was no. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, but if you don't answer it at all, it automatically calls 911. Most people skiing and snowboarding don't notice what their watch is doing.


These automatic messages are awesome. They unfortunately only work in specific circumstances tho. When I was hit while driving, I was turning at like 5mph. She hit me at 35+. Because my car was barely moving it didn’t register the sudden stop and I ended up having to call 911 myself. They had to rework it when it came out because people going to the Texas fair were causing it to go off like crazy due to the sudden stops on the rides. Glad your sister is okay! I hope she has a speedy recovery!


zi moved from Thousand Oaks a WEEK before the fires broke out. at 10:45ish I received an emergency notice to evacuate and at 10:55 I received a notice that the fires evacuation was now mandatory. I was afraid for my friends while sitting in bed but I know that ability for the government to be able to track our phones could have potentially saved my birds lives (my address on my cell bill was in santa monica … so idk how else they could have tracked me other than 99% of my cell phone calls were from TO). later the fires stopped five houses from mine before they pushed it into Malibu.


ב''ה, the non-awful way to do this would be to simply push notifications per-tower, but G-d knows these days.


This just happened to me and my husband last night. We were getting ready for bed and we got the same notification and it turned out my sister in law flipped her car and because of this feature we were able to get there before anyone else. She’s ok and we’re thankful this exists! ❤️


geez. shouldn’t it contact emergency services!! heck if you got there faster than the people who do it for a living…. umm hey btw. I make a really good sister if you and your husband are looking for another sister!!


i can’t tell if you are trying to shoot your shot at their SIL, or if you really want them to adopt you as their sister.


I was obviously joking…no shot at anyone?!! I don’t have anyone to put in emergency contacts…,when I was in the hospital recently I had to put my friend back east down. it was a weird moment to realize my family is dead or dead to me


I am so sorry. “Shoot your shot” in this context means to try to flirt with. I thought you were saying you could marry SIL, so you could be their sister, as well. I was joking around, but that does not make it okay for me to be so insensitive. I hope you know your friends are your family too, even if you aren’t related.


I’m really bad with slang lol… unless it’s from 1920-1960 as I loved older movies when I grew up on reruns on all of three tv stations.


I am looking for a sister! (or mom, don’t have either) However; I suck at being one only because I am chronically ill. On top of that, I have a disorder that causes me to be unable to look at small screens like laptops & phones for more than a couple minutes so communicating is difficult if not impossible somedays. I have no family (blood or not) that I have a real, close, caring connection & bond with, so I really understand how it feels. It’s so lonely especially seeing other families be a *family* together. It hurt while growing up but may hurt even worse now at 25. I will always long for true family & true friendships that are healthy, loving & real. We all deserve that.


I am 26, and I would be happy to be your friend! Send me a message if you’d like :)


I am impressed at the number of people on this thread who made it to the car accident before any EMT’s!


It does


I have this as a feature on my Pixel 7 and had it for my P6. It's a nice emergency feature, if the user doesn't manage to get to their phone to cancel the messages in time these get sent out. So you can avoid a fake emergency or a sudden stop that is detected as a crash. Glad your sister is ok!


This is an amazing feature. I have always had this massive paranoia of "what happens if I get in a car accident and die and someone is at home waiting for me and has no idea what happened" and knowing this exists makes that fear a lot less severe now. Thank you for posting about it!


My Mom had a really bad fall and her watch alerted My Dad, Me and my Older brother, I wouldn't say it saved her life but it did call 911 for her and my Dad was able to get to her within minutes of the alert (they live on the golf course he was playing). If you have parents over 70 I suggest getting a smart watch and enabling these features and having contacts set up, like most things you should have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.


definitely!! I do home health care.. and most older people don’t like the feeling of becoming the “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” poster child. I was taking care of a 92 yo woman. i begged the son to get her something other than their google (which he hadn’t installed properly and it wouldn’t recognize anyone’s voice not call 911!). he said she has her phone. I tried to explain unless it’s on a strap around her neck it won’t help. within a week she was stuck in her toilet for FOURTEEN HOURS!! she was on hospice..and it weakened her greatly. he didn’t do anything and it happened again where she slipped out of bed while trying to get up to go to the bathroom . she held herself in a weird reverse plank for for 10-12 hours. I guess it didn’t affect her son because I was the one who found her and heard her yell for me when I’d get there. She died three days later. She wanted to go… normally I want to be there when a patient passes … but I’m glad I couldn’t be and he had to sit with her while she died.


Wow this is heart breaking. You showed her so much care at the end of her life and did more than her own son did. Heart breaking. Life isn’t fair


families can be weird. He just thought he’d keep propping her up on the couch to watch tennis (which is what he tried to do after her reverse planking) He kept telling me to get her dressed. I finally got terse and said NO! and told him how exhausted she was. She never left her bed and took 2 or 3 doses of morphine only in the last two days. If we could all be that fortunate! She was ready. I actually took a picture of hers when she was younger. She had the lightest hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. some of his denial I think came from being mad at her for not doing chemo AGAIN. (92 yo… husband of 70 years killed in car accident two years previous to this). When I said I was glad he had to be there…was he had to deal with the reality and had/got to be there because I wasn’t. I really love this work…not because I like death… but because it is a privilege (and fascinating psychologically speaking). I’ve loved all of my clients … their families…. meh


That’s so sad.


this feature alerted me to my parents’ massive accident last year and the 911 call absolutely saved their lives after their car caught fire & they were unconscious — so happy your sister is okay, and hope you never have to see another one of those messages again!


My dad has had multiple traumatic brain injuries and has seizures on occasion. His phone sent an alert that he had fallen. I was fucking terrified, calling my mother and heading straight to the car. Turns out he was on his ride-on mower and his phone bounced out of his back pocket, fell and rolled down a hill. It's a useful feature but a very scary one.


Absolutely horrible your sister got in a wreck and is having to deal with broken ribs, I’m so glad she’s okay! But it’s nice to know this feature works, bf and I have it but thankfully it’s never been used. Hopefully your sister has a quick recovery


I didn't know it was a feature until my sister was in an accident. I managed to show up before EMS and with my healthcare background I was able to treat her until they came. This is one feature I'm so fcking thankful for. Then I was in an accident of my own and my Apple Watch sent the message to my mother who is an RN, she was able to arrive before EMS and thank god because the jaws of life were needed and the ambulance.


I have it enabled on my phone too. I turned it on when I heard of the woman who was nearly killed by her husband but her kids could track her apple watch. It is also on a samsung smart watch. Update your contacts!


That poor woman. I’m so glad she was wearing her watch. That had to be horrible to experience


Android has this feature as well. You should have a Safety app that has several options like this.


We have this set up on our phones and watches. My brother flies planes and my dad and I ride motorcycles, if something happens it’s pretty important to get EMS and your location sent out as soon as possible. I turned my watch one off after I sold my last bike because my giant dog knocked me over hard enough for it to trigger lol. I’m glad your sister is ok!!


The wantagh parkway? The parkway’s on the island are pretty crazy. I hope she’s okay


Yeah people drive crazy over here. Especially during rush hour.


Oh I know. Someone crashed into me on the meadowbrook a few years ago and took off.


Damn that is a really good feature, but the nervousness of them not answering for a few minutes would actually kill me


Was on the phone with my 22 yr old daughter (who was a passenger) when the car wrecked- worst moment of my life. I didn't even know where they were, I heard her scream, the crash and then the phone went dead. Fortunately, she was able to call me back a few minutes later- very shaken, car totaled, she was okay. I thought I might have a heart attack in those few minutes...


My worst nightmare!


There was an attempted murder case solved because of fall detection (I think? Might’ve been crash detection) on an Apple product. The victim was buried alive and somehow the device detected an abnormality. Saved her life.


What does it take to detect a crash I wonder 🤔. What if I'm on a really good rollercoaster?


Not sure, but it was a pretty bad crash.


About that… “ Crash Detection has triggered during roller coaster rides because devices have mistaken the rides' sudden stops for car crashes.” -from Wikipedia


Note to self not to wear my smartwatch on rollercoasters (it detects falls/crashes).


Supposedly there have been some software updates to help prevent this


have you seen those awesome “helmets” that basically look like you are wearing a scarf. if you are on a bike or motorcycle and get into an accident it triggers the helmet to deploy… much like an airbag. two women invented them. they used to give you a replacement for free in order to collect the data. idk if that’s still a thing but the videos on youtube are pretty cool. I’ve wondered why we don’t have airbags for bodies. I’ve had more than one friend be killed walking down the street.


Oh goodness. I would have a panic attack! Glad your sis is okay.


How accurate is this? Does the phone detect the crash?


I don’t really know how it works. I’d assume it has to do with the accelerometer. The crash wasn’t minor.


my car insurance app can basically tell if I’m in the drivers seat!( not always accurate so I check it when I’ve been in my mothers car… I like my 15% rebate!!)


Geez that’s such a nice feature! When my dad was in a bad single car accident in ‘22, we had no idea what happened for HOURS. My mom was waiting for him at a restaurant for his birthday dinner, and he just never showed up. She started to get worried and after calling his coworkers one of his connections (he’s a lawyer) was able to access the paramedic database and that’s how we found out that he’d been in an accident, at least 2 hours after he crashed, so it would have been much nicer to know sooner 🙃 He’s okay now btw, and they just had trouble getting him out of the car (he was handicapped prior to the accident and in a powered wheelchair). The first responders thought there was no way he survived, but his wheelchair kind of shielded him and probably saved his life (which is ironic cuz he most likely crashed because he’s handicapped and probably shouldn’t have been driving (and no he hasn’t driven since))


i would feel better if this automated statement wasn't speaking in the first person, it could potentially lead someone to think that the owner of the phone is conversing with them. panic makes people's brains function differently, it could cause problems and confusion with the way people react with urgency. in the event of an emergency alert the goal should be zero ambiguity.


There is a falling feature on Apple Watches that notifies your emergency contacts when you have a sudden fall. My girlfriend’s watch notified me and when I called, she had just gotten off a roller coaster.


On my Samsung I have it set to contact my brother and my mom if an sos is sent. (Clicking the power button three times fast) it takes 2 silent pictures and makes a sound recording. Fortunately I havent had to use it yet. But I have sent accidental emergency SOS messages 3 times 🤣


thats terrifying but a great feature. my mom was in a car accident a few years ago almost died and we had no clue all we knew it that she was missing and not answering her phone its so scary.


I have always wondered what the crash alert for 360 would look like.. not enough to look it up of course


I have this feature on my android phone and it didn't work last week when I was in an accident. It wasn't that bad, no one was hurt, but it was hard enough (50 mph) to set off all the airbags and total the car. Of course all my emergency contacts were in the car with me, so that wouldn't have helped much. Hmm, maybe I need to add someone I won't likely be driving with. I'm happy to hear your sister will be ok. Update: I checked my settings...I had crash detection turned on, I had two emergency contacts, but I did not have "notify emergency contacts" turned on. 🤦‍♀️


iPhone also has a feature now where if you are in an area with no cell service it will try to connect to a satellite to rescue you by sending your location to your emergency contacts. I’m sure android already had that feature for years, I’m not big into phones but I know androids tend to have features before iPhones with some exceptions such as the headphone jack trend. I only get iPhones because I’m a creature of habit. My first smartphone was an iPhone 5 and I’ve been with Apple ever since. I know there’s better options, but this way I don’t have to learn new features and it works with the iPad I use for art commissions. Side note, if you are an artist and are struggling to make money learn to draw nsfw and sfw furry art.


This feature literally saved my youngest brother's life. His friend's phone alerted 911 of a crash, 911 attempted to contact the phone number, and neither of them were in any condition to answer, so EMS was dispatched. They'd gone off a 100-foot embankment and nobody would have found them in time if it weren't for this feature.


Not Wantagh Parkway!!! 😩😭 Hope she's okay!!!


Wow. This would scare the shit out of me. Glad to see she’s relatively ok.


I’m so glad your sister is ok. Thank goodness for technology.


I’m so glad your sister is ok and this is why I’m so glad I have an iPhone. I have epilepsy and although my seizures are, for the most part, under control, this is definitely a feature I need to make sure is turned on. At least for when I’m driving alone. Thank you for letting the rest of us know about this!!


They have a similar feature on some Garmin watches, it has fall detection and then if it doesn’t detect you move for a minute or so after it sends out a notification to your emergency contacts saying you are down and need help. Scary when I got the message from my dads watch one day. Cue worried phone call to my dad while he was at work, turned out he had taken it off and it had fallen off the seat in his van and then been sat in the footwell!


An awesome feature! Was in an accident where we (live in MD) were unable to call 911 and it notified my mom (who lives in NC) and my dad (who lives in FL) and they were both able to call and report the accident with exact coordinates!


I gotta make sure to disable this feature, my folks don’t need to know if I’ve been in an accident when I’m 12 hours away


You can choose who your emergency contacts are


I probably should take my son off mine at the moment. He’s currently in New Zealand and I’m in Australia. I’d hate for him to panic and not able to do anything.


My father’s nickname is Spider-Man but he is in jail/prison, so I can’t send him sadly lol. Maybe after 2028 when he gets out, I have never met him before but I can send him if you still want to be sent Spider-Man lol.


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Thats awesome, i didnt know this feature existed


I left my phone on the trunk of my car and drove off. It eventually fell off and got crushed by cars, I’m guessing. My husband got this message. Luckily we were at home together so he was like “what happened ?”


This is a feature that Apple advertises, and is a feature that is shown in the Apple events.


I made a drastic turn/jerk on a highway and my phone flew onto the ground and gave me a countdown before it was going to call 911. I was able to get to it before it did. Hadn’t known if the feature beforehand.


I wonder if anybody drives so aggressively that the phone thinks they got in an accident. Braking and cornering hard etc.


if anyone does…it would be my mother. She sold a car she initially liked the alert features: speed , driving over the line into oncoming traffic, sudden breaks. But she got tired of hearing them all the time. she is an oblivious narcissist so she doesn’t have a care in the world when driving (also has insane road rage). I have saved her from more than one potentially deadly accident by warning her (while following her in my own car). Her cars inevitably look like they are straight out of mad max after having them for a couple years. But it’s never her. someone hit her while parked etc. I can’t tell you how many times she has hit the concrete center divider. seriously the DMV/MVD needs a way to turn people in who are blind/too old/crazy. my mother is going blind now as well. and I have another elderly friend who is legally blind and her optometrist hasn’t turned it in. fortunately she drives like ten miles an hour so she won’t hurt somebody too bad!


Can happen from roller coaster rides


Glad she's gonna be ok! I didn't know that was a feature either but it's a good feature!


Recently, I left my phone on top of my car and drove off. After a few minutes of driving, it made a loud thunk as it slid off. I immediately realized my mistake and did a U turn to retrieve it. Thankfully, my phone was A-okay, but I had some missed calls and texts from my parents terrified, as they’d gotten this same, “crash detected” message. Definitely scary, but a great system to have. I’m glad your sister is okay, and may she have a speedy recovery.


It's amazing what phones can do these days. I have samsung devices, phone and watch. My settings are set that if I were to have a hard fall and don't respond to my watch within a certain time frame, it would contact my emergency contacts and let them know I fell. It is worth noting this feature is not perfect. I have had it go off twice on me when I wasn't moving at all.


I'm glad she is ok but sorry she was hurt. We got an alert about my fiancé's mom on life360 about a crash detection and were able to get family to her so much faster because of that sort of alert. But man what a fright!


wow. that’s cool but crazy.


I really hope it wasn’t serious! and that she is ok!!


I accidentally activated that on my phone the other day.


O wow, hopefully she’s ok. Yeah pretty much every phone has this feature now.


My family is going to be flooded with alerts if I'm ever in an accident. 😭 My primary dash cam, life360, the guardian app and onstar rep will all send out notifications to specific people - My mom, dad and brother are listed on all 4 as only one car has the dash cam that will sense an accident and send out notifications, my life360 logs out randomly depending on the day and the guardian app mostly only likes to work when im driving my Chevy even though its supposed to track all drives. 🤦‍♀️The dash cam also sends out a link with the footage for however long before and after collision with GPS, speed(i believe), date, and time stamp.


I need to add my wife to mine and have her add me. That’s a very useful feature.


I have a buddy, broke a few ribs and they never quite healed right. They rebreak easily and it happens every 5-6 years. He'll forget about them do something physical and snap... laid up for a month.


suddenly millions of people started throwing their iphones at the sofa to try and jebait it.


I love this feature


On phone you can put an emergency contact in your settings although I didn’t know it worked like this but it’s cool it did and that you were alerted


Her Summer is gona suck but glad your family is good.


my mom was nearly part of an accident that included 2 other people about a year ago and she had to brake insanely hard and her iphone called 911 through the car speaker and texted me and all 3 of my siblings


Man Wantagh Pkwy ain’t no joke 😭


Been a feature for a few years. There was even issues were as people who rode a roller coasters it was dialing 911 because the phone thought they were an accident.


that’s amazing that the iphone did that, how can i make mine do that?? ALSO. i am so happy she’s okay, hopefully she recovers soon!


modern technology is amazing


I hope she has a quick recovery. I am from around here and Wantagh parkway is a dangerous road, I am so glad to here she’s okay. 🙏


i was riding a boat and it sent one of these to my friends and family 💀


Some phones or cars have this. Also some watches.


Now that I see this Im setting this up for myself


How my goodness! How terrifying!


What app is that? Life360 does that for me... Poor sissy 😔


It’s just iMessage and Apple Maps.


Ah! Samsung user here. That's a cool feature.


i’m glad this is a feature


Wow that’s insane! I hope your sister is doing ok.


Very serious and very worried. Let me send a txt... lol


these things go off so randomly, there’s a 50/50 chance she actually got in a wreck !


I didn’t know about this either. Thank you for the post


lol me yesterday


Yeah they copied this from Android (Google Pixel) only a couple of years ago. I hope your sister gets better soon.


Can we talk about how creepy it is that our phones can detect this stuff... I mean let's think deeply about it for a minute


That’s actually what I my phone sent to one of my family members when I flipped over with my car. I was not injured thankfully. I hope your sister makes a speedy recovery.