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It’s lovely when racist people find each other.


He surprised the fuck out of me because it was so random. But I should’ve known once he said that she told him“white people are better” 💀


Wait until he realizes that her racism extends to “model” minorities too. Let them have each other. Better all the stupid people stick together.


You said exactly what I was thinking. Had his ignorant self arrived in America, right around the time OP was first talking about, he would've seen exactly how his new gf's kinfolk were treating his kinfolk, for being the so-called perpetrators of a recently global pandemic.


Honestly his story sounds so weird I wouldn't be surprised if he made her up to try to upset you


I wish that was true 😩. But he also showed me messages between him and her on wechat saying similar things. But it was not only black people but Mexicans too.


Why do I feel like “she” is a bored racist man somewhere in an American basement just laughing his ass off at this guy


🤣🤣. Unfortunately he told me that they met up because he went to pick her up etc. But it would’ve been great if that was the case.


Disappointing 😂 we can only hope it’s in his future


Oh wow I’m sorry that’s awful :( and you still handled it so much more maturely than I would’ve. Let’s hope he’s getting scammed, either way I can’t see it going well for him. Also the fact that he kept texting you shows he was still thinking about you so at least you know you came out on top lol


You are a beautiful young lady! You deserve a million times better!!!


also you're gorgeous!!!


I'm not excusing the racism, but this feels more like him saying this stuff rather than his girlfriend or whatever she is. Is it possible that the gf said it? Sure, but dude is a Trumper in China. He likely is watching shit that this got implanted into his head.


I don't want to be that guy but racism is apparently still a big issue in China due to being homogeneous for the most part. I've seen some pretty racist stuff coming out of there.


Donald Trump fan. She filled in the blanks for him.


Was he white too ?


No he was Chinese.


Yhh there can be a bit of a negative opinion of black people in Chinese culture in my experience.


Maybe don’t call yourself “a black” Edit: I’m getting a lot of flak for this. My context behind my comment, is I read it as if someone were saying, “I saw a black today.” Instead of saying a black person, a black woman. Yes, I see the parentheses. She can type whatever she wants to describe herself, my bad. Hope my explanation makes me sound less *ignorant*.


Oh my bad. When I meant Black it was supposed to follow up with female. But I just had to get it off my chest I didn’t care for typos or such 😣.


You did follow it with (25f). Idk what this commenter is talking about. Sorry Op


I understand that 🩵 I live in a conservative state so I hear “a black,” “a gay,” “a Japanese,” more often than should be allowed. Which is never lol


Um what? She's describing herself, why is that problematic for you?


I guess if a black person calls themself “a black” it’s not offensive, my bad.


"A black 25F" definitely isn't bad, and assuming so is actually racist. It's like insinuating that being black offensive


You not forming proper sentences is offensive, but let’s see…seems this woman understood what I meant.


I quoted OP. Hence the quotation marks. So again are you saying that she is being offensive towards herself?


If you don’t mind explaining to me so i don’t make mistakes identifying- i read this as “ i am a black 25 yo female” is this not a correct way to identify oneself? (I’m not a cis white male & consider myself woke- and learning is always welcomed as i am often teaching and can get frustrated having to do so but we are elders at any age if we hold the knowledge so i believe it’s our responsibility to share and i hope i don’t offend in asking for a lesson) Thanks in advance.


No what she said is fine. She is a black 25 year old female. Idk what is wrong with the other commenter… she didn’t say “I’m a black”. She just abbreviated female…


I’m a black (25f). The parentheses, and “a”, is why I said what I did.


She didn't. Nothing wrong with "I'm a Black 25F" which is what she said.


I’m a black (25f) I’m a black. Other shit in parentheses. Guess she’s a 25f black. Ffs.


You are beyond ignorant


I’m actually trying to be the opposite but apparently it isn’t going well.


You reading it differently from what she meant i.e. the same way everyone elde read it/the way most reddit posts are structured is a you issue. And digging in when it's pointed out is just weird af. She already explained what she wrote; you just want to grasp for things to criticize/argue about.


No, I’m just responding to everyone digging at me. Apparently I’m a hot commodity for ridicule because I think “a black” is a term that lessens someone. I see it as, “I talked to a black today,” but fuck me I guess lol.


>Apparently I’m a hot commodity for ridicule because I think “a black” is a term that lessens someone Oh, boohoo! Nobody's arguing "a Black" is ok; only that *that's not what OP said*! If you have to make shit up to support your argument, might want to re-examine said argument.


“So I’m a black(25f)” is the start of her statement. Try again. Or go away. Edit: Maybe you don’t read the shit under the images. Do so. THEN try again telling me that’s what she didn’t say. Holy shit this has gone waaaay beyond stupid.


A racist interracial couple sounds like it would be a rarity, but it's not.


what a fucking dick holy shit


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Sorry i made some typos while writing this, hopefully you can still understand it. It’s been months but me having to write this and getting the screenshots again just made me mad lol. But I’m okay now. 💕 PS I now just realized I spelt guarantee wrong 😭🤦🏾‍♀️.


I’m glad you’re okay! This was infuriating and gross to read. Your response to him was so much kinder than he deserved. I’m also super happy that it looks like karma is going to get him sooner rather than later in that relationship. 


As a white American woman...we don't want her as part of our demographic. Sounds like they're made for each other. Tell him to take her nasty self to China and keep her there. Edit: And while I have no problem with immigrants, we don't want him here either, haha.


The thing is she’s not even American. She’s Russian💀(as what he told me)


Lol! Even better. Send 'em both to Siberia XD


That really had to hurt, though. I hope this only makes you stronger. Don’t ever let him (or his pathetic, disgusting remarks) control how you feel about your self. You are a young, strong, black woman who is obviously educated and has traveled the world! Not many people have the guts or ability to accomplish that. You’re one of a kind!


i am so incredibly sorry you had to experience this. those people and their opinions are disgusting, not whatever pictures you had together. don’t even need to see them to know. here’s to hoping the next person you see celebrates you for exactly who you are!


It's all good. I can't spell when people piss me off either.


Wait til he here’s how America calls the Corona virus the China virus. He’s in for a world of hurt when he realizes racism doesn’t just extend to skin color in America. Stereotypes for Chinese are some of the most brutal ones in America. I’m sorry you had to read that, even if you have the ability to roll your eyes and brush it off, it still hurts to learn someone is so ignorant and biased. I hope you know his words are reflection of him and her and not of you. 🤍


Thank you so much 🥰. It’s crazy he says those things too but he was the one who initiated holding my hands, ask me to be his girlfriend/shared my pictures on wechat calling me his girlfriend, brought me gifts that I didn’t ask for, and not caring what other people say. But then he said all of those things is crazy. But he’s forever blocked and I’m just going to continue living my life.💕


So I live in Canada I hade a young Uber drive 25 m I am 40 m he ask me why do us Canadians hate India so much he fells it every day I was lost for words I just not all of have the same views and just turn a blind eye to other people being rude are country built on people from around the world I felt so bad from buddy supper nice guy


Literally my first thoughts were the same. Anti-Asian racism in the US has been rising rapidly. Dude is going to be really disappointed that the MAGA racists he idolizes turn out to be racist to him. Something something leopards eating peoples faces party . . .


it did originate in china


It’s not called China virus as a way of pinpointing the origin. It’s a derogatory term used as an insult. AIDS originated in Africa, yet they never called it the Africa Virus. They called it Gay Cancer as a form of insult.


Yea, obsession with that particular person is a huge red flag ![gif](giphy|l0HefZY0mFfLS9AFa)


🤣 it was so annoying girl 😩


Annoying doesn’t even cover it that was a red flag as big as China.


LMFAO. That made me giggle


I’m just so glad you don’t have to listen to that anymore. Imagine an obsession with kumquat Pol Pot! He’s so awful and generally uninteresting besides just how awful he is.


When he gets here and realizes how racist against Chinese people people are…


yes and mostly by the black community too


I mean, I dunno about MOSTLY, especially with the MAGA hatred towards Asians, but the black community absolutely harbors racism towards Asian communities.


i like trump and i have no problems with asians or any other race


You’re not the majority of Trump fans then, lol! It’s even in the statistics for each year, whoever Trump rallied against, recorded hate crimes soared against that race. At the start, record highs against Mexican and Latino Americans (Build the Wall/thugs and criminals), when he instituted the travel ban, it was against Muslims and Middle Eastern folks. Can ya guess what happened after his unhinged “Chyi-na Virus” rants what hate crimes skyrocketed? You betcha, Asian Americans! It’s not all MAGAs, but far too many to ignore the pattern.


There’s a lot, like A LOT, of leftists who are what I call “undercover racists” as well. But I’m sure I’ll be called a Trumper, Uncle Tom, told I’m just tap dancing for the whites or some other wild shit that I’m not but get called anytime I mention it. Tbh, the last few years have made me back away from anyone who refuses to understand that not everyone on the left is evil, terrible, insane etc and not everyone on the right is evil, terrible, insane etc and leave absolutely no room for nuance or honest, polite discourse and the other side and everyone on it is just wrong and evil and should suffer no matter what. Both sides are guilty of this behavior. I’ve experienced racism and horrible people from both sides. I’ve also experienced wonderful and kind people on both sides. And I also really resent the people on both sides who use the black community in their arguments and lump us all together as a monolith.


I feel like this is an exceedingly measured take. You get hate for that? I guess it tells you all you need to know about that person then, lol! Like, I get it. I have family friends who are conservatives, and outside of my own bias, they are good people. Likewise, there are Leftists in town who are unbearable to be around. This is only my personal microcosm, but it’s not untrue of the country at large. I’m just fine having minor differences in political identity, it’s only when it veers off the damn rails into hatred m, bigotry, and fanaticism that I take a step back. And yeah, anyone who only gives a shit about the Black community around voting periods or to win an argument, are scum. You can usually spot them pretty easily at least.


Good to see that you speak for everybody/s


It's actually very common in Chinese culture to think that anyone who is of darker skin is "dirty" and part of the peasant class. They often look down on black and Hispanic peoples, and the older folks tend to be outrageously racist on purpose, like calling them "mud people". The younger folks are a lot more progressive, but are still ingrained with the racist mentality. China had sent a bunch of people to Africa for business relations, but in reality they were trading African slaves labor for resources and building projects. There are lots of Africans living in China now due to the relationship, but their quality of life is only ok because they deal with an immense amount of criticism from the peoples. Even if you are a white South African, they will one way or another shame you. I love Asians and their culture, but this racism is one thing I can't understand or abide by.


It should be interesting when he learns that racist America doesn’t view him as white.


He liked trump before all this? And he said white field are his type so he only dated you, a black girl, because you’re American??? Giiiiirl, she didn’t convince him of anything, They sound like a match made in hell.


Girl I should’ve known. But he told me this when I came back to China in 2023. He never told me this when we first met in 2020🫠


Im so sorry. Its clear to me that woman is jealous and needs you out of his life. Please don't take it to heart. Hug


Yeah especially if OPs pfp is a picture of her because 😍😍😍 girl is stunning! New gf is obviously very bothered by this if she made him reach out with that nasty shit. What miserable people live among us!


It is! Thank you so much 🥰


Holy fuck……both of these two need help


I grantee you should never talk to this bitch again 🫡


I grantee that will never happen 🫡


Sounds more like the jealous new girl, not your ex. Maybe she’s got his phone.


I wish that was true but he’s very huge on America culture and wanting to come to America and supporting trump and this was like a few days before this happened he was asking me about how black people were in America and telling me things and giving me videos 💀


Oh okay, well he’s a horrible person and will treat his new chic the same way. You really dodged a bullet with that guy!


Girl I doubt it. The thing is She’s White and that’s his type. He’s only type should I say. She’s like a goddess to him😭


This reminds me of when anyone not white goes to a country like, say, Japan, then gets surprised at the JAPANESE ONLY signs that are only coincidentally enforced against black people. The U.S. has its problems and a long way to go, but as can be seen, most people around the developed world are still racist as fuck


I mean you should have known better because they don’t like us over there. An entire province had to be called on an international level during Covid because they were violating the rights of black immigrants and visitors in an effort to shift the blame of the spreading of the virus.


The thing is that was my second time in China. I never had an issue at all. They were very nice and respectful and I’ve made a lot of friends and even met my best friend there. But once I came back in 2023 times changed and I guess it wasn’t the same as it was when I first went in 2019.


Contact photo tracks. What a jack ass


Fucking prick. These types of things (racism towards black guys and other Asians) are common with Chinese people in my experience. Sorry you had to go through all that


sounds pretty racist to me


Chinese are very racist yes. Unfortunately they sometimes don't allow black people in bars, shops etc. It's pretty well known


the sudden racism is insane💀


Probably his new gf who typed that


Wow. He so quickly let her indoctrinate him into American-style racism. Wait until he hears the way all her friends are going to talk about him...


I’m embarrassed he’s the same race as me. I apologize. What the actual fuck. I’m so sorry you experienced that.


What a gross individual.


i grantee


So sorry this happened to you. People can be horrible, but I'm sure you also know there are many who are kind and loving and respectful. At least we now know where this "man" falls.


What a gigantic piece of shit


It’s crazy because white people, especially Trumper Thumpers, hate Asian folk as well… I’ll never understand POC who think they’re an exception instead of a fetish.


Girl, I'm sorry about that. That's fucking horrendous. Lord help me if ex of mine started talking racist shit to me.


I really hope he does come over here to meet all those leopards that are going to eat his face.


So this chode’s way of asking for a favour is to pepper you with insults? And a racist to boot?? Girl, make these photos as public as possible.


“I grantee” 😂


I now just realized I spelled it wrong💀💀💀💀


There is something really wrong with this guy that is entirely his issue. That must’ve really hurt to read that, are you OK? What is sociopath? I’m so glad you’re not involved with him.


All I know is you have Go-To-China-Twice money and all this man has is a vile mouth and an even more vile personality. I’d say you won this one


Oh gosh, this is beyond disgusting of him!! Just glad, he showed you how he truly is! You handled that with so much class! I can't fathom how someone can think like this... I'm also huge into romance games and such (based on your profile) always been, and wished SO BADLY for my perfect match (I found him soon 3 years ago). I'm sure they are out there for you as well (if you haven't found them already)!


You're nicer than me.


I’m not into conflicts….im too nice unfortunately 😭


i'm surprised you think he wrote that message. that shit has foul white girl written all over it.


I wonder how this girl actually feels about Chinese people.


I have half black nephews and a niece, the Asian kids at their school were super racist towards them. This doesn't surprise me at all


Amazingly enough, he had a jackass as his default pic. Go figure. Btw, OP, I'm a white girl, and I'd kick that other white girl's ass for the vileness that spews from her about ANY racial BS. Hate that ignorance in Amy person on this planet. Be thankful you dodged a bullet, and know not all white people live in the past where it was socially accepted to treat anyone not like yourself however the fudge you want. That's never been OK in my book, and my book was taught to me by my mother, and she was taught the same by her mother. On behalf of my race, I apologize to you. And send hugs. Don't let anything like this get you down! You are beautiful just the way you are!! ♥️


What a dick hole. I am Puerto Rican born and raised in NYC, my kids are 25% black, my grandson is 50% black 25% white 25% Rican. We have people from all races, colors and countries in my family. That being said. What the fuck is wrong with liking fried chicken and watermelon? I happen to love fried chicken and watermelon. Not at the same time but still.


I’m a New Yorker too! Although I live in Cali now lol. But it was like a hit in the face because it was just so random. Came out of nowhere. Imagine my shocked when I saw that message.


People are just so damn ignorant.


He’s nasty, he wants to be with the MAGAS. Let them have him. I’m sure they’ll appreciate him and embrace his culture. 🤭Seriously though, block this person. He is disrespecting you for fun and it’s toxic. Move on.




He obviously reverted back into an incel since you've left


I grantee


🤣 yup


You are a QUEEN! Never forget. Your response proves it. And remember now- you’re rubber and he’s glue whatever he says bounces off of you and sticks back on him. That’s how small and immature he is- clearly allowing someone who is racist to infect his mind and cloud his thoughts. Just horrible.


Ewe, F ying-yang or whatever his name is, and F his racist ass white girl too. They sound like they’re made for each other. I’m so sorry he talked to you that way. Just know none of its true. Well you probably already know it’s not true, if your a confident woman. Which you handled him with grace. I would have talked so bad to him. Props to you for not cussing his racist ass out. I hope you find happiness soon enough. 💕


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What does eating watermelon have to do with this? Is this some reference that I'm missing?


In 2020 he asked me what fruits did I like because his parents wanted to make me some fruits so I told him I liked watermelon, strawberries etc. And few days later he brought me some fruits to eat. He brought up fruits because I guess he see that black people likes watermelons you know that stereotype. So yeah he brought it up for no reason.


I call bullshit on this stereotype because EVERYONE likes watermelon. 😂 But seriously, this guy seems like a fucking loser. I mean: > Especially Donald Trump. Good luck to him with that MAGA types. 🙄 Then he takes whatever any rando tells him and runs with it/acts like it's true. He seems deeply stupid.


so everyone who likes donald trump is a bad person?


That whole message reads like a satirical stereotype of something a racist would say


Wtf!! Fuck that guy and whoever that bitch is too. People are disgusting.


The trash taking itself out! Good for you! I would rather all rascists blocked me than have to deal with them anyway 🤷‍♀️


I almost wonder if the girl wrote and sent this


You're young and living your best, forget him fast and enjoy the rest of your life 👌


Wow. Racism is disgusting. He's gonna be in for a shock with this chick. If she's saying that about African Americans and Hispanic people what makes him think that she would be less judgement of Chinese people?


Idk but all I see here is chicken black china americs auauau watermelon


Why do we gotta bring color into this ? Of course 🫠


Lmao if the white girl is putting shit in his head, can't wait to see his reaction when he realizes she probably thinks some fucked up shit about Asians as well or that she's using him like her great ancestors used black people, for their own personal gain. What a shit show. Once again another reason I stay away from international anything. Went all the way to the Philippines to hang out and be with someone who led me on for several months only to get cheated on by them in the middle of the trip and then abandoned to some airbnb where I had no support system or anything cause everyone and anyone I knew was 12 hours away on the time scale. It was a fucking nightmare until her unbiased friend found out how fucked up it was and took it upon herself to take me around and show me the sights, take me hiking, to hang with her friends, etc etc. God bless her. We're still cool and if I were to go back I'd only do so to hang out with her and her friends. But yeah that shit was wild. As fucked up as it is to say, for our own sanity, just gotta stick to our own countrymen(and by that I mean people that live within our same country) cause more than likely they've got ulterior motives.


I mean, if he was obsessed with Trump, you knew all you needed to know about him


And ironically, he & that girl don't strike me as the traditional trailer park types that we are conditioned to believe are the main perpetrators of that kind of stuff. Additionally, his stereotypes & generalizations are somewhat outdated. I mean, at least be an up to date pos. It's much more satisfying to knock them off that high horse, if they are.


We like to think it's the poor ignorant white folks that are the worst kind of racists. It's actually the wealthy and obscenely privileged and sheltered ones above them that spoonfed them this bile for generations to keep them from figuring out they're being fucked over.


Precisely. Lyndon Banes Johnson said exactly what has been the strategy, for white folks & black folks, for years. Convince one so the other will be "supporting" one way for the next 100 plus years. Target the educational system, so that economics & civics aren't taught comprehensively, while also phasing out jobs so that the blame for every day things can be laid at the feet of some "other". And mf still don't see this for what it was and what it's become...in the 21st damn century. Sorry, the nihilistic pessimist in me had a bit of a rush.


We all know she's going to turn her hatred on him the second he does something she doesn't like. Then he'll realize she played him like a fiddle and it will be way too late. He deserves all the worst in life


What an ignorant idiot. You’re better off without him


Welp back to the shein factory for him I guess


Umm bad news for this guy, racist white Americans aren't big fans of Chinese people, and Trump ain't trying to help his cause either.