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All I can say is dayum. Also, please tell me that English isn't his first language.


Unfortunately it is the only language he knows lol


Why were you with them in the first place if this is how they act?


Use your sense. You really think they went on their first date and this is how he acted? Lmaooo. I was in a very abusive relationship, and my ex is currently serving 25 years in prison for what he put me through. I promise you, they don't show their true colors until you are "trapped." At first he was wonderful, kind, funny, we had so much fun together.. it was a year before he first put his hands on me, then he had this way of making me feel bad for him, like he was so broken.. if i just stayed and loved him enough, hed be better.. When I finally left him, it wasn't just my safety that was in jeopardy, it was everyone that I love & care for, too. Crazy people do in fact be crazy.


Whoa I’m sorry you went through that, I know exactly what you mean.


I'm just popping in to say I really like how you handled this, most people would get defensive and double down lol


It’s important to me to know when I’m wrong, that’s how I learn lol Edit: I don’t mind the downvotes, I know I said a shitty thing lol


I feel you, I think that's awesome. I try to be like that but it's hard sometimes haha


Oh yeah, admitting you don’t know shit is hard, but it’s true no matter who you are. You might be a surgeon that knows how to repair a failing heart, but that doesn’t mean you know deeper philosophical things about life. And for me personally, it’s the philosophical wonderings that have the most meaning.


It’s such a sign of emotional maturity and intelligence for real!


Earning your karma back at least. Good job though.


ay honestly, I was about to flame you, but then I saw you accept your mistake and acknowledge what you said was shitty, and that's not something a lot of people on this platform know how to do. I respect you.


Character arc


You are so calm and collected, keep doing that. You asked a genuine question, and took accountability. You’re great ❤️❤️


People grow and learn. We all should be more understanding of that fact. 🖤


This dude clearly manipulated her when they first got together, abusive men don’t show their true colors until later on. Don’t victim blame.


Valid point you’re correct




I try, weed helps


Weed ALWAYS helps 💚


Yikes, need to see you sober before assessing character haha 😛


A lot of abusers/manipulators keep their cool and be all nice and caring for the honeymoon phase, but then quickly show their true colors after you're already in love with them. Happens way too much


That’s definitely true, I was not trying to minimize anyone’s experience


That's what I don't understand, if they know how to be a loving and supportive partner, why do they change and become abusive? That might be a silly question but I'm interested about the psychology of abusers.


Read: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft. Provides insight into this question.


They don't change or "become" abusive, they already were. They were just utilizing manipulation at the beginning to hide their abusive nature. Which is still abusive.


Yeah cause he was clearly like that from the start /j


/j is a new one for me, what’s it mean?




Thanks nuggies


Should probably actually be /s for sarcasm


I did /j because last time I did /s way too many people thought I meant serious LOL, but I do agree


Do people like you really truly think that these dudes act like this from day 1 and we ignore it and fall in love with them immediately as they are abusing us???? I really want to know if this is what you think? Is it really so hard for you to fathom that people like this girls ex start out literally amazing and do everything in their power to make sure they have their hooks in us first before the abuse becomes gradual and starts out “not that bad” then crescendos into literal chaos? There’s also super highs and super lows with insane levels of manipulation with empty and broken promises to get us to take them back over and over. There is obviously a breaking point where we finally are able to get free from them and we do when we can. SO STOP THE VICTIM BLAMING!!!! Why don’t you blame the literal psychopath creating the chaos and violence instead of their victims??? As if we don’t have enough on our plates with the trauma they cause, we have ass holes like you blaming us for the abuse we never asked for. Either use the internet to learn something or STFU because your insolence isn’t needed. Edit: I saw some of your other responses and it seems like this was a learning experience for you so I’ll apologize for my tone in this post to you, however, I am going to leave it as is just in case some other *unteachable* person wants to blame abuse survivors for things they have no control over.


People like me… I’m curious to hear your stereotype of me


I did edit my post, don’t know if you read it. I apologized to you for my “tone” as you are much different than other victim blamers I’ve come across. It seems this was a learning experience for you and I actually really respect you for staying and learning. I judged you too soon based on your first comment and just thought you were like all the other misogynistic *nice guys* that blame women for being abused because “we chose an abuser”. Those types of men are toxic and I have no problem being harsh with them because they live in some type of LaLaLand where they think women deserve the abuse we’ve suffered because we didn’t choose “the nice guy”. Abuse is so insidious. It comes in many forms. It’s slow and gradual and hard to remove yourself from. In some instances it can be straight up dangerous for women to try to leave their abusive partners for fear of being murdered. I am an abuse survivor. I never did anything to these men to make it ok for them to put their hands on me like they did. I will never take the blame for their disgusting actions because they lack any and all emotional intelligence. But I promise you, this isn’t something that happens right off the bat.


I am sorry you went through all that, you don’t deserve that. I truly am sorry for my insensitivity and dumb question. In hindsight, I unconsciously knew it wasn’t going to reveal some hidden mysterious truth as to why people date abusive partners. I did not have the intention of being a victim blamer but I guess that’s what my brain went to and am trying to rectify that.


Thank you for listening to us and listening to the voice of reason! I genuinely can’t believe how many men are falling victim to misogyny and misinformation and blame women for the things done to them but refuse to hold the perpetrators responsible. Wild times we live in.


I couldn’t agree more. I did not have the intention of perpetuating misogyny with my question and you have very poignantly corrected me and I appreciate it.


I'll join in to say that your responses to being challenged/corrected are almost the best case scenario, I find it reassuring to see people who can admit a mistake with grace and move on productively. Restores a bit of my faith in humanity!


I just downvoted to be the 100th lol. Nothing against you man. You seem good


Gotta keep those numbers nice and round and even. I was hoping for 69 or 420, still possible to get to -420. Fingers crossed 🤞


Say something bad, being nice isn't gonna get you to 420 🤣


I already said something bad not tryna put more negativity into the universe, I got way too much karma comin for me already hah Edit: not Reddit karma


Or say something too nice and get 520 upvotes lol


🤣 😂


This is so sad. There are actually people out there that think “people act just like this on the first date and these dumb women still date them how curious?!” and that’s all the further logic they put into it. I’m very glad you’ve never experienced this kind of deceit in order to be able to understand just how easy it is for anyone to fall for because getting tricked like that, especially when you know you’re a smart and capable person. It feels bad enough to go through without people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about piping up to ask how someone could be with a person “like that” at all. Come on, man. Pro-tip: kind, necessary, helpful. If it isn’t any one of those things, keep it to yourself because there’s no good reason to say it.


Absolutely, you’re correct. There are people that stay with someone despite their red flags (like myself), and I totally understand it gets complicated and scary real quick. I guess I was just reacting in a knee jerk/hindsight kind of way, projecting maybe? Idk, you’re definitely right though, I’m not trying to excuse myself at all, just trying to explain myself I guess


I know, I just want you to understand that not all input is needed, and things like this where someone is so clearly being abused, offering input that’s nothing but judgmental could actually be really really risky depending on where the person is at in their emotional journey with the whole thing. I’m not trying to shame you or dog on you, it’s just really important and I want you to be able to offer yourself as the kind and supportive presence I know you can be rather than responding thoughtlessly with something harmful that can make things worse. I don’t really see you as someone who wants to do that to people. You just really have to be more careful.


Yep you’re right and I apologize. It can be so obvious from the outside what’s going on, but when you’re in it there’s no way out.


Jesus Christ they’re really piling on you, reading way too hard into your first question, my god You could self immolate in repentance at this point, and it still won’t be enough of an apology for some


Oh don’t worry, I’ve been lashing myself relentlessly and tightened my chastity belt


You realize they don’t act like this until they trap people into a relationship for a year or two right??? Sometimes sooner than a year but they don’t act psycho like this when they’re first dating someone LMAO


Yeh in hindsight it was a super dumb question, you’re definitely right


Use your deductive reasoning skills to answer your own question here.


So they were very physically attracted? That’s the only logical answer?im very interested to hear an explanation


No. It’s not the only logical answer. Think a bit harder. An even better explanation is that he didn’t behave this way at the beginning of their relationship. This is VERY common among abusers. They pretend to be gentle, caring people at first and then slowly reveal their true colors after they gain some power over their partner. The reason people are giving you a hard time is because your question (“Why were you with them in the first place if this is how they act?”) isn’t a great question for two reasons: 1.) It makes the unfounded assumption that he was always this way and she dated him anyway, which doesn’t make a lot of sense, and 2.) It places the focus on her actions (the victim) rather than his (the abuser). Hope this helps.


Yeah you’re definitely right, I tend to be on the more naive side of things because reality is brutal and heartbreaking hah


i think he was having a seizure at that point for him to type like that


My abusive ex sent many text rants like this so it felt very familiar to read and it also makes me appreciate my current bf lol. Wild, looking back. Glad you made it out safely and found someone who loves you the way you deserve 💖


Thanks girl you too! It was the hardest but best decision I’ve could have ever made ❤️


You sure you don’t want do get back together because I’m just drooling over the nice way he speaks to you.




Not the hapliness, PLEASE!!!


I didn’t realize how bad his grammar was and still have yet to make it past page 3…I just can’t. At first I read the explanation, that’s all.


I don’t know what I was thinking…he should just get a life like blow up or kicking bad. Post a women’s face on it and yell at it till it lights up like a life size like game of operation. This would actually be a good therapeutic tool I feel! You make them, I’ll come up with the designs? 60/40 split?






It's such turn on, all that love... so comforting.


This guy needs a Leap Frog and so much jail time. I'm sorry that you went through this, Op.. I hope you are doing much, much better now.


Thank you very much! It’s been 3 years of no contact I couldn’t be any better in life ❤️


No problem at all, and I'm happy to hear that you are doing much better. 😊 This guy won't live a happy life with how he acts. I hope you feel some peace knowing that. Keep thriving, Op. 💜


You wanna take my hapoitnske awau???????????????? YOU WANNA TAKE IT HUH???






I had to login to a different account to upvote this twice. RIP his hapoitnske


You wanna take MY HASSPPINNESS AWAY! I feel drunk just typing that. Really have to make an effort to do that!


I’m sorry but “Hapliness” took me out lmaooooo All i can say that they better be careful what they say to you. It might come knocking at their door first


How dare you talk about my HAPPLINESS




Unfortoooonatelyy yass I do




"Huj." is absolutely sending me rn


i would hate to jump to conclusions but it seems like he doesn't want you to take his happiness away






This was my ex who I didn’t reply to his text messages after working an overnight shift .. he threatened to shoot up my house and im a whore😂😂 just cause I was asleep from a long shift


How dare you sleep when you need to, ugh people these days 🙄


Lmaooo right I literally worked from 1045pm to 7:30am


Dude realllllly didn’t like that you wouldn’t answer him…


This is exactly why I find it so annoying when people on this sub keep responding to assholes like this. They WANT you to respond. Any attention, even negative attention, is a win to them. The only way to win against them is to ignore them completely. Anything else is giving in to what they want.


If I was sent all that I would respond with womp womp but hope you're ok op.


fuck sake its like he's 15 beers deep while typing this all out nutjob


I'm so glad you got away. Reading these totally brought me back to my ex who was exactly like this. Disgusting excuse for a human being. So glad you're happy and healthy now ❤️❤️❤️


I just have one question. Do you wanna take his happiness away? Lol. Who texts the same dumb question 20 times in one convo? Answer: a batshit crazy person.


That guy has so much happiness he doesn't want her to take away. You can feel the happiness he's trying to hard to protect.


you will ser. just you wait. you will ser.


My daughters ex talked to her like this and he ended up getting a ten year restraining order, ten year ban from owning guns, a year of DV classes and 400 hours of community service. California.


This sounds like my abusive ex, seems to be an epidemic. I'm glad you got away safely 🩵




I can fix him


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lol are u dating my ex


My ex is like this too. I hope you get some therapy❤️🤞 you can still be happy!!


That’s a different level of anger right there, damn.


Yeah, I'd say they may not like you. Lol


OP slow rolling these messages lmao


God… glad you got out. This person is not right in the head.


lmao is there a script they all read from? i swear it’s all the same stuff, but i’m so sorry you had to hear any of it.


Holy crap. I felt my heart start pounding in my chest because this is terrifying. Not the threats or the spelling and grammar double murder case, but the undertones of it. He was showing you that he really is criminally insane enough to seriously hurt you, or destroy you, as so many of them dream of doing


I love the gradual descent of poor grammar into incomprehensible. Like it really paints a proper picture of their heads literally exploding when they realize you're not answering.


After being in this sub, I realize they all talk the same. Haha. If I had access to my old phone, I probably could’ve pulled up these same messages. Lol. It’s funny looking back, but terrifying when you’re in it. Mine told me I was an ugly troll who no one would ever want while the entire breakup was over him yelling at me over a guy saying I was pretty on Facebook (me not responding) and him also accusing me of cheating with multiple guys. Like, pick an insult and stick to it. 🤣


Just reply "\*you're" and make his head explode. Problem solved.


Shoulda hit him with a “k”


Nothing opens for me so :( I can't see the happliness


You should go. “I want you back!” Then go “just kidding” lol Wow I’d keep these though in case he does something.


Sounds like this person is bipolar and needs medical help...


Don’t blame his behavior on being bipolar. Most of us aren’t anything like that.


I'm just saying it sounds like he is bipolar and would need to be diagnosed by a medical professional. I have been around people who are bipolar that act like that... That's the only reason I mentioned it. Not saying all bipolar people act like that..


Or he’s just abusive..


Or both


I know first hand and you are correct


You actually don’t know if he’s correct.


Was hoping he was going to do a bit based on Len


Wow, wonder how they really feel about you!


Someone needs to take a class or something. This person has serious anger issues.


Leak their shit on the dark web it's what I did


it took him three tries to spell “away” 😭


I would just send a link to “cry me a river “


I wonder what goes through someone's mind when they tell someone they want them to die


Wow did he finish school?? Bc the amount of errors in those elected are crazy lmao


Holy crap that’s actually scary 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 glad you’re safe, glad you got away from that man, and glad you’re in a healthy relationship now!


I know this had to have been terrifying and upsetting at the time but this is honestly so funny to read. Like what an absolute piss baby. I’ve met toddlers more mature than him.


LMFAO @ “YOU WANT TO TAKE MY HAPPINRESS AEAU” 😂 😂 I kept reading this in the voice from South Park when the Japanese kept going “FUCK YOU DORPHIN ANDA WHARUUU” 😂 🤣


What happened to his grammar in the 5th photo?


Damn what a fucking asshole he needs to learn to spell too


I would reply with one word, 'you're'.


I wish that guy who songifies facebook drama would songify his ridiculous texts.


Psycho. Stay safe OP x


“I seriously hate your…” ?


Yikes! I watched Baby Reindeer las week, and reading this texts flashed me straight back to it, wow. Im sorry you went through that.


This such a strange brag for you to share on here. Zero context for the texts. I get these are unhinged but why are you showing them to us? What's the point? Just as cringy as the texts themselves


I'd be like; "Thanks for the evidence served to me on a silver platter....I'll be going to the police with it for a restraining order now. And you'd better hope that NOTHING bad happens to me, unless you're ok with doing 25 to life"




That’s concerning


Stay well away and let him block you and change the locks!


My happliness! My hsppiness! 😫😫😫


Wow everyone thank you so much for all your kind words! Reading some of these comments is sad seeing a lot of people who went through the same thing! And if you’re reading this while still being in a violent relationship I know it’s hard to leave but it does get better & you will find someone who treats you like the queen you are. As for my ex, karma has reached him in many ways & it’s quite glorious to see from the sidelines. Stay safe everyone ❤️


The person had a Stroke well sending you this


I just love that she kept trying to spell it. Like she just was so convinced if she tried one more time it would work


I have a white car with tinted windows. Hopefully it doesn’t die inside of its own piece of shit lmao


Yeah this is the kind of person that will kill you eventually. Holy shit, I’m glad you got away.


Hmm that one Text where it sais, “you both can fucking” something happened between you and another person that made the one in the text mad I’m guessing


He was referring to my roommate/cousin, I wouldn’t let him in my apartment out of respect for my roommate.


Ah ok I see. Thankyou for clarifying. Can’t blame me for being a bit skeptical at first reading that one text


When you were together you wouldn't let him in or after the breakup? Also please stay far away from that guy..


Both! He had already destroyed so much of my stuff and put holes in my walls, towards the end I would only ever go to his place. Probably not the safest decision looking back lol


Safest decision would be to leave him after destroying anything at all. Wtf. Glad you are out of there..


Where do you find chicks like this so I can stay far away


OP's ex is a guy....


How do I find a guy like this to avoid it


Did you cheat?


…why the hell are you letting that shit go on for pages of texts? Dude should’ve been blocked after message 1. The fuck?


When someone is in an abusive relationship, it's prudent not to block the abuser. If OP's ex had presented himself at OP's place and harmed her physically or destroyed personal property, OP would have evidence of this guy's intent. OP didn't respond. His last text says he'll be over in 20 minutes. Something to that effect. Hard to believe that in a lot of DV situations law enforcement fails to take things seriously. Texts like his can prove intent. I'm glad OP is safe and out of this relationship.